Monday, June 27, 2011

Bristol Palin on GMA: "My virginity was stolen!"

The idea that EITHER Bristol or her mother have a "really tough skin" is laugh out loud funny.

At least she backed off from accusing Levi of "raping" her. By the way she was NOT on birth control, and she and Levi not only planned to get pregnant, they had baby names picked out, and were purchasing items they would need when the baby arrived.

When Bristol says that Levi does not spend as much time with Tripp as "he is entitled to" that is exactly right. 

But what she does NOT say is that he calls all of the time and is given one excuse after another as to why he can't spend time with his son.  And no I have NO idea why Levi does not take Bristol back to court, I wish I did.

Apparently he has been convinced by his lawyer that he does not have any control over this, which is not accurate.

Bristol is clearly still parroting the Palin family tower of lies, which she has to do in order to stay in her mother's good graces. And all of this talk about being a "close family" and that they were "thrown under the campaign bus" by the McCain people is just Sarah using her daughter to attack people she is too cowardly to attack on her own.  Hiding behind her children is obviously what Sarah believes makes her a "good mother."

Bristol lies just as easily, and as often as her mother, as evidenced by her defamatory attacks on Levi, her continued declaration that her obvious chin implant was the result of "corrective jaw surgery," and her pimping of the family mythology.

(If the video does not play for you then you can click here.)


  1. erica from dallas8:22 AM

    It isn't ok at all to call your baby's father a gnat.Not ok at all.

  2. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Can anyone watch this without staring at her chin? It is just stuck on there, not moving like a normal chin would when someone is speaking.

  3. Nancy in New York8:27 AM

    Like mother like daughter.

    Her book should be titled "Not Afraid to Lie."

  4. Virginia Voter8:33 AM

    This ungrateful little bitch is just as sick and twisted as her mother.
    She should be thanking Levi every single day for his magic sperm that created her little money maker which got her the Candies gig, DWTS, a book deal, and a reality show. Without the gnat , she's nothing. Levi has made her rich.

    Without John McCain, both Bristol and Sarah would never have entered the public consciousness , so once again, fuck Gramps, for cursing us with this trash.

  5. Anonymous8:36 AM

    No one can "steal" what's freely given.

    Just because she doesn't "remember" (a big fat lie) doesn't mean she wasn't willing to do the "dirty" with the guy she was chasing.

  6. Why oh why does the national media think this crapfest of a book deserves any attention at all? The Palins are like a drug to these so-called news networks. The Palins are a family of white trash, uneducated, grifters. Sometime in the future, this obsession with the Palins will be discussed in the same way that other cults are dissected.

    It's another glaring example of just how sick this nation has become that it pays attention to these vapid, media whores. (I'm guilty too, but my interest is purely to see how easily people can be manipulated to celebrate evil.)

  7. McCain is STILL protecting this entire family.

    That is so low and snarky.

    She has NO gratitude for being plucked from nowhere.

  8. Anonymous8:42 AM

    "Bristol lies just as easily, and as often as her mother, as evidenced by her defamatory attacks on Levi,"

    It easily to lie when the 1 person.
    Who could set the record right is silent.

  9. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Brisdull's face is looking fatter, keep eating miss piggy and all the fat that got sucked out of your neck and chin is going to come right back!

  10. Anonymous8:43 AM

    She is a pathological liar. I actually did laugh out loud when she said her and granny have tough skin. She is a joke and I am sure she knows it. Thank God, Levi ran when he did.

  11. Anonymous8:44 AM

    WTF is wrong with her left eyebrow? is that part of "corrective jaw surgery"? What an ugly cow! Bwhahahaha. Can't wait to hear bri$tol's troll responses here in the comments. You know she can't resist even the slightest criticism! everything she said in that interview is a lie, just like her mom she is incapable of telling the truth.

  12. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Like some little brat who was sneaking out of the house to get drunk was going to wait until her wedding night and be a virgin goddess! Yeah, right.

    Bristol threw her virginity to the first taker, to another drinker who was an alpha male in their clique!

    Nothing here-- can we move on to another topic, Griffy? I am so sick of The Chin.

  13. I took a screen shot of the GMA picture of Bristol and the two babies and can't figure it out. At least GMA thinks the one on the left is Tripp since they zoom in on him when talking about Tripp. I presume the baby on the right is Trig but which Trig, I don't know. The two babies simply look the same age.

    If it was GMA footage, it would likely have been taken in 12/10, which is when they visited Alaska. Maybe the right age for Tripp but certainly this would not be the picture of a 2 1/2 year old (likely older) Trig, particularly if it was the very large Trig paraded out on the convention floor in 08. That Trig looked larger than this picture.

    Does anyone have the GMA tape from that visit?

    And how does Candice feel when she says she hates the word abstinence and “isn’t an abstinence preacher”. Guess that contract is over and uner the bus they go. Too bad there wasn’t a real interviewer to follow up on all her inconsistencies.

    One entertaining moment was the awful tape of Bristol “dancing”. I know they had a lot to choose from but it was really bad.

    It looks as though the questions were given to her in advance since she was quick to answer with whole sentences.

    OT Griffin do you know if the story that someone posted on your blog much earlier and elsewhere about what happened to the folks who had an Impeach Palin sign where Todd could see it when he landed his plane is true. As I understand it, accelerant was poured around their house, a shed was burned and their dog was shot. Presumably folks were tried on charges so their must have been something printed somewhere.

  14. Anonymous8:49 AM

    You closed the article with this:
    (If the video does not play for you then you can click here.)

    I think that should have said:
    If the video does not play for you, you are incredibly lucky. Go buy a lottery ticket and thank your lucky stars that you didn't have to listen to Bristol spewing lies about everything.

  15. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Not watching the video Uncle G. The doors on this clown car of a family can't close soon enough. Never has such grifting, ungrateful trailer trash been given so much for accomplishing so little.

    They make me ill.

  16. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Bristol, YOU MADE BAD DECISIONS, PERIOD. That I can respect. You should be consulting a child psychologist about what your written words against WHO HE IS! After all, like it or not, he is part LEVI. You should be protective of your son, not doing him harm by badmouthing WHO HE IS AND HOW HE GOT HERE! THINK!!!!! ABOUT TRIPP!!!!!!!!!!!!JUST ONCE.

  17. Anonymous8:51 AM

    What a twit! She is about as full of shit as her mother. Smiling at inappropriate times and not being able to keep eye contact with the interviewer is just creepy. She is nothing more than an uneducated,crude hick ...just like her mom.

  18. Anonymous8:52 AM

    let me get this straight...she goe willingly on a camping trip, lies about the event, goes into the tent, drinks the booze.....but Levi stole the pussy....what a crock

  19. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I don't understand why a media outlet like GMA would give this brat the time of day, let alone a segment on their show. What freaking 20 year old writes a memoir? This is laughable and yet ABC takes it seriously. It must be all Bristol can do to keep a straight face. I don't care whose stupid kid she is, she is a nothing, a nobody, an uneducated, lying grifter. What the hell is she doing on television? Come on dumb assed media, this is not worth covering.

  20. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Love the comments....very witty following you have Gryphen :)

  21. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Give me a fucking break.

  22. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Another Palin NOT taking personal responsibility. I am extremely offended by Bristol's writings since I survived a very violent rape, including a cracked skull, brain bleed, hypothermia ( I was left fr dead at -15 degrees, but it did slow the brain bleed, a fractured neck, damaged trachea, and a knife stab to the abdomen). I also worked a sexual assault hotline and many times went to sit beside other victims of rape as they were in the ER
    Rape is NOT a joke, rape is a serious topic and Bristol using it as an excuse is a slam to real victims and lessens the chance of their assault being believed.
    Bristol PLANNED on spending a night in a tent with Levi
    Bristol PLANNED to drink alcohol( I have been at many parties where I do not drink, no one cares)
    Bristol CHOSE to have sex and yrs later in trying to come up with a fundie excuse for her moms followers.

    I DO recognize that date rape IS prevelant through our society, but date rape victims DO NOT date the perpetrator for 2 yrs following a date rape--it just doesn't happen.

  23. Anonymous9:00 AM

    As for Levi...I think he is being very, very smart. No one believes Brisket and I think the high road is the one to take at this point.

  24. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Gryphen, at least she's not still blathering away about what a hard worker she is. Frigging idiots.

  25. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Dear Bristol,

    Whoever stole your virginity wants to give it back and forget he knew you.

  26. Anonymous9:06 AM

    anon. at 8:49 you hit the nail on the head. wouldn't it be great if everyone could just tune out TV. i'm not sure which was more full of s--t, Ms. Palin or GMA. really. network "news" are sleazy purveyors of hype. it's all a big money game. they even talked about it in this interview: oh, of course you had to lie for two weeks, or you would have lost the money. TV is infotainment, misinformation, and manipulation. watch it to see the tricks they play -we are news because we say we are- when the emperor has no clothes. or just turn it off and be free.

  27. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Notice how she keeps looking to the left as she talks. From what I've read, this is a classic sign of lying.

  28. Anonymous9:09 AM

    She's not worried about it - this is her response to the question of what her baby will think in the future if he reads about what she wrote about her dad? That comment speaks spades about how seriously she takes mothering and raising a well rounded child. Great job raising your child to disrespect his father. This will not end well.

  29. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Is Bri$tol's fairy tale troll sick today? Usually it get's in within the first handful of comments...

  30. Anonymous9:11 AM

    ¨My virginity was stolen! I thought I found it under the car seat, but I was wrong. My mom bought me another one. It is magic and makes me money to buy things I never thought possible, like a new face.¨

  31. Anonymous9:14 AM

    My plastic surgeon friend says from looking at Bristol that he sees signs of permanent nerve damage in the cheek and mouth area. No wonder her chin can't move. At this point he says it's not likely to get better and he also points out that she must have gone to a very cheap surgeon - or perhaps used someone fresh out of med school. Maybe even somebody in Mexico (hey, it's close to Arizona, right?)

    She may have a case for malpractice, actually. Unfortunately the physical damage is done and she will never be able to move her face normally again. She also likely has major loss of sensation and/or tingling which happens with deadened nerves. Really horrible sensations to have in your face.

    I asked my friend what he thought were the bigger reasons behind her getting her face butchered like that. He says this is all "extreme' plastic surgery for someone so young and he often sees it in families where the young woman getting the surgery has been physically and/or emotionally abused and suffers from debilitating self-esteem.

  32. Anonymous9:14 AM

    >>I am extremely offended by Bristol's writings since I survived a very violent rape, including a cracked skull, brain bleed, hypothermia ( I was left fr dead at -15 degrees, but it did slow the brain bleed, a fractured neck, damaged trachea, and a knife stab to the abdomen).

    I am sooooo sorry that this happened to you. You are so courageous to tell your story and to find ways to help others in distress. My heart goes out to you for your pain, your loss and your strength in standing after such a horrific experience. You are truly a hero for all of the women who have had such horrors visited upon them. Thank you for posting today.

  33. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Wouldn't have recognized her at all, she looks like a Kardashian member. Bristol is really messed up.

  34. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Bristol, get an education and shut your mouth.

  35. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I'm waiting to hear from the one person whose opinion on this subject really truly matters. RAM, please enlighten us with your wisdom on this rape verses virginity give-away controversy.

    Other comments:

    Jetwash wrote, "Don't be fooled. The word "stole" is in the book to precisely manipulate the narrative for Sarah Palin and her daughter one day in the future. It absolves her of any responsibi lity for bearing a child out of wedlock and the associatio ns that go with that by the public, on the right and left. It releases her of any responsibi lity and casts an ill light on the father--te rrible in and of itself for the child. This is marketing. Changing the narrative to help the campaign and Bristol for the future. She was helpless. She's not responsibl e. This was not teenage sex, irresponsi bility, drunken partying, rebellion, and not her fault. Campaigns are built on narratives and this is an attempt to change theirs."

    Pirate Prentice wrote, "Stolen, but not date raped? If she was drunk and did not consent, that's date rape, isn't it? I think she's claimed that she blacked out that night. So either she was drunk and gave it up or she was blacked out and date raped. This nuanced middle ground she's trying for doesn't make sense to me. It's funny that the Palin's need to spin Bristol's first sexual experience . It'd look bad to Christian Fundamenta lists if she consented to pre-marita l sex, hence it was stolen, but they don't want to deal with the media fire storm and court case they'd probably lose if she actually accused Levi of date rape. If Bristol had stayed out of the political sphere and wasn't publishing books and making money as an abstinence advocate I'd say her devirginiz ing is none of our business. But since she's become a prop for conservati ve reproducti ve politics, we all get to comment. If Levi did what she's suggesting , accuse him of date rape, take him to court, and try to put him in jail. Otherwise, it seems obvious she's just trying to acquit herself of sinful sexual impulses."

  36. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I really hope her publisher was stupid enough to sign her to a multi-book deal.

  37. Anonymous9:25 AM

    You can't say in one breath your virginity was "stolen" and then say but you weren't raped. It makes no sense and it is a pathetic reflection on ABC that they didn't call her out for it. What have the Palins got over on ABC that their reporters are lapdogs for the Palins?

  38. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Good questions. Good answers. Bristol came across as likable in the beginning. Then she started in on the McCain campaign. Millions of Americans knew she was lying. And she does it so effortlessly. They discuss her mom running in 2012 ¨around the kitchen table.¨ They discuss things like that because ¨we are a close family.¨ And millions of Americans thought: ¨That´s why Schmidt had to tell all of you children the real reason you were in Dayton, Ohio, right Bristol?¨

    You are a good liar, Bristol. This charade probably would have worked, too, if millions of Americans didn´t know the truth.

    It is already catching up with you.

  39. ibwilliamsi9:31 AM

    Fucking lamestream media.

  40. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Still talking out of both sides of her new chin. No, I'm not accusing him of rape, but he stole my virginity when I was too drunk too consent.

    She IS accusing him of rape. Under Alaska law (and that I believe of every other state) if the woman is too incapacitated to consent, that's rape.

  41. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Bristol's dyed black hair looks bad, it doesn't become her.

  42. Anonymous9:33 AM

    When you choose to drink alcohol and drink to excess, you are more than partly responsible for anything that happens.

    I am not referring to spiked drinks that leave girls unconscious and vulnerable, but you really have to drink a lot of wine coolers to get so drunk that you pass out.

    Tripp will one day wonder why his mother made so many bad decisions - was it her poor upbringing, her lack of common sense, or her low self-esteem. As a man, he will begin to question her version of this story and wonder why she chose to humiliate herself and his father publicly.

    Was discussing this tawdry event the only way Bristol could think of to make money? Obviously, she has little self-respect or respect for her son.

    It just proves that Bristol seems incapable of making good decisions. First, the decision to lie about where she was going, the decision to drink and drink heavily, then the decision to discuss it in a public forum and declare (almost proudly) that she was a victim of her own bad decisions.

    Not to say that Levi doesn't bear some responsibility in participating in the camping trip, drinking alcohol as a minor, and having sex as and with a minor, but really - Bristol bears as much responsibility and should own up to it instead of putting all the blame on Levi.

    The girls could have slept in one tent, the boys in another, but when you mix alcohol or other drugs with adolescent libidos then this is not to be unexpected.

    Shame on Bristol for being shameless by trying to dodge her own responsibility in this.

  43. Anonymous9:34 AM

    OMG I agree with all the comments. I wish she would just go away . I can't stand the self pity and how she's been wronged. I just hope people will boo her down, every time she goes out into the public. Liar liar pants on fire !

  44. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Shame on Robin Roberts for pitching softball questions and not following up. What the hell was that? Bristle is an adult who published a memoir. She should be held accountable for her statements. Even Bill O'Reilly would have questioned the dental alignment bullshit. Total rubbish.

  45. Anonymous9:39 AM

    The best part of the interview was about how McCain failed to protect her family.

    What exactly should he have done? Apparently, he sent goons to the Johnstons' house to destroy anything incriminating on their computer. McCain's little sidekick Nicole Wallace shut down talk in the MSM about Sarah's fake pregnancy by asking how dare reporters ask about what leaked out of Sarah's vagina. McCain embraced Bristol on the tarmac, trying to signal that he was down home with her being an unwed teenage mother. Cindy offered to be a godmother to Bristol's unborn child (which was somehow twisted into being a bad thing).

    Oh, I know how McCain failed to protect her family. The old man didn't shut your blog down, Gryphen. That's what he should have done.

  46. Anonymous9:39 AM

    But remember Bristol, Levi was not the first dude you gave it away to; did you think we would not remember?

  47. Anonymous9:40 AM

    "Levi came my condo"


    I guess they didn't give you a do-over on that one.

    When you life is based on a series of lies, it's far to easy to get tripped up. (pun intended)

  48. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Since she's been able to "gain financially" she's able to hire people to help her prepare for interviews like this one. She was absolutely coached for the softball questions that Robin Roberts asked.

    Bad on you, Robin!

    And WHY is Levi so attached to Rex Butler? Many of us non-attorneys can see the bad advice Rex dishes out and Levi continues to accept.

  49. Anonymous9:41 AM

    OK. Her voice - for me at least - falls into the same category as her mothers. I cannot stand it. So, I don't know what she said after the abstinence part. :(

  50. Anonymous9:41 AM

    OT: Why is Mercede's site gone? I can't access it from Safari or Firefox.

  51. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Contractually, ABC has to promote her as she was on DWTS & it's part of their brand. But I didn't watch & I won't click on the link. Her book is a dud; the McCains won this squirmish.

  52. I really want to hear from the other guys who "stole" her virginity too.

  53. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Yeah, most of what you just wrote is a lie. And yes, they are a close family. I can guarantee it.

  54. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Here is the saddest answer of the whole interview:

    ...(she doesn’t know) “that Levi will be a big role model or in his life at all.”

    Why wouldn't he be? She needs to stop playing the "poor me, I'm a single parent" tune, really grow up and realize that kids need both their parents. Whether she likes Levi or not, she needs to rise above that for Tripp's sake and work HARD to make it work. That takes a lot of unglorified effort and requires putting Tripp's interests first, something that may be foreign to a 20-year-old.

    As a side note, assuming that it's not a top priority of Bristol's to help Tripp develop a good relationship with his father and it turns out that Levi is not "in his life at all", does that include child support, too? Either Tripp is not really Levi's kid or Bristol and Levi are really not working hard enough to do what's best for their kid. Time goes by quickly and Tripp needs to have his parents get their act together before it's too late. Now is the time to lay a strong, stable foundation that Tripp can build on.

  55. Anonymous9:48 AM

    To Erica, but it is ok for a boy to lie and sa his ex mother in law called her son retarded?

  56. Anonymous9:50 AM

    She opens her mouth and lies fall out... So well rehearsed.

    And just why is this particular trashy book important enough to be given serious consideration on GMA when Geoffrey Dunn's was not?

  57. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Why does Mercede feel the need to glorify their relationship? Earth to Mercede, Tripp will not be hurt to learn he was an accident.!!! Give it a rest.

  58. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Oh Bristol definitely has tough skin. She'll confront anyone, stranger or acquaintance. The girl's got balls. ANd the ability to laugh at her ridiculous critics.

  59. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Some basic logic for today:

    1) "Stolen" means taken without permission.

    2) "Rape" is sex without permission.

    3) Therefore,
    "stolen virginity" = rape.

  60. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Thank you @8:59 No.2! Rape is a very serious crime and a very serious accusation to make.

    I especially agree with what you wrote about how her sneaking out and drinking was completely PREMEDITATED. No one broke into her house, dragged her out by her hair, forced her to go camping and forced three cases of wine coolers down her gullet.

    (I assume it had to be at least three cases, because I can't imagine anyone 'blacking out' on one or two wine coolers.)

  61. Anonymous9:55 AM

    I DO recognize that date rape IS prevelant through our society, but date rape victims DO NOT date the perpetrator for 2 yrs following a date rape--it just doesn't happen.

    8:59 AM

    I too understand date rape is prevalent and the violators needs to be put in prison, but with Bristol saying Levi has needs and she kept going back to him for sex and to fulfill his needs, wanting to marry Levi, break up with him only to go back to him and separate again and then come out and say he got her drunk to steal her virginity shows that Bristol is a mentally disturbed person. These type of girls you tell your sons to stay away from. Bristol shows the same traits as Sarah Palin which is I'm female I'm the victim.

    Bristol is a very disturbed girl and just like Sarah whenever she opens her mouth it shows how dangerous, ignorant and uneducated she really is.

  62. Anonymous9:55 AM

    "What freaking 20 year old writes a memoir? "

    Remember this when you're trudging through the watered down version of Levi's upbringing. Because I doubt he'll be completely honest. Bristol described him perfectly as a teen. I hope he owns it. He just needs to quit lying to himself. At least he ADMITTED ON TV he never thought he'd be a father at 18.

    See girls, the pill isnt 100%.

  63. Anonymous9:55 AM

    To put it simply about this interview and her book: What bullshit!

  64. Anonymous9:55 AM

    3:18 mark-Levi comes home...then she catches herself...Levi comes to my condo--"Child Please"...

  65. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Airing your dirty laundry publically is just wrong especially when there is a child involved. She doesn't like to take any responsibilty for her actions . In Levi's defense it is very expensive to try to deal with custody disputes in court and through attorneys . You can burn through $50,000 pretty fast fighting for the right to see your kid

  66. laprofesora9:56 AM

    These fools and their insanity are wearing me out. Don't they ever take a break from the crazy?

  67. Joyce t9:57 AM

    I laughed out loud through the whole interview. The Paylin's never cease to amaze me. She's a single mom, so she went on Dancing With the Stars because it was a good way to make money. So, what does she do when that money runs out? Find another gig? I guess that 8 to 5 job at the dermatologist wasn't workin' for her. In another year everyone will be saying? "Oh, yeah, I think I remember the Paylins - didn't they used to live in Alaska?"

  68. Anonymous9:58 AM

    btw Gryphen, couples that are at the baby stage dont begin to fall apart one month after conception as theirs did. Why do you listen to Sadie? Why don't you ask her why some of her friends told her via myspace in late 08that they had no idea Levi was th efather of Bristol's child.

    These are good observations. Bristol's account is the closest to the truth I've read.

  69. Anonymous10:02 AM

    If Levi takes her back to court, there should be plenty of evidence that she is disparaging him. She's actually doing it nationally, which I can't recall any other "celebrity" ever doing when a young child is involved.

    I know a woman who divorced her husband because he was an alcoholic and had other issues too. Twenty years later, they still all get together for holidays, picnics, etc.

    I asked her why, and she said that he is her children's father, her grandchildren's grandpa, whom they love, and she is not going to ever say a single negative thing about him because it would only hurt the ones she loves most.

    Perhaps Levi will be able to connect with his child at an older age and be able to forge a relationship based on their own interactions with each other, instead of the spin that is coming from the embittered mother and her family.

  70. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Bristol is so dense I would call her completely impenetrable. And at 20 years old she has so mastered hypocrisy that it doesn't even provoke a yawn when she disavows abstinence. Really, abstinence is soooo 2009 through 2010! Now it's just "have safe sex"? But isn't that sooo 1990s? And what does safe sex have to do with birth control pills, which in no way prevent STDs? This woman has worse muck in her head than even her mother. God did I really say that?

  71. Anonymous10:07 AM

    It will be interesting to see if the McCain family and their staffers are silent if Bristol has more of these interviews.

    Bristol learned from her mother, a master, to absolve and cleanse herself scapegoating people.

  72. Anonymous10:07 AM

    This is got to be some of the funniest sh*t you'll ever read over at c4p. It's all about not getting the free cookout if you go to Pella to see Palin's movie premier. Apparently only 324 people will get the free food - kinda like there are only 144,000 who will be saved in the rapture.

    "FYI: You Won’t Be Admitted to the Post-Movie Barbeque in Pella, Iowa If You Do Not Have a Ticket to the Movie and Barbeque"


    Couple that with the article on Politico "Sarah Palin team reaching out to Iowa activists for meetings" (in Pella) the air is absolutely REEKING of desperation. The wicked witch is melting!

  73. Anonymous10:08 AM

    ARRRRRGH!! Speaking of gnats, anyone have a GIANT fly swatter I can borrow? I'd love to smack her sh*tless.

  74. I wish GMA hadn't given her this free publicity. As long as Bristol can make money peddling dishonesty, she's not going to get out from under her mother's ugly shadow.

    Bristol, show some backbone. You will have to do more than simply say you are strong and independent. Back it up with actions. Throw off the self-righteous victim mentality you learned from your mother.

    Get an education, get a real job, and be a positive role model for your son.

  75. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Loved this comment from Huffpost:

    Cheer up, kid. Your "stolen virginity" is the ONLY reason YOU ever became a media story.

  76. Anonymous10:11 AM

    When the interviewer asks Bristol what is she going to say to her son when she reads the book Bristol says, "I'm not worried about it". It's obvious that how her book may affect Tripp one day is of no concern to her whatsoever.

    Tripp will grow up and make up his own mind about the book she wrote denigrating his father. She should have taken her own advices and "paused" - any loving and nurturing parent would have thought about how this would affect their child in the future. But then again Bristol is using her baby to make more money by putting the poor child in another TV reality show. The exact same thing she expressed last year that she was afraid Levi would do with their child.

    How short-sighted and immature to think she knows what her child will think and how he will feel about all this when he grows up. BIG mistake. She needs to take the advice of the judge who ordered her not to speak badly in private or public of the other parent. Maybe some advice from child psychologists or some common-sense parenting classes would help.

    Apparently money and the lure of Hollywood are her top priorities. Bristol is STILL making dumb decisions. Unfortunately this leaves room in the future for a second "memoir" when the bank acct. gets low. Perhaps she'll tell the truth next time but somehow I doubt it. She becomes more and more like her mother every passing day especially now in the word-salad department by insinuating Levi raped her while at the same time says that she wasn't date-raped or raped.

  77. Anonymous10:13 AM

    So which is it Mercede? You were so stoked to be an aunt who bought up all the stores in town or as you said on facebook recently, "hey, does anyone know if there are any baby boutiques in the valley?"

    Sadie is full o shit who's known for lying in the vally. I'm not sure why you trust her Gryphen. Levi and Bristol's relationship was never stable. He was a cheater/slacker (his admission, she was a carefree girl trying to change/control her bf)

    My memory goes back to Greta and Larry King:

    "So I take it this wasn't planned?"
    "No not at all" one of the most candid parts of the interview

    and, now Levi:
    "I never expected to be a father at this age."

    Keep talking Gryphen. Their past words speak more than Sadie's contradictions.

  78. Anonymous10:14 AM

    When the Palins are exposed for the lying, grifting, criminal, anti-family they are, the media will be exposed as well. Isn't there one nationally-recognized investigative reporter who will take on the task? This is the stuff the Pulitzer was created for.

  79. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Often, when kids learn that they have been adopted, many wonder why the birth parent(s) gave them up for adoption. Even if they are part of a loving family, that secret thought must gnaw at them to the extent that so many have chosen to find their birth parents. (We'll leave aside the issue of knowing about the family history of disease or looking for an organ donation).

    It stands to reason that at some point Tripp will wonder why his father was absent from his life. No matter what Bristol, Sarah, Todd and any one else tells him, he is going to wonder why Levi was not a part of his life. It will hurt even more when, as a teen or an adult, Tripp learns that Levi was excluded and did not see Tripp because of Bristol.

    The truth has a way of working its way out. Sometimes it takes a longer time than we wish. However, I do know a young man who was raised by a single mother, a woman who wanted nothing to do with her abusive husband. In order to make the divorce proceed quickly, she did not request child support in return for his promise to stay away from the kid.

    You can already guess the ending. When the father was in a bad place in his life, he wanted to put his own issues in place, and he tracked down his long lost son to try to establish some kind of a relationship. They corresponded and met. Both were very curious to know what they had missed, not being a part of each others lives. It happens, and Bristol ought to be told that at some point, Tripp will want to know more about his father than the one sided story that she (and her mother) have manufactured.

    As surely as states have opened the adoption records for kids and adoptive parents to resolve issues that are easily 20 years old, Tripp and/or Levi are going to reconnect. Bristol is not doing her son any favors with her new stories, which are created for the sole purpose of staying on the Abstinence Only Speaking Circuit, and maybe trying to save Sarah's political face.

  80. Anonymous10:23 AM

    According to Sadie, she and Sherry found out about thepregnancy when they walked in the door and saw Bristol and Levi.

    Levi said BRistol called him one day and he ran upp stairs to tell his sis and mom.

    Yes, his book is going to be fun to weed through. Ugh, why can't anyone tell the truth.

    Just own up to teenage mistakes.

    Most babies are not planned.
    Most teens do have sex.
    It's proven that even strict usage of BC methods may not work

    If their relationship was so strong, why not attend social events with him? They were hardly together the summer 08. Bristol spent time in Juneau and Fairbanks. I know that's when Levi finally got a job under pressure but he also went hunting a lot (and in May there's proof of that, when his troubles with Bristol really heated up then)

    Yeah, I buy nothing of what these kids say. But Bristol's story make the most sense from what I know to be true. Relook in BLind Allegiance. Does that pic of Bristol SEEM like anything's out of sorts for her family? She did hide the pregnancy as much as she could until she couldn't. Oversize sweatshirts in summer, hands in pockets.


  81. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I think it's funny that people think Bristol was or is under Sarah's control. Never has been the case. Trust me on this. The girl's way too stubborn for that. Every decision made is made by her for her son's future. And yes, the family's tight, but admittedly not perfect, as no family is.

  82. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Those are quite the allegations you make when you blindly claim Levi wasn't her first.

  83. My sentiments exactly...he didn't "steal" it...she gave it. Let's get real. Virginity is vastly overrated anyway.

  84. Anonymous10:34 AM

    It is pretty accurate for her to speak about fighting with her parents over one boy I was trying to make work and it didn't end up working. I fought with the only two people who will always be there for me.

    That is why I appreciate the book. It's a story that I am positive happens often. Girls dates boy, much to parents dismay. Girls spends much time trying to convince parents. Levi has said many times "The only thing she ever talked about with me was what her parents want."

    Her story holds water, believe it or not. There's just so many lies people around her have told out of jealously, hatred or whatever, that we can't see the truth through the sludge.


    Recently, in Vegas, Levi said, "Things have been rough since the beginning. Gee LEvi you think? That's what happens when BC fails for a couple who have no strong foundations.

  85. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I also think Levi is taking the high road and I bet Brisket's actions will backfire on her.

  86. Anonymous10:37 AM

    10:23--"Yeah, I buy nothing of what these kids say. But Bristol's story make the most sense from what I know to be true. Relook in BLind Allegiance. Does that pic of Bristol SEEM like anything's out of sorts for her family? She did hide the pregnancy as much as she could until she couldn't. Oversize sweatshirts in summer, hands in pockets.


    I'm sure he'll feel even better when he learns his mother tried to hide her pregnancy.

  87. Anonymous10:38 AM

    She is S C A R Y weird looking!!


  88. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Oh Bristol definitely has tough skin. She'll confront anyone, stranger or acquaintance. The girl's got balls. ANd the ability to laugh at her ridiculous critics.

    9:51 AM

    Sad is that Bristol will sell her self esteem for a few bucks. She looked like an ass on DWTS, she looks horrible with her new chin, and her book makes her look like a pyscho whore.

  89. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I was beginning to think the trolls were not going to join our party.

    Willow and Bristol must have celebrated too hard after the interview was taped yesterday and didn't get up early enough to post until now.

    Yes, we all know how close your family is....we saw that wonderful family vacation you all took together. can you even type that Bristol is tough? You'd think your fingers would refuse to tell lies like that.

    But, thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed reading how disgusted most people are by you and your family and friends.

  90. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Sarah and family have such tremendous "baggage," that they probably have finally become overwhelmed at trying to spin it all to their favor. Bristol's book is an attempt to whitewash her, yet the absolutely sleazy details of her book seem to be having the opposite effect. If anything, the majority of people finding about it and reading it, are disgusted and appalled.

    Clearly, even Bachmann (who would also be a disaster as POTUS) has now announced her candidacy, and now Sarah has to come to grips with the fact that Bachmann has stolen her "thunder." Sarah is pretty much through - she will go on to Pella, Iowa, to promote her joke of a movie, once again using the good folks of little small town America to try to convince people that she is just like real Americans. So much baloney, she has become a national and international joke and the comedians are starting to have a field day poking fun of her. Pretty sad story when you think of it, as her family will be paying the price of all her games. Yet, really, is palin concerned about anyone but herself?

  91. Anonymous10:44 AM

    8:59 a.m., thank you for sharing your experience and perspective. I'm appalled by what happened to you, glad you survived, and impressed that you've reached out to other women in similar circumstances.

    Thanks for speaking out on this thread. I think it's important to emphasize what a disservice Bristol is doing to women who have actually lived through rapes. Not that Bristol cares, of course--but the rest of us do. You're the one who should be writing a memoir; you have far more to contribute to the cultural discourse than Ms. Palin does.

  92. Anonymous10:44 AM

    "To Erica, but it is ok for a boy to lie and sa his ex mother in law called her son retarded?"

    She did call him retarded. You can't rewrite history!

  93. Anonymous10:44 AM

    She talks about marrying Levi from the beginning. AND she heavily discusses wedding planning after the pg discovery. But things did begin going downhill fast as early as May 08. Levi went hunting a lot to avoid things. We know Bristol spent much family time and she hid the pregnancy with jackets as long as she could.

    A girl who plans a baby jumps at the chance to have baby showers. She made plans for none and turned down offers. Yes, that helps your case. NOT.

    Earth to whoever is feeding Gryphen lies, just because you felt unloved as a child doesn't mean Tripp does or will because he's a mistake. I can pretty much guarantee in 3 years people will be asking "who the fuck is Levi or Bristol?"

  94. Anonymous10:45 AM

    "But remember Bristol, Levi was not the first dude you gave it away to; did you think we would not remember?"

    ALSO---Levi isn't the ONLY dude you gave it away to; did you tink we would not remember?

  95. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Anonymous at 9:48 AM says: "To Erica, but it is ok for a boy to lie and sa his ex mother in law called her son retarded?"

    Ex mother in law? Are you saying that they were married? Can you prove it? Tell us more!

  96. Oh, I see. The Bristolbots were late to the party, but they are here now.

    Typical for Palin and her cultists, everything is sexually based. This is not the first time I have seen someone refer to how "ballsy" Bristol is, or how big or brassy her "balls" are because she chose to publicize her trashy, slutty experiences while accepting none of the responsibility.

    Mama Gristle's two favorite insults are to accuse men who don't worship her of being either "limp, soft, and impotent", or pedophiles.

    There is a lot of angry sexual pathology going on with the Palins, and apparently their followers easily relate to it.

    Creepy pack of people all around.

  97. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Is anyone buying this?
    Not by the hair of your chinny chin chin.

  98. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Mercede must be telling the truth because the fairy tale trolls are sure talking about her lot.

  99. TruthSeeker10:50 AM

    Anonymous @ 9:51 am said...
    "Oh Bristol definitely has tough skin. She'll confront anyone, stranger or acquaintance. The girl's got balls. ANd the ability to laugh at her ridiculous critics."

    Wow !! Really ?? So that's why she always sounds and looks like an uneducated, idiotic, combative, backward dolt.

    It is because no amount of charm, poise, intelligence, self-respect, decency, humanity, kindness, dignity, generosity, can penetrate that tough skin.

    Thank you for finally helping me realize why Bristle is such a failure as a human being.

  100. Anonymous10:52 AM

    People who plan a baby dont spend all summer hiding said baby bump, nor do their respective relationships head for the decline soon after conception.

    Nice try.

  101. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Dear Bristol (since I assume you're reading these comments):

    As someone who has been abstinent, I admired you for taking a public stand in favor of abstinence. I rooted for you when Oprah expressed doubts that you'd be able to remain abstinent until marriage. Then you got engaged to Levi, and the "rose petals on the bed" story made me raise my eyebrows. I watched you become more visibly pregnant each week on DWTS, and I realized you didn't believe anything you'd said. You were just in it for the money.

    I know people who remained abstinent until they were married and are happy about their decision. Instead of making tons of money spouting nonsense they don't believe, they volunteer with teens to discuss ways that abstinence can work (as well as acknowledging that it doesn't work for everyone and that birth control is important too--they present it as one viable option).

    Everything you have done since you decided to seek the public spotlight has helped lose the respect I initially had for you.

  102. Cracklin' Charlie10:54 AM


    Bitch, please!

  103. Anonymous10:54 AM

    To the fairy tale trolls--how do you describe the discrepancies between Sarah's recollections (she consulted with her family about the VP selection) and Bristol's (they didn't know why they were going to Ohio)? If the Palins are such a close family, why couldn't they get their stories straight?

  104. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Oh Bristol definitely has tough skin. She'll confront anyone, stranger or acquaintance. The girl's got balls. ANd the ability to laugh at her ridiculous critics.

    9:51 AM

    Please no more! We do not need to hear about Bristol's tough skin that was able to withstand the rocks and branches on the ground when she confronted and screwed anyone, stranger or acquaintance during her drunken camping trip. The girl's got balls in her mouth is a little too much info for me thank you very much.

  105. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Wonder what D.K. would have said about "stolen virginity"? Wonder what Johnny C. would say about it?

  106. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I can't believe I'm about to defend a boy who denounces educations and remains ungrateful but I think Levi has the right attitude. Larry King seemed to be the most honest interview. We saw Sadie's chill factor, we saw Sherry's plight, we saw truth in Levi's eyes when he said "fatherhood is great but I never expected to be a father now"

    I highly doubt Tripp will see any of this or care. But he would appreciate a parent saying they love him but owning up to their mistakes as Levi seemed to do.

  107. Anonymous11:00 AM

    B's son will be affected by this some day. She just brushes this off; she has no common sense; this will hurt her child some day, calling his dad names in a book and on tv interviews, revealing to the world that the dad has little interest in the child. She doesn't show to be a compassionate mom at all.

    There was a write up somewhere today, (Tucson?) where B invited a reporter up to see Tripp. He was in his stroller, having just finished his walk with the babysitter. She mentioned how he was so angry that Spongebob wasn't on tv, he was screaming. She thought it was funny. Kind of gives me the shivers to how this child will no doubt have that entitled mentality. She's a child trying to rear up a child.

    What young man will dare to take his chances with that young woman if she can't cut the cord with her mom. Will every guy who courts her have to sign a disclosure first? It's unfortunate that she has her future tainted by the association she'll always have with a hateful narcissistic mother.

  108. get real11:03 AM

    Teen Sex for Fun and Profit!
    by Bristol Palin

    She is such freaking hypocrite.

    Then again, she's too dumb and ignorant to even know how to spell 'hypocrite' so she can't even look it up in a dictionary.

  109. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Did you even read it? She talks about baby preparations. And love notes. and baby names. Quite a bit. She's forthcoming in her frustration to get her family onboard with Levi. Nothing is held back. She speak of marriage from the beginning and also doesn't hesitate to mention going on dates with others (namely 2007)

    Levi can't rightly deny his past behavior. He can/should own it in a memoir though. Bristol owns up to being irresponsible well. Will Levi do the same, or will he continue to wrongly use Sarah as a scapegoat?

  110. Anonymous11:08 AM

    All I have to say is...Bitch, Please!!

  111. Gag me!!!!

    a) Birth control pills work if one takes them as directed.

    b) I saw her drunken videos on YouTube.

    c) I still wanna know what she did with the kid she was carrying when she was on DWTS.

    d) Why doesn't Levi get a decent lawyer?

    And there are lots more questions that need to be asked.

  112. Anonymous11:10 AM

    The Chin?

    I wonder if her plastic surgeon did her radical "revirginization?"

  113. Anonymous11:11 AM

    It's funny but not funny that BP thinks the world is waiting on her with bated breath for great inspiring words of wisdom on teenage pregnancy.

    Parents ain't going to buy this book at $25.99 to find out that they need "dialogue" with their teens. Parents have been parenting for centuries and have done a pretty good job - sorry that her parents screwed the pooch on the birds and the bees with her, but she not the oracle of preaching advice to parents about how to listen to their kids.

    I suppose now she'll be doing the speaking circuit thingy now on advice for parents.

  114. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Good Morning, RAM! Guess it took you a while to get here with all the other sites you had to visit first to spread your "Bristol=strong, happy" stories. I recognized your not-quite-ready-for-screen-play-writing prose and the way you paint Bristol as some Harlequin-romance heroine.

    No matter how often you tell the lies, that does not make them true. Your fantasies stand out like a Palin at the Belmont.

  115. Hmmm, Anon 9:48, I see the troll slept in this morning. What took you so long?

  116. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Levi once said S and T pushed them to marry. Why wouldn't a wedding happen that summer? It is best for bost to be 18 so that's understandable. We know things faded throughout the summer, Levi blew off steam hunting and Bristol spent of third of the campaign on trail. We know Bristol called the relationship off just after Tripp was born due to lots of fighting between the two. I know that Sadie DID threaten Bristol at least once towards the end of the year and is one reason why Bristol continues to gather support over her.

    I think this story is a typical one. Square peg in a round hole. Ok the images that just popped into my mind are gross ones lol

    Neither was prepared for their little accident. Hasty wedding decisions made in a volatile relationship ensue disaster. I'm glad both see the light (I hope Levi does now) and I am glad both are happy at present.

  117. Anonymous11:19 AM

    OK, I just watched the interview. "I said my virginity was stolen because that's how it feels to me now. Levi didn't rape me, I just made a bunch of bad decisions." Thanks for the clarification. But you did pretty much accuse him of rape in the book.

  118. Anonymous11:20 AM


    "" Michele Bachmann kicked off her presidential campaign on Monday in Waterloo, Iowa, and in one interview surrounding the official event she promised to mimic the spirit of Waterloo's own John Wayne.

    The only problem, as one eagle-eyed reader notes: Waterloo's John Wayne was not the beloved movie star, but rather John Wayne Gacy, the serial killer.""


  119. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Notice she shakes her head back and forth when she speaks--she might be saying one thing, but her body is saying "no--not true."

  120. Anonymous11:23 AM

    She speaks like a bad actress. Oh wait--SNAP!!

  121. Anonymous11:26 AM

    If not for McCain and Levi - the little slut would be flippin' burgers!!

    I've had no respect for McCain - EVER - EVER - EVER -- so it's not like I could have less for him now or even after he unleashed the Wasillbillies on the world!! But, McCain could get a notch of respect if he would take to the airwaves and blow this family to outer orbit and expose them!!!

  122. Anonymous11:35 AM

    She's not an abstinence preacher?

    How come she has a bank account, a house, reality show, DWTS, etc.?

    Candies Foundation - Do you have anything to say regarding this????

    How about all the 'abstinence speaking engagements' - Anything to say?

  123. To Anonymous @ 9:48:

    How do you know Levi was lying when he said that?

  124. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Stolen? How can something be stolen when you've given it away? Oh wait I forget who made the statement she from the family who nothing is EVER their fault.

  125. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I believe you are close to your siblings. I believe you took care of them. I believe you are a great big sister. I also know Meghan and the McCains enthusiastically welcomed you aboard and warmly supported you because I saw it with my own eyes. You are accusing millions of people like me of throwing you under the bus. We did no such thing. In fact, we did the opposite.

    And you know it.

    So does America.

    We also watched your mother toss you under the bus in ´08.

    She is doing it to you again.

    (Incidentally, you are a much better speaker than your mother - by a long shot.)

  126. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Of course they're a close family! It takes a lot of time to coordinate that many lies...

  127. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I left this at Malias and I feel it needs to be broadcast everywhere:

    With all due respect, Bristol tells her story and then says, in domino fashion , these were the mistakes I made in this order that ended up placing me here in this present state. She takes responsiblilty for lying to her mom, for actively putting herself in a bad position, for proceeding to give Levi a chance because of immature teen girly reasons. She’s very direct about her story. She never claims perfection, she even denies being a role model. She just wants people to read others’ stories and think before they act and get THEMSELVES into a bad position. I mean cmon, that relationship went downhill steadily beginning in May 2008. Levi blew off steam hunting all summer. Bristol not only hid her belly until she couldn’t but I’m sure she was feeling intense regret even back then. We saw her in Phlly, at the picnics, in Fairbanks, in Juneau, at the fair, at home. Things set in fast that she effed up majorly by her wishful thinking Levi was a suitable husband able to provide for a family. Until recently, he still drank often and lived it up in LA. A teen boy really set on fatherhood would have gotten a lawyer, not disrespected his son's grandparents and blame them for his crappy relationship, (not cut HIS family out multiple times) and would have actually stuck it out instead of getting frustrated at every baby cry.

    Her story is one to be heard, for it happens everywhere and to anyone. The good thing for these kids is, they were given the spotlight to teach others NOT to act hastily and stupidly, which is refreshing today considering MTV and Hollywood considers to feed the notion of easy sex and one night stands.

  128. Anonymous11:45 AM

    9:51 said: "The girl's got balls."

    You heard it here first! We have insider information!

    Bristol is a MAN, baby!


  129. Anonymous11:45 AM

    The family doesn't forgive people who use the word retarded in reference to Trig. This I have proof of. There are many people who attempt to justify using that word, and specifically about Trig. They also use it to attack Sarah for having a downs baby willingly.

    Bristol's friends defend him and her. And Bristol calls these people idiots.

  130. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Bristol has told candies crowds that she doesn't want to force abstinence on people. But that it is truly the only way to 100% avoid unwanted pregnancy.

  131. Anonymous11:47 AM

    My child needed corrective jaw surgery but that required braces for a year before the actual surgery to get the teeth to be where they would be after the jaw was moved via surgery. Don't know if that is normal for all corrective jaw surgeries., but it seems to me if the jaw is corrected without aligning the teeth first then the teeth will be in the wrong position with just the surgery.

  132. Anonymous11:48 AM

    That chin. How does she go out in public like that?

    Her books still sucks and it is still a flop!!!

  133. Anonymous11:51 AM

    "Yeah, most of what you just wrote is a lie. And yes, they are a close family. I can guarantee it."

    @9:48 AM

    A fairy-tale troll.
    Where ya been? Your're late!

    Just about everything Bri$tol said was a lie. I guarantee it.

    By the way, do you have any recent pictures of the happy Palin KKKlan at Applebees?

  134. Anonymous11:52 AM

    It would not have been stolen, had she kept the door locked.

  135. Anonymous11:56 AM

    What questions need to be asked? She's not endangering anyone by what she says. Unless Levi secretly has gotten his GED and has lucrative, non-crazy plans both short and long term, she has every right to call him a slacker. He should call himself a slacker. How many times could he have ditched his money rapers (Tank and Rex)? How many times could he have gotten his degree (since 2008)? It's not hard study, but it is true he has spent hardly any time in school. Didn't Sherry mention ADHD?

    Look, I do not hate him or anyone. But you can't live your life saying you're a good role model and father when you do nothing to warrant that. I am glad he stopped disowning his family though. They may have their problems and he may have his issues with them, but I trust there is foundation there, like with Bristol.

    I've actually seen this story play out numerous times, including recently with my cousin. His ex just one day left and it destroyed him. Then he started BSing everyone, saying yeah now I don't have to say no to all the girls who throw themselves at me, like he's in denial.

    Things work out. I wish they wouldn't have lied during the RNC about their relationship. You could just tell things were off. But thats life and trying to do the right thing for a child. Better to be single and happy than a coupe who continually has raging fights. Bristol and Levi are both hot heads. I'm sure that was super fun to deal with. I'm glad both are back and close to their families again, as it should be. Family is everything.

  136. Anonymous11:57 AM

    "To Erica, but it is ok for a boy to lie and sa his ex mother in law called her son retarded?"

    @9:48 AM

    Hey, $arah. Why are you so fixated on what Levi Johnston said about YOU? You should be glad he hasn't been trash talking Bri$tol. But as usual, you only think about yourself.

    And, what's this ex-mother in law shit? Bri$tol and Levi were never married. Moron.

  137. Anonymous11:58 AM

    "Bristol lies just as easily, and as often as her mother"

    Shouldn't this read, "as often as her ex boyfriend?"

  138. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I really doubt that Levi is the father of Tripp. Trig maybe. He is just letting this family run him into the ground, with no fight back, it does not make sense. Letting this bitch move to Ariz. with Tripp was bad enough. Now to let her film a reality show which will most likely include Tripp with 2 guys not related to him? I doubt if he would be contested in court if he claimed damage to the little guy from her "decadent lifestyle" She is not providig a stable home for him. Levi probably is NOT the father, and was paid off to pretend to be.

  139. I think her callous response to the question of how her son would feel to read what she says about Levi one day can be attributed to the fact that she knows he's NOT the father...She may have lost her virginity to him (if we are to believe that) but she never claims that Tripp was conceived that night - and I think that is a very telling thing.
    I think that Levi knows he's not Tripp's father, too. It explains why both of them do the crap they do - her trashing him, and his seeming lack of interest in Tripp...

  140. Anonymous12:02 PM

    "Why does Mercede feel the need to glorify their relationship? Earth to Mercede, Tripp will not be hurt to learn he was an accident.!!! Give it a rest."

    @9:50 AM

    I don't know why the Palins spend so much time trying to glorify themselves. They really need to give a rest. Tripp probably won't mind being an accident,(since most people are anyway) but he might not like being reminded everyday that he is a MISTAKE. But then again, he is a Palin sooo...

  141. Anonymous12:03 PM

    10:52 said: "People who plan a baby dont spend all summer hiding said baby bump"

    ...or avoid going immediately to a Dallas hospital when said baby bump starts leaking fluid at 1 am, and then after waiting all day to give a speech, still avoids nearby world-class hospitals, flies back to Alaska supposedly while having "contractions" and then, rather than go to a real hospital with an NCIU, they instead drive another 45 minutes to go to a little regional clinic lacking said NCIU.

    Right? Wait, who are we talking about again?

  142. Anonymous12:05 PM

    "People who plan a baby dont spend all summer hiding said baby bump, nor do their respective relationships head for the decline soon after conception."

    They do if they are immature teenagers.

  143. Anonymous12:07 PM

    You can't deny that it shows great maturity to say "having my family by my side is all that matters" and that's exactly where she's at. She and Willow took the boys to play about a month ago and it was the cutest thing ever.

  144. Anonymous12:09 PM

    It's a trollfest! Yay - I've missed you. Let the laughs begin!

  145. Anonymous12:10 PM

    9:15- I thought the same thing.
    With the black dye job , she looks like a Kardashian.
    Or a Cher wannabe.
    The plastic surgery , the lip injections , the veneers and the new hair color are freakish.
    The Palins are trying
    to make the outside resemble the inside.

    Her bots are predicting a potential crowd of 50, 000 descending on Pella.
    Last night , they were fretting about the barbeque
    running out for the mass of humanity overtaking Pella.
    I'm surprised that no one suggested that
    Sarah do the loaves and fishes thing .
    One poster last night did suggest someone arrive
    with a moose or deer in their pick up bed
    and have Sarah help field dress
    it to feed everyone ,
    but, it seems to have been scrubbed.

  146. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I love that you feed your Palin mythology as the real one when 1. you've never met them 2. you obviously dont have credible sources if you still believe she was pregnant last year.

    Reexamination time? Self examination time?

  147. Anonymous12:10 PM

    here's a pic she uploaded taken in the living room in AK.

  148. Anonymous12:12 PM

    "I think it's funny that people think Bristol was or is under Sarah's control. Never has been the case. Trust me on this. The girl's way too stubborn for that. Every decision made is made by her for her son's future. And yes, the family's tight, but admittedly not perfect, as no family is.

    10:26 AM"

    You are the most entertaining knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing pre-Alzheimer's dementia poster on this blog. Thanks for comin'!

  149. Anonymous12:12 PM

    "Hmmm, Anon 9:48, I see the troll slept in this morning. What took you so long?"

    She was probably drinking wine coolers in a tent last night!

  150. Anonymous12:13 PM


    "b) I saw her drunken videos on YouTube."


    huh??? Please direct

  151. Anonymous12:14 PM

    "Oh Bristol definitely has tough skin. She'll confront anyone, stranger or acquaintance. The girl's got balls. ANd the ability to laugh at her ridiculous critics."

    @9:51 AM

    We're laughing at Bri$tol. That girl doesn't have tough skin. If she did, she wouldn't constantly be sniping at critics like her equally thin-skinned mother.

    Her book doesn't give the impression of someone with thick-skin. It gives the impression of a whiney little vindictive bitch, who is still dwelling on the past, just like mommy. The Palins still can't get over the 2008 presidentital campaign. They have thick skin. Riiight.

    The Palins aren't so tough. Bri$tol is like her mother. She can't say shit to anyone's face. Her mother is too chicken to face any of her critics face to face, and she is too chicken shit to say shit anyone's face, instead she hides behind Facebook, Twitter, and Fox news. The bitch is afraid of reporters, FFS!

  152. Anonymous12:14 PM

    i love how she says she did DWTS for her son. Right, your son will love watching the footage of you bumping, grinding, and dry humping, then messing up every easy, slow dance step you were supposed to have learned.

  153. Anonymous12:17 PM

    "But remember Bristol, Levi was not the first dude you gave it away to; did you think we would not remember?"

    ALSO---Levi isn't the ONLY dude you gave it away to; did you tink we would not remember?"

    The numbers are quite high. EVERYONE knows this.

  154. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Whatever will the Brisket do when her parents are in jail? Better spend that money wisely.

  155. Anonymous12:20 PM

    "What freaking 20 year old writes a memoir? "

    Remember this when you're trudging through the watered down version of Levi's upbringing. Because I doubt he'll be completely honest. Bristol described him perfectly as a teen. I hope he owns it. He just needs to quit lying to himself. At least he ADMITTED ON TV he never thought he'd be a father at 18.

    See girls, the pill isnt 100%."

    @9:55 AM

    Bri$tol's "memoir" is no more truthful than Levi Johnston's. Bri$tol needs to stop lying to herself, and admit that she was a drunken slut who put out like a dollar.

  156. Anonymous12:22 PM

    what SP once said about gristly bristol:

    "Bristol believes in redemption and forgiveness to a degree most of us struggle to put in practice in our daily lives."

    Wonder where those qualities went when she sat with her ghost writer?

    Oh, right, she never had them, it's palins we discuss, nine of whom know how to tell the truth, palin fantasy land in print in another form.

    the whacky never ends in palinland.


  157. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Brisdull "retreated" from anything that sounded like "date rape" and "reloaded" with what she hoped was the more acceptable label of "my virginity was stolen".

    Didn't want to get sued? Or wanted to pacify anyone who has more photos? I say both. I couldn't watch the entire video. That family makes me sick.

    "...we're both strong, we're both independent...". Independent? HA! They can't exist from one day to the next without dollars from the dullards.


  158. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Wow, did I miss something?

    Mercede was not mentioned in this post, yet all these comments attacking her appear out of no where -- and by that I mean the vacant space between all the ears of the trolls - hi, Sarah/Bristol/Willow/RAM or whoever you are. Sad to see you wasting your time here because when you attack someone non-related tot he post, you look like the fools you are.

  159. Anonymous12:28 PM

    "btw Gryphen, couples that are at the baby stage dont begin to fall apart one month after conception as theirs did. Why do you listen to Sadie? Why don't you ask her why some of her friends told her via myspace in late 08that they had no idea Levi was th efather of Bristol's child.

    These are good observations. Bristol's account is the closest to the truth I've read."

    @9:58 AM

    Why should anyone believe Bri$tol? Because you say so? In what way has that girl proven she has any credibilty at all? She and her entire family are PROVEN liars. Quit trying to change the subject.

  160. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Her story is about how bad decisions "domino" into more bad decisions. Her ownership and admittance is pretty remarkable considering she gets attacked for everything, whether critics are justified or not. Teens shouldn't make rash decisions and need to see examples of how these baaaaad decisions play out or could play given that life in unpredictable. I mean, now that we know anyone can make a sudden appearance on the national stage, I would hope EVERYONE thinks "wth that could be me."

    Personally, I am of the belief that all pregnant teens should stand in front of a church congregation/national tv camera and apologize for their behavior. I truly think that would nip this immorality thing in the bud. But instead Hollywood continues to glamourized shit, literally.

    It's no secret Levi and Bristol weren't monogamous (however I truly don't think Bristol is easy nor had partner before Levi).

    Now that we have documented communication from Bristol in early 08, things fall more into perspective. She wasn't thinking about babies in Feb 2008. She was thinking about normal teen crap and money. She was working and taking side classes. I believe that reaction to Trig was genuine. hurtful because of the hiding, but gleeful because BABIES ARE ADORABLE. We see Bristol in late May looking thrilled in Sarah's office. (but but I thought they were fighting)

    Frank saw Bristol often enough to seriously doubt a previous pregnancy. He also was around Sarah enough to detect mood changes that would signal THAT.

    It is interesting that she comes off as a typical girl who accepts extravagant gifts that somehow symbolized strength in the relationship. Yeah I dont know. I know she received serious threats due to the relationship in 07. Must have been mid year since she seemed to be happy and present at school events.

    (btw where DID Levi get the money before he had a job - NE, were you right on the selling meds story?)

    The book does support our timeline. And saying that Todd took Levi snowmachining end of year to start arelationship is something Levi has discussed too. Babies are stressful. Babies in rocky relationships (levis admission) are very stressful. National spotlight added in would make anyone nuts. But that's life. Live with it without blaming others for your actions and you've got a nice life. Good job Bristol.

  161. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Whichever of Bristol's little friends keeps posting on here constantly how she is SOOO independent of her mother well think again. Her "book" isn't doing so well she she's depending on her mother to show up at a book signing in Minnesota to help her sell them and to go on a book tour.

    Ha Ha

    Bristol does whatever mommy & her lawyers say. It's obvious she's being coached in word salad speak also, too. Mini-Sarah is version 1.2 and a half.

  162. Anonymous12:34 PM

    10:52, TEENS who try to get pregnant are not going to respond the same way as an older couple. Indeed, since the whole idea of getting pregnant is so taboo, keeping everything a secret is likely the automatic response. Breaking up soon after achieving the goal is also no surprise: reality sets in, fear grows, and they are too immature to ride it out.

  163. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Bristol's a young woman of strong faith and family. In today's world, that's an amazing combination.

  164. Anonymous12:36 PM

    If her virginity was "stolen" she should have gone to the police...but no she didn't instead she got engaged to Levi...none of this makes sense. She was engaged to marry her rapist and her family dragged Levi to show him off at the RNC convention. They even got the RNC to spruce him up in a suit, cut his hair and made him presentable to the public meanwhile Sarah Palin was stroking his cheek in a loving sick is this story???

  165. Anonymous12:38 PM

    The former Alaska governor and Republican vice-presidential candidate will appear with Bristol Palin on Wednesday in Bloomington, Minn., at the Barnes & Noble in the Mall of America. HarperCollins Publishers announced Monday that the two will sign copies of their latest books.

    Sarah Palin says in a statement that she is “so proud” of her daughter and “thrilled to be joining her to kick off her book tour.”

    READS to me like Bristol was not planning on going and mommy is going to make sure she does.

  166. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Anyone have any comments to make about, The Lies Of Bristol So Far, go to Amazon & Barnes and Noble.

    Palin has Piper flooding both trying to up the ratings.

  167. Anonymous12:41 PM

    [LOL and pointing @ 9:50]

    Look folks! Bristol (or Willow or Sarah) is back for her daily affirmations, Bristol does have a thick skin, Bristol smart and Bristol is funny and Bristol will kick anyone's ass...

    Good god, it's so pathetic.

  168. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Bristol Payless Flip Flops

    The Patron Saint of Unwed Mothers, Bristol Palin, dropped a bomb in her book "Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far" that the suave and charming Levi Johnston stealth ninja'd in and "stole" her virginity in the night. Basically ho got so drunk on wine coolers (Really? Fucking wine coolers??) that she woke up with a not-so-fresh feeling the next morning and no idea what had happened till she heard Levi bragging to his friends outside of the tent. That Levi, so dapper.

    Since that scenario caused a lot of people to pull the date rape card on Levi, Bristol decided to clarify her shit a little on GMA. She basically flip flopped and said "I'm not accusing Levi of date rape or rape at all. But I'm just looking back with the adult eyes I now have and just thinking, 'That was a foolish decision.'"

    Translation: Okay, maybe it wasn't all Levi's fault that I was a drunk slut. Accountability: get some. We all did stupid shit as teenagers and I know her babydaddy is a worthless piece of trash, but own your shit ho. I'd like to cry "rape" for some of the embarassing "oh no I di'int" shit I've done under the influence, but I just cried on the inside as I did the walk of shame like any normal slut does. Suck it up, hillbilly.

  169. Anonymous12:43 PM

    "So which is it Mercede? You were so stoked to be an aunt who bought up all the stores in town or as you said on facebook recently, "hey, does anyone know if there are any baby boutiques in the valley?"

    Sadie is full o shit who's known for lying in the vally. I'm not sure why you trust her Gryphen. Levi and Bristol's relationship was never stable. He was a cheater/slacker (his admission, she was a carefree girl trying to change/control her bf)

    My memory goes back to Greta and Larry King:

    "So I take it this wasn't planned?"
    "No not at all" one of the most candid parts of the interview

    and, now Levi:
    "I never expected to be a father at this age."

    Keep talking Gryphen. Their past words speak more than Sadie's contradictions."

    @10:13 AM

    What is the matter with you? No one here ever said Levi Johnston was perfect. We know he has major flaws. But so does Bri$tol and her dysfunctional family. I don't understand why you think anyone should believe the Palins. The Palins are known liars across the globe.

    Speaking of contridictions:

    Bri$tol: "Abstinence is unrealistic."


    Bri$tol: " I mean abstinence IS realistic!"

    Bri$tol: "My virginity was stolen...but I wasn't raped!"

    Bri$tol can keep on talking too, because no one gives a shit about her "victimhood," and no one will buy her book, either.

  170. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Anon 10:23

    You are visiting all the blogs leaving your bullshit spew all over.

    Go back and climb under your PeeBot Rock.

    You're a MORON -- Oh Hi Bristle/Willow/Srah -- any which one of the lying sluts.

  171. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Blahh, ha ha ha, what an IDIOT! ABC sucks..

  172. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Anonymous @ 11:58am said...
    "Bristol lies just as easily, and as often as her mother"

    Shouldn't this read, "as often as her ex boyfriend?"

    The word of Levi will always have more truth and value than the word of a Palin or Heath.

  173. Chenagrrl12:57 PM

    John Wayne who started life as "Marion Mitchell Morrison, was from Winterset, Iowa, southwest of Des Moines and wayyyy southwest of Waterloo.

    John Wayne Gacy was born in Chicago but started his family in Waterloo, Iowa.

    Legend has it that he got his first blow job from an obliging Waterloo Jaycee. (I don't recall that, but Wikipedia says it. Ergo legend.)

    Not sure which John Wayne Michelle Bachmann is referring to. Who is advising her and why would this not be more nuanced.

  174. Anonymous12:58 PM

    @10:23 AM,


    Why do you keep repeating the same thing, over, and over, again? Now, you are typing in caps. It's getting scary. No one here is saying he will be fazed because he is the product of a "teenage accident," and no one is saying he isn't loved. The Palins and the Johnstons acting like the Hatfields and the McCoys might help screw him up later, though. I have a feeling he will be just another messed up Palin kid, anyway.

    You need to stop acting like Bri$tol is the first person to own up to "teenage mistakes," and that her book is some kind of earth-shattering event. So, Bri$tol own up to your stupid mistakes (well, some of them anyway) and STFU, already.

  175. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Bristol - tough skin -- That's best joke today.

    The slut is totally pissed in that her book has already been declared 'bird cage shit catcher'!!!

  176. Anonymous12:59 PM

    She is a fucking liar. There is no other way to say it. What the H is wrong with this family that they encourage outright lying while smiling? It is freakish and frightening.

    She did NOT have corrective jaw surgery. That is an outright LIE.

    She does NOT have a thick skin. Come on! And either does her mother.

    I could go on and on. And yes, THE CHIN! WOW. Looking at a slight angle it is ok, but when you look straight on or from the side, it is not a good look. She also looks like she is having botox around her eyes. One eyebrow was highly arched and the other wasnt. I am sorry to pick on this, I am just saying what I observed.

    And they are a close family? Yea ok Bristol, everyone really believes that.....

    Bristol: I used to stick up for you thinking how sad it was to grow up with such a self-centered mom. But you had choices. You could have gotten away from this fake celebrity lying and done something with your life or not. You chose not to and therefore I have no respect for you. What you have done to your son is abusive - talking about his father in a book and on television. I hope that all of your lies and this terrible decision you made to bash Levi in your book comes back to haunt you.
    I hope all of your other pregnancies will be revealed so the world knows what a liar you are. We know you have had multiple pregnancies by the way, and some who know, may come forward on the record. The time period of the Palins scaring people into silence is coming to an end.

  177. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Anon 11:43

    Go spew your bullshit elsewhere. We've read everywhere.

    Just like a Palin, the more you say it - copy and paste it - the more you believe.

    It was BULLSHIT then and is BULLSHIT now.

    Now do us a favor and do what the bird's do -- Flock off!!!

  178. Anonymous1:02 PM

    "I think it's funny that people think Bristol was or is under Sarah's control. Never has been the case. Trust me on this. The girl's way too stubborn for that. Every decision made is made by her for her son's future. And yes, the family's tight, but admittedly not perfect, as no family is."

    @10:26 AM

    Yeah, yeah, we know. The family's "tight." Whatever. Whether she is under her mother's control or not, makes no difference. She is just like her bitchy mother, which is twice as bad.

  179. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I used to ask the same question of our MSM, why this, why that? I no longer ask why, I simply accept the fact that media is not a reliable conduit for information, and in the cause of our Democracy it is actually and willfully an opposing force. Unplug people, cancel the cable subscriptions, isn't it ironic we pay them to feed us with their influence, false memes and political machinations. Sarah Palin serves as a very clear case in point, a Frankenstein of sorts given birth and nurtured by our corporate media. If you value will seek your information elsewhere. Fortunately techonology has expanded those sources.

    I can no longer watch, I can't tolerate the manipulation of my mind, my emotions, or the realities of the world for which I remain responsible for the ways in which I interface with it. Beyond the issue of race, the MSM is determined to damage and hopefully destroy the current administration. Why, because the potential that exists to upset and overturn the centers of true power in our society, the same powers who so insidiously use us as tools of our own oppression.

    That our President is an African American adds an additional layer of institutionalized discrimination and a source, IMO, of what should be cause for national shame. Equality is a principle we give lip service to in America, ask any member of the LGBT community, ask a Muslim, ask a member of the Latino community, ask the President of the United States who is treated as if he is some "step-n-fetch", who never is or does enough. And rarely is acknowledged for simply doing something well, or getting something right.

    If you want change, you have to be the change. Seems to me it's time to move beyond the Why?, time to accept that our media is an obstacle to truth and a healthy Democracy. Time to look for opportunities to overcoming what is getting in our way.

  180. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Anon 8:59, I am so so sorry for what you went through at such a young age. I can understand a little of what you are saying because I was abused at the age of 12. It wasn't as violent as yours, but still it effected me so much. I have no respect for Bristol either. She makes me sick to my stomach. What a terrible person she is and shame on Good Morning America for covering this.
    Again, thanks for sharing and I am so sorry you went through that. I know how it effects you your entire life.

  181. Anonymous1:05 PM

    "Those are quite the allegations you make when you blindly claim Levi wasn't her first."

    @10:28 AM

    Well Bri$tol did say that she told Levi Johnston that she prayed he wasn't the father of Tripp. Whether he was her first or not, there were proably others. It's interesting how you blindly ignore the more serious rape allegations Bri$tol made against Levi J.

  182. Jeanette123 @ 8:47 AM, you might be interested in the 2008/09/10 blond vs. brunette Trigs ( 4 pix), as well as the 2008 large vs. small Trig 2 pix).

    blond Trig 9/10/08

    blond Trig 10/22/10

    brunette Trig 9/24/08

    brunette Trig 12/16/09

    large Trig 9/19/08

    small Trig 10/2/08

  183. Anonymous1:07 PM

    The fairy tale trolls are getting ready for the big Pella event tomorrow. Gettin some botox, new nails and a waxin, a new bumpit and high heels all ready for the big hoopla show and maybe sarahs big announcment.

  184. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Bristols ex, ben barber is currently expecting his first child with his 30 year old girl friend April. Wasilla cannot seem to use birth control.

  185. To Anonymous/Bristol at 9:48. The boy wouldn't have a mother in law unless he was married. Do you know something that many of us suspected but just didn't know. When did the wedding take place or just as important, when did the divorce take place?

  186. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Anon 9:51 - BULLSHIT Anyone who would MUTILATE their face like that is not a strong person. The only ball she has is on the end of her chinny chin chin.

  187. Anonymous1:13 PM

    @10:34 AM,

    Stupid troll.

    Will you shut up, already? Most of us here are not going to buy Bri$tol's book! Go advertise at the Sea of Pee! The book is a failure! Get over it! How much longer will Bri$tol be able to use Tripp as her meal ticket? Why not just get a real job?

    We are not "jealous" of Bri$tol. The Palins must be jealous of a lot of people then, since they are famous for spreading lies about people. $arah Palin spreads a lot of lies about our president. I guess $arah Palin is jealous of President Obama, because he is the POTUS, and she never will be.

  188. Anonymous1:14 PM

    How lovely! Someone here guarantees that the Palin's are a close family.


    What about that little divorce agreement?

  189. Anonymous1:16 PM


    "Bristol lies just as easily, and as often as her mother"

    Shouldn't this read, "as often as her ex boyfriend?"

    WHICH ex-boyfriend??? Didn't she live and sleep with like a ton of guys?

  190. Somebody asked why the trolls keep bringing up Mercede when she was not mentioned in the post.

    The reason is because they fear her, and worry she will start knocking down the lies that Bristol is telling in her book.

    And FYI that fear is well founded.

    Stay tuned.

  191. Anonymous1:18 PM

    From one of the greatest musicals/movies of all time - Grease !

    (sung to the tune of 'Sandra Dee':

    Look at me, I'm Bristol P,
    Lousy with virginity
    Won't go to bed 'til I'm legally wed
    I can't; I'm Bristol P

    I don't drink (no)
    Or swear (no)
    I don't rat my hair (eew)
    I get ill from one cigarette
    (cough, cough, cough)
    Keep your filthy paws
    Off my brand new chin
    Would you pull that crap with Annette?

    Levi, Levi, let me be!
    Keep that pelvis far from me!
    Just keep your cool
    Now your starting to drool
    Hey Fongool, I'm Bristol P !

  192. Anonymous1:22 PM

    "Earth to whoever is feeding Gryphen lies, just because you felt unloved as a child doesn't mean Tripp does or will because he's a mistake. I can pretty much guarantee in 3 years people will be asking "who the fuck is Levi or Bristol?"

    @10:44 AM

    Earth to troll:

    The Palins/Heaths were unloved as children, that's why they are always spreading lies, and whoring for attention. That's also why Bri$tol fucked up her face, because she was unloved.

    Tripp may have been unplanned, but he isn't a mistake. No child is a mistake. I bet most people here don't call their children "mistakes" either.

  193. Anonymous1:22 PM


    Bristols ex, ben barber is currently expecting his first child with his 30 year old girl friend April. Wasilla cannot seem to use birth control.


    Uh oh. I guess Ben will now be on Bristol's sh!t list. You konw, once Bristol sleeps with you, you aren't allowed to EVER sleep with anybody else after that. Watch out Ben!!

  194. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Anon 11:43

    Oh please. BARF BARF BARF to what you wrote. No one believes you dearest. No one. You make people sick with your stupid moronic story. Good luck, but you sound like a complete fraud and idiot.

    Just BARF that is the word that comes to mind after reading your ridiculous rant. Also, it is TOO LONG, no one will read it.

  195. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Coming in just a little over a month!!

    It's going to hit the fan - HARD!!

  196. Anonymous1:26 PM



    How will he feel about being called a "mistake"? About his mother calling his father a "gnat" and worse?

  197. Anonymous @ 9:33 AM said...Bristol's dyed black hair looks bad, it doesn't become her.

    I thought it looked better than that cheap brassy look her mother sported last month on the RV/bus tour, and her own cheap brassy look toward the end of her DWTS act.

    OTOH, she might as well BE, maybe even could a Kardashian were it not for the voice, because she doesn't look one iota like the old Bristol Palin.

  198. Tyroanee1:27 PM

    Who knew "gnats" had enough sperm to impregnate a drunkin' tease.

    Perhaps Bristol can create a PSA warning of such pesky things... I'll bring the wine coolers.

  199. Anonymous1:28 PM

    With all the attacks on Sadie, I guess SOMEBODY is scared about SOMETHING.

    Things that make you go hmmmmm.....

  200. Anonymous1:28 PM

    I see Bristol is paying Ivy Frye, Willow and Piper to make comments for her here today. They definitely have earned their money, Bristol.

    By the way, does Ivy have a crush on you?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.