Sunday, June 05, 2011

Palin's Chris Wallace interview. Venom, viciousness, and vindictiveness, all on display.

I just finished watching Palin's interview with Chris Wallace, and I am currently taking my usual anti-venom shots to recover. Wow, was she on a rampage or what?

She went after the President, Frank Bailey, Mitt Romney, and everybody who dares questions her intelligence. Which, I guess is everybody.

That was even uglier than usual!

I need to ask for your help in locating the video and transcript of this interview so that I can post all of it.

Thanks ahead of time.

Update: Here is the video.

(H/T tip to Bree Palin for the clip. Thank you!)

And here is the transcript. Thanks for the assist gang!

I will be adding to this post as time permits.

Update 2:

WALLACE: I got to ask you real quickly about that, though. You realized that you messed up about Paul Revere, don't you?

PALIN: You know what? I didn't mess up about Paul Revere. Here is what Paul Revere did. He warned the Americans that the British were coming, the British were coming, and they were going to try take our arms and we got to make sure that we were protecting ourselves and shoring up all of ammunitions and our firearms so that they couldn't take it.

But remember that the British had already been there, many soldiers for seven years in that area. And part of Paul Revere's ride -- and it wasn't just one ride -- he was a courier, he was a messenger. Part of his ride was to warn the British that we're already there. That, hey, you're not going to succeed. You're not going to take American arms. You are not going to beat our own well- armed persons, individual, private militia that we have. He did warn the British.

And in a shout-out, gotcha type of question that was asked of me, I answered candidly. And I know my American history.

I see that her minions, and researchers, tried to dig up answers for her to use so that made she did not seem so ignorant, but it is much too late for that.  Everybody who saw that clip KNOWS she did not have any idea what she was talking about, and trying to change history (Which apparently her people are literally doing by trying to edit Revere's Wikipedia page.) will never make her seem intelligent.

WALLACE: All right. I want to talk about a controversy because this week, Alaska officials, as you well know, are going to release thousands of pages of your e-mails as governor. Are you worried that some of those emails could be damaging?

PALIN: No, because, you know, I think every rock in the Palin household that could ever be kicked over and uncovered anything, it's already been kicked over. I don't think there's anything private in our family now. A lot of those emails obviously weren't meant for public consumption. They are between staff members. They're probably between family members.

So, you know what, I'm sure people are going to capitalize on this opportunity to go through 25,000 emails and perhaps take things out of context. (In Palin-speak that means to tell the truth about them.)They'll never truly know what the context of each one of the emails was, or each one of the issues were that I was working on that day, or in that time period.

But whatever, Chris. It's like nothing surprises me anymore. We'll keep doing what we're doing. I'm going to keep going forward with solutions that I want to see applied to this great country, the challenges that we're facing. And things like that are going to be perhaps a distraction for others. They won't distract me.

Especially since Palin is confident that the really damaging stuff has been redacted or is contained in of those 2,415 e-mails that will never see the light of day.  Remember it is HER people who are combing through these e-mails.

WALLACE: Let me just ask one follow-up in that regard, because one of your former advisers, Frank Bailey, has written a book. And in it, he says, and he uses some of your e-mails because he was the recipient of them, he says that there were times when you were unethical, that he was told to write fake letters to the editor under false names or to spend hours manipulating TV polls by voting on the phone over and over again.

PALIN: Those are complete lies, Chris. And I say it unequivocally that Frank Bailey has some ethical problems of his own. In fact, out the 25,000 employees that I was in charge of, 24,000, in Alaska, and in our large administration, and with the $14 billion that we were working on, heady things, big things were working on, only one person in the entire administration had to undergo ethics training. And it was because of blunders that this individual, Frank Bailey, would engage in, and result in.
It was Frank Bailey who still under investigation today, but making money off of taking private emails from somebody after having hoarded them for some years. It was only Frank Bailey who was ordered to undergo ethics training. So, he's got some issues.

Frank Bailey has ethical problems because he lied and broke rules ON PALIN'S BEHALF! Palin took a church going, highly ethical man, and poisoned his mind until he did things that were totally out of character for him. Which by the way, is the fate of ANYBODY that gets too close to Sister Sarah. Remember Meg Stapleton? Bill McAllister? Rebecca Mansour? Ever wonder why her kids act the way that they do?

What? Do you think all of that is just a coincidence?

And as for telling lies?  Frank Bailey has un-redacted e-mails to back up HIS version of events.  I wonder if this hypocrite is willing to put up HER e-mails, completely un-redacted, to show where Bailey lied in his book? Don't bother holding your breath.

This woman horribly damages the people that she directly comes into contact with, and she will do the same to our country.  In fact, she already has.


  1. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Didn't she go after Shep too? I can't imagine what is going to happen to this poor wretch of a human, she has so many targets on her hate list she can't get enough air time to go off on all of them. Hey Sara. Here's a thought. Maybe the problem is YOU. I know it's all about you so I actually think you can understand that you are your own problem. So go from there

  2. Anonymous10:44 AM must have been in a REAL hurry to post! Love ya, but spend a second to run spell-check!
    (keep up the good work!)

  3. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Baby gate, Can you imagine how she'll even respond to that? Gotcha question? Haul out the birth certificate? (long form original please, no copies). While she's at it maybe we can ask her about a few other things - are you still married, or were you ever? (Once again, original please), where's your son, the younger one that is. So many more but we can hold them for now

  4. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Correct "display" in the headline. I think she is lashing out at everyone, but the people she REALLY is mad at are her family members. She could not have been too happy when they all left her "family vacation" to go have fun, and left her with the BRAT, Chuckles and Sally. Here she was, trying to put her "family values" on display, and they abandoned her. Also, too I do not think the crowds she expected showed up.

  5. Anonymous10:51 AM

    WTF is wrong with him:Chris Wallace After Palin Interview: First Time I Ever Thought ‘This Women Is A Serious Candidate’

  6. Anonymous10:51 AM

    spel "display" in your headline

    Thank you for your great stamina and caring, Gryph.


  7. icstraights10:52 AM

    one word: FUGLY!

  8. Anonymous10:52 AM

  9. Ripley10:52 AM

    this makes up for it.

    H/T CELEBurrito Did @FoxNews really just #Fail by using a pic of #TinaFey instead of a real one of @SarahPalinUSA?!

  10. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Gryphen u missed Shep smith, she attacks Shep Smith for calling her tour a "Publicity Tour"

  11. Anonymous10:55 AM

    She is being made to go on the record. Some of that will come back to bite her in the buttocks.

  12. Anonymous10:57 AM

    She so mentally unstable that she can't tell the bumpit is falling off the side of her head. SOMEONE, GET SARAH PALIN MENTAL HEALTH HELP.

    Think about what she's looked like and said on camera this week. AND NO ONE IN THE PALIN/HEATH BRIGADE WILL STEP IN TO HELP HER? NO ONE AT FOX CARES? Chris Wallace should try to get her some help! SHE IS MENTALLY ILL.

  13. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Palin lapdogs are trying like crazy to edit the Paul Revere Wikipedia page to match Palin's botched version:

  14. Anonymous10:58 AM

    typo in title "dispaly"

  15. Anonymous10:59 AM

    actually a few more in the body too. You're upset, huh?

  16. Anonymous10:59 AM

    To me the most telling comment in the interview was her saying the Paul Revere comment was due to a "gotcha question" even though she gave the correct answer.


  17. Balzafiar11:00 AM

    Transcript here:

  18. Anonymous11:01 AM

    OT, or not.

    Regina has a post with a link to a Fox News piece substituting a photo of Tina Fey instead of Sara. HaHa. Your own network doesn't even respect you enough to get your photo right. That'll teach you to trash Shep Smith.

    Take your hate and go away

  19. Anonymous11:08 AM

    from the fox transcript:
    And then when I found out that after ultra sounds, after tests, that Trigg would be born with Downs Syndrome, of course that thought occurred to me again. Wow, this is why a woman would be fearful of less than ideal circumstances, and maybe think that a quote, unquote, "problem," could just be swept away.

    And instead I was able to kind of ratchet back my fears very quickly, and -- and remember that no -- so many of us who have that fundamental belief in the sanctity of life and the potential for every human innocent life, I got to fall back on that. And -- and that did lead me to make the right decision in allowing this baby to be born. And this baby now turning out to be the best thing that has ever happened to me and my family.

    Sarah Palin still trying to patch the story of Trig. This time she got over her fears quickly.

    Also, isn't it wonderful that she was able to "decide" instead of being robbed of the decision by her federal/state governments.

    Sarah Palin should be slammed by the media for praising herself for a "decision" the right-to-lifers want to make illegal.

  20. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Sarah Palin Uses A Teleprompter to Blast Obama on Fox News Sunday

    Fox Hypes Sarah Palin’s Sunday Talk Show Appearance But She’s Using Teleprompter

  21. honeybabe11:12 AM

    please, please have body language experts translate what palin'g body is saying while she it blathering on and on. that way we don't have to actually listen to the screech.

  22. Anonymous11:13 AM

    A reminder to people for a connect the dots from AK to AZ - Palin's plans to go to AZ have been in the works for quite some time.

    Thomas Van Flea (Flein) took up employment with AZ Rep. Paul Gosar (a dentist) as his legislative director and deputy chief of staff. Van Flein was in the national news in 2008 when he was Palin’s counsel in the so-called Troopergate incident. He is also the Palin’s family attorney and represents the Alaska Dental Society.

    A second staff choice by Gosar was Rob Robinson of AK. “Robinson is a retired dentist who worked with Dr. Gosar on American Dental Association lobbying activities (and was Gosar’s campaign manager). Drilling down further, Robinson was heavily involved in politics in Wasilla, Alaska and introduced the Wasillabilly to Gosar. (Palin endorsed Gosar and he spoke highly of her.)

    "Gosar used his influence at the national ADA organization to help the Alaska group in a legal crusade it fought earlier this decade. Gosar helped draw the ADA's attention to a fight to stop "dental therapists" from practicing basic dentistry in rural Alaska."

    I see Palin has a 'hard on' for dentists and/or conntections to them!! Remember too, Curtis Menard Jr. was a dentist!!!


  23. Balzafiar11:17 AM


    That's an old transcript from February 2010.


    There's another at 11:00am that is today's.

  24. Erlene11:18 AM

    For those who are behind on reading comments, here's the one from yesterday about the reader who shared a flight with Palin-

  25. Anonymous11:19 AM

    It is one thing to be stupid and illiterate, as she is to a remarkable and incredible degree. However, we need to realize that this woman cannot speak in a complete sentence. When you listen to her, or read something she has said, it is necessary to first try to piece together in a coherent fashion the random thoughts, memorized phrases and disjointed comments, so some sense can be made out of it. In effect, we all must first become apologists for her, re-writing in our own minds her idiotic ramblings, before we can even begin to contemplate her stupidity.

  26. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Don't you love how she addressed herself as President Palin -- I gagged. Wallace let it slide by -- A**hole!! The bots heads must be turning like Linda Blair's!!!

    To hear her say she didn't get it wrong about Paul Revere and Wallace let her away with it - again as he & the other morons at Faux do. Another day, another re-writing her own history of lies.

    That is hilarious. A pic of Tina Fey as Palin on Faux!!!

  27. Anonymous11:24 AM

    "...and they were going to try take our arms and we got to make sure that we were protecting ourselves and shoring up all of ammunitions and our firearms so that they couldn't take it."

    Where the FUCK does she get that from? What is this, some kind of retro-intellectual homage to the NRA?!? Fuck, is she a waste of tissue.

  28. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Thanks I'll scan the transcript. I actually feel nauseous when I hear her voice.

    And I did a search on Matt Damon's take on Sarah Palin. His thoughts are relatively kind compared to mine and she's angry about that?! My thoughts are more along the Robin Williams POV.

  29. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Interesting response to dumb $carah's answer:


  30. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I predict the emails will be heavily redacted. A typical email will read: The XXXXX is XXXXX XXXXXX. I'm hoping wikileaks will publish the unredacted emails.

  31. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Anybody ever notice this strange coincidence Sarah Palin's initials are S.P. and that could also stand for Stupidity Personified.

  32. Anonymous11:26 AM

    "You want fries with that?" is a 'Gotcha' question to Sarah Palin.

  33. Anonymous11:31 AM

    10:57 That Wikipedia page is truly fascinating. You should send that to all the news networks so they can highlight just how crazy the flying monkeys are. Thank you for highlighting that. You should send it to Rachel Maddow and maybe HuffPo too. Oh and Stewart and Colbert. That's comedy gold.

  34. Anonymous11:31 AM

    She actually took a subtle dig at Bachmann, if I caught it MB certainly did. Don't piss off MB, she's one very scary woman.

    As for her revisionist history it will only serve to calm her base, anyone who saw it who was on the fence was certainly stunned at her stupidity. Gotcha question my ass. "How are things?" is a gotcha question in her mind. "What the eff do you mean by that? That's a gotcha question"

    And finally, please God let this end for her soon. The emails, redacted and otherwise. She claims Frank was the only one who ever had to take ethics training yet his ethics training was as a result of actions he took from her direction. Like sending someone off to burn someone's house and then clucking your tongue when they get accused. And she must know most of the real stuff got redacted but she must also know that some things snuck through. So that begs the question whether she has already seen what is being send out and that is what the delay was about. They had to give Sara the time to personally redact (Toad too?). They say others did it but I have a very stinking dead fish out back that I think smells like Sara actually reviewed and approved what went out. She's far too certain about the emails containing nothing embarrassing. Guess we'll just have to turn over the babygate rock and she how that sits with her

  35. Anonymous11:33 AM

    The comments over at sea4pea in trying to defend her original answer are just precious. It clearly shows how much her avid followers will believe and defend anything she says, as if we didn't know that already. They just add to her ignorance. I also agree with you that her minions must have been very busy trying to find some connection of her answer with the truth. Unfortuately, they failed her badly. I'm also starting to see what I think is some disconnection going on between her and FOX. I wonder if FOX has told her as soon as this trip gets out of the news they plan to release her. Maybe that's what was discussed with her during the meeting she had with FOX's executives at the start of her magically wonderful bus tour.

  36. Anonymous11:34 AM

    FOX news uses Tina Fey pic while discussing Sarah Palin's possible presidential

  37. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Granny Lou, Do you know how many times Congress raised the debt ceiling while Bush was in office? Do you know?

    That question needs to be asked not just to Sarah Hollowskull but the rest of the GOP.

  38. Anonymous11:37 AM

    What solutions is she talking about.The only thing we see is Sarah raking in the $$$$ on her lies,misinformation and bile.Is this the best Fox has to offer,no wonder Jon Stewart is killing them in the ratings...was'nt there some journalists hyping this,Sarah we are still laughing.....

  39. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Politicusa has a post up regarding the use of a teleprompter during this "interview." I am beginning to feel I am in an Orwellian novel. This is really more disgusting every day. Why won't the mainstream media go after her more forcefully?

  40. Anonymous11:41 AM

    You KEEP going forward, Your Heinous! Just remember the people that know the TRUTH are going forward too, and I hope you lie awake at night mulling over that fact. From your appearance of late, I'd say it's a VERY safe bet that you are.

  41. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Sarah's making enemies left and right, on Fox. That laugh Chris Wallace made, looked like a laugh at her idiocy rather than with her.

    It's sad that there's not one friend or relative that would tell her to quit before it's too late. Her weaknesses are showing more and more everyday. How much farther can she stretch this phony facade like a rubber band ready to break?

  42. Nancy in New York11:43 AM

    Sorry Gryph, I tried to watch it, but I couldn't get past the "Thank you so much Chris" point in the video.
    Her screechy voice just makes me want to poke a sharp object into my ear canal. Reading the transcript is enough to make my blood boil.

    Who the fuck does this nitwit think she is? She can't EVER answer a simple question without playing the perpetual victim card! And if she ever does answer a question (kind of), it's usually not really answering the question at all, it's just stringing a bunch of non sensical bumper sticker slogans together while bashing the President at the same time.

    My God, when will she go away? She hasn't shut the hell up since 2008!! Her delusional supporters have made her more delusional than ever. She actually believes she DESERVES to be President!! And they've made her richer than she ever had a right to be, and she's addicted to the money too. She's going to keep playing this game until 2016 at least. When will this torture end? Thanks for fucking nothing Grandpa McCain.

  43. Erlene11:44 AM

    I hope Frank Bailey watches this interview and decides to release all of the emails he has in his possession.

    Frank, FOX News via Palin is saying you are a liar. Do you still consider yourself a "FOX News conservative"?

  44. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Having lived with a narcissist for over 30 years, I can guarantee that Sarah will never ever apologize or admit she is wrong about anything. She honestly does not believe she is anything but perfect and the most intelligent person on the planet. Narcissists do not ever change, either.

  45. Nancy in New York11:49 AM

    And to top it all off, she's using an evil teleprompter.

    She can't even do an impromptu interview with her circle jerk of friends over at fox snooze.

    And she STILL manages to sound like a complete fucking idiot.

  46. Anonymous11:50 AM

    sarah, show us YOUR long form birth certificate !

    Show us Trig's long form birth certificte !

    Show us YOUR college transcripts !

    Show us YOUR medical records !

    Hope no one is holding their breath waiting for these documents.

  47. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Nice cross.

  48. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Sarah Palin Uses A Teleprompter to Blast Obama on Fox News Sunday

  49. Anonymous11:54 AM

    No matter how thick my hatred for Barack Obama, no matter how desperate I was for someone else in the WH, I could never bring myself to fall for this screechy loser. What an imposter.

  50. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Mmmmm, hot soup on a 100 degree day!

    She almost looked like she was going to lose it at the end. Like, now that I'm done working for the day, I get to go home and eat by myself. Her ego has kept her on the national stage too long and it's cost her.

  51. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Wallace should have Bailey on, to "refudiate" her accusations, since this is supposed to be the Fair and Balanced network. What "solutions" has she put forward to solve the problems of this country? None that I have heard. No, $carah, not EVERY rock has been kicked over exposing your family. There are a couple of boulder sized ones coming down the pike, sweetheart.

  52. So, part of Revere's job decription as a courier was to bully the British and tip them off?

    She did not admit her mistake. She made It worse portraying revere as a snitch to the British. WTH?

    I heard two solutions: cut spending and cut taxes.

  53. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Gryphen - check this out. Fox put up a shot of Tina Fey when talking about Palin. ha!


  54. Anonymous12:07 PM

    A little birdie said (but you didn't hear it from me) -- if John Edwards can be indicted for doing a certain something with money that should have been used in a different way, Sarah can be too. *hint hint* Have fun with that iceberg that's about to hit you, Sarah!

  55. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Sarah Jones at politicususe has a post up about this interview.

    Palin was using a TELEPROMPTER!! And we know, it's not the first time as there was a teleprompter in the AK home studio. That is why she is in a studio in AZ, as she has no teleprompter in her house or she could have Skyped in.

    I went back to look at the video and you can see the eye movement plus you can see at times the 'screen light' in the 'left' part of her glasses (her right side of the glasses). It even reflects on her lips at times!!! She moves her head around so much when she speaks, the screen light is caught! That will teach her a lesson - don't wear glasses when you don't have to but now it is such a habit, she can't break it!!!
    Add the fact - she is just totally stunned and stupid!!

  56. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I think this is just great. The fact that she won't back down on something as petty as the Paul Revere flub (committed during her effort to "educate" America) is a headline on Yahoo and elsewhere. She's only extending this story further so that more Americans see that, first, this woman makes shit up and forces herself to double down when called on it, and secondly, that everything in the world is a gotcha' question. Nice job rehabbing your reputation, Mrs. Palin.

    Fortunately, the same qualities that her acolytes believe are her strengths (mouth that won't shut up, inability to admit when she's wrong) are the same qualities that are most likely to doom her.

    Keep it up, Sarah, keep it up.

  57. Anonymous12:10 PM

    That's our Sarah, stupid as a freaking rock. Sarah, Liar of the year awards.

  58. Anonymous12:13 PM

    The country's idiot goes on a bus and shows how ignorant she is about basic American history....then scurries into a little room with a teleprompter and tries to look smart even that fails.I guess she has to pretend she is not Sarah after all.

  59. Anonymous12:14 PM

    After my hubby watched the video of $arah Paylin
    " teaching" us poor un-educated librels about Paul Revere, he turned to our dog and said " I'd vote for you before I'd ever vote for her!" our dog is part Australian Shepard so she is pretty smart.

  60. Anonymous12:15 PM

    One minute I'm laughing my head off at the antics of this mess of a person, the next I find myself fearing for our country and the world because of her.

    I just read about the "fire in the belly" meme on and this scares the holy crap out of me. I truly think this hits the nail on the head and is the underpinning of the crazy phenomena occurring in regard to this wing nut. I think we need to continue to take this clown seriously, very seriously in terms of the damage she could inflict on not only this country but the world.

  61. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Of course she used a teleprompter! Fox gave her and Wallace the questions first, someone ginned up answers, and she practiced reading them. Does anyone seriously think that she has a clue about the economy? This is watching the Fox political machine in action and we should be worried about losing what semblance of Democracy we still have.

  62. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Over at Wiki someone did attempt to add the "bells" part of the story and when it was redacted (See Sara it cuts both ways) this idiot claimed it should remain because it was offered by a CANDIDATE for the Presidential elections in one of two major parties. I'll bet the Federal Elections Commission would like to know how this fool knows she's running and when that became known to him. I'm sure Snowdrift Snooki won't like having to come up with money to pay back SaraPAC if she's found out. The problem with lies Sara is the ALWAYS catch up with you. You might be able to dance, wink and flick you little tongue and seduce your masses but sooner or later it comes back to haunt you. Nice try Sara, who did you call to get into Wiki? I can see you out by the pool directing traffic. Where are your kids btw? And your husband, or whatever the hell is is these days

  63. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Miss DumbPants 2011, Sarah from Alaska/Arizona.

    Is she in the Land of Oz?

  64. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Sarah Palin, forever stuck on stupid.

    Hey guys & gals, Todd, Todd, Todd is available. Call him, text him, write him or just drop on in.

  65. Anonymous12:32 PM

    She's taking all the fun out of Wienergate. Poor Jon Stewart, he's probably asking his bosses if he and Colbert can do a two hour special calling it "The Undefeated One Nation Tour"

  66. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Haha so Granny Lou got caught reading IM on the plane?! Hey Granny, you'll NEVER be president. President Obama barely acknowledges your existence and anyone with a triple digit IQ thinks you stopped learning in third grade. We can't wait for all the truths of your life to come out.

    And family vacation? Really? With a gigantic bus with the Constitution on it? What an incredible joke you are. By the way; you're almost 50 years old yourself. 50. And a gramma. Keep hiking up that skirt. You'll never have the intellect of Hillary Clinton, not with ten pairs of glasses.

  67. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I cannot get over Granny Lulu caught reading IM on two screen on the plane. The one advice I would have had was to have taken a picture and sell it to any number of political outlets. The cash might have come in handy!

  68. Anonymous12:41 PM

    The reason people want to turn over every unturned stone in her life is because they suspect she's been lying to her constituents and she's been unethical, and her stories never measure up to truth. The reason people want to check out her past is so they can make up their minds whether she's a sane rational, ethical, human being and that she can be trusted to take on the mantle of President.

    She takes offense to anyone asking her questions. She doesn't belong in politics.

  69. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Nice suit, Sarah.

    Who shot the couch?

  70. Anonymous12:46 PM

    She is a F^cking idiot!

  71. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Clenched jaw and baby talk at the end. Sarah Palin wears her emotions on her sleeve. I think when she said at the end she was "going to make the soup" it might have been her attempt at making a reference towards the quote regarding just as people do not want to see sausage made, they do not want to see how government is run.

    As far as her saying that we should drive down Afghanistan and take troops home and then speaking of how America needs to carefully vet all of the spending that happens in foreign countries, note that she didn't have anything to say about the billions we give to Israel each year.

    She's way too precious for words ;-)

  72. Anonymous12:46 PM

    REmember, Sarah, when you call a child of God a liar, you'd better be sure that you have your facts right. I'm certain Frank Bailey has a prayer covering over him by loving praying christians. Even yet, only God knows his heart - but, You won't be able to forever mischaracterize the saints of the living God forever. Please ask for forgiveness and turn to the God of your youth.

  73. I just finished reading Bailey's book and it literally scared the living shit out of me. What Sarah, Todd, and all of her loyal minions have done and are STILL doing, under complete and utter self-righteousness and oblivion is so- my god I do not have the word for it. I truly don't.

    Todd was an obsessed mad man over Wooten and their blatant lying under oath in that case has to be trumpeted far and wide.

    My hope, is that should Palin declare a run, that every person in the GOP will read Bailey's, Dunn's and McGinnis' book and use it to their full advantage.

    Sarah and Todd are sick people. The people who do their bidding are lost souls. Their family that continue to enable should be questioning their own sanity.

    When she said of the Kernell case that she does believe bad behavior should have consequences I had to wonder the exact same thing Bailey did- when will SHE suffer those consequences? I am not a "believer" but any Christian worth their salt would have NOTHING to do with Palin and her ilk.

  74. How the hell is a question about what she learned about Paul Revere, after going through the TOUR, a GOTCHA question?! I'm sorry for yelling, but honest to god, this women affects me on a raging visceral level!

  75. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Since when is "What did you see this morning?" a gotcha question? What does Granny LuLu consider to be a fair question? "How are you today?" "What did you have for lunch?" "If it please Your Majesty, talk about whatever it is that you want to talk about?".

  76. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Memo to $arah Paylin: Your anger suits you. Please don't ever change. Don't let anyone tell you NOT to continue to spew venom and look angry and bitter. It is working extremely well....FOR OBAMA!!! Bwahahahahaha

  77. Anonymous said...
    from the fox transcript:
    And then when I found out that after ultra sounds, after tests, that Trigg would be born with Downs Syndrome, of course that thought occurred to me again. Wow, this is why a woman would be fearful of less than ideal circumstances, and maybe think that a quote, unquote, "problem," could just be swept away.
    And instead I was able to kind of ratchet back my fears very quickly, and -- and remember that no -- so many of us who have that fundamental belief in the sanctity of life and the potential for every human innocent life, I got to fall back on that. And -- and that did lead me to make the right decision in allowing this baby to be born. And this baby now turning out to be the best thing that has ever happened to me and my family.
    Sarah Palin should be slammed by the media for praising herself for a "decision" the right-to-lifers want to make illegal.
    11:08 AM
    How I know she didn't birth Trig:

    What mother, three YEARS after her child's birth has, as the ONLY story to tell, that of her pregnancy? Sarah's story is all about how wonderful she is for having this less then perfect baby (nice objectifying of little Trig, by the way, Sarah), despite her quick and brief disclaimer about what a blessing he is.

    In three years, there are:
    NO stories about the extent of his DS symptoms and the therapies that will be needed.
    NO stories about how she overcame breastfeeding problems due to a poor sucking reflex.
    NO stories about his hearing and its connection with DS.
    NO stories about his vision and its connection with DS.
    NO stories about his progress, his therapists, the demands on the family, the schedule, what she has learned, etc...
    NO stories about speech therapy, vision and hearing therapies, physical therapy.
    NO stories about local resources used for help.
    NO stories about state or federal resources used for help.
    NO stories about his learning how to eat progressively more complicated solid foods.
    NO stories about how he learned to walk.
    NO stories about how he learned to talk (has he?).
    NO stories about socialization. Neighborhood play groups? Down support groups?
    NO stories about the approach to education they plan (mainstreaming him? special ed?, private tutoring?)
    NO words of encouragement for other parents.
    NO proud bragging of every hard-won milestone.
    NO donated speeches for organizations for the disabled.

    Note how the subject of my "no" statements change, just as the topics of conversation for parents change as their child grows and develops.

    For all you mothers, and yes, fathers, does this seem odd?

    Three years later, the only story she tells is about HER noble, brave, madonna, martyr choice to bear this defective baby.

    Which she so often held facing outward (see how odd he looks? see his litlle Downs face? aren't I noble?) Instead of cradling her little precious, vulnerable baby close to her heartbeat.

    Other than an occasional comment here and there, crickets. Trig is nothing to her.

  78. The D value dollar? What the hell is that?

  79. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Since Michelle Bachmann is making rumblings about an announcement this month, I predict Frequently Defeated Granny will show up in her Hellbus and try to steal Michelle's thunder.

    I just love that Frequently Defeated Granny won't be able to scream "SEXISM!!" when Michelle fights back!

  80. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Just like Geoffrey Dunn said in his excellent book; she really does double down. I would say double down on stupid; sometimes it's just better to laugh it off and say something like I misspoke, etc...

    Trying to change history through a change in Wikipedia? All because the Queen's foolish pride will not let her admit a mistake?

    This woman is very a danger to all of us. Lies are all she has.

  81. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I am finally reading Frank Bailey's book and LOVING it! It's like being there in the room with all of Sarah's craziness.

    I am also enjoying Sarah's summer antics. The more she opens her mouth, the more America and the world get to see her for exactly what she is - a grifting, disingenuous, modern-day, P.T. Barnum.

    Another up side to Sarah's rants of misinformation about our President, Barack Obama? Contributions pour into his campaign and that of the DNC.

    Go Sarah!!! Thank you from a very happy Independent voter!

  82. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I noticed she was not wearing her wedding ring, for large part of her mystery her separation from Todd making her dumber than usual?

  83. Anonymous1:10 PM

    All those millions and she can't find a jacket that fits her.

  84. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Sarah Palin Uses A Teleprompter to Blast Obama on Fox News Sunday

    Fox Hypes Sarah Palin’s Sunday Talk Show Appearance But She’s Using Teleprompter

  85. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Palin keeps bitching that President Obama and everyone is telling her to 'sit down and shut up'.

    That's not true.

    It's GOD telling her to 'Sit down and shut the fuck up'.

    He quit on her as he's fed up with her bullshit lies about religion and everything else that spews from her mouth.

    He has her number and he said 'Hell is too good for her'!!!

  86. Anonymous1:20 PM

    We know Palin reads IM!!

    Why would she have made her huge failed attempt at an apology by Piper???

    She read it here about how bad Piper behaved and that she is an unfit mother. Always was and always will be an unfit mother.

    Child services should once again be notified as to the abuse of the children.

    Trig has probably been absent because they were reported to not be providing the care for him and his needs. Her attempt to run away to AZ won't help her in that.

    But then, we've already heard that a divorce is in the works. The first time when IM reported the divorce, she read IM and put it on hold so not to prove IM correct.

    Palin - once a moron - always a moron. Once an unfit mother - always an unfit mother.

    Won't be long before her family has her committed to a padded cell!!!

  87. Anonymous1:20 PM

    How does one ride through town, fire shots, and ring bells all at the same time? How does this warn the British that they weren't going to be taking our guns? How is this woman even taken seriously? Team Obama and Team GOP are not doing their job to make her go away, and I'm not voting for any of their sorry-asses if they are going to hold her up as the stupidity vote to get me to vote for any of them. They did this shit in Nevada, Harry Reid vs. Crazy Sharron Angle. If they are going to do this on the National scene as some kind of political-stimulus plan, I won't vote. They have way enough on her to take her out, and they need to get with it. The fact that she is even given any attention in serious politics astounds me.

  88. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Sarah - maybe if you spent less time at Immoral minority and more time googling historical facts, maybe you would keep having to make things up?

  89. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Let the Trailer Trash Wasillabilly Whore keep ranting. She splits the votes of those that are as deranged as she is and those that aren't so much and will vote for the other moron Rethug candidates.

    Congratulations on your second term President Obama!!!!

  90. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Well Chris Wallace is pimping out for Palin on multiple Fox shows today. When is someone going to step in and call Fox out for letting her run for President while she's still being paid by them? I have to believe most people are aware she's running and she's past the edge where conflicts occur where she should be gone. They fired two people for even suggesting the might run and she keeps getting free pass after free pass. Roger must be getting himself taken care of in some way by her or she's got something on him she'll spill if he makes her quit. Blackmail is a very strong motivator to keep things as they are

  91. Anonymous1:33 PM

    How do we know it's not $P herself 'fixin' those Wiki pages of Paul Revere? hehe

  92. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Anon 1:20
    "How does one ride through town, fire shots, and ring bells all at the same time?....Team Obama and Team GOP are not doing their job to make her go away,........"


    Simply put, your comment is as friggin stupid as Palin.

    Sit down and shut up as like Palin, your ignorance & stupdity is showing.

    One word would better describe your comment though: Bullshit.

    Can tell - you didn't vote for Obama as you would know, it's not his responsibility to get rid of her you moron.

    You're a bought and paid for BOT - a brainless one.

    Thought you fooled us - NOT. Stupid you are -- we're not. Say goodbye TROLL!!!

  93. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Has she had some coaching? Seemed as if there were some new/different hand gestures. What's with the long sleeve heavy jacket? Know how hot is in AZ right now? And no wedding ring. On the bus tour, Bristol & Piper were the only children present... where were Trig and Tripp? Just askin'

  94. So now we have to put the emails in context.

    I find it ironic that conservatives love to judge other people and never give the benefit of the doubt. But when they are under the microscope, then we have to know the "context".

    I guess "context" here is "anything that will make me right and you wrong."

  95. Anonymous1:37 PM

    As every child was taught when I was in school, Paul Revere was celebrated because of his historically important ride on April 18, 1775. Paul Revere was also a silversmith, and a good one. But his major contribution to American history was his midnight ride to warn the Yankees that the British army was coming. He did not warn the British!!!! And that is what he is memorialized for in Boston and elsewhere.

    And to Sarah (and her handlers), in Boston and indeed the whole Northeast questions about Paul Revere are not considered "gotcha" questions. That's insulting. And Palin's attempt to cover her ignorance with pomposity and spin does nothing for her image--quite the opposite. Palin should have said her tour was to learn American history. But then that would not have been true either.

    Here is the real history from The Paul Revere House Historical Association:

    In 1774 and the Spring of 1775 Paul Revere was employed by the Boston Committee of Correspondence and the Massachusetts Committee of Safety as an express rider to carry news, messages, and copies of resolutions as far away as New York and Philadelphia.

    On the evening of April 18, 1775, Paul Revere was sent for by Dr. Joseph Warren and instructed to ride to Lexington, Massachusetts, to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that British troops were marching to arrest them. After being rowed across the Charles River to Charlestown by two associates, Paul Revere borrowed a horse from his friend Deacon John Larkin. While in Charlestown, he verified that the local "Sons of Liberty" committee had seen his pre-arranged signals. (Two lanterns had been hung briefly in the bell-tower of Christ Church in Boston, indicating that troops would row "by sea" across the Charles River to Cambridge, rather than marching "by land" out Boston Neck. Revere had arranged for these signals the previous weekend, as he was afraid that he might be prevented from leaving Boston).

    On the way to Lexington, Revere "alarmed" the country-side, stopping at each house, and arrived in Lexington about midnight. As he approached the house where Adams and Hancock were staying, a sentry asked that he not make so much noise. "Noise!" cried Revere, "You'll have noise enough before long. The regulars are coming out!" After delivering his message, Revere was joined by a second rider, William Dawes, who had been sent on the same errand by a different route. Deciding on their own to continue on to Concord, Massachusetts, where weapons and supplies were hidden, Revere and Dawes were joined by a third rider, Dr. Samuel Prescott. Soon after, all three were arrested by a British patrol. Prescott escaped almost immediately, and Dawes soon after. Revere was held for some time and then released. Left without a horse, Revere returned to Lexington in time to witness part of the battle on the Lexington Green.

  96. After all the theorizing yesterday on Lora Novak's excellent blog, I've come to the conclusion that I don't want to know the sordid details of who was doing what with whom. I just hope the kids can come out of this mess with a useful life.
    Sarah isn't going to be "taken down" by the sorry excuse for a mother that she is. Her minions will be proud of her doing the best for her children, and then rally around to protect her from those evil bloggers that are making life difficult for her.

    The only way I see her being out of contention for public office is if she's convicted of some criminal wrongdoing.
    I think we should ratchet up Dairy-gate or House-gate.
    I've some life experience with building houses and have had personal knowledge of mixing materials for an "extra" load charged for one job but used on another. I can assure you that
    Todd and some buddies didn't build that house on the Lake (without a building permit ) without some of the material and labor from the hockey center. Fraud and free material anyone?
    I have come to the conclusion that only a conviction of some sort will stop her.

    As was pointed out by IM - once we knew all the sorry details of baby-gate we might wish we hadn't gone there.

  97. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Wallace fucked up by referring to her as 'What would PRESIDENT Palin do'. She responded by called herself President Palin.

    FAUX should release her IMMEDIATELY as they did Newt & Santorim before they declared themselves candidates.

    We should spread this far and wide!!!!!

  98. Pursang1:39 PM

    Textbooks in Texas are now being frantically rewritten to include the new Palin version of Paul Revere's ride.

    I'm finding it hard to understand how anything in Palin's emails outside of personal information can be redacted. This isn't the Federal Government where there are issues over State Secrets and other classified information concerns. This is the Governor of a small state (population-wise) and there should be nothing that warrants redaction even if state policy is being discussed.

    I believe that an impartial panel of individuals (with a required confidentiality statement) should have reviewed the documents prior to redacting to insure that they are being accurately presented to the public and no political redacting is taking place.

    As far as Palin, I used to joke that she was mentally ill but no more. The woman is mentally ill and everyone that is covering for her is doing her a great disservice. The fact that she is still being presented as even remotely electable for any office let alone the Presidency is scary.

    Should she be elected it will mean the end of this country. It will quickly become a theocratic fascist state in no time and we will never recover.

  99. Anonymous1:41 PM

    To: Frank Bailey

    Mrs. Palin cynically made you her sacrificial lamb during Troopergate. Now, she's sacrificing your honor once again by lying about you on national TV.

    Frank, it's time to release ALL the emails. If you can't muster up enough patriotism to do it for your country, then do it for the sake of your wife and children....and your own integrity. For pity's sake, take off the hair shirt, and cease the self-flagellations! You did wrong. We get it. It's Mrs. Palin's turn to actually face the truth and take responsibility for her actions. Revealing all you know is not revenge, it's JUSTICE (Christian OR secular)...and it's damn long overdue.


    Concerned American

  100. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I'm going to keep going forward with solutions that I want to see applied to this great country, the challenges that we're facing.

    Um really? When are we going to hear anything about them?

  101. There is no such thing as a "gotcha question." A question is simply a question, nothing more, and nothing less.

    There are, however, "gotcha answers" when someone tries to answer a question on something they know little or nothing about.

    A gotcha answer is a lie formulated on the fly by a dishonest person trying to con you.

    People who suffer from "gotcha answers" are dishonest people. Period.

  102. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Listen, Lou Sarah, or whatever name you are using to comment everyplace, Listen, Lou Sarah, and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere. He rode to warn some members of the Sons of Liberty, meeting in Lexington, that they were going to be arrested.

    Paul Revere did not warn the British about anything. The way that the British were shown that they could not take the arms of the patriots (everyone was British then) was when a raggedy group of local militia members fired at them.

    The battle moved down the road to Concord, Massachusetts, where more patriots and British shot at each other at the North Bridge, firing the shot "heard 'round the world," the stuff that Michele Bachmann thought happened in New Hampshire.
    There is a statue (not statute) of a Minuteman, the example of the local citizen who picked up his own musket and ran out to join his fellow villages in opposing the British.

    I don't know how to say it more clearly, PAUL REVERE DID NOT WARN THE BRITISH ABOUT ANYTHING, NOTHING, NO TIME, NO WAY, NO HOW. You can have your bots try to rewrite Wikipedia, but there are too many books, encyclopedias and other websites that will keep the faithful record of history. Just repeating it doesn't make it so.

    Sarah must love American History so much that it's like "Love Story," never having to say that you're sorry.

  103. Anonymous2:07 PM

    "President Palin?" HAHAHAHAHAHA (breath) HAHAHAHAHAHA (breath) HAHAHAHAHAHA (breath) HAHAHAHAHAHA

  104. Anonymous2:07 PM

    ok, the baby-voice and cutesy wootsy face she made at the end of the interview are disgusting. How very Presidential. This is the warrior her fans talk about?? She really is a paris hilton (older, wrinkled version of course)

  105. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Interesting isn't it that we never see the includsion of Todd's parents (and step parents) of anything Palin. Wanna bet they cannot stand her - they could probably share so much about her that would be detrimental.

    Palin is the biggest bafoon covered in our media.

  106. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Nefer @ 1:00 PM

    Wonderful comment about Trig. Thanks.

    You also have a good blog list.


  107. Anonymous2:35 PM


    If Frank is lying, please release "your" version of the emails.

    Frank isn't the only one you threw under the bus who is going to tell all and you know it. This is your last ditch effort to make as much $ as you possibly can. You know when the $hit hits the fan, Toad will be gone as well as the kiddos.

    $arah it really is very entertaining watching you self destruct. YOU have created the hot water you find yourself in.

    Pass the popcorn :-)

  108. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Is she being interviewed from heaven?
    I mean, she's 'robed' in white with
    a background of stars. Just wondering.
    Who does she think she's fooling posing with a backdrop like that?
    Just 2 words describe her: fake &

    Sharon TN

  109. Anonymous2:45 PM

    @ 2:45 in video, FOX claims Palin has a B.S. degree from Idaho...

    while a Bachelor of Science might be expected for one who spent 6 yrs in college, was this really a Bachelor of Arts?

  110. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Add "vinegar tits" somewhere in the title, and you've nailed this idiot.

    What an idiot! She wants honesty and candidness from government, when she's succeeded in holding back these emails for years.

    She needs to increse her meds, she's looking more and more manic as time goes on. Fox News supports domestic terrorists. They got rid of Beck as a symbolic acknowledgement of that, they need to finish the job.

    Thanks for a great post. And please tell Bree we miss her and hope she's doing well.

  111. yukonark2:55 PM

    Apologies if this has been posted previously by others, but Sarah's 5 day roadtrip was truly "An Idiot Abroad."

  112. Pat in MA2:56 PM

    I couldn't watch it, and didn't get past her first lines of the transcript. She is a MORAN!!!!!
    There were no AMERICANS to warn, the colonists were still British subjects. The whole REVOLUTION thing was about getting away from British rule. Sarah, you were WRONNNNGGGGGG! Why can't you just friggin' admit it????? Hideous, vile, stupid, stupid woman. The audacity of DOPE.

  113. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Sarah knows her days with FOX are severly limited, and feels she has to get her parting shots now before it is announced next week that she will no longer be a FOX commentator. At least that is my impression which I'll bet happens this week. Any takers? Bets are now being taken at $1.00 per person (I'm not greedy). After that, poor Sarah will not have a steady source of income and will only have SarahPac donations. Also, the only means she will have to get her word out to largest number of the people will be lost, with except for an occational interviews with Hannity and and Gretta. Since the Republican Party is not giving her any attention or hope on being on their ticket, she will have to rely on a third party (Tea Bagger). Of course, we all know what that do for the Republican candidate. By the middle of November 2011, she will be the most unpopular person on the planet.

    Mark my words, this will begin to take shape next week, or at the latest by the end of the month. It will just depend on FOX.

  114. Anonymous3:29 PM

    GW Bush was never willing to admit he did anything wrong, either. Goes with the personality type. Not that smart, overwhelmed by the standard demands of the job (president, politician, pundit), constantly playing defense. The whole nine yards.

    She is so miserable right now. Every time she does one of these PR pushes and screws up - which is something she inevitably does - she gets so pissed.

    Face it, Sarah, you do not have what it takes. You consider a question about a historic site about which you have presumably just learned, a "gotcha" question? Really? God forbid they ask you anything beyond that! Which they would if you ran, and you know it.

    You won't admit to running because of all the questions you would be expected to answer and all the access you would be expected to offer. This is just so much easier, isn't it? Secret running.

    Not fooling anyone. Now I know why you left your tour. You had messed up - yes, messed up - one too many times so you needed to go to a studio cocoon of some kind and do your canned interviews with friendly media types. Pathetic.

    You thought that flirting with the 7 or so reporters who were following you around would do the trick, right? Wrong.

    Sarah, this is not for you. You know it deep down.

  115. OK, so let's assume that somehow Sarah knows something about Paul Revere's ride that NO ONE else in the history of this country knows. If she is correct, then how come Paul Revere is considered a PATIOT? How come he didn't get jailed immediately for tipping off the British? How come his story even survived to be told over and over? Does she think that he and the Patriots were as busy lyin and makin stuff up as she is?

  116. I commented at 1:00 about what we haven't heard from Sarah regarding Trig. Most of the items on the list reflected the difficulties of raising a child with developmental issues.

    I should have also included in the list:
    NO stories about how encouraging it has been to learn about the many accomplishments and talents found in children with Down Syndrome, just as with other children, and that it is possible to have Down Syndrome and a productive, rewarding, accomplished life.

  117. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Women politicians who have never been captured on video 'talking babytalk' - Hillary Clinton, Jennifer Granholm, Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

    Women Journalists who have never been captured on video 'talking babytalk' - Christiane Amanpour, Diane Sawyer, Leslie Stahl, Maria Shriver.

  118. Anonymous3:36 PM

    was it her mother's white coat she was wearing, it was HUGE and PUFFY

  119. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Nefer: "Other than an occasional comment here and there, crickets. Trig is nothing to her."

    Your post is a complete bulls eye. What a tragedy that this little boy got involved with Sarah Palin. The most we can hope is that his days are spent with loving people who don't disappear for long periods, and have the resources and desire to nurture him. I've seen at least one video of Trig smacking Sarah in the face. I think he sees right through her to her serpent's heart. Melly

  120. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Definition of a Sarah Palin Gotcha Question:

    Gotcha Question to Sarah Palin is a question that was not pre-screened or a question not given to Sarah within 48 hrs prior to her interview. A Gotcha Question also covers questions given to Sarah without the correct answers provided to her.

  121. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Here's a campaign theme song for you, Your Heinous.

  122. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Can't you just see Piper in school taking a test with the rest of her class and refusing to answer the Gotcha Questions?

    Teacher: "Piper dear, that is not a Gotcha Question, I asked the whole class to write their names on their paper so that I know whose paper I'm checking."

  123. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Anon 3:52
    "Definition of a Sarah Palin Gotcha Question:

    Gotcha Question to Sarah Palin is a question that was not pre-screened or a question not given to Sarah within 48 hrs prior to her interview. A Gotcha Question also covers questions given to Sarah without the correct answers provided to her."


    You hit that nail on the head!!!

  124. Beldar Evel Conehead4:22 PM

    Gryphen, quite honestly, I have to give this one to the screechy wretch on a technicality. Sorry. Note carefully, that she declares "I know my American history!". The operative word is "MY". I think we can all admit that we have our own personal versions of history. For example, in my version, General Custer defeated Geronimo at the famous battle of The Alamo and went on to found a successful chain of fried chicken emporia curiously called Eduardo's Seafood. Sure, I know it doesn't make a bit of sense but I do ask that you respect MY American history just as I would respect whatever lunatic version of history you might come up with. We're talking about simple common courtesy here. If the Gristly Mama wants to believe that Benjamin Franklin Delano Roosevelt invented the fax machine by suspending a typewriter from a weather balloon in a snow storm, we should respect HER American history, also, too.

    And I want to wish everyone on IM a happy Delaware River Crossing Day which, of course, celebrates the famous historical event when the late stuntman Jerome "Precious" Knievel unsuccessfully attempted to paddle an "unsinkable" canoe carrying himself, a customized 1937 Harley-Davidson Flathead and 3 husky members of the lamestream media across the swollen Delaware River. (I've heard rumors that Leg #9 of the Won Nation vacation tour may make an unannounced stopover to permit The Grisly Momma to lay a wreath at the site from which the canoe was briefly floated that fateful day...)

  125. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Women politicians who have never been captured on video 'talking baby talk' - Hillary Clinton, Jennifer Granholm, Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

    Women Journalists who have never been captured on video 'talking babytalk' - Christiane Amanpour, Diane Sawyer, Leslie Stahl, Maria Shriver.

    3:34 PM

    Baby talk is how Sarah got her college degree.

    I'm sorry Sarah, but I need to share with America why you went to 5 colleges to get one degree.

    What happened is that Sarah's cutesy baby talk did not sit well with her first 4 female journalism college professors which forced Sarah to go to college number 5 and Sarah finally got lucky and her "male" journalism professor passed her.

    Sarah has been working hard since 2008 and is hoping 4 years of cutesy baby talk will get her the presidency in 2012.

  126. I tell ya.. Keith Olbermann has this one absolutely correct.

    "This woman is an idiot".....

  127. Anonymous4:53 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    I'm going to keep going forward with solutions that I want to see applied to this great country, the challenges that we're facing.

    Um really? When are we going to hear anything about them?

    1:52 PM"

    About the same time John McCain was going to tell where to find Osama Bin Laden?

    Meaning NEVER, because she doesn't have a clue.

  128. Balzafiar5:01 PM

    Since it really obvious now that Palin is stretching the law quite a bit to campaign while still employed, the other, more genuine candidates should be watching carefully until she makes that one fatal slip -- then take FOX to court and legally enforce the equal time rule for all of them.

    That should put Roger, Rupert, Sarah and FOX into a tailspin. Might cost them quite a bit of money too.

  129. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I would strongly suggest that Gryphen would know if Sarah was accessing his blog.

    He can determine who the folks are viewing his blog as can other bloggers, if they decide to investigate. Specific numbers are attached to each of our email addresses. Why has no one ever suggested this could be accomplished?

  130. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Yeah, those poor folk who lost their homes to foreclosure, which I went ahead and took advantage of by buying my $1.7 home. Those poor folks.

  131. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Palin spends her energy promoting herself at the expense of others. Notice how she lies about herself as she lies about other people labeling them as the liars.

    It speaks volumes about Mr. And Mrs. Palin they would write letters praising her using other people's names. No wonder Bristol was angry on DWTS fraudulent votes did not manipulate a win for her too.

    My coworkers laughed guffawing over Palin's description of Paul Revere. One liked Palin until she watched SPA.

  132. ibwilliamsi6:15 PM

    "gotcha"? Seriously? Wasn't it something like "What did you think of what you saw today?" OH! GOTCHA! "What did you THINK?" That's definitely a "gotcha" for Scarah.

    This is exactly the explanation that I told my husband she would give. It's the stock and trade answer to "why do you need a well armed militia" in the private sector? "To protect us as we did from the British." Excepting that your automatic hunting rifle isn't going to protect you from a fully fueled 747.

  133. ibwilliamsi6:25 PM

    If Trig is the best thing that ever happened to Sarah's family, why was he not on the family vacation?

  134. Anonymous6:31 PM

    5:24, how is Gryphen supposed to do that? In order for Gryphen to determine when Palin was accessing his blog, he'd first have to know what her IP # is. If she's using her Blackberry then she will not even have a unique IP address to begin with, only be ID'd as connecting to a Blackberry server, and there are lots of people with Blackberries.

    If she's using a device that connects to a broadband or mobile broadband service, forget it, unless you know for a fact she's the only person in the Wasilla or Flagstaff (?) areas who ever visits this blog.

  135. ibwilliamsi6:38 PM

    We spent a long weekend working to clean up our deck for the summer. There were lots of quiet moments to just contemplate life and the world around us.

    Two things came to mind. First, the most obvious, that maybe this IS the end times. The "Christians" are not Christians. They blame the hungry for their hunger. They blame the ill for their illnesses. They want to rob the poor to give to the rich. It's bass-ackwards.

    The other is how much Sarah reminds me of Madame DeFarge. "Tell the Wind and the Fire where to stop; not me!"

    Sarah is mad and consumed with anger and hatred. She will never be sated. Give her the moon and she will want the stars.

  136. I bet Anthony Weiner sent $arah a thank you note (with a picture!)

  137. Anonymous6:45 PM

    ibwilliamsi said...

    If Trig is the best thing that ever happened to Sarah's family, why was he not on the family vacation?

    6:25 PM

    Trig is the best thing that ever happened to Sarah's family.

    Trig brought in about $1,000,000 for them. Now that Trig is older and spends most of the time by himself he does not recognize any of them anymore and is now a liability for Sarah.

    Sarah can't risk Trig slapping Sarah in public.

  138. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Sarah Palin is like a human scale. In her outstretched arms Sarah is holding Trig in one hand, in the other hand Sarah is holding herself.

    Sorry Trig you loose. Momma will see you sometime in August.

  139. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Where is Todd?

    Where is Sarah?

    Where is Trig?

    Who is watching Trig?

    They say Todd is fishing, it is his business! What? All that money the Palins have and Todd is fishing for chump change?

    Is Todd is fishing for massage money?

    Suppose to be a family with Christian values?

    Which Palin family member is spending time with Trig?

    I just don't get it!

    Trig would be better off if he was put up for adoption.

  140. Anonymous7:03 PM

    ibwilliamsi said...

    If Trig is the best thing that ever happened to Sarah's family, why was he not on the family vacation?

    6:25 PM

    Because nobody was home to ask him.

  141. Anonymous7:58 PM

    It appears that Ms. Palin was fed all the questions in advance and had prepared answers since she is reading from a teleprompter the entire time.

  142. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Note to Chris Wallace: Your father is ashamed of you. Not only were these pitiful questions, and you carried her water, she knew the questions before the interview and had her answers on teleprompter. Shame on you, Chris!

  143. @1:26

    I'm very concerned as to why FOX hasn't released her yet.

    It's funny that you mention Palin must have something on them she's holding over them to keep her on. She whines all the time about opposition researchers, but during her political career, according to Bailey's book, they were dispatched to do that all the time. And they never hesitated to use it and destroy the target in question.

    Also, Palin never seems to have actually written anything herself. Meg was in charge of Twitter early on. Ivy did much of her writing and press releases, and Going Rogue? Not a fucking word was written by Palin. Lynn wrote it all with input from Palin being topics that Lynn could include in the book that would shape the "myth" Palin wanted out there about her and her family. Complete and utter bullshit.

    There is no WAY this woman could ever run our country. I bet the "machine" she so despises will let her in the primary, but if they even remotely consider making her the GOP nom, then there is something seriously wrong with our country.

  144. @1:26

    I'm very concerned as to why FOX hasn't released her yet.

    It's funny that you mention Palin must have something on them she's holding over them to keep her on. She whines all the time about opposition researchers, but during her political career, according to Bailey's book, they were dispatched to do that all the time. And they never hesitated to use it and destroy the target in question.

    Also, Palin never seems to have actually written anything herself. Meg was in charge of Twitter early on. Ivy did much of her writing and press releases, and Going Rogue? Not a fucking word was written by Palin. Lynn wrote it all with input from Palin being topics that Lynn could include in the book that would shape the "myth" Palin wanted out there about her and her family. Complete and utter bullshit.

    There is no WAY this woman could ever run our country. I bet the "machine" she so despises will let her in the primary, but if they even remotely consider making her the GOP nom, then there is something seriously wrong with our country.

  145. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Sarah, what are you most afraid of?

    We know there are some blockbuster rumors out there, and some may get substantiated with hard evidence as time goes on.

    Sarah, I'm now talking directly to you:
    Your plane trip story from Texas to Alaska after the water broke is just not believable by any rational person. Especially as it would put a DS preemie at risk.

    We know you're concerned about that one coming out, but maybe it will be disregarded as to outrageous.

    I think what's really got you worried is what Levi could say, and what Bristol has told him about the family

    And when Levi's book comes out,
    the timing is awful for you, since you will have to be in the race for President by then, unless you have just been teasing all along.

    Remember right after you lost the election when Levi said on TV he could "destroy you". That's it isn't it Sarah? Levi lived there, he knows details about the fights, the swearing, the awful things you said, and more about why you quit as Governor than you'd ever want revealed.
    And what about that email you got
    from the mother the day before you resigned as Governor?

    I bet Levi knows about your meds, and the addiction, and the sad truth about how you and Todd were living in the same house, but might as well be divorced.

    Sarah, the truth has a strange way of coming back to haunt us if we treat people badly, and lie about so much. You know the very worst is going to happen.

  146. Anonymous10:17 PM

    She looks like she has Bells Palsy.

  147. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Anonymous said...
    It appears that Ms. Palin was fed all the questions in advance and had prepared answers since she is reading from a teleprompter the entire time.

    7:58 PM

    What's very interesting about Palin's FOX interview with Wallace is:

    1)Palin did not complain at any time about one Gotcha Question from Wallace. Why is that Sarah?

    2) Palin was able to answer some questions without looking like a babbling idiot ready to drool all over herself even though she gave false information.

    So why is it that when Palin is not in a controlled situation like in a closed friendly studio or in her house studio, she can't even answer questions like "What do you read?" "Can you name a Supreme Court Case?" or questions regarding Paul Revere or name a journalist without having to look at Todd? If Palin was in a controlled studio and was asked to name a journalist, she would not look at or ask Todd for the answer, Palin would look at the teleprompter for the answer.

    That’s why Sarah hates the lame stream media asking her questions in public and loves answering FOX’s in-studio interviews, there is a difference!

    I hope Gryphen posts different examples like the simple questions asked of her in public and how she turns into a babbling idiot and then how she is o FOX shows when she knows the questions and given the answers on a teleprompter.

    FOX and McCain are similar on how they try to present Sarah to the public, it has to be controlled like when John McCain has to sit next to her and cut into Sarah’s answers or spoon feed Sarah the answers.

  148. Anonymous12:49 AM

    The real Sarah Plain is not pretty.

  149. Anonymous11:24 AM

    The more she moves her hands the more she is lying or unsure what the hell she's talking about.


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