Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sadly I have seen WAY too many Bristol Palin videos today, but this one is the strangest.

I have watched this video about four times now, and there is something very wrong with how her face moves.  Is that the result of cheek implants, or is she just high? Anybody?

So besides the video there is also this article.  Here are some of her more bizarre answers.

On abstinence:

"I hate the word abstinence," she says. "My mom knows I hate that word, everyone knows I hate that word. People think that I'm just 'abstinence only, do not have sex.' No. If you're going to have sex, practice safe sex. But the best option to prevent teen pregnancy is to not have sex."

You know, not only does Bristol hate the WORD abstinence, she also hates the PRACTICE of abstinence.

On her jaw surgery:

In person, a double take is required to first recognize her. The fullness of adolescence in her face is gone, leaving her with a much more angular look.

The surgery has been fodder for the likes of Kathy Griffin and Bill Maher.

"Why do people care?" asks Palin. In the mirror, she says she can't tell much of a difference. "Do people care when someone gets braces or glasses? Honestly, I'm just thankful I have tough skin to deal with that kind of stuff."

She doesn't read blogs and says her critics will talk regardless of what she does. What you'll never see her do?

"Pose naked," she shoots back. "Never."

You know, not to be mean, but I don't think anybody is clamoring to have Bristol pose naked. That may be the one thing she will not have trouble abstaining from.

On her next hook up:

What she wants: "Someone with the same religious beliefs as me and someone who's a family man." But "I have no time to date anyone right now."

Unless of course they brought their own tent and ice chest stocked with wine coolers.

Afer all a Wasilla girl can only hold out so long ya know.

I so wanted to believe that Bristol was just the victim of her mother's poor decisions and that there was something redeemable about her character.  I was wrong to give her that much credit.


  1. I don't know about the cheek implants, but they do seem rock-hard, like you could crack a nut on her face. Given her natural curviness, that hardness is fakey looking.

    She seems to me to have taken a little something for the nerves and been told to smile and be positive for the camera.

  2. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I think she's so full of herself that her head is about to explode.

  3. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Ew… she is doing that gape-mouthed Sarah thing now, of lowering her jaw and opening wide when she "smiles". It's so fake.

  4. comeonpeople4:10 PM

    I think it is the shadow on the right side of her face that makes that side look smaller and the laft side larger. She looks disproportionate. She also is nearly unrecognizable from her former self. She looks like Snookle Kardashian..or Briski Kardashian. Nooo Brewski Kardashian!!

  5. Anonymous4:12 PM

    You're right- the entire lower half of her face moves like one solid chunk. In fact, nothing moves except her eyes- eeewwww, "House of Wax".

    The lighting is so extreme with sharp shadows- makes me wonder if the lighting technicians wanted to make her look even more like a ventriloquist's dummy-?

    Wild Tortoise

  6. Virginia Voter4:14 PM

    Here's another gem:

    "I think I feel about 35 or 40 all the time," she says, laughing lightly. "I feel like an adult all the time. But last night, like watching Tangled with Tripp, I felt young then."

    Well, at least the outside matches the inside.

    I think Bristol also had collagen done, but her lower lip looks way bigger than the upper lip. There's no symmetry to her face, the eyes are lopsided, the lips are uneven, and the chin has taken on a life of it's own. When Bristol talks or laughs, only the lower part of her face moves, the rest is frozen. Maybe it's nerve or muscle damage? I have no idea, maybe other readers can weigh in.

  7. 8tseven4:14 PM

    I think that it's because her smile does not fit her face anymore, if that makes any sense. It just looks so awkward, not natural. She does talk like a stoner and sounds immature.

  8. Anonymous4:15 PM

    She's high on something..

  9. Anonymous4:18 PM

    She is starting to look like Octomom...

  10. jadez4:20 PM

    her movements may be due to her being self conscience about the implants etc..but what you see in these videos is she has learned the same speech patterns as her mother... the softer giggle type talk and the canned answers...and remember these tapes are being edited and she is obviously allowed to give her answers over and probably only after someone off camera helps her...so you see the eye movements to the left.....
    but,,,,the tone of her voice is practiced and no doubt she is working with coaches on how to appear in front of a camera.

  11. Anonymous4:21 PM

    She definitely has the ventriloquist dummy thing going on with the bottom part of her mouth. It's soooo bizarre. The lower part moves like it's all connected or stuck together or something.

  12. Virginia Voter4:21 PM

    I'VE GOT IT, this is what Bristol reminds me of:


    WARNING, you may be a little creeped out, my son freaked.

    Her mouth moves like a ventriloquist dummy.

  13. ibwilliamsi4:23 PM

    Did she take the gum out of her mouth? What's her favorite guilty pleasure? I listened four times and couldn't figure it out.

    Of COURSE she hasn't danced since DWTS. She can't find anyone to drag her flabby ass around1

  14. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Big mistake is the spot light on Biscuit's face. What it does is throws her chin out there like it was in 3D.

  15. Anonymous4:28 PM

    DEFINITELY cheek implants! Also Botox injected lips, and the 'medically necessary' mis-restructuring of her JAWS.
    Talking about a plastic-person... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO YOURSELF, GIRL!!!

  16. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I think it's her chin. Most people's chins move slightly when talking or making expressions...her's just hangs there moving up and down solidly. I agree with the other poster who said she's on something for nerves, could be xanax.

  17. Anonymous4:30 PM

    If you look at the right side of Bristol’s face, closest to us the viewers, it is as if Bristol has 3 sections on her lower face.

    Section 1: Her cheek.

    Section 2: Then there is her chin extension.

    Section 3: There is that lump between her cheek and her chin extension. The lump is very obvious because you can see the lines that separate the lump from the cheek and the chin extension. I have never seen that on anyone as far as I can remember.

  18. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Her eyes and lips move, that is all. Her forehead, cheeks and nose do not move. Wait till this all settles in. She will look worse, not better. I had botox and when it wore off, everything sagged. If she had injections, hers will too. Too bad, now she will have to take them forever.

  19. Anonymous4:33 PM

    She seems as though she is stoned and talking with nuts in her cheeks. The lighting was definitely hiding the botch job of her right jaw. There is something very wrong on that side of her face and it needs to be fixed--so sad. Her teeth actually seem like NOW they are not lined up correctly. Almost like she can't close her mouth all the way. What a mess

  20. Anonymous4:35 PM

    WTF?!? This is such bullshit!!

    Oh, yeah, she's waiting until she gets married to have sex (AGAIN).


    Palin went on to make the dubious claim that “my close family hadn’t known about my pregnancy until just a few days prior” to when they saw it announced on television in a Minnesota hotel room, presumably around the time of the 2008 Republican convention, when she was already five months pregnant. According to the NY Daily News, her pregnancy was an open secret around Wasilla. So either Bristol’s “close family” didn’t catch on to what everyone else knew (and she didn’t tell them) or they knew before she said they did. And wouldn’t that be the same “close family” she lied to when she snuck out to hang out with her friends, that one time, just a few months before? I wonder if that close family knew she was on the pill, too.

  21. "Pose naked. Never!"

    Hah! Wonder what the over/under is on that.

  22. Anonymous4:42 PM

    "On her next hook up:

    What she wants: "Someone with the same religious beliefs as me and someone who's a family man." But "I have no time to date anyone right now."

    Who in the hell wants to hook up with Bristol? We already know what's going to happen, you'll end up in her next book which will be about her memoirs of her first 21 years which is due out soon.

  23. Anonymous4:44 PM

    4:30pm...yeh, that and....i think she is still getting botox/injections in her face.
    ive never thought she had a chin implant, but they did sculpt the fat from her fat cheeks, thus allowing her chin to jut way out. on its own.

    she shows a long up/down groove after her chin where the rest of her un-suctioned-face is.
    she hides the grooves behind her fake hair.

    next up?....she'll have the back cheek fat sucked. it does stick out she knows it.
    i guess that will be called 'wisdom teeth'.

    another year she will be unrecognizable, which i gather is what she is going for.

  24. Anonymous4:45 PM

    i think her face is so tight from being shot up she has trouble moving what is moveable.

  25. Anonymous4:46 PM

    "I hate the word abstinence," she says. "My mom knows I hate that word, everyone knows I hate that word. People think that I'm just 'abstinence only, do not have sex."


    Oh yeah, Bristol the Christian girl just admitted that she is doing the nasty.

    Wash your mouth before kissing Tripp.

  26. Hannah4:46 PM

    OMG< she's trying to look like a Kardashian! She must want an entirely new family. Can't blame the girl there, can you? Blech, I cannot believe I just wasted time on the darn Palins again.

  27. Anonymous4:50 PM

    I first noticed her puffy cheeks and squinty eyes at the Ralley. I thought it was Willow at first or that she had a bad hangover. She had little dimples in her cheeks and chin, like surface of an orange. Subsequent pics show "apple" cheeks, rounder and larger than cheeks usually are. I think she was going for high cheek bones, but whatever injections to make her cheeks appear higher have pushed her eyes in a squinty look. Her new chin does not look like a normal extension of her face and neck. It just sticks out there. I have heard that plastic surgery can damage nerves and cause lack of mobility to the face. Remember Joan Rivers: "Am I smiling yet?"

  28. MY NEW NAME FOR her:

    "Bri'Stole" ...she needs to give that chin back to whomever she stole it from....

  29. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Watch without the sound. You will see that her cheeks don't move. Now, go look in the mirror and smile, then laugh. Did your cheeks move? Mine did.

  30. Anonymous4:52 PM

    The posing naked comment was another swipe at Meghan McCain.


    I wish her father would grow a pair and stick up for his wife and daughter.

    Who is stupid enough to believe that a godparent has any guardianship "claim" to your child. What an idiot.

  31. Anonymous4:53 PM

    She has really messed her face up. How tragic.

  32. Anonymous4:54 PM

    "I hate the word abstinence." Isn't "Abstinence Ambassador of the Candies Foundation" on your pathetically sparse and e-list-celibrity-like resume? What's up with you and your mother always biting the hand that feeds you and decks you out in designer clothes?

    You don't read blogs? You just look at the pictures and then paste your scripted fairy tales in the comments?

    Vowing not to pose naked doesn't make you better than Levi. Seeing you half-naked and humping on DWTS was more than we'd like to have seen. I would never pose naked for the same reason you wouldn't: It would NOT be a pretty sight.

  33. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Remember when you were little and wanted to be a princess or a stuntman and were mad your parents wouldn't buy you castle or a fireproof suit?

    It appears Bristol wanted to be a Kardashian and her mom bought her the face.

  34. Boy, you have got me, Gryphen. Nothing seems quite right. It's like she has a latex mask on over her real face. I think possibly she's been botoxed to the max in addition to whatever else she has done. Even her teeth don't look real somehow. I want the original Bristol back!

  35. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Bristol said:
    "I hate the word abstinence," she says. *snip* But the best option to prevent teen pregnancy is to not have sex."

    Well, hate to break it to ya Ms Chinny Chin Chin, but abstinence means "to not have sex". Better start likin' that word again!

    Your own words, MCCC!


  36. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I have to say that what came to mind after seeing this was, "does she look like Octomom now?" Not to be mean (to Octomom), but holy cow, Bristdull must have butchered her face to get it to look like this. Looks like we have 2 trainwrecks to watch now.

  37. Anonymous5:03 PM

    What she wants: "Someone with the same religious beliefs as me and someone who's a family man." But "I have no time to date anyone right now."

    I hate the word abstinence," she says. "My mom knows I hate that word, everyone knows I hate that word. People think that I'm just 'abstinence only, do not have sex.'

    * * * * * *

    What the hell does Bristol mean when she said she is looking for someone with the same religious belief when she just said,

    "People think that I'm just 'abstinence only, do not have sex".... HELLOOOO!!!!

    and on top of that Bristol
    said, "I have no time to date anyone right now."

    So what Bristol is telling the world is that she has sex and does not have time to date anyone right now which means Bristol is into one night stands!

    But but but Bristol, I thought you were a Christian value girl looking for a family man with the same religious beliefs?

    Bristol you lying dog, you are into one night stands and do not want any commitments. Have fun in Los Angeles you hoe!

  38. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Bristol has several problems:
    1. She can't move her face because of the botox (and maybe botched facial surgery.)
    2. Unlike Sarah, who has never taken a public speaking lesson (because she doesn't need them), Bristol has received some coaching. Her coach told her to smile. Keep smiling, Bristol. Talk through your teeth, just keep smiling. We didn't pay all that money for those beautiful teeth for you to ruin it by sticking your tongue out like Sarah does. Smile, Bristol, you're on camera.
    3. Remember what Michael Jackson looked like when he had reached maximum overload of plastic surgery. That's where Bristol is heading. The cheek and chin implants are all wrong. Someone mentioned that Bristol could be a little diva in the makeup chair, screaming at people about how she wanted things done. This time, Bristol might have just gotten her way, and the doctor is saying, "I told you so."

  39. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Looks like she was going for the Jay Leno look.

  40. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Bristol was pretty before and now she looks like a man. She is doing the surgeries to make her prettier but she needs to learn that beauty will come from within. What an unfortunate family these poor children have.

  41. Dinty5:07 PM

    Here's what I learned from "Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far":


  42. As a kite. And what is the point of these interviews? Do you have a favorite color? Pink, giggle.

  43. FloridaDem5:08 PM

    LOL!!! If Bristol thinks I'm going to waste time reading her book or watching videos she's out of her mind, but I can get a pretty good idea from the comments. Ok, so she is a squirrel with nuts in her cheeks and has the bottom face of a dummy? Who would date that? I think Levi needed the wine coolers, not her.

    This girl can't seem to get her story straight. So far...

    1. She was date raped, but then she wasn't because it was her decision.
    2. She's abstinent, she's a paid abstinent spokesperson, but she's not, because she doesn't like the word abstinent.

    LOL...is that right? I mean, is it just me, or is her head filled with straw? Maybe she can go see the Wizard like Dorothy and ask for a new brain, a new heart, and while she's at it, a new chin.

    The only thing I'd say she's ever been right about is when she asked, "why do people care?"

    Because we don't care. We really, really, don't give a flying f*ck about her. The problem is, she won't go away. She's everywhere I go - on the internet, in the newspaper, in magazines, on tv, on blogs. Don't go away mad, Bristol, just go away.

  44. Anonymous5:10 PM

    She appears to have had lip injections too in that her upper lip hardly moves. The upper lip moved down over teeth but not out. When you speak, different words and sounds, your lips move up, down, out (varying degrees as if you were puckering). Her's didn't

    She also appears to have a 'pouch' at the side of her face -- to the right of the lower/upper lip corner. Looks like a pouch or a pocket on the 'right' side of her face. Can't tell left side as she doesn't turn.

    She's had more work than just a chin. She's went back after the chin for more work.

    I've had TMJ and know the changes of the jaw structure after. She's going down the road of Heidi Montag -- the more the better she thinks she looks. That 'LA-LA-Land Look'. She's already looking like a plastic lower face.

  45. Anonymous5:11 PM

    That chin is just too obvious looking and those big plump lips just look grotesque.

    She doesn't look like Bristol Palin anymore, she is a stranger.

  46. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Yes, her cheeks aren't moving. there is no movement under the eye and given how large and constant her smile is, there should be some sort of muscle contractions going on in that area. Don't know anything about plastic surgery and why it would cause her face to do it, but I know it isn't normal

  47. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Anyone notice how the fairy tale trolls have a "theme of the day"? Today's was all about Todd sitings. The other day it was about Mercede. It's starting to sound like some preemptive strikes to me.

    Hold on, I have a point. A few days there were a lot of comments about how Bristol's so popular that she's been making frequent visits to her old dermy's office to say hi. Anyone else think she may been getting her bo-bo fix while she's there?

  48. Anonymous5:16 PM

    FYI - Brisket will be appearing on The View on Thurs. July 7th

  49. Anonymous5:16 PM

    She is so fake, and lies more than her mother.

  50. Anonymous5:19 PM

    She is lisping. Did she have that impediment before her surgery?

  51. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Brisket spewed the 'I'm waiting until I get married' when she appeared on Oprah with Snowdrift.

    She's spewed it again in the book.

    She's spewing that same BS line when we are know full well she's never met a cock she hasn't tried out.

    No wonder she walks bull-legged. She rides one every night.

  52. https://twitter.com/tealsheart/status/85876966829465601


  53. onething5:23 PM

    Yeah, the mouth doesn't look right. It's too big, don't know how they got it so big. Basically, I had a hard time watching it as I get a queasy feeling from seeing her, knowing it's her and yet the Bristol I once recognized is gone, like a suicide. We'll never see her again and that's eery.

  54. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Well, this is what struck me:

    1) She keeps looking to the left, breaking eye contact.

    2) She speaks in such a weak tone of voice, as if she has no real inner confidence.

    3) She laughs nervously a lot.

    4) She says Tripp likes to jump on a trampoline? I assume that is with a grownup, and very, very carefully.

    5) In addition to her obvious facial work, I see she had her teeth done, big time. Some of these Hollywood types have that work done and then they can't even speak around their teeth, and that seems to be the case with Bristol.

    6) She is just so uncomfortable. For someone who has been in the public eye as much as she has, it doesn't seem to get much easier for her.

    7) She really strikes me as a very passive personality. Like a child. I am sure Sarah can just bulldoze her.

  55. Anonymous5:28 PM

    At least Bristol admits to mistakes. Mercede has YET so retract her proven lies.

    Bristol is a sweet girl with a passion for life. You'd know that if you took time to meet her, and not judge her based on lies and distortions. But then again, you wouldn't be a progressive now would you

  56. Anonymous5:32 PM

    She has a chin like the Ice Giants in the new Thor movie!

  57. Anonymous5:34 PM

    "I hate the word abstinence," she says. "My mom knows I hate that word, everyone knows I hate that word. People think that I'm just 'abstinence only, do not have sex."

    Bristol is so damn dumb, why is she putting her business out there like that? Granted people do have sex before marriage but that is shit you keep to yourself.

    It's like dating nasty Kim Kardashian, what guy wants to kiss her mouth knowing she sucked on someone else’s johnson or she likes to be mounted from the rear... Future husbands don’t want to hear that crap! What was it you said? You are looking for a family man with the same religious beliefs as you?

    Bristol WTF do you think your future mother-in-law will think of you?

    Bristol nobody cares what kind of shit you do privately, you should just kept that stuff to yourself you dumb shit.

    You are an ignorant uneducated hill billy!

    Hey Bristol, forget what I just said. You should keep telling the public your business. We need the entertainment.

  58. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Gryphen, you giving her the benefit of the doubt just shows you're a nice guy. I have a feeling little Bookie has fooled a lot of people. Maybe the number one person was Levi (if you know what I mean). He should have a dna test if he hasn't already.

    IMO, Ohiovoter

  59. Anonymous5:39 PM

    "What she wants: "Someone with the same religious beliefs as me and someone who's a family man." But "I have no time to date anyone right now."

    Gee where have has she said this before. Oh yes, back in 2010 before she started screwing Gino in a People Magazine exclusive.

    I believe there is nothing new under the sun but honestly at 20 you think she would come up with new material.

  60. Anonymous5:39 PM

    OzMud here...

    My son was born with cerebral palsy. It affected his legs and right arm. As a small child he had two bouts of surgery, both on his legs. The right arm, while affected, was exercised and he used it well so we were told not to bother with additional surgery until his body stopped growing - which would be no sooner than age 23.

    23 - it's the reason insurance companies originally kept children on parent's policies until the age of 25 - because you're not physically an adult until you stop growing - around or just after age 23.

    I am extremely skeptical of any doctor performing any form of cosmetic surgery on anyone as young as Bristol. Her body is still changing. I can't imagine a legitimate doctor doing this to her.

    And I completely agree with the former comments - she looks just like a wooden puppet. What a shame. *Sarah has completely taken advantage of and misused her children's trust.

    (*That was a very polite way of saying "Well, at least we know whose hand is up the puppets ass.)

  61. Anonymous5:41 PM

    I am shocked that people think this is Bristol. Consider the possibility that this is a stand-in -looking enough like Bristol to say she IS, but had some "medical corrective surgery."
    Consider the possibility that the REAL Bristol is locked away, deemed "too out of control" by scarah's brain, aka RAM.

  62. "On her next hook up:

    What she wants: "Someone with the same religious beliefs as me and someone who's a family man." But "I have no time to date anyone right now."


    But what about Nathan Ridarelli??



  63. Anonymous5:41 PM

    I knew I had seen that face she special ordered somewhere before.

  64. Anonymous5:43 PM

    She's always "too busy to date," yet we always find put she's dating...Ben, Levi again, Gino, who else?

    I think she may be the bottom of our decent into the "famous for nothing" culture.

  65. Anonymous5:44 PM

    You do realize any type of facial alteration takes time to heal. She hasn't been in one place and more importantly isolated long enough for anything like that.

  66. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Bristol pretending she is religious, give me a fuking break.

  67. Her eyebrows move up and down, her lower jaw moves up and down and her lips move. But that's it. the rest of her face is like stone. There is something seriously wrong with the middle of her face. Her cheeks my eyes keep going to her cheeks.

  68. Anonymous5:45 PM

    OMG OMG OMG. WTF has she done? That is so disturbing. It is like she had that Roger Ebert thing done--as though they took off part of her face. I want to say "poor girl" but she got what she wanted, right? Those cheeks look new-they weren't that big during the bus tour, IIRC. The lips look bigger. She must think she is some hot shit. She can give all the BJs in the world with no complaints of aching jaws, because I doubt she has any feeling left in her face. Why would a sweet-faced young woman want to look like Madame? Why not enjoy her youthful prettiness and leave the hard "not born female" look to 50 year old reality show housewives?

  69. Botox is your friend.

  70. momcat19495:48 PM

    Gryphen - I just posted something and hit "enter" by accident, so my name comes out as M......really, I'm not trying to go all james bond on you here!!

  71. Anonymous5:49 PM

    You would think dumb and dumber would be on the same page now that they have reconciled.

    “A lot goes into such a life-changing, relatively earth-shattering type of decision,” she said as she entered the Pella Opera House for the 5 p.m. screening of the film, to be followed by a cookout for 1,000. “Still thinking about it.”
    Sarah Palin

    Ummm, Sarah, the sound bite is kitchen table not fishing boat. That entire family are nothing but mental midgets.

    She laughed off a remark that her daughter Bristol made earlier in the day that Ms. Palin had made up her mind about whether to run for president. Ms. Palin said she texted her daughter, saying, “You remember, Bristol, what we talk about on the fishing boat stays on the fishing boat.”

  72. Anonymous5:52 PM

    c4palinbots have become highly abusive of anyone who doesn't give Bristol's book a 5 star review.

    "William Scott Dorn says:
    Please Audrey/Jane/Fink/Bristol/ Sarah, or whoever you are, PLEASE get professional help! This is coming from a person who is concerned with your collective mental health....see Liberals CAN be compassionate! Your many, many 5 star reviews of this book, almost all from fictitious people who seem to have NEVER reviewed anything else on Amazon, and praise this book as if it were a work by William Shakespeare, is not only a scam but makes you seem VERY mentally ill!!!! And your harassment of reviewers, ALL over this forum, is beyond creepy GET HELP!!!"

  73. Anonymous5:52 PM

    She should have spent her money on liposuction for her fat arms. That girl doesn't know a bicep/tricep from a hunk of corned beef!

  74. Rationalist5:53 PM

    Omigod, she's freaky looking. She reminds me of this:


    That awkward way she's talking, though, is partly because they always ask you to answer their questions by rephrasing the question. So they'll say "What do you have on your iPod, Bristol?" and she's supposed to answer "On my iPod, I have..." It's impossible to sound natural.

    But the fake open mouthed smile at the end of every sentence! AAAAHHHH!

  75. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Lynne, you are spot on. Her teeth do not look like her real teeth anymore.

    I hate to say this but are we 100% sure that this is Bristol and not a cousin or one of Todd's hookers? Okay Gryphen, don't smack me up side the head for that remark. Honestly, it's all so strange and Bristol seems to have died and been replaced with this strange looking person.

  76. Anonymous6:00 PM

    What will we never see her do? Go to college, act like a grown up, get a REAL job.

  77. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Is that Cole?

  78. Anonymous6:03 PM

    ooh, I think Bristol will pose nude! I think her Mom will too. It all depends upon the price. We know what whores these people are for $

  79. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Wow, impressive showing.

  80. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Brisket spewed the 'I'm waiting until I get married' when she appeared on Oprah with Snowdrift.

    She's spewed it again in the book.

    She's spewing that same BS line when we are know full well she's never met a cock she hasn't tried out.

    No wonder she walks bull-legged. She rides one every night.

    5:20 PM

    "People think that I'm just 'abstinence only, do not have sex"

    Yup Bristol rides one every night and you can bet it doesn't take wine coolers till she passes out.

  81. Gryphen, I still do believe that Bristol has been abused by her mother ... maybe not physically, but certainly emotionally. I am not excusing Bristol's current behavior/words, etc. But I am saying there is more to it. So, I understand that you wanted Bristol to somehow redeem herself, but it is not likely to happen now; things have gone too far and all we can hope is that when (because it will happen) Bristol crashes, someone who truly loves her will be there to pick up the pieces. Thank you for caring. I have said for a long, long time now .. Bristol has been abused.

  82. Anonymous6:07 PM

    People are saying you could crack a nut on her face, and I agree, in every sense of the term.

    This clip is disturbing. Whe's what? Twenty, Twenty-Two, and she's speaking on the maturity level of a 13 year old. (no offense to 13 year olds).

    She's definately stoned, I mean Amy Winehouse stoned. She was such a cute girl, now she's gone "hollywood", only "hollywood" has more brains and talent.

    Who, in their right mind, would want to see Bristol Palin pose naked? She's so full of her new self it isn't even funny.

    The only "family men" who hold her christian beliefs are married, good luck with that Bristol!

    So what have we learned in this clip? She's had extensive plastic surgery, she's still stupid, and she's high as a kite.

    The old joke still applies to the new face.

    Question - What does Bristol apply to her ear lobes to make her more attractive to men?

    Answer - her ankles.

  83. Anonymous6:08 PM

    1) I didn't understand a word she said; 2) the chin is growing ( thought it was the nose that was supposed to grow when telling lies); 3) huh?

  84. Does the Candies Foundation want a refund? Because it is really weird to hear an abstinence spokesperson say that they hate the word abstinence, and that they don't think it is really necessary, just practice safe sex. WTH?!?

  85. I tried to post this earlier, but it would not post.... Gryphen, I too wanted to believe that Bristol was just so subjected to her mother's will that she really did not mean the things she says ... I still believe that .. at least as the origination of Bristol's persona. My other post was more eloquent and on-spot, so I don't know now what I am trying to say, except that I believe with all my heart that Bristol as the oldest daughter is emotionally abused by her mother ... the great Sarah ... but now she is of age and she is responsible for what she says and does. She needs help so badly.

  86. I haven't looked closely, so I haven't seen all that others are reporting on but the lips are really big.

  87. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Didn't you get the memo, 5:28? Today's shiny object is Todd. Mercede was yesterday. Good thing you got yesterday's memo, or else you'd still be offering up (no-longer off topic) tidbits about all Bristol's visits to the dermatologist's.

  88. Anonymous6:27 PM

    "Bristol pretending she is religious, give me a fuking break."

    She is such a religious gal every night and twice on Sundays I betcha she can be heard crying out, "Oh God, oh God", from her hotel room.

  89. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Troll alert 5:28


    Your brain just exploded Moron.

    Brisket's sweet according to you. Guess you 'did' her.

  90. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Anonymous said...
    At least Bristol admits to mistakes. Mercede has YET so retract her proven lies.

    Bristol is a sweet girl with a passion for life. You'd know that if you took time to meet her, and not judge her based on lies and distortions. But then again, you wouldn't be a progressive now would you

    5:28 PM

    Willow, you forgot to mention that your sister Bristol is "Hot".

  91. Anonymous6:46 PM

    6:12 I wondered the same thing.

    With Bristol trashing the concept of abstinence ,
    it makes the Candie's Foundation
    look like they were taken.
    No different than if a highly publicized celebrity for Coke
    later went public
    and said he hated the stuff.
    Bristol no longer looks human.
    And she's only 20.
    You expect this frozen and artificial look
    on older woman who have had many years
    of plastic surgery.
    The injectables into her lower lip and the
    new veneers worsen the effect of the chin implant and cheek implants.
    But, what's even more disquieting is the inappropriate sexualization of Bristol.
    She coyly flirts with the interviewer .
    Just like Mama.
    Makes you wonder what goes on in that home.
    I can't imagine any decent young man proudly
    bringing her home to meet his family.
    Bristol may have a loooooong wait.

  92. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Okay, I bit and watched the video. That was fucking weird. Has she seen it? Does she think this is okay? Same NPD as her mother - the inability to understand how she is viewed by others. And I am not talking about what the "haters" think - she should pull the interviewer and the camera person aside and ask their HONEST opinions.

  93. Anonymous6:56 PM

    There's no natural crease in her chin where there should be. It looks weird, and makes her nose look huge.

  94. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Her cheek implants don't move, but tissue around them is moving in an unnatural way due to the cheek implants.

  95. Anonymous7:02 PM

    I don't know how many of you remember when someone posted who said that they worked in a plastic surgery office. They said Bristol came there and wanted radical work and the physician turned her down. Apparently she stomped and screamed and carried on and was a complete bitch. She insisted she have this big chin surgery done and they told her that anyone who would do that to you is a hack. Apparently she found someone.

    I find it incredibly sad. It is a form of self-mutilation. Sarah can laugh at that all she wants and so can Bristol. But it is really too bad that Sarah can't look in the mirror and be honest about what a crappy mother she is.

  96. Anonymous7:03 PM

    That is a very extreme form of lighting their subject, like what you'd see in "film noir" movies. The deep, dark harsh shadow seems to be meant to highlight her now heart-shaped face.

  97. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Anon 6:00

    Yes that is Cole. I think Molly is there to as it looked like she was standing in the background behind Sarah -- the pic where Sarah & RAM were looking at each other.

  98. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Once again Brisket or Sarah bring Mercede into the comments when there is no mention of Mercede in the article. Brisket is VERY scared and/or jealous of Mercede. And she should be.

  99. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Jesus Heath Christ! The dramatic elongation of her face isn't the result of maturing - it's PLASTIC SURGERY to enhance her chin!

  100. Anonymous7:08 PM

    The fat that was removed from her double chin was placed into her bottom lip.

    Her bottom lip is HUGE!!!

    That Gyphen, is what's sticking out like a sore thumb that you were trying to put your finger on.
    Er make sticking out like a big fat sore lip.


  101. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Dear Bristol,
    After your appearance at the MOA tomorrow please rush directly yo Edina Plastic Surgery they MAY be able to help you and your face. Just call information, it isn't more than 15 min from the MOA directly N of Southdale.

  102. Anonymous7:14 PM


    You say Bristol is nice, Bristol herself has shown that she is not nice in her social media attacks against her and her mother's detractors. Bristol is a young girl who's spent her life not focusing on education but on partying and sleeping around. Not that one cannot do those things together but Bristol took the easy way out and had children that have prevented her from even going to community college. She has not proven herself to be a go-getter smart girl, but has certainly proven herself to be one that attempts to line her pockets from tabloid magazine interviews and reality shows. It's all okay, because most of America does not expect any higher goals from people with Bristols IQ.

  103. Anonymous7:19 PM

    What notice is that she's also developed a slight speech impediment. "wath" instead of "was." Listen carefully... she has trouble with the "s" sound in several words.

    Is it that she literally cannot get her jaw into the proper position to make an "s" sound? Or is it completely an affectation? She definitely is doing the fake Sarah smile. When you watch her it's like her face hurts all the time.

    Just for reference, watch her interview with Greta Van Sustern on youtube (the one from mid February, 2009) No speech problems at all.

  104. Anonymous7:20 PM


    People at Bristol's age and with her $$$ have the ability to get help. The bitch has no desire to.

    When she goes out and spews her shit to young kids and gives the 'royal finger' on TV like she did on DWTS to name a few

    That bitch can fall off a cliff and I'll watch her. Will I call for help - no a friggin' chance.

    Sympathy for her -- you're in the wrong place as she can run her car into a tree and I'd stand and watch.

    Sorry DaisyDem -- time for you to quit treating 20plus year olds with a kid and quit coddling them.

    No wonder our friggin' kids can't walk and chew gum at the same time. Parents like you won't let them learn. Cut the friggin' apron strings.

    And in case I didn't make myself clear -- for the bitch she is to everyone else - she can wrap herself around a tree and I wouldn't be calling for help.

  105. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Her chin and lip are so heavy she can't close her mouth.

  106. eva marie7:33 PM

    Her favorite thing to do with her three year old son is to ride a four wheeler? Who takes a three year old four wheeling?
    And his favorite thing to do is jump on a trampoline? Do they make trampolines for three year old children?

  107. emrysa7:34 PM

    anon (the quitter) @ 5:28 pm sez:

    "Bristol is a sweet girl with a passion for life."

    oh yeah, attacking a boy on HIS OWN facebook page, lying under oath to get another boy put in jail, calling the father of her child a deadbeat and a gnat in public, and talking about "giving the middle finger" to people who don't like her on national tv is surely the sign of a "sweet girl." ROFL! yours was a truely pathetic effort.

  108. Rationalist7:34 PM

    Daisydem: I agree with you.

  109. The person she reminds me of the most is Heidi Montag. I don't watch Reality TV, but Heidi was unavoidable on news sites when she had 21 (or whatever the number was) plastic surgery procedures.

    Saddest of all is that the one thing Bristol didn't lie about is that she doesn't look any different to herself in the mirror; but to everyone else in the world, she looks completely fake, plastic. This should be a warning to those to consider vanity procedures; you'll look fine to yourself, but everyone else will wonder what's wrong with you. To answer your question, her chin operation has left limited mobility in her jaw, she's had cheek implants and eye lifts. All at the age of 21, when she should be growing into her body. Truly tragic.

    She has set herself up for horrific maintenance, and there may come a time in the near future that she won't be able to afford those "touch ups." Truly tragic. Everyone in the Palin family will suffer when Sarah's lies finally catch up with her.

  110. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Please tell me Tripp's dog is a stuffed toy one? I cannot bear the thought of a dog and a toddler in the chaos of a Palin home (and I use the term "home" loosely).

    The work Bristol had done on her lower lip is very obvious in this video and against the dark background her cheeks would put a chipmunk to shame.

  111. Anonymous7:42 PM

    I know that daughters of highly narcissistic mothers with NPD, are so emotionally manipulated, they can't understand what's up and what's down. They've been molded through emotional abuse to believe what their mother tells them. If the NPD mom is particularly in a foul mood, she will take it on her child and make a subtle reference to the child's facial features, for instance. She won't outright say her nose is too big, but she'll say something like, "your friend has such a beautiful nose" and keep talking about the great aspects of her child's friends, but never once giving her child a nice compliment.

    This is only one of many examples of an abusive NPD mom. And the child can't reason with the NPD'er, because if she brings up her hurt about mom always complimenting others in front of her, said mother will deny, deny, deny, with a coy smile that she ever intended to do that.

    If the mom suspects child is on to her, she'll all of a sudden be nice, and buy gifts said child, and confuses them, always making them wonder what makes mom tic, what all of a sudden makes her so nice, yet at other times, so cruel.

    No time to discuss it all here, but if a girl has been abused by an NPD mom, she can't understand why, but she feels a need to always defend her mom; since mom goes into "I'm misunderstood and like a baby" mode; doing the crying thing; looking for sympathy. The kid confuses this tactic as their mom being very delicate, and the child feels like it's up to them to "mother" their mom.

    Weird dynamics, I know, but I went through it.

  112. Who WAS that woman in the video and what have they done with Bristol?

  113. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Her face is a wreck. It goes with her plastic personality.


  114. Anonymous7:52 PM

    What you'll never see her do?

    "Pose naked," she shoots back. "Never."


    Oh Thank GAWDDD !!! The thought of seeing Bristol the Pistle naked gives me the willies. (Shudder, shudder, shudder.)

  115. Anonymous7:53 PM

    She claimed it was stolen so since she didn't get pregnant on that night, why did she keep giving it away

  116. Anonymous7:54 PM

    In the USA Today interview, Bristol also claims that she and Tripp were with Sarah on the One Nation bus tour. Um, no she wasn't! Unless she hid from the masses of media who hung on Sarah's every step.

    She also claims she was in the audience "hiding" when Sarah and McCain admitted defeat. Hmmm.

  117. TNbluedot7:56 PM

    Riiiiight Anon 5:28. Missdull Brisdull is just a li'l ole sweetie everyone loves! As often as you've told us, we sure do know it. Bless your heart.

    How about this priceless quote from a Popeater item where she's talking about dear old mom...
    "I think we are both driven, really motivated, to do what's right," Bristol tells me. "We are really religious and we know what's right from wrong. We both have a drive about us where we want to get things done for ourselves."

    Aargh! Blecht! Who's she kidding? She thinks nobody is smarter than she is, I guess. Hahaha!

    If y'all want to read more: http://www.popeater.com/2011/06/28/bristol-palin-michele-bachmann-style-not-afraid-of-life/

  118. Anonymous7:56 PM

    The lower half of her face looks like it belongs a jimmy jabber cartoon (whatever thoes stiff cartoons are called) The lower half is out of synch. HAHAHA

    If she ever does a face plant her face would explode.


  119. Anonymous7:57 PM

    O/T, but this comes as no surprise to us Alaskans:


  120. emrysa8:02 PM

    brisdull wants someone with the same religious beliefs as her? hahahaa she may as well give it up... no man is going to want to get involved with her. she has publicly proven herself to be a vindictive liar - who wants to get involved with that? I think the whole thing about gino was a lie/payoff.

    how much do you want to bet that brisdull will go thru life having a thing for "younger men?" after all, only teenage boys will overlook the fact that the "goods" are overused, old, and worn out way before their time.

  121. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Bristol is jealous of the way sarah fawns over Rebecca.

    sarah promised Rebecca a foot massage if she showed up in Pella.

    How come sarah has never given Bristol a foot massage?

    Life is not fair!

  122. Anonymous8:02 PM

    SHE HAS pumped her lips up with filler, you can see it especially in the swollen hard look of her lower lip.

  123. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Sad. Her face looks plastic when it is still, and uncomfortable when it moves.

    I thought her comment about not dancing once DWTS was behind her was very telling. I guess she did not find dancing enjoyable, and obviously did the minimum possible to get through her routines.

    To all the bots who log on and comment how happy Bristol is: a happy, secure person would have never had such drastic plastic surgery at 19/20 unless they were genuinely disfigured.

    I know some older women who have had "a little work done" and they are careful to keep the changes subtle, not commission a whole new face no one recognizes.

  124. Anonymous8:06 PM


    On Greta tonight- Palin was interviewed, she as dressed like she was going to square dancing, and UGLY RAM was on video!!!

  125. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Check this out Bristol (who NEVER reads blogs but has her loyal friends do it for her & report back to the princess that all is well).

    MSNBC Reveals $137k in Medicaid Payments to Michele Bachmann’s Husband


    Hey Todd or RAM - how much money has Bristol taken from the government for health care? Let's go beyond that...how much money has your entire family taken? Not to mention Sarah the queen of earmarks & bridge to Nowhere. How much of Alaska's money have you stolen for yourselves? Where did those stair rails come from in your house that look exactly like the ones at the hockey rink in nowheresville? You know...that house that was built for FREEEEEEE.

    Gotta give you kudos for figuring out how to beat the system, the feds and get every dollar you can get from idiots to raiding the Oscar tent. If Sarah had not ever gone from president of the PTA to Governor and IF she had of been poor you know this family would be scamming unemployment & food stamps. That is their mentality but on a higher scale now.

    They have NO shame and don't give a frick. As long as her lame-brained supporters keep on sending them checks to support the lifestyle they've become accustomed to...who cares?

  126. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Some people are 'religious' in bad habits. She chose her words well to keep the cult on the payroll.

    Answer this, Bristol. God DID say we are wonderfully made, so why did you cut your face at 20? Your Mom with her plastic surgery, wigs, and slapping makeup on with a trowel (in her own words)?

    The ugly inside will always supercede the exterior. We've got your number. Keep on grifting the ignorant in the name of Him. When you lay down to sleep at night, you know what you've done.

    I highly DOUBT any of your family prays except about who to grift tomorrow, and the ignorant that you take money from still send.

    To quote Mommy, "unppinbelievable!" Enjot it while it lasts. We're out here and "reloaded."

  127. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Botox, cheek implants, lip implant on top, chin implant, and a very uneven eye lift (why anyone would need an eye lift at age 20 is beyond me, unless the Palins thought too much of her native heritage showed). BTW ALL the work is done very very poorly.

  128. Anonymous8:44 PM

    OMG hilarious discussion topic on Amazon..Bristol as Shakespear

  129. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Sarah on Greta tonight.


  130. I noticed that young palin sorta talks from her throat now and it's very noticeable with all the sentence ending giggles. Maybe it happens when the lips are injected and don't move as well like after the dentist.

    She reminds me of the host on For Rent on HGTV who is also a throat talker and also smiles thru every word she utters. It sounds so effected but fakery is apparently second nature to palinese women.

  131. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Bristol on USA Today Video --

    Reminds me of:

    I am not a witch. I'm nothing like that. I'm you!

  132. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Wow, I barely recognized her. She looks like one of those floppy-headed Canadians from South Park.

  133. Anonymous9:51 PM

    I really think Bristol is irrelevant but to answer your question, that face is messed up. When she talks it is obvious her cheeks are not in sync with her jaw. Really weird. I'm not one to comment on looks, but since she made such a drastic change, I guess I'll go there. She really looks like shit. I thought she was a cute and sweet looking girl when she first entered the scene, but now she looks horrible. I hope there are no teen girls looking up to that.

  134. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Wonder if Brisket has suckered the plastic surgeon husband of Brooke Burke to do her work in 'LA-LA-Land'. Burke co-hosts DWTS with Tom Bergeron.

    Remember - Brisket saw/spoke to Brooke at the Correspondents Dinner in DC.

    That's an over-injected lip or somebody clocked her one!!! I wish!!!

  135. Her new face - severe and plastic looking -- is appropriate for her personality.

  136. Anonymous10:12 PM

    BOTOX imo

  137. Anonymous10:35 PM


    Julia O'Malley writing her review of Brisket's book in ADN

  138. Anonymous10:45 PM

    You often make fun of B's new face but never even mention the possibility in your posts that when B's appearance is as different and hardly recognisable as in this clip it may not be her but a stand-in. Because, like a couple of commenters before me, I, too, believe that this is the stand-in we have seen before. Hence the very different face, teeth, mimics, voice etc. The duck that is not a duck.:-)

  139. Anonymous10:51 PM

    OMG, she has got to sue the doctor who mutilated her. Her chin is hideous.

  140. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Thanks for sharing your perspective, 7:42. It explains a lot about Bristol. I've long believed Sarah has NPD, and obviously I knew that would be damaging to anyone in contact with her, particularly her kids; but I wasn't aware of the specific dynamics you explained. Very insightful.

  141. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Since I know Bristol and her friends read here, they might want to follow this link about removal of chin implants.


    Here is what commenter had to say:

    I went through a similar experience as you with the chin implant: awful!

    I had my implant removed two months after it was put in because of my speech was affected (lisp) and it was uncomfortable. My question to you is will my speech come back normally? Will my pocket collapase down so my chin will be in its original shape, considering it was in only for two months, or will be pocket fill with tissues?

    I do not recommend chin implant to anyone, unless you are ready for an emotional roller coaster ride. If you have questions, please ask.

  142. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Bristol on USA Today Video --

    Reminds me of:

    I am not a witch. I'm nothing like that. I'm you!

    9:41 PM

    LOL they are both Scam Artist Bitches.

    O'Donnell scammed her donations and paid her rent.

    Brisket is scamming citizens by demanding they buy her book in order to get her mom's signature.

  143. I have watched this way too much.

    If you watch her lips, you can see the problem. She is obviously still recovering from surgery. Here is how you can be sure. Get a mirror.

    At :09. "toughest." Look in the mirror and say the word. Her lower lip is stationary.

    At :13. Obvious edit. She has her lips pursed for am m, but the word on the soundtrack was "wishing."

    At :31. When a person says the letter b, it is called a plosive. B as in Ballas. Not there. Ballas.

    At :45. Obvious edit. No pursed lips for the "p" in "jumpin'."

    It goes on and on. Look in the mirror as you say the words. Obvious.

  144. GBIllinois11:37 PM

    Bristol Palin's chin reminds me of this:


  145. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Nobody who likes herself does that to her face. What a messed up girl. She looks awful, much worse than she did before all the surgery.

    She has now learned how to tell huge lies with a huge smile ... one of her mother's specialties.

  146. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Okay.... a 2-yr-old on a trampoline, going 4-wheelin', and chasing HIS dog? All three = unsafe (unless it is a tiny, low-to-the-ground trampoline). I know lots of people and kids go 4-wheeling BUT it isn't safe. I read that B said that Todd set up a little snowmobile on wheels that 2-year-old Tripp drives around. Really?

    I would have said, "chasing OUR dog". Weird to say that it is the toddler's dog. Sounds like the beginning of creating a spoiled kid.


  147. Anonymous12:23 AM

    What you'll never see her do?

    "Pose naked," she shoots back. "Never."

    The fact that this was the first thing that occurred to her speaks volumes.

    (she's holding out for a big fee.)

  148. Gryph, there is nerve damage on the left cheek. The trigeminal nerve was damaged during the plastic surgery.

    And she lied 14 times in that video, just in case you are keeping track.

    Yes, I am an expert. Prove me wrong.

  149. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Brooke Burke is divorced from the plastic surgeon. Has been in a relationsip with David Charvet for years and they have a bunch of kids.

  150. Imagine being a girl and growing up in the very dysfunctional Palin family. Then imagine getting pregnant just as your mother became nationally known and being given the message you are a no good screw up by her rather than supported. Then imagine while being a teenage girl during the period of time when how you look is so hyper-important to you people all over the country are saying ugly things about how you look. Then imagine gaining weight and being coerced into being on DWTS and getting further comments about your looks. All this time she would have been under intense pressure by her mother to be someone other than who she really is or suffer the consequence. I have a feeling she gets the gigs she gets as pay off for behaving a certain way. She can’t be herself. So, she doesn’t like how she looks and rather than realize she had a very cute face and she just needed to eat a healthy diet and exercise to be beautiful she gets advice to have a chin implant and other surgery trying to look like someone else while decreasing her weight issue. In the video take a close look at her pupils and realize she is under heavy lighting due to the interview. She appears medicated.

  151. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Don't know how long these posts by someone at C4P will remain, but here is one of several I found very early this morning (since ya'll have commented about the bots, I had to peek):

    "westcoast77 18 minutes ago in reply to naejbt

    Of course. Sarah Palin's Wild Ride story is highly implausible, as written in her own words.

    Like every other parent, I know what a pregnant woman must do when leaking amniotic fluid and/or experiencing premature labor contractions ("big laughs, big contractions," as Sarah wrote). She goes to the nearest hospital. Anything else poses an unacceptable risk to the baby.I took my wife, pregnant with our fifth child, to Madigan Army Medical Center as soon as she experienced the first little trickle of fluid. She wasn't having contractions yet, but we knew what to do. (Membranes are breached, you go to the hospital. Period. Huge risk of infection, cord prolapsing around the baby's neck, etc.) Our son was born less than four hours later. This is a fairly typical length of labor a fifth child. The doctor had told us to expect 3-6 hours of labor.Yet Sarah Palin ignored her contractions, ignored her amniotic fluid leak, ignored the risk to her special needs child, and gave a speech there in Texas. She bypassed Baylor U Medical Center with its NICU, 10 minutes away. She flew 3-4 hours to Seattle and waited two hours to fly to Anchorage, bypassing Seattle's world class hospitals and NICUs. Then she flew another 3-4 hours to Anchorage. She bypassed its large hospital with NICU. Then she drove to Mat-Su Regional, to give birth to her premature special-needs child in a hospital that does not permit even twin births, and with no neonatal intensive care unit. I don't believe it.Last fall, Palin changed her story in one detail. In speeches in Alabama and elsewhere, she stated that Trig was born in Anchorage, contradicting what she wrote in her own book.So Joe McGinniss, as he learned the facts, went from Trig Agnostic (his own term) to Trig Truther? I ask you, what do you believe?"


  152. Dis Gusted2:27 AM

    IMO it's the plastic surgery that makes her face so weird. You can actually see where the old face used to be.

  153. Dis Gusted2:30 AM

    So either Bristol’s “close family” didn’t catch on to what everyone else knew (and she didn’t tell them) or they knew before she said they did.


    more likely - multiple pregnancies

  154. Dis Gusted2:34 AM

    Her favorite thing to do with her three year old son is to ride a four wheeler? Who takes a three year old four wheeling?
    And his favorite thing to do is jump on a trampoline? Do they make trampolines for three year old children?

    7:33 PM

    if he was born 12/08 then he is not even 3 years old yet. However, I firmly believe he is at least 4 years old now.

  155. FloridaDem2:57 AM

    "Bristol I once recognized is gone, like a suicide. We'll never see her again and that's eerie."

    That's how I feel too, it's so weird, like, where is that old girl? I agree, it's like suicide.

    How much do you have to hate yourself do do that to your face?

  156. Anonymous3:12 AM

    am extremely skeptical of any doctor performing any form of cosmetic surgery on anyone as young as Bristol. Her body is still changing. I can't imagine a legitimate doctor doing this to her.

    @OzMud 5:39
    :Perhaps it was doc of all trades CBJ who did the facial butchery because Sarah told her too. CBJ seems to do whatever Sarah tells her too And she doesn't correct Sarah when she lies or forges her medical records. Makes sense to me!

  157. Anonymous3:27 AM

    No time to discuss it all here, but if a girl has been abused by an NPD mom, she can't understand why, but she feels a need to always defend her mom; since mom goes into "I'm misunderstood and like a baby" mode; doing the crying thing; looking for sympathy. The kid confuses this tactic as their mom being very delicate, and the child feels like it's up to them to "mother" their mom.

    anon@7:42 You are right. Esp the part about the kid knowing the mom is delicate.......My dad likes to tell the story about the time he came home from work when I was three and my mom was crying and I said to her "don't cry mom, I'll make tea and we can talk".....like I was the mother but I was only 3!!!. He thought it was adorable. In retrospect, I see how sad that is...I was the mother stuck at home with this sick woman all day. When I got me menses at age 12 I never told my mom as I was afraid it would make her feel "old" ,something she was afraid of. My right of passage was consumed with how it would make Her feel.
    Yep, narcissitic moms do a number on their kids psyches.

  158. Anonymous3:32 AM

    "On her next hook up:

    What she wants: "Someone with the same religious beliefs as me"

    So that would be an exterior facade of Christianity and "family values," with an undercurrent of heavy alcohol use starting at age 15 or earlier, multiple babies before age 20, trash talking, and plastic surgery to improve on what God gave ya?

    All righty then.

  159. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Troll at 5:28 PM said, "Bristol is a sweet girl with a passion for life."

    Oh, she's got a passion, all right. That's how girlfriend ended up drunk in a tent at 15 and knocked up twice before age 20.

    So what about that boat ride, Miss Passion?

  160. Anonymous4:04 AM

    I don't know if Bristol was high or not but I think she is just like her mother. She isn't very knowledgeable so she doesn't really have anything interesting to talk about. She's a total dud!! If she hadn't gotten herself knocked up the world would have forgotten about her after the 2008 election ended. Unfortunately her mother is a media whore hooked on the spotlight so what you are seeing from Bristol in this video is her pathetic attempt to appear likeable and engage the camera in order to sell her book. She bought a new face that was more appealing for the cameras but she was too lazy to actually practice for the interview. It's all too much for her to process so she seems weird.

  161. 4 wheeling? with a toddler? is that safe?

  162. Anonymous4:27 AM

    The "I would NEVER pose naked" bit is a jab at Levi for his nearly naked Playgirl shoot. Also, someone was willing to PAY Levi good money for pics of his fairly decent bod, while no one would pay to see pics of Bristle's chunky body.
    And they ain't called PAYLINS for nothin', right?
    She's probably still a little jealous over that.

  163. Anonymous5:39 AM

    I watched with the sound off. She's channeling the "Kardashian" role model, I think. Not the best for a twenty-year-old young woman. And I don't understand why the all-the-time big smile while talking. It looks so fake.

  164. Anonymous5:50 AM

    "...and someone who's a family man...."

    Meaning....she is screwing somebody else's baby-daddy.

  165. Anonymous5:56 AM

    I don't want to jinx the kid but she looks like an about to be porn star to me.

  166. Anonymous5:57 AM

    That is against the law in most states - the 4-wheeler and the kid thing....Is it agianst the law in Arizona/Alaska/California, or whereever she is this week?

  167. Anonymous6:04 AM

    I would have said, "chasing OUR dog". Weird to say that it is the toddler's dog. Sounds like the beginning of creating a spoiled kid.

    Yeah, but she probably isn't around him that much. The dog probably belongs to the kid and the nanny. She just visits in between "dates".

  168. Anonymous6:16 AM

    I just can't get over the freaky cheek thing. My gosh, when she glances down (like to look at a Blackberry or something), all she must see is only cheek.

    The hair is down around her face to try to hide the signs of plastic surgery.

    It is obvious that the lighting and camera people are used to hiding the freakish side of plastic surgery--I'm sure that in person, she looks like a total freak.

    I would feel sorry for her, but her attitude and past behaviour takes all feelings of sympathy away.

  169. Anonymous6:33 AM

    She has great teeth and she hasn't pierced her tongue so - yay?!

  170. Shawn's MOM7:46 AM

    Gotta love Bristol, following in Mamma's footsteps, writing a book about herself. It's going to send a wonderful message out there to teenage girls that it is ok to become a sexual deviant, to have sex outside of marriage and to give birth to an illegitimate child. They think, hey, Bristol did it and now she has fame and fortune and now if I do what she did I can have that too. I'm not saying she should have had an abortion or anything like that because that isn't right either, I just feel that she should not be profiting off of her mistake. Everyone out there should be protesting her for doing that.

  171. Calli Pygian8:32 AM

    1. I think she is botoxed to the max post-surgery. ick.

    2. "Outside" activities for mom and tot ("favorites" for a TWO YEAR OLD):


    Bet the American Academy of Pediatrics freakin' loves this pinhead.

  172. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Anonymous said...

    She has great teeth and she hasn't pierced her tongue so - yay?!

    6:33 AM
    ---------------------------------------she got veneers in 2008, so those are fake too.

  173. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Anonymous @ 6:33am said...
    "She has great teeth and she hasn't pierced her tongue so - yay?!"

    Maybe. But Bristly sure has mangled her face and her personal code of ethics & standards that she lives by.

  174. indy_girl9:40 AM

    I could only stand to listen for about 15 seconds. That whispery "innocent girl" stage voice is sooooo fake!!! next thing you know she'll be baby talking to herself like Psycho Sarah.

    Bristol = plastic

  175. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Anonymous said...

    That is against the law in most states - the 4-wheeler and the kid thing....Is it agianst the law in Arizona/Alaska/California, or whereever she is this week?

    5:57 AM

    Since when have the Palins cared? You know the laws don't apply to "special" people like them!

  176. Anonymous11:11 AM

    KaJo - Yes I saw that bit about Biscuit's new boyfriend on TheDirty.com also.

    I sure hope the DA don't really get to digging on her too much....lol

  177. Anonymous11:17 AM

    What a sad life, being fake on the inside and out all the time.

  178. Anonymous12:02 PM

    I'm reading "Blind Allegiance" now (I know, I'm behind the curve). Last night I read the section about how Sarah took a call from Bristol, who was sobbing about something that had happened at school, and she rolled her eyes and offered Frank Bailey the phone. Then she gave Bristol short, terse responses, clearly indicating that she had more important things to do than listen to her daughter's "drama." Bailey presents it as a typical example of Sarah's mothering/attitude toward her children.

    I believe he says this happened in April 2006. Wasn't the infamous wine cooler incident that summer? It would explain a lot about Bristol's feelings, motivations, etc. Her mother was busy with the campaign. Her dad was either on the North Slope or involved in the campaign, countermanding Sarah's orders and warning her staffers about her daily moods. Not a mystery why in that situation a teenaged girl might start drinking heavily, or why she'd do whatever it took to keep a boyfriend who was giving her some semblance of affection and positive enforcement.

  179. Dis Gusted1:53 PM

    I believe he says this happened in April 2006. Wasn't the infamous wine cooler incident that summer?


    Levi claimed he met Bristol in 2007 on his My Space page that is now defunct.

  180. Anonymous4:44 PM

    The skin around her mouth moves like a double jointed marionette's or nut cracker's mouth.

    The skin moves naturally in some places and not in others. Probably because there are at least two areas on each side of her face where the surface skin is not directly lying over the sub-skin and musculature of the face and mouth and so does not move in a natural manner relative to the movement of the muscles round the mouth. It looks like a plastic doll's face, as do many of Hollywood types these days. Humans as claymation figures.

    The other, nutcracker look, is the fake chin. It also does not move normally. And of course it sticks out from the face in a totally disproportionate manner.

  181. Chenagrrl4:50 PM

    The lighting is like that for Brando as Kurtz in "Apocalypse Now."

    The horror! The horror!

    Bristol. Get a board certified surgeon, take in a good pre-chin picture and come back to us.

    You are still young enough that your skin should snap back.

  182. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Bristol is dating Nathan Ridarelli he lives in Peoria Arizona,and has a son.It is all over thedirty.com


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