Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sarah Palin makeup tips. Just for fun.

(If video does not play for you try clicking here.)


  1. ManxMamma2:23 PM

    Love it.

  2. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Given how OBSESSED bloggers are with the Palins and EVERYTHING they do, I'm shocked you don't like the book. It's gives a pretty accurate and specific depiction of growing up Palin.

  3. Anonymous2:27 PM

    LOL! I liked the Bristol Palin necklace reference, "too risque" Perfect!!

  4. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Just know that if Sarah were a man, she'd be President. She is the female Barack Obama.

  5. Anonymous2:31 PM

    God, why didn't I think of this first?!?! That is so funny, and so apropos of our Quitter Twitter Patriot Faketriot!

  6. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I would LOVE to see a similar clinic about Michele Bachmann's "presidential" look.

  7. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Do people not realize that turning books over out of blind hatred only recreates more work for poor bookstore employees and paints liberals in general as immature?

    May God help this country if libs become the dominate group.

  8. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I wish she had done it like Sarah's. Tons of foundation, raise those eyebrows up about 3 inches, lots of eye makeup, some botox and assfat to plump up the cheeks, lipliner tatoo and fake teeth, you get my drift. oh yes, the glasses.

  9. Anonymous3:15 PM

    If Palin was the gender version of Obama, wouldnt she speak better, be better educated, be more knowledgable about EVERYTHING, not lie, not dress like a whore, have children that behave and have a moral compass, not attack anyone out of spitefulness, and in general, a good person with a servant's heart?

  10. Anonymous3:19 PM

    @2:45 Did you mean DOMINANT? PALINBOT TROLL.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Do people not realize that turning books over out of blind hatred only recreates more work for poor bookstore employees and paints liberals in general as immature?
    May God help this country if libs become the dominate group.
    2:45 PM
    What are you babbling about?
    Liberals become the dominant (note correct spelling) group? Um, honey, the election in 2008 wasn't even close. The day has come. And it was conservatives shouting death threats at President Obama and it continues to this day.

    Also, I've worked in a bookstore. We were always arranging and re-arranging books both because customers were always picking them up and putting them down, and also to emphasize different books that were selling well or being promoted at a particular time or on a particular day. No biggy if customers turned books over whether accidentally or on purpose. So it doesn't create (note correct word) more work for the "poor" employee. And I don't think anyone on either end of the political spectrum, was doing it out of "blind hate", but more out of mischief.

  12. Anonymous3:23 PM

    No, 2:29, if SP were a man she would not be President.
    Here's one for you. Take away the Sarah Palin's attractiveness (I'll give her that much, but that's it)and let's put those Sarah Palin ideas on, oh, let's say somebody that looks like Janet Reno. How far do you think that Sarah Palin would have gotten? Sarah Palin ideas and the way Sarah Palin talks word salady and all with Janet Reno looks. Yea, don't think she would have gotten a second look. The only reason she got picked was for the way she looked and grandpa McShame thought that all the PUMAs would overwhelmingly vote for the purty woman. After all there was only about 10 or 11 weeks for the voters to get to know Palin and they overwhelmingly went for the black guy and the white guy.
    Epic fail 2:29 and you know it!

  13. Anonymous3:28 PM

    2:45 what've got against bookstore employees? We're keeping them in business. Oh, that's right, you're a repube and you would rather have high unemployment because you've got it out for the guy in the middle class. You want to make President Obama a one-term President. Go back to the pee pee pond.

  14. Anonymous3:28 PM

    You've really hit some nerves today Gryph! The bots are coming out of the woodwork! Don't ya love it.
    Shape up you guys! Quit turning over those books. Those poor people are working their fingers to the bone straightening up those books. Maybe the bots can do book patrol too and keep those books in order. Wonder how many have been flying off the shelf? When they get down to 99 cents may get some for gag stocking stuffer's for my older boys to start their fireplace.

  15. This is an interesting comparison to the humor in a previous post. I thought this was well done and don't regard the other as such.

    Perhaps it's because I have NO respect for Sarah Palin and I do for (most) teachers...and the humor was clearly directed at Palin's messed up messaging.

    I posted a comment on the Cameron Diaz movie, which was either blocked or didn't go through. So I will try again, because movies like this shouldn't go uncriticized.

    My previous comment, regarding the "Bad Teacher" movie:

    For quite some time I have read your site, hearing about how important it is to you to "not have Sarah Palin" achieve any sort of power. You analyze everything about her. I am assuming you do this, because you think she is "bad for our country."

    But then you revel in the movie "Bad Teacher." It portrays a woman who is completely dysfunctional, even though she has "achieved a position as a teacher." She is completely unmotivated to do her job, until she has the "goal" of "getting a man." Stand back. She becomes a force to be reckoned with. But of course, he wouldn't accept her. She doesn't have big enough boobs. It's disgusting.
    Then she becomes a showpiece---emphasis on piece---for the entire community, to achieve her "goal." This is just another sad portrayal of what our culture says again and again to young women.

    I don't give a s**t if it's "supposed to be humor." You find out a lot about people from their "jokes" as we saw recently with that Obama impersonator.

    I am truly sorry young women are going to this movie and not understanding that it is continuing to perpetuate horrible stereotypes about women. Sadly until people realize the value in becoming honest, respectful members of a community, with goals of making the world a better place for everyone, we are going to stay in the rut of having to deal with crap coming from every direction.

  16. Anonymous3:34 PM

    "Accessory" I liked best: when they handed the model a fake baby.

  17. angela3:45 PM

    What's with all the bots whining about books and Palin being the female Obama?

    Bristol's book must be bogged down. And I guess you could say Sarah was like Obama if his spouse sought out prostitutes, his kids were vandals, drug users and knocked up teens with filthy mouths, he quit an elected office to swill and grift millions and he could barely put two words together that didn't say "common sense conservative values, gotcha questions and I love the constitution--even if I don't know what's in it".

    What kind of kibble are the bots eating these days?
    They shouldn't have given all their grocery money to Sarah.

  18. Noticed that commenters are calling out the Palin-bots in this thread. Most egregious is:
    Anonymous 2:29 PM
    She is the female Barack Obama.

    Uhhh-no. Just to name one difference: Obama follows through on what he says. The list is *way* too long to continue, though.

    Saw your tweets today about "Fair Game," the Valerie Plame movie. "Why the Libby Trial matters:" Tom Toles said it best and most succinctly in this one-panel piece published in Feb. 2007:

  19. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Obama is a very intelligent man. Sarah is a stupid woman. There are smart women in politics if you want a woman to run. Sarah is not one of them. People voted for her for the way she looks. I voted Obama and he will get my vote again.

  20. Anonymous4:24 PM

    "Given how OBSESSED bloggers are with the Palins and EVERYTHING they do, I'm shocked you don't like the book. It's gives a pretty accurate and specific depiction of growing up Palin."

    @2:27 PM

    The Palins are OBSESSED with bloggers, Levi Johnston, and the media. Obviously, we are not so obsessed that we are dumb enough to buy that stupid book full of lies and propaganda. Who gives a shit about "growing up Palin?"

  21. Anonymous4:31 PM

    "Just know that if Sarah were a man, she'd be President. She is the female Barack Obama."

    @2:29 PM

    What the heck is that supposed to mean? No, $arah Palin would not be president if she were a man. People don't dislike $arah Palin because she's a woman, moron. Enough of the sexism garbage. A lot of people thought Hillary Clinton was going to be the next president, until Barack Obama came along. $arah Palin is no female Barack Obama. I don't where you would get such an insane idea. She has more in common with Adolph Hitler, than Barack Obama. Fuck you for trying to lower Barack Obama to her level.

  22. Anonymous4:39 PM

    "Do people not realize that turning books over out of blind hatred only recreates more work for poor bookstore employees and paints liberals in general as immature?

    May God help this country if libs become the dominate group."

    @2:45 PM

    Because people like $arah Palin, Michele Bachmann, and Christine O'Donnell make conservatives look so mature! Please. They are laughingstocks. Does $arah Palin realize that her blind hatred for our President, and America does not help the right-wing cause? She's so extreme and polarizing, she cost republicans control of the senate, and her candidate of choice couldn't even win the senate race in Alaska. With the growth of the Latino population, you conservatives are already on your way to extinction. Good riddance.

  23. emrysa4:46 PM

    well that was kinda funny but she left out the botox and juvederm injections - mandatory for anyone who wants to look like the quitter.

  24. Anonymous4:46 PM

    @2:45 PM:

    Anyone is free to correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't $arah Palin once support the guy who wanted to burn korans out of blind hatred?

  25. emrysa4:52 PM

    anon @ 2:29 sez:

    "Just know that if Sarah were a man, she'd be President. She is the female Barack Obama."

    rofl oh yeah, obama makes up bullshit words like "refudiate" and "squirmish" and oh yeah he also runs around calling people limp and impotent. and his books, just like the quitters, blame everyone else for everything wrong in his life. lol

  26. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Bristol says in her book that she broke up with Levi when he fathered a baby named Bentley. That hurt her so much because that was the name she had always wanted to use for her baby. Has anyone found a baby named Bentley in that area of AK?

  27. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Also just for fun... since it is still commencement time.

    I think this is even funnier than Stephen Colbert's speech, even though I really like his stuff, too.I heard this last night on Prairie Home Companion

    "English Majors" (on segment 5 around the 105:40 mark)

  28. Bentley, huh? Was she thinking of having a baby with Ben, whose full name might be Bentley?

  29. Anonymous6:08 PM

    I love this!

  30. Anonymous6:10 PM

    My my, the trolls really hate this one ... A little too close for comfort?

  31. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Love Love Love It! It's funny how satire and humor just flies over the palinworhippers heads!

    Why can't we have a laugh or two at Sarah's expense, without having to actually listen to Sarah's own voice.

    This is why Kathy Griffith cracks me up, and also, too, in the effort to shore up the comedy industry, we must mention Tina Fey, who is not a fungible commodity.

    And Katie Couric, a widowed single mother of two, has her own talk show AND real journalistic duties she gets paid millions to do. She doesn't have to beg people for money or make fake movies to boost her ego, she EARNS her own money.

    Unlike a certain wine cooler pong playing, Levi Johnston stalking nymphomaniac who doesn't have the credentials to preech abstinance nor the experience to write a memoir, let alone face the truth that she played an active role in the pursuit to become pregnant. She obviously wants Levi badly, or she'd have moved on with her life, what, five years later?

    Comparing any Palin to the First Family is an exercise of futility. Snookie, Paris Hilton and the Kardashians? that's more like it, but they're smarter and have more class than the Palins.

    Did I clear anything up for any whiners, or should I use smaller words and type slower?

  32. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Bots, Why would I buy Bristol's book when the cow is free? There is no mystery or intrigue in a Palin they are overexposed and I mean that from the cheap clothes to the tawdry exhibitionism. Also, I don't support parents who bash another parent in public. It causes untold damage on children and it is unacceptable.


    She is not as attractive or sexy as him. She stalks him. She isn't anything like him. She doesn't have the brains of his little finger in her entire bumpit. She is a loser. He is a winner. Etc. So desperate, bots. Get better soon.

  33. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Well that's just like reading Sea of Pee.

  34. no matter how many people crtisice Sara Palin she is a graceful lady with a taste n style of her own.

  35. Anonymous2:42 AM

    LOVED IT :)

  36. Anonymous3:35 AM

    this is supposed to be funny, i guess. we'll see who has the last laugh.

  37. Thank you so much for featuring my video! I'm honored. I have a bunch more fun looks if you're interested - like Megan Fox and Maria Shriver. Stay peachy! Michelle

  38. Anonymous10:13 AM

    john Lewis Sales @ 2:25:

    "no matter how many people crtisice Sara Palin she is a graceful lady with a taste n style of her own."


    ROFL..."grace?" "Style?" What particularly drew you attention? The blow-up bra? The too-big shoes? The food-stained jacket? The biker-chick outfit? Is "john" your name or just a description? She dresses like one of Todd's whores--so I guess that the style isn't entirely her own.

    As for "grace"--two words--"blood libel."


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.