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Sarah Palin hands out autographed copies of the Constitution. Hoping that somebody will explain it to her. |
Sarah Palin’s bus is plastered with a mockup of the U.S. Constitution. But her entourage — both the three-vehicle motorcade that includes the bus and the smaller, two-SUV version she uses for smaller events — hasn’t been very respectful of the traffic laws.
They speed. They run red lights and stop signs. They make last-second lane changes to get off the highway, sometimes without signaling.
So do the reporters following them.
Journalists in the caravan trailing her One Nation tour bus describe the experience as harrowing, a rolling menace careening up the East Coast in hot pursuit of the former Alaska governor who declined to provide any advance itinerary of her tour over six days on the road.
As they left the clambake she attended Thursday in New Hampshire, Palin’s two-SUV caravan did 52 miles per hour in a 35 zone as it peeled away from the hosts’ neighborhood. Both cars blew through a stop sign about a mile later. They did 70 mph in a 55 mph zone on I-95 — and then, after they got off, without signaling, flew right past a flashing sign informing them they were going 45 mph in a 35 mph zone.
And that was after they’d already stormed the major cities — and just missed driving through a tornado on the road into Boston.
On Tuesday, the bus nearly hit a biker turning off of Pine Street in Philadelphia
You know I am not sure ANY other coverage of this bus tour does a better job of illustrating what a Palin Presidency would look like.
We have already seen that it would be dangerously anti-intellectual, but as this story demonstrates it would also undoubtedly ignore the existing laws that are in place to contain its power and do whatever the hell it wanted, just like Palin did as Mayor of Wasilla. Or have everybody forgotten this quote: 'I'm the mayor, I can do whatever I want until the courts tell me I can't.'"
I know that Palin likes to argue that all of those ethics complaints filed against her while she was Governor were frivolous, and perhaps one or two fit that category, but the majority of them were in response to some rather serious ethical lapses, and they became the ONLY way to hold our Governor accountable for her actions since she never responded to good advice nor common sense.
This is why I NEVER take the teabaggers seriously. They say they want their leaders to adhere to the Constitution and follow the rule of law, and yet they support candidates who have demonstrated nothing but disdain for the rules, and who do not even appear to have a rudimentary understanding of what the Founding Fathers envisioned for this country.
The next time that Sarah Palin tries to hand a copy of the Constitution to an American citizen I hope they ask her if she could explain to them ANYTHING specific about what it says, and watch her stumble to provide an answer that is not just some version of the word salad that she dishes up every time anybody puts her on the spot.
The woman is virtually unteachable, and simply has NO respect for any rules or laws that do not let her do what she wants to do. And that is NOT somebody that you allow to gain power, that is somebody you walk to the park in a child safety harness so that they do not run out into traffic.
Of course for Palin it might need to come with a gag, since in her case the mouth is her most dangerous orifice.
It gets pretty serious when a right wing blog like Politico takes her to task for her behavior and that of her followrs
ReplyDeleteIf we thought that they might be nailed by the police, here's a little tidbit from just a bit further in to that story:
ReplyDelete"...a cop pulled up, pointing out to the first reporter trailing the bus how many lights they were running. The reporter apologized — but begged to stick with the bus. The perplexed cop let him go."
It must suck to be Sarah; get your vacation paid for with other folks' money (legally!), run red lights, have near misses with bikers...
But then if being Sarah is the price for that, it's too steep for me.
Five days, how many stupid remarks and public gaffe's? Can we do an album summarizing them?
ReplyDeleteShe is a MENACE TO SOCIETY.
ReplyDeleteSome claim that they are willing to follow Sarah to Hell and back. What they don't realize is that Sarah is on a one way trip.
ReplyDeleteAll Palinbots should read Frank Bailey's book "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin". She a false prophet, folks.
i wish the media would just stop following her ..next thing you know something happens and she'll be the victim again. They where chasing her etc. like Princes Diana
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure it really matters and it sounds like the media was just as guilty. They follow her around and boost her ego, like that needs boosting. They don't call on her lies and her stupidity. Even the biggest paper in nh put her pic above romney's. I want to throw up.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand this Palin Family vacation / give America a history lesson?
ReplyDeleteFor one, Sarah is not teaching history correctly. It is like she is pulling it out of her ass as she goes along. Sarah Palin is not comfortable saying I don't know. Not very presidential of her if you ask America.
If this doesn't beat all! That cop that let them go ought to be reprimanded if not fired for such blatant disregard for public safety!
ReplyDeleteHer MSM are worse than dogs in heat!
I am sure the rest of the world is laughing no end at this travesty that pretends to be nothing less than a tease and a true media whore.
Caroline in MI
I'm getting a weird unable-to-connect-to link message when I click on the Politico link, Gryphen. Is that just a problem for me, or is anyone else having this problem?
ReplyDeleteOT, but people are correct that the woman at the beginning of the CNN Paul Revere footage (.05) is not Palin. She has dimples and different teeth. WTH?
ReplyDeleteThe press should have quit following her after she made the statement she hasn't decided yet. She isn't news worthy unless you put her in the entertainment section.
ReplyDeleteI just read The Washington Post by Glenn Kessler
ReplyDelete"Sarah Palin struggles with the facts "
Great (must read ) ! you will not be disappointed .
Just sharing .
The article talks about " The Pinocchio"
It's not the media dogs that're in heat - in the canine world it's the female dog - the bitch - that is in heat and the male dogs do what they do. Just like the t-baggers.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad media is picking up on this...
Gryph, you are good person. I just perused the blogs and it may be that one of your friends needs you and I'll bet you will be there. Not dropping any secret hints or codes to be analyzed - I've just been watching this saga from afar for 2 years and I've got a feeling.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad people are picking up on this...Free Piper!
Sounds like a Palinesque version of Speed with Sarah in the Dennis Hopper role.
ReplyDeleteWhen spouting about the Statute of Liberty's message that it's a warning to avoid the mistakes that other countries made--- or that Paul Revere rang some bells so that the British wouldn't take away his arms (the birth of the NRA??? maybe?), Sarah sounds like the kid who didn't read the book, and has just been called up in front of the class to give the book report.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know about the book, "Wild Card: The Promise and Peril of Sarah Palin" by Mark Joseph?
Don't forget, some of the "media' following Palin is paid for by SarahPAC. The old "seed the crowd with your paid fans" trick to attract more attention, fleece more money and donations from followers, etc. Pitiful. The only way Sarah gets a "friend' is if she pays him or her.
ReplyDeleteWashington Post has an excellent analysis of Palin's interview with Greta, "Sarah Palin Struggles with the Facts" (re-posted by Yahoo).
If Pres. Obama had said these ridiculous things, we would never hear the end of it.
Sarah Palin collects a bushel of Pinocchios on her bus tour
My mind is reeling over the fact that she flew home today already. So that tour took a grand total of FIVE days, covering D.C., Gettysburg, Philadelphia, NYC and Boston? She must be some kind of sponge to absorb that much historical significance in such a short time.
ReplyDeletePalin Plans to Meet Key Early-State Leaders
Bristol Palin dancing into Birmingham for book signing
That is kind of weird...are they driving around following her with a radar gun to determine her speed?
ReplyDeleteMaybe if the media would stop following this publicity-seeking loser, they would not be in any danger.
I'm so sick of their constant salivation over Sarah Palin. I really do hope Sarah Palin runs for president because the more she opens her mouth, the more everyone realizes what a joke she is.
Where is Sarah?
ReplyDeletePark Service Unwittingly Becomes a Player in Palin's Bus Tour Drama
It's the media's own freaking fault for following an idiot. If one of them got in an accident, she'd just have a good laugh. Dummies.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for that babygate book!
Fox-Kilmeade: Palin "Was Really Classless" For Upstaging Romney's Announcement With Bus Tour
Well, Michelle Obama and Marion Robinson are taking Sasha and Malia Obama to South Africa and Botswana in a few weeks, so we'll be able to see how the liberal elite take their children on vacations where reporters will be hanging around:
How much you want to bet that the Obama girls are dressed appropriately and held back by their grandmother whenever Michelle has official business? And how much you want to bet that Michelle will know some basic information about the foreign land that she is visiting?
Tune in this sunday with plenty of popcorn:
ReplyDeletePalin Will Appear With Chris Wallace on FNS
Mimi and everyone else wondering, the woman in the red suit is a Palin impersonator and doppleganger. If is not Sarah. I saw another video where they were posing for pictures together, ugh.
ReplyDeleteAnd may I just say that 5 whole days touring the entire east coast does not an educational tour make. I mean really, many people take 3-4 days just here in DC alone. When I take my kids downtown to a Smithsonian museum we typically spend anywhere from 2-4 hours in each one of them! I don't think Sarah spent more than half an hour at each stop.
It would be interesting to find put how many US Park police, tour guides, and local law enforcement had to be used for Sarahs Wild Ride The Sequel. I would love count up the wasted taxpayer dollars squandered on the Media Whore Idiot Queen
The constitution needs an admendment to require mental stability testing of candidates for president and VICE-president.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin could not pass a pyschological evaluation to even enter the military much less the more extensive testing for people that work with our nuclear weapons.
And yet, Sarah Palin has the ambition to control our nuclear weapons.
Sarah Palin's bus tour is a menace on the highway. Sarah Palin's "politics" is a menace to world peace.
ReplyDeletenot often I ask for a change in a post, but
maybe you could sort of put some emphasis on that little detail.
Wow, is she ever cross-eyed in this photo!
ReplyDeleteI am seriously going to LOSE my mind over this dimwit. HOW embarrassing is it for our nation that a number of people estimated to be in the MILLIONS (yes, even with her constant decline, it's *millions* who still support her) think this dopey shyster is qualified for the most powerful position on earth???
I joked about leaving the country if W was re-elected.
But, and I could NOT be more serious...if Sarah Palin wins the primary, I will move. I can't raise my children in a country which not only allows but seems to encourage this mentally unstable, vindictive IDIOT to reach for even more power.
she looks crossed eyed - look at her eyes! Yikes.
ReplyDeleteIn all fairness, it's not her fault reporters run lights and signs. And she's certainly not the only celebrity where that happens. Heck even one reporter bragged about getting out of a ticket in NYC. Haha. The more the media treats her like a princess, the more she starts to emulate the rise of Barack Obama. They really areidentical politicians.
ReplyDeleteOne thing to consider for the next election: not since Roosevelt has umemployment been this bad. And Obama is NO FDR. So unless the econ strengthens, it will be incredibly interesting.
Gotta hand it to 'em, "passed out autographed copies of the Constitution".
ReplyDeleteWas she one of our "founding fathers" too?
She looks even more cross-eyed in that photo. Plus she is looking haggard, time to get back on her medfs. As for the "journalists" complaining about speeding, STOP FOLLOWING HER. I just signed a petition being sent to all major media outlets requesting that they STOP reporting on her every move. She is not a candidate, holds no public office, why publicise her begging for money bus tour?
ReplyDeleteTo 11:05, thanks but I'll rely on my own experiences with Sarah, which you should all do as well. Can you really argue with that?
ReplyDeleteJarrett On Wallace's Upcoming Palin Interview: "Everyone Is Going To Have To Watch It Or TiVo It"
I am reading Dunn's book and I can't get anything else done because it is hard to lay it down.
ReplyDeleteHer actions on this bus tour are just exactly as Dunn describes her in numerous things she was involved in back when she was nominated. If anyone hasn't read Dunn's book, then you should because it is very well written and researched.
She is vindictive and a back stabber and will not give up until her so called enemies are on the ground bleeding and she will still keep kicking them. She is really a scary person and I would be afraid if I ever crossed her; she carries grudges for years.
ReplyDelete"Thanks but I'll rely on my own experiences with Sarah, which you should all do as well. Can you really argue with that?"
What a stupid thing to say. We do not all have personal experience with the politicians leading us and must therefore make decisions based on how they present themselves and what others reveal about their experiences with them.
Further, Sarah Palin is a profligate liar, playing a role. We cannot trust her to tell the truth about her actions or motivations and therefore must rely on those who have personal knowledge of her, like Bailey.
Not to mention, Bailey uses Palin's own e-mails to underscore his assertions.
So, yes, I can argue with the idea that we should only judge Sarah Palin or any other public figure soley by our own experience with her/them.
Her tour reminds me of a 2-billed cap a supervisor would wear.
ReplyDelete"I am their leader - which way did they go?"
$P must soak up all that East Coast history like a sponge - course we've heard how well she digested it.
Our family spent 10 days in DC/Boston a dozen years ago - and easily could have spent another 10 days finding things to visit.
I see Rebecca Mansour is here posting for Bigboss idiot Sarah, hey Bekka, your boss is an idiot and turns on everyone who helps her. Your time is coming.
ReplyDeleteWatch this clip in the end Piper has had it with this so called tour, she will not hop on it again:
SarahPac must be paying Chuck Heath to drive that wretched bus.
ReplyDeleteNo PROFESSIONAL driver would drive that recklessly, risking an accident or traffic ticket for his employers.
Cheap, unprofessional, tacky.. all the Palin "trademarks".
I am glad to see the "tour" end soon. I guess she was not greeted with the cheering masses, throwing her flowers, and chanting her name as she probably fantasized.
Greg Sargent has another tv broadcast about Palin's Paul Revere lesson. The videographer stopped before her last sentence, 'And we would be armed," however the video and audio is better than the CNN version.
ReplyDeletePlease watch. She appears to be drunk or drugged.
To 11:05, thanks but I'll rely on my own experiences with Sarah, which you should all do as well. Can you really argue with that? 12:48 PM
ReplyDeleteSure we can. At least until you provide us with some believable basis for your claimed "own experiences". All sorts of silly p-bots come here and claim non-existent personal relationships with Queen Sarah.
P.S., It might also be useful if you actually offered up some of those "own experiences" rather than merely (doubtful) claiming that you possess some.
Silly bot.
Bombshell in August!!
ReplyDeleteDid she pay for those copies of the constitution or did she "take" them from the National Archives. I don't think they would give away so many copies for free to a single individual
ReplyDeleteI shudder to think that my tax dollars paid for one of her promo gambits.
The woman has no shame she lies and tells history wrong and just keeps on ticking. She is just plain scary.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Granny has won many friends in the media.. having to risk their lives and beg their way out of traffic tickets to record her ignorant sound bites, I'm sure they will tell their fellow reporters and department chiefs what a joy she was to work with. (SNARK!!)
ReplyDelete12:48 we are relying on our own experiences all the footage they showed the last few days shows a complete psychotic faker, liar, bad mother, stupid, ignorant, and just plain making stuff up person.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 1:30, just a hint, please?
ReplyDeletePretty please?
I think Sarah looked absolutely like a deer in the headlights with that "gotcha" question about Paul Revere - ha! She was freaking, and she knew she was saying the wrong thing. Painful.
The bus tour is turning out to be much more of a "reality" show than the SPAK "reality" show ever was. This one has Piper drama, bad driving, no seatbelts, no brains....wait...the last "reality" show had that too. How many "Palins running around like fools being totally annoying" reality shows can people stomach? Two thumbs down.
ReplyDeleteLooks like she went "home" to AZ not AK.
ReplyDeleteWhere did she get the copies of the constitution? Are taxpayers picking up the tab? Does anyone know if the small copies are available to visitors, and she is signing them to hand out.
ReplyDeleteI can see this Palin family summer vacation as a stupid reality show. There is no way her ignorant dumbass is presidential material.
ReplyDeleteThis is Alaska Snookie's National Lampoon Summer Vacation. Sarah has done too many stupid things this past week to be given the nuclear button.
SNL could not of written a better script.
Nobody would believe this trip if they had not seen it with their own eyes.
Has anybody seen Chuck or Sally Heath? I haven't.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if they abandoned their dumbass daughter.
I know there is such a thing as parent loyalty, but if Chuck and Sally had any sense, they would abandon this vacation like everybody else did.
Too sad to watch as a relative.
ReplyDeleteIf Piper was allowed to go home, she would hide under bed until summer was over.
Has FOX said anything about this trip or Sarah Palin's version of Paul Revere's ride?
ReplyDeleteToo funny!
ReplyDelete"Thanks but I'll rely on my own experiences with Sarah, which you should all do as well. Can you really argue with that?"
Well, my experience is that Sarah Palin is unable to put together a coherent sentence or understand really basic stuff in U.S. history, which makes her a joke of a presidential candidate. So, um, what's your point?
5/30/11: "I’ve said before that George Washington is my favorite Founding Father"
Yeah, only after being asked twice:
1/13/10: "Beck asked Palin who her favorite Founding Father is. “You know, well, all of them .... “Bullcrap,” Beck retorted. “Who’s your favorite?” Palin then finally settled on George Washington."
Paul Revere according to Sarah Palin http://t.co/GrQxOQw
ReplyDeletePalin slams Mitt over mandates from the cover of her happy Gidget routine. Ouch.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is an expert at southern politics, and it only helps that she is so gosh darn pretty while she elbows her opponent. Her breathless charm belies the knife, “I’m just here doing my education tour and we’re all so happy, he’s great, too bad about those mandates, we independents don’t want to be told what to do by the government, I’m sure he’s not mad that I’m here, stepping on his day, gosh no, bless his heart!”
Down goes Romney. He never saw what hit him. It would help to remind everyone that this bubbly lover of freedom had crosshairs on Democrats not too long ago. The boys mustn’t be distracted by the exterior.
The boys are going to have a tough time going after the non-declared Palin. She can take all of the shots she wants without having to get in the ring. I’m sure Mitt’s team will find a way to rebut her, but out of pity for Romney’s Palin burial, let me remind everyone that Sarah Palin’s Alaska Gasline Inducement Act (AGIA) was a government mandate on the oil and gas companies. And by the way, her windfall profit taxes raised oil taxes to the highest in the state’s history
Sent an email to a Manhattan newspaper{New York Observer]about their cops equally dangerous decision in letting that reporter go.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, you silly. The Tea Party only wants America's black leaders to adhere to the Constitution and follow the rule of law; the white ones can do whatever they want -- and they're doing this not because they're racist but because this is a surefire way to end racism. If white people aren't given every advantage possible, how will they ever get ahead?
ReplyDelete@ 1:22, Sarah is either super upset about something and barely able to keep it together, or, she is lit. She seems out of it.
ReplyDeleteThat poor kid, truly. Whining at her age is somewhat unusual - is she 9 or 10 or somewhere around there? She must be exhausted and fed up.
ReplyDeleteOMG- this should be another post in the Pathetic Parenting of Palin saga. Piper is AWESOME in this!!
"In all fairness, it's not her fault reporters run lights and signs. And she's certainly not the only celebrity where that happens. Heck even one reporter bragged about getting out of a ticket in NYC. Haha. The more the media treats her like a princess, the more she starts to emulate the rise of Barack Obama. They really areidentical politicians.
ReplyDeleteOne thing to consider for the next election: not since Roosevelt has umemployment been this bad. And Obama is NO FDR. So unless the econ strengthens, it will be incredibly interesting."
12:46 PM
$arah Palin's fucking bus, and entourage were the one running stop signs and stop lights, you idiot. I guess you think $arah Palin is entitled to kill people, huh? Always making excuse for that moron.
And, STFU. FDR was re-elected when the economy was in even worse shape than it is now, and the unemployment rate was much higher. This a right-wing talking point, to make republicans feel more confident about winning in 2012 with their weak field of candidates, which is no sure thing, even with a bad economy. Republicans running on doing away with Medicare? Should be "incredibly intersting indeed."
I think re-pigs should wait to see if the latest negative economic reports are a trend, before they start counting their chickens. The same thing happened last year, around the same time.
Faux & GOP are going to have to take her down. They created this loathsome monster – they need to destroy her: politically & publically. (even personally if need be)
ReplyDeleteShe is an abomination to the political arena. No respect for the Office of the Presidency (no matter who it is), nor political leaders (who have earned their positions), nor for the US citizens who voted overwhelmingly NOT to put her in office on McCains coat-tail.
Sarah Palin needs to go away – no more speeches, no more Faux spots, no more Discovery Channel, no more books or bus tours and no more reporters. Make her a piranha!
Go away Sarah – just go away!
Upstaged! New Hampshire’s Biggest Newspaper Puts Palin Over Romney On Today’s Front Page
Sarah quitting her One Nation tour after 5 days reminds me of an old Far Side cartoon. Setting: a classroom full of kids and teacher. Punchline: Johnny raises his hand and asks the teacher if he can be excused because his brain is full. I'm sure Sarah's "brain" was full by breakfast of the first day. The rest was just filler. Thank all the gods that this pathetic farce is FINALLY over. Five days has felt like five years. I am going to have to produce at least two of my more "violent" barbie photo shoots to compensate for my mental anguish. Perhaps I will have to have the Founding Fathers beat Sarah to death with copies of the Constitution. That might make me feel better.
ReplyDeleteshe is sure doing a lot of political stuff considering this is not a campaign tour. She had breakfast this morning the NH's Senator Kelly Ayotte.
ReplyDeleteYou may remember that she deleted all her e-mails when she left the AG position for the Senator job.
As AG she also failed to investigate FRM - Financial Resources Mortgage. The company ran a ponzi scheme and bilked NH residents out of $100 million.
sound familiar?
Is Laura Novak in your blog roll? I was looking for it but don't see it. If it's not there, it would make a nice addition.
ReplyDeleteRolling Dunder?
ReplyDeleteSo she didn't even fly back "home" to Alaska, but went to Phoenix.
ReplyDeleteThat news video is so telling..poor little Piper "can we p..l...e...a...s...e just go?!!" while Mom chirps away. She saw a camera and and mic and she had to talk.
Nice to know that after a whole five days of vacation they need time to "regroup". I am thinking IF they ever do really go back to the bus, Trig will be with them..but I seriously doubt they will get back to the bus.
With the price of gas, will they now just let the bus sit in Boston, since it would cost a lot to drive it all the way home...where ever the hell that is for them now. And...the price of flying the four of them was so much cheaper than it would have been to ride the bus?
She is getting ready for her big announcement on Sunday. P...l...e...a...s..e Sarah, run! We need the entertainment.
So she didn't even fly back "home" to Alaska, but went to Phoenix.
ReplyDeleteThat news video is so telling..poor little Piper "can we p..l...e...a...s...e just go?!!" while Mom chirps away. She saw a camera and and mic and she had to talk.
Nice to know that after a whole five days of vacation they need time to "regroup". I am thinking IF they ever do really go back to the bus, Trig will be with them..but I seriously doubt they will get back to the bus.
With the price of gas, will they now just let the bus sit in Boston, since it would cost a lot to drive it all the way home...where ever the hell that is for them now. And...the price of flying the four of them was so much cheaper than it would have been to ride the bus?
She is getting ready for her big announcement on Sunday. P...l...e...a...s..e Sarah, run! We need the entertainment.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin just upped and quit the family vacation!
Sheeeet.. and we were just startin' to have some fun with her!
Next, Sarah’s planning to drive her bus to Hawaii where she’ll give a lecture on how brave American pilots bombed the Japanese at Pearl Harbor to protect the rights of the unborn and to keep prayer in schools. Heavy sigh…
ReplyDeleteThe Palins went home from their family vacation?
ReplyDeleteWhat am I going to do tomorrow?
I need my history lessons!
If anyone has the stomach for it, she's on Hannity tonight.
ReplyDeleteThe law-breaking that SP does, and gets away with it is uncanny.
She is misrepresenting herself when she claims she's a rogue. Rather, she's more like a rebel, a truce-breaker, law-breaker, vigilante. So she doesn't want to follow the conventional ways of politicking. Is she the future of the GOP if she's encouraging kids to disobey? It's dangerous.
As a result, unless Palin decides to formally explore a possible presidential run, she is free to spend the money raised by SarahPAC for “any lawful purpose” under federal law, experts said. That means it doesn’t matter whether the trip is a holiday, a political event or something in between.
ReplyDelete“Not only can she use SarahPAC for a family vacation, she could use it for her home mortgage payments or anything else she wants,” said Paul S. Ryan, associate legal counsel at the Campaign Legal Center, an advocacy group focused on election laws.
Sarah Palin's supporters are fond of saying, "She's just like us," or "She's one of us," but how are their vacations paid for?
Eggen's article has more information than what has been excerpted, above; for example, the IRS may consider the PAC's expenditures for personal use to be part of Palin's personal income. If so, she would have to pay taxes on that income.
from IRS.gov:
ReplyDeleteWhistleblower - Informant Award
The IRS Whistleblower Office pays money to people who blow the whistle on persons who fail to pay the tax that they owe. If the IRS uses information provided by the whistleblower, it can award the whistleblower up to 30 percent of the additional tax, penalty and other amounts it collects.
If you decide to submit information and seek an award for doing so, use IRS Form 211. The same form is used for both award programs.
Any takers ??
The more the media treats her like a princess, the more she starts to emulate the rise of Barack Obama. They really areidentical politicians.
ReplyDeleteOne thing to consider for the next election: not since Roosevelt has umemployment been this bad. And Obama is NO FDR. So unless the econ strengthens, it will be incredibly interesting.
12:46 PM
Pure and simple, you lie. You are a liar. Identical politicians except for the fact that President Barack Obama has all the accomplishments and years of service one would expect of someone as brilliant and well-educated as he is, whereas Sarah Palin is a lazy, lying quitter who has never succeeded at or completed anything.
Unemployment reached the same level under Reagan. You are a damned fool or a purposeful liar, probably both.
She flew directly back to AZ, not Alaska..says she was out on the 'trail. Trail? As in campaign trail? Things that make you go hmmm...Piper has clearly had enough at this point..poor kid
Somewhere a village is missing its idiot, Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteSarah is still controlled by daddy Chuck, and he is one creepy man.
ReplyDeleteI have something I want to share with you in private, but I can't find an email address for you.
ReplyDeleteI hope this bus tour puts a nail in the coffin of her having any idea of running for President, but then again, it would be something to be able to make fun of her efforts again. I love watching Tina Fey portray SP. Hilarious!
Anyone else notice the TLC tee shirt? Maybe Sarah and Donald are ready for a new reality series. AZ is close to Vegas. TLC...home of Sister Wives, My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, and Sarah! The wackier the better!
ReplyDeleteSarah's paid bloggers are out in full force, cutting and pasting the same Victim response to every online article (each with the same typo that Revere actually did "warm" the British)
ReplyDeleteWow. So I had heard bitney was writing a book. Did anyone in AK mentally leave High school or are they all stuck there permanently? So much immaturity its crazy. Not just from sadie (she is a kid still).
ReplyDeleteKatie Couric must be smiling ear to ear!
ReplyDeleteWoman w sardine can... Sarah has given you material that will keep you busy for months...the Paul Revere history lesson , the Piper body checking the reporter incident , shitty chain store pizza with Trump, etc . Please make a Trump doll....
ReplyDeleteNo one stops Sarah Palin. She's above the law you betcha & gets a free pass every time so far for breaking it. Get out of her way. It could be you or an innocent bystander next going under the bus. I'd like to attach a bloody mannequin to the wheel hub while her goons aren't looking. That would be pretty funny looking going down the road. Bumpity bump bump.
ReplyDeleteAwww....she took her ball and went home. What a train wreck, and she thinks she's relevant.
ReplyDeleteJust keep talking, Your Heinous. You'll be your own demise with no one to blame except YOURSELF. and even then you won't admit it.
HA she QUIT the tour. http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/region_phoenix_metro/central_phoenix/abc15-talks-to-sarah-palin-at-sky-harbor
ReplyDeleteStupid little warriors did not send her enough money to stay on the road. Sarah is NOT GOING TO BE HAPPY about that.
Also too, Piper saying please is progress. Sarah making sure everyone knows she is not a full time resident of Arizona is I betcha to keep her PFD's.
Stop watching the news coming out of America folks. Palin, Palin, Palin - what an idiot and the supposed journalists are just as idiotic! Makes me sick! FOX and MSNBC have become the worst in their commentary.
ReplyDeletePeople outside of the United States think we are unbelievable in covering someone like Palin and being so disrespectful of our President Barack Obama.
It is soooo damned obvious that Americans are uneducated and believe what they see on TV without researching the commentary.
Sarah Palin is a liar and unethical - vet her records in Alaska. Plus, she knows nothing about oil and gas....she is full of gas herself. Imagine her farts!
it's beginning to be clear that the Piper whining to drag her mother away from reporters is an organized effort by the Palin clan. Ma and Pa Palin know their daughter has failed miserably at this summer vacation/bus tour to hel l. So little Piper is sent in to do her diva act, and Sarah can "reluctantly" withdraw from the microphones.
ReplyDeletePiper is getting a fine acting education.
Are the constitution booklets that she is handing out paid for by our govenment?
ReplyDeleteeven if Piper has put up with enough, she is extremely rude ON camera as well as off.
Say it isn't so! Granny quit her fake family vacation half way through?
ReplyDeleteVirginia Voter: I can't keep up. I'm reading Dunn right now with Bailey in the wings. Watching "news" of Palin. Too many stories, too little time. I'm cracking the whip on the Barbies. We have a schedule to keep. Paul Revere up next. EBay addicted sis is responsible for how easy the Revere photo shoot is going to be. Whodathunk I would need a colonial dude and a horse. lol.
ReplyDeleteWe have to give for C4P for covering her ASS again:
Sarah does not even have a grade school understanding of history.
ReplyDeleteThere's that crossed left eye. It always turns in when she's feeling intellectually challenged.
ReplyDeleteJebus, an almost real body under her real bus.
ReplyDeleteLeave it to Sarah to bring cliches to life.
Anon@2:59 PM
ReplyDeleteEggen's article has more information than what has been excerpted, above; for example, the IRS may consider the PAC's expenditures for personal use to be part of Palin's personal income. If so, she would have to pay taxes on that income.
Just like those per-diems she collected from the state! And OOPS had to have a DO OVER to PAY WHAT SHE OWED.
The McCain campaign has said it will release Sarah Palin’s tax returns and when it does, tax attorneys will have their pencils sharp and ready to go over the numbers.
Several tax accounting blogs have raised the question: should Sarah Palin pay federal income taxes on the per-diem payments that she received from the state of Alaska for nights spent in her Wasilla, Alaska, home?
Anthony C. Infanti, a professor of tax law at the University of Pittsburg law school, raised the issue in a blog called “Feminist Law Professors.” Mr. Infanti writes that if Governor Palin was not engaging in business while in Wasilla, but simply preferring to spend the nights there, then the per diem payments would be taxable income.
Those d$#n bloggers again. Too much noise to be ignored, and kind of blatant, so:
Gov. Sarah Palin must pay income taxes on thousands of dollars in expense money she received while living at her Wasilla home, under a new determination by state officials.
The governor's office wouldn't say this week how much she owes in back taxes for meal money, or whether she intends to continue to receive the per diem allowance. As of December, she was still charging the state for meals and incidentals.
"The amount of taxes owed is a private matter," Sharon Leighow, Palin's spokeswoman, said in an e-mail. "If the governor collects future per diem, those documents would be a matter of public record."
The same of course probably applies to all illegitimate expenses charged to the PAC, for purely personal items and expenses.
Some googling assistant needs to visit wikipedia for Dennis Kozlowski and scroll down to the lifestyle section (his lifestyle before his arrest, conviction, and eight to twenty five year sentence ).
I'd hate to rattle around in that big house all alone. RAM?? Where are you? Piper? Remember, we were going to decorate your room when we got back. What do you mean you would rather go home to AK and car-pool to games with your friends like we talked about in the Special Olympics promo spot we did with Trig? I don't have time for that. Fine. Be that way. I don't care. I can manage on my own.
ReplyDeleteI'm still laughing about her 5-days on the trail. Remember the old Life cereal commercials: I don't want it, you take it. I don't want it, you take it. The GOP and Tea Party must be saying the same thing about Sarah, only there is no Mikey that would want her.
Anon 12:46 I shouldn't bite but I will.
ReplyDeleteDo you come here everyday to spew?Bitching is easy, and pathetic. Please don't come back unless you are prepared to documment and defend your positions, because talk is cheap and I'll beat you're writing checks with your mouth that you can't cash.
Republicans have control of the House, earning it on their campaign promises of job creation.
Get on your high horse and take your beefs to them. Obama doesn't write the laws, and he isn't King.
And everyday he pays a black tax...which earns him derision and disrespect. The Republicans are so entrenched in their dirty political ambitions, they have neglected their obligations to govern. Sucks to be one of their useful idiots, sucks even more that America has so many useful idiots. You want to debate your issues with Obama, come back with facts and be prepared to defend your positions.
Sarah is incapable of responsible leadership, she doesn't care about anyone but herself, and her ability to manipulate your dollars into her bank account. She enjoys the lavish lifestyle you sponsor, your adoration, and especially the fact that you are her useful idiot.
No one is off limits for Sarah, hell she even uses and abuses God.
In my church that is considered blasphemy.
Anon @ 3:58
ReplyDeleteIn complete agreement with you on American corporate media. Turn them off people. The internet will keep you adequately informed if you choose wisely. BBC and Al Jazeera are better sources for both US and international news. whitehouse.gov is an excellent source of active and current information.
Our MSM has gotten lost in it's own translation of reality. I'm done complaining, I've turned the channel and canceled the cable.
Interestingly, I am better informed and my blood pressure is stable. If we want to impact change in our MSM we'll have to impact their bottom line. Find better uses for your consumer dollars and better sources of reliable information.
Even Elizabeth Hasselbeck, Sarah's on again off again girl crush and water carrier, turned on her, and I doubt her fox gig will last much longer either. This bus fiasco is going to backfire big time. She's so vapid, she's making Bachman look like einstein by comparison.
ReplyDeleteAm I imagining this, or does Ms. Palin look bat-crap crazy in that photo? She looks pretty manic in all the photos I've seen of the vacation. Must have been exhausting. Maybe she should reconsider her course of action. Or take another "trail."
ReplyDelete12:27: and the Obama kids will have some interest in the place they are visiting.
ReplyDeleteMy kids spent three days at the Smithsonian museums in DC and were clamoring for more time. The Palin kids never made it there. What is up with that? The natural history museum and the space and flight museum were mind expanding for them! Just the mineral hall took up one afternoon. Five days in a bus? I would have had a rebellion on my hands! My Alaskan kids were starved for this and the Palin kids looked shellshocked.
Next time Sarah, be a mother and really take some interest in your kids' interests.
12:46: Unemployment during the Great Depression was 24 percent at its highest. Please try to at the very least get your facts together before you post.
ReplyDelete"...that is somebody you walk to the park in a child safety harness so that they do not run out into traffic." Love that- and the photo!! Her eyes look crazy.
ReplyDeleteYou are doing a smashing job! I can't wait to get up in morning and read your blog posts!!!!
This whole bus trip is not about showing the historical sites to Sarah's kids, but because Sarah has not seen these sites. My guess, these are firsts for Palin. Unlike many youth who visit WDC and see the museums and monuments, Palin was too busy as a youth reading People magazine.
ReplyDeleteIf she talks politics or other candidates while she is on her tour, she may find a way to avoid personal taxes. Talking to the media everyday and talking politics may qualify.
ReplyDeleteMaybe people are starting to figure out who Sarah Palin really is and what her true agenda consists of