Monday, June 20, 2011

An interesting photo from Frank Bailey's book.

Until today I did not realize that a picture existed of the exact moment that Sarah Palin was e-mailing Frank Bailey in a desperate attempt to find out the name of the person who had just interviewed her.

That person in fact, was ME.

Here is the interview, for those who have never seen it.

What happened next I covered in my post titled The Bloggers and the Barracuda or A funny thing happened on my way to Wasilla.

We finished packing things up, thanked her for the interview, and exited the building to load up the car. After we finished I left Dennis outside with the equipment and went inside to get my friends and tell them that we were ready to hit the road.

When I located them in the sports center one of my friends asked “Did you see her?”
“See who?” I asked warily.

“Sarah Palin! When you left she handed Trig to Piper and charged across the middle of the basketball court in hot pursuit of you guys!”

Uh oh!

As we walked toward the exit we kept our eyes peeled, but did not see any sign of the Governor, so I figured that maybe it was no big deal and that she had given up and decided to rejoin her kids on the basketball court.

However when I climbed into the car I asked Dennis if HE had seen Palin.

“Oh yeah” he said. “She came out with a notebook and wrote down your license plate number.”

Apparently right before she stormed after us she was frantically e-mailing Frank Bailey, which was why moments after we drove away he would call Dennis Zaki's phone and try repeatedly to find out just who had interviewed the Governor. I was still anonymous in those days so he did not get an answer.

For some reason the incident was not mentioned in the book, but there is no doubt that the picture is from that day.

You can read the rest of the story, and discover how I think she DID find out who I was, by clicking the link above.


  1. Adding your story makes the picture much more interesting.

  2. Anonymous4:32 AM

    I remember reading your blog about this incident and as soon as I saw the photo in the book I knew it was referring to you.

  3. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Something struck me this morning - $P always refers to the "MSM" when addressing her problems with press relationships. But its not just the larger media outlets that cause her problems. Its really every form of media except Faux News and Rush Limbaugh. I'm sure she understands that - and will not run as a result (of course, she thinks everyone is just being unfair).

  4. angela4:39 AM

    Really, who does crap like this? Sarah was paranoid and nutty from the start. I'd like a hand count of how many governors chase people across parking lots after innocuous interviews. If she wasn't doing anything wrong- why the complete absorption with bloggers instead of state government?

    What a thin skinned loser this woman has always been. Poor Piper, she's been more of a mother to Trig than the Shrilla from Wasilla.

  5. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Geez, Palin certainly is a paranoid clown. Taking down license plate numbers of those who interview her? Cripes, woman, get a grip. No wonder she had NO time to govern. She was too busy trying to screw all around her that didn't immediately express fealty to her Snowness. The woman is unqualified to be elected to anything ever again.(Not that she ever was qualified to be elected to anything previously)

  6. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Sarah remember your letter from Trig's Creator?

    Well Trig's Creator wants you to put away your black berry devices and show Trig some love.

  7. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Sarah Palin treatment of Trig is very sad. Trig is just sitting there hunched over in Piper’s lap. Nobody is stimulating Trig’s brain. Trig is not looking at the world around him. Hate to say it, but Trig looks like a sack of potatoes in Piper‘s lap. How come Sarah is not playing with Trig or giving him the attention he deserves.

    Sarah you should buy that boy a nanny, someone who will show him some love.

  8. Anonymous4:56 AM

    People talk about how vindictive Sarah is, how come she wrote the license plate number down?

    Why does Sarah get to look up people's information by calling in a favor to see who the driver is?

    I can't...

    Gryphen can't...

    How come Sarah can?

    Who gave her that power... Trig's Creator?

  9. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Where are Trig's shoes and glasses?

    Sarah is a sorry excuse for a mother.

    Sarah you should of gotten yourself a dog instead of a baby.

  10. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Gryphen, (or shall I say JoeyJesse? ;) you must realize that showing Frank's inclusion of this photo is going to put a lot of people over the edge in terms of thinking Bailey is trying to leave you some breadcrumbs.

    Here's what I think :

    Frank could only get Jeanne on board if he promised "no babygate". After all how would it look to have Devon control mentions of Trig's parentage on her blog like China censors Google...but then turn around and make a butt load of cash on a book hawking big revelations about the very same thing?

    Gryphen, I REALLY think you should do a post with the following photos- just to get the input of others...

    The photo you posted here, the one of Palin ignoring her children and the sporting event just so she could find out who you are rightflippingnow, Frank!!!

    The photo of Palin holding a baby with an ear deformity on her shoulder.

    And the photo of Bristol holding *A* baby...with its tiny but perfectly formed ear between her thumb and index finger.

    I don't think anyone has posted that photo of Bristol yet. I absolutely cannot believe it's coincidence that Bailey posted photos of Sarah holding a baby whose right ear is deformed and a photo of Bristol holding a baby with a perfectly formed right ear.

    Ask your devoted readers (of which I proudly am, naturally) if you think Bailey was trying to say something BIG without opening his yap at all.

    In the FDL chat, Jeanne snippily answered that Frank sent a ton of photos to the publisher and they chose what photos to include.

    FIRST of all, this photo of Palin crackberry'ing Bailey says "photo by Jeanne Devon" which means SHE provided photos as well. So she lied by exclusion or omission at least.

    SECOND...what do you think the odds are that Frank Bailey would provide "tons" of photos to the publisher...and they just RANDOMLY chose a photo of Sarah freaking out about Gryphen- writer of the iconic "two babies" post...AND photos of what ostensibly seem to be...TWO BABIES?

    I mean really...the only odds slimmer than those...are the odds that a woman in her mid 40s whose husband sleeps in a recliner, gets pregnant.

  11. Anonymous4:59 AM

    I remember Bristol was given the responsibility of being the mother of her siblings and now Piper is, the cycle repeats itself.

    When Piper becomes 16, she too may want to get pregnant and leave the house like Bristol did.

    Maybe Piper is going to want to drink a few too many wine coolers or some stiff drinks and go camping after playing mother all day.

  12. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Piper should be playing with her friends, playing with a doll or how about this… watching the game. Maybe if Piper was bored, she could of brought a book with her to read about Paul Revere’s ride or who was George Washington. Piper would of found out that George did not hire black people to work his farm out of the goodness of his heart or because they needed jobs!

  13. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Why are you at the gym Sarah? Did you go there to send emails or watch one of your kids? It is obvious that Piper is watching one of your kids.

    Sarah stop worrying about bloggers, worry about Trig.

  14. Anonymous5:03 AM

    The sad thing about the black and white picture of Piper, Trig and Sarah Palin is that Sarah cannot put down her Blackberry as previous posts has mentioned.

    Sarah handed off Trig to Piper. Piper is too small to hold a fragile baby like that. Looking at that picture pisses me off. Sarah you are suppose to be the mother not Piper.

  15. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Gryphen, what say you regarding the Johnstons' silence concerning their son and brother basically being called a date rapist?

    I know many of us feel Mercede was your "source" of yore who convinced you that Trig was not Bristol and Levi's. I used to think she led you astray on purpose, but now I believe Sadie simply can't admit that Levi not only WOULD hide something like hay from her, but seemingly DID hide at least something big and baby related, given the dates on both boys have never added up.

    I have seen other comments asking you to clarify your position it the same as two years ago when someone (Sadie, presumably) convinced you Trig was not the biological child of Bristol or Levi? Or has your opinion changed?

    I am not now nor would I ever say that you "owe" your readers anything. I see the timestamps on your post and I see the pursuit of truth and justice is a 24 hour a day passion for you. How EVER...having said all that, I also would point out most of us here are very invested in babygate-- and while we would be thrilled to see any of em, all of em (SP's dirty deeds) take her skinny ass down...what we want SO badly is for babygate to be "it". We want her to be forced to give back the money she grifted from speeches where she told the constantly evolving story of her "pregnancy". We want Going Rogue to get "James Frey'd"...and have it be returned to the bookstores en masse, former owners clamoring for refunds.

    And bearing all that in mind...I think all of us would really love to know your official position or "main theory" regarding Trig's maternity/paternity, and also, too, your thoughts on the realities of the Tripp pregnancy.

    We want to know Uncle Gryphen's POV here!

    I would also LOVE to know your take on Sadie's balls-out "I'm telling it ALL now, bitches" post...and then total radio silence. She obviously even stopped putting through comments...although inexplicably she let through some threatening ones in the first few days when she WAS putting comments through. Between that and now NO word or rebuttal from the family concerning Bristol's "memoir"...I'm sure everyone thinks something untoward is going on here. I know I do.

  16. Anonymous5:18 AM

    "I think Alaska is the most wonderful place in the world to live" that's why my parents, daughter and I have bought homes in Arizona?

    OT...but I have always wondered what her parents live on? I have never heard that they work at full time jobs..he subbed at schools, but I have read that he doesn't have a college degree so never taught full time and I have not heard that her mother worked at all. When I read that they have bought some homes in Arizona too I wondered at their source of income.

  17. Anonymous5:21 AM

    There was some insane bulk buying going on at Barnes And Noble yesterday. Palin's book was down to number 646 in sales and today it is up to over 78,766 in rank.

    Same crazy numbers floating over at Amazon.

    The PAC begging for money must have been to buy up Bristol's book. Certainly there is some intent to dump them off using the PAC to in some sort of laundry scheme.

  18. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Somebody with posting abilities at Huff should add to the comments Dunn's proof Bristol, her mommy and grandma all got knocked up before they were married.

    Love the Rolling Thunder pic they used.

  19. Anonymous5:30 AM

    In case anyone is interested, this is the guy that put together the upcoming propaganda film on Sarah the DEFEATED. Creepy!

  20. Anonymous5:37 AM

    ~We Accept John Ziegler’s Bet

    Posted on June 20 2011 - 4:02 AM - Posted by: Ian Lazaran~

    Retain the above because some slap happy camper at C4P just accepted Ziegler's bet of:

    John Ziegler has made the following offer:

    But regardless, to Nolte and all other commentators who claim I am wrong about Palin’s chances in 2012, I simply ask you to put your money where your mouth is. I am officially offering a $1,000 bet, at incredible 100-1 odds, that Palin will not be inaugurated president of the United States in January of 2013.

    LMAO at the clause that the bet is CONDITIONED on the side of C4P that Sarah actually has to run. No more proof needed not even the C4P'3ers in direct contact with Sarah think she is going for a nomination.

    "Under the condition that the bet is only operative if Governor Palin runs, we accept the bet and we look forward to cashing Ziegler’s $100,000 check.

    Now, it’s up to the Governor to make sure we win this bet."

    ZIEGLER best make a public post ASAP accepting this wager before someone with a brain yanks it.

  21. Anonymous5:42 AM

    That photo speaks volumes. DS babies need constant brain stimulation for the best outcomes. They deserve more than a break from crackberry addiction.

  22. Anonymous5:43 AM

    I recall you covering this quite awhile ago.

    Palin is one paranoid woman!

  23. Gryph: I am with the other poster who wants to know the what the hell is up with the Johnstons.

    Tripp is not Levis?

    They get paid off when they complain in public like Sadie just did?

    Unless Levi is getting millions for this book of his, he is not going to tell us anything of worth.

  24. BAustin5:56 AM

    I have never really understood this incident...the questions asked were not gotcha questions. The answers given weren't anything particularly newsworthy. Why did Palin freak out so much and chase the evil blogger?

    Is it her thin skin or is it the compulsive need to control the message? All in all, it just seemed like such an over-reaction to the situation (as usual).

    P.S. I don't know who I feel sorrier for: Piper or Trig. Palin seems to be missing a nurturing gene. So sad for both/all of those kids.

  25. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Anon 5:15, I hope Gryph considers your request!! I would love to know Gryphen's best theories or opinions about how/where Trig came to be part of the family ... and I would __really__ love to know...where in the bloody hell IS Trig???? Last confirmed sighting? Anyone? (anyone EXCEPT the bots who will claim Trig has been "spotted" in AZ "lots of times" but offer no proof or documentation whatsoever)

  26. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Not very clever of Ian or whoever else approved that post at C.P. egging Sarah to put her name in the hat. Palin does not like to be told anything more over what to do. I think after her Tweet slam on Mccain this is his and Ian's return on her.

  27. Anonymous6:12 AM

    That first picture tells it all. That is what I hate about palin the most. The way she treats her children.

  28. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Wow Jeremy Morlock's got balls. It takes a big person to accuse his superior of war crimes. I believe every word he says, which is sad. The army is filled with power hungry, blood thirsty beasts but you can't blame them. A marines worth is measured by his kills. THATs not natural nor right.

    I wish more discharged soldiers would come clean about what really happens.

  29. Anonymous6:18 AM

    "DS babies need constant brain stimulation for the best outcomes. They deserve more than a break from crackberry addiction."

    Almost the same thing Meg said, only Meg had to hide behind her daughter to call Sarah out.

    “While I had hoped to work together on so many more projects, time with my precious 2-year-old has been further minimized with the whirlwind commitments of all things Palin,” she wrote SarahPAC staff. “I have done my best to scale back, but Isabella is now resorting to hiding my BlackBerry, and she shouldn't grow up begging for a mother to start acting like a mother.”

  30. Pennyspruce6:19 AM

    Yes, very interesting. Never knew you'd had direct contact with Paylin. I've Been trying to find The Immoral Minority's very first blog post, can't access it.

  31. Anonymous6:24 AM

    That picture is just sad.

  32. London Bridges6:30 AM

    Here is a link to a Babygate song written shortly after Sarah Palin was named McCain's running mate.

    It is a parody of the Alan Mills - Rose Bonne song, "I Knew An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly.:

    Song is called "I Knew An Ol' Guvnor."

  33. Anonymous6:42 AM

    I read on some of the web sites early this morning about Bristol's book. The Palin lovers are basically saying that Levi is a rapist and that Bristol kept her baby and is not on welfare like all the liberals. Someone said that Levi was a paid worker for the DNC and an Obama shill.

    They said that everyone who disagreed about Bristol slamming her baby daddy were jealous of Sarah's beauty and that Sarah left Alaska with a $22 billion dollar surplus.

    I feel that the majority of these idiot comments were left by those being paid to post for the Palin brand. If anyone says they won't buy the book or that Bristol should not have wrote about her sex life then the bots screech that someone is jealous, on welfare, loves Barry and hate women.

    Sarah and Bristol really have encouraged a lot of crazy mentally challenged idiots to be their champions. They will eventually turn on the Palins and it will be war.

    I was reading on sodapop and ABC mostly.

    There were some crazies but most people said they thought the book was a big mistake by Bristol. Bristol is trying to make sure that Levi's book doesn't sell at all.

  34. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Of course, I would love to know what Mercede knows and all the details but I believe it is up to her to decide whether to tell or not to tell. I feel the Palins will make her life and Levi's a hell on earth.

    No matter what, I feel for the Johnston family and hope they have a decent good life. I wouldn't wish the Palins on my worst enemy.

  35. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Do kids in Alaska play basketball with jeans on or is this half-time and just anybody goes out on the court?

  36. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Are we supposed to believe that Trig is only 9 months old there? He looks like he's at least 15 months.

  37. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Bristol is mentioned on the comedy show The Stephanie Miller Show. Stephanie quoted the losing virginity in a tent during a camping trip and calling her baby daddy a gnat.
    Ha Ha - Nelson Muntz from the Simpsons

  38. Anonymous7:05 AM

    C.P. pulled the thread taking Ziegler's bet. ROTFFL!!!

    How the cans were flying in the Palin kitchen. Think Sarah made Todd call to take it down or she was so pissed at the challenge she called herself?

  39. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Hey C4P has accepted your challenge. Take them up on it. I AM LOVING that they are putting in a condition that Sarah has to run. Sarah has been fleecing her warriors for years. Her new plead with SarahPAC for a $100 is desperate, a last attempt to cash in before she calls it quits? They must know since they will not take the bet unless she announces.

    We Accept John Ziegler’s Bet

    Posted on June 20 2011 – 4:02 AM – Posted by: Ian Lazaran

    John Ziegler has made the following offer:

    But regardless, to Nolte and all other commentators who claim I am wrong about Palin’s chances in 2012, I simply ask you to put your money where your mouth is. I am officially offering a $1,000 bet, at incredible 100-1 odds, that Palin will not be inaugurated president of the United States in January of 2013.

    Under the condition that the bet is only operative if Governor Palin runs, we accept the bet and we look forward to cashing Ziegler’s $100,000 check.

    Now, it’s up to the Governor to make sure we win this bet.

  40. ibwilliamsi7:21 AM

    Gryph, would you consider making a transcript this? I'm interested but just can't tolerate the screeching.

  41. I also thought it was you that the photo reference was about. I was wondering how interesting that Jeanne Devon is credited with the photo. Can we assume that she was one of your friends that came with you to the sports center?

    I don't get why Sarah would be tracking down your license plate if you came with Zaki and she knew Zaki. What difference did it make to her WHO was asking the questions?

    On another note, my sister gets that same Sarah face when she's doing her pretend smiling while answering questions she doesn't really want to. My sister is (probably) mentally ill also.

  42. Anonymous7:35 AM

    The original title was Take a Stand: The Stewardship of Sarah Palin.

    At the 9:30 pm screening Friday at the RightOnline conference in Minneapolis, he told the less than two-thirds full room that we were viewing the "unrated version." He said he'll have to do another cut to avoid an NC-17 rating.

    Spoiler: in the beginning of the film there's a picture of someone with a T-shirt with Palin's name and the word cunt. Other than that, the film was pretty G-rated. Or if we're being candid -- it's GOP-rated.

  43. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Why did Sarah Palin even have kids if she is not going to pay attention to them?

    I can understand Sarah having one child since Todd knocked her up before marriage.

  44. Calli Pygian7:58 AM

    Funny how Granny Grifter doesn't consider blogging as part in parcel with free speech.

    What a miserable, self-serving, imbecilic cherry- picking pseudo-Christian. I doubt most "real" Christians support her abject lack of 'do unto others' philosophy as compatible with their views of Jesus's teachings.

    And I am not a Christian, but still see her hypocrisy, FFS.

    Keep up the fine work, Gryphen my friend.

  45. Anonymous8:04 AM


    Sarah has sent out letters begging for money, at least $100 or more and you get a free DVD of her undefeated movie. She sounds desperate. I read it over at palingates.

  46. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Sarah Palin hates her children and is a terrible mother who would rather do drugs and chase the spotlight than take care or her children.
    SP = Worst Governor Ever
    SP = Worst Mother Ever
    She is a lying drug addict.

  47. Anonymous8:07 AM

    7:51 am Sarah knocked up

    Todd did not knock up Sarah the first time. It was Curtis Menard and he died in a plane accident.

  48. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Now we know how Track was conceived, Sarah had one too many wine coolers and Curt Menard took advantage of her.

    Sarah said it was not as romantic as she thought it would be doing it in a snowplow while Curt was working clearing the roads of snow late at night. I believe they made a movie of it, Mystery, Alaska.

  49. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Boy did you get her goat. She's all hunched over with fury that she did something kind and simple for somebody she fears and hates so much. Pounding away on her device of addiction.

    Hi, Sarah. Wherever you are today, you no doubt have IM up on your screen. Must burn to see Gryph replay the moment that makes you feel duped. Had you done nothing but shrugged it off, Gryph wouldn't have such a good story to tell today. Now, put down your BB for a second and give one of your children a hug, preferably Trig.

  50. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Baawwwaaaahhhhh!!!!! I remember the story Gryph and the photo is priceless! Sarah ignoring not one, but two of her children! And she ran off to get your plate number? Lieaving Piper alone with a special needs 1 yr old??!! Unbelievable that any GOOD mom would do so, but then we know Sarah is a horrible mother, just horrible! She has failed with her oldest 3 and is failing Piper too.
    No way would most people vote for this white trash woman who can't take care of her own family. In fact, she couldn't do her last job she was elected for--she quit!

  51. Anonymous8:21 AM

    When Bristol was doing Levi in the canvas tent, their friends were outside listening and laughing it up at the sounds Bristol was making during their love making. Bristol was wearing her late winter fat and some of the campers described Bristol's noises as a mother walrus going "Thwap, thwap, thwap" as Bristol was riding Levi like a wet walrus.

    FYI, just having some fun, that was a movie quote from the movie Mystery, Alaska. You should rent it.

  52. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Anonymous said...
    7:51 am Sarah knocked up

    Todd did not knock up Sarah the first time. It was Curtis Menard and he died in a plane accident.
    8:07 AM


    Are you saying once Curt Menard found out that he impregnated Sarah, he felt it was better for him to take his own life instead of having to marry Sarah and being condemned to a life in hell with Sarah?

    I'm happy Levi did not take his life after impregnating Bristol and I'm happy Levi chosed to dump the bitch instead of marrying Bristol and being miserable for the rest of his life like Todd is with Sarah.

  53. ibwilliamsi8:51 AM

    Seriously, that top photo is of a self-absorbed psycho bitch and her two neglected children. A third neglected child present at the time is not in the shot.

  54. Anonymous9:06 AM

    The write down the license plate number and get someone at the state license department is one perfected by the anti-abortion crowd in MN, they would wait outside PP and take down plate numbers, then get someone inside to give them the name andss and harass these people at their homes. MB was in the forefront of these actions. We were harassed at our home, and our neighbors had fliers stuffed in the mailboxes and under their wiper blades on their cars. Fortunately we had good neighbors but it was a little unnerving when the fliers came out and the middle of the night hate calls came in

  55. Anonymous at 4:52AM

    "Sarah remember your letter from Trig's Creator?" she admitts, the story about Trigg was created...

  56. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Once again, I am struck by the way Palin holds Trig - no support for his flopping head!
    I jumped when the buzzer went off at the end, but the baby does not move a muscle.
    Sarah, a cat is a better mother than you.

  57. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I have been waiting for this post since I also too saw this picture in the Bailey book.

    Synchronicity appears in the credit line of the photo.I have wondered how the interview in Wasilla might have influenced Doogan in his quest for the identity of AKM.

    The Crackberry GINO didn't invent the Republican tactics of press criticism, but she has added a few new chapters to the book.

    The continual Palin jihad of criticism and search for critics, both anonymous and not, might be a sign of insecurity and paranoia. Is there something to hide?

    In Bloggers and the Barracuda Gryphen said:

    "To answer a couple of your questions.

    Yes Sarah held Trig while they watched Willow play. If I remember correctly he was passed off between Sarah, Piper, and one other female adult whose name I don't know.

    However the entire time Sarah was sitting on the sidelines she was working the two Blackberries that were glued to her hands."

  58. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Bristol is telling everybody that her first time doing it on the ground was not romantic.

    Duh! You are in a tent with your friends laughing it up outside !

    What did you expect?

  59. Anonymous10:04 AM

    She's Nixon without the brains. In fact, considering Bachmann's fear of homosexuals, we've got two high-profile female Nixons without his brains.

  60. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Did you notice that at 0:57 she does the tongue thing? Really, what's up with that?

  61. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I'm disturbed by the way Trig's head is flopping through that entire interview. And as far as I can tell, Palin didn't look at him once. This is not how loving parents act. The parents I know wouldn't be able to keep their eyes off the kid for more than a few minutes, and even while listening and responding to your questions, G, they'd be clucking, cooing, and smiling at the baby. And of course, none of them would hold him in a position where his head flops like that--it looks profoundly uncomfortable for Trig and quite possibly unsafe. Was he medicated into complacency so he wouldn't howl in protest?

  62. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Is it just me or does Trig always appear to be in a drugged stupor?

  63. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Thank you for showing us this video of Palin with her "baby" on the same page with Pres. Obama with someone else's baby. I know who I'd want to help with my babies! And it ain't Sarah.

  64. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I see that people have notice that Trig's head is not supported (in the video). I noticed somewhere between the 30 - 35 second mark that Trig has the NERVE to move is left arm upward and sarah gives him a look of complete DISGUST. If I knew nothing about her at all - and then saw that video, it would send off warning bells louder than Paul Revere's on his "Ride to Warn The British."

  65. It brings to mind many safety issues. I wonder how many times that poor baby has been dropped, almost dropped,accidently head-jerked....and on and on. If he did not already have problems he would by now anyway.

  66. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Sounds like she's creeping on you.

  67. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Nixon would be cussing up a storm if he could hear people compare her to him. Egaads!!

  68. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Is it just me or does Trig always appear to be in a drugged stupor?

    10:55 AM

    Back then, the only way Sarah could handle Trig is if he was stoned. Now Sarah does not have that problem any more. Sarah bought Trig a nanny with SarahPac money.

  69. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Crossing her legs just like when she was pregnant with Trig...what interview was that?

  70. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I'm disturbed by the way Trig's head is flopping through that entire interview. And as far as I can tell, Palin didn't look at him once. This is not how loving parents act. The parents I know wouldn't be able to keep their eyes off the kid for more than a few minutes, and even while listening and responding to your questions, G, they'd be clucking, cooing, and smiling at the baby. And of course, none of them would hold him in a position where his head flops like that--it looks profoundly uncomfortable for Trig and quite possibly unsafe. Was he medicated into complacency so he wouldn't howl in protest?

    10:23 AM

    You're disturbed?
    Hell.... Sarah is the one disturbed....
    Sarah is so disturbed she does not even know Trig exists.... Sarah got bigger fish to fry.....

    Sarah is going after that dagburn Gryphen....

  71. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Somebody should do a blood test on Trig. Sarah does not want to be bothered by Trig, she just wants him to be like a sack of potatoes. A blood test may reveal that after all his tranquilizing medication, Trig may be a meth addict by now.

  72. Anonymous12:56 PM

    If Sarah was a loving grandmother who cared about Trig and Tripp, she would of put up a child proof fence around the pool in Arizona by now to prevent an accidental drowning by Trig and Tripp. My opinion is that the Palins needs to put up a child proof fence around the house in Wasilla as well to keep Trig and Tripp out of the lake.

    How much do you want to bet Sarah won't put up a child proof fence. It would bring down the value of the house and it would not look good when Sarah has a party around the pool.

    If Trig were to drown, heaven forbid, Sarah would shed some tears for the cameras and life would go on. Sarah is just waiting for the last ones to leave the nest and then she won’t have to drag anybody around and all she would have to do from then on is to send Todd a check every month to buy his silence.

    Trig and the rest of them are replaceable to Sarah.... Just as long as she keeps her blackberries dry, Sarah is happy.

  73. Anonymous1:18 PM

    McCain's team was trying to educate Sarah about whether Africa was a continent or a country as well as trying to bring her up to speed as a 5th grader and they said she just dropped her head and went into a catatonic state and was not responding to any directions.

    Looking at the picture of Piper holding Trig, I'm wondering if Sarah has the same condition as Trig?

  74. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Did the state of Alaska or the town of Wasilla buy those blackberries and Sarah stole them, I mean kept them?

    Sarah, do we need to send lawyers to Arizona to get our phones back?

    No we're not buying that you left the Alaskan taxpayers phones in the belly of the plane!

  75. Anonymous1:40 PM

    That's an interesting point about POTUS holding a baby, did you notice how he immediately went into Dad mode, rocking the baby? I remember one time standing in line at the Post Office without a baby and a woman walked up to me and said I must have a little one at home because I was rocking slowly back and forth, not even thinking about it. Instead Sara never seems to have any maternal movement, comforting, holding etc. Of course if your kid is zonked out on tranks then they aren't going to move at all so why bother when moving and rocking might make it harder to keep the camera on her.

  76. How fun is that to have a photo documenting Palin's paranoia after your encounter! Priceless!

  77. FloridaDem3:12 PM

    Of course she ran your license plate. But you should have turned around, confronted her, and said, what are you doing??? It's not legal to do that. You have to have an investigative license, for one thing, and for another, you have to have legal cause. Private Investigators use systems which are regulated and tracked. If it's found out that someone used it for personal reasons, not legal reasons (i.e. pending lawsuit, etc) then they could be penalized.

  78. Anonymous3:19 PM

    It looks like poor Trig is still wearing his outdoor clothing the entire time in the gym and through the interview?

    Then when Sarah hands him over to Piper to do her blackberry check on Gryph, Piper undressed him and has him awake on her lap?

    It looks like his yellow hoody one piece is now lying across Sarah's lap in the photo...

    I guess Sarah did not want him waking up and the heck with Trig's comfort.

  79. Anonymous6:38 PM

    One of the Trig miracles is that when Sarah frequently tossed him to tiny 7, 8 and 9 year old Piper-he was never dropped.
    That we know of.
    When Palin quit , she had her kids lined up like the Von Trapp family for the back drop.
    Poor Piper was struggling to hold Trig.
    It was very disquieting to see such a little girl being Trig's caretaker.
    It's obvious from the many photos that
    Palin has more affection for her Blackberry than she does for Trig.
    And that's just what we see in public , it's probably even more neglectful in private.

  80. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Just proves again, The Quitta From Wassila is a spiteful being. Almost like a serpent... forked tongue and all.

  81. Anonymous7:40 PM

    FloridaDem said...
    Of course she ran your license plate. But you should have turned around, confronted her, and said, what are you doing??? It's not legal to do that. You have to have an investigative license, for one thing, and for another, you have to have legal cause. Private Investigators use systems which are regulated and tracked. If it's found out that someone used it for personal reasons, not legal reasons (i.e. pending lawsuit, etc) then they could be penalized.

    3:12 PM

    Where I live, the male perverted police officers use to run plates just to check up on the females. Now the officers has to have a reason to run their plates, the dept tries to make the officers more accountable.

    In Palin's case, she has always been the judge, jury and executioner. Palin has said in the past that she will keep doing whatever she wants to do until a judge says she can't.

  82. Anonymous8:05 PM

    I remember the original post vividly, but had totally forgotten the video interview you did.
    What stuck me was Bristol's facebook post referring to being a momma duck to a duckling shortly after trig's alleged birth, and there he is, dressed in yellow!

    What makes a grown woman so paranoid that she needs to jot down a plate and e mail or text a minion to dig up dirt on someone else?

    Black and White photography is highly underrated in our kodachrome world. It shows nuances and shades of grey to bring out the essense of the photo.

    Including that photo, a child barely capable of holding, much less caring for a DS child, is delegated that duty while Self absorbed and paranoid Sarah is working her two blackberries to dig up dirt on someone who gave a polite and well articulated interview

    So you got that close to Sarah Palin and got her to do her word salad thingy.

    Two questions, 1) Did her breath smell? and 2) was whe sizing your physique up while being interviewed (meaning did she check out goods?" - At one point, I swear she gave you the eye and licked her reptillian upper lip with her tongue.

  83. Anonymous5:46 AM

    This pic seems peculiarly appropriate:

  84. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Holey Moley, look how big Trig is sitting in Piper's lap.

    Remember, he was supposed to have been born in mid-May. That would make him about 9 months old in this picture.

    When you factor in the fact that DS kids are 2 to 3 inches shorter and significantly less weight as compared to "regular" toddlers of this age. . .doesn't this picture suggest that Trig in this picture was at least one year old, not 9 months?

    Also, peruse the beach pictures taken in Dec 2009 (very early December) on the Palin Hawaiian vacation. Trig is standing up, clearly walking around. By the Palin Math, he would have been only 18 months. For "regular" kids that is the average age for standing up and beginning walking. But for DS kids, the average age for same is more like 2 years.



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