Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Speaking of Meghan McCain, here she is from yesterday's Lawrence O'Donnell show. Does anybody really think she cannot defend herself against criticism from the Palins?

Not the MOST articulate young woman I have ever seen, but head and shoulders above any of the Palins.

Not to mention that SHE is not terrified to appear on MSNBC.


  1. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I'm hoping Megan will use her wit to get Bristol in a way that is hard hitting but also doesn't allow for Bristol to play the victim.

  2. Bristol is actually jealous of Meghan's luggage?

    What a flippin'loser!

    The Palins. Any of 'em All of 'em.

  3. True. She's not the most articulate, nor the least. But one only needs to be able to screech louder than a crow to be more articulate than any ding bat Palin has been so far. [...leaving an opening here for any one of them who might bust a move for an education...]

  4. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I hope Bristol's book will also point out that Brisket was also jealous of Meghan b/c Meghan drank wine from a glass instead of straight from the bottle.

    Brisket is surely confused also, too, why Meghan went to college and graduated without getting pregnant by 3 different guys like Brisket managed to do before she even turned 20.

    Then again, Brisket is absolutely clueless about anything unless it is related to spreading her legs and keeping her feet in the air.

    She's such a low-life, just like her mother and grandmother, 3 generations of getting knocked up in a family that's known for constantly running afoul of the law, also, too.

  5. Anonymous11:06 AM


    if the palins bust a move, it'll be poppin out another one in the maternity ward or while they're incarcerated... just sayin'.

  6. You know from my posts that i am no Palin fan, not by a long shot BUT;

    Meghan McCain is a minor celebrity, nothing more and ONLY because she was a pickin' and a grinnin' on her fathers campaign.

    And that is ALL she did.

    After it was over she had to take a year off ....from WHAT??

    Oh the trauma...she wrote about it in her OWN book.

    She hasn't done anything that she has achieved on her own in the work force.

    Her education is not based in politics whatsoever, so to have her on as a "young republican voice" is really reprehensible on Maddow's part (she has guested and gushed over her often) and salacious on O'Donnel's part for guesting her on this.I expected more from his program.

    It really pisses me off that she is given anymore credibility, than any other republican senator's daughter, because she just does not have the experience or credentials to speak for ANY political party or any PART of a political party, period.
    "She attended Columbia University, where she earned her bachelor's degree in~~ art history.

    McCain originally planned to become a "music journalist "


    She CAN"T be that intelligent if this is all she did, when she could have attended university for the rest of her life if she so chose.

    Money and connections were/are no object in her life.

    The last thing America needs is for the media to prop up another numbskull, as if she is a serious intelligent voice for many.

    That's how GW made his way.

  7. She knows stuff that can destroy the paylins.. Bri$dull is not a smart girl.

  8. Anonymous11:09 AM

    I was very impressed with Meghan McCain's interview.

    P.S. I liked how they both laughed at the idea of "candidate" Palin.

  9. Anonymous11:10 AM

    She didn't really criticize the palins in her book, she just told what happened. If I remember right.

  10. I hope Meghan has the dignity to stay above the fray.

  11. Anonymous11:15 AM

    The Palin legacy is safe for at least another generation, as it is expected that:

    all male children should be incarcerated by 16; and,

    all female children must get drunk and have sex and pass out (not neccessarily in that order, though) before they can get their driver's license.

    Sarah and Creepy Chuck must be so proud!

  12. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Not enough um.....um.... um.....to be relevant.
    Go get Bristol.

  13. Anonymous11:16 AM

    indy McCain 'acts like a queen'... and her daughter Meghan 'whines': Bristol Palin shoots from the hip in new tell-all book

    Read more:


  14. Anonymous11:19 AM

    My response to Bristol Palin:



  15. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Meghan's a smart girl, but Bristol's no dummy by any stretch. She's strong as hell and doesn't take shit lying down.

  16. Simply put, Meghan is well educated, and pretty without the need of plastic surgery. She has self confidence because her parents taught her well.
    Bristol is so very jealous of her, and she should be. Bristol will never be able to hold a candle to Meghan.
    Bristol will always be the cheap, grifting, vindictive, tramp like her mother.
    OT but, WHAT kind of parent allows a 15 year old to go camping with guys?

  17. Come on, Brisket- Please appear on MSNBC to promote your book!

    Oh, and feel free to bring that coward you call "Mum", also, too.

    I'd love to see Lou Sarah's ass shredded again by such gotcha questions as "What do you read?" or "What did you do today?" or "What's your name and what color of red shoes are you wearing today, Sarah?"

    Heh heh.

  18. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Remember, Meghan's opinion changed from campaign to her book debut. Though she didn't trash the Palins, she was pretty blunt and Bristol wasn't too far off from her recollection. Meghan did "stare" a lot and, to the girls who grew in in wilderness AK, they probably didn't know what to think.

    Remember I think it was on Hannity that Bristol commented on Meghan's book.

  19. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Bristol's not a jealous person by any means. She's quite balanced.

  20. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Megan McCain is a joke. She loves to play the independent free thinking conservative hip woman (hard to find) Follow the money and she gets very defensive because everyone knows where she gets that.

  21. You have to read the comments!


  22. Anonymous11:28 AM


    I believe Brisket can play the victim over anything, just like her mother

  23. Anonymous11:30 AM

    And, here Meghan McCain scathingly replies to Glenn Beck. She is articulate and sensible. I REALLY hope she uses the same intellect on dear, sweet Bristol:


  24. She definitely holds her own head and shoulders above the Grifter. And I want to start a meme, and maybe it will start rolling. We've all discussed and digested and described the REASON Sarah went ALL THE WAY to Wasilla instead of a hospital with this or that feature or service.

    Well, folks, it's really simple. Wasilla was the only place Sarah could go.


  25. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Meghan is probably more representative of what a Republican is supposed to be. I think they (GOP) should just be true to who they are, quit trying to placate the TeaParty. Let the TeaParty do their own thing (have their own candidate). Don't let the TP hi-jack and divide the GOP. Sure, GOP may lose the election in 2012, but will have the building blocks to be a real party by 2016. - OK, so why am I giving THEM advice. Well, just in case the Dems have a DUD in 2016, we need a sane alternative.

  26. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Meghan's responded to Bristol now via twitter with link to a youtube video. Quite well done, Meghan, you made Bristol look like the idiot she is without the use of aggression or unnecessary slurs.

    Also check out the comments about this on Gawker...reminding Bristol that she and her family received a $150,000 wardrobe and lots of hair and makeup.

  27. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Meghan's responded to Bristol now via twitter with link to a youtube video. Quite well done, Meghan, you made Bristol look like the idiot she is without the use of aggression or unnecessary slurs.

    Also check out the comments about this on Gawker...reminding Bristol that she and her family received a $150,000 wardrobe and lots of hair and makeup.

  28. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Meghan does speak in complete sentences, which is more than I can say for any of the Palins.

  29. honeybabe11:54 AM

    anyone that the palin's don't like i am pretty much for. it's popcorn time.

  30. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I watched the interview yesterday and thought she held her own and did a good job. She's attractive, speaks well and can handle things 'off the cuff' which Bristol and Sarah cannot with any smoothness and/or knowledge.

    Megan is far better educated there is no doubt.

  31. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Bristol Palin’s Memoir: The Juiciest Bits

  32. Anonymous12:04 PM

    megan has some class.

    My response to Bristol Palin: http://t.co/afxw9uk about 1 hour ago via web

    and still maintains it despite another ungrateful palin shrew.

  33. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Bristol Palin’s Memoir: The Juiciest Bits
    Bristol Palin’s new book "Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far" just hit shelves. From her early brushes with sex and alcohol to her drama with Meghan McCain, The Daily Beast speed reads.


  34. Anonymous12:27 PM

    11:23 said: "Bristol's not a jealous person by any means. She's quite balanced."

    LOLOLOL! You fairy tale tellers are the best!

    Surely, you're not speaking of her CHIN when you use the word "balanced"? Cause I'm surprised she doesn't fall over due to the sheer area of that thing!

  35. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Good grief, I hope one of you trusty bloggers is going to do a comparative study between the lies in this book and the lies they've told before about the same issues. What a crock, just another mean girl

  36. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Anon @ 11:20, no she takes it on her hands and knees or bent over.

  37. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Another Palin temper tantrum. I'm guessing Meghan's response is one she honed on the campaign trail with the quitter. Don't react, just make your point with some class and let the Palin's continue to look like petulant children.

    BTW, note the unobstructed perfect ear on Trig, once again photographic proof that Trig is one of several kids used as Trig

  38. Anonymous12:50 PM


    Calm down and cool your jets. No one has declared Meghan McCain God's gift to journalism. She's been blogging for some time and making TV appearances, too, but I've never heard her referred to as an important go-to policy wonk.

    But I have heard her speak, and she knows that a sentence has a subject and a verb and not 17 different unrelated phrases, a la Sarah's word salads.

    That said, the only reason Meghan's name is in the blog today is because that cheap, little twit named Brisket has chosen to take shots at her in her ghost-bio-waste book. If Brisket is going to prove herself to be the same cowardly whore that her mommy dearest is, then she can fill up a book with her own "pay-backs" to whatever perceived slights and insults as she wishes. Brisket certainly hasn't learned from her parents to be an adult and speak to a person face-to-face about adult issues. I seriously doubt she will learn that in her lifetime either. And Brisket's brood, once she slows down on the D&C's, will almost certainly have the same IQ deficit that has been bred into all of her siblings as well.

    If Meghan has done anything to Brisket or spoken badly of her, I've personally never read any of it. Brisket has her own insecurity issues and victim behavior that she learned from her own queen.

    We're all sure that Brisket realizes that she is just white trash, will never be and will never be anything more than a grifter who made a few bucks in the name of her mother's sorry legacy by having a bastard son.

    That's it. Get off Meghan's case. Just because she had a privileged, she isn't at fault. Yes, she graduated from college. Good for her. But it's not like any of the Palin kids have been deprived of the same opportunities. But given that they are white trash, their parents would rather have them invest in snowmobiles than a college education. Fine. Good for them. Their priorities will always be that of the white trash that they are at heart. I'm just glad they don't live in my zip code. And because they are white trash, I really don't have to concern myself because local ordinances and homeowners covenants keep the Palin ilk a comfortable distance away. Thank God!

  39. I find Bristol's title very curious.
    Why would a 20 year old even think to be afraid of her life?

    She made her choices or did she?
    Were they made for her.
    We are all thinking that a DS child made palin's nomination.
    A 17 year old's abortion would have sunk it.

  40. angela12:53 PM

    Anon 11:20

    It seems Bristol tells us in her memoir that she indeed took a lot of things "lying down".

  41. Anonymous1:20 PM

    "Bristol's not a jealous person by any means. She's quite balanced."

    Bwah!! You had some typos....Let me correct:

    Bristol is an extremely jealous troll by all means. She's quite unbalanced.

    Too easy.

  42. Anon@ 11;23:
    Is that YOU Quitter Queen?

  43. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Bristol is as balanced as Fox News

  44. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Bristol's not a jealous person by any means. She's quite balanced.

    11:23 AM


    Then please explain why Levi doesn't see his son. Wasn't it because Bristol didn't want Tripp to be around Mercede's friends who Levi used to date? How is that not jealous? Denying a father his God-given right to see his own son? And balanced? Only after she's been rode more than 10,000 miles.

  45. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Brisket Wines and then Whines

  46. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Yeah Bristle is very well-balanced.

    That big fucking chin is so well balanced she can serve a family of four off that monstrosity... and a pitcher of tea...WHILE tea-bagging.

    Okay, now I'm impressed. She really is well balanced. Thanks, Peebots.

  47. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Bristol Palin and her mother aren't fit to wipe Cindy McCain's shoes.


    Because for all their ill gotten wealth where is the charity? Where do Bristol and Sarah help without getting paid?

    Cindy McCain is an American whose father was wealthy and therefore she is wealthy. Nothing wrong with that. This IS America. If she wants to spend money on herself, she can. She also spends it on others.

    Mrs. McCain doesn't just sit on her bottom counting money, she is out there serving on humanitarian boards, traveling to countries in need of aid, donating her time, money and effort.

    Is she perfect? Absolutely not. However Bristol and her mother can't come near her with Cindy's compassion to less fortunate.

  48. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Bristol admits to being her best while on her back. Meghan is her best while writing.

    To the bot that said "Bristol is Balanced", you jumped the start whistle.

    She won't be balanced until she gets a boob job, butt implants, a tummy tuck, liposuction, brazillian bikini wax, dermabrasion, rhinoplasty, facelift, lip injections, facial peel, pedicure, hot rock massage, two boxes of wine, a bendy staw, the seventh fleet, and renting those things she calls "ears" as "satellite dishes". Oh, finishing school and an education might last longer.

    Meghan's looking good, and she did fine on the msnbc interview. Considering she's a seasoned spoiled rich kid, she does have great writing skills. Her book was self written, no need for hand holding and varnishing.

  49. And she's a natural beauty (except for the hair dye) and appears to have lost some weight. And she didn't even need to go on Dancing with the Stars to do it.

  50. Anonymous7:36 PM

    "OT but, WHAT kind of parent allows a 15 year old [daughter] to go camping with guys?"

    Parents who are too busy with dysfunctional family vendettas and harassment campaigns to pay any fucking attention to their kids.

  51. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Take a trip to Amazon and read the reviews for Pistol's book. They tear her apart.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.