Sunday, June 19, 2011

Stephen Colbert gives the 2011 commencement speech at Northwestern University.

It is twenty minutes long, but VERY funny and worth it!


  1. Anonymous10:49 AM

    thanks, gryph---that was great!


  2. Anonymous11:02 AM

    My hometown, used to work there too ;-).

    Colbert is definitely one of their coolest alums.

  3. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Thanks! I need that.

  4. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Watched this according to your recommendation. And LOVED it. Thanks for the uplift on a rather gray skies day in Anchorage.

  5. You will serve what you love. I plan to remember that one.

  6. Anonymous11:27 AM

    You will serve what you love. I plan to remember that one.

  7. Anonymous11:51 AM

    thank you, much needed.

  8. joeymac11:52 AM

    Obama solves world hunger problem--gets grief

  9. Anonymous11:59 AM

    check out Conan's Commencement address at Dartmouth on YouTube

  10. fromthediagonal12:38 PM

    Maybe we all teach, but the way we teach makes a difference.
    Teachings couched in humor, laced with laughter, tend to sink into our psyche and stay there to help us when things become too serious.
    Lessons for all of us to learn...

  11. Anonymous12:45 PM


    What is the deal with that LEADDOG Palin Bot Blog on your blogroll.

    Should it be called Lapdogs for Palin? We miss her fresh leadership. Does mental illness disqualify you from the PFD check?

  12. wonderful!, and no my Granddaughter doesn't need to explain the jokes to me. :-)

  13. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Of course, I thought this was hilarious, but I wasn't certain how the academicians would take it. They seemed to know exactly what to expect and were good sports even though he really roasted the university and some of the recent scandals.

  14. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I like Stephen Colbert's comedy TV show but why anyone want to have a comedian speak at their graduation? My graduation address was given by a Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry. This country is all about celebrity now instead of substance.

  15. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Will someone in the know, explain the sex scandals--especially the mechanical something-- he referred to? Still hilarious, but so much of it was inside humor...

  16. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Off topic but - Brisket's sex book has all been forgotten today. I think it will bomb faster than her boob shaking dancing.

  17. Ah, they got him by giving him an honorary doctorate.

    When I attended commencement for my second masters we got the Mayor of San Jose.

    I feel cheated.

  18. Anonymous1:46 PM

    An excellent address. Thank you.

  19. Glad I watched: funny and sweet. Service is love made visible was my favorite line.

  20. Stephen's address was brilliantly engaging, and i learned something!

    You could tell by the graduates' faces that he was connecting with his audience.

  21. Anonymous3:06 PM

    When I got my Chem E degree, the speaker was someone from the Zoology dept. The advice he gave was go to the zoo and watch the primates. Some of the best advice ever.

  22. Anonymous 1:32 pm

    Commencement ceremonies are for families as much as graduates. Also, liberal arts students would probably fall asleep during Nobel laureate's speech (unless the speaker was also funny and had great timing, which is not easy to do). So I'd say, lighten up, I'm sure the audience was glad Colbert was there.

    OT. Drudge Report has link to "[Medvedev] wants to see Obama re-elected..."

    This article begins...
    Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Monday he wanted his US counterpart Barack Obama to win re-election next year, fearing that the two men's efforts to improve ties may lose steam under a new administration.

    It's frustrating that the GOP is so hell-bent to win that, with the exception of Jon Huntsman, are willing to sacrifice the good of the country and the world just to keep their fatcat friends and neocon blowhards happy.

  23. I love that man.
    Alan Alda spoke at my commencement. He was funny as well as insightful. Love those guys. I still remember most of what he said, lo' these many years hence.
    Stephen Colbert is a national treasure. He sells himself way too short by saying he is an "announcer" (I forget his word) of fake news. He is MUCH more than that.

  24. Thank you, that was WONDERFUL!

  25. To Anonymous at 1:32 PM - I view Stephen Colbert as a source of insightful commentary on our society. I do not see him as simply a celebrity. I think his message of "you will serve what you love" was VERY substantial. No offense to the accomplished chemists of the world, but the message only gets remembered if the delivery is interesting. I have not listened to too many chemists who have grabbed my attention. But I didn't hear your commencement speaker.

  26. Anonymous4:48 PM

    12:45 pm comment

    I also wonder about the Leaddog Blog - G, what's this all about?

  27. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Thanks Gryphen, you are right, well worth it!

    R in NC

  28. Anonymous5:02 PM

    ..... and how many college commencement speeches has the former half term Governor of Alaska given?? *crickets* No one is willing to give her an honorary degree for all her accomplishments? DOH!

  29. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Hey smarty pants at 1:32..... he's an alum!

    Lighten up!

  30. Anonymous5:13 PM

    I loved his address. It said to me...Go forth with purpose, love and service but never forget to look at the humor of life, especially in yourself.

  31. Mrs. M5:59 PM

    Worth watching for sure! :D

  32. Anonymous6:55 PM

    What a great speech! I missed my commencement (Northwestern class of '81--5 years ahead of Stephen Colbert), and this speech more than made up for it! Thanks for posting the video.
    Anne in CO

  33. Anonymous3:35 AM

    Go Cats!


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