Sunday, June 12, 2011

Washington Post offers opportunity to ask Frank Bailey questions about massive Sarah Palin e-mail dump.

Courtesy of the Washington Post:

The state of Alaska recently released more than 13,000 of Sarah Palin's emails (over 24,000 pages) during her time serving as Alaska's governor. Former Palin aide, Frank Bailey, will chat about the contents of the emails, some of which he used in his tell-all book "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin: A Memoir of Our Tumultuous Years".

The Post is requesting submissions from YOU concerning which questions you would like Bailey to answer, so go ahead and ask those questions which have been driving you crazy since Friday morning.

As for MY interview with Frank I have some troubling news on that front.

I recently discovered that Bailey has changed his e-mail address and has not reached out to confirm that he is willing to do an interview, even though he did confirm he would at one time.  So for right now I do not have a great deal of hope that there will be a Gryphen/Bailey interview.

If things change I will certainly let you know.


  1. Anonymous2:24 AM

    interesting that Erika confirms a threat against Willow in Juneau. I think June 07?

  2. Anonymous2:36 AM

    I'd love to ask Frank Bailey:

    If illegal collusion transpired between the McCain campaign and then-gov Sarah's executive and legal personnel over the Troopergate scandal.

    If he possessed emails to document such collusion and would the State of Alaska allow them to be released to the public.

    If he or Sarah took any illegal actions that haven't been divulged yet.

    If being pro-life was a requirement to be part of her administration.

    If a person's religious views took precedence over his/her work qualifications to perform specific jobs in Sarah's administration.

    Why Sarah supporters are so willing to do unethical things on her behalf and ignore their moral compasses.

    Why Sarah didn't allow then-lt-gov Parnell to run Alaska when Sarah was absent during the 2008 campaign.

    If he thinks that Gov. Parnell is doing a white wash with the huge amount of email redactions and could it be specifically for Sarah's benefit.

    If the "juicier" emails are ones we don't have yet that come after her selection as McCain's running mate and leading up to her quittership.

    How many email accounts Sarah had, which ones were ignored by the State of Alaska for the freedom of information request, and if Bailey is willing to publicize the contents of those accounts in their unredacted form.

  3. Anonymous3:27 AM

    WAPO should publish some copies of Frank's emails to show what was redacted.

    Missing Matsu Dairy would be a good start.

  4. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Has Frank really had a "come to Jesus" moment?

    If he has, he will release his copies of the emails the state withheld.

    Gryphen... Mrs Dixon will have a good email address for Frank...or be able to get your messages to him.

  5. Anonymous4:06 AM

    The temptress has her tentacles in too deeply ~ but will someday have to give an account for her evil deeds.

    All that "vain glory" will be her undoing.

    As for Bailey,time will reveal his the veracity of his questionable character.

  6. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Of course Frank is not going to let you interview him NOW.

    I believe in the writing process, Jeanne Devon all but forbade Frank to give anything away on Babygate. She probably appealed to his human side- "it's a baby, Frank...let's let this one go".

    Devon doesn't want babygate to break for the same reasons the GOP doesn't- it makes her look foolish for "banning" the subject all this time.

    Now Frank is stuck between wanting to tell the WHOLE truth and being ridiculed for changing his story after he went on the Changed Man Tour 2011.

  7. Anonymous5:35 AM

    As disappointing as it probably is to you, Gryph, it's not surprising at all to me that Bailey is backpedalling. He opened up a can of worms and any journalist/blogger worth their salt is going to have more questions.

    As much as I enjoyed his book, the fact that he knows more and won't come fully clean, as his Christian faith requires for TRUE repentance, makes me think he's just like all the rest. Until he does, he's complicit in the fraud that is Her Heinous.

    Any one of us can get caught up in a shiny object. It's called, "the human condition." But to perpetuate a lie at the expense of a country he professes to love is abominable.

  8. Well, no "smoking gun' re any of the gates. Although there are some interesting redactions re the gates. It will be interesting to see if the media challenges the state on redactions. Most obvious: redacting emails that went to Todd Palin. This isn't Andree McLeod taking on the state of Alaska. This is the MSM taking on the state of Alaska. Deeper pockets, standing legal staff, business interest, throw in constitutional issues for good measure (free press, blah, blah, blah.)

    But I would contend that there is a "smoking gun" here. The emails show how little time she spent on the business of running the state and how much she spent worrying about her popularity, etc. It would be v. interesting for someone stattistically inclinded to put into "buckets" based on their subject, i.e. responses to constituent emails, image emails, kids travel emails, agia emails, etc, etc. Do a bar graph and we'll see where she & her administration focused their efforts. Yes, palinistas will counter that the real governing happened in the redacted emails or the yahoo emails, but (1) when you know numbers of these emails on petty stuff v. number of redacted emails I'm pretty sure that she still wasn't spending much time running the state and (2) since we have emails that crossed from yahoo to state, are we really to assume that all the real work was done on the yahoo side? I don't think so.

  9. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Frank's book had no bombshells..

    Colluded with RGA on ad
    Wrote letter to editor
    Would miss scheduled meetings/events

    These did no damage.

    Frank withheld the good stuff.

  10. Anonymous6:53 AM

    For those calling for Bailey to "tell all," consider this: if he, or any one person, were to provide a perfectly true narrative, that would still only be one source, a single, uncollaborated source.

    If several sources tell a bit of this and a bit of that and the narrative and facts begin to come together, then we have reasonable proof.

    In addition, if one person "told it all," it would give many others "in the know" an opportunity to silently bow out while he gets all the flak. If, however, they think they can add bits to the conversation with relative risk, they just might do it.

    Appealing to his "Christian" duty, etc. is pandering, just like HER.

  11. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Remember the WSJ picture of Sarah, Trig and baby jogger? To fake the idea that Sarah jogged with Trig. Proof here that she only got the jogger for the photo op.

  12. Anonymous7:49 AM

    The fake photo opp was to promote the governor's "fit challenge", not much unlike the FLOTUS campaign for healthy children.

  13. Anonymous7:59 AM

    I think Frank knows the release is going to put more pressure on him to come clean. I'm also guessing that the Palin's and their monkey's must have ratcheted up the heat if he changed his email address. Can't imagine changing it if he was getting lauded.

    His coming to talk to you would only exacerbate that. Salman Rushdie come to mind?

    Has Sara put a Fatwa on him?

    I feel for the guy in some ways but I also think he should be releasing what he knows because her continued presence is going to destroy this country.

    She's Hitler in a skirt Frank

  14. To all of you that are disappointed that Frank (& AK Muckraker) didn't spill the beans on Babygate; that there are no bombshells in the book, that Frank is holding back.

    Remember that this community is one of the most informed on Sarah Palin. We actively sought out info on Palin. But the rest of America is not like that. So Frank's book on his time in the Palin administration is the first book, and from an insider at that, that provides a broader audience an accurate picture of Palin.

    As for Babygate, I think we need to consider that you sometimes pick your battles. By staying clear of Babygate AK Muckraker is given more credibility (rightly or wrongly; this is just a fact.) and Frank's book is given more credibility. The MSM IS covering it; the WaPost IS reaching out to Frank for his take on the emails.

    Besides, look at Gryphen's reaction to the info in the email release. Everything is all confused again. By avoiding Babygate you can't poke as many holes in Frank's book, and the emails confirm his claims.

    P.S. For the record, I think all the Palin Kool Aid Frank drank caused his eyes and brain to malfunction when it came to Palin. But also notice how carefully the book navigates Babygate. The evidence of no Babygate is pretty much Frank saw a slim Bristol the morning Trig was "born" so QED Sarah must be the mom. Whereas this community speaks of April 18 as Trig's "presentation date." But the slim Bristol gives Frank plausible deniability, and if it is ever proven that Trig was ever born on a different date to a woman other than Sarah Palin well, this is just another way Sarah pulled the wool over the gullible Frank's eyes.)

  15. Jeanabella8:32 AM

    Emails show her to be a phoney. She doesn't write her own speeches while gov. The teleprompter email where the questions are answered by her staff in a "conversational" way,and put on the feed for scarah to read at the so called interview. Everything about her is fake!

  16. Anonymous9:25 AM

    "Appealing to his "Christian" duty, etc. is pandering, just like HER."

    Normally I'd agree with you, but Frank has been holding the "Christian duty" banner high for lo these many months. What people are doing is appealing to his sense of honor-- he said he had a Christian duty to clear away the lies, and he's not done that.

  17. I don't doubt for a minute that Frank Bailey changed his email address because he's getting flooded with hate mail from the Palinbots.

    Another thing: if he's still as busy promoting his book as he was 2 weeks ago, it'll take some time for him to reach out to the people he still trusts, to let them know his new address and to follow up on previous requests for his time.

    Like a Gryphen/Bailey interview. Time will tell.

  18. Anonymous11:38 AM

    "Anonymous said...

    interesting that Erika confirms a threat against Willow in Juneau. I think June 07?

    2:24 AM"


  19. Gasman10:13 PM

    In my opinion, Bailey is still a greasy little weasel. From what I get from his book, he is seeking absolution for being part of the giant Palin cluster fuck, but he doesn't really want to take his full share of the blame for willingly being part of it all.

    Bailey seems to want to show us how bad is was - to a point - yet strangely I get the feeling that he is withholding a great deal of information that he knows could sink Palin. Why?

    If Bailey knows what a lying moron Palin is and yet he STILL is protecting her, what does that say about Bailey's character?

  20. He'd confirmed he would give you an interview and then he's changed his email address?

    Yeah, sounds like a Palinbot who's really changed.



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