Saturday, July 02, 2011

As a juxtaposition to the post directly below I present the "Obama Babies."

Now what ever you do, I don't want you to smile.

You smiled didn't you?


  1. Anonymous10:08 PM

    I smiled! I wish you would have included the photo of him with the sleeping baby on his shoulder. He is a natural. Palin....not so much.

  2. PollyinAK10:10 PM

    Yes! I love it! I'm glad to see how much you appreciate our President (to post this warm, fun video). = It is very "telling" when a baby feels comfortable with a "stranger"... (babies know intuitively what is good!!).

  3. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Sorry Griffin, I really tried. But 30 seconds in I found myself grinning from ear to ear.

  4. Actually, I got a little teary eyed! Great video Gryph!

  5. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Quite a contrast between Obama with babies and your previous post of Palin with babies.

    Obama would make a better mother than Palin who uses children for props any day of the week.

    As far as I've seen he is a wonderful father and knows how to nurture children. He truly CARES.

    Palin only tries to ACT like she cares...especially for photo ops that might bring those big bucks in.

    America knows she doesn't care about kids..especially DS kids. It was a borrowed prop. Does Trig even know who his real mother is? When was the last time she quit traveling around the lower 48 grifting and actually paid attention to him?

    Yeah she's all focused on Bristol & keeping up her self esteem... selling her own books so Bristol can get a few sold. In that sense I guess you could say Sarah is helping out the retards.

  6. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Drat you Gryphen! Now my mouth is stuck in a permanent smile. How terrible. :-) Thanks! I needed that!

  7. Thank you for this video. I don't understand people who don't like this man. He is special in so many ways. Are you in? Are you going to work to get him re-elected? We have important work to accomplish.

  8. dlbvet10:41 PM

    You had me at 0:05.

  9. Anonymous10:43 PM

    As much as I want him to fight for us more, to stop the wars, and to tell the GOP to STFU, here is a man who truly cares about people. What is the quote about"the least of these?" We need a man who can take time to smile at children, to hold them lovingly, to care. This is not fake. He doesn't do this for a photo op. He truly loves children. You can see it in his eyes. If someone handed a baby to one of the GOP candidates, the child would take one look and start screaming for mama. In fact that would be a great ad: who would you trust with your baby?

  10. I smiled a lot! There's also some wet stuff in my eyes.

  11. Anonymous11:05 PM

    The Monster at the End of This Book? One of my favorites.

  12. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Sorry, couldn't help it..I SMILED!!

  13. Anonymous12:09 AM

    OMG, so precious! Love the pictures of baby Obama with his mother, and of Malia and Sasha at the end.

    Man, though, until I looked at these I didn't realize how much older the President looks now...the job really ages you fast...

  14. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Yes and cried a bit. What huge responsibility it is to be POTUS.

  15. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Loved it! And, what a difference when compared to Palin's demeanor with babies - to include her own!

    President Obama has such a calmness about him, that Palin doesn't reflect in any part of her personality or appearance.

  16. Heidi31:32 AM

    Totally O/T, but to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of Queen Quittler's resignation "speech", here is William Schatner's rendition, as performed on Conan O'Brien's show:

  17. ManxMamma2:16 AM

    I would vote for this man if for no other reason than he knows how to hold a baby. That was beautiful. Thanks again Gryphen! I love our president.

  18. Anonymous2:34 AM

    The President seems to be so at ease with babies and children. It is obvious he likes them and video clips have shown him capable of immediately calming a crying baby.

    Yes, of course I smiled; what normal person wouldn't. The contrast to S.P.'s public appearances with babies and children is startling. S.P. seems barely able to stand having a child near her much less having to hold one.

    Not sure that this difference means much of anything other than the President appears welcoming and comfortable with babies and S.P. doesn't. We'll each make of it what we will.

  19. Anonymous3:11 AM

    That did make me smile. You know, Sarah may want to remember that there was someone else who was very good with the babies. Oh yes, that would be Jesus. Yes indeed, the babies loved the Jesus and Jesus loved the babies (and everyone else too).

    The babies love President Obama. Sarah Palin? Not so much. I'm just saying...........

  20. fromthediagonal4:05 AM

    Whaddaya mean, don't smile?
    I began smiling when I saw the headline and haven't stopped yet!
    Thanks for a lovely Sunday beginning!

    Happy Interdependence Day to all!
    Yes, no matter how tribal and nationalistic humanity is, we all share this beautiful Blue Marble we call Earth. Sooo, once again:

    There is no true "independence" we all are dependent upon Mother Nature and interdependent with each other.

    Now... let the fireworks begin!

  21. I wanna be the baby @ 2:27...

    :) :) :)

  22. Ripley5:50 AM

    :33 seconds in= the best photo ever.

  23. Ahhhh...! Lovely!

  24. CanadianObserver6:03 AM

    Exceptional montage! He should integrate it into his campaign for 2012.

    And yes I smiled! :)

  25. And in every single picture that shows Obama holding a baby, he's holding it correctly, cradling and supporting and almost always actually LOOKING AT the baby, straight in the face, and actually smiling at it. Interacting. Like the baby is actually human.

    The comparison between President Obama and Sarah when it comes to holding a baby... with Sarah turning the baby away from her. And that was supposed to have been her baby, her "precious angel from God."

  26. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Can't help but smile. Babies know,

    There so many great videos of PBO interacting with babies, some move me to tears. It is for our young that we must keep fighting for progress, and unfortunately against the Republicans.

    And for the older babes amongst us check out the 3ChicsPolitico
    video Barack Obama Swagger. No denying..he's got it going on.

    Happy Birthday America....hope everyone has a fabulous and safe celebration.

  27. Anonymous6:47 AM

    That's great Gryphen. Thanks !

    The pictures that have always struck me as well are the Prez with little black boys. There is one late in the campaign where he holding little preschool boys and they are just beaming.

    The others that strike me are him and black teen boys. He looks them straight in the eye & clearly has an effect on them.

  28. Anonymous7:44 AM

    It's hard to paint President Obama as a scary, anti-American, racist socialist, when children, the most trusting and innocent among us accept him and like him.

    Beautiful video, thanks for sharing!

  29. Anonymous8:34 AM

    So totallly sweet!

  30. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Sure, I smiled and even shed a joyful tear or two. Loved it! Thanks.

  31. Anonymous8:45 AM

    You see on the President's face, that when he is holding and looking into the faces of those babies, it's like no one else is in the room. He's focused solely on them as if they are the most important person - that little person - in the room!!

    You can see in his face he's not thinking of how quickly he can discard the baby back to where they came from. He's not thinking of it's more important that he has to toss the kid back to move on to shake the hands of those that can vote.

    His face, his eyes, his mouth speaks volumes - that child is important to him - his wanting to be part of that 'village' that raises that child!!

    I hereby make application to be adopted by the President and First Lady!!!

  32. Anonymous11:30 AM

    dang Gryph, my eyes are leaking....Children know who to trust....

    hand any of those babies to a R and they would sense dislike and cry!

    You know I did not see in any of those pictures where he was writing on them.....

  33. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Awesome. I've seen another photo, not included in the video, of Obama holding an African American boy -- not a baby, maybe 5 or 6 yrs old -- who was giving him a huge hug. If memory serves you don't see the boy's face in the photo, but Obama's face just beams with radiance, you'd think he was holding his own son. I'll have to look for the photo.

  34. Ripley2:49 PM

    I submit this one :

  35. Ripley2:55 PM

    oh, and these: (please make them active links if you want... )

    It is easy to find President Obama having kid, decent and honest interactions with children. He's a kind, decent and honest guy.

  36. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Gee, Gryphen, you know the way to a woman's heart! (You devil, you!)

    Made my eyes tear up and get a lump in my throat

    Contrast that with Sarah in the other post, she looks like she's doing a chore like taking out the trash.

  37. erica from dallas11:51 AM

    Thank you


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