Sunday, July 03, 2011

The return of the "Vaguely Bearded One."

Courtesy of

Joe Miller, a former US Senate candidate from Alaska, has been spending his days in his law offices in Fairbanks with an almost singular focus: making sure fellow Republican Mitt Romney does not win his party’s presidential nomination.

Miller, through a little-known group called the Western Representation PAC, is planning a $500,000 ad campaign with a chief goal of dirtying up the national front-runner - in terms that are far more personal and aggressive than Romney’s rivals for the nomination have used.

“Right now [our focus] is making sure that Romney, who’s very clearly a RINO, doesn’t walk away with the nomination,’’ said Miller, using the acronym for Republican In Name Only. “We’re trying to save the country. And with Romney at the helm, it’s not going to get saved. Romney is just going to be a disaster for this country.’’

Interesting, Miller seems to believe that President Obama is the worst thing to happen to this country since they cancelled Hee-Haw," so he attempts to sabotage the potential candidacy of one of the few politicians in the GOP who might actually have a chance against him in the general election.  Brilliant.

You know this is not the first time that Miller has used dirty tricks in an attempt to subvert the will of the Republican party.

Back in March of 2008, Miller did something similar in Alaska:

Whitaker, a former Republican state legislator, said Miller got in trouble in March 2008 for misusing borough computers. Miller was the Interior regional chairman of the Republican Party at the time and, along with then-Gov. Sarah Palin, was trying have Randy Ruedrich replaced as party chair at the annual GOP convention.

Those revelations, and others like it, cost Miller the election in 2010, and sent him scurrying back into the shadows of political oblivion.  (Well except for a gig as a speaker on a birther boat trip to Batshit-ville that is.)

By the way it is worth remembering that Miller's attempts back in 2008 to oust Republican chairman Randy Ruederich met with abject failure.  And that was WITH the help of the then popular Governor Sarah Palin.

Personally having the Republicans viciously fighting amongst themselves does not bother me one little bit.

After all, not one of them has any real chance against the President in 2012, but if they want to weaken their party so substantially that it will only end up with 30% of the vote, who am I to argue with them?


  1. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Wonder where the $500,000 is coming from and how much Miller is being paid? At least the grifter has a job. After the campaign maybe he can appear on DWTS and then write a book about the first time he was laid.


  2. Anonymous2:40 AM

    There is something about this man that makes me sort of shiver when I see a picture of him. He has a giant sleaze factor along with absolutely no personal appeal.

    Who is financing this man? His "law practice" can hardly be producing much income with so much time devoted to his "causes" but he can buy $500,000 ads? The thought of his almost becoming a Senator is mind boggling but then look at some of the Senators who have been elected.

  3. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Joe is doing himself no honors by going after Mitt; wonder whose payroll Joe is on now.

    Some people need to come forward and let the skeltons out of Joe's closet, bet there are many and that he has done a lot of things that aren't legal.

  4. Anonymous3:22 AM

    I'm hoping they damage whatever is left of the Republican 'brand' so badly that there is no resurgence of the GOP for 50 years! Until they decide to join the human race again and actually govern and care about PEOPLE instead of profits, they have no place in American politics.

  5. Virginia Voter4:21 AM

    What I want to know is who the hell would give this idiot money for a PAC?

  6. A J. BIllings4:34 AM

    I guess a lying lawyer, who hires a goon squad to illegally detain journalists at a public function doesn't have to worry about his reputation.

    All he has to do is dig up, or fabricate some stories on Romney, and he's valuable to somebody.

    That $arah PAYlin would stump for a snake like Joe MIller is proof enough of the prejudice she embodies.

    Joe (YOU LIED) Miller: the best asshole the Kock brothers could find to attack fellow Repubs

  7. But this makes sense.
    palin and beck have made their disdain for the republican party well known.
    I'm betting that palin knows she will never go anywhere in the republican party and I think she, miller , beck and others are trying to form a 3rd party.
    All the malcontents of the republican party and the extreme right wing of the evangelical christians.

  8. angela4:55 AM

    Ahhh Joe, we hardly (well never-really) missed ye . . . .

    Is Joe a Koch sucker? Where else could he have found him some of that bagger money to take down somewhat sane candidates.

  9. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Why isn't this asshole in prison?

  10. Anonymous5:49 AM

    How much of that $500,000 is going into Miller's personal account?

    Miller needs to get his ass kicked.

  11. Anonymous6:19 AM

    So, the Republicans were looking for someone without scruples to launch personal and vicious attacks against one of their own, and who did they get?

    Alaska, you need to put up a fence NOW and keep new vagabonds out while cleaning up the garbage heap of politicians already amassed there.

  12. Anonymous6:53 AM

    somebody threw some money away on this loser, Blah ha ha ha. hardly anybody knows who this fucker is. nobody is going to listen to him!

  13. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I still want to know why he made that crack he made that if they found child porn on his computer it was planted by his enemies. What kind of a person says something like that to his coworkers? He's a sleazy man and anyone who trusts him to do anything right is a fool.

  14. Grey Lensman6:59 AM

    You know? I like a louse, but this guy suits me entirely too well.

  15. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Gryphen, You shouldn't assume Obama is going to win the 2012 election. It will be a fight. Several things can go badly wrong between now and election day. The Euro collapsing, the debt ceiling not being raised....China's inflation getting out of control....some kind of escalation of problems in the middle east dramatically raising oil prices.

    It's better to assume it's going to be tough and fight and fight some more for Obama. Hopefully the Republican primary will be crazy and wild and the eventual winner will come out of it being bloodied and having said some crazy stuff so Fox news viewers will like him/her.

  16. padoreva7:16 AM

    Joe looks worse for the wear. Howabout a fitness routine and a shave? Otherwise take him out of the suit and he looks like a bloated alcoholic stumbling out of a bar in Anchorage. Karma much?

  17. Anonymous7:59 AM

    padoreva, I was thinking the same thing. Looks like old Joe has been hitting the crunch wrap supreme express lane a bit too often.

  18. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Here's miller's and others problem with Romney.

    He's Mormon.

    that's it in a nut shell. Miller belongs to an anti Mormon church. the remnants of the KKK are found in the organizations he belongs to. To put it simply, Miller is a BIGOT.

  19. Anonymous8:12 AM

    "Interesting, Miller seems to believe that President Obama is the worst thing to happen to this country since they cancelled Hee-Haw..."

    Ok, that was too funny.

  20. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Looks like someone is planning a third party.

    Take a look at the blog.

  21. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Has no one ever told this guy how damned creepy he looks with that constant stubble...I have no problem with beards but what the heck is that?

    On the other hand, I guess it is possible he looks equally creepy (or worse) without it.

    ...Maybe because he IS creepy.

  22. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Whose teat is this PAC sucking?
    It all spends the same for those on the sucking end.

    What about the security that seized the reporter at a Miller campaign event? Speculation is that the DropZone security czar is now actually an informant for the government in the Peacemakers Militia 241 plot. There must have been a reason for his sudden departure. What did Joe know and when did he know it?

    It is hard to imagine Mitt Romney supporters looking like the screengrab from the no longer available video of Joe's armed supporters marching in a parade.

    If anyone ought to be able to recognize a disaster in the making- it won't be Joe. What size drapes? Uhhh.

  23. Anonymous1:09 PM

    2:28 - what is with these conservative folks that ostensibly have the corner on chastity and modesty?

    Sarah's failed pick for State's AG - Wayne Anthony Ross waxed poetic (literally) about saving himself and taking his wife's virginity. . .vomit.

    Sarah asks us to 'see Todd,' with his shirt off and brags about how he is her man. Now we have Bristol dishing about her stolen maidenhead.

    Joe brags about his virility and his dowdy wife's fertility, I'm certain he'd talk about their sex life if it meant an advance.

  24. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Joe is making RINO's look good, at least they have been trusted enough by their fellow peers that they've been elected to serve the citizenry. Joe has never won an election - he's a PINO, politician in name only. No one is crazy or stupid enough to cast a ballot for him.

  25. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Virginia Voter @ 4:21 - no one gave 'him' money, he's hi-jacked Western Representation PAC. As usual, these fundy grifters take things already in place and take credit for it.

  26. Anonymous1:18 PM

    What a wonderful world it would be if freaks of nature like $palin and joke miller would just disappear into the mists of time.

  27. If I were involved in any aspect of electoral politics, you don't want to know how far out of the way I'd be willing to go, just to get Joe Miller completely dedicated to opposing me.......

  28. Olivia4:11 PM

    What a putz! If he hadn't been so arrogantly and publicly measuring for draperies and furniture, he might have been elected. Good thing he is an idiot.

  29. Now, here is a puppet. Joe apparently will do anything, anything the puppetmasters want. Not sure, who the puppetmaster is??? No problem, if there is money in it, Joe is your man. I come to the conclusion that the reason Alaska has so many human cockroaches masquerading as politicians, is that Alaska has so much space to hide in.

  30. I just wonder if when they add his face to Mt. Rushmore (for saving the country), they will just throw some mud on the mountain to get that distinct afternoon-shave look.

  31. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Why am I surprised this man didn't go out and get a real job afterward. He went from being a ward of the State of Alaska to being a PAC parasite.


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