Sunday, July 10, 2011

The best pictures I have found of Bristol Palin's Phoenix, Arizona book signing.

"I have to remember what mom said, about not worrying about small crowds because SarahPAC will buy up the leftovers"

"You actually plan to read my book! Wow, that is more than I did!"
When is a child NOT a child? When he is a prop for selling merchandise. Poor kid!

And the truly sad thing is that Tripp had to endure uncomfortable surroundings and the hot climate for only about 35 to 40 people.

(H/T to Gage at Ron Paul Forums for his great pics.)


  1. Anonymous1:43 AM

    If God placed all the Palins in a holding cell for judgment, he would tell Track you were worthless in the beginning but you deserve a second chance so take Trig with you and go back to Wasilla and enjoy your lives.

    Piper and Willow you need to wait here, I'm still making my mind up over you two.

    Sarah, Todd and Bristol, you have each earned a one way trip to eternal damnation and may you rot in hell.

    I don't care how those three smile in front of cameras, it is the hurt and pain that they have left in their paths that has earned them their place in hell!

  2. Anonymous1:44 AM

    The girl has no fashion sense at all, and the chin implants and dyed black hair is horrible.

    Poor child in that horrible stroller and a pacifer stuck in his mouth. I am curious as to what they are dipping the pacifer in to put him to sleep. He is too old for a pacifer.

  3. Anonymous1:59 AM

    so sad

  4. Anonymous2:03 AM

    Good Gawd! Check out photo #1. Is she wearing her 8/2008 RNC convention DDD bra? Or is that an empathy belly misplaced on her chest? Either way, I suspect that's what the scarf is supposed to hide.

    Hey, Bristol, Silicone Valley called. It wants its silicone back!

  5. hauksdottir2:03 AM

    That looks like the same huge scarf around her neck that she was wearing at the Texas signing.

    It is HUGE.

    What is it hiding?

  6. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Why is she wearing Rebecca´s bra?

    Seriously, what is it with all these palin women wearing Rebecca´s clothes?

  7. Anonymous2:24 AM

    That is a six wine coolers in the tummy smile if I ever saw one.

    I just wish she would stop giving them to Tripp.

  8. I would be so embarrassed to be in that "line". Although, if I found myself in the Walmart and noticed she WAS there with Tripp....I would get in line to meet HIM! (ya know, toss the book over to his Mom, and then give the book away to someone else in line) I would think of something simple and sweet to say to him so he knows that SOMEONE cares about him. Make sure he knows that HE IS a good strong boy, no matter what kind of family he is forced to endure. HE IS SPECIAL! I hope he is strong enough to endure his Mother condemning his Father throughout his young life.

  9. Anonymous2:47 AM

    OK that picture of the toddler is just sad. And what is with all the clothes on Bristol?

  10. Anonymous2:49 AM

    There is a picture on Getty of twp late twenty something's or early thirty. The rest of them there are old as dirt compared to 20.

    Advertisers should be aware that Bristol not only is disconnected from her peer group she is shunned when not being laughed at. The only audience Bristol draws is her mothers halfwitt assbackwards retard bots.

    No security either I see. What if someone wanted to hug little Tripp what would Bristol do.?

    Does not really need to be said again but that chin is seriously deformed. She will have to have another jaw surgery in a year or have herself a car crash so she can go back under the knife.

  11. It's an oxymoronic virtuous & multi-service scarf:

    Hides the hickeys & hides the breasts.

  12. Anonymous3:04 AM

    What is with that scarf around her neck? Is that her signature look, where her fans will wear scarves to show support? Is she being modest? Will she go Amish on us, next?

  13. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Which plastic surgeon said the face would only last 6 months? It's been only about 3 and the cheeks are already falling. The botox is wearing off.

  14. Pennyspruce3:24 AM

    Where are the young people? Nobody there in her age group?

  15. Anonymous3:32 AM

    For a 20 year old who supposedly has given birth to one child, she looks amazingly matronly. She resembles a 40 year old mother of 4. Barbara Walters thinks she lost weight? Look at the chest, is it padded, or is she breast feeding again? Buying formula would be difficult to explain, so she would have to take that route. Fake, just like dear OLD mom.

  16. Anonymous3:47 AM

    My God, she looks awful, what a hack plastic surgery job, and why does she have a sheet wrapped around her neck?

  17. Anonymous4:08 AM

    What mother sees her child sleeping in a stroller and not try to quickly out them to bed? Much less, why not at least invest in a stroller that allows the child to lay back if you are going to have him on display? It's child abuse! To not even care about the comfort of your child and proclaim you are a "wonderful mother" is beyond words!

  18. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Look at the age of those people in line. Where are the 20-year-olds shoe wrote the book for?

  19. Anonymous4:15 AM

    How sad for Tripp...passed out while Mommmy-not-so-dearest scrawls her name on a tome she never wrote. And for foolish people that crave anything Palin...Ugh

    A fake smile, ugly scarf, bags under her eyes, LYING just like Mama. I hate to tell the Palin minions but the Palins are NOT "rill America". They're the trailer trash nouveau riche and it shows every time they show up somewhere.

    Dear young women of USA: Ignore this ignorant offspring of a lying grifter. Go get an education. Why? Because there's no way in hell your Mom will be a VP candidate and you'll be able to grift your way through life. Be productive...and I don't just mean pumping out babies and lies.

  20. Anonymous4:22 AM

    You have to give Bristol some credit. If it were her mom, she would have quit the book tour already.

  21. FloridaDem4:23 AM

    Why does a 20 year old girl look like an overworked 38 year old? I don't get it.

    Do you know what a 20 year old should look like? Take a look around. These girls are fit, tight, fresh looking, and hardly need any makeup at all.

    Is there anyone here....anyone, raise your hand, who would agree to take a shovel to their own face in exchange for being rich like Bristol? No, I don't think there's anybody.

  22. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Hot conditions? Hello, air conditioning. Phoenix would be a one horse town without it.

    I can't stand the Palins but the constant "abusive mother" meme is a bit much. It reduces your credibility and seems very petty. There is enough available material on their grifting, reconstructuve surgeries, and tight abs without manufacturing the idea that the boys are uncared for.

  23. Anonymous4:33 AM

    I think Barstool's scarf is an attempt to distract from all the weight she has packed on recently.

  24. angela4:43 AM

    When will these ignorant trailer trash people stop carting their children around to public events not meant for children? That kid could have been back at the hotel in a nice cool pool. But Sarah's spawn needs to have the cuteness there just in case someone might ask her why she's such a silly twit.

    And to be fair---Bristol once might have had a chance to have a healthy life. She's doomed now.
    Sarah is in her bones.

    I have to say the Palins are predictable and tedious.
    If its not Bristol pimping a book FAIL then its Sarah being pushed by her masters to whine tedium on Facebook.

  25. Anonymous5:01 AM

    This is just sad.

  26. Anonymous5:02 AM

    A scarf? In Phoenix? At this time of year.

    What is with the Palins and their freaky need to wear scarves?

  27. Why is she wearing scarves again? And in the summer heat no less!

  28. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Look at that beautifully re-aligned jaw.

  29. Anonymous5:19 AM

    WTF is she wearing? A white 3/4 sleeve shirt with a cream 1/2 sleeve sweater and a huge ass pregnancy diverting scarf?

    These yahoo's shouldn't be allowed to dress themselves.

    But what does Bristol care, we are all just jealous haters with no money or title and they've got each other and God on their side.

  30. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Come on Bristol, Didn't Mama teach you to get that little tongue thing going if you wants sell books, you may have been able to sell a few dozen more!

  31. Linda19615:25 AM

    Wonder if Brissie realizes yet that by trashing Levi, the McCains and DWTS that she's the one considered trash?

  32. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Am I the first one to say it? It is truly odd to find a Palin in a book store. These people are always inviting themselves to venues way above their pay grade.

  33. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Of all the books available to buy, who would waste one penny on this piece of crap? I hope the people who attend these book signings look around at each other and think what losers they must all be to be there, talking to a know nothing young woman.

    Bristol drags Tripp around like Sarah dragged Piper around and it's so sad to see this "abuse" repeat itself, didn't Bristol see how depressed and miserable this made her sister?

  34. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Tripp must be totally ragged out to fall asleep with all the commotion going on..or is it a little cough meds?

  35. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Still can't get over the ghastly chin.

  36. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Where the hell is that child's father?
    Levi, I'm thinking either you are not the father or you are the father and don't give a shit!!

  37. Anonymous5:39 AM

    I have no respect for Levi allowing his child to be used as a Palin prop. I am guessing he will allow the same thing to happen when she does her unreal reality show. He must be getting paid big bucks to stay out of his child's life or he is just a deadbeat dad.

  38. WakeUpAmerica5:40 AM

    I'm guessing that Bristol has never been close to that many books before. What's with the huge scarf? Is that to make her gigantic chin smaller? Who the hell dresses these people and does their hair?

  39. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Sales of her book are tanking every day.

    How long will publisher continue to pay for book signing tour?

    Hope the lack of people showing up is noted by Bristol.. it is a sign nobody cares.

    Her reality show will be a bigger bust than the book tour.

  40. Virginia Voter5:57 AM

    Brisdull is hiding something under all those clothes...just gotta figure out what . He'll, now I would go to a book signing just to get an up close look at that horrific chin.

    She's turning out to be a bigger train wreck than Sarah. Too cheap to buy anything but a shitty $19.99 umbrella stroller for her precious little gift from God to nap in.

    Still sticking with my lipo/ cosmetic surgery theory. She's probably SPANXED to the hilt under there.

  41. Anonymous5:58 AM



    She is Sarah Louise Palin, the Queen of Wasilla. Born in 1592 in the Matanuska-Susitna Valley of Alaska and still alive. She is immortal. For four hundred years she’s been a warrior, a lover, a queen, a wanderer, constantly facing other Immortals in combat to the death. The winner takes her enemy’s head and with it, his power. I’m a Watcher, part of the secret society of men and women who observe and record, but never interfere. We know the truth about Immortals. In the end there can be only one. And it will be Sarah Louise Palin, the Queen of Wasilla.
    And she will be “The Undefeated” .

    ‘I am Sarah Palin, I am immortal, I have inside me blood of queens,
    I have no rival, No man or woman can be my equal,
    Take me to the future of your world,’

  42. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Bristol Palin is like an M&M candy except Bristol's outside coating is plastic and her insides is pure vindictiveness, ignorance, hatred, laziness, stupidity, rotten, petty and heartless.

    Other than that she is okay.

  43. Anonymous6:08 AM

    The dumbass could at least invest in a more comfortable stroller for her son, you know, like one that reclines so he's not sleeping all slumped over like that. A cheap ass umbrella stroller? Nothing but the best for Tripp, yay Bristol?

  44. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Someone mentioned that there were only old people in line and wondered where is her peer group?

    I'm sure the reason is, is because her peers know the book is a complete farce. What Bristol is selling is for the old evangelicals. Remember when she complained on DWTS that no one would talk to her except an older, motherly florence henderson? No one her age can relate to her, and everyone's sick of her church virgin crap. Younger people don't like fakes and girls who think they're better than them, and in comparison you're just a slut with "no title."

    The only people I'll bet willing to be Bristol's friend now are either superficial fakes like herself and bullies, (or of course jesusfreaks).

  45. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Bristol extended her chin and sucked the fat out her face and now looking at these pictures her face seems to be getting wider again. Time to see Dr. Plastic again for another go at it.

  46. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Her chin is almost larger than her forehead. Interesting look.

  47. Anonymous6:29 AM

    My guess is the scarf is to hide new breast implants. They are really firm and sit too high up for the first month, hence the draping big scarf to conceal. It also looks likes she's trying to strap them down with a halter style bra, but you can see she's much bigger than she used to be. We knew it was only a matter of time before she did this.

  48. Anonymous6:30 AM

    She is wearing a jacket over a knit shirt. The only time I see a scarf thick at the neck and chest is NYC in the dead of winter. A jacket is fine for a professional look. The scarf size overwhelms her stature.

    Just saying outfits make an impression. Her outfits tend to distract and impress 'what was she thinking'. If she was a guy wearing a jumbo clown bow tie I would wonder what is up with that also.

    She appears engaged and pleasant signing books.

  49. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Air conditioning can be chilling, but it must be really frigging cold in there to need a sweater and a scarf. Looks like she is hiding....I go for the boobs and probably hickies on the neck....but maybe she is not yet comfortable with her Snookie/Kardashian look.

    As for the poor little kid, either the child has been sipping on the cold meds aain or he was up all night.:)

  50. Anonymous6:42 AM

    It doesn't matter about the pacifier, he's a toddler. His head hung over like that, however, isn't good, so I hope he doesn't nap like that too often.

  51. London Bridges6:44 AM

    Bristol's next book: "How I Hid Five Pregnancies and No One Noticed!"

  52. Anonymous6:51 AM

    The photo of Tripp just breaks the heart. An innocent child who is dragged all over unfamiliar territory (the Palin work ethic at display here) while mom earns her living. No dad, no routine, no home to speak of, and this summer/fall will be living in a new unfamiliar home with new people and doing the reality show life with her mother. Just sad, sad, sad

    Who could put their kids through this constant upheaval and NOT know that it is unpleasant for the child?

  53. Anonymous6:56 AM

    I found the EXACT Umbrella Stroller on, regular price $16.99 with Free Shipping. I couldn't get the link to post, but it IS the exact same stroller, I could tell by the straps on the side to secure it and the material, etc. Wow, go all out to make your kid comfy eh?

  54. That's not a scarf. It's a tent, in case someone shows up with wine coolers.

  55. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Hey Bristol: How's the planning going for Tripp's 3rd birthday in August going?

    We know.

  56. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Why is a two and a half year old sucking on a pacifier???

  57. Anonymous7:20 AM

    That chin is hideous. Did she also have all her teeth pulled from her lower jaw and a lower plate added? It looks like her lower teeth don't fit well.

  58. Anonymous7:39 AM

    In Arizona and Texas the temps are into the 90+ to 100+ range. So why a sweater and that wadded up what ever it is around her shoulders?

    Hiding something Bristol?

    Tripp is now about 2.5 years old, is it normal for a child to still be on a pacifier at that age? Or is that a ring in his nose?

  59. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Just looking at the pictures I have to offer some advice (since Bristol doesn't have a mature adult guiding her as she faces life):
    1. Just about every hotel room comes with an iron. If you must wear that scarf, at least iron it.
    2. Don't wear big bulky scarves. That look is not attractive on a big bulky girl.
    3. Barnes and Noble has a children's book section with comfortable seating, toys and books. Surely there is a nanny, babysitter or minder with Bristol. That person should have taken Tripp to the kids' book section where he could be a kid.
    4. It's terrible to see Tripp used as a prop. The only reason that he is in the stroller (sleeping or otherwise) is because he is the reason for Bristol's book, and she thinks that people want to see him.
    (That's not a good idea, considering the fact that Sarah sees pedophiles everywhere).
    5. This book signing business isn't helping sales at all. Today Bristol's book is #2138 at Amazon. Yesterday, it was around 1900. Sinking like a rock.

  60. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Oh NO! Looks like Bristle's virginity has been stolen again. She looks like she has another "mistake" on board. Either that, or she is breastfeeding her last "mistake" from DWTS. I wonder if she concerns herself with the damage all the Botox and collagen might do to her "mistake"? She had better start planning ahead, the money will be drying up soon. If the producer of her reality show sees how little interest there is in her, maybe he will back out of the project. Then how will she be able to afford nannies for all the kids?

  61. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Reverting to my native tongue "Bristle, you look Bloody Awful! Get yourself to a reputable cosmetic surgeon (preferably who you PAY) and have your botched face fixed" All I can conclude is that the Palins were given free cosmetic surgery, since who in their right mind would pay for this? She looks like Liberace.

  62. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Brisket really wants people to like her, that's why she is wearing the scarves, to hide the pork chop.

  63. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I would probably end friendships over finding out someone bought Bristol Palin's book. I know that sounds terrible, but this is a truly ignorant, dishonest, hateful girl somehow trying to claim rape after ending two engagements with the father. Her mother is even more poisonous and I wouldn't want to know anyone that admired them.

  64. There is still hope for Bristol. She's very young so she's bound to make mistakes, but if she's saving some of her money and perhaps investing it wisely, she will have a nest egg for a new start.

    She needs to get out from under her mother's shadow, choose a career field, and get an education. Todd has worked most of his life so she had a good role model, at least in one regard. Now she needs to be a good role model to Tripp as he grows. I saw a reference to her pursuing a nursing career, and that would be a step in the right direction if it's a field she's really interested in.

    Sooner or later she will realize that she won't get very far riding her mother's coattails. Then it will be up to her to make a good life for herself and Tripp. I hope she handles life's challenges better than her mother.

  65. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Bristol, that scarf look was popular two years ago. Go look at the pictures in "Lucky" magazine.

  66. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Ok, kids fall asleep wherever they are BUT here's what a caring mom would do: lift his head and lay it back against the back of the stroller seat so it's supported. This is heartbreaking.

  67. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Ok, kids fall asleep wherever they are BUT here's what a caring mom would do: lift his head and lay it to the side against the back of the stroller seat so that it's supported.

    Or better yet, spend a little of that money on something other than a cheaply made and undersized stroller which was not designed for a sleeping child that large.

    People treat their show dogs better than this.

    This is just heartbreaking.

  68. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Totally agree with commenter here that it could be she's hiding breast enhancement surgery. If so, will she be soon be posing for Playboy and say someone got her drunk and she woke up next morning and a friend told her what she did? told her what she did? had to inform her what she did?

    Seriously though. I see that to be a possibility in the future, unfortunately.......hope I'm wrong.

  69. I am angry that the talk shows, etc. waste one minute of time on this ho. If it were not for McCain's advisers, Bristol Palin would be enjoying unwed motherhood in Wasilla in appropriate obscurity, probably collecting a welfare check. Instead, she is getting the heroine treatment because she got herself drunk and f'd until she got pregnant - and long after. Like a million other dumbass teenagers. Yet she gets a pass and is allowed to trash the reputation of her baby's daddy and the McCains.

    What is wrong with this picture? More than just a lousy-looking face job and a hide-all scarf, it's the chutzpah of these grifters that galls me. And their acceptance by any in the MSM.

    These people need to be shunned.

  70. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Bristol was too cheap to pay someone to provide for her mealticket's comfort? Too cheap to pop for a stroller to fit his size? The way you can tell: if he was sitting upright, his head would be thrust downward and forward by the upper tensioned edge of the fabric seat; it's they way they're designed, like a sling to wrap around smaller infants and toddlers. $100-$200 would have made all the difference in the world for that little guy's comfort. Let's see, that would be 1/5 the cost of the filler injections for the lips alone.

  71. The scarf was a popular fashion accessory a few months ago. Bristol just doesn't pay enough attention to fashion. She was the one who picked out her mother's leopard shoes for an event, remember? Bristol thinks she knows fashion, but she's not bright enough to pay attention to trends.

    To really do fashion right, you need to be reading the weeklies and checking out the collections online, that way you can spot upcoming trends. These Palin women have enough money that they could hire a stylist, who could find them a suitable, attractive wardrobe that makes them look less like trailer trash.

    Nobody says they need to be fashion icons (and they couldn't do it) but there are plenty of classic looks that can be adapted to their body types. They overestimate their abilities in many ways.

  72. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I just ran the pics by a cranio-facial surgeon. He was aghast.

    "Gawd, everything's slipping - the cheeks, the chin - the chin! That's criminal."

  73. Anonymous9:38 AM

    She has that "brick 'o boob" thing going on again just like she did at RNC when pregnant with her little money maker. Either boobs were done or she's knocked up yet again...was there a run on wine coolers lately?

  74. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Scarf is in the wrong place - it looks like that chin is growing boobs. She should cover them for modesty. Beware of attracting Leno's chin!

    One wonders what other plastic pieces have been put in place that need to be covered by a scarf.

    Trailer trash at it's finest.

  75. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Its 118 here. It does not get below 92 at night. WEIRDO!!!!! She must have just learded how to tie a scarf and cant get enough. -E

  76. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I agree with the comments to Levi. What kind of father allows his child to be dragged around like this. That picture of that poor little guy in that cheap ass stroller made me sad..and mad! First of all..with the kind of money that family has stolen the last few years, why in the hell don't they have a stroller that lays back so he can sleep right. And a his age is the sign of a very lazy parent. I remember, though, seeing pictures of Piper with one at a much older age...and those pictures of her in the front seat of the seat NYC she was sucking her thumb. Tell me again, flying monkeys, what great parents these trashy people are.

  77. Wow, you can really see the ridges of Bri$tol's chin implant when she smiles. Just like you can always see the ridges in fake boob implants. Yuck. Now even her face is a pathetic lie.

  78. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Wow. According to posters here, I was apparently a really bad mother. I often took my sons with me in strollers, and when they fell asleep, I did not run home to tuck them in bed; I thought, "Wow, that's great! Shopping will be a breeze now."

    And when I tried taking away my son's pacifier at age 2, he started sucking his thumb. My pediatrician said to give him the pacifier back because thumb sucking was a harder habit to break and would risk messing up his teeth when they came in. I did not break him of the pacifier until he was nearly 4. My sister also couldn't get her son to give up the pacifier until he was 4, but she is a very caring and wonderful mother.

    I think there are so many larger problems with how Bristol raises her son that these complaints sound like nitpicking or hunting for something to criticize.

    For example, I put great effort into making sure my kids see my ex. He doesn't have a car, and I drive them to and from his house every weekend. I make sure to invite him to all their concerts, and I photocopy their report cards for him. I *want* them to have a good relationship with their father. When I met my new boyfriend, he lived in Texas. He had to move north because I wouldn't take my kids too far from their father (and I doubt he'd have tried to stop me because he hates lawyers).

    I think the worst things Bristol does is put distance between Levi and her son, making it hard for him to have a relationship with his father (so much for the conservative mantra of how a child needs a mother *and* a father); and she bashes her son's father quite publicly, including in her horrible book.

    The next worse thing Bristol is doing is teaching her son that if you can make money the easy way, you don't need no stinkin' edjumucation. Hopefully, he will not grow up to be as ignorant as she is.

  79. Anonymous12:16 PM

    1054 am:
    Wow. According to posters here, I was apparently a really bad mother. I often took my sons with me in strollers, and when they fell asleep, I did not run home to tuck them in bed; I thought, "Wow, that's great! Shopping will be a breeze now."

    If you were a mother like Bristol with hundreds of thousands of dollars and a nanny (or caretaker) for the baby, who only spent 17.00 on a stroller, then left the child strapped to the 17.00 stroller to sleep rather then have the caretaker take him back to the hotel, then yes you would be a bad mother.

    But your post has no commonality with Bristol treating her son as a prop.

    As for the pacifier? whatever. As long as he doesn't ruin his teeth. You seem to try to have a relationship with your ex. Bristol doesn't.
    Big differences.

  80. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Bustol actually believed she would be swarmed by dwts fans. How many times have we told her the voting was jimmied? she refused to believe it and and called us haters.

    Looks like her "fans" are the haters. HAHAHAHA

    Dumbass. Lying, cheating and stealing will alway come back to bite ya in da ass, bustol aka pseudo raped victim.


  81. Anonymous1:02 PM

    bustol will be 45 yo crying about being a teen mom. Give it a rest why doncha.

    We get it, you don't drink, but you get drunk. You don't have sex but you keep on having it because you're not a virgin any more (palin logic.) You are abstinence but keep having sex. You cry about how hard it is to be a teen mother, but you're not a teen. You whine about how difficult it is to raise your child but you have a nanny.

    Grow up smell the coffee, people don't want any part of your dysfunctional crazy family.


  82. Beldar Hijab Conehead1:07 PM

    She might look nice in a burqa.

    Gryphen, there's a rumor going 'round Phoenix that the big "The Underseated" premier is being moved from the local AMC theater to being projected on an off-white bed sheet stapled to the garage door at the Screechy Wretch's Casa de Cubos (House of Pails) near Scottsdale. Can you confirm this? Hate to have that "crowd of tens" show up at the wrong venue.

  83. Gee. She can't afford a sitter?

    Parents these day! If my Mother had written a book and was going to a book signing, no way she would take us along. Not at any age. Just not appropriate.

    We would have stayed home with Dad. No Dad? No Grandma? Well, that's what sitters are for.

    Yes, of course he's a prop.

  84. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I agree with previous commenters. The scarf is "hiding" new breast implants.

  85. Anonymous1:46 PM

    That scarf looks like she tied a pillow case around her neck.

  86. FEDUP!!!1:49 PM

    A HUGE scarf, long sleeves, layer of clothing... WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS ALASKAN GIRL PICTURE??? Even if it is air-conditioned inside, people from Alaska that just WERE up in Alaska would not be caught DEAD wearing that kind of attire in 100*+ outside!

  87. FEDUP!!!1:51 PM

    Oh, and Tripp falling asleep there... WEIRD!!! Has she been drugging him again so he doesn't whine and want to run around like a normal 3-year old would want to?

  88. Poor things (both of them). Bristol's time in the limelight will be brief. Then what? As for Tripp, I suspect she'll pimp him out to Hollyweird soon. Commercials and guest appearances in TV shows are very lucrative.

    BTW, I see that the guy who took those photos calls the boy "Tripp Palin."

  89. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Add me to the list of people who think the pacifier must have been dipped in Tylenol PM or something. It's not natural for a kid to sit there and watch quietly, then peacefully fall asleep. Most toddlers I know would want to be on Mom's lap, "helping" her sign books and maybe even greeting people in line. And I bet most people in line would have eaten that up.

    At the very least, she could get the kid a decent stroller and set him up with a laptop and a DVD of "Cars" or something to keep him occupied.

  90. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Why would you bring your toddler to a book signing unless you want to use him as a prop?

    There is no other earthly reason - she can afford child care, it's not a "fun activity" for him, and she is too busy signing to even interact with him. So why bring him?

  91. Anonymous3:51 PM

    It looks like Bristol's chin is growing a chin.

  92. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I vote boob job. I doubt she's still nursing the DWTS baby; that seems like more dedication to motherhood than Bristroll is capable of.

  93. emrysa4:15 PM

    that's not a scarf - it's a damn sheet.

  94. Anonymous4:43 PM

    White is not Bristol's color, it makes her look fatter.

  95. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Why are Palin babies always passed out when seen in public? Hmmm. What are you giving them Sarah/Bristol?

  96. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Bristol is wearing white to look "pure" "innocent" "virtuous" and "clean", but it's not a taylored look in any way.

    I agree with the stoller comment, she might be playing "poor", but umbrella strollers are meant for short runs, not book signings.
    She should, with 1700 buck monthly checks from "the gnat", afford a jeep or graco stroller that supports the spine and reclines.

    A small stroller makes her look even bigger than she is. But then, fashion and logic was never a palin forte'.

    I kind of chuckled at the comment about Todd working (anyone know what his job is, other than a prop husband who carries his wife's purse?) He quit exxon and gave the fishing business to Track, according to the tee vee series.

    I find it difficult to look at her face now. She was fine before the facial work, just a random pretty girl from Alaska, what was she thinking?

  97. Anonymous7:02 AM

    um, Arizona is H.O.T.

    Why is she wearing a shirt around her neck?

    she is ridiculous.

  98. Anonymous7:06 AM

    RE: the constant "abusive mother" meme is a bit much...

    Calling your dad a RAPIST in PUBLIC in PRINT ...


    And that is the CHEAPEST stroller you can possibly get. And it is NOT comfortable for a toddler to sleep that way.

    Is there a paci? Those need to be GONE before the age of TWO. Period.

  99. Anonymous7:20 AM

    It did seem truly weird to see the Barnes & Nobel sign behind her. Probably the first time she's been in a book store.

  100. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Here goes:

    Levi n Brisket had TRIG.

    After learning he had DS, they LEGALLY gave him to TP and SP b.c. the kids couldn't afford it, too much responsibiliy, etc.

    TRIP is NOT Levi's Baby. But b.c. of money, timing and LIES, LEVi thought he was TRIP's dad long enuf to play the Palin's game.

    Now he has NO legal recourse to his "real" son, TriG.

    And I assume he's been paid quite well to keep quiet about everything.

    And I don't think TRIP is Levi's son, and now I think Levi knows that too, so Levi is actually sitting pretty.

    Maybe even Mercede doesn't know the truth?

    **ALL OF THE ABOVe is from the mind of Anonymous, not to be confused with facts of any kind**

  101. Anonymous5:31 PM

    So morality "is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey"?

    Based on the trash above, each and every one of you are a bunch of fucking piece of shit hypocrites, especially the owner of this website.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.