Saturday, July 09, 2011

Carl Bernstein refers to phone hacking scandal as "Murdoch"s Watergate." Well, he should know.

Courtesy of Newsweek:

The hacking scandal currently shaking Rupert Murdoch’s empire will surprise only those who have willfully blinded themselves to that empire’s pernicious influence on journalism in the English-speaking world. Too many of us have winked in amusement at the salaciousness without considering the larger corruption of journalism and politics promulgated by Murdoch Culture on both sides of the Atlantic.

The facts of the case are astonishing in their scope. Thousands of private phone messages hacked, presumably by people affiliated with the Murdoch-owned News of the World newspaper, with the violated parties ranging from Prince William and actor Hugh Grant to murder victims and families of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The arrest of Andy Coulson, former press chief to Prime Minister David Cameron, for his role in the scandal during his tenure as the paper’s editor. The arrest (for the second time) of Clive Goodman, the paper’s former royals editor. The shocking July 7 announcement that the paper would cease publication three days later, putting hundreds of employees out of work. Murdoch’s bid to acquire full control of cable-news company BSkyB placed in jeopardy. Allegations of bribery, wiretapping, and other forms of lawbreaking—not to mention the charge that emails were deleted by the millions in order to thwart Scotland Yard’s investigation.

This article is a "must read" for anybody who is closely following this scandal.  Bernstein carefully outlines Murdoch's empire and does not hold back in revealing its overall negative impact on journalism around the world, and particularly in America, and how this indefensible breach of the public trust might serve to undermine a free press in Enlgand, and may have ripple effects that spread much, much further.

Once you have read through that wonderful piece I urge you to visit to learn that the things Murdoch has done here in the United States may in fact be much worse than what he did in Britain.  For example:

Iraq and the war on terrorism: America's misguided "pre-emptive war" in the oil-rich Persian Gulf would not have been possible unless the 9/11 attacks and a response to terrorism became conflated with Saddam Hussein's Iraq, which for all its horrors had nothing to do with the assault on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The Fox News Channel, and its parade of GOP-talking-point infused hosts and military "experts," helped to make sure that wrongful conflation took place, as later evidence proved.

A 2003 poll by the Program on International Policy (PIPA) at the University of Maryland and Knowledge Networks found that regular Fox News viewers were significantly more likely than other news consumers to believe one of three significant falsehoods about the Iraq war -- that Iraq was somehow connected to 9/11, that weapons of mass destruction had been found in Iraq, or that global opinion was in favor of the war. These jingoistic myths -- most heavily adopted by Fox viewers -- fueled years of continued fighting in a war in which thousands of Americans and Iraqi civilians died needlessly.

After reading that I imagine that you are just about as pissed off as I am at the entire fucking Rupert Murdoch empire! So allow me to offer you the chance to cleanse your palate by watching ex-NOW editor Paul McMullen getting his ass handed to him again by yet another British actor, Steve Coogan.

That McMullen douchebag is a special brand of sleazy isn't he? Just watching him on camera makes my skin crawl.


  1. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Oh no... Palin has crawled out from under her rock, and regurgitated more of the same vomit. She should really change her diet.

    No specifics, just vague thoughts to keep her loyal Sarahtaxpayers paying for her buses, hotel suites and bendy straws.

    Looks like the money was drying up so she had to throw them a bone, and take another long suck on that Facebook cow.

    Shes so gross

  2. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I recommend this Guardian reporter's daily live blog of the hacking scandal:

    He updates throughout the day and provides good links to related stories.

    (link is to July 9th blog, link to previous day at bottom of the page)

  3. Gasman3:29 PM

    Once I heard that Murdoch was closing NOTW, I thought that this was looking like it could be Britain's equivalent of Watergate.

    I think that this has the potential to crumble Murdoch's empire, that the inevitable civil trials might bleed him dry, and that at least one Murdoch might well go to jail.

    Add to that the very real possibility that British Prime Minister David Cameron may well lose his job over this.

    And all the while, that "fair and balanced" paragon of journalistic excellence FauxNews ISN'T covering this story.

    How will Chris Wallace spin THIS one?

    I am busy sticking pins in my Murdoch doll as I write this.

    There! Take that you slimy bastard!

  4. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I just posted this down thread, it's important, and fits in this post too.

    "The game has changed. The emperor has lost his clothes
    Kowtowing to Murdoch will now be widely mocked. Cameron can only press on with the BSkyB deal at his peril"


    "Meanwhile, US law may enter the fray. A former Labour cabinet minister has alerted attention to the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which makes an American company (News Corp) liable for colossal fines if any employee bribes a foreign official (the Met police) even if no one at head office knew. What's more, any whistleblower inside the company (sacked News of the World reporters), stands to win a percentage of that fine if they report acts of bribery."

  5. Article by Tim Dickinson in Rolling Stone magazine re: Murdoch's doppelganger Roger Ailes - June 9, 2011 issue "The Fox News Fear Factory".

  6. Paul McMullen = asshole

    His arrogant apologetics left me seething. Scum!

  7. Chenagrrl3:49 PM

    I have worked with those who have worked at the NYPost, and Rupe makes a regular call to the desk to order up headlines and play of stories.

    With that kind of control-freakiness, I think he knew what was going on.

    It might explain Breitbart.

  8. Anonymous3:51 PM

    McMullan defending their actions is laughable. Hugh Grant is giving interviews around as I believe he is meeting with the Prime Minister next week along with Milly Dowler's mother and sister. Very nice that he is being so supportive of the family. Thanks for Philly link, hadn't seen that. Wouldn't it be great if Carl Bernstein wrote a Murdochgate?

  9. Anonymous3:52 PM

    It's going to be pretty funny if they arrest Murdoch's son James. Did Rupert go there to bail him out if they do?

  10. Anonymous3:53 PM

    I've always enjoyed Mr. Coogan. Now I like him even more!

  11. Anonymous4:00 PM

    McMullen is really a creep! He has no sense of morality at all.

  12. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Rupert might wanna shut McMillan up. He's not doing their side any favors.

  13. McMullen gives sleaze a bad name. Come to think of it, he's not doing weasels much good either.

  14. angela4:26 PM

    No one or nothing is too big to fail. Half my family worked for GM starting in the forties and fifties. My father, uncles and aunts who'd worked and retired from company were in untenable shock when what used to be the largest manufacturer of automobiles in the world almost went under.

    Murdoch retains the hubris of people who think that they are all powerful and lets face it, he pretty much is. Funny how the face of a dead child whose phone got hacked could help bring the wizard down to a face we knew was behind the evil. He has really ruined journalism as we once knew it. Who knows if it ever come back to where it was before him.

    The Newsweek and Philly article were excellent.

  15. Anonymous4:26 PM

    McMullen is jealous of celebrities, trying to hide behind the cloak of a phony "classism." He said the same thing to Hugh Grant. Hey, McMullen - not all of us begrudge rich actors who entertain! Walking a red carpet does not give you permission to hack a celeb's phone. One has nothing to do with the other. One is a JOB (walking the red carpet is part of an actor's job description and contract). Private phone calls = private life. Post hoc ergo propter hoc, dude!

  16. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Does this mean that finally the MSM journalists are growing a pair? Too little too late, IMO.

  17. angela4:35 PM

    Gotta go. McMullen literally made me nauseous. What a belly crawling sleaze. I cannot believe he is for real.

  18. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I want to see him on Stephen Colbert! Oh please, let Colbert rake him over the coals next! Or John Stewart!

  19. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I would like to know who 'fast-tracked' Murdochs' US citzenship request. All I could find out is that he became a citizen in 1985.


  20. Anonymous5:21 PM

    @Anonymous 3:28
    you referred to Palin as a Facebook cow. i have computer tired eyes, and it looked like Facebook SOW.

  21. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Jon Stewart returns on Monday!! Yahoo!! What fun!

    Stewart's guest on Monday is Denis Leary. On Thursday it shows as Sgt. 1st Class Leroy Petry. Tuesday and Wednesday show as TBA's.

  22. WakeUpAmerica5:28 PM

    That video was a thing of beauty!!

  23. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Paul McMullen sounds stunned and stupid -- enough so he must be sleeping with Palin. They are two peas in a pod!!

    My curiousity is where Roger Ailes fits into this in that his name has now come up.

    There is also the guy who now heads Dow Jones who was at NOTW. He's worth investigating in that he was at NOTW when this was all going on. You don't 'shed' your spots!!!

  24. wakeUpAmerica5:36 PM

    Gryphen, you could probably do a good side business selling voodoo dolls. I like the one person's comment about sticking pins in his Murdoch doll. I would buy one of Murdoch, one of Palin, and a BIG box of pins.

  25. AJ Billings.5:46 PM

    RE: Milly Dowler, the 13 year old girl that was kidnapped and murdered in England

    After her death, the flaming assholes at Murdoch's paper actually hacked into her voicemail account and listened to the messages. They then DELETED Phone messages that were POTENTIAL EVIDENCE in a murder case. I can only hope that Rebekah Brooks, and Murdoch Jr. end up in a British prison for their heinous deeds.

    I'll tell you what; If I was Milly Dowler's father I would make it my mission in life to find the despicable bastard that hacked that phone, and beat him to a bloody pulp, break both his knees backwards, and take a sawzall to the Achilles tendons in both legs.

    That would happen after I sued Rupert Murdoch for 10 million British pounds, and right now nearly any jury might award that sum or even greater.

    You notice that Rupert Asshole Murdoch hasn't expressed ONE FUCKING word of regret, or apologized for the decade long time that these acts have been going on.

    Oh, and hey, what's that sound?
    Do you hear it? It's the sound of computer tape drives erasing millions of emails and the data trail for News of the World computer systems.

    Since they are closing down the paper, they can zero out the hard drives on the servers, and hide the evidence unless they get an injuction stopping it.

    Just like the Bush white house did, and just like Sarah Fucking Palin's computer people did
    when the FOIA requests came in for the emails.

    Few things would give me greater pleasure than seeing Murdoch's empire crumble into bankruptcy, and Rupert eating cold brown rice in a prison cell.

    Oh wait, Seeing Sarah Palin led away in handcuffs for the Mat Maid mony laundering would rate right up there.

  26. In a previous thread on the subject of "Murdochgate" aka #NOTW, I tried (but failed) to post a comment thanking the Anonymous poster who brought up Les Hinton. I had never heard of him, but now that I have, he may be key to toppling the US arm of the Murdoch empire.

    Les Hinton is a former #NOTW boss now helming the Wall Street Journal. A couple of articles speculating his fate are online:

    Guardian UK: Phone hacking spotlight falls on former News International boss Les Hinton

    Reuters: Could Murdoch deputy Hinton take the fall?

    If this scandal wraps itself around the Wall Street Journal, Fox News can't be far behind. I hope this story continues to unfold beyond the summer, since DC is currently focused on the asinine debt ceiling debate.

    I really hope the Dems get some spine and team up against GOP lies. The GOP is getting exactly what they want: fewer govt workers. Municipalities and states are laying off vital public servants (teachers, fire fighters, police, etc.) which does nothing to improve the economic cycle and instead is the OPPOSITE of creating jobs. This is so obvious, but Dems continue to be motivated by politics instead of letting voters know that we're now in the situation the GOP has been asking for and promoting/promising. We'll get more of the dismal same (or worse) if the GOP continue to pursue these only-the-rich-benefit policies.

    Andrew Sullivan had a post yesterday about "historian Barbara Tuchman's wonderful book 'The March of Folly' [which] documents the persistence, across eras and cultures, of governing elites bringing about calamities for themselves and the societies they ruled by stupidly assuming that what was good for their class was good for everybody."

  27. hedgewytch6:00 PM

    @ AJ Billings - Amen! From your lips to God's ears!

  28. betsy s6:05 PM

    Looks like Murdoch might be throwing Palin to the wolves chasing his sleigh...

  29. Anonymous6:09 PM

    @Scorpie 4:59 You asked who helped Rupert Murdoch to get fast tracked citizenship. The # 1 answer is Newt Gingrich

  30. This, a fine presentation of Murdoch journalism (if you will) in America, by a fellow on YouTube who has the number: Fox News Admits Bias To Attack Media Matters?

  31. Murdoch looks like the evil emporer in Star Wars. He just needs a black hooded robe.

  32. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron is very tight with Murdoch:

    "The meal took place just days after Mr Cameron stripped Business Secretary Vince Cable, an avowed enemy of Rupert Murdoch, of his power to decide on Mr Murdoch’s attempt to take full control of BSkyB. Responsibility was handed to Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt, an unabashed fan of the media mogul."

    I hope Cameron goes down with Murdoch.

  33. Anonymous6:55 PM

    These editors claiming they knew nothing about the hacking, it's just ridiculous. They're in a morning briefing, the reporters are pitching stories, are they saying they never asked who the sources were? Never asked where they got their information? 4000 hacking victims and these editors were oblivious? Not believable. And yes Murdoch knew.

  34. Anonymous7:04 PM

    @anon 6:09
    Thanks so much for that link about the Newtster. So much info there~it's now on my favs list.


  35. Anonymous7:51 PM

    It might be worthwhile for someone to start looking into how much influence Mr Murdock had in the creation & implementation of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. This legislation has led to the current right-wing control of the airwaves and who owns the many radio & television stations in America.
    There is no place in this country that the conservative movement does not broadcast its message 24/7 and that telecom act has a lot to do with this situation.

  36. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Murdoch was apparently the deciding factor that made Tony Blair come down on the side of the Iraq War.

    Go to the Guardian, read ALL of their articles carefully, then read them again, take notes.

    This could be major.

  37. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Rupert Murdoch is the perfect name for a villain...he sounds like an archnemesis of Sherlock Holmes. Would that he were only fictional, rather than the too-active, too-powerful foe of freedom and decency that he is.

  38. Find Bill Maher's comparison of Republicans to the Casey Anthony jury. He's spot on. You'd think even a teabagger would understand the analogy.

  39. Anonymous1:02 AM

    I haven' read the article, but one thing I do know is Murdock found he could not own television rights in this country because only an American citizen own those TV rights.

    The Republican-led Congress, & George Bush 41, moved heaven & earth to skirt rules & fast-tracked Murdock to become a citizen so he could get Fox going.

    Personally I find that offensive. He did not become an American because he loved this country, he became one only for the power & greed. Shame on him & all those corrupted GOP bastards in aiding & abetting him.

    If you remember a week or so ago, we learned that Roger Ailes back when he worked for President Nixon had the idea of a Right Wing television station. Ailes is the one who controls & runs Fox News.

    Murdock & Ailes & the GOP a match made out of pure evil. Now you can see why Bush 41 & the Republicans in Congress fast-tracked him. They are all in bed together.

    Murdock put a lot of money behind the promotion of Fox. It took Fox a lot of years to finally start making him money. In the beginning, many cable stations wouldn't even carry Fox. So, Murdock twisted a lot of arms in various local gov'ts & gave big discounts to cable providers to give Fox a tryout - & to make sure Fox is on a lower cable tier so that poor Americans would most likely have Fox. You know how it is, the more cable tiers, the more you pay for cable. Keeping Fox on a low tier guarantees Fox is available in homes across America.

    Have you noticed that a lot of waiting rooms (car repair, clinics, etc) play Fox all day long? It's by design. Murdock made contracts with various businesses/companies to play Fox News - he provided a new television & pay for the cable connection. He's a great promoter. He operated Fox for years at a tremendous monetary loss before he turned a minor profit. Why would someone do that? What other, whose other money helped do that? Think about it. I see anti-Americanism, I see evil.

    You know who else has ownship in Murdock's New Corp? A Saudi Prince - who owns about 5-6% - worth billions of dollars.

    If you Google Saud Prince + Fox, you'll find his name & a story of how he was upset over how something was portrayed on Fox News in Europe, & how he just picked up the phone to Murdock who had it 'corrected' in record time.

    I have wondered many times how all these 'true Americans' that Palin speaks of all the time feel about trusting the news source that fed to them by foreigners.

    Another thing, Murdock gave over a million dollars to the GOP governors that ran in the 2010 election. 11 won that election, & look what they are doing in Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida, Ohio, Arizona - just to name a few.

    Murdock & his corporation are an extreme danger to America. But because they say things that the low-information, low-intelligent, or low-thinking skilled Americans like to hear - then they add misinformation & outright lies to manipulate them further. They use fancy, colorful (red, white & blue) & cool graphics to keep you dazzled & entertained & unthinking about whatever it is they're about to bamboozle you with.

    Fox is dangerous to our society, & it does have a hand in whether we stay free or if we turn fascist. I don't say that lightly, either. Big business is winning, the American people are the loser.

  40. It's been a sorry day when Murdock started operating his brand here.

    I hope, but don't count on anything much done about here in this country.

    Sad for us.

  41. Anonymous3:30 AM

    arapaho415 @ 5:56 PM, you are SO right ! Repubs still only want one thing - to see Obama fail. Yet his long list of accomplishments continues to grow.

    All Obama wants, is for all the corporate fat cats and big wigs and oil companies to pay their fair share of taxes.

    How can ANYONE in this country not agree with that ?!?!

    Olean, NY

  42. Jeanabella4:44 AM

    This is True Crime and life is always more interesting than fiction.
    Some wealthy people did get their fortune through relationships with other wealthy powerful people and this saga is no different. This is a huge scandal with all kinds of characters involved. Friends(monetary), of Murdoch would be wise to step away from him if they dare!
    Same with Pa$lins. People are running away from her crazy and more to follow.

  43. Anonymous4:58 AM

    It's hilarious reading comments by conservatives on this. "Nothing to see here, just the Left trying to go after Murdoch for no good reason."

  44. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Who's hacking Murdoch's phone?

  45. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Isn't it a pity this slime ball and his fellow Murdochites didn't hack Sarah's phone and email.

  46. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Breaking now - NOTW tried to hack phones of 9/11 victims.

  47. Anonymous4:17 PM

    This video missed the entire point. The media that has arisen owns politicians, the elections, etc. This stopped being about a free press years ago, especially when you hear how closely politicians align with Murdoch and others like him.

  48. Anonymous8:54 PM

    This sleezbag calling himself a journalist is disgusting. Thanks for all the links, posters! Especially loved the one that live blogs and changes daily.

    RuPert represents how corrupt rich people in power can get.

    Thanks for the's link, Grypen, really worth reading the entire thing.

  49. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Perhaps Berstein should "investigate" FAST AND FURIOUSGATE and the Obama Administration .. that seems more like WATERGATE! 10 million dollars of Stimulus money to run guns to Mexico and Hondurus ... HOW ABOUT THAT MR. BERNSTEIN?


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