Monday, July 18, 2011

Bill Maher explains why Liberals dislike Sarah Palin and MIchele Bachmann. And why the Republicans think we don't, is NOT even close.

Now that was damn funny!


  1. Anonymous6:37 AM

    WARNING! DO NOT have your coffee in your mouth when you click here...

    Inside Palin Campaign HQ - Launch of 'The Undefeated' Fails

  2. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Never more an accurate description of Sarah Palin! Love it!

  3. Anonymous6:45 AM

    OMG, can't stop laughing

    The halloween mask comment was too funny.

    That's the funniest factual slap down I've seen in a long time!

    Bill Maher is a national treasure!

  4. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Thank you! Awesome way to start my Monday -- laughing at those two idiots. What's even more funny is that it's all TRUE!

  5. Anonymous6:51 AM

    My husband was pretty conservative when we got married. He's gotten progressive in his age.

    His father on the other hand, will almost fly into a rage when we've got Maher on our tv.

    Maher, may you live forever.

  6. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Puppetmaster for Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and Scott Walker

    You just knew these three hate clowns were connected, didn’t you?

    Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and Scott Walker are all Dominionist Christians who share a disdain for education and intelligence, which makes them the perfect puppets for an insidious, evil organization designed to steal democracy from a free country. Think George W Bush and then take away his intelligence and double down on the gut emotions. Yes, take away even what little evidence of intelligence the man may have ever given even the most remote hint of possessing and then strip away any soul he may have given a brief nod to and strip away his breeding until you have a crass, moronic, hate-filled smugster who tells America that God is on their side.

    The ALEC puppet, also known as the American Legislative Exchange Council stooge.

    To explain:

  7. Anonymous7:13 AM

    You know, it never occurs to me to think "she is a woman" or "he is black" or "they are gay". It is just an afterthought with no real weight in my mind. People just are what they are---the way they behave/treat others---and everything else doesn't register. I don't balk at judging someone's behavior, but I'm also pretty hard on myself.

    I don't pay attention to Bachman. She is so boring. I paid attention to Sarah Palin during the election, then never again, until she quit her job and began flopping on the dock.

  8. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Real Time is "must see TV" for hubbie and me every week. Bill knows how to cut through the crap and find the humor in it.

    Until I saw this, I had forgotten just how many times Newsweek has put Quitler on the cover. Sure... she's got a lot to complain about... NOT!!!

  9. angela7:23 AM

    Its amazing the meme about batshit crazy, stupid republican women is always that those of us who dismiss these women, are sexist. Of course if their male counterparts were as dumb as these women they'd be laughed off the GOP stage. Uuuummm wait a minute . . . . Santorum, Cain, Perry.

    Okay, nevermind.

  10. Olivia7:24 AM

    That was really good. I like the part about Jesus' dad. I saw a George Carlin bit once about the stupidity of the pro-lifers because God isn't even pro-life, he kills everyone, including unborn babies.

  11. Beldar Aserious Coneheaf7:26 AM

    Good one! That Bill Maher sure understands the power of reloading with reality. Too bad he wont admit he learned it from the future queen of America: the screechy wretch.

  12. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Look, Bill Maher has said some damn offensive things in the past, but you know what? When all of Hollywood was in an uproar because Roman Polanski was getting charged again for rape, Bill Maher was one of the HANDFUL of celebrities who said, "Are you fucking kidding me? He raped a CHILD. Damn right he should brought to justice for it!"

    So I suggest anyone who buys into this Bill Maher is a sexist meme consider that when push came to shove over a female actually being violated, Bill Maher bucked the popular sentiment in his own profession and called out what Roman Polanski did for what it really was: rape!

  13. Anonymous7:39 AM

    THE ROGUE is Embargoed: Due to Explosive Content, No Galleys Sent

    Crown Publishing, currently the strongest division of Random House, Inc., has made yet another decision with which I agree.

    They have decided not to send out pre-publication galleys of THE ROGUE to review outlets and mass media.

    They’ve printed only seventy-five galleys and are keeping them locked in a safe in their offices in New York.

    I myself have received only one copy.

    A very few magazine editors and executive producers of national TV shows will be shown a redacted version, but only after they sign stringent, legally binding, non-disclosure agreements.

    Very seldom does a publisher decide to embargo a book in this fashion.

    Crown has chosen to do so because THE ROGUE contains revelations about Sarah Palin that neither they nor I want to have leaked before the September 20 publication.

    As interest builds, a lot of people in national media are clamoring for an advance look.

    Crown has weighed the ups and downs of a total embargo and has decided that in this case–given that some of the content will make headlines as soon as it’s revealed–it’s the only way to go.

    I agree completely.

    There’s some stuff we just don’t want to see online a month before THE ROGUE reaches bookstores around the country.

    My wife and editor, Nancy Doherty, has read the book (Nancy having helped enormously to make it better than it would have been without her.) My lawyer, Dennis Holahan, and my agent Dave Larabell, of the David Black Agency, have also read it. As have, of course, the chosen few at Crown Publishing who are responsible for the book’s successful publication.

    Normally, an author wants to see his book disseminated as widely as possible before publication, to build interest.

    But in this case, some of the content is simply too sensitive to risk premature disclosure.

    I’ve given only one other writer an advance look. I chose her because I admire her and trust her and because she’s never had anything to do with Sarah Palin, so she read it with an outsider’s perspective.

    First, she tweeted:

    …just finished your book. Holy shit. Must collect thoughts & write longer email. Suffice to say haven’t stopped thinking about it.

    I wrote her to say that I hoped she meant “Holy shit” in a good way.

    She replied by email:

    Yes that Holy Shit was a good one.
    Great one in fact.
    It was is so compelling- I just devoured it. Woke up thinking of it, went to bed thinking of it.
    It makes everything clear about her…The deconstruction of her religious beliefs is terrifying and shocking. I had no idea there was a fringe element called dominionists, nor did I know about this business about demon-controlled cities, and the need to destroy them…It’s a very frightening mass delusion.

    I love how you grounded the whole story with your own experiences in Alaska- past and present. It was the perfect refresher, in all the right spots, to the lightless persona of SP.

    This is a real tour de force and I imagine will set off a lot of depth charges. I hope you are prepared for the onslaught from her camp.

    You’ve done a great service, apart from writing a great biography.
    If people wake up to the insidious nature of these fringe fundamentalists then maybe her power and those like her will start to dissipate.

    And apart from all that, it was just a great read.

    And so Crown and I move forward to Sept. 20. Without Crown’s approval, I can’t share any details about the shows I’ll be appearing on, but suffice it that I won’t be hard to find on either network or cable TV, nor on radio, nor in the press, nor at online sites via interviews in late September and October.

    ...Together, we’ll bring you the truth about Sarah Palin.

  14. Anonymous7:47 AM

    It's not personal, I don't like Sarah Palin because she is a FUCKING CROSS EYED RETARDED IMBECILE whose family constantly runs scams as far back as I can remember.

  15. Bill, always on the money as usual when outing hypocrisy and insanity, helping us laugh thru our tears.

    Have to agree with anonymous 6:37.
    This is a MUST SEE video and will have you rofl outloud! Very clever, very funny and likely a pretty fair characterization of $P 'behind the scenes'.

  16. TOTALLY O/T but...

    This. Is. Insane.

    Disgraced former News International boss Rebekah Brooks intervened to persuade David Cameron to make ex-News of the World editor Andy Coulson his spin doctor, it was claimed last night.

    She is understood to have urged Mr Cameron to scrap plans to give the job to a senior BBC journalist. Mr Cameron was told it should go to someone who was ‘acceptable’ to News International.

    The disclosure increases pressure on Mr Cameron over his close links to Mrs Brooks and the Murdoch empire.


    In case you don't know, Cameron is the BRITISH PRIME MINISTER.

    She was telling the PRIME MINISTER who would be "ACCEPTABLE" for him to hire, and who would not.

    He HIRED a disgraced former member of Murdoch's NEWS OF THE WORLD, over a member of the BBC.

    Just. Wow.

  17. Anonymous8:17 AM

    The artist who did this really liked George Carlin:

  18. Now I can't wait until Sep 20th! Can't you get it released for my birthday, Sep 3rd, instead? It would be a wonder 65 gift!

  19. Enjay in E MT8:29 AM

    Bill Maher rocks!

  20. Anonymous8:55 AM

    An alternate reality...

    While Palin Documentary Flops,
    Fox Touts ‘Packed’ Theaters

  21. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Rightbloggers Celebrate the Unprecedented Success of Sarah Palin's (10-Theater) Movie Opening

    In normal film coverage, box office successes and failures are cold-bloodedly reported, even when they feature Hollywood's biggest stars. But for Palin's rightblogger acolytes, it doesn't matter how many people actually saw, or will see, her film -- it only matters that it is hers, and so must be acknowledged as a massive success whatever the numbers. Such loyalty may seem bizarre to outsiders, but the Palinites, like cult followers in all ages, don't care, for their eye is on the sparrow -- if they're real good about promoting her latest piece of product, Palin may bless them, and America, by declaring for President. If she doesn't, that means that they have failed, and must work that much harder to promote the next reality series or autobiography she puts out.

    It's good to have a purpose in life, especially if you don't have much in the way of brains.

  22. Anonymous9:17 AM

    OT: News of the World phone hacking whistleblower found dead via @guardian

  23. Anonymous9:18 AM


  24. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Palin isn't going to like this!!! But, Sarah, it is true! You idiot.

  25. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Yea, Joe McGinniss - can hardly wait to receive his book!

    Very happy to hear the book will not be able to be leaked prior to the publication! Poor sister Sarah - she will not be able to prepare statements of denial quite as quickly.

  26. Anonymous9:41 AM

    WOW, the reviews are in and they are BRUTAL.

    "Even when I lose, I win!"

    What is up with these Palin supporters? First, they decide to make a movie called Undefeated which covers her campaign for the Vice Presidency where she was defeated and now the filmmakers of Undefeated claims a huge victory over the box office figures when the film grossed $60,000 in its opening weekend which equates to about $6,000 per screen which they selectively chose to ensure success.

    Because of this "success" Bannon is looking to announce a wider release of the film tomorrow. Good luck trying to tell AMC that $5,000 per screen revenue on opening weekend is a good thing especially when you handpicked the 10 most likely to succeed. Bannon is also looking at word of mouth reviews to carry the film. Listen, the only word of mouth this film has is how terrible it is. The film has 28 reviews on IMDB and the average score is 1.5 out of 10. gives it 0% (10 reviews) and Flixster audience review score is 0% (574 reviews).

  27. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Excuses, Excuses!!

    Their reasons for why the numbers weren't higher was the stuff of box-office contortion, citing everything but Carmageddon. Theaters were too small to accommodate the demand. The marketing spend was minimal. The pre-release preparation period was too short. "We didn't put a nickel of P&A into this and the distributor had the movie for only three weeks.," Bannon said.

    How soon they forget!!

    Here's what the movie distributor said on July 15:

    And in terms of data, most indie films don’t have a release plan as eclectic as “The Undefeated.” ARC Entertainment and Cinedigm, the film’s distributors, have worked with AMC Theaters to present the film on ten screens in conservative cities and small towns: Grapevine, Texas; Indianapolis; Independence, Maryland; Kennesaw, Ga.; Houston; Orlando; Oklahoma City; Highlands Ranch, Colo.; Phoenix and Orange, California.

    “We looked at a bunch of data on similar films, as well as Palin’s book sales and a lot of demographic information,” said Trevor Drinkwater, CEO at ARC. “We tried to find the cities with the best chance of success on opening weekend.”

    Trevor Drinkwater, CEO at ARC -- I think we should rename him Mr. Drinkkoolaid.

  28. Anonymous10:19 AM

    To bad the 'I am not a witch' didn't land her ass in jail for her misuse of campaign funds such as rent etc. The file has been closed. The bitch got away with it. Her lawyer is now asking that CREW executive director Melanie Sloan be investigated.

    It would have been nice in that Wasillabilly, The 'I am not a Witch', Batshit Crazy Bachmann and the other baggers could have kept each other company in the Big 'Bar' House!!

  29. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Oh dear.......this is not good!

  30. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Wow, this just gets bigger and bigger! Hacking computers also, too! Pass it around folks.

    "Much of the lawsuit was based on the testimony of Robert Emmel, a former News America executive who had become a whistle-blower. After a few days of testimony, the News Corporation had heard enough. It settled with Floorgraphics for $29.5 million and then, days later, bought it, even though it reportedly had sales of less than $1 million."


    "The executive in charge of News America at this time was Paul V. Carlucci, who reportedly described those uncomfortable with the company's aggressive sales philosophy as "bed wetting liberals." Carlucci is currently the publisher of the New York Post and continues to be in charge of News America."

  31. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Things are rockin in UK.....

    "British Prime Minister David Cameron has announced plans to hold an emergency session of Parliament on Wednesday to discuss the growing phone-hacking scandal that has threatened Rupert Murdoch’s media empire and rocked the British government."

  32. Anonymous11:02 AM

    That Vimeo video is hilarious! Thank you @6:37

  33. DaleinSanAngelo12:02 PM

    If any of you have been barred from c4pee, go over and try to post. Something is going on, I have been barred for a while, but they are allowing my posts now.

  34. Anonymous12:09 PM

    It's funny cause it's true!! Just like when Tina Fey said once during her spot on impersonation of Palin, "And I just hope that tonight the lame stream media won’t twist my words by repeatin''em verbatim." The truth is always funny, and the best jokes come from Palin's exact words. She's such a big bag of BS!

  35. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Pledge to anything, accomplish nothing. The official mantra of the Republicans beginning 2010.

    You can see that their fruits are starting to turn bitter. You gotta love it.

  36. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Love it.

  37. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Looks like McGinness is ensuring that what he did to Frank Bailey won't happen to him. I hope someone gets a copy of the "sacred" Joe Mc manuscript and throws it all over the news.

    He keeps teasing that his book has new info, but if it was that great and ground breaking he'd be leaking it himself.

    Couldn't happen to a nicer man, the one who ruined Bailey's books chances at real success and the one who "pals around" with Roger Ailes. He can't play both sides of the fence and I hope his book suffers the same fate as Bailey's. Couldn't happen to a more sanctimonious jerk.

  38. Anonymous7:38 PM

    What an uneducated moron... That's why this guy is in comedy. because he wouldn't last one day as a real political commentator because "They are crazy people" wont get you any credit or respectability. He never talks about the issues, just how everyone else is crazy and degrades them with all his hateful rhetoric. Sad really... He could use his platform to actually give more credit to the liberal side, but no... He makes the liberals seem like haters.


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