Monday, July 18, 2011

Perhaps this is why the makers of "The Undefeated" will not be showing their Sarah Palin propaganda film in Alaska.

One of the members of our IM community took a recent trip to Alaska.

While visiting Skagway, she happened to see this rather decorative automobile.

You see the Palin-bots can peddle their Sarah Palin revisionist history all they want down in the Lower 48, but Alaskans know EXACTLY who Sarah Palin is.

And we also know that she eats poop.


  1. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Bill Maher explains why liberals don't like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann: "It's not because they have breasts, it's because the ARE boobs." LOL!

  2. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Sarah Palin reminds me so much of bird vetch, a noxious weed. Like bird vetch, Sarah is also-too a non-native species that invaded Alaska. She produced copious amounts of good-for-nothing palins that continue to spread and choke us out. Alaskans detest these damned weeds but we don't seem to be able to get rid of 'em, any of 'em.

  3. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Thanks for a laugh to start the day.

  4. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Wish the license plate number could have been blocked. Never a good idea to broadcast someone's plate number unnecessarily. Remember the creepy feeling you had when Sarah rushed out to write down your plate number?

  5. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Is that a post-consumer good?

    Sarah doesn't care enough about the earth to recycle and we all know that she can't consume anything more than 200 calories a day. She's obsessed with her weight and can only live off of fear, adulation, red-bull and some sort of energy bar.

    She doesn't eat well, we all know that (she had to pretend to eat pizza in front of the cameras for Trump) and she only makes herself 'sleep' for four hours a night - so here's the question Sarah, you don't eat well, you don't sleep well, you are reviled by mainstream America. . .what is it all for. You can't take it with you when you 'rapture' to meet Jesus Christ in 'your' lifetime.


  6. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Anon @ 4:31 - boobs are funny, comedic fodder. These women are viscous and mean and would step on our collective necks to slowly choke off our civil liberties if they were allowed anywhere near power.

  7. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Anon @ 4:47 a.m. - good one!

  8. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Well, this ought to scare us all on an otherwise fine Monday morning:

    "Gov. Rick Perry doesn't just covet the presidency. If his most recent statements are any indication, he also thinks it's his calling.

    Days after the Houston Chronicle quoted Perry saying he believed "with all my heart that God has put me in this place at this time to do his will," the governor, speaking to The Des Moines Register, put his hypothetical candidacy in even grander terms.

    “I’m not ready to tell you that I’m ready to announce that I’m in,” Perry said. “But I’m getting more and more comfortable every day that this is what I’ve been called to do."

    "This is what America needs," he added."

  9. Bristol's "book":
    Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #3,821 in Books

  10. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Jim DeMint says Congress shouldn't investigate Murdoch! Deminted again.

  11. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Perhaps it would be a good idea to blur the identifying license plate?

  12. Anonymous6:15 AM


  13. Anonymous6:29 AM

    could you blur the id? not cool to post tag number! please and thank you!

  14. Anonymous6:47 AM

    She doesn't eat poop, she spews shit, all over the damned place.

  15. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Please, though it is late in the day block out the plate identification.

    It is a real car, let's not allow the bots to give whoever owns it a hard time.

  16. Anonymous6:53 AM

    While I'm all for artistic expression, this one is particualarly funny because we all know she eats poop!

    I agree with the ones who said the plate should be obscured. We all know she's got the APD stocked to their chins with donuts for a lifetime for covering her lies and backing her up.

    That being said, thanks for the laugh! Whoever you are who owns that car, great job!

  17. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Recently, in MA, I saw a bumper sticker: "Sarah Palin in 2012: The World Is Gonna End, Anyway!"

  18. Beldar Scat Conehead7:44 AM

    Is there any chance - any chance at all - that THIS is the true meaning of Lulu's nonsensical "reloading with reality"? If so, it explains... a lot.

  19. Anonymous7:48 AM

    I'm not sure the plate needs to be blurred from view, after all this guy actually DRIVES this vehicle. I don't think he would have painted the bumper if he were not PROUD to drive it. I bet if he knew his car was posted on IM, he'd be very happy indeed ;).

  20. Anonymous7:50 AM

    In fact, I bet the driver of this car probably reads IM!!!! Ha, imagine his surprise when he see;s his artwork displayed on IM. Gryphen, let us know if you hear from him.

  21. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I think you should have blurred the license plate #...Palinbots have been known to threaten anyone who insults their idol, and license plates can lead to the owner.

  22. Quiet17:53 AM

    I'll add my two cents: While the car is undoubtedly identifiable to locals, you should blur the license plate to avoid any internet whack jobs from mischief. Easy to do in any photo program. I believe Microsoft Paint is a basic program offered with all computers these days.

  23. Okay for all of you who keep freaking out over the fact that this guy's license plate is visible, I have just one word. "Seriously?"

    You DO realize that this person drives around with all of that stuff glued to his car and "Sarah Palin eats poop" emblazoned on his bumper is SKAGWAY, ALASKA, right?

    Do any of you seriously think he is frightened that somebody might see that and give him a hard time? Don't you think he is kind of LOOKING for trouble?

    But hey, if a Palin-bot wants to look up this guy's license plate number, fly up to Skagway, Alaska, and get in this guy's face about his car, I encourage them to do so.

    By the way, make damn sure you have your affairs in order first. Because your chances of making it OUT of Skagway, Alaska are not very damn good.

    The lady who cut my hair on Saturday spent the whole time talking about her gun collection, and how her weapons assault training was going. And that is THE LADY WHO CUTS MY HAIR, in ANCHORAGE. Can you imagine the type of person who drives that car around Skagway?

    You people in the Lower 48 seem to be easily intimidated by the lunatics who adore Sarah Palin. We are not.

  24. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Anon 4:47 - In the south we have Kudzu which is an aggressive grower and chokes out vegetation. It's destructive and difficult to eradicate just like our $arah P Heath.

  25. Gryphen, could you please blur out the license plate?

    The owner shouldn't have to take crap (!) from the Palinbots for using their Freedom of Speech.

  26. Barney8:44 AM


    Please visit the Obama Diary blog - inside Palin camp headquarters - click on the video Vimeo. It is hilarious.

  27. You should obscure the lis. plate to keep the bot warriors from causing that car's owner harm.

  28. Anonymous8:47 AM

    oops! now Murdoch will hack his or her phone for that! now that they have removed all our privacy rights
    here in the USA. with the help of the GOP!

  29. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I might have agreed with the other writers FIF the person just had a bumper sticker or message. But obviously with all the stuff on that car it would be easily identifiable and I bet many Alaskan residents know the owner.
    Many of us in the lower 48 are not wimps, this grandma is and has many weapons and can handle herself.
    originally raised in NE Minnesota and I have friends that have MOVED to Anchorage because the weather is milder.

  30. Anonymous10:02 AM

    5:30 Also, because of her 'lack of' she has aged horribly in the last three years. She is NOT going to be attractive as an elder/senior.

    Think of all the stress she has placed on herself and her family. If she'd not lied about everything in the world, think how much easier her world would have been.

    She's going to hell for all of her misdeeds - many of which we don't even know about, I'm sure.

  31. Quiet110:15 AM

    I think it took more time to write your rebuttal comment than it would have to simply obscure the license plate.

  32. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I would care less if Sarah Palin ate shit, just so long as she didn't try to feed it to the rest of us. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth, she does.

  33. Gryphen said...
    You people in the Lower 48 seem to be easily intimidated by the lunatics who adore Sarah Palin. We are not.
    7:59 AM
    Aw, now, come on Gryphen, we have been hearing for three years now how people in Alaska can't talk on the record about Sarah because they are afraid of retribution from the Palins (understandably so) and the many Palin stooges stll infesting Alaskan government (some of whom presumably are among the "lunatics who adore Sarah Palin")!

  34. Anonymous11:18 AM

    G ~ It would be great if YOU could find the driver and find out why he/she strongly feels that $P is a bottom feeder (poop eater).

  35. Anonymous11:39 AM


    Kind of gross too, but HA!

    M from MD

  36. Pennyspruce1:02 PM

    Well, she does talk alot of shit. BIG shit talker..

  37. Bristol's "book": Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #4,512 in Books.

    I've been watching The Rev. Al Sharpton on MSNBC. I'm really impressed. Anyone else watching him?

  38. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Eric at 2:41 - Yes, Sharpton is doing great - really tells it like it is and stands up to all the idiots who try to spin their garbage!


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