Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Finally we have a little Teabagger truth in advertising!

Just in case you cannot read the proprietor's t-shirt here is a close up.

Here is more from Wonkette:

Yes, the brown “INFIDEL” t-shirts read, “Everything I Need to Know About Islam I Learned on 9/11,” which is why they are calling themselves “infidels,” for irony.

Well at least I am glad to finally see a Teabagger own up to the racism which is the true source of his anger toward our President, and which has inspired him to get off his lazy ass to finally get involved in the political process. The only thing left to decide is whether to support Sarah Palin, or Michele Bachmnn, which most likely depends on which one gets the flag waving on his little flagpole faster.

But hey the ditsy duo better watch out, because it looks like there is a new player on the field and he is perfectly cast to be the new Teabagger political darling.

A former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan is considering a Republican presidential nomination, it has been reported.

David Duke, arguably America's most infamous white-power advocate, is planning a 25-state tour this month to gauge interest in a potential run for the White House, according to the Daily Beast.

Duke denies that he is a racist. Instead he likes to think of himself as a 'racial realist.'

'I understand that there are intrinsic differences between peoples and that those differences have profound effects on society,' he wrote on his website.

'I also believe all people have a basic human right to preserve their own heritage.'

All over the country Teabaggers are sitting straight up in their La-Z-Boy's, turning to the second cousins they married, and saying "Didja feel that Ethel? I think the teabagging Messiah, might have finally arrived."

Give it up Sarah, you are going to need something much more substantial than just trotting out the girls to seduce the Teabaggers away from David Duke.

Maybe if you put little KKK hoods on them?


  1. Anonymous5:01 PM

    That guy and that t-shirt makes me sick. He may be honest but he is still despicable.

    As for David Duke, we all know how that will end. Been there seen it before. He has tried and never garnered many votes. I guess that is hopeful. For as many bagger racists that still exist I do believe they are far outnumbered.

    I predict Sarah's next move will be her "big girl" bra paired with some Daisy Dukes to snag those cretins' support.

  2. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Sure is amazing how Palin's boob size goes up and down. Anybody care to make a line-up of pictures and post a link? In Hawaii she was FLAT chested. Sometimes her boobs are medium size, sometimes BIG. Never cleavage tho.

  3. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Gryphen, what do you think of the new palin email release ?

  4. Anonymous5:24 PM

    BECKY BOHRER | July 6, 2011 09:10 PM EST | AP

    JUNEAU, Alaska — The state of Alaska has released 54 pages of emails from Sarah Palin's first month as governor.

    Linda Perez, administrative director for the governor's office, said Wednesday that the emails were inadvertently omitted from a release of messages from Palin's first 21 months in office.

    News organizations and individuals requested the emails from Palin's time as governor in September 2008, after she became the Republican vice presidential nominee. More than 24,000 pages were released last month, but only a few emails were from December 2006, her first month as governor.

    Perez says the state is making sure that all emails that should have been released have been. If more are found, she says they'll be released with emails from the final 10 months of Palin's term. No timetable was given.

  5. Having David Dukes get in the presidential race in the US this cycle is like a bugle being sounded from Mt. Olympus of Pea... Rallies will be held in every haven of KKK'dom across the nation and cries of 'delivered at last' will be screamed from every roadside bar and grill...

    'Eureka!!! ' saved at last...

  6. laprofesora5:30 PM

    The picture of Crazy in that T-shirt should be enough to get her committed.

    She's so crazy she can't keep track of her bra size.

  7. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Fox News sponsored this bozo's appearance? The 'Fox News' plastered under 'Tea Party' is, IMO, at least as bad as some Teabagger admitting to being a racist. We all knew that anyway. Fox, on the other hand, always claims to be 'fair and balanced.'

  8. According to Dave Weigel at Slate, this merchandise is supposed to be "ironic."

    "A videographer interviewed the vendor and got clear shots of the back of the shirt, which continues the sentence: 'Yup, I'm a Racist, according to our government, because...' There follows a list of beliefs that Tea Partiers think they're being persecuted for having -- 'I support Jesus Christ as my savior' and 'I support the military' and 'I support the Tea Party.'"

    I know most commenters here don't like Weigel because he is an adamantly anti-Birther. He's conservative, but Palin aside, is usually fair. But he's not a raving lunatic, though would probably qualify as the snarkiest of the 30-ish DC journo-set.

    Lastly, Time's @jnsmall sent this tweet out this afternoon:
    Alaska gov's office just emailed 3 wks of missing emails from the Palin dump. Um, why couldn't this have been done electronicly d 1st time?
    about 1 hour ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
    Retweeted by 7 people

  9. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Truly pathetic, but not unexpected, especially in light of the "ahem" "Fox News Twitter account *cough* hack".

    What was that thing you said about "blood libel", Former Governor Palin? Crosshairs on your map?

    There ARE no coincidences.

    I hope this gets some light shed on it in the media, Mr Duke announcing would certainly expose them for who they are, especially if he invokes the constitution and possibly the Tea Party itself.

    The perfect storm, undefeated my ass!

  10. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Maybe Davis Duke could have Ralph Reed join his ticket...they could grab ALL the racist and Dominionist votes.

  11. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Pretty soon there will be enough GOP presidential candidates to put each of their faces on a card and have a whole deck of cards (sort of like Bush/Cheney did for the terrorists after 9/11).

  12. angela5:36 PM

    Its a shame I laughed helplessly at this post because it really is heinous that we are at this place in this country. What will be disgusting to watch is when push comes to shove—who will channel their inner Grand Dragon better than the rest.

    Duke has a jump on Sarah, but she's so hateful she might get bigot points simply from the slack jawed sneer she projects. Bachmann will be holding on to her bible before she lights her racist cross to make sure everyone else knows god told her to do it. Herman Cain thinks he's immune to being called a racist--he isn't, so his dumb ass will try to spit further than the others.

    You just can't make this shit up. The GOP is a nightmare. Bigger, badder, bigots and racists.

  13. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Every time I think the Republicans have gone as far to the right as they possibly can, another nutjob pops out from the wings who's even further out over the edge. The scary thing is that there are actually people who would vote for these lunatics.

    On the other hand, the more RWNJs there are, the more division there is in the party. Works for me!

  14. Montana5:53 PM

    All hail to Astroturf TeaBparty Queen (ATQ), Michele Bachmann. Isn’t she the one that who rails against the Federal Government while every year she benefits from Federal Medicaid Payments for her Clinic, Federal farm subsidies (talk about a Corporate Welfare Queen), and adopts kids to work them on same farm. Oh yeah she is also a self-proclaimed historian on the US Founding Fathers and US history. The sad truth she will lie to get her way, what honor is there in that? But if you manipulate our US history and double down when you are found out, well don’t go crying to Fake News when you lose. Kind of like the Former half-term Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (Most recent quitter of her Bus Tour to restore America). We remember what happen when after “W” manipulate Florida (w/ the help of brother Jebb) to win the presidency and his failure to win any of the two wars he started that devastated our treasury and ruined our economy for the next 50 years. If the GOP thinks that Michele Bachmann is the answer, good luck with that. After her “John Wayne” mishap and Tom Petty, calling her a thief, well you know, same old Bachmann, you have a winner GOP.

  15. Scenes from a KKK rally in Georgia, February 2010. Yes, 2010.

    "You have to watch this video of the recent KKK rally in Nahunta, Georgia. They pretty much hate everyone, except themselves. You'll actually see a rally participant praise Hilter because "he had it going on" for trying to annihilate the Jewish people."

    Click link to see video - I realize that the article is old, but with David Duke back on the scene, it is timely.

    I don't see much difference between the teabaggers and the KKK - they just dress differently.

  16. Anonymous6:11 PM

    I have been socially conscious, but haven't been consistent in any kind of meaningful support. I learned from the 2008 Obama campaign that a little from a lot of people adds up and goes a long way. Sooo, I donate a small amount each year to my selected non-profits: National Alliance on Mental Illness, National Wildlife Federation, and Southern Law Poverty Center. If you don't know about SLPC- check them out!

  17. In 1990 David Duke came to speak at our university. He was invited by the school's Young Republicans. When there was a major outcry over his appearance, they just couldn't understand what all the fuss was about. And even though an overwhelming majority of the student body demanded they find another speaker, (this was Louisiana, there was no shortage of Republicans to choose from), they stood by there decision.

    The students government put together their own event to take place at the same time as Duke's speech, a tolerance rally. There were a number speakers that represented diversity in gender, ethnicity, religion, and even sexual orientation., and the speeches were about overcoming prejudices. It was standing room only for those who were lucky enough to get in.

    The next day in the paper there spoke about Duke's speech. He referred to out rally as a protest, which I found amusing since he was barely mentioned at all. The other interesting point they made was that the audience that attended were all older members of the community.

    I noticed at the time that his handlers always tried to play down his past. But everyone knew his time in the KKK and that he is a holocaust survivor. We knew that then, and we haven't forgotten now.

  18. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Duke will not run, he has before though, mainly to fill his coffers. Duke made his money by selling mailing lists to other candidates before the internet started.
    But FINALLY they are out and out admitting that they are pure scum, but we knew that anyway.

  19. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Look at those wide asses on that first photo! Why are ALL of the teapartiers obeses, over 65, and white?

  20. justafarmer6:40 PM

    As if there wasn't enough already to embarrass me as a Kentuckian.

  21. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Didja' see David Duke's face? He's right up there with Bristol with the plastic surgery. He looks like he's in a wind tunnel. Stupid bastard!

  22. Anonymous6:48 PM

    I wish you'd posted the link to Wonkette. They have an excellent take on the brown(tee)shirts. Ah well. Here it is:

  23. Anonymous7:20 PM

    It looks like the GOP candidates with the most hatred in their hearts are the ones getting the most media coverage. They're separating the "rill Americans" (white, racist, uneducated bible thumpers) from the rest of us.

    What these don't people realize is that white people (including myself) will soon be outnumbered. They are continually alienating a larger and larger part of their voter base. I know they're working at taking away their voting privileges, but hopefully that'll be a wasted effort.

    I apologize in advance if I'm about to say something offensive. They've been working harder on outlawing abortion than on creating jobs. I'm a bit surprised they don't want to outlaw abortions for white women only.

    "All we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open-ended program of procreative racial deconstruction. Everybody just gotta keep fuckin' everybody 'til they're all the same color." - Sen. Jay Billington Bulworth

  24. Gasman7:46 PM

    Unless Duke runs, the clear racist choice is Ron Paul. He published a blatantly racist newsletter for 20 years and somehow thinks he can evade responsibility. He openly embraces the John Birch Society - he even spoke at their 60th anniversary event. Paul IS a white supremacist and they gladly claim him:

    As an added bonus for the KKK types, Paul is also anti-Semitic and homophobic as well.

  25. emrysa7:54 PM

    'I also believe all people have a basic human right to preserve their own heritage.'

    what the fuck is this? racism hiding behind preserving one's heritage.

    I hope the guy runs, because sunlight is the best disinfectant for this sleazebag crowd. keep them front and center, so they get the pounding they deserve, and let them serve as a reminder that this shit is narrow and unacceptable.

    not all teabaggers are as extreme as duke, but in general teabaggers are flat-out not living in reality.

  26. Anonymous8:10 PM

    My how the teahadists at fox news are busy. So how is it that such a small minority rules the GOP? They've gone over the deep end this time. Must be the Party Of Koch-Suckers.

  27. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Where was this idiot hawking his sick wares this July fourth? This photo should go viral. It makes me sick for my country.

  28. Gasman8:48 PM

    I simply love it when I encounter teabaggers online who go nuts when you accuse them of being racists. Yet, there somehow never seems to be a shortage of bigoted assholes like the one in the story or this guy:

    What I love about Dale Robertson - the giant odious Texas flag clad turd in the above link - is that he is too fucking stupid to even spell the N-word correctly. Well, I guess obdurate stupidity is a prerequisite for racism, ne-c'est pas?

    You know if the teabaggers weren't so top heavy with moribund cave dwelling racist cousin humpers, it wouldn't be so damn easy to find them AT EVERY FUCKING TEABAGGER RALLY! The fact that that racist dick is standing right beneath the sign touting the FauxNews sponsorship of the teabaggers is priceless.

    I have ZERO patience or tolerance for bigotry of any stripe. Obama's election brought out the semi-closeted Klansmen in droves. While most of them aren't "brave" enough to so openly declare their bigotry, they also don't go to any great lengths to excise the naked racism from within their movement or at their rallies.

    Yeah, the teabaggers are a movement alright - just like the one I had this morning. Except my smelled better.

    Goddamn and go to hell all teabaggers and anybody who even looks like a teabagger - and the slutty racist cousins they rode in on.

  29. Anonymous9:39 PM

    What's up with those women in front of his booth? I hear strains of Queen singing "fat bottomed girls just make this rocking world go round", except their fat bottoms are just gross, rather than pleasing.

  30. Anonymous10:05 PM

    I'm sorry, Gasman, but I love it when you get pissed. You make me laugh my ass off!

  31. Anonymous3:29 AM

    That picture of Sarah says it all, white trash grifter prostitute woman.

    The picture explains Sarah and her whole family which also is just a carbon copy of Bristol the sex kitten pistol.

  32. The Mighty Aquarian said...
    In 1990 David Duke came to speak at our university. ... I noticed at the time that his handlers always tried to play down his past. But everyone knew his time in the KKK and that he is a holocaust survivor. We knew that then, and we haven't forgotten now.
    6:23 PM
    I'm sure Mighty Aquarian meant holocaust denier, not survivor!?

  33. Anonymous4:45 AM

    6:23 pm. Who was a "KKK member" as well as a "holocaust survivor"? Not David Duke surely? The two simply do not equate. One of the "K's" in "KKK" is for Jewish people. And I doubt that David Duke was anywhere near Europe in the late 1930's and 1940"s. i do believe that he would be a Holocaust denier but not a survivor.

  34. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Deep bow to the word genius of Gasman.

  35. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Would have been appropriate to put that photo of Eddie Burke in his "Yup, I'm a racist" t-shirt on attending the LGBT rights proposal with the Anchorage Assembly meetings from two summers ago.

    They are so angry at being called a racist that they are trying to play it off as if it's 'water off a ducks back,' which is one of the same old sayings Sarah and her followers say of their thick-skin. LOL, it is so funny to hear the talking points uttered and pounded out in the blogs about their false idol.

    As for Sarah who's only nonsensical 'record' with minorities is that somehow her blue-eyed husband is 'native' and her jaw-re-aligned daughter are 'native,' (WTF does that mean anyway Sarah, even if they are native descendents, how does that translate into a record of service to minorities?)

  36. These people aren't even pretending any more, are they? It has to be a good thing they are bragging about who is the biggest racist. Showing their true colors.

  37. Yes, I meant DENIER. Thanks for the catch. I was more tired last night than I thought. Sorry.


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