Wednesday, July 06, 2011

State of Alaska releases 54 more pages of Palin e-mails. Just like that!

Courtesy of The Sacramento Bee:

The state of Alaska has released 54 pages of emails from Sarah Palin's first month as governor.

Linda Perez, administrative director for the governor's office, said Wednesday that the emails were inadvertently omitted from a release of messages from Palin's first 21 months in office.

News organizations and individuals requested the emails from Palin's time as governor in September 2008, after she became the Republican vice presidential nominee. More than 24,000 pages were released last month, but only a few emails were from December 2006, her first month as governor.

Perez says the state is making sure that all emails that should have been released have been. If more are found, she says they'll be released with emails from the final 10 months of Palin's term. No timetable was given.

Wait! What do they mean they "released 54 pages of emails?" 

They just released them?

Nobody had to fly to Juneau?  Nobody had to lug boxes of printed pages to a scanner  to revert  them back into digital images? Nobody had to drag up camera crews to film the circus like atmosphere because they knew nobody would believe it otherwise?

WTF? Why the hell was this not done the FIRST time?


  1. Anonymous6:01 PM

    O/T - Reminder

    Brisket Palin is on The View on Thursday.

    Those poor audience members. Not only do they have to listen to her bullshit but chances are they will be given a copy of the book.

    I'd love to know how many people refuse the copy!!!

  2. angela6:07 PM

    WTF? Why the hell was this not done the FIRST time?

    Because they had to get someone to actually make up 54 pages of emails . . . . .

  3. Maybe there will be a juicy tidbit in them, but don't they have to also release the ones from 2009 including her last month in office? Those I would really like to read!

  4. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Where are they?

  5. Anonymous6:22 PM

    This may be crazy, but, could this be the reason why Palin had to cancel the bus tour? She had to review these e-mails?

  6. Maybe there will be a juicy tidbit in them, but don't they have to also release the ones from 2009 including her last month in office? Those I would really like to read!

  7. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Nobody cares. Bachmann is the new Sarah Palin; she's the flavor of the year. We're just not that in to Sarah anymore.

  8. Anonymous6:32 PM

    They just released these emails because since Sarah's movie came out it talked about how she worked with both dems and repukes. And there must be something in those emails to try to make people think this idiot can actually think.

  9. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I was in Juneau to read the first batch for the news media. Where is this second batch? I'd like to read them, too.

  10. Geez Linda Perez: I know your name well ... and it was an oversight? I don't think so .. but hey, could you please show me the emails from June and July 2009? I am sure you could if you only would.

  11. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Nobody cares anymore is right. Sarahs fund raising is way way down, thus the constant begging.

    Do the bots get it yet? The ex bots do and there are more and more each day. You betcha.

    Wait until you see the report for the PAC.

  12. Anonymous7:04 PM

    You mean the doctored e-mails by Palin and Todd?

    Anything that is copied and re-copied can be doctored. I am an IT person so I know what I am talking about.
    Hey Sarah and Twad, plus your fraudlent team.
    Shovel your e-mails in your frickn ass until you show all your medical and birth record of your last child. None negotiable.

  13. Anonymous7:06 PM

    $arah who?

  14. Anonymous7:08 PM

    The State of Alaska allows the McCain campaign, and Ed O'Callaghan, to totally take over the Troopergate investigation, without so much as a burp. No one appears to care. Way OK that the federal government,or even some campaign committee, subverts the state power of Alaska. Subpoenas are refused. Talis Colberg leaves town. No one cares. The local newspapers are limp wristed.

    ADN is a joke.

    The State of Alaska has the absolute fantods over responding to legal requests for Palin's emails. Takes forever. Stonewalling. Requests for inordinate amounts of money to effect same. Stuff "shows up" later. But even the original emails (MSNBC) lay like dead ducks without informed analysis on the national scene, apart from the dedicated bloggers, not to mention the recent flurry of emails.

    They are so uneducated or so unmotivated that they don't even bother to look at timelines, or past blog info, to connect the dots. Couch potatoes.

    The local Alaskan press is limp wristed.

    The national press is limp wristed.

    The problem is not Sarah Palin. It is the Alaskan and national press that sits around, not even pretending to do investigative journalism, regurgitating whatever the AP or some other pundit source feeds them.

    This situation with Palin is beyond belief. How can the local and national press look themselves in the mirror every morning?

    They have created, and sustain, the monster. Palin could not exist without them. They made her, by looking the other way and reporting pap.

    She is not as much of a problem as our press is the problem. They are not doing their job. They are not fulfilling the important role to support our democracy.

    Today it is Palin. But tomorrow, even after she goes away, the problem with our press will remain. They are as undereducated, under motivated, as Palin herself.

    A Perfect Storm.

    Frankly, I do not understand how Alaskans sleep at night, knowing what they know. Apart from a few dedicated bloggers (some now departed, taken down from the heavy lifting required)most Alaskans appear to be happy to turn the other cheek, whilst foisting the Frankenstein Palin on the rest of the lower 48.

    This includes the Alaskan Democrats, who have a shitload on Palin even more than the Republicans. Knowles, and Ruederich, should have shouted out long ago. Why haven't they? Important.

    Do they (Alaskans) not care about being honest citizens of our country? Are they only interested in taking federal dollars to keep their mouth shut, or are they in with the rest of us? Because at this point, frankly, I am not interested in sending them any more of my hard earned tax dollars until they man frickin' up.



  15. Grumpy Chenagrrl7:12 PM

    What a fraud. This woman uses state-supplied BlackBerrys to conduct state business on private services.

    She then fights to protect her e-trail as though it were her private property.

    What has the state done to reform this kind of behavior in its governor and cabinet members.

    New rules? Probably not. WE are all going to hell in a hotmail.

  16. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Who is this Linda Perez and what is her background?

  17. Man! I must say, I really enjoy your blog! One of my favorites.

  18. Anonymous7:24 PM

    someone is looking for attention.

  19. emrysa7:31 PM

    meh... they probably held on to them so they could stretch out media coverage for the quitter.

  20. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Does anyone have a link to the newly released emails? All I see (on many sites) is the AP article ABOUT the release. In the article, SP is talking about finding an AG for Alaska. She supposedly wanted someone who was not controversial?
    Then she appointed WAR (Wayne Anthony Ross) - really??
    Yep, I suspect SP herself has been holed up in AK working on these e-mails. LINK IS WHERE?

  21. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Um.....they released these electronically "this time" because they are working on a new electronic system?

    yeah right, that should be looked into......I smell BS. and they were inadvertently left out, gawd, really? then heavily redacted when released. BS!

  22. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Somebody created a fake Facebook page for Mercede Johnston and put mean-girl jealous comments on it. Is that Bristol or Willow, or both?

    The irony is that Mercede looks GORGEOUS in all these photos, her natural beauty exudes, even in the ones where she's wearing no makeup or where she has a Sarah Palin-Ivana bumpit hairstyle.

    Shows her during her early teen years in cute teeny-bopper clothing and she has a great body, very curvavceous that girl, with long legs and beautiful smile--no wonder Playboy wanted her. (When is that coming out by the way?)

    So interesting, a mean stunt that backfired on the jealous girl--Bristol?--who created the page!

  23. Anonymous8:34 PM

    People are just tired of the Palin drama. Even Fox is on the Bachmann's bandwagon.

  24. I don't believe for a minute this was an oversight, no way. I highly suspect alteration of said emails and I am highly disgusted that state officials are allowed to get away with so many corrupt and illegal actions. Do they think everyone is stupid? Their excuses are very weak bullshit. Those emails would be found in the same place as all the others and how the hell could they have released the "Palin email dump" without noticing such a huge gap? Why did this story break on the Sac-of-Tomatoes Bee rather than the newspapers in this state?

  25. Anonymous8:42 PM

    MicMac, that limp wristed reference is offensive.

    And blaming Alaskans for Palin is like blaming all of us for Bush.

  26. Anonymous8:46 PM

    There is still no link to view them so are they printed and waiting for someone to pick them up? I'm confused; when they said "released" what does that really mean?

  27. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Sarah who?

  28. Anonymous9:10 PM

    AHEM........Sarah Palin lays claim to ETHICS REFORM and said to hold her feet to the fire, she would provide transparency.

    So, what the hell SARAH? YOU LIE!

  29. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Oh wahhhhh, don't we feel SO sorry for Sarah? She's whining her inner circle is shrinking, within days of her winning office. LOL

    Too bad, so sad. She was SO in over her head and SO inept she could not function without Toad and close friends.

    Wow, that's some kind of leadership and ability. NOT!

  30. Ratfish9:29 PM

    And why did someone other than Linda Perez discover that most of the first month's emails were missing?

    Cuz the Palinista foxes have been guarding the chickencoop: Perez, Leighow, Parnell.

    And they simply don't care. What Sarah wants Sarah gets- until she is caught.

  31. ja.thought9:31 PM

    Did I read that we had two years after Palin left office to file a lawsuit for something she did while governor? Not much time left, eh? I'm not an attorney, so I don't know this for sure.

  32. Ratfish9:32 PM

    There is software available that would quickly allow a review and even redaction- the Palin regime rejected getting it installed when suggested, and then "open and transparent government" puppets like Perez and Leighow made sure it took years to produce documents- and then only in paper form.


  33. Anonymous9:33 PM

    WHY was this not done the first time???

    Because apparently EVERYBODY is hoping for their 15 of fame!!

    It's apparent after watching the Casey Anthony trial. OMG how many people are making $$ off her fame? 1 day later and she already has movie offers. They are scrambling over each other to see who can make the most money first. It is sickening! Sarah & Brisket are trying to cash in and so is everybody else on whatever they can. He who can cash in the fastest is the winner - hurry Bristol hurry..even tho there were only 50 people in the entire state of Alabama that wanted your autograph.

    How much money have the Palins made off John McCain's fame? and How much Bristol are you hoping to make riding off your mother's coat tails?

    Everybody is riding off everybody else's fame....Palin's are at the top. Wow what great examples. Wow Brisket what a great Harlequin novel. Enjoy it while it lasts Brisquet...You are as phoney, flakey and false as your horrible plastic surgery face is. Sorry, you failed at the Kardashian copy cat face lift.

    Stop pimping your baby out to make money. You are one sad mixed up lying psycho woman - JUST LIKE MOMMY! People all over REAL America feel sorry for you kid that he is being used as a weapon.

    Grow up and cut the apron strings!

  34. Anonymous9:35 PM

    MicMac..........I feel and understand your well stated frustration. This is serious crap, and those that don't protect this country from the Palin/McCain sham should be ashamed. But, I also think "they" could care less, because it's all about "them". In their minds it's screw everyone but them. Talk about evil thinkers.

  35. Anonymous9:38 PM

    O/T but has Willow had her baby yet? Is that the real reason Sarah qui her bus tour?

  36. Anonymous10:00 PM

    so Sarah has been feeling neglected;
    that's why she had these emails released..

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  37. Anonymous10:36 PM


    Comes from a family that is dysfunctional.
    A person who considers herself the victim.
    Known to be an habitual liar.
    Can look you in the eye and lie with ease.
    A cold calculating woman.
    Self centered.
    Not attached to her baby.
    Child neglect.
    Terrible mom.
    High profile.
    A person who is seen partying without her child.
    A person who somehow avoids prosecution for her crimes.
    There is nothing stopping her from cashing in on book or movie deals, she is free to profit off her story.
    Now mom finally has the beautiful life that she envisioned

    Quote: "If she's as much of a monster as the court of public opinion believes... this is not the last we have heard from her. She will have her day. She will do something else that will collapse in chaos around her for sure.”


    Casey Anthony or Sarah Palin?

    Scary, two people with very similar personalities.

  38. Anonymous12:40 AM

    @8:42 PM

    I agree with Micmac, although he shouldn't have chosen that offensive epithet.

    We ARE all to blame for Bush: while the handful of "Brooks Brothers" (Bush campaign staffers) rioters were grabbing attention in FL, why weren't the rest of us rioting? There should have been a march on Washington, and tar and feathers for the SCOTUS, Bush, his scummy brother Jeb, and that witch Harris.

  39. Anonymous2:50 AM

    I think a few more emails were released because the SOA crew was worried they were going to be sued over all the shit they hid.

    Hope it still happens. We all know that the evidence is there in the public record, thanks to Sarah Palin's incompetence...Parnell, Palin & Co are just counting on Alaskans being too scared to go after the "privileged" and redacted material.

    Someone in that state needs to step up to the plate.

  40. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Linda Perez said these were inadvertently omitted previously, yeah right and she is a stool pigeon. What a bunch of idiots trying to protect Queen Sarah, someone is on Sarah's payroll still yet.

  41. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Does anyone know the Palin--ABC connection.

    Bristol Palin was on ABC's Secret Life; on Good Morning America several times, DWTS and is having a SECOND interview on the View.

    It certainly seems as those ABC has been going out of their way to give Bristol celebrity status.

  42. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Sweet Todd, Broom Hilda Sarah, "Brisket the Canvas Tent Whore", "Willow the Wanna Be Brisket" and "Disrespectful No Schoolin Piper" are national jokes. You really have to give it to Chuck Menard's son Track, he stayed off of that Palin train wreck.

    Typical uneducated trailer park trash family had a chance to do some good for America and for themselves, but all they could think about was how much money they could grift and scam before their con game was over.

    Have you noticed Creepy Chuckie and Easy Sally Heath have been in hiding since the Sarah Palin Family Vacation? Those two had enough sense not to show up to Brisket's book signings. Maybe they were smart enough not to board that train or they got smashed on wine coolers and the train left the trailer park without them?

  43. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Casey Anthony is going to become a relatively well off woman once she begins to accept the media offers and write her book, which you can bet is coming down the pike.

    The Palin grifters are taking advantage of this very same phenomenon. It isn't like they are actually respected and admired. They are oddities that attract media attention no matter what they do - they are a three ring circus and there is a sucker born every minute. This is what they rely on and cash in on.

    The scary thing is the Queen of Frauds has a political platform and a passel of snake charmed followers... It could be a Third Reich situation if allowed to continue to fester as it is. That's why I continue to watch and follow closely and hope they continue to shoot themselves in the foot... And they will remain unrespected and nothing more than oddities.

  44. Anonymous5:54 AM

    How come Biscuit Palin is going on the View today?

    Why would Baba Walters want to talk to her or hear about her poorly written getting even book?

    That book is doing terrible book sales and her book signing is a national embarrassment so what gives?

    Is Baba Walters doing another favor for her buddy FOX's Roger Ailes?

  45. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Sarah Palin, I mean Casey Anthony was sentenced this morning.

    It would be interesting to compare their DNA to see if they come from the same blood line or to see if they are missing the same chromosomes that cause them to behave the way they do.

  46. Anonymous6:14 AM

    A Palinista commented on a conservative website yesterday that Palin hasn't been on Fox in 3 weeks. Is that true?

    Of course, the Palinista was convinced her absence must mean that she is too busy planning her unconventional campaign.

    What happened in her Fox meeting during the bus tour?

  47. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Anonymous said...
    MicMac, that limp wristed reference is offensive.

    And blaming Alaskans for Palin is like blaming all of us for Bush.

    8:42 PM

    Alaskans really do need to speak up about Sarah Palin's failures and incompetence.

    Be like Sarah and cancel your family vacations and do your civic duty. Tell America what you know.

  48. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Does anyone know the Palin--ABC connection.

    Bristol Palin was on ABC's Secret Life; on Good Morning America several times, DWTS and is having a SECOND interview on the View.

    It certainly seems as those ABC has been going out of their way to give Bristol celebrity status.

    5:19 AM

    ABC could be courting Bristol for a future TV show and are trying their darnest to get her approval ratings up.

    Since her book came out, Bristol has been doing a chin dive and she is about to hit the ground.

    Wait a minute, I said chin dive... I think the correct term is nose dive, but oh well, you get my message.

  49. Anon at 6:27: I think chin dive is correct ... lol.

  50. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Surprised to find that so many found the phrase "limp wristed" so offensive, but I do get it, now. For the record, this was a common put down in my house growing up; but had no reference to gender. I still use it for either men or women. "Panty waist" was another fave. Is that now also too P/Incorrect?

    But I stand on my call out to Alaska, finding the reference to Bush not analogous. There was nothing one or two individuals could do, once Bush was elected, to remove him from the scene, or check his power. As we all know, there are a number of individual Alaskans that could tell what they know and document it, to expose many deadly truths about Sarah Palin that would stop her in her tracks once and forever. But I guess they care more for their own comfort than they do our country. Knowles and Ruedrich at the top of the list.


  51. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Perfect timing, WTF indeed.

  52. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Knowing how the scalins operate, we should be looking to see what other story they are trying to bury with the release of these additional "missed" emails.

  53. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Why wasn't this done the first time?

    The first request was made in September 2008. Mrs. Todd ($carah) Palin was still governor of Alaska at that point and no doubt influenced the process at the time it was set in motion. With this recent release, it's obvious (to me, anyway) that more sensible, rational minds prevailed...

  54. Anonymous11:28 PM

    I live in Alaska and I really wish that someone would come foward with any information that they may have. Though I think that most that have any info are to scared.


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