Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Frustrated Republicans push for "Brokered Convention." Really? Sounds good to me!

Courtesy of the Daily Caller:

Several long-time Republicans dissatisfied with the crop of candidates running for president have developed an unorthodox plan to upend what they consider a flawed GOP nomination process.

The chaos envisioned by the anonymous drafters of the idea would be a brokered Republican National Convention that might even lead to the nomination of dream candidates like New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie or Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.

The Daily Caller obtained a copy of the plan—that relies on primary voters voting for none of the above at the ballot — on the condition that the names of the Republicans behind the effort not be named.

“The whole thing came from a couple people who have political experience,” said one person involved with the project, “who are highly anxious about the status quo, who would like to see a better process, one that is more likely to be inviting to any number of these supposed dream candidates.”

The project, the Republican said, grew out of conversations about the perceived weak field and the primary process that rewards good campaigners — and not necessarily able leaders.

Despite their insistence on anonymity, that person said the GOPers behind the idea are not acting on behalf of a particular candidate who would benefit from the idea.

“The primary process is the problem,” the report states. “It has become a process of division, not addition. It is more likely to produce a loser in November 2012 than it is to produce a conservative who can unite the country and win.”

For those who are unaware of what the term "brokered convention" means, here is the Wikipedia definition.

A brokered convention is a situation in United States politics in which there are not enough delegates 'won' during the presidential primary and caucus elections for a single candidate to have a pre-existing majority, during the first official vote for a political party's presidential-candidate at its nominating convention.

Once the first ballot, or vote, has occurred, and no candidate has a majority of the delegates' votes, the convention is then considered brokered; thereafter, the nomination is decided through a process of alternating political horse-trading, and additional re-votes. In this circumstance, all regular delegates (who, previously, were pledged to the candidate who had won their respective state's primary or caucus election) are "released," and are able to switch their allegiance to a different candidate before the next round of balloting. It is hoped that this 'freedom' will result in a re-vote resulting in a clear majority of delegates for one candidate.

So in other words the GOP candidate would NOT be chosen until the day of the convention, leaving fundraisers without any idea of where to spend their money, making it impossible to come up with a unifying theme, and leaving Republicans in a state of disarray until the very last minute?

 Okey dokey.

Can't you just imagine what the floor of that convention would look like?  I picture a cross between the arena scene in Gladiator and the rescue scene from Blackhawk Down. In other words not pretty, but the Pay-Per-View possibilities would be amazing!

Somehow I DOUBT that when the dust settled this process would ensure that the best Republican candidate would be the last one standing.

I think it is far more likely to see a Michele Bachmann, or a Sarah Palin, or even a Ron Paul emerging with the nomination.

So, like I said in my headline, I am all for it.

By the way, despite what the Republican might tell their constituents, this is yet another indication that their party may in fact be fractured beyond all repair.


  1. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Boy, those Repubs start early learning how to steal elections. They even feed on their own. Can you eat too much popcorn ?

  2. Anonymous4:17 PM

    That would be fascinating to watch.

  3. This is a throwback to the dawn of the present method's use, and the means by which that party fended off the former President's challenge to the incumbent in 1912, as referenced in this campaign speech given in Milwaukee Wisconsin that October (after a nearly successful assassination attempt):

    "It Takes More Than That to Kill a Bull Moose":
    The Leader and The Cause

    A speech, by the way, ringing all too true today as well... long live TR and the Progressive cause.

  4. Time for the Whigs to make a surprise comeback.

  5. Techgnome4:24 PM

    Kewl, maybe the Republicans are getting back to their roots. They nominated Lincoln at a brokered convention. Here's a scary thought for you: Every candidate that ran for the Republican nomination eventually became a member of Lincoln's cabinet.

    They certainly have a problem, but I don't think this unlikely solution is likely to fix it.

  6. Anonymous4:24 PM

    I just watched the original Matrix last night. The similarities between the movie and the GOP are more than a little frightening

  7. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Its hard to imagine anyone calling Christie a "dream candidate." The first time I saw him, I thought he was an actor--one likely to be cast as Al Capone in the remake of "The Untouchables."

    Just what is wrong with Americans, that they cannot SEE what crazy people Bachmann and Christie, (not to even mention freaks like Kyl and Palin) are?

    If the world gets a dose of slap down economical disaster because of all the dimwitted jerks who got elected last year, just MAYBE the trend to vote for the most insane candidate possible, will come to an abrupt end.

  8. Anonymous4:52 PM

    PBS recently did a series on Abraham Lincoln which goes into some detail about the brokered convention which brought him to the White House.

    My favorite description of brokered conventions is actually from an old book, ... And Ladies of the Club by Helen Hooven Santmeyer. One of the characters is married to a man involved in politics, and attends a convention in the 1880s where there are crosses and double-crosses.

  9. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I highly suspect that the upper echelon (ie, puppet-masters) of the tea party is behind the brokered convention concept, and that it is nothing more than a way to get rid of Romney – AFTER he proves that he is the best and most viable candidate (because the tea party can not stand him and the flexibility that he represents)! It will be like a giant circular firing squad.

    Repugs, once you stir up hate, you can not put the genie back into the bottle. You refused to acknowledge a fundamental truth form the get-go: hate is not selective. Eventually, hate will even eat its own because, by definition, its appetite can not be quenched. Your hate-mongoring will not only destroy America: it will destroy you right along with it. You desired power more than honor or respect, and you will end up with neither.

  10. It's the Koch brothers wet dream come to fruition. They'd love nothing better than to broker their handpicked candidate and leave all that messy voting out of it. Just an example of what the Republicans have in mind for the entire country. But they'll start by doing it to their own people first.

    Look up Fascism. Only the elite at the top enjoy democracy. The rest of us poor peasants will live under their autocratic dictatorship.

    You all think it's funny....until it happens to the rest of us.

  11. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I went to Malia Litman's blog and she has a link from Fox with Greta interviewing Donald Trump. Donald talked about Obama's brilliant negotiating strategy and called the GOP a bunch of losers, pretty much. I still think he's on Obama's side, and if anyone jumps in as a threat to Obama, he'll join the race or go third-party assuring an Obama win. He called Sarah a "nice lady", but didn't think she'd run. Anyway, there's no way Obama looses the next election. The GOP is weak and divided, and and the Dems have all the moves lined up. Now if anyone wants to flame me for thinking Trump is on Obama's side (like last time I said so), listen to the interview. That whole Obama dig at Trump over the birther issue was staged; Trump got in no subtle digs at Obama in Greta's interview, and gave him credit for his political maneuvering in the debt crisis. Trump suceeded in making the birther issue go away, didn't he?

  12. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Blackhawk Down. LOL. Excellent visage of the grown-ups of a party struggling for credibility and a chance.

  13. A brokered convention is a throwback to the days of back room deals and cigar smoke and open bribery - and don't think it was just the Republicans, the Democrats were masters of it.

    If the convention is brokered, I don't think Palin or Bachmann or Paul will be nominated. I believe the Republicans know they're going to lose in 2012 and they won't want to sacrifice any of their moneymakers to the election, nor will they want to sacrifice a known good candidate (in their minds) like Rick Perry.

    It wouldn't surprise me if they chose Romney as the sacrificial lamb. His career is at the point where a big loss will tank him forever - this would be a great way to get him out of the way for 2016, which is where the Republicans' real candidate will emerge. Speaking of 2016..... who the hell will the Dems run other than Hillary Clinton?

  14. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Kirsten Gillebrand (sp)

    Michelle Obama

  15. Anonymous6:50 PM

    @ 5:18......I have not yet watched the Gretta/Murdoch interview, but, if Murdoch is now on the side of Obama winning the next election, wow.

    He's either, fessing up to his past republican influences in just who wins and trying to look "fair", or, "someone" has him over a barrel, or, he really does see Obama winning over the limp choice of repub candidates.

    My guess is his fish is cooked, the repubs are cooked. Thanks so much Rupert, our guy is re-elected.

  16. Anonymous8:17 PM

    I'm also convinced that the GOP is expecting this election to go to Obama. Not saying that he's not vulnerable because he is. I think Perry is truly his biggest threat at this point. A lot can happen between now and the fall of 2012.

    That said, a brokered convention would not choose Bachmann, Palin or Paul. The GOP does not like Romney and how better to dispatch him than to just hand him the nom and let him lose so 2016 is the open door.

    Interesting idea from Anon at 5:18 about Trump staging the birther thing....does make sense,


  17. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Michelle "Migraine" takes a cue from Sister Sarah and the lame stream media


    Ruh Ro!

    Bearstool on DrDrew interview preview (Airs Thursday) blip:

    "Being Pregnant put me on the fast track to adulthood"

    "blah blah blah blah"
    "Sex Sex Sex Sex"
    "yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda"

    "Do I wish Tripp had a father that was more involved in his life? Yeah, absolutely"
    "Do I wish I had an education and a rill career path,
    Yeah, absolutely"

    So, basically, she admits how stupid she is, she's twenty and still "wishing" while doing "nothing" What a waste!

    Grandma Griz ain't gonna be able to spin this one!

  18. Gasman8:32 PM

    I wonder why the need for secrecy among those backing this plan? Secrecy is antithetical to democracy. If this is such a good idea, why not embrace it publicly? Additionally, I can just see the reaction of the teabaggers if the GOP nominee was someone put forward by a secret, faceless, unnamed cabal within the GOP establishment. They would go apeshit.

    When I consider the predicament of the GOP, I am reminded of Hosea 8:7:

    "For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind..."

    Since McCarthy, the GOP has been fear mongering and since Nixon they have been race baiting. Add to that the frequent bouts of homophobia, xenophobia, and anti-abortion hysteria, and they have pandered to the most ignorant paranoid bunch of cousin humpers our country has ever produced.

    Now that the idiot mob has arrived with pitchforks and torches, the GOP seems to be having a bit of trouble herding these imbeciles. The trouble for the GOP is that if the party establishment doesn't listen to the teabaggers and do their bidding EXPLICITLY and COMPLETELY, the teabaggers view them as apostate traitors whom they will target.

    Too damn bad for you, GOP. After 60 years of summoning, the brainless chickens have come home to roost.

  19. Loose Era9:22 PM

    uh "none of the above" would have to get a majority to be anything other than the exact same thing as not voting at all. If Michelle "Not tonight, Marcus, I have a headache" Bachmann gets 35% and None of the above gets 34%, she wins.

    What a monumentally stupid idea.

  20. This is utterly amazing! Have you noticed any "dream" candidates in the Republican ranks? Then a bunch of anonymous backers want to broker a conventions, but "don't tell anyone who we are because we're too scared". This convention is going to be open warfare. Clear the arena floor, take up sides, man your weapons, and have at it. What a bunch of losers!

  21. This is very plausible. The reason why the 50 Teabaggers in Congress, including Cantor, are trying to undermine the Speaker, is because they are RINO (repubs in name only).

    Who is responsible for the teabagger movement? Who financed teabaggers? How did all of this start?

    The Koch brothers. Are the Koch brothers Republicans? nope. What party do they support? The Libertarian party.

    Look at the Libertarian party platform. It is the same exact platform the teabaggers support, from abolishing the EPA to no debt ceiling increases. Americans are comfortable with 2 parties, and the Koch brothers brilliantly devised a way to try to take over the GOP.

    I have been investigating this for just a couple of weeks, and the evidence is easily available online. The only difference between Teabaggers and the official Libertarian platform, is the teabaggers obsession with social issues. Check it out. What do you think?

  22. Loose Era11:15 PM

    sorry - not a majority but "the most" - a plurality. Still, no way that will happen. Soooo go ahead and buy into this, Republics, cuz you are wasting your vote.

    Tye dye - saying the LIbertarians are just like the 'baggers except for the social issues is like....saying the pro lifers are just like the fiminists, except for the abortions. Whole different cat, especially in its pure form - Libertarians are not anti- gays, abortion, or muslim. they have thier good points, but their model results in anarchy in the end. not good.

  23. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Your comment about Bristol being on Dr. Drew surprised me - but why should it? He had that dippy LaToya (grates on my nerves) Jackson the other day.
    He is beginning to make me wonder. He is a charming man, but - - show some class, please!!
    Pat Padrnos
    ps - is Bristol still hustling her book, did they talk about that?

  24. I tell you what, today's GOP can't find its ass with both hands.

    Have they lost everyone with any kind of critical thinking skills?

    The one thing ALL of our elections need, big and small, local, state and federal, is run off voting. That's where you vote for a "2nd choice" and if there is no clear majority winner, then all the 2nd choice votes are added in to get a clear majority winner.

    If we had had run off elections in the last 30 years, our country would be looking VERY different than it does today.

  25. Gasman said...
    Now that the idiot mob has arrived with pitchforks and torches, the GOP seems to be having a bit of trouble herding these imbeciles. 8:32 PM
    So perfectly said.

  26. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Brokered convention? Don't want it! That's when they would roll out Jeb the Bush.

    Have to protect the interests and secrets of the Bush Crime Family, you know.

  27. deebee11:46 AM

    I'm headed to Costco for a semi-truck load of popcorn, TV dinners, plasma screen and a Lazy Boy recliner.
    Are the females going to mud wrestle?

  28. Loose Era - I agree with you - that's why I made the distinction between the teabaggers and Libertarians. I know the Libertarians are in favor of gay rights etc. If you look at the Lib party platform - it is Bachmann (Koch Bros) on every issue. From her saying the EPA has to be abolished, to every other government agency. I understand that the teabaggers can stand for what they want, but the Koch Bros also started the tea party to suit their means.

  29. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I totally agree that this is possible and that there are people trying to engineer this result. I think $P is hoping for such an event so that she can be courted for the nomination and only have to campaign for 8 weeks again instead of an entire year. What she doesn't account for is the fact that the more likely draftee would be Jeb Bush or Christie, both of whom will say "no" and they'll still end up with some General Election loser like Ron Paul.


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