Monday, July 04, 2011

Happy 4th of July everybody!

Before you go off celebrating our independence as only Americans can, blowing stuff up and engorging ourselves with hot dogs, potato salad, and watermelon, here is a message from your President.

Somehow I think that speech will give the Republicans heartburn even before they stuff their faces with polish sausage and hot wings.


  1. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Gryphen, I have been meaning to thank you for the respect you show our President. The right wing is hopeless, but it is becoming clear that the liberal elite believe that it is to their benefit to belittle and bash the President. I don't know if it is because they see the success of FOX, or if it is jealousy of his success, grace, intelligence, education, honesty, strength, family, or his overall life story which none of them can match.

    This was all so evident on Morning Joe on the "liberal" MSNBC when the Harvard educated punk Mark Halperin called President Obama a "dick" as Joe and Mika giggled uncontrollably. Morning Joe spends most of its conversation bashing the President with only milquetoasts defending him.

    Huffington Post, Daily Kos, and other "liberal" blogs find nothing they like about our President who has to make decisions with no help from the opposition which has declared its only goal is to defeat him.

    On this July 4th I find the situation very depressing, and I thank you for standing by this great man who will be recognized as one of the greatest Presidents of all time.


  2. Anonymous4:52 AM

    For a little political levity on the 4th, listen to The Capitol Steps perform Sarah Palin's Midnight Ride

  3. Anonymous5:22 AM

    LOVE HIM! Agree with everything he says here. Every time I see or hear him, I'm grateful that Americans had sense enough to elect this wise, calm man.

    My parents, however, remain convinced that he was born in Kenya and is a Muslim. My dad in particular is so hung up on these ideas that he can't even discuss the President rationally. He twists conversations just to make digs at Obama.

    I have directed my parents to and on multiple occasions, but all it takes is one Rush Limbaugh spiel or e-mail forward to nullify my efforts. My parents don't have cable and are unfamiliar with Fox News Network, not realizing that most of their ideas and talking points come straight from there. (They listen to talk radio.)

    Sorry about the spiel. I live with my parents right now--thanks to the economy, I lost my house and my shirt--and their attitude toward the President infuriates me.

  4. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Yes, re-elect Obama. Things are so much better now....

    November 2012 is going to be a repeat of the "shellacking" of Nov 2010.

    These four words will doom his chances and kill the Democrat's attempts to control Congress:

    "He made it worse."

  5. Anonymous11:19 AM

    On this Independence Day, instead of pride in an exceptional country, Americans should reflect on the humiliation and shame Republicans have brought about over the past 30 years. The reasons America is exceptional are shameful and do not represent what is supposed to be the greatest country on Earth. In fact, Americans have very little to be proud of, and if we are exceptional for treating such a huge segment of the population with contempt and utter disregard, then this country is indeed no better than Afghanistan. If you are proud of the condition of America and the way it treats 98% of its population, then you must be a conservative Christian and a Republican. This author is profoundly ashamed of America and wonders why Republicans and social conservatives are allowed to devastate what was once a decent country with impunity; especially when we could be so exceptional for all the right reasons.

  6. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Thank you for posting this speech. I, probably like lots of others, would have missed it otherwise.

    Happy 4th, and thanks for keeping us informed, entertained, and patriotic all year.

  7. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Anon at 9:37 am: "These four words will doom his chances and kill the Democrat's attempts to control Congress:

    "He made it worse." "

    Funny you should say that, because from now until November 2012, I am going to keep up a single constant drumbeat: "ARE YOU BETTER OFF SINCE THE GOP TOOK THE HOUSE IN 2010?

  8. Anonymous8:24 PM

    I'm actively advocating for this man, and find the amount and depth of ignorance on the other end of the line to be mind boggling. President Obama has dealt with nothing but obfuscation, gridlock, and racial inuendo from the other side, and despite it all, he gets the job done as well he can. We need to vote him in again so he can finish the job.
    Thanks for sharing this with your readers.

    Bill put it more succinctly than I could in the first comment.

    Happy Fourth Everyone!


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