Monday, July 04, 2011

Herman Cain accuses the President of not being a "strong black man."

Courtesy of Outside the Beltway:

Before you announced your campaign, you said that the liberal establishment is scared that “a real black man might run against Barack Obama.” Are you suggesting Obama isn’t really black?

Cain: A real black man is not timid about making the right decisions, that’s what I meant. Look, I’m not getting into this whole thing about President Obama. It is documented that his mother was white and his father was from Africa. If he wants to call himself black, fine. If he wants to call himself African-American, fine. I’m not going down this color road.

But you’re saying he’s not really a black man.

Cain: Not in terms of a strong black man that I’m identifying with. I identify with a strong black man like Martin Luther King Jr., or my dad, Luther Cain Jr., who didn’t have a lot of formal education, but he had a Ph.D. in common sense.

Herman Cain is an asshole! And what is more, he is dead wrong!

President Obama came into office knowing he had to deal with the devastation left behind by one of the worst administrations in American history, and he did not complain. Instead he quickly got to work picking up the pieces.

Once in office he was immediately set upon by the most racist elements of this country who referred to him as a Kenyan and demanded proof he was even born in America, yet he remained calm and even earned the name "No Drama Obama."

He had an entire cable "news" network dedicated to undermining his Presidency and sabotaging hm at every turn, yet he persevered.

For the entire two and a half years of his presidency, Obama has received virtually NO help from the Republican party, yet he has managed to accomplish more in that time than almost any other administration in history.

This is the man, that Herman Cain so disrespectfully claims is not a "strong black man?"

Well from what I can see he may be just about the strongest man I have ever seen, of ANY color.

And somehow I doubt that if Herman Cain were to face our President in a debate on the issues, or any other intellectual or physical contest for that matter, he would be able to last even a few minutes before having his ass handed to him and having to skulk out of the door with his tail between his legs.

The Republicans talk tough while hiding behind the protection provided by Fox News, or right wing radio, but do any of them really have the balls to face this man?

Yeah I didn't think so.

And for anybody who doubts that that this President can easily hold his own even with a whole room of Republicans, I refer you to this video from January of 2010, where he did that very thing.


  1. Sally in MI4:14 AM

    Bravo! The GOP is a bunch of whiny, do-nothing fools, whose constant chants of "I'm not a racist, this is not a racist thing to say, I AM NOT racist, but I think the President may be" are a smokescreen for them wanting to dismantle this country and turn it into a theocracy or worse. Pitiful does not begin to describe them, and I have no use for any of them. The sooner the 2012 election is over, with Democrats regaining the House and keeping the Senate, the sooner we can get to work returning this country to some semblance of a working democracy. Barack Obama loves this country and her people,and is the hardest working President since Clinton. And an honorable, intelligent man, which drives the GOP crazy, as they have few honorable, let alone intelligent, people among their ranks. The smart people see them for what they are, and join the Democratic Party.

  2. angela4:21 AM

    Fuck Herman Cain! He's an ignorant ass. Personally I wish he'd choke on his tongue every time he mentions the President's name. He knows his campaign is dead--so now he's trying to be a hit man.

    Barack Obama would wipe the floor with this shit stain of a man.

    In my family Herman Cain would be called a slave catcher. All the buck dancing he's doing for the republican party is disgusting. He thinks he can spout racist crap cause he pretends to be a "brother". All he wants to do is make the klansman of the GOP smile, pat him on the head and invite him to a picnic where they disinfect the cutlery after he's gone.

    I wouldn't piss on Herman Cain if he was on fire in the middle of the road. And with his politics he would have been one of those spying on Dr. King and informing to the FBI. This buck dancing traitor fools no one.

  3. Well from what I can see he may be just about the strongest man I have ever seen, of ANY color.

    Most thoroughly agree, and will add he's not merely a chess player, but a winning chess player... whether he plays the actual game or not.

  4. Rick Hill4:37 AM

    "If he wants to call himself black, fine. If he wants to call himself African-American, fine. I’m not going down this color road."

    I'm not going down that road, I'm just going to put up signs and point out that it's right over there.....

  5. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Well done Gryphen! Imagine a half black man with the the strength and fortitude of any number of men regladless of color.

    Cain is looking for Abel....good luck with that!

  6. Olivia4:57 AM

    Cain's just jealous because Obama is very handsome with a beautiful wife and happy kids. Cain is an ugly little man.
    See how that works? The bots say that all the time about Sarah. It's stupid but it makes me feel better.

  7. Gryphen: I read a blog post title last night but did not go there, but didn't Cain's staff just exit his campaign en masse much as Gingrich's did?

    BTW: good morning and Happy 4th! Now for coffee.

  8. Thank you for the link to that video; it's one of my all time favorites.

    As for the color thing; I want a President that will see himself first as an American. That will work for the greatest good of the American people. I think that's what we've got right now.

  9. i LOVE that video where the prez hands the gop their asses at their own luncheon. oh, that still does my heart good. i love this president - i think HE is the exceptional one, not some fake mafia pizza guy. or bachmann, who snidely said she would create jobs for the prez and geithner. i thought you would leave it all to the private sector and the koch bros., michele with one l? these gop candidates are so inferior to pres. obama i don't know where to begin. i just hope this upcoming election will be the end of the extension of the fig leaf from obama to the corporate owned gop, and that he can really get down to presidential business in his second term. then we can send michele bachmann to one of those fictional re-education camps where she can learn her american history and maybe get de-programmed from her brainwashed, hairbrained version of chritianity. what would jesus REALLY do michele?

  10. Pat in MA5:38 AM

    What an idiot! I suppose it didn't take a strong man to authorize the Navy Seal team raid to get OBL? I'll take the President's strong, calm leadership any day vs these rootin' tootin' 'strong' fools.

  11. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Because President Obama is not as black as Cain? What pure crap!

    All Cain has to do is look at the upheaval (throughout the past few years since President Obama was elected) that has been created because President Obama IS African-American. (I voted for our wonderful President Obama!)

    I feel that many of the Republicans currently serving in our Congress, as well as some of the Republican governors throughout our nation, have appeared and reflected actions and commentary very similar to those of members of the KKK AGAINST our current President which indicate Cain's statement to be absolutely baloney!

    I feel that Cain will not know what hit him should be be picked in the primary to run on the Republican ticket. (Which I feel is very, very unlikely.) He'd receive just a 'taste' of what President Obama has put up w/these past recent years.

    The difference between President Obama and Cain is the fact that President Obama has remained 'classy' throughout where Cain has already shown he is NOT!

  12. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Cain raises the issue of race but then says that race is not an issue but the % of the characteristic of the race is. That echos the very racist quartronne (1/16 Negro) laws of who was legally a white person or a negro that existed in the US.

    That labels Cain as a major league racist who presumably considers himself to be defined as at least a quartronne Black. Which is pretty disgusting when you think about that thought process. On the other hand that labels Obama as 50% Black and as such he would have been legally denined identity as a White under the 1/16 laws.

    And yet you only have to look at Cain standing next to a person of pure Negroid blood to know that Cain is as much mixed blood as Obama is. That shows a huge racist blind spot in Cain that should concern Blacks and non-Blacks alike.

    Actually, if Cain looks at history with open eyes he will see the intellectual and activist characteristics of MLK and Obama are very similar.
    They were/are persuaders, not screamers or insulters or betrayers of their own people, as Cain is. He does not seek to help his black brethren, but is willing to deny their brethernhood. As a Republican he seeks to lay waste to their lives and the dreams of their children, for a better life, in order to increase his own sense of achievements and self aggrandize.

    In no way does he resemble MLK.

    And none of the three men is purely Negroid or Caucasian and why does that continue to matter anyway?

  13. Grey Lensman6:20 AM

    Why does no report confront Cain about his poor management of Godfather's Pizza. Why do they buy the myth that he created that he turned the company around?

  14. You know that old adage, 'kill 'em with kindness'?

    Here are my thoughts:

    We hear a lot of President Obama wanting to work with the Republicans in a bi-partisan way. Some see that as weak, or just naive.

    I think killing with kindness is exactly what the president is doing.

    The Republicans are in oppositional search looking for anything to attack Obama. He doesn't give them anything. Even when they say he is being partisan, the public doesn't believe it.

    Yet, when Obama does publicly embarrass the GOP he does it big & without fanfare. I bet we don't see a tenth of his handiwork.

    Remember that health care discussion where he puts them all in their places, rattling off numbers and facts? Remember McCain acting like a baby & Obama putting him in his place?

    Remember how he eviscerated Ryan's plan, with Ryan invited by the WH & sitting in the front row? Ryan & all the GOP despite their scrambling, spin & lies have never recovered from that.

    Despite all the blockades the GOP put up, Obama has accomplished more than anyone can imagine. Those accomplishments are not always our ideal, but they are there to be improved upon. He is doing this at a horrific time for our Nation, & not the best time for anyone to be President.

    The President is playing the 'game' with them, only he's doing it, imo, on his own terms. Clean, friendly, smiling, & deadly.

    Herman Cain is just another element that is trying to hurt the president in a way the primarily white GOP cannot without appearing to be the racists that they are.

    Herman Cain is just another piece of dog doo that President Obama will wipe off his feet without giving the asshole another thought.

    Herman who?

  15. PollyinAK6:25 AM

    Wish there were "like" buttons on this blog. Enjoy everyone's comments.

  16. Hmmmm, Herman Cain thinks his dad is the apotheosis of a "strong black man" and Obama is not. So he is going on and on and on about objective truth, and thinks that he is the one who knows it better than anybody else. And he confuses the Declaration of Independence with the Constitution to boot. And ignoring that there is nothing in the Constitution saying that Christians have more rights than other people.

    Except for the color of his skin, he is a typical Republican.

  17. Anonymous6:30 AM

    OT Mercedes disputes Bristol's version of events.

  18. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Fox News politics Twitter account hacked, hoaxsters tweet Obama assassinated in Iowa

  19. Anonymous6:36 AM

    What kind of sick individual would do this (post false assassination tweet) ?

    Many are already beginning to say it wasn't hackers, but might have been done surreptitiously at Ailes's request.

    I wouldn't put it past him.

    Olean, NY

  20. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Hermann Cain is a bigot - the weakest type of man there is.

  21. Anonymous6:37 AM

    I share your admiration and appreciation of our President, a man of honor, humility, intelligence, decency, humor and kindness. A good man. I'm still stunned at how fortunate we are to have this man in the Oval Office in these hard, hard times.

  22. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Soooo, by Herman Cain's admission, Barack Obama is unidentifiable - rejected by blacks and rejected by whites. . .

    and yet he is still here and still our leader. Imagine the isolation and identity crisis he must have weathered as a child and as a young man to still manage to turn out so learned and strong and have what Sarah Palin pretends she has - a "servants heart" to only want to do good for this country (can you hear that? It isn't fireworks going, it's Teabaggers heads and bags exploding) at the President's audacity.

    God bless President Obama and his family, god bless this country. And I mean that in the least religious way possible.

  23. thanks Gryphen, that photo of the President makes me so sad. It's clear what this job, at this time, is doing to him, I don't believe that's the face of candidate Obama.
    thanks also Anonymous 6:18 for the reminder about MLK's style. There are vids on youtube of interviews with Dr King showing exactly what you mean - he is gentle, and erudite, and in control, no matter how inane the questions.
    Freedom is what happens here. Thank you all!

  24. Anonymous6:40 AM

    So who is in contention for the worst political black man ever in the 21st Century? Failed and awkward RNC Chairman Michael Steel or politcal wannabe pizza slinger Hermie?

  25. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Seems the height of hypocrisy, to me. A real black man?!?!

    This Cain is disgusting. I am sorry, any one of color who finds comfort and sympathy with the freakin' Republican Party - well, I don't know what to say. I have always found this kind of thing incomprehensible. Completely ignorant, if nothing else.

    The fact he'd even bring that up and then in the next breath back pedal, claiming he won't go down that "color road". Well, he went down it. And to do so, as a man of color, is despicable. To engage in GOP bullshit on behalf of people who could give a rat's ass about black people in this country, completely disqualifies him as a contender for anything, in my book.

    When you have one of the wealthiest women in the world, who also happens to be of color, supporting the Dems - even though they may ask higher taxes of her - that should tell you something. Oprah could easily be a Republican if she wanted, but she knows better. Values trump $$$, for good people. Smart people know which party has their (demographic, cultural, historic, socio-economic) community's interests at heart, which is why middle class white folks who side with the GOP just plain STUPID.

    President Obama is a remarkable man, and a remarkable President, by any definition. The color of his skin or the facts of his background are completely irrelevant. The extent of this nation's troubles, when he took office, would have completely paralyzed a lesser leader. He has soldiered on as best he could given the political/legislative constraints surrounding him - never mind our economic woes. He is to be respected and admired, and surely appreciated!

    This Cain guy is a shill for a bunch of bitter old white men who cannot accept that our country is a beautifully diverse place, and becoming more so by the year. You want to talk about real black men? He's certainly not one.

    For shame.

  26. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Obama is waaaaaaay more than we deserve in this troubled time. I have the utmost respect and admiration for him. Love the long video. Thank you!

  27. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Congrats to the GOPigs on finding this guy. A mendacious, black cracker. They must be thrilled. He won't get the nomination, but he'll run his mouth with their hate well into the primaries.

  28. Anonymous6:45 AM

    It's cute (read: pathetic) that Cain believes he has a chance to win the repub nomination. As if they would EVER vote for a Black person for anything. Or maybe he realizes he's being used like a rodeo clown. This is classic "not white enough-not black enough shit and Cain should be embarrassed for bringing it up. But I'm sure he isn't.

  29. Anonymous6:53 AM

    "I'm not going down this color road." Really?? Then why does he keep bringing it up? What a total hypocrite. This man is getting very boring.
    On another note - check out a rather amusing article on Gawker by Laurie Apple entitled "All Kinds of People Weighing in on Marcus 'Mr. Michele' Bachmann's Sexuality"
    Pat Padrnos

  30. Anonymous7:12 AM

    The painfully tasteless topic of your next post (the Fox faux tweets) truly strikes fear in me. Combined with Cain's behavior, it is truly nauseating and saddening. God bless and protect our President and his family, and the rest of us too.

  31. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Herman Cain is indeed a jerk, but I object to Obama's characterization as a president who has accomplished more in his first couple of years than practically any other administration. FDR and LBJ got a far more aggressive and meaningful agenda passed in their first term, with items that every American noticeably felt right away.

    I like Obama as a man, he has a lot of class and almost supernatural calm and levelheadedness, but the fact is, some pretty awful things have occurred under his watch that I never thought I'd see under a Democratic administration. The Citizens United ruling and the demise of public worker collective bargaining in several states are but two examples. I would like to know why his Department of Justice isn't filing lawsuits against these states, by the way. It is blatantly Un-Constitutional to forbid public workers to peaceably assemble and petition their employers - THE GOVERNMENT - regarding their labor negotiations.

    And we didn't hear a peep from Obama about Citizens United until AFTER the Supreme Court ruled in in its favor.

    Let's not forget that the government, under Obama's watch, also colluded with BP to hide the amount of oil that was really gushing into the Gulf. And he's done nothing that I can see may Wall Street pay for what they did to this country's economy.

    If the Republican candidates weren't all such psychopaths, I would probably sit out this election. Yeah, I'll vote for Obama. But let's not kid ourselves and think he's some sort of progressive firebrand and hero. He's simply not.

  32. First of all how pathetic does a black man have to be to belong to the Republican Party. Thinking black men are a separate kind of person than a white man is a really creepy way for a black man to be talking. This is like selecting a gynecologist, when asked if a prefer a woman I always say no I prefer the best doctor. What President Obama represents is racial equality and intelligence not an image of a "strong black man". Even if he was inclined to do so it would incite the Tea Party white folks to get their hoods and robes out. He also is part white and has other races represented in his family so I doubt he sees race as a difference among people and that is a very good characteristic for a president. I have issues with some of the decisions Obama has made and the broken promises, he is clearly a corporatist. I do agree with Chomsky however that he is the only choice because what kind of a world will we end up with if the other side wins the next presidential election. Obama has to carefully decide every step he makes because our country is polarized with a large number of right wing radicals with wacked out beliefs. If he makes the wrong move they could become more paranoid or violent.

  33. Some politicians are flashy, flamboyant, all show and no action. Others are quietly getting the jobs done. All are "politicians", but I'll always prefer the latter.

  34. GBIllinois7:36 AM

    Anon. @ 6:40AM
    Alan Keyes, the token black candidate (with no chance in Hell of winning) the last time around might qualify as the worst black politician of the 21st century, although Cain seems intent on taking the title.
    Clarence Thomas would win hands down if he had run for any office.

  35. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Here ya go Daisysem:

    From the above"Steve and Frances Sloan of Polk City watched Cain speak.

    “We saw Herman Cain a year ago and have been following him ever since,” Steve Sloan said. “He’s very down to earth, and he says things the way they are.”

    translation from Teanuese:

    We're pretty stupid and are more comfortable with people who seem just like us. ANd his being black is great over for the fact that we're racists.

    "“Other candidates, they’re part of the political system, and I want a candidate who isn’t.”

    I also don't have any clue about ethics or noble ideas,that require thinking, so just reduce everything to a quantitative bottomline.

  36. Anonymous7:55 AM

    @6:40 a.m. - add Alan Keyes to that list.

  37. Herman 'No Soul' Cain

    (with apologies to Don 'No Soul' Simmons of Amazon Women of the Moon)

  38. Anonymous8:00 AM

    @6:23 am.

    Add to that his evisceration of Trump, knowing there would be blowback. And then the absolute surprise to everyone else about the Osama announcement.

    Chess? Heck, I wouldn't want to play Texas hold-em against Obama. And at times in my life, poker has been my sole income- legally reported on my taxes.

  39. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Ok, I've refrained, but history shows us that there are individuals who will side with those trying to do their group harm, as long as they think that will protect them form teh harm, or give them some special status to extract revenge on those in their own group whose previous enmity they had , usually rightfully, earned.

    Jews who informed on their own people to save their fortunes or necks from the Nazis, Native Americans who spied and lied for the Yankee traders and Conquistadors, and yes, African American slaves who became overseers beating their own people to gain a cushy spot at their masters feet. (Yes, I know,some did this to prevent as much harm as they could, covertly, but some enjoyed their privilege and power fully.) Herman Cain is of that latter type, colloquially known then as the "house ...slave." Today, I beleive they are called "tokens."

  40. Anonymous8:36 AM

    "I don't want to go down this color road"? Dude, you're already ON it! If you want to walk it back, then admit you were wrong.

  41. Anonymous8:59 AM

  42. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Herman Cain is a Michael Steel wannabe. The next in a long line of tools the Rethuglikans have in their arsenal to try and discredit President Obama among Blacks. The thing is, Blacks tend to close ranks when an asskisser to the republicans start dissing the first Black President. The sellout is clearly Hermanshit Cain and Steele. Wonder how they live with themselves. Oh, and yes, I am African American and I intend to do all the campaigning I can for my President. And for what it's worth, I don't think MLK, Medgar Evers, or any of the civil rights icons would give their approval to the like of Cain and Steele. Trust me on this. I lived and breathe in Birmingham Alabama during the civil rights era and I personally knew many, many of the brave people who fought so valiantly during that era. Many have passed on, but they were noble people and I highly doubt they would bless the work or the words of the stupid republican stooges.

  43. Gasman10:00 AM

    Cain: "I not SAYING that Obama isn't black enough, but his mama IS WHITE."

    Cain is too damn stupid by half to not realize that the very racist teabagger cousin humpers that he is pandering to would be no more likely to vote for him than they would President Obama.

    For someone that bitches about the race card being played, he sure whips his out every chance he gets. What I find laughable is that this "he ain't REALLY black" meme seems to be tailor made for other blacks, but they will probably vote for Cain in similar numbers that they'd vote for Ron Paul.

    Cain seems to be gripped by a sense of racial self loathing. He also has a raging case of Islamophobia.

    On top of all that, he is an idiot.

    White teabagger racists won't vote for him. Blacks won't vote for him. People who are offended by his bigotry won't vote for him.

    That leaves a mighty small portion of the electorate.

    He's not going to win a damn thing.

  44. Anonymous10:19 AM

    @9:21, thank you for confirming my own views on this.

    I feel most African Americans understand the traditional values of the Democratic Party, while it is not perfect and though we also have a long way to go!

    These GOP idiots are going to be in for a big surprise come election time.

  45. Anonymous10:20 AM

    President Obama isn't a strong black man; he's a strong man...period!

    If you really want to, need to and must label him, he's bi-racial!
    Sucks to be you, huh, Mr. Cain.

    Also, I wouldn't get to comfy and cozy with the GOP, look what happened to the other token minority; Michael Steele, I'm just saying.

  46. This has been a very significant blog indeed. I’ve acquired a lot of helpful information from your article. Thank you for sharing such relevant topic with us. I really love all the great stuff you provide. Thanks again and keep it coming

  47. Pat in MA12:11 PM

    Anon 7:21 – I can understand some of your frustration; I wish the President would toot his own horn a bit more so that people realize what has been accomplished despite the rampant obstructionism from the Republicans. Democrats held the majority in both the Senate and the House for all 4 terms of FDRs presidency, making it easier for progressive legislation to pass. Congress makes the laws and Obama has to deal with the party of no, whose sole objectives (despite promises of jobs, jobs, jobs) are to outlaw abortions, dismantle unions and make sure that this President does not get reelected.

  48. Shan in NC4:47 PM

    I'm black and Herman Cain is the worst type of person, black, white, whatever! He would sell his own family down the river for a few accolades from the tea party folk. I don't know how this man sleeps at night knowing the type of tea party people he's performing for is the same type who's ancestors walked around in the 60s talking about race mixing is communist! And to those bigots, Cain is indeed "performing". He's doing his little minstrel show foolishly thinking, if it came down to it, that they would actually vote for him. Cain represents the type of black person the tea party likes, one they can control, one they can get to do whatever they want him to. He's a black puppet for the tea party; believe me, Cain's not pulling the wool over anyone's eyes. We see him for exactly what he is!

  49. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Herman Cain is a racist idiot, but just afraid to admit it. There has always been racism from within the African American community. "Lighter vs Darker" complexion. "High Yellow" "Could pass for white". And this guy is perpetuating this myth.
    Why invoke Martin Luther King's name, when all it has in common with Cain's Father is "Luther" and "Jr."
    Cain's not gaining any traction with this comment, epic Fail.


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