Courtesy of MTV Movies Blog:
"It was hard, really, really hard," she admitted. "I had a great director, Jay Roach who was incredible. I adored him, [he was] so supportive, so smart. I did a lot of research, I worked really hard. It's hard to play someone who is very present in people's minds, who's on television, very idiosyncratic, I did my best. We'll see, I hope we pulled it off."
And how about mastering that accent, eh?
"Practice, an incredible amount of practice," Moore said about getting Palin's northern-inflected speech just right. "I had to listen to it over and over again. My son was embarrassed because [Palin's speeches were] all that was on my iPod. He said, 'Where's your music?' [I told him] I erased all my music."
It kind of sounds to me like Moore did more preparation for her role as Sarah Palin, than Sarah Palin did for her role as John McCain's running mate. I'm just saying.
This just in: In order to be totally, authentically Sarah Palin in 'Game Change', Julianne Moore had 3/4 of her brain removed also.
ReplyDeleteHey Gryphen (loved your post about Winnie the Pooh by the way!) - Gawker is reporting the Britta pregnancy as an "exclusive" and they ran the photo that person gave you:
Sure would be nice if they could credit YOU once in a while for being the first to post about this.
*grumble grumble grumble*
Um, you do remember that even the aides who spoke to the authors of Game Change DID say Sarah is a quick study and worked 24/7?
ReplyDeleteSo calling her lazy isn't exactly fair or adequate. Her performance was pretty expected. She's not stupid. She's literally from a state that people forget about, a state I imagine residents forget about the rest of America at times. So being thrust into the national limelight and being asked the same questions more seasoned politicos are asked OF COURSE would take a toll on her.
And losing takes a toll on anyone. The McCains retreated to their cabin for weeks after election night. Sarah laid low other than doing several interviews and trips. You have to take time to adjust. The difference between Sarah and other Race losers is, she had an immature almost son-in-law who felt the "need" to make a buck off her low. If that were any other politician, that boy would have been stoned.
However, she came back quickly and had a productive 2009-2011. Her family is stronger than ever and she can basically do anything. More power to her. Fight those immature douchebags who think they know you Sarah! I know you, have for years, and you're an amazing woman.
Cue the attacks on me in 3 2 1
Go ahead. I dare you to comment on my comment. You have no credibility and no maturity.
Crazy, Stupid, Love is actually an appropriate title for what poor Julianne had to go through for the Sarah Palin role. LOL.
ReplyDeleteDid they build in a deprogramming or intelligence restoration therapy in the contract for this stunning and talented actress?
She already deserves an Oscar. Oh sorry, according to the tards Sarah's got the nomination for best actress already locked up.
Sarah's going to have to look up "idiosyncratic" thinking that it is insulting. But she's got the idiot down.
ReplyDeleteo/t but as of right now, Track is going to do the irondog (with a friend who's run it before)
ReplyDeleteNo matter how much Julianne Moore tries she cannot look as skanky as the half term governor.
Anon. 6:24
ReplyDeleteWho cares if Track is going to compete in the Irondog?
Did Julianne explain how she got the "screech" right?
ReplyDeleteHi Sarah, (6:15 AM) Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteQuick question, Where's Trig's birth certificate?
6:15 Stop putting the blame on Levi for $carah's failures. Bristles got pregnqnt DELIBERATELY (I don't know if it was the first pregnancy or the second) so why is she the innocent one here? The Palin/Heath family are not WH material, so get over it. The entire dysfunctional family should get off the stage, it is OVER. Bristles reality show will flop just like her book.
ReplyDeleteSo how does an executive secretary to two state governors, and first time mom, register the wrong due date at Target, then change it to one month later?
ReplyDeleteHi, RAM at 6:15. What I remember from Game Change was that Sarah had to memorize canned answers because she could not think on her feet (hence, changing the subject in the debate so that she could read off a canned answer), that she had to call Joe Biden "Joe" because otherwise she would call him "O'Biden", that she did no prep work for the Katie Couric interview, and that she was often locked in a dark room not eating.
ReplyDeleteOh, and that she didn't know that Africa was a continent, not a country, or that there were two Koreas.
Yep. Quick study who worked 24/7.
And look how much she picked up about Paul Revere when she was in Boston!
Granny LuLu isn't, um, smart.
Is Moore going to have to have therapy like Linda Blair did after she acted In The Exorcist?
ReplyDeleteAlso, Anon 6:15
Attacking ignorant deluded fairy tale trolls, such as yourself, is a pathetically easy thing to do. But blaming Sarah's lack of political or historical knowledge on the fact that she lived in Alaska is something that takes idiocy to such extreme heights you must be unable to breathe without an oxygen tank.
Please stop trying to do your idol any favors. You are only helping to keep her a laughingstock. Or was that your intention?
Anonymous @6:15
ReplyDeleteYeah, yeah, yeah, her family is stronger than ever and she can do anything...except finish one term as governor, identify publications that she reads and actually know basic 4th grade American history etc.,etc.
You have NO credibility. You don't even have a name. Chicken shit.
Reply to @6:15 AM
ReplyDeleteIt really all hinges on your criteria of what "amazing woman" is. For you, Sarah Palin is an amazing woman, for me, not so much. Sure, being thrust into the national spotlight and having to deal with all of the publicity took a toll on her, as it would anyone, but that does not make her exceptional or provide evidence that she should be a political leader. On this topic it appears as though we simply have to agree to disagree.
@Anon 6:15...
ReplyDelete1) "So being thrust into the national limelight and being asked the same questions more seasoned politicos are asked OF COURSE would take a toll on her."
You mean like "what do you read?" -- that kind of question takes a toll on her?
2) "The difference between Sarah and other Race losers is, she had an immature almost son-in-law who felt the "need" to make a buck off her low."
Oh. So Levi was Sarah's major challenge? Um, okay...
3) "...she came back quickly and had a productive 2009-2011. Her family is stronger than ever and she can basically do anything."
Except, say, finish the job she was hired to do.
I'm really not going to otherwise "comment on your comment." You've made your own case.
Anonymous 6:15 am
ReplyDelete"Cue the attacks on me in 3 2 1
Go ahead. I dare you to comment on my comment. You have no credibility and no maturity."
Ok, happy to oblige. You said "...... and she can basically do anything.". Yeah, except meet the press without pre-screened questions. She's a coward.
The poor woman! Did she have to be deprogramed afterwards? That's really taking one for the team.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone else hear a buzzing sound at around 6:15? Sounded like one of those huge horse flies that hang around piles of horse droppings..
ReplyDeleteMaybe we should just let it buzz instead of swatting it. They don't live long anyway.
ReplyDelete¨Game Change¨ also said sarah was so mentally unbalanced they hid her condition from McCain and the White House.
Props to the ¨almost son-in-law¨ who refused to bow his head to sarah´s whim. Levi showed the world sarah was all bark and couldn´t even muzzle a teenager. He stood up to the entire palin clan and all they could do in response is whine like you are doing now.
sarah craved the national spotlight after the election. She even wrote ¨I hate this damn job¨ numerous times when referring to being governor. I forgive her for being human, here. I would hate the job, too, if almost the entire Alaskan government found me incompetent and contemptible.
o/t but I believe Sally took those pics of Britta, and Chuckie is the one who leaked them. All Chuckie sees when he looks at Britta is how much money he can make off her pretty face.
Lord, sarah and Chuck, Britta is a human being - not your property.
You can attack the president. (Oh, not today?) You can attack Levi. Dare us to attack you? You're not important enough. Oops, there I did it. I'm so brave. I even signed my name.
ReplyDeleteThat poor woman. Will she be needing psychiatric rehab now? Will insurance pay for that?
ReplyDeleteAnon@6:15 AM said, [Um, you do remember that even the aides who spoke to the authors of Game Change DID say Sarah is a quick study and worked 24/7?]
ReplyDeleteUm, then Palin should have gone into acting because that suits her "talents" better than all those nasty details about domestic and foreign policy, other countries, north and south, and the difference between countries and continents, our American history, and so on. Palin has proved to be a quick study for those things that can advance her $$$$ interests: obviously the goal between 9/2008 and 11/2008 was in her interests more than all the boring details about being governor.
[So calling her lazy isn't exactly fair or adequate. Her performance was pretty expected. She's not stupid. She's literally from a state that people forget about, a state I imagine residents forget about the rest of America at times. So being thrust into the national limelight and being asked the same questions more seasoned politicos are asked OF COURSE would take a toll on her.]
You just admitted that Palin had difficulty with "questions more seasoned politicos are asked". No shit! And since when was Palin NOT also a "seasoned politico"? She'd been in city/state politics for 16 years when she was named VP nom.
And P.S. no need to denigrate the state of Alaska.Until I heard of Sarah Palin and her policies as governor, I enjoyed traveling up to Alaska and enjoying the sights of Mother Nature up there. Come to find out she's in favor of pollution, clearcutting, tundra destruction, and species extinction in her state.
[And losing takes a toll on anyone. The McCains retreated to their cabin for weeks after election night. Sarah laid low other than doing several interviews and trips. You have to take time to adjust. The difference between Sarah and other Race losers is, she had an immature almost son-in-law who felt the "need" to make a buck off her low. If that were any other politician, that boy would have been stoned.]
"Sarah laid low other than doing several interviews and trips." That's not laying low. When she FINALLY reported for duty in Juneau in Jan. 2009, her proposed 2010 budget was already overdue for delivery to the legislature; her staff (who did all the work) didn't get it to the legislature until late February 2009.
(continued, to Anon@6:15 AM)
ReplyDeleteWhy are you taking another smack at Levi Johnston? Unlike both Sarah and Bristol, he's been the gentleman about his relationship with the Palins, not responding to ANY of their insults over the past year and a half. I don't blame him for saving up everything he has to say for his book, though. The Palins have ruined any chance the fellow can get a job in Alaska.
[However, she came back quickly and had a productive 2009-2011. Her family is stronger than ever and she can basically do anything. More power to her. Fight those immature douchebags who think they know you Sarah! I know you, have for years, and you're an amazing woman.]
That's pretty damned funny... "a productive 2009-2011". Sure, she could be lauded IF she hadn't been an elected head of state, sworn to lead and represent the people who voted for her and those who didn't.
But she quit on them for the most specious of lies --"costly lawsuits", which weren't lawsuits, and none of them cost her personally except the complaint she filed against herself, for which she VOLUNTARILY hired her own lawyer. It's amazing that it doesn't penetrate a Palinbot's brain that the woman had TWO DOZEN ETHICS complaints filed against her in the space of only 30 months. The only reason most of them didn't stick was the whitewashing from her hand-picked Personnel Board.
[Cue the attacks on me in 3 2 1]
You're calling this REASONED RESPONSE an attack? I haven't called you any insulting names, or questioned your brainpower, sexuality, emotional stability or invoked the "jealousy" card, have I? I've noticed a lot of Palinbots do that, and you managed to avoid it except for the insults to Levi.
[Go ahead. I dare you to comment on my comment. You have no credibility and no maturity.]
That's called being prejudicial.
6:15 ATTACK! There! Satisfied?'
ReplyDeleteIt takes a douchebag to know one.
Have a nice day. :-)
6:15 AM. You're blaming the Quitter's inability to speak in standard English sentences - and every other thing she's done wrong, wrong, wrong - on Levi? Seriously? Wow. What a sad misinformed person.
ReplyDeleteWhat you Quitter-loving (and I suspect that that's literal in this case) bots never seem to "get" is that we know Sarah - via her multitudinous public statements - much better than you do, stuck as you are in your little puppy adoration thingy.
And as I've pointed out to you bots many times before: the use of the word "immature" automatically tags you as a junior high mean girl (regardless of your actual physical age). But, hey, Sarah herself is a total mean girl herself, so I suppose that you can't really help it. So sad.
6:12, and 6:24, Oh goody! Does this mean that it's open season on Track and Britta? Are they following in "The Grifter's" footsteps?
ReplyDeleteI notice in the IMDB credits for Game Change there is a role called only "Plump Woman" - could that be Mansour?
ReplyDeleteI see she couldn't quite get down Palin's bizzare cross eyes. LMAO
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is a lazy quitter who no one likes. She is the most hated politician in our country. She can't answer simple questions ("What do you read?") She is literally stupid. (5 colleges in 6 years.) She is a sick deranged narcissist with multiple mental illnesses who self-medicates with illegal narcotics. She faked a DS pregnancy for her nasty loose daughter. She is totally immature and even Piper is more grown up than Sarah. Her kids are out of control and her husband must see prostitutes. I honestly couldn't think of a person LESS qualified to be vice president let alone mayor or governor of ANY town/state. I guess that's why she had to quit less than halfway through her failed term. And this is just what the public knows about her; imagine the disturbing secrets she's managed to hide from the voters.
To sum it up sarah is a pathetic, sick, disgusting "human" being with a horrible "family" that's in total disarray.
@6:15 - Dare taken. You have got to be related to the Palins or just incredibly ignorant. She couldn't answer questions from people in the lower 48 states is your excuse for her? That may be the most pathetic defense I ever heard! "After all, can't expect them hillbillies from Alaska to know that Africa is a whole continent and such." With friends like you, Sarah doesn't need enemies! That is a hilarious comment you posted there!
ReplyDeleteHey sarah how's that less than half of half of half of .5% of the country who supports you thingy workin' out? ;-) I know the truth can hurt, but someone needs to tell you. America just ain't that into ya. You still can't seem to get over the stinging rejection from 11/2008. You were right about one thing: You aren't GOOD ENOUGH for America! Hell, you weren't even good enough for a Miss Wasilla beauty contest when you were in your prime.
ReplyDeleteUm, yeah. Losing does take it's toll, she's been practicing losing ever since.
One would think she should have recovered by now but the pus filled sore keeps festering, why is that?
Levi is just like Sarah. God showed him a door, he knocked, and it opened, and as a reward he was blessed abundantly for being a true believer. Has he ever, once, publicly bashed Bristol? Called the mother of his blessing a "gnat"? Did his mother ever exploit Bristol for her own gain, then kick her to the curb?
Nice Try with the premptive "Go ahead and attack me, you're all immature" tactic.
Jealous much?
May I fluff your pillow?
Another teacup of coolaid, dear?
Is it sweet enough? Or shall I add more sugar? May I dab the sweat from your brow? Wash your feet?
See, there are compassionate liberals who care for the weakest among us.
Go ahead, try and attack me.....
3....2......1.... I'm rubber you're glue.....
sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me!
Jeebus, folks, they're like herpes, the gift that keeps on giving.
@ anon 6:15.... Wow who knew Levi had THAT MUCH POWER over Sarah! A green teenager somehow made poor Sarah's life hell when the poor dear should have been relaxin' somewhere after the presidential campaign. The lady sure can't cope with petty little problems. How do you expect her to preside over the United States as president, when she can't cope with a 2 month presidential campaign and an outspoken (?) teenaged boy?? The U.S. is having a few major problems right now in case you haven't noticed. Palin would curl up in a fetal position if she had to deal with real problems and attacks on her like the president of the U.S. ALWAYS does- no matter if the president is a Democrat or Republican.
ReplyDeleteJulianne Moore is a natural beauty, innately intelligent and a very good actress. I can't imagine how hard it was for her to prepare for this role.
ReplyDeleteShe put more into this than Sarah did in her whole lifetime.
Would be nice to have a side by side comparison of the two, Julianne is older than Sarah, and looks stunningly beautiful.
@6:15 AM
ReplyDelete$arah Palin IS dumb. The McCain campaign LIED when they said she was a "quick study." Why would they come out and admit that she was an idiot? It would reflect badly on John McCain. And, um I do remember that Steve Schmidt, and other Mccain people have openly admitted after the election, that $arah Palin is indeed a fucking idiot. Talking about how her eyes would glaze over, when they were trying to teach her stuff! Hahahaha!
If she was so smart, why was the McCain campaign so fearful of letting that idiot anywhere near reporters? It got so bad John McCain sat in during a couple of interviews with her, because she couldn't be trusted. It was like he was baby-sitting her. $arah Palin is only a quick study when it comes to repeating talking points. Face it. The woman is dumb.
The bitch couldn't even answer simple questions, like "what do you read?" Because the bitch doesn't read!
Don't blame Levi J. $arah Palin dragged HIM into the national spotlight. And, $arah Palin, being the immature woman she is, happily let her feud with a teenage boy play out in public. Any other sane politician would have ignored him. But $arah Palin is not sane.
$arah Palin IS lazy. She quit her job. You consider that productive? And, her poll numbers have continued to drop like a rock. Her second book bombed, her t.v. show failed, her propaganda film is a failure, Bri$tol's book is a failure. America despises them...$arah Palin can do anthing...except be president! Palin and her family are not happy, and they are WEAK! There!
We know $arah Palin. We don't even have to meet her. She is a terrible person.
THERE! I answered your stupid comment. What are yo going to do? Slap me?
Both you and $arah Palin are immature douchbags with no credibility of maturity. You're not fooling anyone.
P.S. 6:15 AM
ReplyDeleteYour excuses for $arah Palin are lame. There are lots of smart people from Alaska. $arah Palin just isn't one of them. And, not everyone loses their fucking mind, because they lost an election. The bitch was way in over her head.
Anon 6:15...come out, come out, wherever you are!
ReplyDeleteIn other words, stop hiding behind 'Anonymous' then you MIGHT be taken seriously.
@Anonymous 6:12 am
ReplyDeleteEspecially since I was the one who tipped them using Gryphen's post a day before they ran the story:
Do not attack Levi. He seems to be the smart one when it comes to the Palins. They are a bunch of evil idiots.
ReplyDeleteHere is a question for Anonymous 6:15 AM: If, as an Alaskan, she probably forgets about the rest of the USA at times, why would she, or ANYONE ELSE, think she is able to govern the entire country?
ReplyDeleteOh, and another question: Why is it not fair to want any and all candidates for a national office to be able to answer all the questions that the "more seasoned politicos" can answer? Shouldn't all serious candidates have equal capabilities?
Sarah Palin's enemy list
ReplyDeleteSo, yes, for being a mavericky rogue, she's actually stalwartly consistent. Which is just what we look for in a president.
6:15 You are full as shit as usual. Stop blaming Levi - he's a good young man! Bristol got pregnant because she wanted to at least once or twice. Sarah is an idiot and in no way works 24/7. What a bunch of bullshit. Too many folks know her record in Juneau as quitter governor and she certainly was NOT a hard worker.
ReplyDeleteTo the Palin-loving troll at 6:15 AM, who--every day--is among the first to respond to each and every post that Grpyhen makes, indicating that she (it's definitely a she) is preoccupied with visiting this blog, you remind me of a schizophrenic desperately trying to convince others that your delusions are genuine.
ReplyDeleteYou are so deluded that you cannot recognize how everyone views you with a tinge of pity and disbelief.
In every post you make, you cling to the talking point that "I know the Palins, you don't even know them," but the only person who believes that lends credibility to what you say is YOU.
I'm starting to get the sense that the person you are most trying to convince is yourself. If you really cared about Sarah Palin and her family, you would divert the considerable time you spend hanging out at Immoral Minority toward something more constructive on their behalf.
I just find it very strange that you apparently feel you are engaged in a worthwhile, serious effort to defend Sarah blog comments. I find it bizarre that you think the posters at Immoral Minority are your idol's greatest threat second to Levi Johnston.
What happened to trigger such wrath against Levi? Did he spurn your advances?
As for your assessment that Sarah is "not stupid," when you write sentences that include nonsensical phrases such as "a state I imagine residents forget about the rest of America at times," it casts doubt on your ability to provide a valid assessment of who is and who is not stupid.
I also find it interesting that you, who say you know Sarah, exhort her to "fight those immature douchebags." Apparently, your inside knowledge allows you to reveal that Sarah Palin reads this blog and its comments and thus will feel heartened when she reads your comment here.
Oh, and I'm sorry I didn't get my "attack" in within the three-second time-period you like to count out with each of your posts. I'll try harder next time to be quicker about it, just like you try hard to be quick in responding to each of Gryphen's posts.
I cannot believe Sarah has people on her staff doing things like this and like writing letters to the editor on her behalf. It's so juvenile.
ReplyDeleteP.S. You do realize that all your defenses do is set it up for Sarah Palin to be attacked, with all your assertions refuted with such precise details that anyone who might (huge might) have been convinced by your full-throated defense of Sarah Palin only becomes more solidly convinced that the claims Gryphen makes about her are true?
O/T, but I simply HAD to share, LOL!:
WHOA!!! All of a sudden the baby will be coming a whole month later???
The character assassination on Levi is sooooo transparent. Didn't a judge bash the Palins for trying to do the same thing to Molly when she and her husband split. One minute these guys are hardworking members of the family who work their butts off (who Sarah writes reference letters for), then once they are no longer in the fold, they become poachers, rapists and child abusers!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDelete...So being thrust into the national limelight and being asked the same questions more seasoned politicos are asked OF COURSE would take a toll on her.
She's is the one who "didn't blink." She jumped into the national limelight. According to her, she was "a seasoned politico", fully ready for the responsibility of being a heartbeat away from running the country. So, no, she had no excuse for not being able to answer a question like "what do you read"?
And losing takes a toll on anyone. The McCains retreated to their cabin for weeks after election night. Sarah laid low other than doing several interviews and trips.
People were wearing "Where's Sarah?" buttons before she was ever picked for the VP slot. And John McCain was one of 100 senators (and if needed, no doubt would have been available in any number of ways). Sarah was "the" governor; sorry, she had a job to do and didn't do it, before or after the election.
You have to take time to adjust. The difference between Sarah and other Race losers is, she had an immature almost son-in-law who felt the "need" to make a buck off her low. If that were any other politician, that boy would have been stoned.
Are you completely insane?! You are suggesting that only Levi was out there making a bit of cash? Records show Bristol has exploited her moment of fame (and her son) far more than Levi, and Sarah far more so than either of them. And both of them have said, repeatedly, far worse things about Levi than he ever said about them.
But you are saying that Sarah was so overwhelmed by a teenage boy (that she threw onto the national stage) that she couldn't function?!
And you bring up stoning! You think Levi deserved brutality like that?! Of course you do. Vindictive, vengeful, rage-filled Sarah is your hero. You are a vicious idiot, like your goddess.
However, she came back quickly and had a productive 2009-2011.
If by that you mean that she abandoned the state and people that she had sworn an oath to serve, to get out there and make as much money as possible and take advantage of as many people as possible, then yes, I suppose you could call that "productive."
Her family is stronger than ever and she can basically do anything. More power to her. Fight those immature douchebags who think they know you Sarah! I know you, have for years, and you're an amazing woman.
Really, you claimed earlier in your post that she was nearly brought down by a teenage boy. Make up your mind, fool.
And her family is not strong and neither is Sarah. The kids have an array of problems including crime, substance abuse, and psychological issues. Sarah is so thin-skinned she cannot let the slightest criticism go by. She is completely unfit for any office.
Cue the attacks on me in 3 2 1
Go ahead. I dare you to comment on my comment. You have no credibility and no maturity.
6:15 AM
1) You deserve to be critiqued for your foolish comments. I notice this is your new closing phrase. How Sarah-like of you! Anyone who criticizes you is "attacking" you. That attitude is incredibly immature.
2) Your illiterate, ungrammatical yammerings are hardly a hall mark of maturity and credibility. Neither is daring someone to respond to you, and calling any such response an attack, in advance.
You certainly have mastered your queen's whining, weakling, victim mode.
Sarah is a complete and utter loser in every way. As are you.
There. I "dared."
Sarah is offering to help the media (looking for a new job field) because she CLAIMS to have a degree in journalism (or is it communications)-----Like so many others I find it heard to believe that she didn't quit college. Does anyone know if she really does have a college degree?
ReplyDeleteBachmann may GET migraines, but she also GIVES them!
ReplyDeleteWell 6:15 a.m. trying to pre-empt criticism, even legitimate criticism with name calling is, itself, immature. Project much?
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Julianne went full retard. That's hard to come back from.
ReplyDeleteWell, 9:43am, you know how it is with those Palin babies. Details around timing, marriage, parentage, pregnancy, medical history, and birth are all trivial. Such details change with every change in the political climate. The important thing is that there be no choice but to bring forth another mouth into this world to increase over population. Also too important - Sarah helping to clean up the state that is so sorry today of journalism.
ReplyDelete6:15am wrote, "So calling her lazy isn't exactly fair or adequate."
ReplyDeleteSo calling Sarah a "quitter" is fair and acceptable. Also too, I have known Sarah for years, and she's an amazing narcissist. Go ahead, 6:15am. I triple dog dare you to comment on my comment. You have no credibility and no maturity.
"Anonymous 943am: "WHOA!!! All of a sudden the baby will be coming a whole month later???"
ReplyDeleteWhoopsie!! Looks like Britta forgot to check with Quitta to see if she would be permitted to announce her baby on time. I mean really!!----what mother-to-be (without severe mental challenges and a fake pregnancy) doesn't find out at a prenatal appt by month 5 when her baby's due date is? It's not something that changes late in pregnancy!!!! It's calculated by measurements and menstrual cycles. DUH, Sarah! You control freak!
Now of course there will be an additional month after the birth for spin, hand-offs, power plays, and pandering for $$$$$$$ for the first "newborn" photos.....when the kid has already been out of the womb for weeks. What a predictable bunch.
I sure hope Britta has a good therapist on speed dial. She'll need one after a couple years married into this bunch of loons.
Very nice idea. Everyone was supposed to lay off of Palin as she had a tough campaign for a few months???
ReplyDeleteThat why she was out there with Matt Lauer, Greta van Susterin hour after hour after T.V. hour. Shoving her moose chili and moose hotdogs down every ones throats because it was "exotic" for the reporters but basic Alaskan feed for the Tundra tart and her family.
Levi told it like it was. More power to him.
Sarah Palin has a toilet tissue thin skin.
Waves/ Hello Sarah.
She erased all her music and just listened to Sarah Palin speeches?
ReplyDeleteShe might want to donate her brain to the Center for Traumatic Brain Injury. I'm sure there has been irreparable damage.
What will Sarah have to see when she sees what this movie gross's.
ReplyDeleteWill this be a tv special or in the theaters first and when?
I can't wait to see it.
Someone in Alaska has to know what Willow is up to. Is everyone being quiet for Sarah's sake. She was taken out of school and is homeschooled at the compound. How do we know. She could be out of town with mono like Bristol was. I have never seen parents who send their kids out of town while in high school for months or hides them somewhere.
ReplyDeleteIs Willow even tweeting these days. You can usually find out stuff through Facebook, but they change their names so much, you would never find them.
No-one on the planet speaks SP word salad...
ReplyDeleteJulianne will earn her wage trying to dumb herself down trying to learn word salad...
OMG, how I feel for this poor actress trying to mimic the screech combined with the crazy word salad...
not to mention the makeup and tacky wardrobe to look as low rent as paylin...
OT... Track and Britta just made the cover of People Magazine announcing their baby.
ReplyDeleteWell, let the money roll in...