Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell takes Newsweek to task for their Sarah Palin puff piece.

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  1. angela5:16 AM

    And that is why Newsweek in folding . . . To try to boost their readership they put a fake on the cover with a stroke piece between the failing pages.

    Ahhh Sarah, they have to light you right and not ask any hard questions, huh? Palin is such a poor sad silly sack.

  2. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Maybe Murdoch put pressure on Tina Brown (didn't she take over Newsweek?) to highlight his "star idiot" I thought Brown was more intelligent than to put this loser on the cover, especially when they need sales. Newsweek and Time keep sending me offers for subscriptions at very low rates. After years of subscribing, I cancelled four (one each for myself and my son to each magazine) I wrote and told them why - Rove and Kristol were hired to write for them. I was disgusted, they are just like Faux "News" partisan.

  3. Anonymous5:28 AM

    The cover should read: "I can has cheezburger". She's ridiculous! And 3+ year old polls to claim she's still relevant? And what about Shawn Christy? I thought that was the reason she quit. Have you heard anymore about the sexting scandal Gryphen?

  4. jadez5:32 AM

    Lawrence O;Donnell is THE best we progressives/liberals have in the media.

    heads above maddow who outside of gay rights never has had a SINGLE progressive voice on her show EVER!

    and heads above keith because he Lawrence was the insider for many years and brings that to his observations which are spot on.

  5. Anonymous5:32 AM

    OT,,,, Mercedes Johnston is answering questions like...

    3) Again. for the umpteenth time in two years I have been asking this question…WHY DOES LEVI HAVE A HOSPITAL BRACELET ON in the pictures with Trig? I am smelling BS and I am NEVER wrong.

    Well I have to admit that I had never seen this picture before, and at first was just as confused as many of you. However the other day Levi happened to call and I was able to ask him about it. He identified it as a picture of him with Tripp at the hospital. I don't know why people believed it was Trig, but it's not.


  6. Anonymous5:33 AM

    5) What do you think accounts for the difference in size between the Trig that is shown being held by the Heaths in the hospital corridor and the Trig that you are holding in the Palin house two weeks later?

    I can not give an answer for that. It might possibly have something to do with camera angles. Or maybe there really is something going on about which I am still completely in the dark.

  7. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Mr O'Donnell, In my opinion, should be looking at the ethics complaints....I think that Andree McLeod, and "Celtic Diva" Linda Biegel were employed by Sarah Palin to file the Ethics complaints to provide the excuse so she could resign the Alaska Governorship.

    Gryphen, you may think I'm crazy....but that is what my "spider-sense" Is telling me.

    Thank You

  8. Anonymous5:42 AM

    The funniest bit in that Newsweek "interview" was when Palin said - about the Republican field of candidates -

    "Thank goodness the field is not yet set. I think that there does need to be more vigorous debate. There needs to be a larger field. And there’s still time. There’s still months ahead, where more folks can jump in and start articulating their positions.”

    There needs to be "vigorous debate", huh, toots? Well, why don't you get in there with your mad debatin' skills and mix it up?! There's "still time"? OK, well, get in there! You've got the raging fire in your belly, right? What's stopping you?!

    What a sad bullshit artist. Sad in that her bullshit is so transparent. The people who send her money are a really special kind of stupid.

  9. Newsweek was our class "textbook" in my high school Current Events class in the mid 1970s. I subscribed to it as soon as I was out of high school and held the subscription for 25 years... now it is it just a pathetic shadow of what it was. John Meacham was the beginning of it's demise. Now it reminds of how a cheap overseas firm buys an unused but iconic American brand name and runs it into the ground by fooling consumers - kind of like the old Packard Bell PCs. Newsweek should have died a dignified death.

  10. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Again with the quote about no ethics violations being found...SERIOUSLY?

  11. GBIllinois5:50 AM

    The question I have is why is SP doing this piece with Newsweek at all? I thought her contract with Fox was "exclusive". This and her not appearing on Faux News for over five weeks seems to indicate she's been cashed out by them. Without that cover is it open season on her? Liz Trotta's anti-Palin rant recently on Fox might be a sign of things to come as well. Let's hope they take her down before they themsenves get taken down in the hacking scandal.

    I wish I had invested in Orville Redenbacher stock last year, there may very well be a popcorn shortage this summer.

  12. A little O/T but I noticed in the video clip at 4:42 that the RAMpire is wearing a scarf! Uh oh!

  13. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Despite the great article about Murdoch, I will NEVER legitimize Palin by purchasing ANY publication in which she is written positively about.

  14. Lawrence forgot to mention that the sentence about the ethics complaints is also very incorrect. Why won't the media correct that misconception about the ethics complaints? They give Sarah a pass over and over, never doubting her version, which is easily disproved by actually looking at the specific facts publicly known about those complaints.

  15. Anonymous6:12 AM

    I love LOD and hope he keeps pounding the crap out of her b.s. until, once and for all, she's outed for the fraud politician and faux/wannabe reality star she really is!

  16. lilly lily6:18 AM

    Next stop for Sarah. Cosmo. With an airbrushed cover, fake books and fake cleavage, and "MY SEX Secrets Revealed."

  17. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Props to Lawrence O'Donnell and his staff for catching the subtext of the closing paragraph: that Granny P DEMANDS an ass-kissing, toe-sucking, groveling hymn of praise to her special wonderfullness before she agrees to an interview.

    I especially liked L O'D's call out to the author of that piece as a whore, without actually using that word.

    Am I correct in recalling that her "80%" favorables were gotten by asking 500 people in Wasilla?? Yeah, I bet those numbers would have been WAY lower had she asked the residents of Juneau.

  18. BAustin6:23 AM

    I still think she'll hold out for more PAC donations as long as she can, announce a run, and back out due to family/Trig issues. Then she'll milk the fundie speaking/book circuit.

    It always comforts me to watch Lawrence emphatically state that she won't run. I really really want to believe him!!!

  19. Anonymous6:24 AM

    There is nothing in that article or in those photographs that looks presidential. What we have is a woman starved for attention, and no self awareness. The story about Todd realizing that the price of his beef jerky went up is exactly how someone with a D in Economics sees the economy. The photos look like Sarah is still trying to regain her rightful title of Miss Alaska, even though that moment passed years ago.

  20. Nan C6:36 AM

    Re the "spidey sense" of a previous commenter, a good many of those ethics complaints were filed before Palin even took the national stage.

    Further, that "suspicion" ascribes a clairvoyance to Palin that the Republican candidate would lose to Obama. She's canny, but she just ain't that smart. I mean, she's still trying to beat Obama, one way or another. Did anyone actually tell her "your team LOST" - ?

    Further, it's an insult to the two women mentioned as having been "hired by Palin."

    Just couldn't happen that way, sorry.

  21. Anonymous6:42 AM

    My memory is that Palin resigned immediately after it was found that her legal fund was found to be illegal by the Alaskan ethics board.

    I still think there is a very clear connection between that finding in late June 2007 and her resignation about a week or so later.

    She was ordered to return the money - about $390K. Has she?

    I remember at the time thinking that was a smoking gun and she cut a deal to resign in return to having the fund problems swept under the carpet.

    It's funny how after she resigned we never heard another word about that legal fund.

    To have Newsweek say all her ethics charges were dismissed is 100% bullshit.

    She negotiated on several of them and I still believe her resigning as Governor is related to the findings about her legal fund.

    The timing was very, very suspect in my opinion.

  22. Anonymous6:44 AM

    All Newsweek was missing was a centerfold of SP

  23. PolitiFact | Sarah Palin says price of Slim Jims has risen 169 percent recently, TRUTH 2.8% PALIN LIES HAVE RISEN 166.2% http://t.co/alsrIuA

  24. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I made a copy of Sarah in her "elephant grey" shirt shoving her boo-bees out, for a political cartoon and labeled it, "ARE THESE GIRLS PRESIDENTIAL TITS OR WHUT?" LOL

  25. erica from dallas6:57 AM

    I wonder if Sara's fake chest was produced at the same factory as her fake belly.

  26. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I work with tourists in Juneau, and what a BIG difference in questions about Sarah. After the VP run in the summer of 2009 I had about 20 comments or questions a day. Last summer about 5 per day. This summer a big old goose egg per day. If I do get a question it is from people who don't like her and just want to get the scoop from an Alaskan. The other day I had a non English speaking family from India, and I would hear Sarah Palins name ... then... laugh, laugh, laugh, then ... "... Russia from her house ... laugh, laugh, laugh. I asked them what the word was for dumb in their language ... I can't remember it now .. needless to say. I'm feeling much better that no one is asking about her like they were in 2009.

  27. Anonymous6:58 AM

    To continue on about Palin. Her movie will not be shown in Alaska -which was just announced in the Anchorage newspaper today.

    I suspect the reason being: It is full of lies and would be torn apart by the bloggers that know her history so well in Alaska.

    I'm sure it will be negatively written about in the lower 48 - but, Alaskans know her better than anyone. She was proven to be unethical by our State Legislature, although she constantly denies it - she was anti native people - she did, in fact, lose some of the lawsuits that were filed against her and had to repay money, etc.

    The woman is a farce!!!

  28. Anonymous7:07 AM

    G-Man - I rarely go to RW sites, but this thread is funny...even Palin fans here are starting to think the photo's are photoshopped because they are so bad..in fact, the thread is hilarious..they start thinking she's really a man..


  29. Anonymous7:07 AM

    I'm going to try again - for some reason, my message did not go through.

    Another thing about Palin - it was announced in the Anchorage newspaper today that her movie will NOT be shown in Alaska.

    I suspect the main reason for not having it shown is that the bloggers in Alaska (who know her best i.e. IM, Jeanne/Mudflats and Shannyn) would address every lie that is uttered or shown throughout the film.

    Plus, I suspect they know the Alaskan attendance would be minimal.

    The woman is a farce!

  30. Enigmaplanner7:08 AM

    Newsweek still doesn't get it. Sarah Palin is yesterdays news. It's too late for political rehabilitation for Wasilli Vanilli! She won the AK Gov job by default, not because of her managerial experience in Wasilla as mayor, or her less than stellar energy qualifications. She relyed on backers to fund her Gov's campaign while only using $1,500 of her own money. She then used her standing as AK GOV and a hoax of giving birth to a child with a disability to vault herself into the seat as McCain's VP choice. Since then she has done nothing but fill her pockets with other peoples money whilst playing the perpetual victim. Newsweek. dispute that! I expect their next cover of her with the words FRAUD!

  31. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Did Sarah buy a house in LaLa Land too?

  32. Anonymous7:16 AM

    The Palin family really blew it. - As a longtime Alaskan, I chose to live here for many reasons, including the generosity of heart that most Alaskans have. Palin was over her head when she became Governor, but Alaskans from all spectrums tried to help her. She could have coasted through her term, forever known as a maverick Governor who beat Gov. Murkowski, saved face and really looking good as a person and a politician. She could have made a million dollar book deal, and charged high prices for her speeches. - Instead, she chose to go down in history as an idiot.

  33. Anonymous7:18 AM

    5:32 Rachel "never had a progressive voice" etc. But what I really like is when she has conservatives and tears their arguments to shreds. That's way more satisfying than surrounding yourself with yes-men.

  34. Anonymous7:21 AM

    I think it's pretty obvious that Sarah Palin is being propped up by powerful forces in the media, and that the supposed bad relationship she has with them is a mutually concocted fiction.

    She's certainly not smart enough to be doing this all by herself. Someone is pulling the strings here. The scary question is, why? Why is all this expense and effort being taken to prop this woman up?

  35. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Well, that does it. I am not voting for a centerfold for leader of the free world. :)

  36. wakeUpAmerica7:22 AM

    Why did he slide past the obvious lie that she wasn't found guilty of any wrong-doing from the ethics complaints? WTF????

  37. That 3 year old poll might not even be correct.
    In Blind Allegiance, Mr. Baily told how they would gin the polls to reflect well on the Gov.

    I might just quit my subscription to Newsweek. I've had enough.

  38. imnofred7:25 AM

    LOD was great in picking apart the inconsistencys in this article which was definitely pro-Palin.

    I'm sure that the tone of the article and the faux modeling pics were part of the deal in order for "the chosen one" to do the interview.

  39. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Where's The I Know The Palins Fairy Troll? We're waiting to hear how happy they are today or is this your day off.

  40. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Abuse of Power is a crime.

  41. Newsweek printed that ALL of the ethics charges were dismissed?

    That is the best evidence that this "article" was paid for by Koch Bros or similar ilk, purely to promote the the brand, not objective truth.

    Wow - Newsweek deserves to fold - epic fail.

  42. ibwilliamsi7:49 AM

    Two thought's on LO's piece.

    When quoting the first time from that paragraph, why does he let the disinformation that all of the ethics complaints were dismissed slide?

    Here's to hoping that some of the sycophants who buy the rag for SP's cover (thinking all the while that it makes them sophisticated enough to read Newsweek) will read the Bernstein article. Meh - not likely.

  43. laprofesora7:50 AM

    The sad thing is, if Newsweek had really investigated the disaster that is Scarah Paylin, THAT story would have been worthy of the cover. And it could have saved Newsweek's integrity. As is it's just pathetic pandering.

  44. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Funny, Andrea McCleod is still filing ethics complaints, against Parnell and his administration. I don't see him quitting his post!

  45. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Sarah says there needs to be "vigorous debate" amongst the GOP candidates. Why doesn't she have the fortitude to openly declare, instead of tease, get her fanny up on that stage and engage in that "vigorous debate" with the actual GOP candidates? Because she knows they'd make mincemeat of her! Even Bats#%t has more cred than Palin, and more courage.

  46. Ann K.8:14 AM

    I'm sorry that Lawrence O'Donnell didn't also point out that the claim that Palin was cleared of wrongdoing in all the ethics cases is NOT TRUE.

  47. O'Donnell may not think that Palin is running but Greta thinks that she is:


    Of course, this could be a clever way in which to force Palin out of the Fox fold.

  48. I agree totally with Jadez @5:32 a.m. LOD is the man. I watch him instead of KO. Sometimes watch KO later. LOD uses a scalpel to cut people like Palin, while KO uses bombast, outrage and hyperbole to get his point across. I like both, but LOD really nailed it last night. I believe that someone is paying Newsweak to print the Palin Puff Piece, but I can't imagine who. Unless Newsweak wants to go out with a spectacular flourish, I can't see anyone thinking that Palin has a chance - except her bots. (And to think, I was once a long-time subscriber.)

    And Palin looks like a tranny.

  49. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Maybe Bristol with the scarf is trying to imitate RAM with her scarf.

  50. Anonymous8:40 AM

    This is a little off-topic but I'm going to try and post a link to a picture I ran across of "Trig".
    It's taken Oct. 24th 2009 when Palin was campaigning in Pennsylvania.
    WHAT Trig is this??
    Light fine hair, fine features and what appears to be light gray/blue eyes. This little guy's eyes are NOT cross-eyed at all. What really stood out are his perfect ears, not the bat-winged, pointed, weird shaped ears of Sarah's and the "other" Trigs.

  51. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Perhaps with all the men's clothing, Sarah is deciding to come out of the closet.

  52. My sixth sense tells me something is very fishy about the Newsweek cover and fawning story.
    Remember how angry SP was when Newsweek used a picture of her in her running shorts (the pose she did for "Runner's World where she draped the American flag over a chair)?
    Palin screeched about it for days, and practically made a federal case out of it.
    I think Newsweek was threatened (Van Flea?) and the magazine promised her a photo shoot and fluff piece for which she would have complete control - she would get to pick the photos and edit the copy.
    What to do? For starters, print the words "Murdoch's Watergate" above her head (on the cover) and send a photographer who encouraged her to jut out her chest and pose in front of some wires that look just like puppet strings are attached to her.

  53. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Bachmann is prettier Sarah---face it.

    Her huband has a job and he is the head of the house (like a good fundamentalist family);

    Her children have educations (nor has anyone had vivid details on her 15year old loosing her virginity/or being put on birth control pills);

    She is a better wife, mother and sex symbol!

  54. Anonymous9:51 AM


    I doubt that Newsweek was threatened over the Runners World cover. She talked and talked about it for days to draw attention TO it. She probably loved that cover and wanted people to see it. What better way to get people to look at the cover than to make a huge deal about it and get it reported on several news cycles.

  55. Anonymous9:52 AM


    Perhaps with all the men's clothing, Sarah is deciding to come out of the closet.


    RAM and Greta are both dreaming about this!!

  56. Bristol's "book":
    Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #2,986

  57. @8:40 Wow--that is not a Trig that I have seen before. It doesn't look anything like the others.

  58. A tiny part of my brain wonders if Newsweek and/or the photographer are pranking Palin. For some reason, I keep chuckling today over the image of Sarah scolding Todd: "Tawd, quit buying the FANCY beef jerky, or you'll use up your weekly food allowance before the end of the week."

  59. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    QUick question, Where's Trig's birth certificate?

  60. Anonymous10:42 AM

    LOD knows that to run for the president, and to file with the FEC, you have to have an organization in TWENTY STATES. That's right. 20 STATES. Palin would need to open a new PAC in order to run for national office; she can only use the funds in SarahPAC for travel, not for ads and other campaign items.

    The truth is, there are only 15 months left to campaign for the 2012 election. That's not enough time for Palin to get an organization going in 20 states, and LOD knows it. The serious candidates have put down roots everywhere.

    Why aren't more people reading the FEC rules and discussing this? fec.gov Read: Campaign Finance Reports, for starters. Palin has done NOTHING towards hiring staff in 20 states. (It cannot be volunteers only!)

  61. ManxMamma10:47 AM

    Anon 8:40. I think that is a mislabeled picture. The clothing doesn't match the child that Willow is holding. On the other hand, those are some of the worst pics I've seen of $arah. Not very attractive at all.

  62. Anonymous10:52 AM

    way OT but there is a great little comment section over on greta van suster, whatever her name is, greta wire site.
    It's a thread/poll about wether $carah will run for 'president'.
    The comments are deluded as usual but it's kind'a fun, in a sick sort'a way, going toe to toe with the mouth breathers.
    Lot-0-sea-0-piss regulars in there...LOL


  63. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I am so mixed on this. A part of me wants Sarah Palin to get the nomination and be destroyed. Because a full vetting of Sarah Palin would be really ugly. And the flying monkeys would be exposed because everyone would be watching them and those people are crazy. It would be like a televised McCarthy or Duke running for president.

  64. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Her and Toad love each other so much and are so devoted to each other that they never wear the symbol of their devotion and loyalty. They're wedding rings.
    I guess sense they complain about the price of a slim jim then rings would definitely would be to expensive. Blah ha ha.

  65. Anonymous11:59 AM

    @anon. at 8:40

    That's not Trig in the picture. He was only 6-7 months old (snort) at the time and this boy is much older, maybe around 2 years old.

    He is probably the child of someone in the audience who brought him to Sarah. He reminds me of the adopted son of a politician and his wife who supported one of Palin's post-governorship $100k speeches at religious conventions. Can't think of their name.

    Remember the controversy when a magazine writer mistakenly called that couple's son "Trig" in an article? He was playing with Piper, so the mistake was easy to make.


  66. imnofred12:25 PM

    To Sarah "vigorous debate" means her firing salvos via Twitter, FaceBook, and Fox News without ever having to answer any questions.

  67. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I'm the 8:40 poster that linked to a picture of "Trig" in Pennsylvania. This little boy does NOT have DS features (IMO). His mouth is very attractive and delicate, with thin lips and it is closed without a protruding tongue.
    His clothes are different than the Trig that Willow is holding. Could be the photo was mislabeled as poster 10:47 said and this was a child from the crowd that was handed to Sarah for a photo. (Not that I've EVER seen her embrace other people's children) I'm going to keep looking for other photos of "Trig" and see if can find one with the same shirt.

  68. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Why does he call this flattering photography? She looks stupid, like she is 50 and posing for senior pictures!

  69. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Anon @ 5:28:

    "The cover should read: "I can has cheezburger". "

    Hey, hey, hey...don't associate my favorite website with the likes of HER! It brings me joy and a chuckle every day, unlike the Grifter who only brings me a headache and heartburn!

  70. Anonymous3:52 PM

    You know one thing that I've noticed after researching photos of "Trig" is that in most of the pictures the poor little guy is drugged out of his gourd.
    How much Benadryl or NyQuil did they have to give him to be comatose and lifeless at all of the raucous noisy events?
    This is child abuse pure and simple.
    Arrest the bitch.

  71. Over Inflated4:01 PM

    With the Newsweek photo spread, perhaps Palin's movie title should be changed to:
    "The Uncleavaged".

  72. Anonymous4:03 PM

    The baby in blue on the airplane with Willow looking crossed-eyed resembles the blue-eyed baby in the October 24 2008 Pennsylvania picture of the blue-eyed delicate featured "Trig".
    Damn...my head hurts.

  73. onething7:10 PM

    Lawrence O'Donnell makes me realize that our media is not completely lost.

  74. Anonymous7:43 PM

    My spidey sense is Sarah is batshit crazy if she thinks this was a "good idea".
    Larry is great at what he does, Notice how he snuck in a photo that isn't in the fluff piece, the photo in Pella, with RAM wearing the "disco era, figure flattering" black mourning scarf. Just to show the difference in breast size, without having to address it and be called "sexist".

    Loves my Larry, Rachael, and Keith. They all have different approaches, but do a fine job at showcasing the right's hypocricy.

    I missed this episode, thanks for the link!

  75. Anonymous8:53 PM

    "Thank goodness the field is not yet set. I think that there does need to be more vigorous debate. There needs to be a larger field. And there’s still time. There’s still months ahead, where more folks can jump in and start articulating their positions.”

    There needs to be "vigorous debate", huh, toots? Well, why don't you get in there with your mad debatin' skills and mix it up?! There's "still time"? OK, well, get in there! You've got the raging fire in your belly, right? What's stopping you?!

    What a sad bullshit artist. Sad in that her bullshit is so transparent. The people who send her money are a really special kind of stupid.

    5:42 AM

    Agree with you! Excuse me for saying this, but Sarah it is time to shit or git off the pot! You are so full of it!

  76. This may be yet another reason why Mrs P can't yet commit. She had to wait for this edition to come out or NewsTweek might have to run a glamor piece on all the candidates. Now there's a job I wouldn't want. Imagine Newt stretched out on a chaise alongside the pool coyly holding a beach towel and then pity the poor scribe who has to write something nice about him. Egads!!

  77. rmclement20016:36 AM

    To Jadez @ 5:32 - That's a total misrepresentation of Rachel Maddow's show - you must not have watched her very often. She's right up there with O'Donnell in doing in-depth coverage of numerous issues, with guests to back her up.


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