Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sarah and Bristol Palin prove we learn what we live.

Are there any among us who doubt that THIS...

has EVERYTHING to do with this?

When we are raised to believe that appearances are everything, and it feeds our insecurities about ourselves, is there ANYTHING that we would not do to feel comfortable in our own skin?


  1. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Yes, this is definately what we want in the White House. Don't forget Willow and Track and of course Todd who would really be the president.

  2. FloridaDem3:04 AM

    It's actually common for kids to become the OPPOSITE of their parents. But kids like Bristol who are very close to mommy, who are raised to be DEPENDENT, will often come out like the parent, instead.

    Sarah raises dependent children. There's no doubt about that. Bristol was uneducated and pregnant, and her income and quality of life depended 100 percent on mother's money and fame. Track, got bailed out by mom, shoved into the military. Willow, she's following in place. The only hope is Piper. If Piper gets away from this family, and goes to a 4year out-of-state college, then she'll likely be independent and self-sufficient. (Not only that but her politics will likely be different as well).

  3. Anonymous3:34 AM

    There is no doubt that Sarah & Todd have been neglectful parents.

    When I first saw pics of Bristol after her *jaw surgery* I noticed that she now had eyebrows shaped the same as Sarah's. Did anyone else notice this? I find it to be a odd shape and have always thought that Sarah's were tatoo'd. It is just so strange and sad to see what Bristol has morphed into. Please someone in that family try and save the other chidren.

  4. Anonymous3:42 AM

    I swear to God Sarah Palin is functionally retarded.

    "Divorce Todd? Have you seen Todd? I may be just a renegade hockey mom, but I'm not blind!"

    Yes, that is her OFFICIAL reponse, which I got via phone at 5:35 this afternoon. Take that to the bank.

    Lord she actually put it in print.

    “That day in sunny Texas when the divorce rumors were rampant in the tabloids, I watched Todd, tanned and shirtless, take the baby from my arms and walk him back to the ranch house so Trig could nap while I made calls,” she writes in "Going Rogue," the much-publicized memoir out Tuesday. "Seeing Todd’s blue eyes smiling, I chuckled. ‘Dang,’ I thought. ‘Divorce Todd? Have you seen Todd?’”

  5. Anonymous3:46 AM

    Sarah and Bristol Palin are two very rich, but very foolish women.

    Sarah Palin is unsuccessfully trying to dress and act like a woman half her age, while Bristol looks like a woman in her late 30s early 40s (depending on the camera angle) at the tender age of 20.

    Money can't buy class, nor true inner-peace.

  6. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Bristol still has to learn the "sticking out tongue" trick.

  7. Anonymous4:02 AM

    The brazen hawking of their bodies for money is sad. Now they seem to be in a sorry competition..."my three year old is cuter than yours." My chest is bigger." "My book sold more copies." "I have more magazine covers."
    "I own the bigger house that I never intend to live in." They are sick.

  8. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Pretty much a prime example of what NOT to do as a parent. Bristol learns what she saw growing up and experienced. She saw that ignorance, arrogance, and narcissism paid off for Momma ice sex kitten so she's following in her footsteps.

    Why get an education? Why learn to actually speak? So much easier when you can wink, flip your hair, and get plastic surgery to attempt to look better and it PAYS!

    This is the problem: the dirt bags that PAY these failure clowns. And it's simply because too many Americans love witnessing a tragedy in process.

  9. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Yeah, although I'd have to give Sarah the "win" on this one - at least her "falsies" are removable! Bristol's, not so much!

  10. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Looks like Bristol is about to use her favorite word: the F-bomb! She and her mother are the opposite of classy, elegant and intelligent. Yet their homely, nasty faces are STILL all over the gossip sheets (including Newsweek) and the internet. There is something seriously wrong here.

  11. I think Bristle's obsessive need to cover her neck/chest/stomach area has everything to do with body image issues, and her mother is the obvious source. My father was one of those parents who made painfully critical comments about his teenage daughters. I have never forgiven him, because he has never shown the slightest remorse (or introspection; he's another narcissist)about the emotional abuse he dished out to adolescent girls. From what I've seen of Sarah's interaction with her daughters, I suspect something similar.

  12. Anonymous5:07 AM

    I have been of the opinion the drastic surgical alteration of Bristol's 20 year old face signifies deep issues. There are many choices for men and women to look their best.

    I observe these two not availing themselves to means to vary their look, dress in flattering clothing, overall to present a bigger picture. It seems they depend on medical intervention to enhance their looks still appearing for events in ill fitting and distracting attire more like costumes then enhancing their good looks.

    Palin wearing a suit with clunky cheap looking stripper shoes demonstrates objectifying femininity and sexuality as whore category. It signals women are objects for sex and bartering sex for $$.

    The irony is during the campaign Palin had a broader appeal and viewed as good looking and hot dressed with taste, chic, feminine etc.

    I wondered if Sarah who denies reality dismissed Bristol's huge weight gain on tv and convinced her that her face was the problem.

    Sad to see the mother sinking lower in the Newsweek photos. Women running around in hoodies love the look.

  13. Anonymous5:09 AM

    I don't see how people are saying Sarah believes appearances are everything. She goes out of her way to dress herself down. She could EASILY do the beauty queen thing, lose the glasses, and play up her looks to get some REAL attention. She doesn't. Bristol could easily invest in a gym membership and hire a fulltime stylist. Yet she jokes onfacebook when discussing outings etc and says "hahaha I'm so a fat kid for life. " and talks about her love of popcorn with a friend who equally loves it.

    Again, you use one bad picture with the intentions of hurting the people you attack. Just think. How do you think it makes Michelle Obama feel (deep down) when people mock her fight obesity campaign with fat pictures of her? Yes she may put on a strong front and ignore it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. IT ALWAYS HURTS. Just like when people called Bristol a cow during dwts. No one understands other people's biology or weight issues. Everyone is different. When you create a post like this, you only rile up more hatred amongst the immature masses, signaling to the world that it's ok to take potshots against people we blindly hate, even when there's no good reason to.

    I pity you all, truly. But then I laugh when I think about how happy Bristol is currently and how miserably your lives are in comparison. I laugh because I KNOW what I'm talking about. Because I take the time to meet and get to know people before judging them.

    And trust me, people who rarely wear makeup and can endlessly laugh at themselves are the people we should praise, not mock in a biased manner.

  14. Anonymous5:11 AM

    It just dawned on me that Sarah must feel very insecure about being compared to her daughters. (Where is Willow, btw? Seriously.)

    I bet Sarah is quite competitive with them, as they probably are with her.

    Bristol probably fantasizes about sustaining the level of public profile her mother enjoys (like it or not, it's pretty much constant, at least for now). Won't it be weird if Bristol ends up being in our faces for years and years and years?

    Have to get coffee. Have to shake off that nightmare...

  15. Anonymous5:29 AM

    I'd say that since lowlives set around idly commenting and picking apart every detail of people's faces and bodies (but only people they don't like or they are jealous of) confirms that YES, appearance matter to civilization as a whole.

    But thanks for trying to play the liberal "we love everyone just as they are" card. No one of sound mind is buying though. We've all read your disgustingly sexist comments and seen your chosen bad pictures of those you're trying to personally destroy.

    Ugh, At least you admit you're an immature bastard. Because if you were trying to prove yourself otherwise, you, my sir, epically fail.

    If appearances didn't matter, designers wouldn't run the world, newscasters wouldn't look perfectyl and unnaturally coiffed and painted on tv, botox wouldn't have been created.

    The creator of makeup and these scientific beauty perfecting processes created these things because the idea popped into his head. Why is that? Could it be because MEN desire women who are all look, no touch? Or because without makeup, women look like men, they look human?

    With all the ridicule women naturally receive as a response to any and everything, I'm shocked more have not commit suicide. Men wouldn't last a day in a woman's prada pumps and THAT speaks volumes.

    If you ever get the chance to meet Bristol, and I hope you do, She's a lovely girl, you will be meeting one of THE strongest people you've ever met. No joke. Sarah Palin could only raise strong children. That's the environment she grew up in and fostered. Strong family, strong personality. People who pull no punches and say what they mean.

    What, you imagine them differently? Well, that doesn't surprise me considering your opinion of them derives solely from your imagination. I pity people who live infantasy worlds and make it their goal to seek others destruction. And that is exactly what Gryphen's goal is people. Sad. I"m praying for you.

  16. Anonymous5:31 AM

    FLDEM, huh? how many kids do you know who are opppsite their parents?

    Yes Sarah raises dependent kids. Ok. Then why did all her kids work. Willow currently works despite her parents money. Bristol grew up doing major chores for cash. Nothing was given to them though their basic needs were met. Dream on with your little Palin fantasies if thats what helps you sleep at night. I know truth.

  17. Anonymous5:34 AM

    The brazen hawking of their bodies for money is sad. Now they seem to be in a sorry competition..."my three year old is cuter than yours." My chest is bigger." "My book sold more copies." "I have more magazine covers."
    "I own the bigger house that I never intend to live in." They are sick.

    4:02 AM

    Wow, this comment literally proves you all live in a fantasy world where you dream up ridiculous conversations. I feel a little ashamed that I come here. I also feel ignorant for reading that. God Bless you Bristol and your confidence to take the world by its balls and shove it in your pathetic haters' faces.

  18. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Wait until Piper hits puberty! I have a feeling she will be a little hellion, look at the examples the older ones have set. Plus, watching her behavior on the "Bus to Nowhere" trip, she is a pushy, self-important snot.

  19. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Oh wow, Anon @ 5:09, I really shouldn't bother but I can't resist.

    Sarah Palin doesn't use makeup? She doesn't tart herself up to look more attractive? Bristol didn't just disfigure herself in an effort to look more glamorous? Really?

    Michelle Obama is a real woman, a beautiful woman. I wouldn't worry yourself about her feelings. I think she can ignore any hurtful comments just fine.

    You imply you know the Palins personally? Or did you meet one of them at a book signing, for a fleeting nano-second?

    Don't be too upset when we focus on the Palins and their self-promotion. They wouldn't have it any other way ;-).

  20. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Insecurity is posting endless model shots of yourself on facebook practically begging people to comment on how beautiful you look in them. WHY ELSE would 19 year olds post such things? People who are of legal age should be seeking to live productive lives that dont revolve around such vanity things. 13 yr olds lives are more typical of this behavior. My friends and I comment on people like this. We end up feeling sad for them.

  21. Anonymous5:42 AM


    How much are you getting paid to write that? I could use some of that $$.

  22. "And trust me, people who rarely wear makeup and can endlessly laugh at themselves are the people we should praise, not mock in a biased manner."
    This made me laugh. Sarah wears more makeup in one day than I have worn in a decade. Bristle is never without her "face" anymore, not to mention the hair extensions. Neither of them has ever been seen laughing at themselves. All we see is their constant whining and trashing of other people. You obviously don't KNOW what you are talking about. But then, that's what makes you a fairy tale troll. You know what I know? I know that I would undoubtedly think you are an idiot if I met you in person. As for the people that I do know, who have actually had interaction with Sarah, gee, their opinion of her is about the same as mine. As in Sarah is an asshole. And a chest thruster. The people who "know" that the Palins are wonderful people and oh so happy are, A)on her payroll for thousands of dollars a month, or, B)have never met her. Which are you?

  23. Anonymous5:47 AM

    5:09 "how miserable your lives are compared to Bristol's" Surely you jest? She is 20 years old, unmarried with how many children? She has resorted to mutilating her face, and probably her body trying to fit in in Hollywood. What is lacking, apart from MORALS, is TALENT, she has none of either. The money WILL dry up, since her book sale tanked, maybe once her reality show is cancelled she will wake up but I doubt it. Her parents should have paid more attention when she was promiscuous at 14, her brother knew why didn't they? Maybe they just don't care, and that could be the biggest problem of all in this dysfunctional family. Where is TRIG, remember him?

  24. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Bristol still has to learn the "sticking out tongue" trick.

    3:50 AM

    What makes you think Bristol has not mastered that Palin family woman trait of "sticking out tongue" trick behind closed canvas tent flaps?

    Levi, Gino, Ben and others may have already been on the receiving end of this family skill handed down from Sally Sheeran to Sarah Heath and now to Bristol Palin. Hopefully Bristol does not pass these skills down any further.

    As an underage teen, Bristol has been brought up to fulfill the needs of the opposite sex and she has had years of experience with Levi to develop her family skills.

  25. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Sarah and Bristol's outer appearances are just a manifestation of whats going on in the inside. These women are not mentally or emotionally mature/healthy women. Anyone who alters their appearance, without the absolute need to do so, needs a psych evaluation. Then to lie about it, even worse. At least if you're going to do it, own up to it BRISTOL! That's what pisses everyone off...not the fact that you had work done (I think more people are concerned with your mental stability than anything else), but the fact that you didn't own up to. If you're gonna do something as unnecessary as to alter the face that God gave you (remember, this is the face She wanted you to have), then be the Valley trash you are so proud to be and own up to your actions. That is why most people hate Sarah and Bristol. Stop pretending to be something you're not, own up to your actions and stop being fucking hypocrites, girls!

    P.S. No amount of cosmetic surgery will EVER make either one of you attractive. Have a lovely day!

  26. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Willow is still dealing with the new baby. :)

    Wonder who will end up raising it?

  27. espresso4me5:58 AM

    Bristol's mother thinks she (sarah) looks young and sexy, but then, she is deluded. She also thinks her changeable A-Cup to DDD-Cups fool everybody...but then again, bristol's mother is a crazy person.

  28. Anonymous6:00 AM

    5:09- "goes out of her way to dress herself down" ??? the purple hooker boots, the red FM sandals, the pump me up bra and all the crosses and Star of David necklaces...this is what you call dressing down?? "Rarely wearing make-up"??? Your joking, right?? If Sarah is so damned happy then why is she always so vindictive and lashing out at every little thing? Happy people don't do that.
    Bristol is too lazy to go to the gym or even work out at home, she proved that on DWTS when she was gaining weight..sad for a 20 yr old with the money to look her best but only concentrates on changing her face, happy people don't do that.

  29. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trig's birth certificate?

  30. Anon says: I pity you all, truly. But then I laugh when I think about how happy Bristol is currently and how miserably your lives are in comparison. I laugh because I KNOW what I'm talking about. Because I take the time to meet and get to know people before judging them. 5:09 AM

    And yet you "know" that we're living miserable lives. Interesting. How do you know that? By taking "the time to meet and get to know" us before judging us? No? So you're not just an idiot, but a hypocritical idiot, right?

    I'm sure it's not worth my time to try to educate you, but the fact is that you made your statement based on WHAT WE HAVE PUBLICLY SAID. You know, exactly the basis on which we have judged Sarah and Bristol.

    What a maroon.

  31. Anonymous6:07 AM

    O c'mon 5:09 is Becky. The fat defense and makeup comment gave it away. She should have added - and not shaving, but what the heck.

  32. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Anonymous said...

    ".... Bristol could easily invest in a gym membership and hire a fulltime stylist. Yet she jokes onfacebook when discussing outings etc and says "hahaha I'm so a fat kid for life. " and talks about her love of popcorn with a friend who equally loves it.

    5:09 AM

    Who are you trying to kid? Saying that "Bristol could easily invest in a gym membership and hire a fulltime stylist" sounds like you are saying that Bristol has great work ethics. You seemed to have forgotten that in the history of DWTS, Bristol is the only one to have ballooned up live on national tv while everybody worked hard and dropped weight.

    Loosing weight by going to a gym and working hard is not in the Palin creed. It is easier to pay somebody to cut it out, suck it out and enhance it. Palins do not have long term goals, they just live for the moment.

    Education is the key to success, but that takes hard work. The Palins prefer short term reality money.

  33. Anonymous6:11 AM

    5:09- I don't think you need to worry about Michelle's feelings, she's a strong beautiful real women who doesn't need to fake her way through life or bitch and be the victim of every little thing said about her. It's called being mature and classy, something Sarah know nothing about!

  34. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Anonymous said...


    How much are you getting paid to write that? I could use some of that $$.

    5:42 AM

    That was Willow, she forgot to say her sister is HOT.

  35. Anonymous6:16 AM

    5:09..oh yea the Palin's are such a happy family they can't even stay together for the 1 week family bus vacation..hahahaha They all split except for poor bratty Piper and Sarah's enablers, Mommy and Daddy. Where was Trig on that happy family vacation???

  36. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Probably over half the male 'bots fantasize about having them at the same time.

  37. GBIllinois6:20 AM

    @ The Palin Bots--

    This is the funniest shit I have seen in years!!! After SP is resigned to the shit can you might want to consider a job in Hollywood writing for Leno.

  38. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Gryphen, this post has brought out a lot of wise words from your readers.

  39. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Anon. 5:09 - It is pitiful, isn't it, that we all stoop to make fun of one another? We shouldn't. Like Sarah, making fun of John Kerry's long face. Or, calling some men impotent because she doesn't agree with them? Or her kids calling others names on facebook because they don't agree? Or Bristol Palin showing unappreciation of Mrs. McCain and daughter Meghan, insulting them in her book.

    If anyone hires Newsweek to interview them and agrees to a photo shoot, then in my view, they are looking for visual attention. It scares voters to think they may be more interested in pimping out their look than what they have to offer. When SP said she wouldn't "blink" about accepting VP nomination, with it came the cherished responsibilities of presenting herself as a sane balanced serious candidate. Not some celebrity wanna-be. She knows media and her voting base are impatiently waiting for her to announce, but she seems to have this disturbing need to sell her image on magazine covers. She is stuck on image.

    People now want to know what she has to offer as a viable candidate. Clothes, hair, makeup, and wardrobe have had their place; now she needs to demonstrate her intellectual capabilities.

    No one hated SP or her family. Well, I speak for myself. She threw the first nasty personal hurls from the moment she came on the scene. People don't usually warm up to humans who say they have a servant's heart but show they have a stingy hurtful to others' heart.

    Most people who have been handed an opportunity like the Palins by the McCains would have taken that great opportunity and sowed it into the ground so it would multiply into a hundredfold harvest. All we see is photos of daughter Bristol and mother posing and nothing much else.

  40. Anonymous6:23 AM

    @ 6:09

    You could also add that it's never about the means, it's always the end with these people. I think celebrity is all these people have ever wanted, and they don't care how they get there, hence getting there by way of politics.

    If I recall correctly, back in the Elan Frank video (may have been GVS?), Piper was drawing in the kitchen, and she was drawing about being on the Disney channel, and Sarah commented on it in a strange way. Also, I vaguely remember Sarah saying some snide comments about how the Obama girls were going to be guest starring on the Disney channel (it was either during the campaign, election or immediately after), and if they could, well, why couldn't Piper? Anyone else remember that? It's always been about celebrity with these people and fitting in with Hollywood (another example of her snideness and spite, Ricky Hollywood comments about Levi). The Palins are the HATERS and they are just jealous of everyone who's ever made it in Hollywood, because that's where/who they want to be.

  41. Anonymous6:30 AM

    5:34..Miss I Know The Palins Fairy Troll- Why do you come here? If we all pretend we know them personally and write the same BS you do would we be on Sarah payroll also too?

  42. Anonymous6:37 AM

    6:22- excellent comment..POSERS is right!!, magazine covers, book covers, photo shoots. Selling that image but when you dig deeper there's Nothing inside the package.

  43. Anonymous6:44 AM

    @ 6:02

    Forget the BC, where's TRIG?

  44. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Having seen her mother wink, flirt, and lie her way to big money has seriously distorted Bristol's world view. She thinks that if she is "pretty" enough, she can get away with anything.

    What a shock she will have as her plastic face fails to open Hollywood's doors. Of course she will blame the "haters", not her own poor judgement and lack of talent. If only she had invested that money in an education.

    I will be interested to see if the other girls are able to escape the whirlpool of Palinworld chaos, blame and fear.

    I hope in ten years time Bristol can look back with sympathy at her younger self, knowing how crazy her mom is. Right now it looks like she has completely "bought in" and is a willing pawn of Granny P, sadly for her. At only 20, she is already becoming an old, bitter woman.

  45. Anonymous6:45 AM

    The Newsweek layout was hardly presidential, bad move, Sarry. And what? no centerfold? I guess that will be next, this was just a teaser. She's a pro at teasing. And QUITTING.

  46. Anonymous6:47 AM


    The reason why Michelle Obama is considered sexy, other than her obvious beauty both inside and out, is that she has CONFIDENCE--something that the Palins (strangely enough) don't have.

    They are self centerted and egomaniacs, but they have no real confidence in themselves.

  47. Anonymous6:50 AM


    Willow--is that you???

    Yeah, the Palin kids work. Right.

    "major chores for cash". Right. Yeah, most kids have to do chores, its part of gowing up and being a responsible family member.

    We hear that Willow works and that Bristol works. yeah, right.

    Get real.

    Oh, and YOUR job? Writing blog posts defedning the Palins? Like I asked before, how much are you getting paid to write that fantasy stuff?

  48. Anonymous6:56 AM

    I don't care how much money they spend on cosmetic surgery. They are still ugly..inside and out. Its sad when the only thing they think is important is appearance..how shallow. Surely, they are aware that the public won't continue buying their bullshit.

  49. Anonymous6:58 AM

    In response to the troll who knows the Paylins, your comment here has been duly noted and informed all of the readers that you are just another poor soul who has been dealt the "go over and comment about me on this site" task by the Paylins, thus proving what Bailey et al have suggested about Paylin and her tribe; they seriously cannot handle any criticism. Paylin is a weak woman with weak children and a weak husband, limp in her intellectual capacity and discipline required to see things through, and weak in pandering her perceived sex appeal (that is non-existent) and unwilling to grasp that she is the author of her own demise. She doesn't need any media filter to show the world just how vacuous and inconsequential she is. She is the victim of her own creation; her family also too.

  50. Well, I see the fairy tale troll is back. Mysteriously absent for the Newsweek thread weren't you? You know, the when where your idiot queen posed for picture after picture, staring vacantly around, not doing anything remotely intelligent or useful, and is rightfully being laughed at by anyone with a brain.

    Now about your current nonsense, Palin trowels on her makeup, she dresses up, albeit in a trashy, slutty way (Walter Reed with the purple velvet and hooker boots) when she should dress down, and dresses down when she should dress up (Belmont and the boobies). No taste or culture whatsoever, unlike the many intelligent, educated, thoughtful, accomplished Republican women out there (all of whom I disagree with strongly on political issues).

    As for Bristol, she is not strong at all, not in the slightest. No "strong" 20 year old willfully undergoes the drastic plastic surgery that Bristol has. No healthy 20 year old wants to look at a stranger's face in the mirror. No healthy, strong, confident 20 year old dresses so inappropriately, covering her body to such an uncomfortably strange-looking level in such hot weather. She clearly has some pretty serious body image issues. And you make it worse, by refusing to see her or her cries for help. To you she is just a prop to hold up your fantasy image of her mother. You are sickening. I don't like Bristol, and think (well, know from her own mouth and actions) that she is a liar and a mean-spirited, unpleasant young person, but I can feel sorry for her and the misery that must be at her core.

    Why would Michelle Obama feel bad about "fat" pictures of her? She isn't fat, she's fit and beautiful and confident. She knows how the President feels about her and there are plenty of photographs of the admiring, loving looks between them.

    Neither Bristol nor her mother "endlessly laugh at themselves", fool. They endlessly criticize and mock anyone who dares to criticize them in any way.

    I'll believe you give the tiniest shit about Bristol when I hear you express some concern for her clear psychoogical and emotional distress, you worthless turd.

  51. Anonymous7:12 AM

    5:29 Please don't pray for me- I was born right the first time. And I'm not judging on looks, I'm forming an opinion based on the written and spoken word (salad) from these two. And I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm really happy with my life, my kind of disheveled house and my strong, well-educated and compassionate kids.

  52. Anonymous said...
    God Bless you Bristol and your confidence to take the world by its balls and shove it in your pathetic haters' faces.
    5:34 AM
    Again with the increasingly creepy obsession with the Palin women's big old dangling balls, while Sarah herself verbally emasculates men at every opportunity.

    I wonder what happened in your past, fairy tale troll, to enable you to so easily jump on board with the Palin gals and their pervy sex images?

    You'd best check in with boss about your talking points. The balls one is beginning to sound just a tad unsavory, you know, with the constant emphasis and all?

  53. Anonymous7:21 AM


    Well said!

  54. Right. Who the FUCK lounges around in CARHARTT pants?!?!? A real 'Laskan woman?!?! Hell to the NO. They are the stiffest and most uncomfortable things on earth.
    A fitness hoodie, a pair of Carhartts, and loud sneaks. Nice combo, nice try Grandma!
    How's the running going? Or did you replace that with Adderall?

  55. laprofesora7:27 AM

    What in god's name would possess that girl to go out in public, in front of cameras, with her face like that? It sickens me. And you're so right, Gryphen, that picture alone tells you all you need to know about the Paylins. Sad, really.

  56. Anonymous7:31 AM

    To Anon @ 6:22

    Very well said! Thank you!

  57. Anonymous7:37 AM

    5:09, 5:29. You're on some sort of medication that you apparently did not take today. Or, you've got the Word Salad gene, same as Sarah's, which means you're a relative. In either case, don't bother stopping by here, please.

  58. Anonymous @ 5:09 AM said, ...And trust me, people who rarely wear makeup and can endlessly laugh at themselves are the people we should praise, not mock in a biased manner."

    You're certainly not talking about Sarah Palin here.

    When have you ever seen her look like this? http://www.koolass.com/palin.html

    And when has she ever laughed at herself? Not after her Paul Revere gaffe. Not after her clueless responses to Charlie Gibson, or Katie Couric. Not after Levi Johnston's claims about her sitting in her jammies watching "Bridzilla" and "Say Yes to the Dress".

  59. Anonymous7:53 AM

    The picture of $P posted at the top of this story is not the picture that appears on the cover of Newsweek. The picture on the cover has been severely photoshopped. Take a look at the her neck in both photos (you can see the cover on Yahoo - no need to actually buy the rag). It looks like two entirely different people. Who needs makeup when the photo can be touched up like this through photoshopping ? Sure, other photos of celebrities are photoshopped, but they don't claim that the photos are accurate and that they don't need makeup to look good.

  60. Somewhat OT, but related:

    I'm having more and more of a problem with our very own commenters constantly asking, "Where's Willow?", "Where's Trig?", "Where's Piper?" when they AREN'T tagging along with their mother.

    Then when those kids are accompanying their mother as props for her latest agenda, commenters will flip-flop and ask, "Why are Trig/Willow/Piper on this trip? She's exploiting them again!"

    Can those who keep doing this please stop? It's inconsistent, at the very least. Let's just stop talking about the Palin kids when they're out of the public eye, huh?

    (it's really none of our business if Trig is getting the therapy he needs)

  61. Anonymous8:07 AM

    5:09 AM,

    1. $arah Palin and her family liked the expensive RNC clothes, that they refused to give back. $arah Palin never uses her brain, because she doesn't have one. She's a bimbo, so she relies on the little bit of looks she has left. If Bri$tol was so confident about the way she looks, why did mess her face up? And if she is not shallow and superficial, why was she whining about Meghan and Cindy McCain having more hair-dressers, etc? And, seriously, who gives a fuck about her love for popcorn?

    2. O.K. Michelle Obama is not fat. Unlike the Palin women, her arms are toned. Michelle Obama has the right to "bare arms." Michelle Obama also hasn't altered her face, and does not have the same shallow, superficial reputation as the Palins. And, Michelle Obama uses her brains, not her looks. Oh, yeah. Michelle Obama is popular, the Palins aren't. FAIL for trying to lower the First Lady to the Palin's level. And, spare me. We don't blindy hate the Palins for no good reason. Get off your high horse.

    3. Right. Bri$tol's sooo happy. Whatever. And, you don't know SHIT about our lives. You don't know what you're talking about. Who the fuck do you think you are? You haven't met us, yet you're judging us. Don't worry though, I wouldn't want to meet you, or any of the Palins. You are arrogant if you believe most people would like the Palins if they met them, and got to know them. Yeah, right. Can you explain the people who have met the Palins, and still don't like them? I also doubt that you always get to know people before judging them. I pity you, because you're an asshole.

    4. There are serial killers who rarely wear make-up, and can endlessly laugh at themselves. Should we praise them, too? You're a fucking idiot. It's a free country. We can mock in a "biased" manner all we want. Just like you can come here, and kiss the Palin's ass in a biased manner.

    5. Fuck their feelings! The Palin Klan doesn't care about anyone else's feelings, why should we care about theirs?

  62. The funniest part of the article was when Piper calls and wants to cut her hair. Sarah admits that Piper doesn't listen to her, she only obeys her dad. I like Piper! I see a tell-all in her future. But by then I hope we've all moved on.

  63. Anonymous8:12 AM

    sadly spot on...the next photo could be poor little Tripp slumped over in a chair with a pacifier,

  64. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Sigh, fairybot anon, "dressing down" is her schtick. Meanwhil, she literally slatherers on the makeup. She wears glasses to cover up her crossed eyes (bonus for the sexy librarian/fool my stupid supporters that I don't care about my appearance).

    She had permanent makeup, she went batty over seeing Ivana Trump, she wears sexy shoes in the most wildly inappropriate circumstances.

    Everything Sarah Palin wears is part if the "I don't really care about my appearance but look how sexy I am" person she's fooled you with.

  65. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Sarah is feeling good this week. After Casey Anthony was found not guilty, sarah's no longer the most hated person in the United States. I guess she'll have to settle for number 2 again.

  66. Anonymous8:26 AM

    So what the kids work, fairybot anon? Are you really that ignorant you don't understand the difference between financial dependance (not that some piddly teenager job makes someone independent) and emotional independence? Let's be honest, the reason Bristol got pregnant (and I completely believe that she did it on purpose) us to break away from her mother. It's a classic case; happens all the time.

    Bristol got lucky in the sense that getting pregnant led her down the path to undeserved fame and fortune. Unfortunately, she's still completely intertwined with her crazy mother.

    In order to get Sarah's signature, you have to buy Bristol's book. Dependent? Bristol? Naaaaahhhhh.

  67. Anonymous8:26 AM

    KaJo said
    (it's really none of our business if Trig is getting the therapy he needs)

    8:00 AM
    I've really got to disagree with you on this one. It IS my business and the business of every adult in this country business that children are cared for. If the Palin's were poor Trig would already have been removed. Without therapies Trig will never live up to his full potential and in fact will not learn enough to even integrate into a group home as an adult, he will end up being physically aggressive because of his frusrations over his own inability to do things and to be able to communicate. Trig's future is pointing right at an institution, no life I wish on anyone.
    I do speak out of my experience of fostering special needs kiddos because their parents didn't see to their needs.

  68. Anonymous8:31 AM

    We're asking about Tri-G because he has been MISSING for months. If he is Sarah's son, then why didn't he go on the "family vacation"? Why haven't we seen them together in so long? His absence just proves that he is not Sarah's.

  69. Anonymous8:31 AM

    The only thing more pathetic than someone thinking Bristol and Sarah Palin are great mothers and confident, intelligent women is coming to a site that is frequented primarily by people who dislike Sarah and/or Bristol Palin and posting over and over about how you've met them, and they are the best people ever!

    It does not surprise me that the Palins might associate with people who have nothing better in life to do than defend Sarah on an Internet blog. I certainly don't hang around Obama-hating Websites all day defending him.

    And the daily repeated claim, "You shouldn't talk about Bristol until you've met her. I've met her and she's sweet," is getting really tiring. Do you have that on a macro or something?

    I know Michelle and Barack Obama, and they are wonderful people and everyone should stop attacking them.

    Okay, I don't actually know Michelle and Barack Obama, but see how easy that is and why it makes your repeated claim meaningless? Show the proof. Where are your photos of you and Bristol hanging out, ignoring Tripp together?

  70. Anonymous8:44 AM

    @5:29 AM,

    Look asshole, I've said many times Micheal Jackson went too far, with plastic surgery, but I still love Michael Jackson. Why would I be jealous of the Palins? They are uneducated grifters, who most of the country hates.

    Liberals do love people as they are. Just not jerks like the Palins, who have earned every bit of ridicule. We've all seen and heard your racist, sexist, homophobic rants. We are also aware of all your anti-immigrant, anti-gay, anti-minority, anti-woman, anti-poor, etc. LEGISLATION. It's you who is not fooling anyone. When you conservatives stop pushing anti-gay, anti-woman, anti-immigrant, anti-minority, anti-poor, etc. views, and your party becomes less white and less rich, then get back to me about which side is more tolerant. The Palins are not strangers of trying to destroy people, either. Troopergate, anyone?

    You are an immature bastard, coming here crying about hurt feelings, even though you're outnumbered. If you want to act like a grown up, stop blubbering, suck up the tears, and stop coming here, if you don't like what is being posted. Dumb-ass.

    Don't play the gender card. It won't work here. Most women are embaressed by the Palin women. Most women don't like $arah Palin. They are her toughest critics. Most women are not buying $arah Palin's phony feminism.

    For fucks sake! Fuck Bri$tol and her mother! We don't want to meet her! Meeting her wouldn't change our opinion of her! She's a vindictive bitch, like her mother! The Palins are not a strong family! They are so thin-skinned, and can't let anything go! Bri$tol mutilated her face! $arah Palin quit being a governor! $arah Palin is always claiming victimhood, and is too chicken to take on her critics to their face, so she hides behind Facebook and Twitter! None of them can handle any kind of scrutiny, either. $arah Palin did not raise strong children. Strong children know how to say "NO" to their boyfriends when they want to have sex with them. Instead, Bri$tol lies about getting drunk on wine coolers. If she were strong, she would tell the truth instead of lying. The Palin's don't pull punches? Hahaha! All they do is pull punches! They are so negative, divisive and combative! The Palins mean what they say? Really? I guess $arah Palin didn't mean what she said when was sworn is as governor. Plus, all they do is lie anyway.

    I think you are the one with imagination of the Palins being all strong and shit. Get off the drugs, please.

  71. Anonymous9:00 AM

    @5:34 AM

    Then stop coming here, asshole! Bri$tol hasn't taken anyone by the balls. I wish she would stop shoving her ugly chin in our faces! Even more, most of America want the whole GD to FUCK OFF! You can too, pathetic fairy tale troll!

  72. Anonymous9:18 AM



  73. Anonymous9:26 AM

    To all the bots here, defending the Palin family:

    The vast majority of the comments related to Bristol over the past couple of years have been people who are dismayed because of her behavior which clearly demonstrates that she is a sad young woman with a frightening lack of confidence, warped values and a desperate need for public adulation, very much like her mother. Nearly everyone has said that she was much prettier before she decided to become a Kardashian clone and that they hoped she would get an education and take control of her life for the benefit of herself and her son. She has done nothing but copy her mother's grifting ways, lying and showing her lack of class for the whole world to see.

    Sarah Palin has demonstrated, over and over again, that she is a deeply disturbed woman who has passed many of her anti-social behaviors and distorted values onto her children. A woman of her age who hopes to be taken seriously as a political force does exactly what her advisors recommended...go back home after her defeat and start studying and working hard. She should have completed her term as governor and taken the opportunity to learn something about governing, about our country and about the world. She chose, instead, to abandon the citizens of Alaska and go on a money-harvesting media binge. She is NOT someone to be admired or emulated and it is truly sad that at least some of her children are following in her footsteps. They all had extraordinary opportunities to make something of their lives and make a positive difference in the world and they chose fleeting fame and fortune instead.

    I am not jealous, I am not miserable but I do believe that Sarah and Bristol are perpetually overwhelmed by both of those emotions. They have both done irreparable harm to our country and our society and I, like many others, wish they would all just take their ill-gotten gains and disappear from the spotlight forever.

  74. Anonymous9:32 AM

    How long has it been since Sarah even talked about Trig? It was ok to bring him on stage with her when he was very young, but now that he is older, she does not bring him. Who is taking care of him and yes, is he getting special therapy, etc? And while we are at it, where is Willow. Last I heard she was taken out of school and is being home schooled. Why is she not in school with her friends?
    This is why Sarah will never talk with reporters, she knows Fox will not ask questions about her kids.
    And, why hasn't she been on Fox for over a month?

  75. Anonymous9:39 AM

    To the person who thinks we are picking on the Palin children, we are not. We are questioning Sarah and Todd's parenting skills since they believe they can turn our country into a fairytale country.
    This is the most disfunctional family I have ever seen. Three of their children will never see college, let along the other two. Can you see the Bush girls, Chelsea, the Kennedy kids, any other politicans children writing a book explaining their sexual escapades? Trashing a house with booze and sex going on, distroying school buses, etc.? And you can bet Bristol was not only drinking wine coolers, but probably smoking joints too. These kids were raised to do anything they want and mom would get them out of it. Since Bristol left Levi, she moved in an oil rigger into her Alaska house and kicked him out saying he was abusive. Now she is living with two men. Can't she afford an apartment while she is taping shows?

  76. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I have always wanted to know when the last time Sarah and Palin and her children attended church and if the two babies are baptized. Yes, this is important because everything Sarah says is in relationship to what God would want for her to do. Bristol is starting the God thing too now.

  77. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Concerning Willow "Why is she not in school with her friends?"

    Simple. She doesn't have any real friends. Even her (hot) sister hates her.

  78. Anonymous10:02 AM


    And the funny thing is Reagan and Nixon both wouldn't cut it in today's Teabagging republican party.

  79. Bristol's "book":
    Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #2,986

  80. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Funny thing about the whole "Divorce Todd? Have you seen Todd?" line.

    I have friend who WAS married for almost 20 years to a very beatiful, smart, fun woman. He was always telling us stories about these gay men coming onto him. His reply to these gay men was to take about a picture of his wife and say how could he give up THAT, 'cuz she was so hot.

    Funny thing is, he decided he was gay, divorced his wife, quit his job, and move across the state to be in a more tolerant community.

    I always, always think of that example when I hear "Divorce Todd? Have you seen Todd?"

    Sounds like somebody is overcompensating for something.

  81. Anonymous10:10 AM

    It's easy for Bristol to grab the world by the balls....well, at least somebody by the balls. They are resting against her giant chin most of the time anyway.


  82. Anonymous10:10 AM

    This is great as of today, Bill Maher just picked Michelle over Sarah.... I can't wait to read her tweets about the LSM.


  83. Anonymous10:11 AM

    What do you mean the Palin family doesn't wear makeup. Even little Piper wears makeup!!

    Grow up

  84. Anonymous10:17 AM

    You want to know a strong, secure daughter of a politican--try Chelsea Clinton.

    When her dad was in the White House, her knew some bad things were going to be said (White house dog quote-for shame!!).

    So, they sat down with her and they talked about absolutley everything that could ever be possibly be said about her and her parents. And together, they worked out ways to deal with them. She gained a TON of confidence and learned that she was still who she was and her parents were still who they were no matter what other people said.

    And gee, she didn't get knocked up, or rant on Facebook or anything. She got a great job, and her co-workers always said she worked much harder than anybody else because she wanted to show she desereved her job for her work, not for her parents.

    Now THAT is a family that is strong. No matter how you feel about her parents, SHE turned out right.

  85. Anonymous11:12 AM

    To Palin sympathizers and supporters alike - we aren't picking on Palin's breast size just to be haters (it's actually pretty cool she's never got a boob job) it's just that she's known for artificially enhancing her bust to get what she wants (I'll wear my push-up bra at tonight's city council meeting to get what I want)instead of using good sound, common sense policy arguments.

    Everything she says in this article is EXACTLY as she's said on the 2008 Campaign Trail - nothing learned. NOTHING, only in that as a (LOL) POTUS, she'd not conduct press conferences and only use her Facebook and Twitter to inform the public of what she is doing with the power we've entrusted in her and the public dollars she has access to.

    Look at the real Palin Boobs - it's a trim body, but that chest is practically concave. (Yeah, you'll have to look that up Sarah.)


  86. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Narcissistic mothers often remake their daughters into the image of themselves. It perpetuates the attention and the mini me reflects mother's self-image.

  87. Anonymous12:32 PM

    In the Newsweek cover photo, Palin reminds me of a poster for an old, old movie about pioneer women "heading West" It just looks old fashioned. Didn't Newsweek realise that if they told the TRUTH about this grifter and her dysfunctional family, they would have sold more copies? Having this on the cover is just digging their grave sooner and deeper.

  88. Anonymous1:19 PM

    "God Bless you Bristol and your confidence to take the world by its balls and shove it in your pathetic haters' faces."

    Sorry Sarah, but your daughter has historically been on the "face" side of that equation.

  89. I don't know if you are familiar with this great blog called The Perils of Palin. The blogger is a propmaker (I think), and illustrates her Palin stories with Barbie dolls all playing the parts of Sarah, Bristol, etc. One of her latest was about Bristol's book signing..genius to say the least.

  90. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Bristol looks like a latino in that picture.

  91. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Is Todd their pimp?

  92. Hey Slight Buzz, thanks for the positive comments about my blog, The Perils of Palins. Although some of the people in my small town call me "a bit strange" because of my weird hobby, the blog and the damn dolls keep me sane through the never-ending Palin saga. I'm currently behind in my photo shoots because summer is busy for me and I always have issues with props. The amount of work that goes into setting up a single photo shoot is much more than most people realize (certainly more than I realized when I started this sanity project). I'm trying to get another one done before I leave for yet another camping trip. I'm not quite sure when my hobby/sanity project turned into a job. I do know that my best source for current Palin eyerollery is here at Gryphen's place. I usually have to do some background research to get the props, captions, and setting right, but most of my current events posts come directly from Gryphen's timely posts.

  93. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Anonymous 3:50 AM said...

    Bristol still has to learn the "sticking out tongue" trick.

    That comes later.....after years of anti-psychotic medications.

  94. FloridaDem5:08 PM

    "Yes Sarah raises dependent kids. Ok. Then why did all her kids work. Willow currently works despite her parents money. Bristol grew up doing major chores for cash. Nothing was given to them though their basic needs were met."

    You directed this at me, so I'll answer. Chores for cash is not a life path for children. (I did chores too btw, only for FREE). Preparing a child to be an emotionally and financially independent adult requires investment in that child, not using her for a prop for your own career or as muscle when you run into some tough teachers in Homer.

    The result of Bristol being raised as a dependent child is the adult she now is: 20, barely a high school education, with a toddler, no partner, and no self-esteem. This is not "hating" on her, these are facts. Hate the facts, not me.

  95. FloridaDem5:13 PM

    Regarding the troll who talked about Sarah's glasses, claiming that by not losing them she is being down to earth, I'll remind you of these facts: The glasses hide her crossed eyes, and balance out her over-sized jaw. Sarah uses them as an accessory, that's why she has them.

    Hopeless, these trolls. But actually, it almost sounds like just one troll posting over and over.

  96. In the photo of 'Mom' her hands (no wedding ring) look like claws.

  97. Why does that cover shot of Mrs Palin remind me of Peggy Bundy?

  98. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Codependent whores of babble on.

    Two turds in a porta potty

    You're right, Gryph, children learn what they live.

    Love the self-righteous bots comments, they eat out of your hands, Gryphen! Which WAS your intent with this post from the start.

    And the fact that they pained their brains to write such long, shallow rants, doing exactly what they're rageing against is laughable!

    Thanks for adding hits to the site, bots! Not that we need your help, but thanks nonetheless!

  99. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Anonymous said...
    We're asking about Tri-G because he has been MISSING for months. If he is Sarah's son, then why didn't he go on the "family vacation"? Why haven't we seen them together in so long? His absence just proves that he is not Sarah's.

    8:31 AM

    You did not see Trig in Sarah's photo spread?
    He's right there standing next to her.

    Oh I'm sorry, my mistake.... thats a tree next to her.

  100. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Just remember, troll, Palin gave up a trip to South Sudan to witness a birth of a country for a Newsweek photo shoot. Which seems more Presidential to you?

    inside the beltway

  101. omg, I just noticed the chores for cash comment. SOMEBODY (I'm talking about a fairy tale troll who is impressed by kids who do "major" chores for cash) wasn't raised the way I was. We had tons of chores every day. We weren't allowed to go out and play on Saturday until we had weeded in the yard for at least an hour. And sure, when I was about 11, I started volunteering for extra chores if my dad would pay money, because my allowance was 4 bucks a month. I mowed the lawn with a push mower for 50 cents. I washed and waxed the Suburban for 50 cents. I didn't learn anything new about hard work, since I did that for free, but I did learn about the free market in terms of skinflints and wage slaves. lol. Imagine my surprise when I went to our local parade and a guy paid me 50 cents to hold his cool horse for a couple of minutes while he had to do something really quick. Anyway, in my house, I was not allowed to get a real job during the school year when I was a teenager, so the only way I could make a few extra dollars beyond my allowance was to do extra chores above and beyond the regular ones, knowing that I'd be lucky to make a dollar no matter how "major" the chore was. Now I see all kinds of kids being raised without regular chores, being given money whenever they ask, and thinking that they won't lift a finger unless somebody pays them. Unless the fairy tale troll can convince me (facts, not makin' stuff up)that all of the Palin kids did plenty of regular chores every day of their childhoods, without getting paid beyond a reasonable allowance, then I call bullshit on the oh so hard workin' family. I certainly haven't seen it. Most teenagers would KILL to work as a barrista. It's a "cool" job. And we know mom got Bristle the job at the doctor's office, probably by telling them their business depended on it. I do remember a couple of summers when I was a young teenager that my dad DID let me work (for a week). Guess what I was doing? Making espresso? no. Answering phones? no. I was picking beans and prunes and walnuts. Hard physical labor. And my first actual job when I was 17 and living with my mother was a motel maid. Anybody here think that any of the Palins would work as a motel maid? Me either. nuff said.

  102. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Is Bristol allergic to bees? Or maybe fish?

    Because the way her lips and cheeks are swelled up here it looks like she's having a severe allergic reaction to... something.

    It makes me worried if her throat is going to swell shut and she's going to die of asphyxiation just after this photo is taken.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.