Friday, July 08, 2011

More, very entertaining, public relations fallout surrounding "The Undefeated."

I don't know why people dislike this movie? I give the film, which is all about me and how awesome I am, two thumbs up!
This guy is quickly becoming my all time favorite movie critic, despite the fact that usually he is a conservative hack.

PR Execs Keith Appell and Peter Robbio -- the Tweedledum and Tweedledumber hired to "promote" the Sarah Palin fan film "The Undefeated" (Palin had nothing to do with the production, by the way, and isn't even interviewed in it) -- have been firing away at me in sputtering comments below. "You're done!" says Robbio, absurdly, spittle no doubt flying from the corners of his mouth as he tells his assistant to get him more coffee and plots his next, even more unprofessional, response. This guy needs to hire a damage-control firm to instruct him in the art of sealing one's piehole.

Nay, contra Robbio, I'm just getting started. (And no, I don't feel bad about adding the exclamation point as this is what publicists do in movie ads all the time. Have you ever seen an exclamation point in a serious movie review? Neither have I. Then why are the print ads always saying, "Hilarious! A masterpiece!")

Appell says I wasn't uninvited to today's screening of the film, the only one that has been announced for Manhattan critics. This is because, he says, I wasn't invited in the first place. I suppose this is true. Score one for Appell. Well done. Checkmate! It hadn't occurred to me that I wasn't invited, though, because it hadn't occurred to me that any PR exec promoting a film could be so stupid as to think he gets to choose which reviewer from this paper will review his film. (Appell and Robbio are having rage issues because I pointed out the very obvious flaws in "The Uninvited" in this piece .)
My senior colleague Lou Lumenick was yesterday invited to a screening of "The Uninvited." He passed along the invitation to me. We do this all the time. As all seasoned movie publicists know, when you invite one critic from a newspaper or magazine you have to invite them all. Appell is therefore saying that Lou was invited to this screening of "The Uninvited" -- but I wasn't. Like every other news outlet, we decide who reviews a movie internally. Publicists don't get to pick critic (a) because they don't like critic (b). Everyone in the business knows this, but Appell and Robbio, whose firm CRC Public Relations I'd never previously heard of and never expect or desire to hear from again, don't typically handle New York City critics' screenings. There are 15 or 20 PR firms we deal with all the time, and they all know what they're doing. CRC Public Relations is utterly bereft of a clue, up a deep brown creek without even a tennis racket with which to paddle. What's hilarious about all this is that Lou, who probably had a George McGovern bumper sticker on his lunchbox in college, is far less likely than I, a sensible conservative, am to see the wisdom in a Palin-praising documentary. The makers of the film, if they were wise, would find a clued-in and professional PR firm like Falco Ink or 42 West to deal with critics, but I suppose it's too late for that.

You know it just keeps getting better and better.


  1. Anonymous5:59 PM

    What Bristol Limited is not handling the PR? Did her license expire? Chalk up another QUITTER in the Palin clan.

    Let's see, Bristol QUIT high school, QUIT not having sex, QUIT nursing school, QUIT not having sex, QUIT business school, QUIT not having sex, QUIT her job as LMAO an office manager, QUIT not having sex, QUIT her pr firm, QUIT not having sex, QUIT her Alaska condo, QUIT not having sex, QUIT her Arizona house, QUIT not having sex...ROTFFLAUGHING what an ignorant slut.

  2. Last night, the pee zoo had a post up about this issue - they said that the reviewer was dis-invited because he "broke an embargo," not because he panned the film. The embargo was supposed to prevent anyone who pre-screened it to refrain from writing about it (OBEY THE QUEEN!).

    Anyway, a commenter pointed out that several other reviewers who had seen it on same day wrote raving reviews - they were even re-printed at pee zoo! No embargo for them, only for the one who criticized it!

    LOL - a shit storm ensues wherever scarah goes (or wherever he self-serving propaganda movie goes).

  3. some very interesting names on this public relations firm's client list... seems the NRC and the NRSC did some business with these guys;

  4. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Hah hah. Flack, meet pro.

  5. Anonymous6:34 PM

    If Palin wasn't Trademarked, would she get as big a cut from this piece of crap?

  6. uh..where's the wedding ring

  7. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I believe Sarah actually financed this film herself, but wanted it to appear that it came from an admirer. Knowing what she did during her govenor's campaign, pretty much explains she did. They said this movie cost one million dollars to make, which is just another one of Sarah's lies.

  8. Anonymous6:39 PM

    What? Hard ass worker Bristol's PR group isn't handling Sarah's unsanctioned bucket list hagiography?

    Typical of the Palin's to give jobs that require a high degree of professionalism and tact to the most incompetant and thin-skinned ass-kissers around.

  9. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Should change their name to CPR Public Relations.

  10. Dinty6:40 PM

    That's what you get when you hire people based on factors other than being the best at what they do.

    Off topic, WTF is with the wigs? That one is just really obvious. Is she losing all of her hair?

  11. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Looks like Todd was right.

  12. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Here's part of his original piece:

    “It’s rated X,” the director of the new Sarah Palin movie informs me as I sit down for an early screening of the biopic “The Undefeated.” I don’t know how I feel about this information. But I’m the first movie critic to see the film, so I sit back uneasily and hope I don’t have to witness any shower scenes starring John McCain.

    The two-hour Palin movie, which writer-director Stephen Bannon plans to show in Iowa in a “Field of Dreams”-style cornfield, is getting a lot of attention as the former Alaska governor tours the East Coast.

    Bannon promised the blog Big Hollywood, “This will go off like an atomic bomb” in the Republican primary season. Palin herself, Bannon says, gave the movie a big thumbs-up, though she didn’t participate in the making of the $1million film. She appears in it only in news clips and is heard in audiobook clips from her memoir “Going Rogue.”

    Relishing the attention as she mulled a presidential run, Palin last week swept through town on her “One Nation” bus tour. She had pizza with Donald Trump, then headed for New Hampshire on the same day Mitt Romney announced he was entering the race. She even snarked on Romney’s Massachusetts health care plan, calling the idea that government can force individuals to buy health care “not a good thing” and “a big challenge” for Romney to explain. Asked whether she could unseat President Obama, Palin said, “To put it concisely — yes.” Palin couldn’t have generated more excitement if she had called Anthony Weiner “my boyfriend” on her Twitter feed.

    So what does all of this mean?

    Not much, maybe.

    Moreover, “The Undefeated,” far from shaking up the race, is just a fan film from an outsider hitching a ride on her fame, hoping that attention from political reporters in the early primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina will provide a springboard for a national release.

    This would-be “Fairbanks 9/11” certainly blazes with passion — hosannas of awe for Palin, brimstone of scorn for her detractors (especially Matt Damon, standup comics and anonymous commenters who say mean things on blogs).

    But its tone is an excruciating combination of bombast and whining, it’s so outlandishly partisan that it makes Richard Nixon look like Abraham Lincoln and its febrile rush of images — not excluding earthquakes, car wrecks, volcanic eruption and attacking Rottweilers — reminded me of the brainwash movie Alex is forced to sit through in “A Clockwork Orange.” Except no one came along to refresh my pupils with eyedrops.

    I’d sooner have watched a Michael Moore movie.

    Any Michael Moore movie. Even “Canadian Bacon.”

    If you’re hopeful (or worried) that this movie is the secret trigger for a Palin relaunch, don’t be. Even if you fixed the blaring soundtrack and took out all the symbols of the cataclysmic evil opposing Palin (barking dogs, disaster footage, a closeup of Rosie O’Donnell), you’d still be left with a hopeless sputtering jumble.

    The busted logic and narrative chop of “The Undefeated” don’t suggest the phrase, “spirited new defense of Palin.” They say, “cyclone landed here.”

    News clips of Palin’s tenure in Alaska as mayor of Wasilla, chair of the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and governor are narrated solely by friends and allies. They keep telling us that she (a) adhered strictly to small-government, free-market conservative principles yet (b) used the full power of government to make people’s lives more splendid. For instance, Palin is said to be cutting both taxes and spending in Wasilla. Fine. A minute later she is credited with unleashing an economic boom there —by laying water and sewer lines and building roads that attracted national retailers. So which is it? Expansionist, or minimalist? Was she Wasilla’s FDR or Calvin Coolidge?


  13. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Let's not forget that this film was made with a budget of (cue Dr. Evil) "One MILLION dollars!"

    So it's bound to be a cheap ass piece of dreck.

  14. Sally in MI7:12 PM

    @Anon 6:39. If they really wanted to give the PR job to a thin-skinned ass-kisser, why isn't Bristol doing the work again? Plus, she'd work for a mere $100,000. AND she has friends at the View, so she could have been promoting mama's propaganda film along with her own virgin prop. If Sarah is not involved, how did they get private family footage to use? Sarah, you really have to become a much better liar if you plan to continue to enrage us past 2011. Either that, or get some therapy and start telling the truth!

  15. Pat in MA7:14 PM

    "utterly bereft of a clue" - LOVE IT!

  16. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Careful of the company you keep.
    the professional left's heroine....:

  17. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Bristol could not have been accepted into Nursing School. It takes 2 years of pretty much full time college courses, prerequisites, before one can even apply.
    The Nursing Programs here in AK are full, and the wait time for acceptance after completing the required courses is about 2 years.

  18. Anonymous7:32 PM

    When is this guy going to get a clue about Sarah Palin. I mean, so far he thinks the movie is stupid but does this Murdoch lackey still think she's the best thing since sliced bread?

  19. Anonymous7:47 PM

    What's with her showing her opposable thumbs? Don't monkeys, lemurs, and some frogs also have them?

  20. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Hi Sarah!
    Welcome back!

    Hey, quick question. Where's Trigs birth certificate?

  21. Anonymous7:54 PM

    I think it would be fun to have sarah pay me to promote her. It is just too easy to sabotage her under the guise of incompetence.

  22. And why would you want to make such a fuss about who can and can't see a film?
    It gives the appearance that they are expecting lousy reviews and are trying to control what is said.

    Sarah palin is a walking disaster.
    Her incompetence. She hires incompetent people.

    She has money, but not the intelligence to use it.

  23. Anonymous8:00 PM


    I agree with you and think also that Sarah's money is behind this. I also think she is the money behind all of the Organizing4Palin sites as well as gives money to C4P. It wouldn't be hard to disguise or indirectly give a donation.

    There isn't any way Sarah was not involved in this. The lies make me sick..

  24. Anonymous8:06 PM

    We went to dinner at a fondue restaurant tonight - the waitress was giving us cooking instructions & she said they use the "Sarah Palin Rule" on cooking times - "1 minute if by sea, 1 1/2 if by land, ya know, the whole Paul Revere thingy". Hahaha! She's turned herself into a joke.

  25. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Love your first commentor.

  26. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Here's the link to the only oneline story regarding Texas book signing (Fox News, of course):

    The scarf is out again(???) Is that so "see I wear scarves all the time even when its 100, I wasn't pregnant in Haiti"

  27. Anonymous8:20 PM

    That wig looks the cheapest yet.

  28. Olivia8:30 PM

    It's always fun to watch coservatives eat their own. And inevitably, they will.

  29. Anonymous8:35 PM

    8:13, there must have been NOBODY at that signing--they didn't even give a number! I figured if they did, it would be inflated, but the lack thereof is sure interesting.

  30. Gasman8:42 PM

    There are some people you DEFINITELY do not want to piss off.

    1. NEVER launch into a profanity laced tirade berating the audio engineer if you are in a recording session and in front of a microphone. I'll bet Casey Kasem wishes he'd taken my advice:

    As a long time audio engineer, I especially loved that one.

    2. Before you fire your IT guru, make damn sure that you task all your other IT people with keeping the sacked guy from getting back onto the system:


    3. NEVER try and bitch slap a film critic if you are working PR for a REALLY SHITTY film. Did Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber really think that they had the upper hand? How could they be dumb enough to not know that they were pissing on maybe the ONLY politically conservative film critic in New York? (However, conservative or not, the guy obviously doesn't compromise his professional ethics for the sake of political expediency.)

    If the film is bad, they should not have even had the screening. Lot's of bad films are treated this way. Since it is nothing more than campaign propaganda anyway, it might have at least contained a bit of criticism. Instead, this amateurish PR firm's ham fisted bullying is going to make the critics put just a little bit more of an edge on their shivs.

    I applaud the film. I say if it's about a shitty candidate then it SHOULD be a shitty film.

    Mission accomplished.

  31. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Sarah is too insane and needy, and Bristle too dumb and lazy, to get out of their own way. Have you ever in your life seen people make such a mess of things, and throw away so many missed opportunities with both hands like these two? Sometimes I just shake my head at how crazy bad these two f--k up their own lives. And trashy looking besides.

  32. dlbvet9:01 PM

    Wow. That picture of Mrs. P is really wild. I mean, I almost didn't recognize her cause the top of her head is flat. ?!?!?? Is this how she normally looks without that Bumpit thingy that everyone's always commenting about. Wild, truly wild.

  33. Gasman9:03 PM

    Anon @ 7:19,
    Kiss my ass. What leads you to believe that Jane Hamsher is "the professional left's heroine?"

    I'm more liberal than Jesus, Gandhi, Buddha, Gore Vidal, Rachel Maddow, and Noam Chomsky COMBINED and Hamsher is not my "heroine."

    While we're at it, I'm not that into Dave Weigel either.

    But even if all of us progressives worshipped at the alter of Hamsher, it still wouldn't change the fact that "The Undefeated" is a laughably infantile piece of hyperbolic shit and so is Palin.

    You Palin sycophants are so laughably inept. Do you honestly think your juvenile attempts at straw man deflection are actually effective?

    Go on back and dive into the piss pond where you belong.

    Urine becomes you.

  34. Anonymous9:06 PM

    How ironic that this "sensible conservative" has fallen for Palin's phoney schtick. How can people be so stupid?

  35. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Just did a little research Walt Disney/ABC owns Hyperion Books/Hyperion Book’s is distributed by HarperCollins. Disney also owns A&E (Sarah Palin’s Alaska), which BIO (Bristol’s reality station) is part of.

    This is probably the reason why Bristol has been on Good Morning America several times, DWTS, Secret Life and The View twice.

    So it is pretty much one company giving Bristol book deals, TV shows and multiple interviews.
    (Haven’t determined the connection to Candies yet)

  36. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Bristol could not have been accepted into Nursing School. It takes 2 years of pretty much full time college courses, prerequisites, before one can even apply.
    The Nursing Programs here in AK are full, and the wait time for acceptance after completing the required courses is about 2 years.

    7:29 PM

    You forgot, Sarah called in some favor and got Bristol a high school diploma. Sarah also hooked up Track's girlfriend at the time, Britta, with a job working for the Sate of Alaska. Sarah can hook Bristol up with whatever she wants.

  37. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Just curious, did this Sarah Palin feel good movie touch on how she screwed up that hockey rink fiasco and put the little town of Wasilla in big debt?

    I'm banking that these fuck ups did not make it pass the cutting room floor.

  38. Anonymous9:29 PM

    just gotta share a comment i read over at c4p couple days ago... comment was "Margaret Thatcher really was England's Sarah Palin"....

    yes yes, the british were all in awe thinking Margaret Thatcher was just like Sarah Palin when she became PM 30 some years ago.

  39. Anonymous9:56 PM

    I'm smiling. All Sarah's work to defeat herself has paid off.


  40. Anonymous10:18 PM

    This is why I have never been worried about Palin running for President. She would not attract good talent to help her run a quality campaign. Top people attract top talent. The best in the business, not even mediocre of the business, would want to work for Sarah Palin the phony. Well, she essentially IS running a campaign right now, and this, is her hired "talent".

    Sarah, you can only fake it so far. The more exposure you have, the easier it is for people to see behind the curtain, no matter how flashy the propaganda may be. While I haven't seen this "documentary", the previews seem as blatant satire to anyone who hasn't already fully stuffed themselves up your ass. You are a joke that keeps getting better! :-)

  41. Jeez that wig is really bad - is she bald now?

  42. Anonymous10:37 PM

    I swear, the Queen has the hands of a 99 year old corpse. Is it just me....her hands are just creepy, like claws.

  43. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Here is a hilarious thread and video by C4P entitled "Obama's Jealousy And Fear Of Sarah Palin". I made several comments on there...You can probably guess who I am by reading.

    Next thing we know someone over at C of Pee will try to manufacture a perfume at Macy's from Sarah's tears & sweat from her menopause ....I can't tell which one.

    Among perfumes we had "Perhaps" by Bob Mackie.

    There is a perfume actually called "Cumming" by Alan Cumming. I actually tried that one out. I put it on my wrist and asked my friend how he liked it. He said yes yummy, what is it called? I told him it was called Cum To Me and he sniffed again and I asked him, "Does it smell like cum to you?"

    Then we have a perfume called "Earthworm" by Demeter. I just can't imagine wanting to smell like an earthworm. Personally I would rather smell like a snail or even a turtle or a frog.

    Then there is Hearts and Daggers perfume by Ed Hardy. This is Bristol's favorite.

    How about Full Choke by Francesco Smalto. The bottle is actually shaped like a thrusting penis.

    Don't miss the perfume called Solar Donkey Power by Henrik Vibskov. Is that a democratic perfume?

    Jessica Simpson has "Fancy Love. Mariah Carey has "Lollipop Bling". Dior has "Hypnotic Poison". American Idol (bet you didn't know this) has a perfume called "Spirit".

    Cartoon character Dora the Explorer has perfume too. Sorry to let you down but it's dissapointingly called "Eau de Toilette". Obviously Dora has never been to France where they use bidets.

    Then there is Sean John's "Unforgivable Woman". Amy Whinehouse's "Radiance". Tom Cruise's "Denial". Courtney Love's "Pungeance". Marilyn Manson's "Cadaver". Flavor Flave's "Time's Up".

    OOOOOPS. I sure hope Sarah & Bristol don't read this and give them anymore free marketing ideas.

    GW has a man's cologne called "Trickle Up". What will Sarah name her trademarked perfume? "Desperation"? That should sell.

    What will Bristol name hers? "Scent of Tent" or "Levi's"


  44. Anonymous11:16 PM

    OMG the boney fingers, the writing on the palms with magic markers, the winking and lies from her mouth reminds me of Proverbs 6:12-15

    12A worthless person, a wicked man, is he who goes about with a perverse (contrary, wayward) mouth.

    13He winks with his eyes, he speaks by shuffling or tapping with his feet, he makes signs [to mislead and deceive] and teaches with his fingers.

    14Willful and contrary in his heart, he devises trouble, vexation, and evil continually; he lets loose discord and sows it.

    15Therefore upon him shall the crushing weight of calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken, and that without remedy.


  45. Anonymous11:26 PM

    There are sick people walking around with signs asking Casey Anthony to marry them. These men are the same people that donated money to Casey's prison account so that she could eat Chicken Cordon Bleu instead of bologna sandwiches. They want a 2012 calendar of Casey.

    Much like Palinbots I think they are called Caseybots. Like Octomom, the Duggers, 16 & Pregnant, the Palins & Kate Gosselin, etc, why not cash in on making money off your babies & children dead or alive?

    Is everything a reality show now? Let's see who can get richest first off using innocent children.

  46. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Hey Gryphen
    Why don't you ask Sadie if she knows why Bristol was going to have to take summer school classes in 2008.

    Sarah already knew by Mar.2008, she talked about it in this email.

    Maybe she missed a lot of school for some reason.

  47. Anonymous11:51 PM

    "The Fundie Bleated" or "Legends of the Stall" starring Sarah Palin.

  48. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Monkey with a wig on.

  49. Anonymous1:07 AM

    The Palin faily went from class clowns to retards to creepy.....

  50. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Just did a little research Walt Disney/ABC owns Hyperion Books/Hyperion Book’s is distributed by HarperCollins. Disney also owns A&E (Sarah Palin’s Alaska), which BIO (Bristol’s reality station) is part of.

    This is probably the reason why Bristol has been on Good Morning America several times, DWTS, Secret Life and The View twice.

    So it is pretty much one company giving Bristol book deals, TV shows and multiple interviews.
    (Haven’t determined the connection to Candies yet)

    9:13 PM

    Can you document this with websites?

  51. Anonymous1:16 AM

    That cannot be her natural hair; I can spot a bad toupee and sarah's wig is just as obvious. Yikes!

  52. Anonymous3:12 AM

    "Should change their name to CPR Public Relations."

    That is too cool.

  53. angela3:17 AM

    Never needlessly piss off someone with a bucket full of ink, an audience, and an acerbic wit who has time on their hands.

    Palin and her followers (Bannon) sure can pick 'em.

  54. Anonymous3:44 AM

    The Palin klan, uneducated and simply trash.

  55. Anonymous3:47 AM

    So who paid Chuck the creep for the videos and pictures of Sarah? You know he would have never given them up unless he was getting a paycheck for them. He has dollar signs in his eyes just like Sarah, the clueless one.

  56. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Here is a review by Roger Moore of the Orlando Sentinel of "The Undefeated" without the hyperbolic snark of Kyle Smith.

    It begins, "“The Undefeated” is a slick one hour and 50 minute version of those political convention hagiographies ... The film is designed to make her appear less alarming and as such, it works — until you start noticing what was left out."

  57. FloridaDem4:34 AM

    "Bristol could not have been accepted into Nursing School. It takes 2 years of pretty much full time college courses, prerequisites, before one can even apply."

    The nursing program is brutal. You have to work unbelievably hard, and have the ability to retain a lot of information thrown at you in a short period of time. The graduate rate is probably only about 20 percent. There is NO way in hell she could ever pass.

    Look at Bristol Palin right now. She's deep in celebrity famewhoredom. There's no school or job in her future. She was asked on the View if politics is in her future and she said definitely not. (Remember before when she said maybe?) She's rich. Her mother's rich. End of story.

  58. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Palin the Divider strikes again. Everything she touches inevitably devolves into a bunch of yelling and fingerpointing among the crazed rightwingers. Can you imagine if these people really did secede. I give it six months before America would have to wade in and rescue them from an ugly civil war.

  59. Anonymous6:01 AM

    6:39 pm: "I believe Sarah actually financed this film herself, but wanted it to appear that it came from an admirer."

    You mean, SarahPAC, right? 'Cause Sarah doesn't pay for anything out of her own pocket.

    Either way, she's getting a cut out of this movie just by selling the audio rights from her book to it, and of course, her parents made money by selling the rights to use her childhood pictures.

  60. Anonymous6:39 AM

    CRC - Creative Response Concepts - is more experienced at handling the Swift Boat Scandal, than it is with dealing with Hollywood:

    That's right, the same company that brought you the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is the same one promoting Palin's film. No joke. And no way that this was not directly set up by Tim Crawford himself.


  61. Anonymous6:40 AM

    "There are sick people walking around with signs asking Casey Anthony to marry them."

    Nothing new to this. Do you remember Ted Bundy? He had hundreds of women after his ass for marriage or pen pal status while in prison. There will always be a few sick individuals around who do things for their 125 seconds of fame.

  62. Anonymous6:42 AM

    1:12AM, google is your pal use it yourself to find the links.

  63. Group promoting “The Undefeated” - Creative Response Concepts - is the same group behind Swift Boat!!!

    It figures, how pathetic.

  64. Nursing requires ethics, anyway7:25 AM

    "Bristol could not have been accepted into Nursing School. It takes 2 years of pretty much full time college courses, prerequisites, before one can even apply."

    Even if she could somehow pass the prereqs (college-level Anatomy & Physiology, Microbiology, & Chemistry, plus a whole lot of basic entry-level college math, science & humanities courses), I doubt Bristol is smart enough to make it through even a 2-year associates degree nursing program anyway. We had plenty of C students who earned a spot in our community college ADN program but they all washed out before the end.

  65. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Not only is the same Swift Boat group promoting The Undefeated, Harold Simmons, one of the largest funders of that SBVFT smear campaign, is one of the largest early contributors to SarahPAC ($5000).


  66. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Harold Simmons also financed the infamous Obama/Ayers video during the campaign.


  67. Anonymous9:54 AM

    wonder what 20th Century Fox and the John Wayne copyright folks think about the borrowing of the title of a John Wayne movie (The Undefeated from 1969)

  68. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Found this little gem, and wanted to share it with you.
    Shows how blogs seem to take up a lot of her "team's" time. They're like high school sissy girls, you know, something like Bristol would have been like in high school, if she went to high school, and actually earned her grades.

    Censorship seems to be one of her favorite ways to spend taxpayer dollars.... what an "Awesome" CEO does all day!!

  69. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Who spends a million dollars on a film then hires pondscum to promote it?

    Sarah Palin

    Off Topic

    I seriously wish people would stop commenting on the Casey Anthony Case on this blog, it serves no purpose whatsoever. There are many excellent crime following blogs, a simple search could find zillions where you can vent your anger, outrage, support, concern, etc. because she's the flavor of the day.

    The fat lady has sung, it's all over but the shouting.

    It was horrible, a travisty of justice, let It Go, do something productive in Caylees's memory.
    Karma will eventually make it right

    B U T .....
    If this blog turns into a crime blog, covering a certain someone- then have at it!

    Stepping off my soapbox

  70. Anonymous8:10 PM

    "Skipper Caribou" went to nursing school?

    Fureal fureal? ? ? ? ?

    Hey, I see a link, If Barbie's so "popular". why do you have to buy her friends?

    My husband's studying to become a nurse, when I told him Plastic Bristol went to nursing school, he laughed then added:

    "Learning to bottle feed your baby isn't the same as Nursing School"

    So her curriculum vitae is basically this

    Straight A student with a ged.

    Did one power point presentation on how to properly swaddle a baby (Computer Technology Accreditation)

    Danced on National T.V. (Fizz Ed)

    Two in tents Sex Education course to become a Poingnancy Avocado.

    Was on tv show for acting debut, playing the role of pre mandibular implant Bristol Single Mother (Theater Arts)

    Masticulated Collegen, Magnum Cum Loudly (Opera Singer)

    At 20, reflects back on her life so far, realizes she's had a pathetic life, pens book of lies (Abnormal Psychology AND Creative Writing.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.