Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sarah Palin on the cover of Newsweek, "I can win!" Really? Does ANY credible person still believe that?

It looks like Snowdrift Snooki is still relying on that water bra of hers to garner attention.

I find it rather ironic that this article about Sarah Palin shows up in the same issue which contains Bernstein's scathing piece about the crumbling of Rupert Murdoch's empire, without which Palin would probably ALREADY have faded away into the shadows of our memory.

As it turns out the piece is one long Valentine to Sarah Palin, which must have been the agreed upon approach before Palin would ever dare to talk to a national magazine. It is no wonder Newsweek is going out of business.

Here is a some of what the article reveals. (And believe me, it is not much.)

I believe that I can win a national election,' Sarah Palin declared one recent evening, sitting in the private dining room of a hotel in rural Iowa.

“The people of America are desperate for positive change, and deserving of positive change, to get us off of this wrong track,” she told me during a conversation that lasted late into the night and, inevitably, kept returning to the subject that has titillated the media and spooked Republican presidential contenders for months: her political intentions. “I’m not so egotistical as to believe that it has to be me, or it can only be me, to turn things around,” she said. “But I do believe that I can win.”

Palin NOT egotistical? Yeah okay.

Here Palin readies the excuse she will use not to run, or that she will trot out to explain why she is quitting partway through a very short lived campaign, her favorite of all human shields, the kids.

If Palin doesn’t end up running, the reason will be simple, she said. “Family. If it came down to the family just saying, ‘Please, Mom, don’t do this,’ then that would be the deal-killer for me, because your family’s gotta be in it with you.”

By the way, just WHO is caring for Trig these days?

It is an abiding source of annoyance to Palin that her success story as Alaska’s governor vanished overnight in 2008. “Do people not understand why McCain picked me?” she said with some exasperation.

Oooh, oooh, let me answer that! Yes we do understand why he picked you, but it is NOT because you were a good governor!

“You know, I rarely use the term ‘bipartisanship,’?” she said. “I use the term ‘independent.’ Piper’s middle name is ‘Indie.’ That’s the Alaskan way of life. Seventy-three percent of Alaskans aren’t registered Republican or Democrat, they’re independent. Todd’s not a registered Republican. Most of the people I know, they’re independent people saying, ‘Just use common sense.’?”

You know that is just another way of saying that she refuses to work with anybody. Which is the LAST thing this country needs right now, and I think most Americans are well aware of that.

Her current status as a freelance celebrity is plenty rewarding: she is reportedly paid $1 million a year by Fox, earned another $2 million for her TLC reality show, had a multimillion-dollar book deal with HarperCollins, and is a top-tier figure on the speaking circuit, able to command upwards of $100,000 per speech.

Moreover, Palin plainly thrives within that very tight circle she has drawn around herself, with Todd at its center, acting as gatekeeper and principal adviser. A campaign—even one as defiant of conformity as Palin’s would likely be—would require expanding that circle to include political professionals of uncertain loyalty. And it would mean opening the door to news organizations with which she has been openly feuding for the last couple of years.

Or not.

“The mainstream press is becoming less and less relevant,” she said, adding that she would have no hesitation in shunning media outlets she does not trust.

If this lunatic truly believes that she can run for public office while avoiding the press than she is even crazier than even I thought she was!

This is what Chuck Todd, Eugene Robinson, and David Gregory said about this article on Meet the Press this morning.

(Palin Newsweek discussion starts at the 2:30 mark.)

I think Palin is just leaving another trail of breadcrumbs to keep the Palin-bots hopeful.  What do you all think?


  1. Anonymous2:03 PM

    I am so embarrassed.

  2. Anonymous2:04 PM

    You know she's serious when she pulls out the big girl bra.

    This is pathetic.

  3. Anonymous2:04 PM

    What a delusional Alaskan loon.

  4. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Wow, what a fawning piece of garbage that comes nowhere close to real journalism.

    If it were not for the grammar and conciseness, I might have suspected RAM was the author.

    Could the Newsweek writer be any more in love with Palin?

  5. Anonymous2:08 PM

    She said this right after watching herself on the big screen. Apparently the mockumentary was so praising of her that she is now convinced that she can win LOL.

    Propagandists believe their own propaganda just as good liars convince themselves of their own lies. Hitler worshipped his own image too.

    - Colleen

  6. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Why is Sarah Palin being talked about and on the cover of Newsweek w/that idiotic article?

    What should be discussed and in the HEADLINES is Murdoch and the U.S. investigating him and FOX News. If they were doing these nasty deeds in England, I'm sure they were here too.

    I hope the majority in the U.S. are as sick of Palin as am I. Plus, her boobs are a different size every time we see her. She isn't even truthful about her own sexuality! Compare her photo in the first Newsweek where she 'graced' their cover. She has aged horribly and her boobs were much, much smaller!

  7. Anonymous2:11 PM

    She's dead right about the budget cuts though. Budget cuts don't have to be temporary cuts. People automatically think those decisions will be permanent. In troubling times, ALL the fringe amenities need to go temporarily. There's so much that COULD be cut that wouldn't hurt that industry too much (arts)

    Keep in mind I worked for the NEA and work daily with grants and such things. Desperate times call for mature, reformed thinking. That article makes sense.

  8. Anonymous2:12 PM

    “The people of America are desperate for positive change,"

    It defies logic that she thinks she's positive when she's constantly deriding "hope and change" in her infantile way - "hopey-changey."

    It is mind boggling that Piper's middle name is pulled into her "common sense" logic of being so independent that it's okay for her husband to be a member of a secessionist movement and still think it gives anyone a comfort level that she have her bony finger on the red button.

    Sarah still thinks her narrow, stunted world-view has mainstream appeal, and if she doesn't, that it is only because of the 'filter' of the LSM - not because she is so ideologically, emotionally and intellectually stunted. The balls on this cowardly, yet bellicose woman.

    Ha ha, Todd still second-in-command. That taciturn snuff chewing, beer drinking red-neck calls the shots for this nation's direction? Wow. These two. . .and their kids.

  9. Anonymous2:14 PM

    well, i think i made a good decision in never reading newsweek again.

    however, we did want paymemore to speak to the bigger press and i suppose newsweek is bigger press than twitter or facebook....

    i liked how gregory dismissed the paymemore topic to get on to more important matters (snicker).

  10. Anonymous2:15 PM

    "I think Palin is just leaving another trail of breadcrumbs to keep the Palin-bots hopeful. What do you all think?"

    Yes I do!! Also too Sarah is trying to trump Michelle with a cover. That picture is God awful. It is a blatant FU to Sarah from Newsweek she cannot comprehend.

  11. I read the entire article and it is a very flattering fluff piece - just when everyone was laughing at her latest idiocy (Paul Revere's warning the British), she is propped up again by the very media she hates.
    I don't get it - WHY would Newsweek promote her like this?
    The article sounds like an advertisement for Palin.
    I am disgusted by the one-sided propaganda piece.
    Yes, I think she will run. The article makes it clear that she feels that she can avoid all contact with any media organizations who might ask "gotcha" questions or criticize her.
    She will not/can not debate (unless she approves pre-screened questions). She plans to win via ghost-written facebook, Soviet-style proclamations.
    Is America stupid enough to buy it?

  12. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Gee, why didn't they just use a Runner's World photo again?

  13. Oh my, there is not enough popcorn and gin in this world! She is running!

  14. wakeUpAmerica2:21 PM

    Definitely bread crumbs for the dumbasses at the urinal. Geez, how can anyone be so stupid as to follow this dimwit?

  15. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Didn't she do a big Facebook post slamming Obama and basically insinuating she IS running? Is this for more money? That photo on the cover is ridiculous! Boobs one day, no boobs the next. She is a sociopath scammer!

  16. Looks like she broke out her padded bra.

  17. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Newsweek is in the circulation dump and garbage like this is why.
    My local grocery stores do not carry Newsweek on the check out stands anymore .
    But,..they do carry the National Examiner
    and it's Babygate story.
    Palin's Paul Revere nonsense was seen
    by more Americans than
    will ever read this silliness.
    Palin has never beaten Barack Obama in a single poll.
    She usually comes in dead last
    of all the Republicans.
    Her unfavorables have been higher than
    her favorables in every poll taken
    since the Couric debacle in 2008.
    She's either mentally ill and living in a fantasy world or she's trying to keep the bots
    donating because she's
    got a big house payment
    coming up.
    Probably both.
    Next to Casey Anthony, Palin is the most disliked woman in America.

  18. Anonymous2:37 PM

    RAM the hideous is back writing her FB posts, her racist hands are all over that post!

  19. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Newsweek was put up for sale last year and the new owners are trying to keep a floundering rag afloat. That's all there is to it. My parents, in their retirement, work in the magazine distribution industry and they only send for delivery two Newsweek magazines for every 20 Times magazines that they expedite. They report an 80% "return and destroy or recycle" rate on the few Newsweeks that they send to their clients.

    No one reads it, it is done, dead and irrelevant, much like Palin. They are the only print media outlet desperate enough to put her on the cover for an attempt to garner readers. All this after their cover last month of a 50 year old photoshopped Princess Di alongside Dutchess Kate. They'll do anything for readership at this point.

  20. jadez2:39 PM


    look the issue is not palin she is finished and like i said a year ago she would never be allowed to run..

    the real issue is obama willing to cut the programs that support the weakest americans like SS and medicare.

    we are in huge trouble as the rich have decided to take everything!!! and obama has no problem helping them take it.

    wake TFU and recognize palin is a loon but dont lose site of the bigger picture people!!!!!!!!!

  21. People in the the news industry refer to it as "NewsWeak". 'Nuff said.

  22. CharlotteB2:41 PM

    So when the time finally comes, the reason she will give as to why she won't run is that her family won't let her. Her kids can take the blame for it for the rest of their lives. SUPER MOM!!! GIVE HER AN AWARD!!!

  23. DaleinSanAngelo2:42 PM

    She said “A national office.” She’s going to pass on the Presidency, claim to attempt a run for a senate seat, and continue to fleece her followers for as long as she can.

  24. Anonymous2:42 PM

    She looks just like my uncle Frank, right after he got his operation and moved to Key West.

  25. Anonymous2:45 PM

    She's delusional!
    SHE is the reason I didn't vote for McCain in the 2008 election! I had never voted for a democrat, having grown up in a staunch republican household. Even my lunatic parents won't vote for her now!

  26. Anonymous2:49 PM


    Her FB posts are no longer news. No one cares about her movie. This issue will sell poorly. The gig is up.

  27. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Tina brown is a palin panty sniffer. Didnt palin raise taxes in wasilla to pay for her arena error and didn't she raise taxes on the oil companies?

  28. Yes, she's still trying to string the gullible along so she can keep parting them from their money.

    Hideously unflattering picture. She looks like a tranny in dire need of an image makeover. Fire the stylist!

  29. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I sped-read the first page, realized how loooooooong the article is, and decided not to waste time reading garbage. - I like everyone's comments here much better. You all are real. I'll check back later...

  30. The Palin family has got be the most dysfunctional family in America. I doubt that her family would ever be the reason for her not running. Narcissists like $arah only think of themselves, and it really wouldn't matter what they thought.
    And NO silly $arah, you CAN'T win. Most REAL Americans wouldn't want your brand of hate, near the that nuke button.

  31. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's Trig's brith certificate?

  32. Anonymous2:59 PM

    King David was the sheep herder, Queen Esther. LOL. Go for it.

  33. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Anonymous said...

    She's dead right about the budget cuts though. Budget cuts don't have to be temporary cuts. People automatically think those decisions will be permanent. In troubling times, ALL the fringe amenities need to go temporarily. There's so much that COULD be cut that wouldn't hurt that industry too much (arts)

    Keep in mind I worked for the NEA and work daily with grants and such things. Desperate times call for mature, reformed thinking. That article makes sense.

    2:11 PM
    I guess the loss of your job won't be missed by the rest of us huh?!

  34. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Well, well, well... for this most important cover, I think I'll wear the air bra. Unreal!!!

    Please, real media types, don't even make this part of a discussion. She is a bad joke, nothing more and there are about ten million more important things to talk about.

  35. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Uh oh, she pulled the water bra ut of the prop closet to raise mo' bot dollars.

  36. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Gryphen aybe on a slow news day you could feature Tawd's pics from 5 yrs ago with those of today, it's quite obvious from older pics that he's had "work" done. Most of Tawd's work seems to have "taken away" any ethnic look he had. They must get a family rate on plastic surgery.

  37. Anonymous3:04 PM

    When does the swimsuit issue of Newsweek come out? or is this now Cosmopolitan? I'm confused, why is this person on the cover of this magazine?

  38. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Anon 2:11 Believe me, Princess Dumbass did not come up with that idea.

  39. TNbluedot3:06 PM

    The breadcrumbs comment hits the nail on the head. We all know she's keeping the dolts on a string so they send her their dollars. She'll keep it up as long as she can get away with it... she's all about $$$. So pathetic! So Palin!

    Bottom line is she's going to let her bots think she's running as long as possible. Don't think she'll announce because she'd have to give up too much. It's all about the $$!

    Agree with ella@2:17 - the Newsweek article is a total fluff piece. Does anyone know why Newsweek? Any shred of credibility they had just left!

    The whole bra thing is just crazy, too. She thinks we're as dumb as she is and would never notice the difference. Just like the way politicos say things on tape and think we've forgotten or have no way of retrieving.

  40. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Haha, her "principal adviser" is someone who barely made it out of HS?

    Someone who eats mystery meat at top dollar prices?

    Too, too, funny.

  41. Anonymous said...
    She's dead right about the budget cuts though. Budget cuts don't have to be temporary cuts. People automatically think those decisions will be permanent. In troubling times, ALL the fringe amenities need to go temporarily. There's so much that COULD be cut that wouldn't hurt that industry too much (arts).
    Keep in mind I worked for the NEA and work daily with grants and such things. Desperate times call for mature, reformed thinking. That article makes sense.
    2:11 PM
    You completely contradict yourself in sentences 2,3, and 4. No wonder you think Palin makes sense. You clearly have no concept of just how much is involved in the arts and the ripple effect on employment of cuts that you describe.

    Until you start talking about reasonable tax rates, nothing you (or Palin) says about cuts is worth listening to.

  42. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I think that Palin should run as a TEA party candidate.

    That way she wouldn't have to do any debates and she could live off the teatards for a while longer.

    Of course she would have no chance of winning but maybe she would siphon enough votes to insure that no republican could win.

  43. Anonymous3:16 PM

    In that article she mentioned her children all by name AGAIN - why oh why do they constantly have to be spoken of by name in almost every interview she does, considering she claims they've been threatened before?

    This is probably the biggest problem she has; she cannot speak about anything without bringing up at least one of her kids' names, ("Piper's middle name is "Indie"), or Todd. Are they her security blanket? I've never heard any other repub candidate remind interviewer about (insert name of child) said on a certain issue, or remind interviewer of their middle name.

    Does this sound presidential?

  44. jcinco3:17 PM

    Well we knew she would have to say or do something outrageous to get her surgically enhanced mug back in the news. So she, who is as popular as genital warts, declares she could be elected leader of the free world. Tawd really needs to take her in to have her meds adjusted plus she needs to give bristle her bra back.

  45. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Looks like that piece of garbage propaganda film was a shot in the arm for a narcissist-psychopath like La Palin. She completely off her rocker on her own hype.

  46. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Looks like that piece of garbage propaganda film was a shot in the arm for a narcissist-psychopath like La Palin. She completely off her rocker on her own hype.

  47. Anonymous3:23 PM

    RAM @ 2:11

    All that's missing is "you have to admit."

  48. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Yep. Get them to open their wallets.

  49. Anonymous3:29 PM

    @2:11 PM

    $arah Palin doesn't make sense. She is only repeating what she has already heard grown-ups say.

  50. Anonymous3:32 PM

    The air bra - she's got a "morph" fetish going on. She likes to turn into whatever the voice in her head says to for the day. Tomorrow it could be librarian, next day, tawdry look, after that fitness instructor.

    It's evident something in her mind is the driving force that "creates the identity du jour", as though she believes her critics sit all day pondering what her look is going to be; it's like she's living in some imaginary world where media and she are in the battle of the worlds and she has to keep them guessing as to what, where, who she is; she has to keep ahead of them. Very very odd indeed.

  51. Anonymous3:32 PM

    What's up with that weird top--some kind of workout hoodie? SO inappropriate for the cover of a "news" magazine, and for someone discussing a run for president. We get it, Sarah, we know you're all, like, physically fit and stuff, but we want a President who is also mentally, emotionally, and psychologically fit. You're a colossal FAIL on all three!

  52. Pennyspruce3:33 PM

    Well, there it is. As close to Playboy as it gets. From the neck down, anyway.

    Seriously, is this how we would want a future president to conduct herself? Posing on the cover of a magazine, tits all stuck out?

    This bitch a disgrace.

  53. Anonymous3:35 PM

    She looks like a drag queen. Why is she using sex to get her way, oh that's right, she pulls out her push up bra when she wants something. Is that picture air brushed enough?

  54. Anonymous3:37 PM

    "the real issue is obama willing to cut the programs that support the weakest americans like SS and medicare.

    we are in huge trouble as the rich have decided to take everything!!! and obama has no problem helping them take it."

    @2:39 PM

    Well if certain people hadn't sat out the mid-term elections to "punish" Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi would still be the Speaker of the House, and I guarantee SHE wouldn't be holding the debt ceiling hostage in exchange for cuts to Medicare and SS. Those who sat out the election had no problem helping them take it either.

  55. Anonymous3:40 PM

    She looks oh so "presidential" --- NOT!!

  56. Anonymous3:41 PM


    I believe that I can win a national election,' Sarah Palin declared

    “I believe” doesn’t sound too confident to me.

    What would you rather hear after your one night stand with Sarah or Bristol in a canvas tent after drinking wine coolers and banging her … I wanna say brains out, or after your one night stand package deal with Sarah and Bristol?

    “I am not pregnant!”
    “I believe I am not pregnant?”

    There is a difference Sarah!
    Why should people vote for Sarah when she is not sure herself?

    By the way Tawd, how much is the mother and daughter package? Can I get a discount if I mention Gryphen’s name?

  57. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Giant watch replaces wedding ring?

  58. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Sarah is going to have another family conference to decide if she should run or not. She didn't bother the last time, although they all seemed to have a strong opinion about her quitting her job as governor, Hell Yeah! Bristol needs her mother to hype her book and reality show. Willow doesn't seem to be a part of the family; she didn't go on the vacation bus tour. Judging from Piper's actions during the bus tour, her real vote is Hell, No! No Way! We watched poor Piper scowl and tug at her mother. She bawled out reporters for spoiling her vacation. Todd left; his silent vote is a weak no. Hell, those beef jerky things are getting too expensive.

    Sarah couldn't handle two weeks with the McCain professional staff running things. Michele and Romney are already out in front, and Sarah would have to pedal twice as fast to catch up with them. Good Luck, Sarah. We know that you're doing it for the money. If you really had a Servant's Heart, you would have finished your job as governor. We know it's all about the celebrity, and the media is paying too much attention to those pesky candidates. Looks like you'll have to pretend to jump into the race to get noticed again.

  59. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Yes, Mrs.Palin™, WE know why John McCain picked you.

    But apparently, YOU still don't know why he picked you.

  60. Pennyspruce3:43 PM

    At first, I thought it was a fake photo. Her head super-imposed on someone elses body. But, no, she actually went there.

    Somebody, please the psych ward.

  61. Anonymous3:43 PM

    That photo is hilarious. Are we sure this isn't some kind of spoof.

    water bra....check

    wind whipping through wig...check

    Inch thick mascara...check

    Work out clothing with a fitness name on it just in case anyone doesn't know that I work out. I run, I really do, and I was really good at basketball when I was in high school 30 years ago....check

    Sports watch...check (See I'm sporty and I can tell time. Told you I'm a winner)

    Glasses that I don't need, but make me look smart...check

    Smug look on my face (I'm tough, I have a stil spine and thick skin)

    Clouds and water in the background. (I'm outdoorsy also too)

    Giant cross and flag pin....Oh Shit RAM you forgot the religious and patriotic pandering jewelry. You're fired... again.

  62. Anonymous3:44 PM

    “…The people of America are desperate for positive change, and deserving of positive change, to get us off of this wrong track,” she told me during a conversation that lasted late into the night ….”

    So after your interview and after you banged Sarah late that night, how much money did you leave on her forehead? Or did you prepay Tawd so that no money switched hands with the prostitute, I mean Sarah?

  63. Anonymous3:44 PM

    She's not weaaring a weddding ring. Hmmm.

  64. Anonymous3:46 PM

    What a creepy jawline.

  65. Pennyspruce3:46 PM

    Why won't serious Republican women call her out? Oh, yeah.. they're cowards, and too terrified to do so.

  66. Anonymous3:46 PM


    She looks rough!!!

    I'm thinking that the cover is hands down the worst picture of her ever

    That ugly witch chin, those scary, fungal eyes...That Hair!!!!! That chicken neck!!!

    No surgery can help her anymore..its made it all worse..she can't recover. And she knows it...

    Can't imagine a bigger bitch who deserves everything she gets...

  67. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Sarah, since you said you can win then that obviously makes it a fact. You might as well not even bother running since it wouldn't be the slightest challenge for you. Besides you're too busy with jury duty.

    Just keep telling that to yourself, Sarah, along with you'll be welcomed into Heaven. Feed your delusion. It's always hungry.

  68. For those who think Dave Weigel (Slate) is an unabashed Palin apologist, he sent out this tweet this afternoon:
    Newsweek cover: Picture of Palin and tagline "I Can Win." Not quite as believable as the "Diana at 50" cover.
    about 3 hours ago via Echofon
    Retweeted by 35 people

  69. Anonymous3:50 PM

    "How she'll decide?" Are we still playing that old tune? Didn't she decide like, 1,000 years ago, it's just that she hasn't said? Could you really be a viable candidate and still be unsure whether you were going to run, at this point? I just answered my own question.

    I like the "My Life as Voldemort" headline next to her though.

    Her head looks totally shopped into that picture, either that or she is standing at the most awkward and unnatural position she could come up with.

    I agree with 2:41, she will say she's not running for family reasons, just like she did (or insinuated) when she quit being governor, and it will be as true now as it was then - not at all.

  70. comeonpeople3:50 PM

    Obvious follow up questions not asked by article author:

    If family is soooooo important, why did you fly late in your pregnancy? Why did you give a speech after your membranes ruptured prematurely? Why did yo take two airline flights after your membrane ruptured without going to a hospital first to be examined? I mean, you wrote in Going Rogue that you had previous miscarriages. Why did you deliver your premature DS baby at a hospital without a NICU?

    The American media is fing pathetic.

  71. Anonymous3:52 PM

    She's dead right about the budget cuts though. Budget cuts don't have to be temporary cuts. People automatically think those decisions will be permanent. In troubling times, ALL the fringe amenities need to go temporarily. There's so much that COULD be cut that wouldn't hurt that industry too much (arts)

    Keep in mind I worked for the NEA and work daily with grants and such things. Desperate times call for mature, reformed thinking. That article makes sense.

    2:11 PM

    Here's a better idea. How about we get out of the 2 1/2 wars we are in? And maybe you could just give up your job and work for tips to save us all some money.

  72. Anonymous4:00 PM

    If Palin doesn’t end up running, the reason will be simple, she said. “Family. If it came down to the family just saying, ‘Please, Mom, don’t do this,’ then that would be the deal-killer for me, because your family’s gotta be in it with you.”


    There are several things we know:
    1) Bristol said Sarah already made up her mind.

    2) Todd is upset over the movie hurting Sarah's chances which means according to his girly tantrum, it is "Yes" he wants Sarah to run.

    3) Sarah is already publicly making an ass out of herself with this film.

    4) Bristol already said she wants mom to run.

    5) Willow wants Sarah to run so that Willow can hit the streets and get her canvas camping tent and wine cooler groove on.

    6) Piper is sick of being Sarah's prop. So unless Piper made a deal not to be Sarah's prop during her campaign run then it looks like Piper is the one no vote.

    5) Track does not care, he is preparing a room for his premature (wink wink) baby he knows that is already coming. There's something about these Palins and Heaths with their premature babies!

    6) Trig does not care if Sarah runs. If you ask Trig if he wants mommy to run for POTUS, Trig will answer you with "Who the fuck is Sarah?".

  73. Anonymous4:00 PM

    2:45 PM says:
    "Even my lunatic parents won't vote for her now!"

    Thanks for the laugh! My mother is a fundie from the 70's and a Pat Robertson cult member. She was going to vote for Obama in '08 until Sarah came on the scene.

    Now even she thinks Sarah is a nitwit. I check with her to gauge what the fundies are thinking and how they will vote. I still try to change her mind with facts about how the repubs have done nothing for the middle class and poor and I have made some progress! My best argument is for my sister whom was born mentally disabled. I have made her see the light as to which party would severely cut the SSI/medicaid benefits for her.

  74. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Hey Granny Palin. If you can win, declare already. You said "Game On" months ago and still haven't declared. You went on your family vacation/media whore tour then quit and still no declaration. You go to your propaganda movie premiere and still no declaration. What exactly are you waiting for? If you're so tough what are you afraid of? Why are you dithering? Where are your cajoles mama grizzly?

    You can't win if you don't enter the race.

  75. emrysa4:01 PM

    hahahaaa I can't stop laughing at that cover!!!

    well I guess this really shows that she's not running, because she's not going to publicly say "I can win" and then start a run and lose her ass - which is exactly what would happen.

    no, she'll continue to go around telling everyone she can win knowing all the while that she won't even get in the game. so transparent. COWARD!!! CHICKEN SHIT!!! yep that is the quitter, the long-ago and forever DEFEATED.

  76. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Of course Bristol wants you to run because her whole career banks on you staying in the public eye. She's famous for being your daughter for getting pregnant. If you don't run, she's got nothing. No talent,no shame, a messed up face, & 2 or three babies. The only thing she'll be qualified for is porn.

  77. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I didn't think Newsweek could sink any lower than the zombie Princess Di cover last week, I was wrong. Who would have thought that resurrecting Princess Di and imagining her actions beyond the grave would be more realistic than this week's cover of a half-term quitter thinking she can win any election, much less the GOP primary and the presidency.

  78. She's says if she doesn't run it's up to her family. Then she goes through her list of four oldest kids and Todd who are all okay with her running or don't care. So the reason she says she may not run is non-existent...unless she's planning to blame it on Trig. And don't we all hope that her decision not to run will be Trig-related?

  79. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Now, I know why I didn't renew my subscription to Newsweek. This is the same magazine that last month did the fawning homoerotic paean to Todd.

  80. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Really sad, Sarah is not important even to Alaskans. Her name doesn't even make the Anchorage Daily News anymore. That must really chap her old ass hide.

    Sarah wants to know who does her daughter have to screw so that Sarah can get her name mentioned by the Anchorage Daily News

  81. Anonymous4:10 PM

    My cousin wears a super-de-duper padded bra like Sarah's. My cousin is 14. She is straight up & down, not a curve in sight, except for the bra area. Sarah is like that. But rather than being a skinny teen, she is a wizened MILF trying desperately to hang on to the only thing she has to offer, her attractiveness. She is a disgrace to women.

  82. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Tight tee shirt contest, anyone? Talk about inappropriate. but it is the queen of inappropriate.

  83. Anonymous4:13 PM

    So glad I cancelled my subscription to Newsweek (Time, too) long ago. They are desperate to lure former customers back, but they are out of touch if they think this deluded bitch will do it. Who is next - Bristles?

  84. Anonymous4:14 PM

    "I can win!" More rhodomontades from the mouth of the substanceless hypocritic shrill shrew. (Why is Newsweek printing puff pieces about this witch?)

    Boast, brag, spit out word salad, fail, get called out, and scream victim. It has become such an atrocious pattern with $P.

    Were it not for the blog sites who constantly dissect this "Bull Sheet Artiste" fewer people would know little to none of the truth about her thanks to the mainstream media's failure to expose her. They play "patty cake" with her (as well as her dissipated lying daughter) because they love the ratings/money.

    $P is idiotic, she's intellectually lacking, and her world view is dangerous. Pox to "Newsweek's house" for pushing this piece of crap about her.

  85. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Does not make sense to me. On the cover of Newsweek it says "I Can Win", but if you read the article it says something different.

    "I believe that I can win a national election,' Sarah Palin declared one recent evening"

    So what is it "I Can Win" or "I believe that I can win"?

    Can't have both Sarah...

  86. hedgewytch4:16 PM

    Did Sarah intentionally confuse the AIP party with a registered Independent? Or is she just too dumb to understand the difference? Sometimes it's really hard to tell with her.

  87. imnofred4:24 PM

    Yes, she is so fucking arrogant that she thinks that she has a shot at winning while avoiding media and debates.

    I think she will have a very hard time finding a professional team to run her campaign, should she decide to run. They will give her advice, she will ignore it, and they will eventually quit.

    Heck, I wouldn't put it past her to believe that she can run a campaign with just Todd, and her friends and parents.

  88. Anonymous4:27 PM

    As Sarah's ratings fall, have you noticed how she unbottons more on her top? Pretty soon she will be topless and pole dancing for dollars.

  89. She is talking about a granny fuck me contest, right?

  90. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Does she think leaving a lot of buttons undone is professional and will make her more presidential?

  91. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I think she could definitely the president of the Harper Valley PTA.

  92. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I believe that I can win a national election,' Sarah Palin declared one recent evening, sitting in the private dining room of a hotel in rural Iowa.


    Haha, sure you can.

    Which nation?

  93. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Saying I can win when you don't enter the race means no one can prove you wrong.

  94. Anonymous4:48 PM

    This is a sign of Newsweek's desperation more than anything. They are hoping anything with Palin on it will get them some attention like it used to.

  95. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Anonymous said...
    You know she's serious when she pulls out the big girl bra.

    This is pathetic.

    2:04 PM


  96. laprofesora4:49 PM

    "I Can Win"

    More fodder for the comedians.

  97. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Remember her at the diamondbacks game? She's got breasts. I'd wager those are real.

    ‎"You taste like whiskey when you kiss me, oh, I'd give anything to be your baby doll."

  98. Anonymous4:59 PM


    I love how you always come here and pretend like you're not really a water carrier for Sarah Palin (ie, "She's right about the budget cuts, though..." which is supposed to indicate she's not right about every thing else but she's right about that thing) and then you continue with how she's making good points, etc.

    When you and Sarah Palin take a stand against discretionary spending such as tax breaks for corporate jets, racehorse owners, and yachts, subsidies for oil and gas, and NASCAR advertising, then we can talk about whether we need cuts for the arts.

    And I don't buy your attempt to make it seem like you have credibility by claiming to have worked for the NEA. Nobody who worked for the NEA would see funding for the arts as "wasteful."

    The arts are more than pretty things to look at or listen to; they contribute to the fabric of society and its growth. They can also serve to connect us or enlighten us or make us think, and from art springs many other things.

    The same cannot be said for a taxbreak for yacht owners.

  99. Seems like the more insignificant Sarah Palin becomes, the more significant appearances her boobies make!

    Of course, it's all because she needs to hang on to the pathetic & delusional bunch of horny old white guys that make up her base.

  100. Anonymous5:03 PM

    If SP actually ran, my biggest concern would be her VP pick.

    Winning is one thing, but doing the job is another.

    Once SP realized she'd have to show up for work every day and actually DO what she claimed she'd do... she'd escape out the back door in an Alaska minute.

    If I agreed with every one of her alleged policies, I'd say this: she cannot be trusted to carry out a promise.

  101. In a world where R. Kelly believes he can fly I'm not surprised that Mrs P thinks she can win. Since Mr Kelly has never been able to demonstrate his flying ability, I sense a similar fate awaits the delusional but optimistic Mrs P.

  102. Anonymous5:09 PM

    O/T Since Sarah and Bristol have trademarked themselves, does that mean it's no longer correct to use "Quitter" and "Lying Slut"? If so, I suppose I could always come up with some other references.

  103. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Waaaaaaa I wanna get back into the news waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  104. Anonymous5:15 PM


  105. Anonymous5:19 PM

    She's not wearing her wedding ring either. Guess Shawn Christy was right.

  106. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I love Eugene Robinson. Love him calling her a gadfly. That's priceless.

    I guess I have lost all faith in Newsweek. That is sad to me.

    Re: her bra, how flippin' unpresidential to inflate her boobs and wear a top like that for the cover of Newsweek. She is just TRASH. Just goes to show that money cannot buy class. Most people would have taken away life-long lessons from having a stylist for several months. Not Sarah with her cheetah f' me shoes in upper crust New York, low cut top and tight jeans in conservative Iowa, purple suede boots to visit wounded vets, black bra under white t-shirt with inflated boobs and shit-ass red-neck trucker's hat at the Belmont Stakes.

    Hopefully when fall rolls around she'll bring out the Hogwarts coat. Lol.

    R in NC

  107. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Sarah it is fashionable to have petite breasts. Just look at Prince William's wife Catherine, she is not trying to physically be somebody she is not and she is gorgeous.

  108. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Why can't Bristol and Sarah just accept who they are?

    You keep talking about God but you are not pleased with what God gave you.

    If you were in an accident or something terrible happened to you it is understandable to get it fixed, but you two are just mentally ill that you think money can buy you happiness with new looks.

    Now we are reading that maybe Todd is getting some work done too?

    Is this what happens when you give hill billies money?

  109. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Nothing says serious presidential material like a sexy cheesecake photo. Next, I expect to see Sarah photographed on a stack of bibles, with her short skirt pulled way up to there. I suggest that she wear those leopard print stacked sandals and do "sexy librarian" again. Maybe she could go for the Belmont look, too, also, tight white t-shirt and big black bra. Never mind being qualified, Sarah's showin' us every thing that she's got.

  110. FloridaDem5:34 PM

    Wow...what a difference a few years makes, eh? She used to cry sexism with Newsweek for printing a running photo, and here she is doing photo shoots with a huge bra and thin t-shirt. What's with the bra, is she trying to compete with her daughter's boobs?

    Maybe Sarah and Bristol's strategy is they're planning on breast-feeding all their critics.

  111. FloridaDem5:35 PM

    And btw, no she's not running.

  112. Anonymous5:35 PM

    That Christian lady ain't wearin' no weddin' ring...

  113. seriously Gyphen, can you not stop this madness? can we not stop her? Yesterday, I woke up and logged on to find that babygate was getting coverage (in a tabloid yes, but nevertheles on a national scene), Rupert Murdoch's empire is in danger of crumbling, and Bristol's book tour farce (for her mother btw) is tanking, then today ... I see that she who shall not be named is on the cover of Newsweek, which is a failing magazine, but still is recognized as at least formerly a magazine of some merit. What is it going to take? I cannot believe Newsweek would put this out there with this title? I feel better having read your synopsis of the gist of the article, but the picture and the title of it on a national magazine is making me very ill.

  114. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I am speechless at that cover.

    She thinks that makes her look like a potential contender? Really?

    It's absolutely absurd. Sticking your chest out (or your water bra) and unzipping your hoodie does not a serious candidate make.

    I am laughing so hard inside I can't even make any noise.

    This woman is insane.

    Thanks for the perspective on Newsweek, everyone. I thought it had generally lost any real gravitas.

  115. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Witnessing the sad decline of a once proud magazine.

    As for SP, "Look at my boobs!" "Look, I'm in a sports top that teens wear!" "Don't I rock??" "Please vote for me...PLEASE?!?!? still like me, right...Hello?? Anybody??"

    Sarah, turn the lights out when you're done.

  116. For those commenters who believe that Dave Weigel (Slate) is an unabashed Palin supporter, check out this tweet he sent out this afternoon:!/daveweigel/status/90167754577018880
    Newsweek cover: Picture of Palin and tagline "I Can Win." Not quite as believable as the "Diana at 50" cover.
    about 4 hours ago via Echofon
    Retweeted by 36 people

  117. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Unconventional? That's what astounding ignorance and undisciplined, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants campaigning looks like. Throw in a frantic avoidance of the media and those darn gotcha questions and viola! you got what looks like a savvy, unconventional politician. She hasn't a clue how to be president, but she can wink her way into office as a puppet candidate. Big question is WHO is the puppeteer?

  118. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Newsweek, RIP.

    Just proved that it's not up to the task of actual journalism.

    The bra is ridiculous.

  119. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Anon 2:39 is right. President Obama may give in to the crazy GOP and their millionaire supporters and cut social security, Medicare and Medicaid. If you think it doesn't effect you, then you must be a millionaire. If Obama does this he will really lose support and we are destined to get someone worse will get rid of it all together. Any middle class person who supports the GOP is an idiot and now Obama might screw us too. Please write the white house and your representatives and ask them to not cut our benefits. Cut the defense budget!!
    I laugh when people think Sarah cares about the little person. She could care less!!

  120. I just started reading your blog and I friggin' love it. I gave you a thumb up on stumbleupon and started following you. Also I linked to your blog on mine.

  121. Anonymous6:04 PM

    The photo.... puleeeeeze! She can't wear her flag pin, honking cross nor Star of David bling, it might cause a leak. Hey Sarah, you're a grandmother, dress like one!
    I almost puked at the comment in the article about Piper wanting a haircut, dumb and dumber are playing parent via blackberry. She only put hers down when Todd confirmed he told her "obey".

    She's running, alright, but in some alternative universe we don't live nor vote in, the massive void between her ears.

    What do I think?

    She saw the babygate article, and called her "pals" at newsweek in a desperate attempt to deflect attention from it.

    And breadcrumbs, unseasoned and stale.

    And what grown up ACTUALLY buys and eats "slim jims"?, and if they did, they'd know not to buy them in a gas station or convenience store- you pay extra at those places.

    Wow, she's more dilusional and desperate than I realized!

    She's most definatly running, you betcha!

  122. Anonymous6:13 PM


    Every self-respecting Newsweek subscriber should drop their subscriptions, IMMEDIATELY!!!

  123. “If it came down to the family just saying,
    "Please, Mom, don’t do this...”

    Which family member would say that?

    "All of 'em, any of 'em that have been in front of me over all these years."

  124. Anonymous6:25 PM

    The photo inside the article is yet another
    unzipped sweatshirt.
    She looks like a scarecrow in a field.
    Boyer's caption under the scarecrow pic:

    “We don’t advertise where we’re going,” says Palin, who returned home to Wasilla, Alaska,
    from a series of crowd-packed appearances
    around the country. "

    If Palin is this paranoid now ,
    how would she ever run for
    national office ?
    And shame on Boyer for acting like Palin's PR flack
    and writing
    " crowd- packed appearances "
    when just the opposite was true.
    Most of the experienced writers
    fled Newsweek recently.
    In Nov 2009 , Newsweek put Palin on the cover using the Runners World photo .
    The one where she's wearing shorts,
    shiny pantyhose and disrespecting the American flag.
    Palin flipped out ( yeah, what else is new ? )
    and called
    that cover " sexist " and " degrading."
    But, now she poses in unzipped shirts ,
    with her bony chest
    and chicken cutlets on full display.
    No one would ever mistake Palin for a classy and professional career woman .

  125. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Her necklines go lower as her padding and desperation for attention grow exponentially.

  126. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I can win is doubtful. The educational bus tour was not a success. Or the family vacation failed.

    Easy to say I can win without running. She ought to know where she was in the polls. Worse the majority believe she is an idiot.

  127. Anonymous6:32 PM

    She looks like a Walmart/Taget/Kmart mama. But, then again, aside from the Ivana slip up, Palin wants us all to think she is just like the rest of 'em — all of 'em.

  128. Anonymous6:40 PM

    I read this article earlier today and just about upchucked. It was so sugary sweet~I had to look twice to see who they were writing about.


  129. Anonymous6:41 PM

    The biggest problem that Sarah has is that she already ran in a national campaign and she didn't win. She had the help of McCain's expert political campaign team and she only had to stay on message for two months. This time, she has a couple of guys who couldn't manage a week long bus trip. She has to stay focused for more than a year. She has to run against Romney who has more money than Palin will ever see. She has to run against Michele who is equally crazy, but at least she shows up for interviews, dresses appropriately and is equally conservative. (23 foster kids vs. 1 Down syndrome child, worked on a kibbutz in Israel vs. wore a Jewish star in Israel and in NYC.)

    The best news that is not reported in Newsweek is that more than 50% of Republicans do not want Palin to run. Democrats won't be voting for her. She only appeals to the far right, the religious right, the super conservatives and no one else.

    One thing has not been mentioned, a third party. If Sarah ran in a three way race, the way she did when she ran for governor, all she needs is 34%. Maybe that's the winning that she is thinking about. Remember how well that worked out for Ross Perot. And, he has more money than Palin will ever see.

  130. imnofred6:44 PM

    She still doesn't grasp the fact that McShame didn't pick her because of her "record". She wasn't even his first choice but she is mentally incapable of realizing that she was simply chosen as a Hail Mary.

  131. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Jeez. What's a step up from a padded bra?

  132. Anonymous6:48 PM

    TNbluedot said...

    The whole bra thing is just crazy, too. She thinks we're as dumb as she is and would never notice the difference. Just like the way politicos say things on tape and think we've forgotten or have no way of retrieving.

    You're talking about the same dumb bitch who announced herself 7 months pregnant in Mar.2008 and expected everyone to believe it.

    The same dumb bitch who expected that everyone would believe that she could advance from flat belly
    on Mar.5 to full blown pregnant belly 39 days later on April 13.

    Your Belly
    It never fails. Mothers so desperate for a cute pregnant belly early in pregnancy, seem to expect that same cute belly to disappear with delivery. And for many, it does – until you roll over onto your side. The stretched muscle and skin that may look somewhat flat while on your back puddles when you're on your side. Skin and muscle do not bounce back immediately, and if you are unfortunate enough to get severe stretch marks from a very large belly, your belly may never bounce back entirely.
    Not only are you left with a saggy stomach, your uterus, which took nine months to expand fully, is still swollen and enlarged.

    While doctors may say six weeks is the ideal recovery, most mothers take far longer to get their skin back in place and their uterus properly shrunk again. By the way, there is little you can do to speed either process except nursing. Nursing makes the uterus contract (which can be rather painful at first) and it shrinks faster than it would otherwise. You just have to wait on the skin to shrink back, though. Crunches or belly exercises are great for the muscles if you wait at least six weeks before starting, but do nothing for the skin.

    No person on earth is ever going to convince me that the skin on her belly stretched that much that fast.

  133. Anonymous6:50 PM

    What supports Newsweek giving her the front page--right now? She hasn't announced, and many experts don't believe she will as seen on the MTP bit. Her poll numbers are terrible. Her movie is ridiculous and her daughter's book isn't selling.

  134. Anonymous6:51 PM

    That woman has one big horse looking head.

  135. Wow. This is what Newsweek is going with as a cover story!? WTF? I'm embarrassed and angry, actually. The phone hacking scandal story written by Bernstein is the more important and intriguing story which has possibly far-reaching consequences than the twit.

  136. Anonymous7:00 PM

    4:51 - "Remember her at the diamondbacks game? She's got breasts. I'd wager those are real.

    ‎"You taste like whiskey when you kiss me, oh, I'd give anything to be your baby doll.""

    First of all - your quote is bizarre and gross. I didn't realize RAM's drink of choice is whiskey.

    Secondly, pull your head out of your ass and recognize that her "breasts" go up and down in size from one day to the next.

    No wonder she pulls this shit. Her followers are so monumentally STUPID that they fall for it. Only big boobs Sarah exists! Flat Sarah (who appears way more than Tits McGee Sarah, btw), does not exist. Don't believe your lyin' eyes, folks!

  137. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Psst, Peebots! This Newsweek article was to keep you hangin' on and hopin'. Please send your hard-earned, red-state, evangelical, beans & rice grocery money to:

    Sarah Palin™ aka The Tease™
    3311 Middle Finger Way
    Screw You!, USA

  138. I quit buying Slime and Newspeak 20 years ago, haven't looked back.

  139. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Here are some more pics from the Newsweek shoot. Where is Mrs. Palin's wedding ring? A business arrangement must not require one.

  140. indy_girl7:13 PM

    leu2500" said..."Looks like she broke out her padded bra."

    I think that's to draw attention away from the fact that she left her Bumpit Brain™ at home.

  141. Halfwit Half Gov says what?7:21 PM

    'I believe that I can win a national election,' Sarah Palin declared one recent evening....

    Anon at 4:37 PM said, "Haha, sure you can.....Which nation?"

    How about the Republic of Dumbfuckistan?

  142. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Wow, she certainly knows how to stick her tatas out there doesn't she?

    I can hear the twit now for her morning FB page crying perpetual victim again. That once again, "Newsweek" has shown her in yet another "sexist" photo-cover.

    She is the epitome of the "Joker" in a "Jack-In-The-Box" --She's an embarassing laughing-stock who keeps popping out of her crazy box when you least expect it nor ever want to see & hear her ever again.

    Time to nail the jack-in-the-box shut!


  143. Anonymous7:22 PM

    5:28pm, "Now we are reading that maybe Todd is getting some work done too? "

    What is he doing, finally getting some balls?

  144. Oh Lord @ 2:11pm STFU! You no more work for the NEA than Gryphen works for NASA!

    Anything Sarah Palin says NEVER MAKES SENSE...this I know! *SNICKER.

  145. Anonymous7:24 PM

    The poster here that mentioned their Uncle Frank hit the nail on the head. She is a very masculine looking woman with her square jaw and face. It is not as noticeable when hair frames and softens her face. She thinks she is a glamorous celebrity, but the truth is that the more people see of her the less they like her.

  146. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Check out the other pics of sister Sarah:

    Go the "cover shoot" gallery of pictures. #6 is the pinup pic:

    #8 is the "wig is about to blow off" pic.

    #4 is the close-up pinup girl.

    Too bad she wore a somewhat decent wig. I'd love for all the adoring geezers to see her real, thin hair.


  147. Anonymous7:26 PM

    LOL! Fake boobs is all a woman needs to have to win an election i nthe USA!

    Go for it Screech!

    Who is paying for this BS? Murdoch? Palin? GMWS>

  148. Anonymous7:28 PM

    So what? Is she trying to threaten the Republican Party?

    That she can split the vote, so PAY ME OFF.

    I think that is what this crap is!

    Thrusting her padded chest out and setting her jaw......GAH!

    She suckered some dumb dick head to listen to her and write up this garbage. Murdoch I'm sure helped, the distraction would be appreciated.

  149. Beldar Wilbur/Orville Conehead7:32 PM

    It's an improvement over the cover they WANTED to use, I can tell you that!

    Apparently it featured the Screechy Wretch running along a deserted power line road north of Phoenix with her arms outstretched, making sputtery motor noises with her moistened tongue and the caption reading "I CAN FLY!!"

    At least with the caption reading "I CAN WIN!" she can always backpedal and claim she meant she could win "the Powerball lottery, the battle against wrinkles and age-spots or the election to mayor of a small Arizona suburb of a suburb of Phoenix."

    But, um... no. She can't win anything. Ever. Seriously. Not ever.

  150. Anonymous7:35 PM

    There's a typo on the Newsweek cover. Granny's quote should read: "I can whine".

  151. Anonymous7:38 PM

    OMG Gypsy Girl! That is SO perfect! Totally!

    "She is the epitome of the "Joker" in a "Jack-In-The-Box" --She's an embarassing laughing-stock who keeps popping out of her crazy box when you least expect it nor ever want to see & hear her ever again.

    Time to nail the jack-in-the-box shut!


  152. Is it just me, or is that Palin's head photoshopped onto someone else's body?

  153. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Hey Sea of Pee! Sell your homes and give her your cash. She'll like you for sure if you do, she promises, you'll be besties!

  154. Anonymous7:50 PM,,20489414,00.html#20984413

    Kate Hudson, May 7: Baby born July 9 (yesterday!)

    Holy cow. She really needed a serious class from "abs of steel" Palin.

  155. slowhand7:51 PM

    Next week's Newsweek cover: Michelle Bachman with two more buttons unbuttoned.

  156. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Is Toad a free man, now? I wonder if Marcus Bachmann is Toad's type? I don't see a wedding ring on Ms. Palin's left hand. Is it still at the bottom of Lake Lucille?

  157. Anonymous7:53 PM

    # Duh. Winning. We all see how that worked out for Charlie Sheen.

  158. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Did she get the centerfold? WTF is up with this spread? Those pictures? Weird. Sarah Palin is a fucking freak of nature that defies logic. Makes my head spin just trying to figure this one out. Just gross that people are still enabling this sick bitch.

  159. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Cock teaser just needs to declare and run. Run, Sarah, Run. It will be delicious to see this dumb slut get trounced by the Democrat! That's the only way to drive the stake through her heart.
    C'mon chicken sh%#, Sarah. What are you waiting for? Let Katie Couric interview you again. Don't be afraid, you know you can win.

  160. Anonymous7:58 PM

    The rest of the photos from the article look like senior portraits. Beyond bizarre.

  161. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Great comment @ HP:

    Acidreign (11:33 PM) "I think there's a typo in the story. I don't think Palin said, "I think I can win." I think she said, "I think I can wink."

    You got to give her that: She can wink."

  162. How's that hopey/delusional thinking working for ya, sarah?

  163. Anonymous8:20 PM

    G -- you really need to post the pinup photo she took on the pier by the lake.


    what a maroon.

    guess paymemore will do anything for a new pair of running shoes.

  164. Anonymous8:27 PM

    I hope she runs. My husband hopes she gets the runs.

  165. Uh-Oh, Editorial Staff!8:38 PM

    OMG - They made a big mistake on the Newsweek cover. They left off some letters! It's supposed to say: I CAN WIN-TER IN ARIZONA!

  166. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Florida Dem, that is SO funny and right on!

    "FloridaDem said...
    Wow...what a difference a few years makes, eh? She used to cry sexism with Newsweek for printing a running photo, and here she is doing photo shoots with a huge bra and thin t-shirt. What's with the bra, is she trying to compete with her daughter's boobs?

    Maybe Sarah and Bristol's strategy is they're planning on breast-feeding all their critics.

    5:34 PM"

  167. Anonymous8:46 PM

    The only way this nightmare or Bachmann can win is if the voting machines are meddled with - an all too real possibility, if you ask me.
    M from MD

  168. Anonymous8:49 PM

    "Pray for us Sarah Palin!"

  169. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Look at her hands in the photo, totally large and wrong.

  170. Anonymous8:56 PM

    I Was Sarah Palin's College Girlfriend

  171. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Those pictures are a riot.

    She has completely lost her mind.


  172. Anonymous9:06 PM

    LOL at her photos from the photo shoot for the cover. Who does this when trying to convince people you are still have the fire in your belly for the Presidency.

    Who the hell dressed her in those shoes and bra? Can you imagine another Presidential contender taking a photo like this?

  173. Anonymous9:09 PM

    I CAN WIN!

    Well missy, just don't say you can win it, time to go out there and Git R Done!

    Just remember you are going to be the biggest laughing stock on this planet if you aint got the job. Don't forget missy, we a wanna be seeing your financial report, health records, divorce papers and just about everything else we can poke our little noises into. You gittin my drift?

  174. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Anonymous said...
    LOL at her photos from the photo shoot for the cover. Who does this when trying to convince people you are still have the fire in your belly for the Presidency.

    Who the hell dressed her in those shoes and bra? Can you imagine another Presidential contender taking a photo like this?

    9:06 PM

    Is she going swimming? I'm guessing she is since Sarah is wearing her inflated water wings.

    By the way, who in the hell sits on a dock that way? Don't you feel kind of stupid looking like that?

    What's with the big ass watch and where is Trig?

  175. Anonymous9:18 PM

    With all the money Sarah has, I would of thought her shoes would at least match her outfit. Who dresses this bimbo?

  176. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Hey Sarah, who ya posing for? Creepy Chuckie Heath?

    I get it, this picture is suppose to steal followers away from Michelle Bachmann's .... Roflol

  177. Anonymous9:27 PM

    2:11 PM wrote She's dead right about the budget cuts though. Budget cuts don't have to be temporary cuts. People automatically think those decisions will be permanent. In troubling times, ALL the fringe amenities need to go temporarily. There's so much that COULD be cut that wouldn't hurt that industry too much (arts)

    Keep in mind I worked for the NEA and work daily with grants and such things. Desperate times call for mature, reformed thinking. That article makes sense.

    I find it difficult to believe you work for the NEA. Art is not a fringe amenity, if that is what you're saying. In any case. If you do work for the NEA please don't drag art into this. And keep in mind that BILLIONs of our tax money went to bailout the banksters with NO return to us--and THAT is why we are so indebted now and our economy is reeling.
    So if we cit out corporate welfare and if we taxed corporations properly and cut the immense superfluous "defense" spending spawned by the MIC which is intent on constantly making war for the monetary gain of a few, we would not have to cut education, health care, the arts etc. at all.

    The IMF has one rule and one rule only : "The bankers must be paid." No mater what. No matter who, and apparently no matter how fraudulent the lender. The IMF cookie cutter template for every country, no matter the particular circumstances, the year, or the suffering imposed is: cut all social welfare programs, all "amenities," grossly lower your standard of living, let people die, and to hell with your country--because "the bankers must be paid."

    The IMF was here in the USA in December. First on the chopping block: Social Security, health care and education. Next, firefighters, policemen--et al. Meanwhile the CEOs and bankers rake in a 23 percent pay increase since 2009. The mantra has held true, say it al together now: "The bankers...."

    BTW, you might want to read how neoliberal economics has destroyed the world economy--starting with the disastrous policies hatched by the University of Chicago school and other lassaiez-faire "voodoo" capitalists who wanted derugulation, privitaziation, and corporate welfare so much that they have nearly destroyed capitalism, or so it seems. Herbert Hoover said he would try to save capitalism from the capitalists, or something like that.

  178. Anonymous9:33 PM

    There are 8 pictures of "Me Me Me" on this website. By any chance has anybody seen Trig in any of these pictures? Trig has to be in at least one these of pictures with Sarah. Oly Oly In Come Free Trig!
    That's pretty mean of Sarah, she did not take Trig on the SarahPac Palin family vacation and he was not allowed no where near Sarah's photo op with the lake.

  179. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Granny Lou Lou has ZERO cleavage but yet her boobs practically go up to her shoulders? As the gutter mouth queen would say, WTF?

    I seem to recall a picture of her I think in Afghanistan or somewhere walking with the troops and wearing a bright orange t-shirt. Man her boobs were HUGE. Then on the beach in Hawaii she was flatter than Piper. She should watch out for those gel bras - they can cause serious backaches.

    I would still love to see a line up of photos and her ever-changing bra sizes.

    Maybe Newsweek is making fun of her surreptitiously with that photo of her looking OLD. Maybe for the same reasons Fox is trying to get rid of her without her knowing it. Newsweek KNEW she would be ridiculed.

  180. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Okay Sarah, how do you explain canceling the Palin Family Vacation and then telling everybody it was canceled because you had to do your civic duty, I believe it was jury duty?

    Ummmm Sarah, you do not look like you are on jury duty.... and I'm assuming this is not your well publicized photo op with Margaret Thatcher and I'm going to stick out my neck one more time and will also assume this is not your Sudan photo op either because I do not see you with your cookie tray feeding the starving children the cookies you brought from your little kitchen in Arizona.

  181. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Her face looks strange, even in the other photos, like they were all photoshopped. But it could be that she's had new work done on her face, it's very different. So are the tits, but hey, they come and go.

  182. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Then keep buying those lottery tickets, you dizzy twit.

  183. GBIllinois9:50 PM

    The answer to your question Gryph. . . it's all about the money.

  184. Anonymous9:58 PM

    I just saw the entire photo shoot on thedailybeast. OH MY GOD Sarah Palin have you had enough glamour time yet? have people made you feel special enough yet? Do you like the pretty pictures? My Dad is dying in the hospital while medicaire tries to tell me I can take care of him at home as soon as possible. You have NO SICK FAMILY members and a BEAUTIFUL LIFE but all you can do is whine about petty insults and tell people like my Father that the reason they are not getting adequate care is because "there death panels". You are evil and there are no real words to describe you. But believe me, you are what is WRONG about America. And there is more to life than looking pretty and making money. Some day you will discover that.

  185. Anonymous10:10 PM

    The posed photographs in that Newsweek article - cheesecake.

    Made from a moldy, rotten, fake, fat free cheeselike substance instead of real ingredients.

    Yeah, that about describes $carah.

  186. Ratfish10:16 PM

    Look at her jaw. It's starting to sag badly as she tlits slightly to the side.

    Time to call Bristol's plastic surgeon

  187. Gasman10:25 PM

    SEE, I TOLD YOU she was going to run.

    It doesn't make a damn bit of sense, she doesn't stand a snwoball's chance in hell, and it may just be the stupidest idea in the history of stupid ideas, but she's running.

    Remember, we are talking about Sarah Palin, the stupid moron that can't tell the difference between North and South Korea. (Sarah, here's a hint you asshole: one is in the NORTH the other is in the SOUTH.) This is the woman who thought that Africa was a single country. This is the woman who thought that Paul Revere set out to warn the British! THE BRITISH! This is the woman who fancies herself cut from the same cloth as Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. I couldn't stand either one of those leaders but Palin hasn't any connection to either person other than she is technically of the same species.

    She couldn't win a debate with your less intelligent rodents. The smarter ones would simply embarrass her. She is utterly unfamiliar with U.S. or World History, she hasn't the slightest concept of domestic policy, foreign affairs are as mystical to her as quantum physics, and SHE BELIEVES IN FUCKING WITCHCRAFT!

    She is a imbecilic clod who cannot form complete, coherent sentences and to top it all off, she is vain beyond measure. She faked a pregnancy and thinks that she can run for POTUS and STILL maintain the secret.

    She is a fucking moron.

    And yet, she IS going to run for president.

    Remember, you heard it from me first.

  188. Loose Era10:26 PM

    did anyone go to the Daily Beast and see the "photo shoot"? She thinks she is a model as well as an author, actress, speaker, and de facto president. She is absolutely delusional....can you imagine any real presidential candidate doing a modelling shoot? Unflippin believable.

  189. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Did she say "I can win!" before or after "I went poopie in the potty!" and "My fake boobies feel funny!"???

  190. Anonymous11:04 PM

    This picture from Granny's photo shoot just looks weird to me. Is she returning from peeing in the woods??

  191. Check out the first two pictures. You can see the photoshopping. Bump it removed, wave added to hair, wrinkles on wrists removed. Shirt smoothed. Shadows on neck removed. The Pee'ers are complaining that they harshened her features, when in actuality they tried to make her look better without making her fake. She accomplishes that feat all by herself.

  192. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Wanna see something weird?

    Look at Sarah's right side breast near the top, the non watch side.
    If you look closely where the breast is suppose to blend with the chest, it looks like you see padding under her blouse. If it was natural breasts and a normal bra you would not see the padding like material, what you would be seeing is a continuation of her bra as it goes up to her shoulder. Here you see a faint downward curvature of some type of padding.

    Sarah please tell me you did not pad your bra?


  193. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Oh bless her heart, Sarah is almost 50 years old and she is still stuffing her bra like a little elementary school girl going to her first school dance.

    Sarah you are almost 50, do you have any self respect left in ya?

  194. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Jadez @ 2:39
    Give it a rest. President Obama is one of the few "adults" in Washington. If you think Obama is the enemy.....then you like 49% of Republican voters are an idiot.

    Rich and Republican both start with the letter R....suggest you look at true source of the problem and quit scapegoating President Obama. Ask the House where the jobs bills are, also why did they balk, and walk out of negotiations.....because they aren't serious about reducing the debt, and they sure as hell don't give a damn about the collective welfare of 98% of Americans.

  195. Anonymous1:52 AM

    I think the headline should have read "I can wink."

  196. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Went to the Daily Beast for the complete display. I'm a photographer, and these look like Senior photos. As in High School Senior casual shots that photographers do in addition to the classic black drape pose. They're about as original as what you'd get at the Walmart photo studios.

    I can't believe how OLD she's looking. She'd better hustle if she wants to look "fresh" for Joe's big book roll out in September.

  197. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Throwing out the "Alaskans are Independent kids middle name is Indie" is her way of trying to mitigate what she and her most trusted advisor Tawd knows is one of her greatest liabilities...that he wanted to secede from the US of A. That doesn't go over too well in the lower 48. Just sayin

  198. Anonymous2:59 AM

    The bots are trying to raise money at C4P for Organize4Palin. They have a post up It's all about money.

  199. Anonymous3:07 AM

    G, check out the other photo of Miss Pin-Up Boobs Girl on the Mudflats. The total outfit for a photo shoot is, lets just say WTF.

  200. Anonymous3:14 AM

    What happened to the Faux News contract about interviews with other organizations?


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