Sunday, July 10, 2011

Investigative reporter visits Bachmann and Associates, to determine if their "therapeutic" interventions to rid clients of their "gayness" were legal. Wanna guess what he found?

Here are the highlights that John Becker reported back after attending several sessions to expunge his "gayness.".
  • I was advised to find a heterosexual “accountability buddy” as I struggled to increase my attraction to women and decrease my attraction to men. I was to confide in, pray with, and be held accountable to this person.
  • Bachmann & Associates sells a book written by Twin Cities minister and self-proclaimed “ex-lesbian” Janet Boynes. This book chronicles her supposed journey “out of the lesbian lifestyle.” Next to the stack of books was a prominently-displayed, typewritten note that read, “Janet is a friend. I recommend this book as she speaks to the heart of the matter and gives practical insights of truth to set people free. – Marcus Bachmann, PhD.”
  • I pretended to have just told my brother that I was seeking counseling to help me deal with homosexuality. My brother’s (fictitious) response was that I should just come out, because a person can be happy and gay and still go to heaven. My therapist said that my brother “didn’t choose his words wisely.”
  • I mentioned Marcus Bachmann’s by then well-publicized remarks calling gays “barbarians” who “need to be educated.” “Am I a barbarian?” I said through tears. Rather than contradict his boss’ words, Wiertzema opted to doubt the authenticity of the recording I had heard: “It sounds like… something that someone just did. It doesn’t sound accurate.”
  • Several sessions after asking for information about “ex-gay”-friendly churches, programs, and support groups, Wiertzema passed along a colleague’s referral to Outpost Ministries, a Robbinsdale, MN-based “founding member ministry” of the discredited “ex-gay” group Exodus International.
  • I mentioned the marriage equality ruling in New York and the possibility that some of my close gay friends might now get married. When I asked him for advice on whether or not I should attend any future same-sex weddings, he acknowledged that it was a tough and highly personal decision, but if he were in my situation he wouldn’t go – at least not without a heterosexual accountability buddy in tow. When I expressed concern for the well-being of my gay, soon-to-be-married friends’ eternal souls and asked if they could go to heaven, Wiertzema reassured me that indeed they could, “if they repent before the Lord and are right with God, later on.” When I sought clarification as to whether or not he meant they would need to turn away from homosexuality first, he responded in the affirmative.
Based on my experiences at Bachmann & Associates, there can no longer be any doubt that Marcus Bachmann’s state- and federally-funded clinic endorses and practices reparative therapy aimed at changing a gay person’s sexual orientation, despite the fact that such “therapy” is widely discredited by the scientific and medical communities. It’s time for Michele and Marcus Bachmann to stop denying, dodging, and stonewalling. They owe it to all Americans to provide a full and honest explanation for their embrace of these dangerous and fraudulent practices.

Becker is right,  Bachmann and Associates have received  over $137,000 in Medicaid payments to their clinic since 2005.  If they are receiving this money while providing widely discredited therapy, they are in fact defrauding the government. Which they must be since homosexuality is NOT defined as a mental illness. And isn't THIS guy married to the batshit crazy GOP Presidential candidate who is constantly  badmouthing government spending?

And it is not like the fact that these homosexual to heterosexual therapy sessions not working is anything NEW.  Hell the Daily Show was openly mocking them ten years ago.

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That is exactly how this "therapy" should be treated, as a joke. However, sadly, it is a joke which can do real, permanent harm to those who have been subjected to it.


  1. ibwilliamsi12:32 PM

    How many good looking young men are lucky enough to have Marcus Bachmann, PhD. be their personal Heterosexual Accountability Buddy? And seriously - can we look into the "foster care" facilities at their home yet?

  2. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Michele looks really demented in that photo, like she is on speed or something.

  3. WalterNeff12:40 PM

    I know a guy who took governments funds in return for services he contracted to do for the government under close scrutiny. He occasionally strayed.

    He served 18 months in the slammer.

  4. Anonymous12:43 PM

    WE can hope this gets a much wider audience and that this takes the self-righteous Michelle right out of contention.

  5. Persephone12:45 PM

    OT - You have GOT to read the comments about the Newsweek cover over at C4P:

    Some of the bots are complaining that Newsweek "masculinized" her face. But they're all in awe of her bosom and compared her body to Ava Gardner. Tells you what demographic we're dealing with.

    On topic: I just have to wonder what in the heck these homophobic "christians" are so afraid of?

  6. Anonymous12:54 PM


    Icky......she's stickin her water bra chest out again, and braggin "I can win", I want to throw up!

  7. Accountability buddy?

    Is this the same principal The Cult employs when sending two young, clean-cut men "missionaries" to our doors?

    Don't tell anyone, but I and several of my gay friends have had most interesting.....uh.....encounters with these kids. Hey, what can ya do: two cute guys knock on your door. Invite them in to rest their weary bones and .............well, do I have to spell it out?

    BTW, the second "m" is always silent.

  8. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Now, the really sad thing is the voters
    for whom this is no problem.
    (ie., most of CrazyEyes' core supporters).

  9. Beldar "The Barber" Conehead1:14 PM

    Wow, I must really be behind the times... I always thought that pathological "Gayedness" or "The Gay" was cured with leeches and copious bloodletting. Nice to know that people like the Backwardds are profitably bringing the "new" enlightened gay cure into the mid 1800s where it belongs.

  10. abo gato1:23 PM

    WalterNeff, I know a guy who was convicted of a contract fraud with the government. He was in for three years, plus a ton of restitution.

  11. Anonymous1:25 PM

    OMG! The look in that woman's eyes! She's nucking futs...

  12. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Does Marcus treat himself? He is deep in the closet.

  13. Anonymous1:30 PM

    besides Marcus being so obviously in the closet, Michelle totally looks like a repressed lesbian as well.

    They are both profiting from gov. hand-out while being totally scared shitless of their own sexuality.

    I can see Marcus with a man and Michelle with a woman.

    Poor kids that live under that roof!

  14. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Seriously terrifying.

  15. DaleinSanAngelo1:41 PM

    Silly Sarah pretty much says she is not going to run for President when she stated "Turning to the political landscape, Palin said that President Obama is beatable in 2012, and that there are “many, many qualified and able candidates out there” to take him on." She said she believes she could win "A" national election. She's going to go from the presidency to saying she's running for a senate seat in order to keep fleecing her followers.

  16. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Well it is a way for MB to get close to the gays. He can pretend all he wants, but oh my my.

  17. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Hilarious youtube: We Salute Marcus Bachmann, Gay Husband of michele bachmann

  18. Anonymous1:56 PM

    these people need to get honest with themselves! It's okay to be gay! and quit trying to tell others how to be anything.

    It's always this story, a professional influences and does societal damage for YEARS and YEARS affecting who knows how many lives then gets busted in his own little dirty scandal:

    "In 2011, Anderson Cooper 360° featured a story about the fate of Kirk Murphy, a child Rekers states that he cured in many of his books. Murphy's siblings and mother state that the therapy ultimately had lasting damage to the boy and led to him growing up to be a man who grappled constantly with his homosexuality before committing suicide in 2003 at the age of 38.[17]"

    (and then the stupid jerk rents a "boy" to vacation with and gets busted!)

    "In subsequent interviews, Roman said Rekers had paid him to provide nude massages daily:[58][11] "'Jo-vanni' in news reports, has told various media outlets that he gave Rekers daily massages in the nude during the trip, which included genital touching."[59] He also talked about how he believed that Rekers was, in fact, homosexual: "It's a situation," Roman said, "where he's going against homosexuality when he is a homosexual."

  19. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Afraid I have to disagree with you on one thing Gryphen...I don't think this kind of therapy should be treated as a joke--I think it should be treated as criminal malpractice!

    CNN profiled the story of a boy subject to this kind of therapy who ended up abused, emotionally estranged, confused, and ultimately committed suicide as an adult. Despite the malpractice visited on him as a child, the man was obviously highly intelligent, liked, and an achiever. Had it not been for the "counseling" he and his family received, he might not have killed himself and been very successful!

    Therapy that teaches people to hate themselves, lies about the science, and treats them for a nonexistent disorder has been shown to be very harmful.

    To me, that's the very definition of malpractice.

  20. wakeUpAmerica2:06 PM

    Newsweek cover- Guess she wore her water bra. There is a weird bulge under her left arm pit and a weird line over her right breast. Definitely not natural.

  21. Anonymous2:17 PM

    So in his mission statement - Dr. Bachmann is admitting that his wife Michele is his Heterosexual Accountability buddy?

    Should that be recognized by the government as a legally recognized union?

  22. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I read that Dr. Bachmann was pulling a Rand Paul, in that he isn't certified or the State of Minn is so lax in its mental health oversight that anyone can 'administer' therapy to anyone on anything.

    But I'll go further, is he even a doctor? It's from some xtian uni isn't it? Where he met his Heterosexual Accountability Buddy, I mean his wife Michele?

  23. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Ava Gardner??? Holy cow, I'm 57 and that was my *mom's* generation. How old are the pee-ers???

  24. Balzafiar2:31 PM

    Marcus, sing along with me:

    Oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gay...

  25. ibwilliamsi said...
    ...And seriously - can we look into the "foster care" facilities at their home yet?
    12:32 PM
    Not to worry, from reports I've seen, I get the impression that Michele took in young girls and young unwed mothers. Making sure temptation for Marcus didn't enter the house?

  26. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Sarah's getting her money's worth out of her gel bra.

  27. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I simply can't help myself. Every time that I see Marcus, I can't help but think of Cam from Modern family. They are identical. Let's just start calling him 'Cam' and cut to the chase on his closeted homosexual. It will be the best way to control her minions.

    By the way, does 'Cam' have his own HAB, Heterosexual Accountability Buddy? Does said buddy spend a lot of time in restrooms at the Minneapolis airport?

  28. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Back in the day, I read "Love Won Out" by John and Anne Paulk (ex-gay and ex-lesbian), who founded Focus on the Family's ex-gay branch, which I believe was ultimately taken over by Exodus Intl. Having a bunch of gay male friends, I was convinced that John Paulk wouldn't still be "straight" in a decade or so. And it seems I was right:

    I found it hilarious that part of their "therapy" included learning traditional gender roles, including things like Anne learning how to put on makeup. Yes, that's the way to make lesbians hetero--teach them the secrets of Mary Kay. I'm sure conflicted lesbians all over the world breathed a collective sigh of relief; who would have thought "becoming" straight was that simple and painless?!

    A few years before I read this book, I fell deeply in love with a gay man. Our relationship was wrenching and agonizing. Part of him wanted desperately to be straight, or at least bisexual enough to be happy with a woman. But he just wasn't, and the struggle was heartbreaking and destructive for us both. At one point I tried to kill myself because I was in so much pain I couldn't envision it ever ending. And I wasn't the one questioning my sexuality; I can only imagine how excruciating the whole process must be for people trying to deny a part of themselves that they (or others) view as sinful, unacceptable, and "barbaric."

    I hope Marcus Bachmann is busted someday soon in a dirty public restroom, soliciting some guy for sex. It can't happen to a more deserving hypocrite.

  29. angela4:16 PM

    I can't think of a better person than Marcus Bachmann to help these young men face the fact that even though they are gay and would never be happy again, they should marry a crazy eyed fundamentalist woman who tongue kissed the previous POTUS
    because after Marcus shut his eyes and procreated with her five times -- he's never touched ole Michele again.

  30. Anonymous4:40 PM

    and all those sessions haven't cured Marcus.

  31. FloridaDem5:20 PM

    So why aren't these people in jail for medicare fraud? Unbelievable.

    I heard Randi Rhodes talk at length on the radio a few weeks ago, about the little racket these two have going. It definitely needs to be investigated. And as far as her husband, No doubt he a repressed gay man and Michelle is his beard.

    As far as sexual orientation, we ALL know it can't be changed, it's hard-wired in. If a straight person thinks about his own orientation, he would come to the same conclusion for his own personal self. What I think some of these crackpots are coming across are bisexual individuals, and convincing them to stick with their opposite gender.

  32. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Angela @4:16 p.m., You read my mind! I thought the same thing, but envisioned the possiblility of a "turkey baster" conception. What straight man in his right mind would find Bachmann seductive enough to actually do the nasty with?

    Medicare Fraud is a serious crime, this guy and his organization shoule be reported and investigated.
    Who is Marcus "sugarbottom" Bachmann's fabulous "accountability buddy?", clearly he failed miserably, and should have.

    It's not a choice folks, God makes no mistakes.

    Will and Grace did a great skit about this type of therapy.

  33. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Marcus looks gay to me. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's always the ones that protest too much against the gays that are the gays, themselves.
    Too bad that no one will try to prosecute these bastards for defrauding the government. What it the breaking point of the American people before we begin to protest in the streets with pitchforks and torches?!

  34. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Did Jesus get healing subsidies from Caesar? Did the disciples and the Apostle Paul get subsidies from Caesar for the (very real) healing that was also a part of their ministries? I didn't think so.

  35. Anonymous9:18 PM

    When it comes to other people's lives, I wish the righties would just go home and get their own house in order. There's lots to do there in the sense of the need to clean up.

  36. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Many women are married to gay men, and Michele Bachmann is one of them. There is nothing wrong with being gay, but there is something wrong with gay-to-straight therapies. And there definitely is something wrong with the Bachmanns taking taxpayers' money in the form of Medicaid and farm subsidies.

    I hope he's outed. He's clearly a sick man, trying to cover up his natural inclinations. Are Americans going to let these welfare cheats, hypocrites, liars get away with this?

  37. ABC News is running a feature story on the Bachmann's right now. Wow!


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