Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What is orange in color, leaks like a sieve, and cannot do math? This guy!

Courtesy of the Guardian:

In an embarrassing development for John Boehner, the Republican Congress speaker, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) ruled on Tuesday night that his bill would have only cut spending by $850bn (£517bn)over the next decade, not the $1.2tn he had aimed for. Republicans are now racing to rewrite the legislation, and have pushed back a congressional vote on the plan from Wednesday to Thursday at the earliest.

Although Boehner was already struggling to find support for his package, the delay increases the risk that Washington will fail to agree a deal to raise the debt ceiling before 2 August, when the federal government is expected to run out of money.

Just another reminder that Republican math does not work in the real world.


  1. Anonymous3:28 PM

    They cannot get their pointy heads around the reality that technology is allowing people to double-check things quickly. Gone are the days when they could pull numbers out of their ass and have anyone other than the truly low-information (aka lazy and willfully ignorant or incapable of thinking) believe them.

    I heard tonight that President Obama is taking hits to his popularity ratings in several key states. I wish he would call the GOPTP's bluff and just raise the damn debt limit via the 14th Amendment. I am tired of seeing him compromise with those intent upon destroying the country.

  2. Anonymous3:49 PM

    He also has a yellow streak down his back. Big coward.

  3. Anonymous4:15 PM

    A few months ago, I tried to call Speaker Boehner about what I thought about health care. I was on hold for 90 minutes. Ninety minutes of ridiculous flag-waving Muzak. Finally, I gave up. He's a terrible Speaker, and does not represent the American people--nor does he want to hear from the American people, only his corporate masters.

  4. angela4:17 PM

    Boehner is scared shitless. There is so much being held over his head by so many people. He's a pitiful man.

  5. Anonymous4:32 PM

    (in a Bugs Bunny voice)

    Ehhhh...what a MAROON!

  6. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Maybe the stress will be too much and Boehner will pull a palin and quit for the good of the country.

  7. I actually feel bad for John Boehner. He was so proud when made Speaker, cried real tears with his parents there, and now, he has an out of control house and he drinks so it must be a bit of hell for him now.

    I study Buddhism and just read how the monks settle differences and how only compassion can create the space for peace.

  8. Anonymous5:06 PM

    David Frum has three simple questions for Boehner plan supporters:

    If the Boehner plan is adopted, exactly what has been accomplished from a Republican point of view that could not have been accomplished by enacting more stringent budgets for fiscal 2013 and fiscal 2014?

    If the Boehner plan is the answer, what was the question?

    What exactly has been achieved by the past three months of edging toward national insolvency?

  9. Darn! Missed it by about 50%. Boehner is a joke.

  10. Anonymous5:53 PM

    math tells me that the debt ceiling and credit downgrade problems were there 6-12 months ago but the drama politicians think I'm too stupid to do the calculation.

  11. Anonymous5:54 PM

    ...John Boehner. He was so proud when made Speaker, cried real tears...

    Boehner cries frequently and pointlessly.

  12. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I tried reading the article with a straight face, but when this line popped up, I just lost it!

    "Although Boehner was already struggling to find support for his package"

    Good Luck with that, Mr Orange Weepy guy. Perhaps try spending some money on a real man's athletic supporter, and stop wearing those "Haines Her Way" panties Speaker Pelosi left you when she gave you the very huge, much bigger than hers, gavel.

    Just saw a comparison of laws passed by Pelosi vs Boehner on Rachael's show, She passed almost 700(not sure of the number, but 700 seems about right) during her tenure, he's passed 24, with the hopes of passing 24 more.

    Shows you which party actually gets things done for the American People.

  13. Sweet anny6:26 PM

    Oh my, Rachel said it didn't she?

    Mr.Boehner is no all that good at his job.

  14. John Boehner never cried real tears. He took crying lessons from the Glenn Beck playbook...I think it was a little Vicks discreetly placed on the fingers that wiped his weepin' eyes.


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