Wednesday, July 20, 2011

When Kathy Griffin met Michele Bachmann.


  1. Sally in MI4:12 AM

    Bachmann thinks? I'm guessing she doesn't even know what a bigot is. Someone really ought to check out whatever school she claims gave her a law degree, because she was never taught critical thinking. My daughter had an English class as a college freshman (OK, it was a junior level class, but she had scored 5's on both AP English tests, and the college wasn't sure where to place her....give them credit, they knew freshman English would have been a poor choice) called Literary Theory that taught her to THINK before she spoke or wrote...and it set the stage for all the writing she has done since. It also gave her the gravitas in her thinking to allow her to enter Cooley Law and graduate with high honors. Where is Bachmann's law degree from? She neither speaks nor thinks like a lawyer. She talks like an uneducated of those kids who grows up in the tent revival tradition and follows in Daddy's showman footsteps.

  2. angela4:25 AM

    Kathy is a national treasure----especially when it comes to taking down the crazies and the fakes . . .

  3. Anonymous6:22 AM

    wish she could have helped get Levi a better lawyer or at least convinced him to speak out earlier, hope his book is TRUTHFUL and tells the REAL TALE OF TRIG, his son?

  4. Anonymous6:24 AM

    I live in bachmann TV area and beleive you rally don't want that screech in any office

  5. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I love Kathy and agree that she is a national treasure.

    However, I totally agree with the post about why in the heck didn't she help that poor kid, Levi, to find a better lawyer and speak up for his rights. The child custody deal was a real miscarriage of justice. Bristol has violated the terms a huge number of times..why hasn't he called her out on it?

  6. cuppajoe8:34 AM
    which says --
    "Michele Bachmann's Campaign Biography page makes the claim:

    ‘After earning her law degree, she went on to the College of William and Mary to get an LLM in Tax Law’. Um ... there are TWO huge problems with that lie. William and Mary does NOT now and never has offered an LL.M Degree in Tax Law. The ONLY LL.M Program that William and Mary offer is for 'Foreign Students' ... Non U.S. Lawyers ... William & Mary's ONLY LL.M program is titled: 'LL.M in American Law.' not Tax Law. William & Mary only offers a FEW tax law classes and they do not offer a Degree in Tax Law. So, either Michele Bachmann is NOT an American Citizen and went to William & Mary and got an LL.M because she was Foreign Student. Or ... she is just a big fat liar."

    So, being the helpful sort that I am, I went to the William and Mary website myself to see if THEY would lay claim to this nutjob’s assertions.

    And, lo-and-behold, I found this at

    “Bachmann received her undergraduate degree from Winona State University in Minnesota. She received her J.D. at the O.W. Coburn School of Law at Oral Roberts University. Bachmann received her LLM from William & Mary Law School in 1988. The university offered the master’s program in tax law from 1954 to 1995."

    So that bears repeating: “The university offered the master’s program in tax law from 1954 to 1995."

    Maybe after they figured out what a decrepit result they had in Bachmann's lack of knowledge and skills, they killed the program, huh?

  7. I didn't really care for KG from the little appearances I saw of her. It was Too Much in a short span or something.

    But I caught her show "My Life on the D List" and it was so. freaking. funny.

    So then I watched her stand-up. Hilarious! Her confrontations with celebs who think they're soooo much better are priceless.

    Baba Wawa? Sharon Stone? KG is Fantastic, I'm a big fan now.

    As for Levi. I think it's pretty clear that he wants to do his own thing. I saw a short video of him n his lawyer explaining there was a Fake Facebook page attributed to Levi.

    When the reporter (Andrea Gutsy, actually) asked Levi what he thought about it, he said something like:

    "I don't mind it, I guess. This is just something CELEBRITIES have to deal with. But it's okay."

    Just watching him call himself a celebrity was very telling. This kid better have some SERIOUSLY good DIRT on the Palins and SELL IT OFF to the highest bidder, cuz...

    your "celebrity" Levi?

    Talk to Amy Fisher, Joey Buttafuoco, Lorraina Bobbit...

    They all made the news too.

    They are not, and you are not, celebrities. And their bank accounts reflect it, buddy.

  8. To Cuppajoe:

    Exactly! There are SOOOO many LIES in Bachmann's campaign she may just rival "the Quitter". (Ha ha. Okay, no. I don't think ANYONE will EVER rival "the Quitter's" volume of lies.)

    I said it before. I think Bachmann truly expects that she will be able to gloss over and breeze through her PRESIDENTIAL campaign the way Granny did during her FAILED VP run.

    Of course, there is NO WAY ON EARTH that the media will allow Bachmann to get nearly as far as Palin.

    MB is entertaining as hell, similar to Granny, simply b/c of the INSANE LIES, Glaring Hypocrisy, and downright Stupidity that they Trumpet as Virtues!

    But the Presidential campaign is much longer, and much more difficult than the blink that Palin experienced.

    Mitt will be the GOP nominee.

    He will lose.

    OBAMA 2012!

  9. Anonymous10:09 AM

    OT but great!

  10. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Like the other commenter, I was never a huge Kathy Griffin fan but thanks to what's been posted about her at IM is making me take a second look. She is a very funny woman.

  11. Is Kathy sure she was talking to Michelle Bachman? Both of those answers sound exactly like Palin.

    Any Palin on any subject.

    Yeah, I am so sure that footage is NOT going to end up on any Bachman website. Not unless they can edited it into Kathy calling Michelle a bigot.

    Kathy better be careful or she'll end up on the C-list.

  12. Our collective gaydar on Marcus Bachmann has pinged big time with the story that he picked out an entire outfit for her to wear to a function. We have debilitating migraines; reparation therapy touting husband; and a man who sends gaydar off the chart picking out his wife's clothes.

    BTW: Michelle Bachmann dresses oh-so-fabulous. Really.


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