Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Al Gore calls "bullshit," quite literally, on climate change deniers.

(Adult language. Might not be safe for work, or to played around young children.)

Here is the link to Aspen Journalism who first reported on Gore's remarks:

"Former Vice President Al Gore spoke Thursday at a communications and society seminar at the Aspen Institute (FOCAS). 

He primarily addressed the subject of how citizens can exercise their democratic duties in the networked world, although he also gave a long overview of media and communications history. 

Gore spoke off-the-cuff for about an hour and then took questions from the seminar attendees. During the discussion, Gore addressed the issue of what happens when citizens are fed information that is meant to derail rational debate on complex issues."

Personally I do not blame Gore for expressing frustration at how the corporations have spent millions of dollars working to discredit him, and convincing the low hanging fruit that the evidence that they read about, or see out of their windows, every day is not reality.

It  is at times like this that I have to fight the urge to fantasize about how much different our country, and the world, would be if George Bush, the Supreme Court, and Fox News had not colluded to steal the 2000 election. Nothing to be gained by that kind of thinking, except to reignite that barely forgotten ember of anger that burned in the pit of my stomach and caused me so many sleepless nights lo those many years ago.

(H/T to Progressive Alaska.)


  1. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Too bad Gore, like your lifeline Palin, is afraid to debate the topic.

  2. Truly, some things need to be damned by God.

  3. Oh Al, we needed you in 2000, and we need you now. What do people (rep's) think that anyone GETS out of faking climate change? Ignorant foolish idiots.

  4. is it just me or does Al Gore look like the male version of Nancy Grace? LOL!

  5. Nancy In New York5:30 AM

    I'm with you Gryph, I can't go there. But I'm sure the world we live in today would be a lot different if Gore was 'selected' President. (I still can't get over how the bastards pulled that one off!)

    I have a friend who is ultra conservative. We don't talk politics because I know we wouldn't be able to stay friends. He believes that climate change is a complete myth. (He goes into the drone talking points about how climate change is cyclical blah, blah, blah)..)
    He won't even consider any presented FACTS as truth. His mind is closed shut.
    How can you get through to people who are completely at ease dismissing verifiable proof as
    junk science? It's beyond exasperating.

  6. Anonymous5:41 AM

    A hat tip to the best President we never had.

  7. JenniferinVA5:54 AM

    I still seethe at the theft of the presidential election in 2000 and I will never get over it. Anyone who dares to call themselves a patriot wouldn't get over it.
    My dad was a judge and I was always told the Supreme Court was the institution that could not be fucked with. It was the last hold out for fairness and justice in this nation.
    When those five "justices" proved themselves to be so nakedly partisan, my heart absolutely broke that day.

  8. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Gore: 50,999,897 48.38%
    Bush: 50,456,002 47.87%
    (And who received the most votes...?)

  9. Anonymous6:27 AM

    What could have been except for the criminals.

  10. Anonymous6:27 AM

    You are oh so right, sillwhabbit! Just imagine quite possibly no 9-11, no war with in the Middle East, no economic meltdown, no crazy Supreme Court decisions and surely progress on the climate-environmental front. What we lost when Bush was handed the keys to the White House!

  11. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Whoa, first comment out of the box is a denier! I am convinced there are people paid by the denial industry to scan blogs that discuss global warming. They have the same hard-edge comments. When they do engage in a discussion they also only seem to have a few well worn idiot responses.

    The problem is our kids are exiting school without tools to be logical. Magical thinking often is on the same level as logical thinking in everyday conversation.

  12. Thanks for the hat tip, Gryph.

    The Aspen Institute, where he spoke, is a fairly conservative gathering, but the people there have a history of not destroying science. Or scientists, like Dr. Charles Monnett.

  13. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I see we have murdered the Taliban that took down the helicopter. This is exactly the scenario that should have happened after 9/11 instead of abandoning the fight against the Taliban in Afghanistan for the war in Iraq.

    I too will never get over the 2000 presidential election Supreme Court decision.

  14. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I hear from otherwise intelligent sounding friends, the exact words I've also heard on Fox channel, about how Gore is perpetrating a hoax about the environment, for his personal gain.

    When I challenge them to utter something that isn't parroting verbatime what I've already heard, they claim to never watch Fox, or listen to Limbaugh or Beck--and that their arguments are their original thoughts (just coincidentally using the same words as the rightwing propaganda machine).

    Reaction to hearing anything different than that? "I have no idea what you are talking about."

    Translation: "Don't try to change my mind about anything...I've had my ideas set in concrete."


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It just goes directly to their thighs.