Tuesday, August 09, 2011

FBI might be prepared to investigate News Corps under RICO statutes. In other words the same statutes they use to investigate the Mafia.

Courtesy of AdWeek:

Well-sourced information coming out of the Department of Justice and the FBI suggests a debate is going on that could result in the recently launched investigations of News Corp. falling under the RICO statutes. 

RICO, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, establishes a way to prosecute the leaders of organizations—and strike at the organizations themselves—for crimes company leaders may not have directly committed, but which were otherwise countenanced by the organization. Any two of a series of crimes that can be proven to have occurred within a 10-year period by members of the organization can establish a pattern of racketeering and result in draconian remedies. In 1990, following the indictment of Michael Milken for insider trading, Drexel Burnham Lambert, the firm that employed him, collapsed in the face of a RICO investigation. 

Among the areas that the FBI is said to be looking at in its investigation of News Corp. are charges that one of its subsidiaries, News America Marketing, illegally hacked the computer system of a competitor, Floorgraphics, and then, using the information it had gleaned, tried to extort it into selling out to News Corp.; allegations that relationships the New York Post has maintained with New York City police officers may have involved exchanges of favors and possibly money for information; and accusations that Fox chief Roger Ailes sought to have an executive in the company, the book publisher Judith Regan, lie to investigators about details of her relationship with New York police commissioner Bernie Kerik in order to protect the political interests of Rudy Giuliani, then a presidential prospect. 

Here is where the RICO logic comes in. The usual path of a criminal investigation follows the crimes back to the source—that’s what happened to News Corp. in the U.K. when the royal family discovered that its voice mail messages were appearing in the press. But in a RICO investigation, you are really following the ethos and methods of operation of a group or organization to the crime. In other words, criminal activity is not seen as an isolated or particular event—as News Corp. has desperately and unsuccessfully tried to portray the crimes that occurred in the U.K.—but as an established pattern of conduct. 

As it happens, much of this pattern of conduct at News Corp. has long been hiding in plain sight. How the company has gotten away with such behavior is, in fact, a subtext of the investigations that are now unfolding. 

Partly, the company has escaped legal scrutiny because this is a boys-will-be-boys sort of story. News Corp.’s by-any-means aggressiveness has become so much a part of its identity that it seemed almost redundant to find fault with it. Everybody knew but nobody—for both reasons of fear and profit—did anything about it; hence its behavior has become, however unpleasant, accepted. 

And partly, it’s because the fundamental currency of the company has always been reward and punishment. Both the New York Post and Fox News maintain enemy lists. Almost anyone who has directly crossed these organizations, or who has made trouble for their parent company, will have felt the sting here. That sting involves regular taunting and, often, lies—Obama is a Muslim. (Or, if not outright lies, radical remakes of reality.) Threats pervade the company’s basic view of the world. “We have stuff on him,” Murdoch would mutter about various individuals who I mentioned during my interviews with him. “We have pictures.” 

Similarly, the Post and Fox News heap praise and favors on partisans, who in turn do them favors (the police, in New York as well as London, receive and return the favors). 

This reward and punishment has translated into substantial political power, both in terms of regulatory advantages and, too, in the ability of the company to shield itself from the kind of scrutiny that it has taken a perfect storm of events to have it now receive.

Use the same methods to investigate News Corp that the FBI used to investigate, and imprison, Mafia members? 

Considering what we know about how Fox News has used its influence to control elections, cover up for their favorite politicians, and attack competitors, it makes perfect sense to me.


  1. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Don't get your hopes up. Eric Holder won't go for this. He'll call off the FBI, if they try to go for it.

    Obama's DOJ doesn't - repeat, DOES NOT - prosecute Republicans and CEO's.

  2. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Great news!

    But what happened to this post?

    The Palin and the Hanson families issue joint statement welcoming new grandchild. Wait, didn't one side of the family already do that?

  3. Virginia Voter5:00 PM

    Yeah, the same Bernie Kerik who's serving 4 years in prison for corruption and fraud.


    News Corp is an organization which is run exactly like the mafia...illegal wiretapping , using threats to get what they want and further their corporate and political agenda.

    I'd love to see Murdoch, his son, and Ailes put away for a long time.

  4. Anonymous5:01 PM

    I read and posted about this on one of your blogs yesterday.

    I was thrilled to see Ailes included as he has managed to fly under the radar because of it being mainly in the UK. There is no way Ailes is clean. He's in it up to his eyeballs like Murdoch.

    We have to realize - they have swept clean their war rooms everywhere they have them 0 at NewsCorp, in Fox buildings. But, there is a long paper trail!!

  5. Anonymous5:05 PM

    That's not all they're investigating...

  6. Anonymous5:08 PM

    What an appropriate approach! Yes, it makes total sense to treat these thugs just like the mafia, because the two work and deal with the same caliper of people while using tactics like extortion and pay offs.
    The FBI doesn't back down either. This news made my day! Thanks for btinging it to light!

  7. angela5:11 PM

    Murdoch and Ailes asses need to be clapped in irons.
    Murdoch's American citizenship should be revoked as he was participating in criminal enterprises when it was granted. Then he should spend the rest of his life behind bars. His mother is 102 so he's probably got another twenty years or so to be among us.

    Ailes needs to do time also for running FAUX, another lying criminal enterprise.

  8. Anonymous5:13 PM

    RICO is totally appropriate for these thugs.

    There was a line in The Ref, where a jewel thief says to his hostages (about their insufferable mother/MIL)

    "I've know loan sharks more forgiving than her."

    I think the power behind this body really gave Sarah Palin the balls to be as vengeful, snarky and classless to the majority of Americans that no other respectable outlet would endorse, condone or employ.

    Sarah, you have no clothes, what are you going to do when Murdoch's empire comes crashing at your naughty-monkeyed feet?

  9. or those asking about the missing post, blame it on a brain fart.

    I read something one way, and posted it, before realizing it did not say that at all.

    I would blame it on alcohol, except I have not had any today.


  10. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Its interesting that fox is what it is, yet Obama, a democrat, got the biggest pass of all time in the media. Makes one go hmmmm

    Also interesting? Joe M still calls Ailes a friends despite pol differences. Yet he's never met Sarah and calls her mean.

    Got news for ya Joe. Sarah is nothing compared to Ailes. She's actually a nice, genuine friend with good intentions for the country. Ailes? Money.

  11. laprofesora6:00 PM

    News Corps=Mafia

    Yeah, I can live with that.

  12. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Why is attention on the GOP and fox? Do you all not care about what went down behind the scenes during that confusing HCR time?

    Transparency obama, for once in your short career. Or areyou afraid to prove the GOP right? Sarahs fb posts have essentially predicted everything that's happened. You still get a media pass. B/c you're black, maybe. But prob because you're a thug with deep connections.

    Request Os emails once he's out of office.

  13. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Gryphen, I don't think it was you that had the brain fart.

    Reading the fox site, they quote the Witch as "couldn't be happier.....about the marriage".


    Did they marry for a second time on the weekend?

    Maybe she's not mentioned the baby as she's in the process of trying to adopt her. You know Palooza can do nothing without a prop and she needs a new one. She's used and abused the old one.

    It's not you -- it's her!!!

  14. FEDUP!!!6:19 PM

    Well, the article does not mention that NewsCorps also used drones over the US to spy/eavesdrop on US citizens.

    THIS WILL BE FUN! My popcorn is ready, and my champagne for the aftermath is already chilled! I especially LOVE the fact that our very own $arah Palin is involved with those crooks!

  15. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Maybe ole Sarah will get caught up in the dragnet and arrested with these two crooks.

  16. Wolfbitch6:28 PM

    Gryphen, check out this week's Rolling Stone. They've got a great article about this same thing, and include a few more ill-dealings by News Corp.

  17. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Gryphen, have a drink and stay safe and healthy.

  18. laprofesora7:26 PM

    "Sarah is nothing compared to Ailes. She's actually a nice, genuine friend with good intentions for the country."

    You are delusional. Go take your medication.

  19. emrysa7:29 PM

    yeah hate to say it but you know all the faux noise viewers would rally around their propaganda masters. if faux was investigated, their viewers would say it was a witchhunt by the liberals and all lies. even if they were found guilty their viewers would claim it was all lies, that the liberals just wanted to ruin faux because they are 'successful.' that's how brainwashed these people are. and murdoch knows it and loves it. in many ways, he's built himself an army. stupidest army in the world, but an army nonetheless.

  20. Anonymous7:34 PM

    O/T Blade posted medical forms for Sarah's lipodissolve injections a few hours ago.

    Interesting read.


  21. Anonymous7:35 PM

    @6:03 - "Why all the attention on Fox and the GOP?"
    You must be really lost. This is a progressive blog. Therefore, we will put the attention on FOX & the GOP every day.
    Why can't you stop ragging on the President ON EVERY THREAD OF A PROGRESSIVE BLOG? Go back to C4Peons.

  22. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Unless there are forces bigger than the FBI that shut the investigation down quickly....

    Remember corporations own the US.

  23. I've been waiting for this particular clown shoe to drop.

    The interesting thing about RICO is that all assets are seized instantly. Anyone associated with such an organization is also examined with the proverbial fine tooth comb, especially when it comes to the money trail. When the Mafia has been targeted, even individuals have their assets frozen immediately. Billo might find life very difficult without any money, and Sarah might have to run after all! Gotta keep the graft going...

    It would be nice if Fox was actually forced off the air by this and everyone unemployed. They might have a very hard time getting jobs any time in the next few years.

    As for pressure on Holder and the DOJ to not do this, they'll just let the US Attorney for New York handle it: that way D.C. does not directly have their hands in the fire.

  24. Now this is the type of news item that I've been waiting for. This could make my summer and start the dominoes falling well into fall.

  25. Anonymous8:47 PM

    why cant they RICO the FLDS since most of those people not only knew but watched the ongoing assaults of young children.

    Or, are 'we' too afraid to mention 'mormons' what with two of these goons running for prez.

  26. Anonymous9:14 PM

    why cant they RICO the FLDS since most of those people not only knew but watched the ongoing assaults of young children.

    Or, are 'we' too afraid to mention 'mormons' what with two of these goons running for prez.


    RICO only applies to certain crimes, such as wire fraud, mail fraud, money laundering, etc. I'm not positive, but I don't think child sexual abuse is one of the listed crimes.

  27. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Anon @5:56

    Go to hell.

    Obama does not get a pass in the media, quite the contrary, they treat him like a whipping boy. Tar baby, Barack Ogabe, chimpanzee, fascist, socialist, muslim, loser, weak, cave, unAmerican, bone in the nose witch doctor, dick, sambo, it goes on and sickeningly on. If you think any of these are appropriate than you are uncivil, disrespectful and more than likely a racist. And if in fact you are a racist you are a weak,fearful,pathetic human being.
    You may be well to remember that the original family is from sub-saharan Africa so like it or not you owe your lineage to a Black person. And don't pull that race card shit, that is projection on your part, to make excuses for your hateful, unamerican attitudes.

    With respect to his leadership, spare me the disrespect unless you can tell me what your policies are, their impact, and most importantly, how would you get them done. Lots of big talking arm chair quarterbacks that like to treat things as if they were simple, when if fact they are not, or imagine that one person has unilateral powers, when in fact he does not. Or can only see short term when middle and long term impacts matter equally if not more.
    And get over the my way or the highway attitudes, our Democracy is founded on compromise, you give a little, you get a little. You don't get to necessarily have it your way.

    And one more thing, keep your religion to your self where it belongs. We are a nation of many religions, or none, Christianity is not our national religion so keep it out of government where it does not belong. Rick Perry, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, your actions don't match your bible thumping rhetoric. You give good Christians a bad name. You should be ashamed.

  28. Anonymous10:09 PM


    What the hell are you talking about? Tell us exactly how Sarah has been right, and about what...death panels? 2009' biggest lie of the year!

    Sarah Palin has never made an ounce of sense,not speaking, and I doubt she ever actually wrote her own opinion columns or FB pages. If she did she is both a nasty, mean assed person, and unable to speak as coherently as she writes. You may call me a liar, but I guarantee you she does not have a clue about sound economic policy, or long term policy impact. I watched her in her press conferences after legislation was signed in Alaska, Sarah deferred to the legislators so she would not have to speak of that which she did not know. I witnessed that more than once. She is inarticulate and I suspect pretending to be something she is not, a policy wonk. I've listened to enough of her FOX interviews to know that were it not for talking points she would have to resort to talking abou the weather. Even with her talking points she fails to make sense. She does realize that you can't make up facts.

    Could we please cut with the pretense that she is intellectually qualified to lead our country. Please, the delusion is frightening. Were Sarah Palin ever to be given the keys to the Whitehouse, we would have a figurehead President, cutting ribbon and hosting state dinners, we would not have a working President, someone else would be making decisions in her shadow. That thought is too frightening for me to even consider.

  29. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Interesting article. I hope they find the goods and prosecute them aggressively. It's a bit hard to have an effective democracy when you have media organizations that act like Fox.



    Is there any chance you might consider changing the fonts you use on your blog. I find it hard to differentiate from the thing your quoting and the bits your writing. It's normal text for you and italics for a quote, but wow it's often difficult to tell them apart. There are a number of ways you could remedy this. I like the way Andrew Sullivan has his quotes in a box with a grey background. Could you maybe do your italics in a slightly different colour or font size?

    I hope you take this as a constructive criticism. I like your blog a lot. :-)


  30. Anonymous1:40 AM

    $arah, better go to the FBI first and tell all you know & have done for money & kickbacks. Maybe you will get off and turn evidence against Murdoch and News Corp.

    Ah, forget that idea $arah, you deserve life in prison.

    Pack your bags bitch, your number is up.

  31. Anonymous2:04 AM

    Anonymous@4:54 pm: You are absolutely correct -- for the wrong reason(s). Of course, if PRESIDENT Obama or ATTORNEY GENERAL Eric Holder made ANY ATTEMPT to do such a thing, they'd appear on someone's hit list. Give me a fucking break. What do YOU think would happen if either of them tried to prosecute the GREAT AND POWERFUL WHITE MEN WHO RUN THIS COUNTRY. Idiot.

  32. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Is IM attracting a new type of troll now?

    Anons @ 9:40 & 10:09.. thank you..

    & great post Gryphen.

    These trolls seem to think if they shout very loud & bully their opinion.. we will become converted.

  33. Anonymous4:28 AM

    It would be political self-abuse for this administration to investigate The News Corp. Fox would be all over it 25 hours a day 8 days a week whining and crying about being persecuted and their loyal crowd of followers and baggers would start to act even stupider than they already do.

  34. Anonymous4:47 AM

    The money statement, right here:

    "News Corp.’s by-any-means aggressiveness has become so much a part of its identity that it seemed almost redundant to find fault with it. Everybody knew but nobody—for both reasons of fear and profit—did anything about it; hence its behavior has become, however unpleasant, accepted."

    Could not the same be said about the rightwing for years now? Scary times.

  35. RICO SARAH5:45 AM

    What's it take to get a federal investigastion going in Alaska? Surely Sarah violated at least one federal law. Its the only real chance of bypassing the APD's stonewalling and cover ups imo.

  36. Anonymous said...
    Its interesting that fox is what it is, yet Obama, a democrat, got the biggest pass of all time in the media. Makes one go hmmmm

    Also interesting? Joe M still calls Ailes a friends despite pol differences. Yet he's never met Sarah and calls her mean.

    Got news for ya Joe. Sarah is nothing compared to Ailes. She's actually a nice, genuine friend with good intentions for the country. Ailes? Money.
    5:56 PM
    Only makes one go hmmmm if one is a liar and/or a moron.

    I remember the 24/7 coverage of Rev Wright, the false lipstick on a pig issue, the bitter clingers, and on and on and on.

    Palin is the one who got a free pass from the media. Why has the media not gone after her wrongdoings, like the 200+ people that died on her watch? Or the fact that the Alaskan Medicare/Medicaid program in Alaska had to be shut down due to her incompetent governing? Or her lying about having been completely exonerated in Troopergate?

    Enough with the wah-wah he never met Sarah stupidity. All one has to do to know that Sarah is mean is to read and listen to her own words.

    Likewise all that is necessary to know that she has dreadful intentions for this country is to read and listen to her own vengeful, vindictive, lying words.

  37. Anonymous7:55 AM

    RICO only applies to certain crimes, such as wire fraud, mail fraud, money laundering, etc. I'm not positive, but I don't think child sexual abuse is one of the listed crimes.
    9:14 PM----

    What those males did was force the preg women to get welfare money, then take the money the females got and use it for themselves.
    That is Fraud. Done via rape.

  38. Why wasn't RICO used against bankers, etc. for the toxic mortgage meltdown?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.