Thursday, August 11, 2011

Bristol Palin avoids questions about Mercede Johnston Playboy interview.

Damn, I don't think Bristol liked this introduction into the world of the LA reality star one little bit.

And you just know she was biting a hole in her lip to keep from responding to those questions about Sadie.

Somebody who has access to her REAL Facebook account needs to monitor is carefully, because I have little doubt she will let her anger out later on today.

It was nice to see that Willow has been allowed to accompany her sister and Tripp on their adventures.  She has been out of sight for such a long time.

(If the video does not play click here.)

UPdate: What is this? Bristol's reality show is a big fake? Say it ain't so!

This may come as a bit of a shock, but, from what can be seen here, Bristol Palin's new reality show isn't very, well, real. Footage taken of Palin, son Tripp and co-star Kyle Massey on their new BIO channel reality show features the trio in a number of Los Angeles-area locales. 

They go in and out of a baby supply store, timed with their cameras to get the shot just right, and take a strangely long amount of time to order food at a burger stand. 

Perhaps the most authentic of the crew? Little Tripp, who had a cute fit when someone tried to pry him off an electric rocking horse. 

(Here is the video of what's described above.)

Fake pregnancies, fake political credentials, fake marriages, fake chins, and now fake reality. Isn't there ANYTHING real about this family?


  1. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Wow - Willow DOES look post partum - now I understand the rush to get home for jury duty.

  2. Anonymous1:16 PM

    She's really bad at being Brissie Hollywood. Awkward!
    My child was WALKING without a pacifier at 2 1/2. Just saying.

  3. Anonymous1:18 PM


  4. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Willow back in the picture? Does that mean she is no longer pregnant?

  5. I lived in L.A. until 3 years ago and it looks like Bristol, Willow and Tripp are in a rough area. All for a cheap manicure?

    And the shirt Bristol is wearing looks like it's from K-Mart -- the stripes don't even line up in the back. Hey Bristol! Ever hear of Fred Segal? If you want to play with the big girls, you'll need more than that chin.

  6. Anonymous1:21 PM

    why does she drive a suburban...just her and the tyke driving around from spas to hair and nail places to the gym (ha) err McDonalds...seems a smaller size SUV would be more practical?

  7. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Um, if I were Bristol, I'd ignore lame question too.

    And Willow hasnt been out of the spotlight that long. She took time off work to do the bus tour, she is a normal girl. Is that a crime to do the normal thing?

    Your commentary is just weird.

    And aside from the quote I mentioned from Bristol on her real account, I doubt shell address the nonsense further. It's easy to ignore people who don't matter.

  8. Anonymous1:23 PM

    THANK YOU for knowing that is Willow. pogaters think it's April which is ridic, as April is in Colorado. But about to be with her family.

  9. Anonymous1:27 PM

    To quote the old Chicago tune...
    "only the beginning...only just the start...". I can't wait unt she loses it and she will!

  10. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Somebody should ask Todd, Track and Chuck who looks better in their birthday suit... Sarah, Bristol, Willow or Mercedes.

  11. Anonymous1:32 PM

    The cut off jeans on the chunky little sister are about as tacky as one can get.


  12. Anonymous1:33 PM

    wow so healthy for your young child to take them into a nail salon with all the toxic fumes....VERY PARENTAL Brissel....

  13. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Reality shows have never been real. Anyone who falls for them is simply unreal.

  14. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Wow, Willard's ass looks wide. Maybe the previous poster at 1:13 is right with the postpartum guess for the weight gain.
    As for Barstool Hoolywood, she'll never make it in the big city unless her mama can buy her a personality.
    BTW Barstool's gut is HUGE. You could feed 4 or 5 northern Alaskan villages with that muffin top. No wonder she is so jealous of Mercede.

    Barstool, stay off the beaches, Greenpeace may accidently tow you out to sea trying to save a beached whale.

  15. Have you ever read about the extreme levels of toxins generated from fake nails...and she has her baby boy right in the middle of it, breathing it all in, he will come out as brain damaged as the rest of them...

  16. Anonymous1:37 PM

    My child was walking at ten months and never had a pacifier! Tripp looks huge for a two and a half year old.

    Willow looks overweight. Is that whole retarded family nibbling on battered butter and twinkies?

  17. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Facts for the inevitable troll:
    -bristoll is jealous of mercede
    -Bristol is a liar
    -bristol is a 1 mercede is at least a 9
    -Bristol can't stand being ignored
    -Bristol can't get over Levi just like Sarah can't get over her 08 defeat by President Obama
    -Bristol had self mutilated her face in an attempt to look ad good ad mercede via multiple plastic surgeries that have evidently not worked to improve her looks
    -Bristol will never be in playboy
    -Bristol is a lazy turd with no skills, no vocabulary and no intelligence or common sense
    -bristol's book is an utter failure just like sarah's

    Put that in your meth pipe and smoke it.

  18. Anonymous1:38 PM

    She will never fit into Hollywood, not just because of her lack of looks and weight but because she lacks an iota of charm or grace.

  19. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I cannot believe that no one has taught Bristol some tricks to deal with the media - she is supposed to engage them, even if it means smiling, waving and changing the subject. She has no skills!

    I will say something nice - Bristol looks so much better in the video - lost weight and removed chin implant?

  20. Anonymous1:40 PM

    So, where is Willow living? Is this taken in California? Did Willow graduate? Looks like Willow gained a little weight. And yes, Tripp was on a lap in the car, no carseat.

  21. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Well, Bristles is SO easy to find in LALA Land. She is the chunky one with layers and layers of clothes on!!

  22. Anonymous1:42 PM

    What is fake about going in and out of stores? Isn't that what people do?

    When they were in AK, they went camping, fishing, gokarting, moose watching... all things they do in life.

    What do you expect from a reality show?

    The Masseys and Palins are great friends and judging by pics, they seem to have had a wonderful time last month.

    And whose marriage is fake?

  23. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Who is getting the manicure Bristol or Tripp?

  24. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Um anon 1:13, you're an idiot. But thats cool. We're entitled to our opinions.

    I do find it weird that well known people keep their children "young" longer. At LEAST Tripp has worn pullups and underwear. I understand keeping a 2.5 yr old in pullups when out and about, as most of them arent stable in that area yet. But everything time I see Suri Cruise with a bottle (at age 5) Iwanna strangle Katie.

  25. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Boy, I bet Tripp was getting high off those nail chemicals in his face.

    I can barely walk by those places in the mall let alone sit my baby right there so he can breathe it all in.

  26. Anonymous1:46 PM

    The kid is almost 3 and still has a pacifier in his mouth? The Palins are such lazy failures.

  27. Anonymous1:48 PM

    I hope the c4p crowd know that they are sending money so that Brisdull can get her nails manicured!

  28. PalinsHoax1:48 PM

    Oh Brisdull. I can see why you complain that being a single mum is SOOOOO hard.

    1.) YOU have to drive yourself to the beauty parlour. There is no one to drive you there instead. Oh the hardship.

    2.) AND you have to drive an SUV, instead of, you know, being chauffered in a LIMO, by a driver. Oh, this is double hardship.

    3.) Plus where DO you find time in your busy, busy life as a single mum to go for a - manicure, is it?

    Sigh. Yes, it's no wonder that you constantly complain about how hard it is being a single mum.

  29. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Kids having "fits" are not cute. And what's with the diaper, pacifier and stroller? Is Tripp ever going to get trained, allowed to grow, and get some positive training? I doubt he gets much attention when he's not shoved in front of the camera. And, was he getting his nails done? It sure looked like it to me. There is no one who can cut a child's nails at home? But then, where IS home?

    This is just no way to raise a child. And if Levi thinks it's OK, he's wrong, too.

    I hate to say it, but he's going to have some real problems with this crew raising him.

    BTW, isn't that April Morlock?

  30. Anonymous1:51 PM

    That poor little boy needs a hat and sunglasses and sunscreen (especially if/when he's in AZ.) He clearly doesn't have the first 2, so I doubt he has the third. Being a mom is hard work involving taking the utmost responsibity for your child's welfare. In these videos, he just looks like an annoyance to be dealt with. "Stick the pacifier in the kid's mouth so he'll shut up."

    If this is the way this tribe treats a relatively low maintenance kid, I shudder to think of what the special needs boy is going through.

  31. Anonymous1:53 PM


    replace the links with this one:

  32. Virginia Voter1:53 PM

    So who's going to be on the Hater Nation tour with Grandma Grizzly this weekend? Can Brisdull and Willer be torn away from their glamourous Hollywood life of manicures, shopping and dodging paparazzi ? New Daddy Track is busy with his (maybe) wife and baby, so that leaves Piper, who should be starting school next week, and the now retired prop Trig.

    I'd rather poke my eyeballs with toothpicks than watch this retarded show.

    I can't wait to see who shows up to crash the party...will it be Ma & Pa Heath, Tawd ? Will Sarah wear her rhinestone Jesus belt? God, what a trashy family.

  33. Anonymous1:54 PM

    How come Bristol and Willow are such tubs? They don't seem to care about it either. Did Willow finally graduate? Is she living with Bristol and her two men? The Palins must be proud. Two wild Palin girls on the run without their parents.

  34. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Leadfoot says that salon is in the Valley. Kyle sayd on twitter they are filming in a secret area, yet the paps found them. He joked about it.

  35. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Sunglasses indoors? What a Klassy Klondike Kardashian move!

    I thought Willow was working full time while also going to school and having a full live with friends and after-school clubs. And yet, she also finds time to go to California just to have her nails done! These Palins, they are such incredible multi-taskers! Why do I just know that Bristol, Willow, and Tripp went to Applebee's after their manicures to laugh at us, the way they do.

    Hey, Bristol, I know you think huffing is a ton of fun, but the chemical fumes at manicure salons are actually harmful to children. I know you don't expect your kids to go to college, but do you really want to deny them that option if you can help it?

  36. Anonymous2:07 PM

    It is against the law to have a child of that age/weight not in a car seat. If someone sees that, CPS should know about it.

  37. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Er... when have "reality" shows EVER been "real"? I have yet to see a single one. COPs maybe.

    I'm still struggling to understand how the show got greenlighted at all. Who is interested in following a girl with an empty life doing nothing of consequence? I mean, unless she gets mugged or something, I'm not sure what the thrill of watching her buy baby supplies in LA is supposed to be.

    Even Paris Hilton would at least have the attraction of getting a glimpse into the high-roller party lifestyle. Lindsay Lohan would at least have the real drama of someone with serious substance issues coping with life and trying to rebuild herself.

    I see nothing of interest at all in the life of a girl who's never done anything except get pregnant and then ride the D-list celeb train as a parasite of her Mother's fame.

    The only possible interest I can imagine for this would be from Palinbots who are hoping for a cameo from Mom.

  38. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Anon 1:38 and you're an idiot. You don't know any of them. This is why I typically avoid comments here and polgates. People are insane. Laura's comment threads are realistic and kind.

    And in WHAT world is Willow overweight? In what world is Bristol overweight Well, maybe TECHNICALLY but they look fine.

  39. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I thought the premise of the "reality" show was that Bristol and Tripp would be living in a house with the Massey brothers. Looks like Bristol is living large at the W instead.

    What a load of crap!!!

  40. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Are the Palins having money problems? Why would you show your face on that creepy street...if you're that desperate to save money, do your nails at home. Oh but I forgot, your Mom is the White Trash Warrior. Party on, chubby white Hee Haw girls.

  41. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Aren't they supposed to be living in a house together? It looks to me like Bristol is living at the W Hotel. That's the 2nd day she's seen at the valet there. I love the BIO channel, but this is going to suck so bad it's going to be funny. Can't wait!!

  42. ann_s2:24 PM

    She is chewing gum and the little boy has a pacifer..what is that about?
    Also, it is hazardous at best to take a child that age into a nail salon (unless you put a mask on him).

  43. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Bristol is on the "E" List. That's why she was on Dancing With the Stars. I live in L.A. The 818 area code is in the Valley. Hot as hell. Papparazzi does not go to the Valley and stake that street. Someone called them. Basic PR. So even though Bristol Hollywood is acting like a Bitch, she or "her people" called them there. Too bad this is not Alaska and she cannot control what they say or ask of her. She didn't say anything because she cannot argue or defend herself from anything Mercedes says. The truth is absolute, baby! BTW, since she is a celebrity now and all celebrities of her stature (cough, cough) have sexual scandals to up their career. Perhaps Mercedes can help her by asking one (or more) of the 12 guys who have nude photos of Bristol the slut to release them -but to put a black bar over her privates PLEASE! No one needs to she that shit. People need to take Bristol down a notch or two! God, she pisses me off even more than her mom does. She is a parasite on Sarah's back and even RAM acknowledged that.

  44. Anonymous2:34 PM

    The show got greenlighted not because of Bristol Palin but the Massey brothers. Palin is a loser. The best thing we can all do is NOT watch this train wreck. Honestly, I think that the bots would watch DWTS because they are the right demographic. But for them to watch the BIO channel and Bristol living with two black men. Their heads would EXPLODE. Not well played Bristol. You don't have a teen following, only a Tea Bag following, and they are not really into you.

  45. Anonymous2:35 PM

    @1:23, thank you for the clarification, April!

  46. Anonymous2:37 PM

    It must be pretty tough for Bristol to live in L.A. It's extreeeeeemly looks-based and she is not.... ummmm... strong in the looks department.

    But please, Palin Family Fairy Tale Troll, feel free to tell me that she doesn't care about that stuff and is STRONG!

  47. nswfm2:38 PM

    Reseda? Where the Wasillabillies go for manicures. LOL!

  48. Anonymous2:41 PM

    THANK YOU for knowing that is Willow. pogaters think it's April which is ridic, as April is in Colorado. But about to be with her family.

    1:23 PM

    April or another lookalike cousin was on the bus tour. That's why people get confused. The Palins work to confuse the ID's of these girls.

  49. Anonymous2:46 PM

    I would imagine she is shunned by real "celebrities" in LA. That's probably why her sister is there because no one else will hang with her. Poor Bristol!

  50. wakeUpAmerica2:46 PM

    Their malice and discontent is very real.
    WTF is a pacifier doing in that little boy's mouth? He isn't a baby.

  51. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Maybe the reason they took so long at the food stand was because she kept eating the food??

  52. Dis Gusted2:48 PM

    My child was WALKING without a pacifier at 2 1/2.


    there is no doubt the child can walk. According to Bristol, he can even roller blade...pffft. He's way too old for a pacifier. Most babies don't use them after the first few months.

    He needs a stroller to go from the SUV into the store? Wut?

    No carseat
    Toxic nail crap

    way to go morons.

  53. Anonymous2:53 PM

    When my son was little, I left him at home (as Bristol could leave Tripp with Willow) to get my nails done. There is NO way I would have exposed him to those chemicals -- and especially not from my lap with his little nose right there next to the fumes.

  54. WakeUpAmerica2:56 PM

    California has tough seatbelt laws. If she gets stopped and doesn't have a car seat for him, he will be taken by CPS. Ooooh that will be embarrassing. Hopefully, Bristol will also be arrested for child endangerment.

  55. Hannah3:01 PM

    Take the damn pacifier out of that kid's mouth! God, do these people know NOTHING about parenting? She is going to ruin that kids teeth, not to mention his psyche. Errr.

  56. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Stoking racism, that's our Sarah!

    ...If you have a hummingbird’s visual cortex, you can make out a stray black person here or there, but the golden-hued soft focus on the “good people” who do all the hard work is reserved for the white people in Palin’s video, which even manages to find an all-white stock clip of marching Marines.

    Those inclined to dismiss Palin’s omission of black people from her relaunch video should pay attention to the not-so-subtle clues in the clip’s title, “Always Proud,” and her declaration that these “good people” are “always proud of America,” and consider them in context with this jab at Michelle Obama (a follow-up to one she made in her book, America By Heart).

    What does this say about Palin? Probably nothing new. At best, it means that whoever put this video together just didn’t notice the lack of diversity, and didn’t need to, because the folks Palin is appealing to aren’t all that concerned with diversity. If the video is designed to get someone to point this out so that Palinistas can chow down on another feast of Lamestream Media™ victimization, then I guess this is the dinner bell.

  57. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Bristol is so boring and has no personality. Nor can she act. None of this bodes well for her unreality reality show.

    And I don't think Willow looks post-partum. I really wish people would get off this obsession with Palins being pregnant all the time.

    At least there is solid evidence for Trig not being Sarah Palin's son, but the rest of it just makes people sound nuts.

  58. Anonymous3:05 PM

    And I just want to add that the incest comments are just sick.

    I can't believe you let those through, Gryphen. It really discredits the site.

  59. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Poor Bristol, the single mom who gets manicures and new chins. She's ignorant to the media, walks around without sunglasses, yet puts them on inside a fume filled store. She'll never fit in anywhere she goes.

    What color nails did little Tripp get? A pretty shade of yellow to match the stripe down your back?

    You blew an opportunity to draw attention to your new show. Don't blame your jealous nature, but you could have turned things around in your favor instead of coming across as socially inept.

    Wonder how the media found out which salon and what time you were getting your nails done? You need a better publicist.

    Sadie wouldn't need to learn these things, she's smart enough to do it on her own.

    Bristol - 1
    Media- 2
    Sadie- TKO *without even being there

  60. Anonymous3:10 PM

    At least she took our advice and got him a decent stroller. Bristol, next time you get a manicure, leave him with Willow and they can go for a little walk.

  61. Anonymous3:13 PM

    No nanny? You would think Bristol would get her nails done at a studio when she gets her makeup done. Why a shabby salon? Where is Bristol living in California? Does she have an apartment? Is Willow living with the two men too? These two girls are heading no where in life. They look trashy.

  62. Anonymous3:15 PM

    The Palin girls are in "the Valley" which is on the other side of the hill from LA. It's apparent by the 818 area code. It's not a 'bad neighborhood', but it isn't the most desirable place to live for a lot of people since it's hot, hot, hot. The Valley is lodged between two mountains, so the air doesn't move as freely and the basin becomes mega hot and in my opinion, ungodly uncomfortable, but rents and such as less expensive. It's more like a big suburb, than a city. Most likely they are there since there are a lot of studios there. Burbank, Universal and lots of smaller production houses are located there, since it's significantly cheaper to do business there.

    I don't know where she is filming, but I'll bet they have her up in a cheap motel not far from the studios while she's filming her fake reality show. Cheap motels are a dime a dozen in the Valley since there are alot of people coming and going, working on sets and productions on a short term basis. Some parts of the Valley are seedy, some parts are's a huge area covered.

  63. dancingthroughlife3:18 PM

    Anon 2:25- "Perhaps Mercedes can help her by asking one (or more) of the 12 guys who have nude photos of Bristol the slut to release them"

    The problem with that is if someone DID release them, the bots would still see Bristol as the "victim," and whoever released them as someone trying to "capitalize on her fame," not focus on the fact that she sent the pics in the first place.

  64. Wow ... they are in Reseda? Not exactly upper crust LA.

  65. Anonymous3:24 PM

    So where was Willow's baby? Is the father of Bristol's new baby Kyle?

    Tripp is too old for a pacifier.

    Bristol wearing a lot of clothes as coverups.

  66. Anonymous3:27 PM

    So...I'm trying to figure out the logistics of this 'reality' show that is being filmed. Supposedly, Bristol (and the kid) live with the M brothers in the same house, right? Does she still have a nanny? Where does the nanny live? Is Willow now the nanny? Does she live in the house as well? Camera crew, producers, Bristol, Willow, M brothers, nanny, makeup & hair peeps...geezzz. Real calm & stable environment for a 2 year old. Also, too....does anyone feel it strange that a 17 yr. old (if that's Willow's age) and a 20 year old, both immature and with little worldly knowledge, but likely too much money, are on their own in LA? I've raised two daughters and don't think I would have never been an advocate of that. The diff, however, was that my girls, at that age, had traveled internationally, were from a large, urban area (street smart) and didn't have much time during summer months as they were working hard saving up for the next year of college and/or taking summer school. Don't know.....see that video and just think of two little girls playing grownup long before they are ready emotionally, but having no idea how unprepared they are. They may both think they've been around the block and are all that, but they really aren't. Pretty sad and pathetic. Just MHO, but an obvious and major lack of effective parenting going on there.

  67. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Anon 1:22...

    Oh Mercedes matters dear and she's not done yet!

    Poor Bristol what a yawnnnnnnnn show! It will never make it. It's stupid and no one cares to watch her shopping.
    She's got NO talent, no charisma and her looks won't make it in LA. Plus whoever heard of BioTV.

    Regarding Willow, you don't know very much do you!! ROFL!!! What a lot she's been through lately wink wink!

    Hey why do you come here? It's really fucked up.
    Do you have a psychiatrist? That would be like one of us stalking C for P, trying to change minds. Who would waste their time like that. It's a bit OCD and you stalk this blog. Ask your shrink. You need help. And if you truly dont know the Palins, which I think you don't, well that's even nuttier.
    You forget there are people here who REALLY know them.
    If you are one of those, how can you still be brainwashed? Everyone else sees the truth by now.
    Get help.
    Stop cutting down Mercedes.

  68. Anonymous3:32 PM

    I KNEW Willow would be with her. BRothers and Sisters. minus the amazing plotline of the REAL Brothers and Sisters show


  69. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Bristol truly has NO charm or grace.
    What a hillbilly.
    Willow looks post partum.

    Where ARE all these babies now? Placed in good fundie homes? The Palin women/ girls are like rabbits.

  70. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Theres a lot of mememememe going on here today. Who cares what you did when you were little of with your kids. I grew up in the 50s as im sure many of you did. Before all this insane safety crap and over regulation bs. We turned out just fine.

  71. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Theres a reason strollers exist. Toddlers tire of walking everywhere quickly. THATS what you're criticizing her for?

  72. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I dont see the no car seat? You cant see inside the car

  73. Anonymous3:37 PM

    2:41, the only people on the bus tour were Bristol, Willow, Piper, Sarah, Todd, C and S

    I will say that there are many girls in AK that ive seen who all share similar appearances. And April DOES resemble Palin relatives. They both do have native ancestry.

  74. but to put a black bar over her privates PLEASE! No one needs to see that shit.
    OMG ANON 2:25; made me laff out loud!


    Fucking Reseda.

    It IS hot as hell in the Valley- like all y'all out there, it's been triple digits. WHAT is Bitch's problem?

    the paps do NOT come here unless they're called;

    and THAT pap was WAAAAY nice. Wait until she starts to get the still photographers who just shout CRAZY ASS shit at you just to get your response on camera.

    Such a fucking hillbilly; I can't wait! =)

    Oh, and Willow? Burn those fucking shorts AND shoes; they are the FUGLIEST god damn things on that Street!

    UGH! Fucking hillbilly.

  75. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Barstool is the worst. i know all this has been said but it all bears repeating:
    - pacifier? really? she is ruining his bite and now he will need braces for sure
    - no hat, sunglasses or even the shade screen on the stroller? skin damage for the baby but the mom has long sleeves AND a jacket.
    - nail polish fumes - he was probably high when she took him back outside into the blazing sun with no protection and his pacifier.
    Total parenting FAIL.

  76. Anonymous3:41 PM

    'The Insider' in the opening tonight didn't have Bristol or Mercedes on but mentioned about Bristol's surgeries -- Did she have 5??

    The piece when played about 5 to 7 minutes into the show, asked whether she has had 5 surgeries on her face - accusations from Mercede's interview. It said it included lipo and (I forget other reference) -- Bristol having said only 1 for corrective surgery to align her teeth.

    Brisket's getting attention -- but not the attention she wants!!

  77. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I recall something being said about the reality show involving doing some charity things. Kyle's used to that but Brisket wouldn't have a clue -- that family wouldn't give a can of beans to a food bank - they're all filled with GREED

  78. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Brisket's totally pissed in that she thought she'd get the same treatment as on DWTS - going out for dinners, etc. None of it. And it shows -- bargain basement manicures!! Shows how low the budget is for the reality show!!

  79. Anonymous3:55 PM

    The sign says $10 for a manicure. She must be staying somewhere near where Eddie Burke stayed -- in the cheap seats in LaLaLand.

  80. Anonymous4:08 PM

    If you stop the video at or just before the 2 minutes mark, Willow has her her foot up on the seat and therefore what is sticking up is her knee/leg. I don't see Tripp sitting on Willow's lap. Willow also has her seatbelt on.

  81. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Anon 3:18. The bots will always defend the Palins but your average American won't. They will know that she is trash. Plus, it will bring attention and a bright light to all things Palin. Not just Bristol but her mother. After all, all they have is "sex." Hell, maybe it will shine a light on Todd's prostitution ring as well.

    Just release it anonymously. It happens all the time in Hollywood. Look at the recent Blake Lively pics.

  82. Anonymous4:23 PM

    No. There is NOTHING real about them. Even their fundy credentials are fake. Other clebrity/politicians Dominionism is NOT fake.

  83. Is there anything REAL about this family?

    Yes there is, they are all REAL stupid.

  84. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Bristol would look better with short hair. She looks much better with a ponytail than the hair down on her shoulders and chest.

    When she wears her hair down, it makes her look more dumpy.

  85. Anonymous5:12 PM

    3:05- totally agree..enough with the incest comments. They don't help your cause Gryphen, cheap and childish.

  86. Anonymous5:15 PM

    In defense of poor lil' Tripp, how could he be potty trained? He has lived at the Palin compound, Hollywood Brissie's condo, back to lake Lucille, then off to AZ, then back to Lake Lucille, and now Cali....all within the last year. Young children need continuity in their lives and thats why he isn't trained.

  87. Anonymous5:17 PM

    "They...take a strangely long amount of time to order food at a burger stand."

    Well, that sounds perfectly normal to me.....Bristol was probably ordering all 10 of her triple cheeseburgers with different toppings.

  88. Anonymous5:18 PM

    having her nails done with a toddler on her lap is soooooo classy, not! the fumes alone are very bad for a child. oh, i forgot, she's learned from her stupid mother that children are shields, props and money making opportunities.

  89. Anonymous5:43 PM

    So is Bichtol taking acting and voice lessons? Or is she just going to be just like usual, boring, nasty and ignorant?

  90. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Holy Carp! I just saw the video of Bristol and the gang filming their "reality" show. WTF? Bristol has to stop and ask the guard where the garage entrance is, when it's clearly marked and directly in front of her.

    I hope they don't cut that part out, because it was THE BEST ACTING I've ever seen, and she'll certainly get an academy award, and maybe her own star on the hollywood walk! I think Holly Wood just found it's newest Star!

    Move over, Angelina Joile!, here comes Bristol the Pistol!

  91. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Those of you whining about incest comments must not know that people only brought that up because of Sarah. Sarah is always calling people she doesn't like pedofiles. Her fans then take after her. She does it at extremely inappropriate times to innocent men and it's sick!!
    She also has used emasculating sexual language in a very odd, dysfunctional and pathologic manner. Again, she is inappropriate. When a gay male journalist wrote and article about her she didn't like, instead of calmly counteracting his points with FACTS, she called him impotent, limp etc to imply he isn't a " real man."
    As a clinical psychologist, I can tell you that her language and behavior is very dysfunctional. Everything is sexualized using violent imagery. She even attacked President Obama and Joe McGinniss using sexual language. This is very inappropriate and not normal. People who do this are almost always abuse or incest survivors. Sarah has serious psych issues. If she ever were to be president, it would be a disaster in every way imaginable for the country and for her too.

    So THIS is where the talk of incest comes from. It isn't made up. The owner of this blog was accused of being a pedophile by Palinbots with zero evidence. They called his employer. This is not only sick but it's what people with subpar IQs do when they are incapable of logical debate.
    Sarah can't debate on facts. Not only is she devoid of anger, but she has very very poor communication and interpersonal skills.

  92. Since when are reality shows real?

  93. Anonymous6:41 PM

    OMG, Bristol and Willow's hair is just nasty--who wears a bumpit when they haven't even bothered to brush their hair? When she's walking out to the car, Bristol's hair looks like it hasn't been washed in two weeks.

    And psst, Willow, you don't really have the right legs for those shorts, honey. Take a cue from your sister and cover up!

  94. Anonymous6:47 PM

    So glad to hear Bristol's new show is scripted. She's a horrible actress, so the less reality-based her show is, the more it will be a source of unintentional comedy. Looks like she's the one who's gone "Hollywood"...

  95. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Theres a lot of mememememe going on here today. Who cares what you did when you were little of with your kids. I grew up in the 50s as im sure many of you did. Before all this insane safety crap and over regulation bs. We turned out just fine.

    3:33 PM


    Lucky you. Other kids who flew through windshields didn't turn out so fine.

  96. Anonymous7:05 PM

    If you had Sarah Palin for a mother, you might have below par parenting skills.

  97. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I know nothing about willow, but her boobs and belly look awful full for a young active teenage girl.

  98. Anonymous7:22 PM

    wait, wont she turn her son gay with him sitting in her lap while she has her nails done?

  99. Anonymous7:27 PM

    I haven't read through the comments yet, but is anyone else bothered that she has Tripp in a nail salon?

    Also, do you know anything on the Shawn Christy scandal? I perused his dad's fb where he posted about Willow being autistic. Do you know anything about that?

  100. Anonymous7:28 PM

    What a shame about Kyle Massey. He's basically throwing away the goodwill he earned on DWTS.

    Instead of getting a real acting job, he's committing career suicide. Not only is he filming a reality teevee show (and from the sounds of it, a really stupid and boring one), he's filming a reality teevee show with freakin' Bristol Palin!!

    Kyle, fire your agent immediately.

  101. Anonymous7:36 PM

    To me a reality show is about filming it as it happens. Looking at clips of Bristol's wanna be show, it looks like it is being staged.

  102. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Why is that kid in a stroller? It is only a couple of feet from the curb to the door.

    I don't get it.

  103. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Anon @ 1:21 said, Er... when have "reality" shows EVER been "real"? I have yet to see a single one. COPs maybe. I'm still struggling to understand how the show got greenlighted at all. Who is interested in following a girl with an empty life doing nothing of consequence? I mean, unless she gets mugged or something, I'm not sure what the thrill of watching her buy baby supplies in LA is supposed to be. Even Paris Hilton would at least have the attraction of getting a glimpse into the high-roller party lifestyle. Lindsay Lohan would at least have the real drama of someone with serious substance issues coping with life and trying to rebuild herself.I see nothing of interest at all in the life of a girl who's never done anything except get pregnant and then ride the D-list celeb train as a parasite of her Mother's fame.The only possible interest I can imagine for this would be from Palinbots who are hoping for a cameo from Mom.
    I couldn't agree with you more anon. Good observations!

  104. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Looks like Sarah isn't the only one who enjoys fried butter on a stick, fried twinkies and other State Fair staples.

  105. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What a shame about Kyle Massey. He's basically throwing away the goodwill he earned on DWTS.

    Instead of getting a real acting job, he's committing career suicide. Not only is he filming a reality teevee show (and from the sounds of it, a really stupid and boring one), he's filming a reality teevee show with freakin' Bristol Palin!!

    Kyle, fire your agent immediately.

    7:28 PM

    Advice to Kyle, when playing sports good advice is to play ball with athletes better than you so that you can improve your skills. Why are you playing down to Bristol's level?

    It is like an 18 year old high school baseball player trying out for his neighborhood 12 year old Little League team.

    You either play with the big boys or go back to kindergarten.

    It is really sad.

    I wrestled in high school and you always try to wrestle up, does not make sense to be a junior in high school and your wrestling partner is a freshman wrestling for the first time in his life. Now is the time for you to break out and spread your wings.

    I don't know, it could be that Kyle and his brother are getting some Wasilla tail and Willow making it a foursome?

  106. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Willow does not look overweight, she looks really thin next to Bristol.


  107. Anonymous7:51 PM

    How come Brisket does not wear shorts in LA like Willow?

  108. Anonymous7:52 PM

    I wonder since Tripp sucks on plastic pacifiers, does Bristol still breast feed Tripp with her new plastic tits?

  109. Anonymous7:55 PM

    wait, wont she turn her son gay with him sitting in her lap while she has her nails done?

    7:22 PM


  110. aj weishar7:59 PM

    Just curious, is she getting her nails done with her son on her lap. Aren't the fumes toxic to young children?

  111. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Theres a reason strollers exist. Toddlers tire of walking everywhere quickly. THATS what you're criticizing her for?

    3:34 PM

    Can't the little umm kid walk from the curb to the door? It is not that far!

    What happens at home when Tripp has to take a crap? Does Bristol have to run to the car and bring the stroller into the house to stroll Tripp 2 feet to the toilet?

    Since Tripp is still using a pacifier maybe he just craps in his pants and his nanny cleans him up?

  112. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Anon 3:33
    Theres a lot of mememememe going on here today. Who cares what you did when you were little of with your kids. I grew up in the 50s as im sure many of you did. Before all this insane safety crap and over regulation bs. We turned out just fine.

    Congratulations that you're still alive. The brain is older in that you neglect to think that there were far fewer cars on the road then adding the fact of the speed and power of those cars.

    So you point is pure bullshit in today's world. So much bullshit that in fact if I didn't have my seatbelt on last Monday -- I'D BE FUCKING DEAD BECAUSE MORONS SPEEDING AND RUNNING A RED LIGHT.

    So you point of thinking seatbelts are stupid -- RAM IT BUTTERCUP WHERE THE SUN DON'T SHINE.

    If you have a death wish, go for it -- knock yourself DEAD - U MORON

  113. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Why do all the Palins look so sad?

    These two girls are young and have their whole life in front of them and they look like little sad uneducated tramps wandering the streets with no skills to fall back on.

  114. What is with the Palins putting a pacifier in Tripp's mouth "now." You can go back and see pictures of him from when he was on GVS' show, GMA and tons of pictures of him with Levi, etc. Not one of him, until recently, with a pacifier in his mouth.

    We saw him last summer in LA walking down the street with the family, no pacifier. He was in a shopping cart in January with Bristol in Arizona, no pacifier.

    How strange, huh?

  115. sunnyskies10:47 PM

    She is endangering that child! Someone should alert Levi!

    Toxic chemical fumes in the nail salon aside, she and her teenage sister are apparently alone with Tripp in a not-so-nice- part of LA, where the reporters apparently were aware that Bristol would be arriving.....

    Who does not recognize Bristol and Tripp? She should not be taking him out in public like this without an armed guard.

    She's a celebrity now, and she needs to start acting like one. Tripp should not be in this environment. LA is not Wasilla.

  116. Anonymous12:51 AM

    My great-grandson has been walking WITHOUT a pacifier since he was 10 mos old (in fact, has never used a pacifier). I help take care of him, along w/his dad who's a single parent.

    He loves walking everywhere even though he's only 20 mos old now. When he needs a rest, he takes one, including an afternoon nap. When we're in a store, he rides in the cart (it keeps him away from the mdse and he doesn't annoy other customers running around). He is on a loose schedule I work around, not the reverse. His needs come first, not mine, not because he's spoiled, but because he is unable to take care of them himself--he is not treated like an "afterthought" in my life, but an integral part of it. And kids are great imitators, too; he seems me cleaning up a spill, he wants to do it, too. I eat the right foods, he wants the same thing. Much of child care is being a good example for the child to follow. It is the best love in the world.

    My ggs gets treated like a little boy w/needs relative to his age, not like a little baby. Kids are smart and love their independence; just pay lots of attention and be aware of their actual needs, not what you think they are.

  117. Anonymous1:01 AM

    To those who want no further references to incest.

    I suspect there's a reason Gryphen allows them. Nuff said. . .

  118. Anonymous2:31 AM

    None of my children ever used a pacifier. I don't understand the point of them. Why would anyone want to train a baby to constantly hold something in their mouth, just to break them of the habit when they are older?

    I imagine a pacifier is meant to "pacify" a baby and trick them into accepting something other than what they want - nourishment, to be held, to be soothe?

  119. Anonymous2:33 AM

    Tripp does not seem to be active like most 2 1/2 year olds. He seems pretty docile - especially for a boy, who you would expect to be wanting to use his gross motor skills.

    Could he be drinking some of his mom's wine coolers?

  120. Anonymous4:43 AM

    If as $arah says, everyone is out to get her girls, then why in the heck are these two young ladies with a 4yr old out running around with Willow in super short shorts? Did Willow leave her baby in the hot vehicle or back home in Alaska? One can look at Willow's body and by her belly & boobs know that she recently had a baby. Wake up people, we are not stoned or stupid.

  121. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Willow, ask Mommy for a little of her money and go buy some decent shorts, even Walmart has some cute ones, just because your family is trashy, you don't have to flaunt it.

  122. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Paci in mouth NOW because he can talk. Paci helps keep him quiet.

    He would ask for Bristol - not Mommy. Dead giveaway that she isn't around him much.

  123. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Stroller = being tied down.

    I imagine she can't control him. Makes it easier to keep him from running off and looking for his nanny if he is strapped down in a stroller.

  124. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Sunnyskies: that is a parody, right?
    More generally: Reseda is a dump, true, but c'mon people, it's not unsafe to walk around in broad daylight. And nail salons are scarcely cauldrons of toxic soup. A much better point, to my mind, is that it reflects crummy parenting skills to expect a toddler to be quiet & not disruptive in that kind of setting. But there's no shortage of real reasons to criticize the behaviors of the Palin clan -- we don't need to diminish ourselves as a community with petty snarks.

  125. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Willer needs a new, better-fitting bra. It is riding up in the back, and is so tight it is causing back bulges. Jeez, these girls can afford better.

    Bristol's weight changes constantly, I've never seen anything like it.

  126. Anonymous7:17 AM

    it took longer for those 2 bimbos to put together the stroller than it did to walk to the nail salon, Willow those shorts aren't doing you any favors, these 2 cows need to exercise a bit more and eat peas instead of fried butter on a stick

  127. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Why is Willow carrying a black leather purse in the summer. I am not a fashion queen, but it does not go with shorts....
    This family knows nothing about style.

  128. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I swear the Palin's are the laziest parents ever! Any and all of them!

  129. Anonymous said...

    Why do all the Palins look so sad?

    These two girls are young and have their whole life in front of them and they look like little sad uneducated tramps wandering the streets with no skills to fall back on.

    8:33 PM

    ...probably because they are "little sad uneducated tramps wandering the streets with no skills to fall back on," IN THE WILTING HEAT!

  130. Anonymous2:14 PM

    What's up with her wearing long pants and that fugly long top in the heat of LA???

    Also, too, she is too cheap to get a quality manicure (I believe the sign said something about $12?) and sits there with her kid in her lap, so he can inhale all those chemical fumes?

    I guess get him used to the fumes, so he will be brain-dead by the time he gets into school (if he ever will attend one...:/)

  131. Anonymous2:29 PM

    People of CA: Give the CHP a heads-up on Bri$tol's SUV and tell them that she is driving with a toddler w/o a car seat!
    I guess she wants to be just like whatshername (the one who is supposed to be doing some 480 hours of community service for whatever her latest transgression was) that also go caught with her kid w/o car seat. Got her some extra publicity, I guess.

  132. Anonymous3:00 PM

    People are complaining about Tripp still having a pacifier. There are bigger pacifiers out there for older kids - hopefully Bri$tol is using one of those. They will not damage the gums like a 'little-bay one' would.
    Also, too: He is 2 1/2 y/o. Piper was - what - nine years old when we last saw her with a pacifier? And now, she STILL sucks her thumb also, too, as evidenced in the last 'family vacation' tour when she was sitting in the front of the bus (no seat belt...), and sucking her thumb.

  133. Anonymous5:07 PM

    those bigger pacifiers for older kids are for raves - hopefully Bristol isn't lugging her kid to raves with her.

    They use pacifiers to prevent teeth grinding - side effect of ecstasy.


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