Saturday, August 20, 2011

Did Palin fake her visit to the World War One museum in Kansas City?

Well this is rather interesting. Courtesy of The Kansas City Star: News flash: Sarah Palin was in town Monday.  You didn’t know that? I didn’t know it until the next day. Turns out, nobody knew it.  Not the police. Not GOP insiders. Not the high-dollar money folks. Not the Vitae Foundation that brought her to Kansas City last September. Nobody.  “Holy cow!” said Annie Presley, a fundraising consultant. “How did we not know about that?”  Because the Palin crowd never whispered a word about her plans — and they still won’t talk. Does that strike you as a little too mysterious for a woman eyeballing a White House run?  “Mysterious” goes a long way with Palin these days. I did see her off in the distance eight days ago at the Iowa State Fair, where she was coyly stating — for the umpteenth time — that she wasn’t a candidate for president, although she hadn’t ruled it out.  Not a candidate. Not running. But flirting, flirting, flirting with the crowds and reporters and the idea of it all. And she did all this while a huge crowd of fairgoers was lining up to see Michele Bachmann, who is supplanting Palin as this cycle’s GOP sensation.  Still, lots of media time and handshakes in Iowa. But nothing here in Kansas City.  It’s a mystery all right.  My source on her Monday appearance here is none other than Palin herself. She wrote on her SarahPAC Facebook page — that’s her big political action committee — that she spent a “very moving day” in Kansas City, “where it’s easy to remember what really matters, because here we have the National World War I Museum.”  But no one at the museum saw her inside. And word would have spread like wildfire if they had, a spokesman said.  And no one I could find at the hotel — and I talked to doormen and front-desk types — saw her.  You know at this point in time I would not put ANYTHING past her. But even for her, this is bizarre! And by the way did ANYBODY see Piper with Palin while she was in Iowa? Why is it that NOTHING with Sarah Palin is ever what it appears?


  1. WakeUpAmerica10:35 AM

    How mentally ill do you have to be to do something like this? What say you, Fairy Tale Troll?

  2. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Hey, she faked a pregnancy. How hard is it to fake Kansas City? Go to istock and get some photo grabs, have one of your mindless trolls photoshop you in and there you are.

  3. Anonymous10:56 AM

    She looks nasty and her mental illness shows more everyday.

  4. Anonymous10:59 AM

    She is clearly out of her mind and making shit up as she sinks further into the dark hole of her illness. My Dog would someone close to her, who supposedly loves her, get this poor creature professional some help???

  5. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Everything about her is FAKE!

  6. Anonymous11:15 AM

    WARNING! Descending into Sea of Pee!

    Think about it: At the end of the month, the GOP primary effectively will be Perry versus Romney. Oh, some people out there will be trying to build up Bachmann still, but she’ll be done because most of her support will be soft (perhaps it always has been soft anyway, but I digress). But, Palin won’t have to bother with her in the same way you had a Pawlenty versus Bachmann undercard. While she’ll have to ignore what I expect to be a lot of instigation from Bachmann, Palin simply will eclipse her in the end.

    Then, what briefly had become a two horse race gets transformed back into a three horse race, where she’ll get her chance to transcend the two quote “serious” primary candidates, just like she did in 2006 in Alaska. What once would have been a Palin versus Romney one on one or a Palin versus Romney and Bachmann handicap match could at the end of the month be a three way race in which ABP forces are divided and thus more easily (relatively speaking) conquered IF Palin closes the sale with those primary voters who I suspect in the end will be hers to lose.

    Anyway, that’s my epiphany du jour. Maybe there’s nothing to it. Or, maybe Sarah Palin really is “alley cat” smart.

  7. That would actually be hilarious if she lied about it. Keep digging, Kansas City. I have a hard time believing Sarah would skulk anonymously anywhere. Not her style. Did she park her bus on a side street? Put on a disguise? lol!

  8. Hey Gryphen, if you read what she wrote, she doesn't actually SAY she was IN the museum, or the tower thingie. She says they stood in the rain and read inscriptions on the outside of the tower. So, to me it sounds like she just stopped by for a photo op, and didn't bother to actually SEEEEE the actual museum, nor go inside the tower.

    The picture she took with the tower in the backround (pretty crappy, IMHO) was just to prove that she was in the general vicinity.

    That's my theory and I'm stickin' to it.

    I actually went to the website of the museum and it looks fantastic. Too bad she and Piper and McKinley didn't feel like going inside.

  9. Anonymous11:26 AM

    WOW! That article from Sea of Pee really paints Sarah as political strategist extraordinaire! Including that she actually enticed Rick Perry into the race and that she has everyone fooled and she will swoop in and take out the 'establishment' candidate when the time is right to strike. And further, they lay out dates that they think she will announce this glorious event.

    Wishful thinking just doesn't even begin to cover the tone of the it in it's entirety if you dare.

  10. Olivia11:26 AM

    She has spent so much of her life just making things up, why not a trip to KC? She was just wandering around in her head imagining being in KC. So much easier than actually going there You know, just like everything else, she lies about, if she thinks it and says it, it is so and of course everyone will believe it too.
    If she really was in KC and there was no publicity, she is up to no good.

  11. "...where it’s easy to remember what really matters, because here we have the National World War I Museum.”

    IF that's the quote as she made it, it really doesn't say she WAS at the museum - she's merely stating that the museum existed.

    I'm being pedantic here, but does anyone really expect Palin to go to a museum and not trumpet the fact?

  12. GB201211:27 AM

    That Pic of Sarah begs a corn dog. . . just sayin.

  13. Anonymous11:32 AM

    IF she was there, I wonder if she even bothered to go inside the memorial, which is very interesting and moving.

  14. OH, and, from the Kansas City article:

    "She posted a picture of her daughter Piper and a niece with the Liberty Memorial in the background. I checked it out, and it’s clearly a photo from a room in the Westin Crown Center hotel. You can tell by the railing behind the two little girls."

    Why take a photo from the museum itself when you can just take a photo FROM YOUR HOTEL ROOM?????

    So, it appears maybe she even made up the part about reading inscriptions in the rain, too? Maybe she got the quote she used in her FB page from a brochure in the hotel? Ya think?

  15. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Maybe Piper had to stay home to watch Willer??

  16. Ripley11:46 AM

    @ 11:27- That is hysterical. Brilliant.

  17. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Does she really expect to believe what she wrote:

    "While kids crack open their school books, I look forward to continuing my own writing and research on strategies and plans to help move our country forward."

    Good freaking grief, who really believes she does her own writing let alone research? Anyone who does is not in touch with reality.

  18. Anonymous11:49 AM

    She's just pandering for votes from the survivors of WWI!

  19. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Blogger phoebes in santa fe said...

    "...where it’s easy to remember what really matters, because here we have the National World War I Museum.”

    IF that's the quote as she made it, it really doesn't say she WAS at the museum - she's merely stating that the museum existed.

    I'm being pedantic here, but does anyone really expect Palin to go to a museum and not trumpet the fact?

    I think you hit this one right on the head!


  20. Anonymous11:53 AM

    I live in the KC Metro-area. There was no word, peep or squeal about anyone seeing or hearing Sarah Palin last week.

    Sarah doesn't seem to be the humble, quiet type who could avoid the temptation to get in an easy photo-op.

    Also, too, though it's nice to take kids to monuments and museums, have we heard of her taking them to zoos or water or amusement parks. Heck, no. Because this "tour" is not about the kids, it's about her getting seen and her photo taken.

    She's a fraud, through and through. Even if she stopped in KCMO, I highly doubt she visited the museum. If she was here at all, she saw it through the window. Finding the quotes is not hard for her aides to do.

    You think she'd get her wigs wet? Nah. Besides, her pretty new polka-dotted toe nails would get muddy.

    Silly woman trying to get ahead by calling up the memory of men long dead when all she does for the country is speak ill of our President and fan the flames of hate.

  21. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Gryphen, In the header "Dids" s/b "Did."

  22. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Just the other day, Sarah appeared on Greta's show, which airs at 10 EDT, 9 CDT and 7 PDT. That would make it 6 PM in Alaska, but the scene behind Sarah showed a very dark lake. Greta remarked about it, saying that it must get dark pretty early, way up north there in Alaska.

    Normally, Sarah would bristle at any comment about "way up there north in Alaska," such as, what do read to inform your world opinion?" What, don't you think we get newspapers and magazines way up there in Alaska!

    But Sarah went along with it, saying that it got dark early and that there was already a nip in the air. That sounds pretty cold, except the weather forecast said that Anchorage temperatures were between the 50's and 60's. That's balmy for Alaska.

    Sarah lied about it getting dark at 6 PM; the sun didn't set until 9:45 PM that night. She was wrong about it being chilly up there in Alaska, too, also. Or, maybe, as some have suggested, she really wasn't in Alaska, and they put the lake scene behind her on a green screen.

    What does it matter, sunset and temperature? visiting a museum or knowing history? It's not one slip up or a lie to cover up being out of town. It's the collective deceit of Sarah Palin that is interesting. She cannot tell the truth about anything. It's interesting that people spent a whole day discussing the sunset and weather in Alaska, and the topic of whether she gave birth to Trig is still out of bounds.

    I hope that Sarah does announce that she is running for President. That means that she will finally have to produce some real medical and financial records. People said that Donald Trump would never run for President because he declared bankruptcy, and his creditors were dying to get a look at his income tax statements. I wonder if Sarah can hold up to that same scrutiny.

  23. what to believe12:06 PM

    Now you all quit picking on the quitter and hating on her and all that crap or Joe McG. will be all over you for just hating her and making you lose all sense of reasoning.

    Yeah, I'm joking about part of this post but not the part about Joe.

  24. sally in MI12:16 PM

    Amazing. And she gets away with it every stinking time.

  25. Anonymous12:19 PM

    It was a convenient stop to dump the contents of the bus toilet.

    Really, it's funny in 2 ways, 1. Sarah is not relevant enough to get the camera shot of her there and 2. Because of that lack of proof, the immediate thought goes to her lying.

  26. She is so. fucking. weird.

  27. Whoa!! That picture of her is not flattering AT ALL! Obviously this is from her interview with Sean Innsanity and of course for that awful Iowa video she just released. Lately she's been heavily medicated except for that "performance".

    Another thing I noticed...she kind of looks like Julianne Moore in this maybe the "Game Change" movie will be real interesting...I can't wait to see the scene where she wipes off the makeup and calls herself fat.....OOhh another scene I hope they do is the one where she is catatonic and shuts down while they are trying to prepare her for the debates...September is going to be the July 4th all over again...FIREWORKS BABY!!!

    Oh and I'm sure her bot's have there excuses ready for why no one saw her in Kansa City...they were afraid she was going to get MOBBED! LOL.

  28. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Ahahaha HA! HA! Hee Hee. LOLOLOL. Busted again!!!!

  29. Well, she didn't exactly say she went to the museum, just that she was in the same city that the museum is located.

  30. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Maybe she sent piper and her cousin for the photo op so Sarah could be alone with her meth.

  31. Took a look at that pic on Facebook...Ummm. Yeah. That's the museum in the background but she's a long way away from it. Someone went to the memorial read it, then gave it to her ghostwriter. Her photograph is basically the back of the memorial. My parents live in Independence, MO, and I've been to this memorial many times. It's an awesome place to go. (HIGHLY recommended to go to it). I think I even know which building the photo was taken from. I've included some photos of the time I was there:

    In front of Union Station, taking a photo of the fountain and memorial in background - Photo 1
    I'm standing basically in the center of the memorial. The tower is directly behind me. I take a panorama of the skyline. (although I never 'stitched' the photos together. These buildings are off to the right of me. I'm not sure if they're a hotel, or if they're apartments - Photo 2, Photo 3, Photo 4. Also including a Map of area

    Too much time on my hands? Yep, today I do. Normally I don't, so I'm enjoying my downtime today. :-D

    What a pity she didn't actually go in to the museum. Or take the kids. It's quite an amazing place. Kansas City lucked out with this memorial. It's the National WWI Monument. It was deemed so because trying to find a space in Washington DC is pretty much impossible to get a national monument in it anymore.

  32. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Piper and Mckinley were in pictures in Iowa. Pipers wearing a navy shirt I believe. They may have been with an aide during much of the slow-moving trudge through the fairgrounds but yes theyrein pictures.

  33. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Maybe she went to pitch a "family movie" to Hallmark. Where does Gina Loudon live, by the way?

  34. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I have no idea what her plans were but remember she and the family have vacationed incoginto successfully before. They snuck around DC after Rolling Thunder and last summer they road tripped throughout the lower 48.

  35. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Dids....typo in title.

  36. betsy s1:07 PM

    Somebody put a corn dog in this picture, please.

  37. Chenagrrl1:13 PM

    There's a picture of Piper and a cousin (McKinley, maybe) standing at what used to be the KC rail station across from the WWI monument. Actually the monument goes up a hill right across the street from the station, a lot like looking up at Fourth Ave. from the Anchortown station.

    I figured she bused into KC and flew out from there.

  38. Anonymous1:24 PM

    If it's true that Piper, McKinley, and other Palin/Heaths (aside from Tawd) were not seen at the other highly publicized and recorded/photographed stops on this leg of the bus tour, then my theory is that someone took mercy on poor little Piper and she was on her own, separate vacation, and maybe she and Mckinley and whatever adult(s) DID see the museum or at least stop there if not go in, and Palin is simply insinuating that she was there too, without actually saying she was inside, and is using the hotel pic as a way to further this insinuation.

  39. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I love this, this was just posted by someone on Sarah FB wall.


  40. It's Sarah. You can't trust anything she says or does. You just can't start out by thinking that anything she says or does is honest.

    And she's too dense to realize that she lies about things where the truth could be helpful to her.

    "Lie" is her default setting.

  41. Anonymous1:32 PM

    She's such a phony, and people are getting sooooo very fed up and tired of her now. Even if she really did go to Kansas City (with her, you never know for sure if she's lying or not), does anyone really care anymore?

  42. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Rove Predicts the Candidacy of the Two-time Quitter

  43. Anonymous1:34 PM

    "We spent a very moving day in Kansas City, Missouri, where it’s easy to remember what really matters, because here we have the National World War I Museum and Liberty Memorial."
    ~Sarah Palin, Facebook

    Hey, if the lady says she spent the day in KC, you've got to believe her, right?!? Right??? I mean, she never lies, right???

    The last time I was at the WWI memorial in KC, I was joined by 75,000+ Obama supporters, and it was an amazing experience to see him in the flesh and hear him speak. I definitely recommend to anyone who has the chance to go to an Obama rally this campaign season to do so, and see the contrast between the mood of Obama rallies and that of Sarah Palin. Contrary to what her followers would like everyone to believe (which is inconsistent with reality, if you haven't noticed)she will NEVER be able to draw even a fraction of that large of a crowd (and mind you, this was not his largest crowd, think Inauguration Day!).

  44. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Okay, I've been good for two days. Your comments about the fake KC trip and where's Pipette made me wonder, while looking at the photo of her, who forgot to pack her boobs? I mean from that angle they look like 50 year old "I've had five or six or four or some number of kids" boobs. Is this the new Palin look? She's really looking saddle worn these days.
    Question is if Toad prefers hookers who is servicing granny palin these days? Got some cute bus driver?

  45. Anonymous1:42 PM

    How afraid of learning do you have to be to fake visit to a museum?!

  46. Anonymous1:42 PM

    That museum has a "Look who's visited" page. Guess who IS NOT on there?

  47. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Ron Paul just raised more in a few hours than Sarah raised an entire quarter...and it's still going up.

    Totally not a Ron Paul supporter, Barack all the way baby, but it just serves to notice how lame her contributions really are.

    On the other hand...DAMN, Ron Paul has raised 1.7 million dollars within a matter of hours. It will be interesting to see how high he goes in 24 hours, which is I believe the timeframe for the 'money bomb'. Has Sarah ever had a 'money bomb', I can't remember, but I do remember Michele's tanked.

  48. Darn. I should have added these in. Here's the one I took a photo of what I thought was the 'main' inscription. It's on the base of the tower. Ya can't miss it: The dedication plaque.

    Also, she couldn't have missed the cow. In the gift shop. There would have been photos. It's adorable: General Cow, Cow tushie

    I found the quote she is saying is the "main" inscription. "Someone" in her camp must have found this site:

    The frieze and inscription is on the back side. Took me a while to find photos of it. If you look at the photo of Piper and her cousin, the frieze is right there. Kind of hard to see it, though. Here's a pic on Flicker I found of it: Frieze

    Oh, yeah, if she had been there, according to their WWI museum's official site, they would have known about it. They have a spot for well-known people who visited the site: Look Who's Visited And it's a photo op. She doesn't miss out on photo ops. She wasn't there. Period.

    Still too much time on my hands? You betcha! (lol)

  49. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Hey, she faked being pregnant/delivering a baby and got away with it. This is small potatoes in comparison.

  50. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I'm with 11:21am, she went to the outside of the museum for the photo op. I am certain she didn't fake the trip. She just never went inside.

  51. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Because she's her own worst PR team. Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition.

  52. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Wait, What? Sarah "Look at ME" Palin, the ultimate opportunist, secretly visits a museum?
    What did she wear as a disguise? The roadkill she wore over her head a few threads back, was fashioned into a MANLY beard, then she tied a bandana around her wig, put on an eye patch, and went as a Swashbuckling Pirate.

    The bus probably had Groucho Marx glasses on it, you know, to disguise it from all the other buses with the constitution and Sarah PAC on their sides in Kansas City.

    That could happen, you betcha! Go to the Sea of Pee! They'll tell ya! Or just ask Todd!


    Oh she pulled the wool over her own eyes this time!

  53. Anonymous2:13 PM

    that mouth of hers looks primed and ready for a big, a big, uhhhh, corndog. yeah, that's it, a corndog

  54. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Dear Ca$h 4 Palin Supporters,

    Can you believe the nerve of the lamestream media and pajama wearing bloggers? Insinuating that I, Frequently Defeated Granny, would lie about visiting the WWI museum in Kansas City?!?

    You know what would really show them? Making a large donation to SarahPAC so I can buy some more wigs made from the reclaimed carcasses of roadkill!

    Remember friends, rill Americans give frequently and often and never ask pesky questions about where their money is going!

    Frequently Defeated Granny

    PS: Also, too, hurry dangit, hurry!!!

  55. Anonymous2:15 PM

    While Palin did not exactly say that she had visited the museum she strongly implied it. Why go to that trouble unless she wanted everyone to think she had made the visit?

  56. Anonymous2:16 PM

    This picture makes her look like Dinky Bighead or something.

  57. Anonymous2:23 PM

    And what's with, "With an Alaskan heart,"?????

    Why is she trying to emphasize her Alaskan ties here?

    Strange, really.

  58. Anonymous2:36 PM

    From her blackberry all she had to do was to google the memorial to find the inscription. No big effort required.

  59. Anonymous2:38 PM

    what to believe said...
    Now you all quit picking on the quitter and hating on her and all that crap or Joe McG. will be all over you for just hating her and making you lose all sense of reasoning.

    Yeah, I'm joking about part of this post but not the part about Joe.

    12:06 PM


    If you are pissed at Joe, go share it at Joe's blog, how about that? Or are you afraid that Joe might cut you down to size and make you look petty?

  60. In America We Have the Alaskan Idiot™2:50 PM

    Interesting how Quitter says (in her pious rill american patriot voice, I'm sure): "it's easy to remember what really matters, because [in KC] we have the National World War I Museum."

    Please note she doesn't actually say she made the effort to go and see the damn place, look at the exhibits, LEARN SOMETHING, and appreciate it in person. Lazy Ass™ probably just had some flunky Google "Kansas City landmarks" weeks ago.

    What a loser.

  61. Africa, my country!2:54 PM

    "While kids crack open their school books, I look forward to continuing my own writing and research on strategies and plans to help move our country forward."

    BACK UP---

    Sarah, you evidently still need to crack open the school books yourself. I mean, you rilly shouldn't be running for national office until you can identify North, South, East and West Korea!

  62. eclecticsandra2:56 PM

    I thought Piper had to go back to school.

  63. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Was she being introduced to the Koch brothers when that picture was taken?

  64. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Gawd almighty, what an ugly photograph.

  65. Anonymous3:22 PM

    $carah's a fraud of epic proportions

  66. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Think about it: At the end of the month, the GOP primary effectively will be Perry versus Romney.

    Or maybe not. Austin American Statesman (Austin, Tx) Tx's unemployment numbers worst since 1987.
    So much for Perry's miracle.

  67. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Here's the bigger story. Palin quit the plan. She did go to KC. The author of the article writes:

    "She posted a picture of her daughter Piper and a niece with the Liberty Memorial in the background. I checked it out, and it’s clearly a photo from a room in the Westin Crown Center hotel. You can tell by the railing behind the two little girls."

    She just abandoned her tour and stayed in the hotel -Palin style, remember India?

  68. Anonymous3:46 PM

    How the hell could you drive that honking big condom wrapped bus into anywhere and not be seen.

    Any chance that KC was a stopover on a connecting flight??

    We all know that they don't drive back from the lower 48. Or is KC where the big condom is hidden away until the next faux trip??

  69. Anonymous3:52 PM

    My BIL works at the museum and when I heard she had been there I emailed him right away! I was looking for a scoop...I said, was she bitchy, did she have an entourage, did Piper body check any statues, etc. He called me and said there was no way she had been there any time recently. He said there are certain protocols for anyone "of note"...he also said many staffers would lose their shit over Palin because they think she's soooo gen-you-wiiiine. (puke)

    He said he wouldn't "bet his life" that she hadn't been there...but would bet anything short of it.

  70. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I bet Piper was not in school because Willow is in LA bumming with Bristol.
    If someone is watching Trig, they probably don't want to watch Piper too.....

  71. Anonymous3:57 PM


  72. Anonymous4:02 PM

    12:05 said: " Sarah went along with it, saying that it got dark early"

    If I remember my Earth Science correctly, until the Fall Equinox. the farther north you are, the longer your days are. So Alaskans should still be having pretty long days since we are still over a month away from everyone having 12 hours of daylight and the start of days being short up north.

  73. Anonymous4:10 PM

    anon 11:53, right on, right on, you said it well. Melly

  74. what to believe4:13 PM

    2:38 pm said Pissed at Joe, cut down to size, petty

    The answer is NO, NO, and NO. Joe is a good guy and if you read his comment, you would know what I am referring to. Joe thinks people hate the quitter so much that .....

  75. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I wonder if Sarah Palin has a clue about the First World War; she sure knows nothing about the Revolutionary War and I doubt if she knows much more about the Civil War. Her knowledge of WWII is probably like that of an idiot we sat next to at a parade: "Oh WWII wasn't very long; just about two years." He was about Sarah's age; haven't they taught history since after 1961 when I graduated from high school?

  76. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Maybe the phrase "spent a very moving day" means moving (i.e driving) through and around the city (perhaps in circles) but never actually stopping anywhere.

  77. @11:47- if that is what she wrote, then, to me, it sounds like she's gearing up to declare her run for the GOP nom. Hasn't everyone told her that she needs to "study up"? That's what she says she's doing, but we all know that is not the case at all. I continue to be sickened on a daily basis by all she stands for.

  78. Anonymous4:39 PM

    O/T but I am begging now. Please please do a post on documenting when the last time was Sarah was seen with Trig. People have been saying "Where's Trig? Where's Trig?" for month BUT WHERE THE FUCK IS TRIG?

    This is someone the paparazzi follow with at least some interest. Yet not even a candid of her going through the airport with him?

    When is the last time Trig appeared in public with Sarah Palin? I really want to know. The last time I can figure from looking at the blogs was when she as at the Reagan museum last November. Is that right?

    Please ask your readers...


  79. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Oh Gryphen, you write with such flair and snark... but your readers! Oy vey, they are just as good.

  80. Cracklin' Charlie4:40 PM

    I live in Independence myself. Your picture of the Liberty Memorial is very nice. I take lots of visitors there and take their picture from the hill where the memorial sits, with the view of the city behind them.
    No way did Sarah drive that bus to the Liberty Memorial. It is really kind of hard to get around there right now, as we are getting a new performing arts center near there, and the streets are a red hot mess. But she could have easily done an auto drive by on her way to Wheeler Downtown Airport (lots of private jets in and out). Whoever was driving her to the airport would have explained to her exactly what the giant obelisk in the middle of the city was, and that it is the national WWI memorial. It is a source of great pride here, and really quite beautiful with great views and fountains. It would have been just as easy to pull the car over for a photo of the kids at Union Station, right across the street. In and out in 2 minutes, done it many times myself.
    And Crown Center...nice digs.

  81. Anonymous4:49 PM

    All the Palins and Heaths can go to hell as far as I'm concerned, but there is one Palin that I would like to see succeed and that is Track. Even though he cut the school bus brake lines and endangered kids, I believe he kept his nose cleaned and has stayed away from Sarah's grifting ways. The rest of the Palin kids are following their mother's evil grifting ways.

  82. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Chances are that the hotel had a flyer obut the WW1M, and that was all the info Gifter Palin needed to write have one of her staff write up her face book post.

  83. I would have said that it was close to 10 PM in that interview with the dark background. There is NO way it was 6 PM in Wasilla. Still bright as noon-day here at that time, even when overcast, which it has been of late.

  84. Anonymous5:01 PM

    I call total bullshit on the Fairy Tale Troll's comments about the Palin's visiting Wash DC after the famous motorcycle ride and that they all did a road trip around the lower 48 last summer. No way, No how did any of that happen. She never, ever, does anything that doesn't involve cameras and photo ops.

    And..just curious...are Alaskan hearts somehow different than other people's?

    Doesn't she get it though her head yet that if she decides to run, she is going to have to quit lying about things that are so easily checked. You can be darn sure she won't have anyone protecting her and covering her ass like the last time (remember how John Mc had to sit in interviews with her and explain what she meant?)

  85. JayKen Knotstirred5:10 PM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, where's Trigs birth certificate?

  86. Anonymous5:50 PM

    On Sunday, the Palins were in Springfield, IL.

    On Monday, the Palins were in KC, Mo.

    The distance between the 2 cities is approximately 310 mile, by bus. It would have taken 5+ hours. The + is for slow construction zones. They are plentiful this time of year in the midwest.

    Do the Palins sing, tell stories and play games on those long tedious drives through the flat midwest prairies and cornfields?

    The Westin Hotel is about 20 miles from the KC International Airport. It is a lovely property with many amenities.

    If I was to speculate, I would assume the Palins flew (private jet) from Springfield to KC, took a limo to the Westin where they had booked a suite or two and quit another family vacation. Then they flew home on Tuesday.

    The bus driver stashed the bus somewhere in the IL or Iowa area, till next time.

  87. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I've been trying not to be snarky, but I can't help myself. Is her jaw unhinged in that picture?

  88. Anonymous6:06 PM

    I'm thinking there was a big money donor in Kansas City that wanted face time with the (potential) candidate. The supposed museum visit is just a cover story.

  89. sunnyskies6:09 PM

    I am a little put off by McGinniss' lecture about being civil re: Palin.

    Although I don't think I ever wrote a scathing criticism of Palin, I did comment on Joe's blog. What I noticed, however, over the months of posting, is that he did not stop any discussion of Palin, but let the blog roll on.

    I think the bloggers and commenters on Joe's blog gave him a very good idea of what he can expect on his book tours. I imagine he was taking notes and developing a strategy how to handle these very difficult questions from peoploe who want to know the truth behind Sarah's many lies.

    I wrote a comment essentially saying this, and he never posted it. I told him I felt used, and I did not hate Sarah Palin enough to buy his book.

  90. sunnyskies6:13 PM

    As Rachel Maddow said on Friday, there are many reasons why Republicans run for President, not the least of which is to increaseatheir celebrity status. If Queen Esther runs, it will be for the perks she will garner by being in the limelight. That's all she wants: money and attention, crtainly not the job. She will continue to make a circus of our political process.

  91. Anonymous6:15 PM

    "Sarah Palin has released a new video that features moments from her recent visit to the Iowa State Fair.

    Kathryn Jean Lopez at National Review thinks so: "Is there any other conclusion after watching the Iowa video?" she writes. "I think she just shared which way she is leaning." An eagle-eyed Wall Street Journal reporter offers an alternative scenario: "Most suspect Ms. Palin will either endorse Texas Gov. Rick Perry or run herself," says Danny Yadron. "In one scene, the former governor poses for a picture with girls in burnt orange 'Americans for Rick Perry' t-shirts. Make of that what you will."

  92. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Anonymous said...
    All the Palins and Heaths can go to hell as far as I'm concerned, but there is one Palin that I would like to see succeed and that is Track. Even though he cut the school bus brake lines and endangered kids, I believe he kept his nose cleaned and has stayed away from Sarah's grifting ways. The rest of the Palin kids are following their mother's evil grifting ways.

    4:49 PM


    I am not a "fairy tale troll" but each time I hear the "track cut the brakelines" tale I have to remind people that he was not part of that escapade. He was with the group that unplugged the engine heaters and deflated the tires of the buses. The brakeline incident happened in Eagle River/Chugiak, not Wasilla. Two different episodes.

  93. Anonymous6:22 PM

    It was all over the media that Palin had actually visited the Museum.
    Palin never corrected the false assumption,
    which she perpetrated with her deceptive FB posting.
    She misled everyone and never corrected the record.
    If her bots try and claim that there were hundreds of visitors there
    and Palin was lost in the crowd,
    they should try visiting the Liberty Memorial.
    I have and have never encountered the kinds
    of crowds you find at museums
    in NYC or Chicago.
    Especially on a slow August day.
    I would be surprised if the total amount of visitors was 50 for the whole day.
    You have to pay to get in-Palin or Todd would have been recognized.
    The museum would not hold Piper's
    interest for 10 seconds-
    I would wager Piper never set foot in the museum , either.
    Palin probably did the same thing in KC
    that she did in India-
    she hid in the hotel.

    From one of her Bot Blogs :
    " Today, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin visited the National World War I Museum and Liberty Memorial in Kansas City, MO.."

    Palin herself :
    " We spent a very moving day in Kansas City, Missouri, where it’s easy to remember what really matters,
    because here we have the National World War I Museum and Liberty Memorial. "

    Unless she was talking about her bowels,
    Palin clearly wanted to imply that she had toured the Museum.

    The same bot who is now dismissing the hoax at a pro Palin website,
    clearly assumed by her FB that she had toured the Museum.
    "Sarah at World War One Memorial in Kansas City PING!!!!
    2 posted on August 15, 2011 4:54:16 PM CDT by KC_Lion "

    Pay no Mind to the Kansas City Scar, it is only fit to line My Cat Box.
    22 posted on August 20, 2011 6:04:27 PM CDT by KC_Lion

    Because Palin got caught, the media must be lying.
    If Michelle Obama had hijacked Rolling Thunder
    for a photo op and
    then hoaxed a visit to a Museum
    honoring the dead of WW I ,
    we would hear howls
    about how she was dancing on the graves of soldiers and disrespecting the fallen.
    There is one grave dancer
    and it's Sarah Palin.
    The woman is obviously mentally ill to continue to pull these stunts.

  94. Anonymous6:41 PM

    @4:02 No fair using science to prove your point! We don't need none of that fancy learnin' stuff.

  95. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Check it out, my mom lives in KC. One of the airport terminals was closed the other day for "suspicious substances" found. Wonder if they found the girls or fluffing powder for her wigs...just sayin'....what else would she be doing in KC? Think people...

  96. Anonymous6:53 PM

    ......and I can see the museum from my bus. So now I have WWI experience!

  97. Hey Sarah, hope you enjoyed your visit to the WWI monument & museum *wink, wink* in Kansas City.

    Quick question Sarah, how come you don't wear a wedding ring anymore?

  98. Anonymous7:31 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    I am not a "fairy tale troll" but each time I hear the "track cut the brakelines" tale I have to remind people that he was not part of that escapade. He was with the group that unplugged the engine heaters and deflated the tires of the buses. The brakeline incident happened in Eagle River/Chugiak, not Wasilla. Two different episodes.
    6:21 PM"

    If this is true, I've very glad to hear it. Hopefully he has kicked whatever drug habit he had & will make a good, decent father & husband. He is also hot.

  99. going to Kansas City, Kansas City here I come...

  100. what size were her tits this time? Just askin'...

  101. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Sunnyskies 6:09
    "I wrote a comment essentially saying this, and he never posted it. I told him I felt used, and I did not hate Sarah Palin enough to buy his book."

    I'm calling you out on this one as he did post your post on his previous blog about 'getting along". In fact, he responded to your post and I suspect you won't like it considering you are on Gryphen's yipping about it. A problem with Joe -- kindly post it on Joe's.

    FYI so you can find your post, here's your time/date stamp:
    August 20, 2011 at 5:30 am"

    Now back to posting on Gryphen's blog thank you very much.

  102. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Having recently visited the WWI museum, there is no way that ditz and her entourage would be there and not be noticed, it's actually a smaller memorial and museum compared to others around the country. No way they could wander around and not be "noticed". And $arah, we know you draw attention to yourself wherever you go, you are starting to mix up your lies again ;-)

  103. Anonymous9:01 PM

    OMG did you go to the museum's shopping page? THAT's where Sarah went--the flag jewelry is to die for!!

  104. Anonymous9:03 PM

    oops, I was on the National world war TWO museum site. . . .

  105. justafarmer9:24 PM

    the face in that picture is exactly the face of someone I do not want ANYWHERE near the White House.
    What a hateful person she is...and shows out loud.

  106. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Her skin looks terrible. She's looking like she has aged rapidly.

  107. Gasman10:26 PM

    Palin is simply a congenital liar. She lies when it gains her nothing. She is too fucking stupid by half to understand that her lies don't help her advance her cause.

    The woman is her own worst enemy. She is a moronic clod.

    And I say she is STILL planning on running for president.

  108. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Next time she's in D.C., she should check out the Holocaust Memorial Museum. And some other stuff.
    I wonder if she knows that there's a Library of Congress? It's where the senators go to do homework and hide out when they get a hall pass.

    She IS running for president. Has been since she quit being governor. The real question is when is she going to quit campaigning.
    Is she going to take it all the way up to the last possible day?

    Regardless of one's political leaning, spiritual philosophy, income bracket - is there anyone who wants leadership that either can't make up their mind that they want the job, or is playing out some kind of bizarre, irrational game, very publicly?

  109. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Where is the picture of Piper and her cousin that was taken in KC?

  110. Anonymous3:07 AM

    Perhaps reading too much into the photo of Piper and cousin, but does it look like the cousin is crossing her fingers in the pic? Maybe, "yeah, like we really went there!" going through these 2 little girls' minds?

    Here is the link:

  111. There is a World War I Memorial in Washington, but very much on a smaller scale

  112. Obama is faking his Presidency!

  113. Obama is faking his Presidency!

  114. Anonymous5:56 AM

    @3:07 am
    That, or she's flipping the bird! LOL!

  115. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Yes, Piper was in the Sheila Craig photos of the fair. She wasn't walking with them at all times, so I wonder if she was with a nanny or pushed so far back we couldn't see her at all.

  116. Kansas City is a 3 hour drive from Wichita where the Koch brothers live. So....if there are pictures of Piper and others out and about in Kansas City, but none of SP, it may be because she was busy wining and dining with G.O.D. - the ghastly old dudes AKA the Kock brothers...

  117. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Most of the prior day Palin spent in Hannibal. She had indicated that she planned to visit Truman's home which is locate in Independence MO along with the Truman Presidential Library just outside of KC proper. From the photo taken she was staying in the Westin Crown Center Hotel and the posting was a 2:21 PM on Monday. The museum closes at 5:00. I was in KC on that day I don't remember a bit of rain as she describes in her posting. The Liberty Memorial is where 75,000 people turned out to hear Obama speak during the campaign in 2008. I knew she was in town and I watched all three TV stations in the evening and not a single word or sighting of her. I also monitor social media sites and not a single mention of Sarah and her family. My guess,she skipped the Truman home and Library and threw in the WWI memorial. The following day, the TV stations interviewed the museum workers and not a single person saw Sarah and her band of hillbillies.

  118. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Since Sarah did not show her face in KC, I have a theory. Westin Crown Center is next to Hallmark Cards and is a part of the Hall family development. Sarah saved the girls to wear when she net Donald Hall who is a big GOP contributor. Her day was spent with a private tour of Hallmark and dinner with Hall associates. Tuesday morning, Hallmark's private jet left MKC, downtown KC airport for guess where? Phoenix!

  119. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Yep! Hallmark Aircraft N1910A left KC Tuesday morning at 7:06 AM for Phoenix and then immediately returned to MKC (Kansas City Downtown Airport). No doubt this is how the Wasilla witch exited Kansas City.

  120. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Anon 10:47 -- Extremely interesting Sherlock!!

    I do see that the plane flew from KC to Phoenix (2hr 10 min flight) and the return flight to KC departed 54 minutes later (2 hr 24 min flight).

    Certainly not enough time for an executive to conduct business!!


  121. Anonymous5:06 PM

    It may look like rain in the picture, and it was definitely cloudy and muggy, but it didn't rain in downtown KC on the 14th or 15th.

    I think there was some rain at the international airport on the 15th, but that is 20miles away. If you googled the weather report it might tell you it was raining at MCI because that's where the main weather station is.

    IF she spent the afternoon of the 14th in Hannibal as she claimed in another posting, she would have probably got to KC in the evening (it's a 3.5-4 hour drive). But it didn't rain downtown on the 14th, either.

    She posted her travelog at 2pm on the 15th, having already left (according to her) Kansas City.


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