Sunday, August 07, 2011

For those who are concerned that President Obama is giving in to the Republicans and their Teabagger masters, this might help to alleviate those fears.

Somebody sent me this link today, and reading it kind of changed my perspective on a few things.

Here is just a sample.

I’m not angry often. I don’t believe anger is an emotion that makes things better for anyone but yourself, and even that is rare. This is generally a political blog, and in politics, anger is poisonous. I can’t say this enough; the average voter in this country (NOT voters on either extreme side of the political spectrum, but those who actually decide elections) is NOT motivated by anger, cannot be motivated by anger (usually), and actually reacts to expressed anger with disgust, for the most part. They don’t want to elect angry people, they want to elect competent people. They don’t care what WE think the issues are; they want to elect someone who knows and understands the issues and will do something about it.

Put simply, the general public already thinks all politicians suck, so you reiterating that politicians suck does nothing to advance the political process. 

But I’m becoming angry with the far left these days, not just because they’re being unfair to the president and the Democrats, but because they pose as political “experts,” despite the fact that they seem to know nothing about how politics actually works.

Let’s start this rant by reminding you that the man occupying the White House currently got to where he is in spite of the fact that:

  • He is a black man;
  • He had a father who was a Kenyan Muslim;
  • He has an unusual name;
  • He didn’t have a ton of political experience when he ran and;
  • He had to beat one of the most established legacies in Democratic politics in the primary, and a respected war hero politician in the general election.

Barack Obama could very well be the most brilliant politician of our day. He knows what’s up far better than we do. To NOT defer to his judgment except in extreme circumstances is much like hiring a mechanic to repair your car and then telling him how (s)he should rebuild your carburetor. Put simply, if you think you can do it better, then do it. Otherwise, shut the hell up, because you sound stupid when you criticize an expert. 

That is why all of you Monday morning quarterbacks out there – those of you who are constantly going on about how big a screw-up Obama is, and how he “should have” done something that YOU think would have “worked better” -- just look pathetic. Seriously, you look sillier than shit, and it’s pissing most liberals off, because you’re affecting the discourse, and you’re making it more difficult to beat the right wing, which absolutely MUST be our first order of business for the next several election cycles. Pardon my French, but FUCK the Blue Dogs. THEY are NOT the problem. The problem is the extreme right, who are hell-bent on dismantling this country, one brick at a time.

As many of my long time visitors are aware I have avoided being too critical of the policy decisions made by this President, or acting like a spoiled brat because my pet causes (Ending the wars, criminally investigating the Bush administration, and outlawing the Diebold voting machines) have either never been addressed, or are being addressed much slower than I would have liked.

And just like this Milt Shook guy, I have come to realize that the President is making progress, and out maneuvering the Right Wing, behind the scenes and out of the view of many of his critics.

I have confidence in this President, and believe he is doing the best he can within perhaps the MOST divisive political climate since the beginning of the Civil War.

Is it fast enough for some of us?  Clearly, the answer is no.

Could anybody else do the job with more competence?  Again I believe the answer is no.

So for all of you morons who keep talking about finding a Democrat to challenge Obama in the primary, I have but one question for you: "Are you out of your fucking minds?"


  1. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Okay, it's time for me to put my Obama'12 bumper sticker on.

  2. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Yeah, we have the Firebaggers now, and to me, they're just as politically naive and politically dangerous as the Teabaggers. If you don't support President Obama, and you're on the hard left, we'll know who to blame if there's a Republican in the White House in 2013. And believe me, you WILL feel the difference, in spite of all your inferences otherwise. I lived through Bush. I know the difference.

  3. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Don't agree with you, Gryphen. The first election I voted in at the age of 20 was for McGovern in 1972. I was a liberal Democrat then, and I'm a liberal Democrat now.

    I've been bitterly disappointed by Obama. BITTERLY.

    Of course Obama faces opposition because he's African American and this is a racist country, no doubt about it. The teabaggers never would have gained the influence they have otherwise. Absolutely.

    But that doesn't let Obama off the hook for his tragic insistence on "bipartisanship" and his consistent capitulation to Repugs at the very real expense of everyone who isn't rich.

    I'm so over Obama. I regret voting for him, and I will not vote for him again. I WILL sit out the 2012 election if he runs again.

  4. lostinthemidwest10:51 AM

    Thank you once again for standing by our President.

    I only wish more would do the same. That post is spot on. You are once again on the winning side of a political topic.

    Sending you virtual $$ since, because of the republicans, I am barely making it week to week.

    Hugs for all you do.

  5. I've noticed how the GOP focuses intently on one issue and attacks the President full force on it, he calmly and behind their backs gets something else accomplished that they were too busy to see.

    The most recent example of this is getting rid of DADT and free contraceptives in the budget deal.

  6. Anonymous10:52 AM

    I love that man. My husband keeps telling me Obama is the best poker player he has ever observed.
    Pat Padrnos

  7. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I like the way you think Gryphen! I agree with you 100%. I am almost as mad at the far left as I am with the far right. President Obama would beat any Democratic contender in a primary! The question is, would the contender at his concession speech ask his supporters to throw their vote for President Obama?

  8. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Thanks for this. More to think about. I go back and forth re my feelings about how our president is doing and there is plenty of criticism out there, as much from liberal "pundits" as conservative ones. This piece helps me put things in perspective.

  9. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Well, Iḿ one of those Republicans who works hard during election years. I put my money where my mouth is too. I did it for McCain.

    Yet I am over here finding myself defending President Obama against you Democrats.

    That should tell you something right there.

  10. Excellent, Gryphen! I'd say, "Amen," but don't want to sound like a Teabagger/Dominionist! We need to get behind our President and stop buying-in to the right (and far-left) wing rant. I'm amazed by what President Obama has accomplished with everything that's been thrown at him. Remember, The House passed over 500 bills under Pelosi and just 12 with Boehner. Obstruction on steroids. In this position, Sarah Palin would look like a three-year-old trying to fly a 747. Let's give our awesome President a fighting chance and vote out everyone even remotely connected to the Baggers. Obama landslide in 2012!!!

  11. Anonymous11:16 AM

    OK, this is a real clue to the tea-party idiots' guide to how to run the world, I give you Rick Perry's college transcript:

    Truly friggin scary that this man is the governor of Texas.

  12. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I agree and will vote for President Obama AGAIN. He is a good, good man and handling one horribly difficult job. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

  13. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I'm sorry, but that is not a very intelligent argument--"the president is smarter than we are, and unless you are willing to try to be the president, don't dare criticize him."

    Should we avoid criticizing Clarence Thomas? His life was more hardscrabble than Obama's, yet he's become very accomplished. Yet Obama and Clarence Thomas don't share many of the same views.

    I would also wager that Paul Krugman is as smart as or smarter then the president; he is a Nobel prize-winning economist who teaches at Princeton. He has plenty to say about the president.

    I don't consider myself any less capable than the president. However, I lack the social skills to get very far in politics.

    Just as an education does not always correlate to intelligence (remember Bush?), lack of an Ivy league degree does not necessarily correlate to lack of intelligence (Frederick Douglass).

    I find something frightening about a person who suggests that we simply stipulate that the president is more intelligent than we are, so who are we to question him? We should always question the decisions our leaders make on our behalf.

    I certainly don't teach my children to accept without question everything the teacher tells them.


    "Deferring" to the leader and

  14. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Actually, I do question the mechanic. And sometimes I go to another mechanic and find out the first mechanic was just trying to rip me off.

  15. Anonymous11:38 AM

    >>>I've been bitterly disappointed by Obama. BITTERLY.

    Well then you haven't been watching what he's actually been doing, now have you?

    Bitterly? What kind of expectations did you have that you would be so disappointed? Did you project every little wish and while on him to instantly gratify your needs?

    Barack Obama has been Barack Obama for a long time now. Go back and listen to his interviews and speeches long before he was president and you will see that there is no surprise for how he approaches things.

    If you are so 'bitterly' disappointed, you may want to take a look at your skewed thinking and then open your eyes to the reality of politics:

  16. Chenagrrl11:41 AM

    Whoa, someone picked by brain and wrote it down. I don't feel alone and sort of trite, anymore.

    As for bipartisanship? The house is controlled by the Dark Side, he really has no choice, but to try to find a middle ground. If there is going to be any effective government at all.

    We are not talking bold strokes here, but housekeeping chores that should be done with dispatch. It's like having to fight with your kid over taking out the garbage.

  17. This is truly an excellent lesson in humility, sir.

  18. angela11:48 AM

    Anon 10:51

    Thanks for sitting out of the next election. You know 'cause that worked so well in 2010. Also--if you don't vote for President Obama we can be assured of getting a TOTALLY progressive president in cause— that's happened . . . . .exactly about once or twice in a hundred years. He didn't give you all that you wanted, huh? Well, thats the problem with having a democracy instead of a dictatorship. Did you want him doing signing statements like Bush did?

    I'm happy with the women he put on the SCOTUS bench,I'm happy health care was even introduced, I'm happy he's done more for gay rights than any president ever, I'm happy that thousands of troops came home (I want more to come). I'm happy he isn't the dick of the planet, like our former president was.
    I'm happy he caught Bin Laden. And I am sure he wants whats best for us--even crybaby humans like you. What, he didn't kiss your proverbial dream state ass enough? Poor you.

    So stay your whiny ass at home so you can really get off if a republican gets in. You can cry harder and faster than you are now and become a true victim. Plus, you can take a course in civics and pretend that the POTUS can do anything he wants to do, ya know--like Bush and the tea baggers.

  19. Anonymous11:52 AM

    @11:33 AM-
    What I got out of the president being smarter than we are - is that he knows the pulse, the personalities, the nuances, lobbyists, corporate heads, national programs, state governments, United Nations, world organizations, international finance, leaders of the countries that want to take us down, etc.etc. and yes, the social skills too. - WE are not smarter than him! Every component affects another in some way. It takes that kind of smarts and knowing that very few politicians are capable of learning, or have the interest to learn... so they agree to be puppets and do whatever their "advisors" tell them, and advisors have agendas that have nothing to do with helping the American people!!!

  20. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Love it, love it, love it. I have been wearing my Obama t-shirt out walking the past few weeks.

    Thank you, Jesse. This is spot on.

    Let's toughen up and get a grip, people!

    Anyone who thinks trying to get SOMETHING done in DC is "capitulation" is just being a baby. There is no other way to describe it. Living in a fairly land. Our legislative process does not allow any one group to hold sway, at least theoretically. Our entire democracy is based on the concept of compromise!!!!!!!!!

    We will not get any closer to the more just world we all aspire to by acting like spoiled children when we don't get our way.

    This man has done the best he could do given the circumstances. He is far more clever (not just highly educated, not just intellectual) than many seem to want to give him credit for. He came out of Chicago machine politics and he doesn't mess around.

    If you wanted a Progressive messiah when you voted for this man, you were dreaming. I'll take the real flesh and blood Barack Obama because he will keep fighting the good fight and not give up just because he doesn't get everything he wants. If there is any question about what he does, in fact, want, then I would say people haven't truly been paying attention to him.

    You really believe he can say everything he thinks about these greedy bastards and get anywhere at all? No, he holds his cards close to his chest and he carries on with this scary as hell chess game.

    I love him. He IS a truly great leader and human being, and we will all understand that one day. Thank God none of us have his job, or this country would be doomed.

  21. angela11:54 AM

    Anon 11:33
    Anyone who calls Clarence Thomas accomplished is a bagger. Who the fuck cares if his life was tough? He's making up for it now by being bought and paid for by the corporations. He actually set in motion all this bullshit by voting for Citizens United when they were paying off his wife. You and the rest of the trolls here have NO credibility.

  22. Beldar Hussain Conehead11:58 AM


  23. IMHO, the only thing our President lacks is a better PR department.


    The man is amazing and we are so fortunate to have him now.

    A (supposed) Canadian wrote on another thread that Barack Obama was "wasted" on "your country".

    Christ, that puts it in perspective, eh?

  24. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Postscript to my "rant"-
    OF COURSE President Obama relies on advisors, but he is smart, so he can detect BS, as he is knowledgeable about so many things...

  25. Just wanted to add a lil realization I had the other day.

    If you say you don't agree with EVERYTHING President Obama does, guess what?

    I bet NEITHER does Obama, right?

    There is what Barack Obama - Sasha and Malia's dad, Michelle's Husband- there's what he wants for himself, his family, his country.

    And then there is Mr. President, Barack Obama, who HAS to consider ALL of the constituents of this Great Nation.

    That's a shitload of people with a shitload of opinions.

    He can't POSSIBLY do what HE WANTS every time.


    If you want to sit 2012 out because you've been disappointed by Obama, find someone you think will do a BETTER JOB and SUPPORT THEM!!

    Don't just take your ball and go home.

  26. Clarence Thomas doesn't deserve to clean Obama's urinal!

    Get the hell out of here, troll!

  27. ManxMamma12:10 PM

    That was a great link. Thank you Gryphen.

  28. Anonymous12:12 PM

    >>I don't consider myself any less capable than the president.

    Big on ego aren't we? LOL! You post begs to differ...massively.

  29. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Hear hear!

  30. Ditto!

    I still remember my fellow pro-choicers in 1980 saying, "Anyone but Carter," because he wasn't pro-choice "enough" -- and they got Reagan.

    Then there was my former hero Ralph Nader playing spoiler in 2000 while claiming there was no difference between the Democrats and Republicans -- and we got Bush instead of Gore, and ended up at war, in financial crisis, and losing our civil liberties. No difference?

    When I think Obama has made a big mistake, I later become convinced that he knew what he was doing.
    (Not sure yet about Afghan war.)

    One of the really, really good things about Pres. Obama is that he doesn't lose sleep over what the far left or right says about him. He does what he thinks is prudent, and if it means he isn't reelected, then he knows he did his best. The country will be the real loser, not him.

  31. OBAMA 201212:25 PM

    Numb Nutz Ralph Nader is already talking about running in the primaries. Didn't anyone learn anything in 2000? Nader took enough votes from Gore in Fla. to throw the state to Bush (with a little help from the SCOTUS).

    Anyone who says they're sitting out 2012 desreves a
    President Bachman or Palin. Your non-vote means you don't care WHO is president. Are you as loony as the C4Per's??

  32. Anonymous12:26 PM

    It seems to me that many of those on the far left think we're living in an episode of The West Wing, where the POTUS swoops in at the last minute with just the right answer to save the day while simultaneously squashing the opponent.

    Sorry folks, but there's no script that will resolve our problems in 60 minutes (including commercials). It's taken more than a decade to get into this mess and it's going to take some time to get out. In the meantime, the POTUS is battling against an opponent who is not just willing but downright eager to trash the country in order to make him look bad.

    I read an analogy recently that I think fits the current political scenario very accurately. The Republicans are like an armed carjacker, stealing the car that belongs to the President. Oh, and by the way, there's a baby in the back seat. I'd take it a step further and stipulate that the carjacker has already shot an innocent bystander and has the gun pointed at the baby's head.

    Do you REALLY want the President to stubbornly refuse to hand over the keys on principle, trusting that the carjacker won't harm the baby?

  33. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Anon. 10:52 I would say that Obama is the best Chess player ever.

  34. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Win together or lose together, that is the question.

  35. Anonymous12:42 PM

    My thoughts exactly. He has done whatever he can in the most ugly political environment imaginable.

  36. So for all of you morons who keep talking about finding a Democrat to challenge Obama in the primary, I have but one question for you: "Are you out of your fucking minds?"

    I actually think this article is outstanding. I requested a news site re-post it.

    However, it makes no sense to ask some one if they are out of their minds. Most people who are don't know it.

  37. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I am not smarter than Pres. Obama but I am smarter than Clarence Thomas.

  38. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Thanks for the post, Gryphen. It's time we focus on the positive. Lots of things have gone wrong, but I feel that just the same, things can turn around. We must hold onto that belief.

  39. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Don't forget that President Obama knows much more than we do as to what is going on behind the scenes of government. I'll bet he was 'shocked' when he got into office and learned of some of the arrangements that had been made by the prior administration.

    I'm just so damned thankful McCain and Palin were not elected and that President Obama will probably be elected for a second term.

    I, for the life of me, cannot imagine why anyone would vote for a Republican on the national, state or local levels. They are a very frightening party and hopefully American voters are paying attention.

  40. Enjay in E MT1:12 PM

    It is difficult to stop a speeding train heading downhill to the washed out tressel. Bush & the GOP set the US on this track when they plotted to start a second war against Iraq under the guise of weapons of mass destruction. Granting billion dollar contracts to 'friends of the administration' in addition to bales of US dollars shipped like bricks on a pallet.

    President Obama is not only trying to slow down the train, but build another track. Not an easy task, especially when he's fighting the GOP & T-bags

    We have the first steps of Universal Health Care, the end of DADT, and individual states are taking up fight for marriage equality. The border fence hasn't been built, yet the admin. is sending the undocumented home.

    Yes, we're frustrated at many of the compromises and pace of change. But I don't see a GOP or T-bag candidate who won't sell their soul to wipe out what HAS been accomplished. Just like Bush II reversed almost everything Clinton had set to improve the economy & reduce the debt. And Reagan did to Jimmy Carter's alternative energy plans.

  41. Anonymous1:15 PM

    The bottom line is that I trust President Obama. Period. It's a gut level thing, and it hasn't swayed for one single solitary moment. I know a good, solid, honorable man when I see one.

    I can't wait to see what he manages in his second term, when reelection isn't an issue and he can REALLY put the peddle to the medal and make us even prouder.

    I have never voted FOR a presidential candidate in my life...only against...until Barack Obama.

    I voted FOR him with full on enthusiasm and will again. We are so lucky to have this man in the White House. I am deeply grateful to the voters who made it happen.

    If you want to sit out the election (which reminds me of a little toddler who takes his marbles and runs away) then by all means, it still is a free country, but don't bitch and complain when the GOP trash this country even further than they have now...because they will, and we ain't seen nothin' yet if they get anywhere near the White House.

    How can you NOT see that, the person who is whining about Barack not meeting their expectations, the person who is threatening to sit out the election???

    I suspect that you were a Hillary supporter before you switched to Barack...or you secretly wanted Sarah the Wasilla Wonder to take the helm. I don't think you ever really spent the time to learn about Barack the man, the community organizer, the visionary, the father, the son. Did you ever read his books? Did you ever listen to his stories? No, probably not. And most likely you are BITTERLY disappointed with alot in your life, but you just project it all on our president. Pretty lame, eh?

  42. Bravo Angela to your comments @ 11:48 and 11:33am....and as far as the troll @ 11:33am...YIKES...I can't believe you went there with Clarence "Mr Pubic hair on a coke can" Thomas....LMAO!! Clarence Thomas and Condo Rice would make a great couple except Condo probably reminds Clarence of his ole nemesis Anita Hill. HeHe

  43. Anonymous1:20 PM

    To add to my other comments, the Dems have to get the messaging right on all of this going into 2012, as someone has pointed out above.

    The GOP is not the party for the average American, or the little guy - hear that, Sarah? It is the party of and for the millionaire/billionaires. It is the party of the multi-national corporations (don't forget the Supreme Court ruling on outside campaign contributions). America is for sale, to parties all around the world. Obama had the guts to confront the Justices on that ruling at his first State of the Union speech, a completely unprecedented action by a President in that setting.

    Just because some middle class Americans are too stupid to understand they are voting against their best interests does not change the fact that the GOP represents the wealthiest Americans, policy-wise. The Dems can fight back hard on this and frame their basic argument to the American people based on that reality. These GOP fools have provided us with plenty of material to demonstrate this contention. Most Americans have common sense, and most understand that the rich guys are trying to screw the average citizens, or ignore them at least.

    After the budget talks debacle, Obama threw down the gauntlet immediately when he talked about sharing the financial burden and finding a "balanced approach" to the deficit mess. (I think the S & P downgrade was retaliation for his saying that. They are trying to scare him out of raising taxes.)

    He had to work with the Tea Party a#*holes in order to get that debt ceiling raised (basically an attempt at a coup of sorts, with the US and world economies at the mercy of some idiot freshman reps), but right away afterward he made clear his intentions about the tax revenues.

    They kept saying phase II was where the details would be worked out. Why don't we give him a chance to show us what they are attempting to accomplish on our behalf, before spewing these condemnations, this hand-wringing and these feet-stamping rants?

    Frankly, from the very beginning, it was never going to be enough for some Dems. They disliked Obama from the very start. But, thankfully, they are in the minority. And as someone said above, if that minority ends up being responsible for a difference in votes which ushers a Republican back into the White House, DO NOT COME CRYING to many of us who will never trust any of you again.

    You think times are tough right now? That would be beyond your worst nightmare.

    Just grow up. You can keep fighting for what you believe in (and Obama wants you to!), but that doesn't have to include sabotaging the greatest hope we've had in the White House in years.

  44. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Wow, so many things wrong with this argument - not sure where to start. As another "anonymous" poster stated, Paul Krugman is an expert to whom we should defer, and his ideas are completely at odds with Obama. Also about Krugman - he is not "monday morning quaterbacking" because he PREDICTED the economic collapse in addition to the fact that the stimulus package was not large enough. He is the metaphorical "mechanic" in this situation, not the president.

    By the way, this whole attitude of don't-question-the-president-cause-you-are-dumber-than-him is quite reminiscent of the attitude of Bush supporters. ALWAYS question your leaders, regardless of their political party.

  45. I just can't believe that anyone who considers themselves an independent, progressive, moderate, liberal or patriot would sit out the next election or vote against this man. Don't you realize, that's how we got the disasterous results in 2010? Every election matters, every vote counts...just ask Al Gore!

  46. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Amen 10:51am.

  47. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I am extremely proud that I voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and I look forward to voting for him again in 2012. I also hope (and pray) that he will have significant Democratic majorities in both the House and the Senate.

  48. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Anyone that says that Obama is above and beyond corporate influence is not telling the truth. He walks in lockstep with the corporations. Just as do all politicians.

  49. Anonymous1:49 PM

    What Happened to Obama? (NY Times)

    Money quote:

    "IN contrast, when faced with the greatest economic crisis, the greatest levels of economic inequality, and the greatest levels of corporate influence on politics since the Depression, Barack Obama stared into the eyes of history and chose to avert his gaze. Instead of indicting the people whose recklessness wrecked the economy, he put them in charge of it."

    This is what all you defenders of Obama are deliberately choosing to ignore. I urge you to read this article and educate yourselves about what Obama has not done and will never do for those who need it most.

  50. @B 12:18 pm

    Thanks for reminding us about Nader 2000.

    GWBush did so much damage to the country, when things were going really well at the end of the last century. (Heck, gearing up for Y2K probably boosted Americans' earnings by quite a bit.)

    Gore wouldn't have ignored the CIA warnings about hijacked planes, wouldn't have gotten us mired in 2 (or more) awful wars (heartbroken about the Chinook helo that went down in Afghanistan), wouldn't have condoned torture, etc.

    I'm really getting worked up now over how mad I am at Nader and his f**king hubris.

  51. Anonymous1:57 PM

    The last time a sitting Dem President was "primaried" the result was Ronald Reagan. Think about that happening again with the current crop of whackos. We'll all be forced to sign loyalty and religious oaths within 12 months of one of these creatures taking office.

  52. Pat in MA2:01 PM

    Dear "bitterly disappointed" @10:51,

    I'm sick of all you crybabies. Sit out the next election? That's your answer? Did you sit out the midterms? How's that working out for you? I've said it before - he is NOT a king with authoritarian powers, he is the president of a democracy, damn it! If the American electorate didn't have the attention span of a gnat, and oh I don't know, actually could take some time to think through issues longer term rather than let some idiot on Fox give them their reactionary talking points so they can go back to watching some dumb ass reality tv show, maybe we wouldn't have the present batch of obstructionist idiots in Congress. The current Congress is on track to be the LEAST productive EVER, at a time when we are facing some of our biggest challenges.

    And you just want to take your ball and go home. Great idea.

  53. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Yeah, I voted for George McGovern, also. And he lost in a landslide. So where did that get us?

  54. With Obama 100%! I am not listening to the daily garbage anymore. He's the best we've got and I think we need to stick behind him 4 more years.

  55. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Anon @ 1:20pm:

    You make some good points, especially regarding the fact that the poorest of Americans should realize that Obama would possibly work in their best interest, ie, much needed social programs and other Government assistance.

    However, and it's a really BIG "however", these people are not going to eschew their republican party loyalty and change parties to vote for a man of color. The people that need social programs the most tend to be from the still-racist South and cannot get beyond the color of Obama's skin, even if it means the difference between going hungry and losing their home, and having a life worth living.

    They will fight him tooth and nail and throw their support behind the party that only supports the rich because they aren't into abortion rights and certainly aren't going to give their vote to a "colored person".

    They've in essence shot off their own feet because they are stubborn and set in their ways and the republican party knows that. The 'pubs know that they will get their votes based on emotional issues because their constituents have no grasp of financial issues and don't realize it is the more democratic government that actually gives them the butter for their bread, in the form of WIC and Food Stamps.

    I personally hope that these people all starve and that their hatred and ignorance is Darwins' way of making us free of them and that we can possibly progress as a nation without another civil war.

    If I was a praying person, I guess I'd have to pray that the South, will fall, again. Then the sane minded Americans can be free once again.

  56. Anonymous2:26 PM

    When Bush was destroying our country,many who are braying now,did nothing and look at the mess we are in.President Obama is up against a barrage of opposition,from all sides,the breath I have never seen in my lifetime.And let us not forget those wimpy Dems in the house,who were so afraid of the Teaparty,lost their spine.And let us not forget the media who feel they have to follow Fox for ratings
    and have played into the racial spin.Considering the climate the President has to work in it is amazing what he has accomplished.The GOP is blocking his appointments to agencies,the bench,and they love this country.Having worked in Government,I would stand with this President any day.As for the ems who snipe,they play into the GOP hands.Give the man a chance.

  57. Anonymous3:03 PM

    >>Could anybody else do the job with more competence? Again I believe the answer is no.

    You would be wrong. Anyone that actually cared about the people of the US would have showed up to work. Something barrack wasn't ever prepared to do.

    Someone elected with such a majority could have forced to the blue turds and the Democratic party into working towards any piece of Leg he was willing to push or sell in the media.

    He fucking lost all the momentum and then gave what little we had back to the semi-retarded tea drinkers.

    He is a big disappointment.

  58. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Some have claimed that Krugman is smarter than Obama. Well, let's say he is smarter than the prez. But then we also have to note that Krugman is not the prez. He can sit at his computer and write whatever he wants. He doesn't have to have the votes in the House and Senate to have his opinions published. Desk chair pundit is a very different life than president.

    I was very relieved when Obama won the election, but also wished he didn't have to face what was happening. I knew the economy was collapsing and would not recover for a very long time, and Obama would be blamed. I knew he was left with terrible wars and defense contracts to unwind. I knew we were going to witness the ugliest racism we've seen for a long time. I knew he was accepting that he was target number 1 for assasination.

    I wasn't happy with how the healthcare bill turned out, but was amazed it passed at all. I'm not happy with the debt ceiling bill, but I am very, very relieved that Medicaid, Social Security and Medicare are protected until after the next election. SO GET OUT AND VOTE! We've got a 2nd chance to get real support for Obama in Congress. Don't waste it!

  59. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Sorry you did'nt see fit to publish my comment G. (tent pissing out) What's the matter? Hit a little to close to the truth? You should know that this view is a compromise on my part, a few days ago I was ready to primary him! Anyhow. What I see going on here is that we actually have 4 parties in the House now, a true multi-party system. You are centrist Democrat, a true party loyalist. I am a Progressive. We from natural coalition partners, so you shouldn't insult us so much. I like you and visit your site every day. But you know, with 4 parties the right and left can also align against centrists , which might lead to some refreshing changes. For example, neither left nor right wing like the TSA searches.

  60. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Why I'm Proud to Be Part of President Obama's Team

    I remember the very first conversation I had with Barack and Michelle, over dinner in Chicago. Even back then, it was clear that the president had a remarkable clarity of vision, and an abiding faith in the power of ordinary individuals to do extraordinary things. He spoke about growing up around people of different cultures. He told me he believed that even though we all come from unique backgrounds, we can still form strong and lasting bonds with one another.

    That belief has been one of the driving forces behind President Obama's career. Since his time as a community organizer on Chicago's South Side, he has always held firm to his principles, but has also understood the importance of working towards the art of the possible. He knows that true leaders never let the perfect become the enemy of the good.

    The president has also always believed that a leader's job is to act on behalf of the people he serves, not to score political points. Every day, he receives letters and emails from Americans who are doing everything in their power to solve the tremendous challenges they face. As long as President Obama is in the White House, he will listen to those Americans, and they will have a voice here in Washington. The president will never stop fighting on their behalf.

    None of these fights has been politically easy, but President Obama has taken them on. That's what leaders do.

    This is true today, at a moment when dysfunction in Washington recently brought our economy to the brink of crisis. President Obama is determined to change the tone in our nation's capital. He will continue to seek compromise, to try to bring this country together, and to lead by example. He will listen to those with whom he disagrees, because that ability "to disagree without being disagreeable" has always been a central element of our democracy's success.

    At a time when a troubling coarseness pervades our national debate, it is easy to be discouraged. But recently, I was reminded of why hope more is powerful than fear.

    I'd like to share that story with you.

  61. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Where is Barack Obama's sucking up to Republicans and Wall Street, and threatening Social Security and Medicare (don't believe me? Google Catfood Commission and the anti-SS/Medicare chairman of it that he appointed), getting us, 2:09?

    If you really think Obama has a problem with Republican criminals, maybe you can explain his "looking forward, not back" policy re the criminal Bush administration, while siccing his DOJ on govt. whistle-blowers and medical marijuana dispensers after promising not to during his campaign?

    You seriously need to educate yourself about Barack Obama, and so do you, Gryphen. He is a pushover for Republicans and he is sitting back watching this country go down the tubes just so he can't be accused of being partisan.

  62. GBIllinois3:16 PM

    B @ 12:18 said:

    When I think Obama has made a big mistake, I later become convinced that he knew what he was doing.
    (Not sure yet about Afghan war.)

    You're forgetting one thing; bin Laden is dead and al Qaeda is in shambles. The troops are coming home. Mission accomplished.

  63. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I respectfully disagree, Gryphen.


  64. I, too, voted for President Obama in 2008 and plan on repeating in 2012. He is doing an awesome job and getting so much done without any fanfare or credit. He just does the work.

    Regarding the comment by the Canadian who said that President Obama is wasted on the Americans - my sister wishes that there was a Canadian Obama to vote for as she is not happy with any of the candidates on board currently.

    Obama 2012!

  65. Anonymous3:37 PM


    Thinking I am no less capable than the president is not a case of having a big ego. I continue to think I am equally as capable, your petty dig at my post notwithstanding.

    That is not the same as saying I could step in right now and have answers to all the problems he is facing--answers he does not seem to have, either.

    Being equally capable means that I do not feel I am any less capable than he is of learning and decisionmaking. Given that you know nothing about me, I am not sure what makes you feel informed enough to dispute this.

    If you are happy thinking that you are not as smart as the president, by all means, be happy with your insecurity.

    What I did not say is that I think I could do a better job than the president or that I am smarter than he is. I just happen to think that many of us are just as capable intellectually--it is often a question of whether you apply yourself as effectively.

    The president was not elected because he is the most brilliant person in the United States. Not to be snobby, but he does not even have a PhD. Would Obama with a PhD be smarter than Obama without a PhD? I doubt it. Nor would Obama be less smart if he had gone to community college instead of Harvard, though he might be less informed.

    His intelligence is inherent and something many people possess. It was his willingness to apply himself, however, that has allowed him to distinguish himself from many equally intelligent people.

    But you can continue to think I have a "big ego." Intelligent people get used to less intelligent people feeling resentment.

  66. The link below has the very best article I have read about this debt deal. It was posted on DailyKos in the diaries.
    Read this article and you will feel so much better about Obama and the Dems and the deal.
    After all of these "deals" in which Obama has been accused of being weak, the actual outcome is always better in the long run.
    I like to read Andrew Sullivan and he has an article every now and then about how we don't see the "big picture" like this very intelligent President does. Obama is the Roadrunner and the Rethugs are Wily Coyote. He "out-wiles" them very time. And then Sullivan ends the article with...Meep! Meep!
    I love it. Now read this...

  67. My Obama 2012 bumper sticker has been in place since December last year.

  68. Thanks for sharing this information and the link to Milt Shook's blog. It's very thoughtful and helpful.

  69. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Anon 10:51am

    "I WILL sit out the 2012 election if he runs again."

    Two things.

    Firstly - If you were a TRUE DEM, what fucking rock have you been living under as you would already know he's running. So I can bullshit on that statement and oh by the way - you didn't fucking vote for him.

    Second -- You're exposed -- you're a fucking BAGGER pretending to be a DEM. STFU and Fuck off.

  70. ANON!!!!

    No voter sits the election out. If you don't cast your vote for Obama, then you cast 1/2 a vote for Romney or whomever, by default.

    Sitting out is also participating the electoral process in your own way. Your way, in this case, happens to be to support the least desirable candidate.

    Obama will not know you did it. Only you will now, and now me, damn it. I don't want to hear horror stories like this.

  71. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Excellent Post! When I vote for President, I do a lot of homework before casting my ballot. I never felt my vote mattered more than when I voted for Barack Obama. Not because of the color of his skin, his education, or because I thought he would wave a majic wand and get everything I believe a President should get done, Obama would immediately drop whatever he was doing and immediately do my bidding.
    I voted for the man because I believed, and still do believe, that he's the one who "gets it", he's the one fighting for the middle class, the disabled, the elderly, the poor, and the entire country.
    How soon we forget what damage eight years of the Bush regime had done, and continues to do, to this country.
    If you're not going to vote for anyone in protest, that's your right. If you want to vote for perfection, then wait for Jesus Christ to be on the ballot.

    For everthing this president has managed to accomplish, all people wish to focus on is what he hasn't yet accomplished, or the things they want done asap.

    I voted for change, and so far, I pretty damned proud of our President for what he's done. And I'm voting for him again because he's earned my vote.

    Do I question some of his decisions? Not just yeah, but hell yeah! But I know he's delivering the change I wanted to see, and I know that change takes time, maturity, statesmanship, and integrity. Look hard at his opponents, their views, and who they ally themselves with and ask yourself who do you want in the driver's seat?

    Obama 2012! all the way!

  72. Anonymous6:20 PM

    10:51 I couldn't agree with you more. Also a liberal Democrat. Also extremely disappointed with President Obama. Why would I be persuaded by one person's blog, when I have my own observations over two years? Anyone whose opinion can be changed immediately upon reading that blog never had a thoughtful and considered opinion in the first place.

  73. Anonymous6:22 PM

    I wrote a comment a minute ago and I forgot to say, I will not sit out the election in 2012 just because President Obama is the Democratic candidate. But I'm done giving him money and making phone calls. He's more moderate than he led us to believe, and his concilatory tactics have not served this country well.

  74. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I love that man. My husband keeps telling me Obama is the best poker player he has ever observed.
    Pat Padrnos
    10:52 AM
    Damned straight, Pat!! ;-)

  75. I love Obama. I think he is doing the best possible job he can with the opposition he faces. I voted for him for US Senator in Illinois, I voted for him for President, and I will absolutely vote for him again

  76. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Hey "liberal democrat" at 10:51,

    If you sit out 2012, you are one seriously stupid F*ck !!!

  77. Anonymous7:27 PM

    So true. Progressives are so often their own worst enemies. Let's become a united force and support President Obama. He knows what he is doing.

  78. DetroitSam8:00 PM

    Anonymous @10:51 AM

    Yeah, go ahead and cut off your nose to spite your face. Let's see how that works for you.

    Your kind is the reason the teabasggers got into office.

    And if you can't why the President tried to achieve "bipartisianship" then the you have no business voting.


  79. DetroitSam8:04 PM

    Anonymous @11:33 AM

    Talk about really missing the point.

    OBTUSE are we?

  80. Anonymous8:29 PM

    You're right that I could not handle the job of the President. I also could not handle the job of my boss. But I, and my fellow co-workers, are very much affected by how my boss does his job and have a lot of ideas about how he could do it better!

  81. Anonymous9:49 PM

    These are hard times. The sad truth may be that it's going to take more than a few years to recover. We need to buckle up and prepare for the long haul. Can you think of anyone better to be steering our country right now? I can't.

  82. Anonymous9:58 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Don't agree with you, Gryphen. The first election I voted in at the age of 20 was for McGovern in 1972. I was a liberal Democrat then, and I'm a liberal Democrat now.

    I've been bitterly disappointed by Obama. BITTERLY.

    Of course Obama faces opposition because he's African American and this is a racist country, no doubt about it. The teabaggers never would have gained the influence they have otherwise. Absolutely.

    But that doesn't let Obama off the hook for his tragic insistence on "bipartisanship" and his consistent capitulation to Repugs at the very real expense of everyone who isn't rich.

    I'm so over Obama. I regret voting for him, and I will not vote for him again. I WILL sit out the 2012 election if he runs again.

    10:51 AM"

    You say you will sit out the 2012 election if Obama runs again (and yes, he is running again) because you are BITTERLY (your caps) disappointed with him. Friend, you don't know what "BITTERLY disappointed" means until there is a Repug/Teabagger in the WH.

  83. Anonymous11:23 PM

    President Obama has my vote in 2012!

  84. Anonymous6:45 AM

    I voted for Barack Obama and got a great President for all the people. He has my support, both morally and financially, for the 2012 elections. Of this I will not waiver.

    Obama/Biden 2012


  85. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Anonymous 10:15
    I'm so over Obama. I regret voting for him,

    what was your other choice again?

  86. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I am the same "Anonymous" who posted at 1:23pm about Krugman.

    Regarding the comment at 3:04pm - The thing is, you assume the president was UNABLE to do anything but capitulate to Republicans due to politics, when actually, there is plenty of evidence that he had every intention to cut the budget. He has been on the record NUMEROUS times saying that we have to cut spending. So, it's not as though he has adopted Krugman's agenda and couldn't implement it; rather, he has adopted the Keynesian economic model and permitted the budget cuts to happen willingly.

    Please read the blogs of Matt Taibbi (Rolling Stone)and Glenn Greenwald (Salon)if you want to see the evidence of the president's economic philosophy. (I think I may be flagged if I post links.) They write very frequently on the subject.

    The bottom line is - we, liberals, as a collective, projected our progressive ideals onto a self-proclaimed centrist and hoped that whatever he did HAD to be better than Bush. It's not "buyer's remorse" to be disappointed with him, but rather, a consistency in ideology that does not change regardless of who is president.


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