Sunday, August 07, 2011

Michele Bachmann "graces" the cover of Newsweek.


What did they warn Perseus about when it came to that Gorgon named Medusa again?

"Whatever you do, don't look into her eyes!"


  1. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Ha ha - once again she doesn't make eye contact with a camera - reminds me hilariously of her tea party rebuttal to the State of the Union.

  2. I'd comment on the 'batshit-crazy' look in her eyes, but I don't want to insult other 'batshit-crazy' people.

    The only thing funnier than this cover would have to include Bachmann's closeted husband, "Tinkerbell."

    Let's make this sick Harpy a 'one-term Newsweek cover!'

  3. Ripley12:57 PM

    Jeebus: She can't help but to look crazy. This is bad.

  4. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Why did they publish that photo of her...look at her eyes! Weird!

    Between Bachman(n) and Palin - no wonder Newsweek's value and readership is dropping.

  5. melissa1:01 PM

    Is this for real? No seriously, is this a Newsweek cover from The Onion? If this is a real cover shouldn't they have used photoshop to cover up the crazy eyes?

  6. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Is it just me, or does that picture look a lot like Jon Bon Jovi? You be the judge:

  7. Anonymous1:03 PM

    She looks as insane as she sounds.

  8. Love those Charlie Manson eyes.

  9. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Gah! First Palin, now Bachmann-- Newsweek should just change its name to "Wingnut MILF Weekly".

  10. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Wow, if that doesn't say it all, then, I don't know what will...

    Tap Duncan

  11. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Palin is far more unhinged than Bachmann. At least Bachmann can hold a job.

  12. Warrior891:08 PM

    WOW!!! Was that a picture she actually...POSED...for? Holy crazy eyes, Batman!

  13. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Is that a joke?

  14. wakeUpAmerica1:12 PM


  15. angela1:14 PM

    Right . . . .
    Why the hell can't this woman make her eyes seem sane?

  16. Looks like the cover of Levi's book.

  17. Anonymous1:18 PM

    It looks like she has crossed eyes too!

  18. Balzafiar1:20 PM

    I wonder if she has that look in her eyes when she and Marcy have sex?

  19. Olivia1:21 PM

    Who in their right mind would look at that and think this is a good look? Can someone close to this woman get her a makeover or at least teach her to pose without drug-addled eyes? She looks crazy from any angle and anyone who doesn't think so should get evaluated.

  20. Sorry. This is too easy.

    Bachmann's Cat:

    Bachmann's Dog:,r:27,s:0

  21. What is it with these pictures? Are the photographer's telling people to open their eyes wide or something? This isn't the first one of these awful pictures.

  22. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Truly frightening. Both Sarah & Michelle missed their true calling... horror movies!

    I have some family members with mental health disorders and they all have those crazy eyes. The eyes don't lie.

  23. Sweet anny1:23 PM

    If you cannot see batshit crazy in that thousand-yard stare...blinded by the light of the halo, maybe.

    jeez... doesn't she get a chance to preview the cover photo? Do you think she ok'd this?

    Also, too... remind you of anyone?

  24. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Wow, Newsweek really screwed her over with that picture. She is going to be cross at that.


  25. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Wow this looks just like the poster for "The 40-Year-Old Virgin"

    Am I right?

  26. Anonymous1:24 PM

    That is a rather unflattering picture of Rep. Bachmann, to be kind. Never mind the crazy.

  27. Wow. That is the actual cover they used? Can't say she's looking real Presidential material there. Inspire confidence? An aura of intelligence? The air of authority?

    No, I think this picture would be better used in a "Who is more bat-shit crazy than the other?" (Yeah, I know a run off between her and Palin.)

    Bachman's people can't be happy with this.

  28. Anonymous1:24 PM


    Too, Too Funny.


  29. Anonymous1:33 PM

    That is one LOL F'd up picture! Are they trying to make her look crazy?

  30. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Can't they fix her eyes? She looks crazy and scary.

  31. Anonymous1:36 PM

    The crazy - it burns....

  32. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Sarah sticks her titties out on her Newsweek cover, all come hither and skanky and Michele is in dark blue and pearls, attempting to appear legitimate, professional. Interesting how that works. Tina Brown must have more respect for Michele than she does for Sarah.

    That aside, the crazy look in that woman's eyes is bone-chilling...can anyone say 'Stepford Wife'? Creeeepy. In my wildest imaginings I can't see her being elected to the White House. No how, no way.

  33. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Look, it's the 55-Year-Old Wingnut!

  34. She looks positively deranged in that picture, which is probably the truth.

    I can just see her as Torquemada, throwing the Marrano Jews into the fires.

  35. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Well, the only good thing I can say is at least it isn't the brain dead bimbo (the Alaska version) in a glamour pose! As much as I don't like Bachmann it makes me feel good to think about Palin gnashing her teeth at the coverage Backmann is getting....

  36. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Why does she look like a guy in drag in that photo?

    Scary photo cover that's for sure.
    Would you vote for that?

    Me? I wouldn't vote for that even if it were another country's vote for president.


  37. The crazy is strong with this one.

  38. Anonymous1:58 PM

    That's a classic "paranoid stare"... lower eyelids raised.

  39. Pennyspruce2:02 PM

    Why do they all have that *look* in their eyes?

  40. Sally in MI2:02 PM

    She's as cross-eyed as Sarah, but doesn't hide it with glasses. And didn't your mother warn you about people who never looked you in the eye? They are lying. The whole GOP ought to be sent to one of those workcamps they swore Obama was setting up.Maybe they can be reprogrammed to become at last half human a couple decades.

  41. Pennyspruce2:04 PM

    You would think she would've approved the cover first. Or.. did she?

  42. Anonymous2:05 PM

    ROFL OMG she looks INSANE! I cannot believe they ran that pic! Unless of course they're still pandering to the Palinbots and did it on purpose...

  43. Pennyspruce2:05 PM

    It's those pills. Bet..

  44. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Bachman gets an unflattering "crazy eyed" photo in Newsweek. Palin gets cheesecake beauty queen photos. Guess we all know who Newsweek likes best!

  45. Pennyspruce2:08 PM

    Katherine Harris
    Michele Bachmann
    Sarah Palin

  46. WalterNeff2:09 PM

    OMG - she has heat vision.

  47. Man practicing for his Newsweek cover:

  48. Enjay in E MT2:23 PM

    Perhaps Michele should copy another $arah Palin distraction and begin wearing glasses. Her eyes remind me of the 40-60's horror movies right before the ear piercing screams.

  49. She looks just as crazy-ass in that picture as the other one they use pretty regularly.

    If this woman becomes president look for our credit rating dropping to the bottom.

  50. Chenagrrl2:27 PM

    I would say that Newsweek was being unkind, but looking at videos of MB (particularly one of her in yellow), she looks about the same. I think this is all N-week had to work with.

    She knows she looks like this. Up to her to practice in the mirror to tone it down. Aiyeeeee!

  51. Anonymous2:28 PM

    welcome to my nightly news cast where we see her all the flippin time
    you can have her!

  52. Virginia Voter2:30 PM

    Ha...I love summer, but I can't wait for the new fall season of SNL. Kristen Wiig does an amazing Bachmann.

    Those crazy stepford wife eyes. Good times

  53. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Thank you for posting this. At first i thought it was one of your parodies. But the fact that is real, gave me the best laugh i've had in days!

  54. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Looks like too much botox for 'Cheley!

  55. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Is her mothers name Rosemay by any chance?

  56. Anonymous2:41 PM

    The cover story quotes "the evils of government".

    If government is so evil, why does she serve in it, take the wages and the subsidies?

  57. Anonymous2:44 PM

    That is just creepy !

  58. Anonymous2:53 PM

    This photo should have never been used for the cover of a "serious" publication. Yes, Bachmann has no business running anything more complicated than a toll booth, but her obvious unsuitability for higher office could have been made clear without the cheap trick of using a crappy picture.

    Before liberals start applauding this, remember the puff piece they did on Palin. Why was there no unflattering cover photo of Palin to show the dark dysfunction in HER soul? (Even though a photo showing the REAL Sarah Palin would have made the magazine too repulsive to even pick up). They wanted to interview Palin so badly, they threw journalistic ethics and integrity out of the window.

    It doesn't take an unprofessional cover to expose nutcases like Palin and Bachmann. A simple well-researched, objective article would suffice. Of course that would mean actually doing their jobs and not just trying to sell copies.

    Getting off my soapbox now...

  59. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I guess Newsweek has decided who they are behind in the 2012 GOP race. Palin got a sexy photo shoot on her dock. Bachmann just gets a crazy cover photo. They are both as equally abhorrent to me, with their christian-ness and far right behaviour, but according to that cover photo, Newsweek likes Palin "bestest", not that it matters because only like 20 people read Newsweek, so thanks for sharing, otherwise many of us would not have seen the photo :-)

  60. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Did Michele steal one of Sarah's cast off wigs?

  61. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Is Newsweek just bound and determined to saddle us with one of these batshit crazy conservative women? Every other cover is Palin and now Bachmann? Good grief, talk about aiming for the lowest common denominator.

  62. Dock Beldar Conehead3:25 PM

    Fine, Gryphen, we get it. She looks insane in a formal prrsidential portrait. But how does she look casually semi-reclining on a wooden pier?

  63. That is the exact same expression she has on her face every time she has been on CNN in one of those panel discussion things.

    No one gets nominated to be the POTUS who is dubbed the "Queen of Rage". Give it up.

  64. How does she make them do that?

  65. Newsweek's next cover should be Sarah Michelle Gellar. She has a new tv show, you know.

  66. Anonymous3:33 PM

    I'll tell you who's laughing the hardest at seeing that cover....Sarah Palin. Those two loons should run for the Presidency on the same ticket next year, but for the life of me I've no idea who would get top billing?!!

  67. Irishgirl3:34 PM


  68. WakeUpAmerica3:36 PM

    Her eyes are so wide, I think, because she wears contacts. I have seen a few of my friends like that when their contacts are in. They look normal with glasses. I have no explanation for the otherwise batshit crazy look.

  69. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Anon 2.53. The pics of Palin on Newsweek were bad.

  70. Smirnonn3:39 PM

    "News"week seems to have a thing for putting incompetent, batshit, faux-xtian blowhard baggers on it's cover. Complete irrelevance in 5.. 4.. 3..

  71. Norma Desmond lives!

  72. Anonymous4:00 PM

    That is truly hilarious. They realize full well they are making her look foolish. Do you think she realizes it?

  73. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Seriously, those are 'crazy' eyes.
    M from MD

  74. Anonymous4:05 PM

    MB sure loves government as long as she and hubby keep receiving those government checks paid for by the tax payers.

  75. Anonymous4:06 PM

    LOL what dreamy eyes!

  76. Anonymous4:08 PM

    She looks deranged, just how the gop likes their women, I guess!!

  77. Anonymous4:11 PM

    She looks batshit crazy!

  78. Anonymous4:12 PM

    For years I had subscriptions to Time and Newsweek. I gave subscriptions to my children for Christmas. Once they hired Kristol and Rove, I cancelled and told them why. Just recently they asked me to renew for $22 a YEAR.!! I told them that since they had bird brain Palin on the cover so much, they should rename their magazine The Repoublican Propaganda Magazine. Told them to stop bothering me, I will NEVER renew.

  79. Anonymous4:15 PM

    What an awful photo, but hey, at least she had the sense to wear a suit instead of the clothes she wears to Walmart, like $carah.

  80. Anonymous4:17 PM

    God Withdraws His Endorsement for Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry

    Republicans are coming out of the woodwork claiming God has a calling for them – run for office. Yes, God wants them to become President of the U.S. First let’s just run through the list of those who God is supporting: Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, Tim Pawlenty, Herman Cain and now Rick Perry.

    There is some especially good news for Santorum (who really needs it), Pawlenty and Cain. God is withdrawing support from Bachmann and Perry.

    At a chance meeting at the airport, Michele Bachnann ran into Gov. Rick Perry, who both have God’s endorsement. After this meeting, He withdrew his endorsement.

  81. scarlet/oregon4:29 PM

    Honestly I thought it was a parody of Bachmann on Newsweek. Can't believe they would actually release issues with a crazed looking Michelle on their cover....hmmmmm

    ...well I guess they already did that before with $carah.

  82. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Crazy, deranged eyes. I've always thought so and this cover really captures them.

  83. Hannah4:57 PM

    We here in Minnesota know full well that this is just how Michele really looks. Scary, isn't it? She likes to think that this is her "earnest and worthy" look.......somehow it's not working is it? LOLOLOL We are actually hoping that she keeps going long enough in this presidential race to miss the deadline to file for re-election in her house seat, because we are just plain sick of her. Maybe she'll move to Iowa.

  84. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Oh God, it's Norma Desmond.

    Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up.

  85. EX Cat5:09 PM

    Once oyu get past the eyes , I see "Fargo" written all the chin and mouth. Jest my overactive imagination, I, guess. Yah, yoo betcha.

  86. Anonymous5:09 PM

    They probably went though a couple thousand takes, and this is the closest to "normal" they could get.

    She looks like Santorum in drag and stoned.

    She's got Chutzzzzpaw!

  87. sunnyskies5:17 PM

    What a terrible picture! She looks totally bonkers, which she is, but geez, you'd think her handlers wouldn't have allowed this picture out of of the dark room! Bonafide bonders.

  88. Anonymous5:22 PM

    She has Charlie Manson eyes. Sorry Betty Davis.....

  89. Anonymous5:28 PM

    meh... $carah with a gloss of fashion sense.

    And DKay- Iisn't that Tinkerbachmann?

  90. Calli Pygian5:47 PM

    Oh, jebus, Gryphen...

    I cannot tell you how very hard and loudly I laughed at that photo of Bat$hit Bachmann.

    OMG. It was a ROFLMFAO moment.

    Thanks for the endorphin hit!

    @Anonymous 1:23... maybe that was the whole subversive point!

  91. Olivia5:54 PM

    WakeUpAmerica said...

    Her eyes are so wide, I think, because she wears contacts. I have seen a few of my friends like that when their contacts are in. They look normal with glasses. I have no explanation for the otherwise batshit crazy look.

    3:36 PM

    How about the explanation is that she is just plain batshit crazy, which is what most of us in MN have been calling her for years.

  92. Nancy In New York6:00 PM

    She looks like a fucking maniac.

  93. Anonymous6:06 PM

    It's always great when a camera can capture the essence of a person. Michele Crazy Eyes Bachmann. Sarah Palin should lend her glasses while they compare meds.

  94. AJ Billings6:46 PM

    Here's what I want to know about Michelle Bachmann's allegiance to her husband's authority: If elected President, will she still take "commands" from him?

    She relates herself on camera how her husband commanded her to become a tax lawyer. And she admits she hated taxes. Sounds like $Palin, hating her job as governor..

    go to 1:25 in this video

    That is an undisputable fact. The reason she "obeyed " this command is because she believes literally in what the ancient bible says about wives obeying husbands.

    So Michelle, what if you get elected President, and Marcus Bachmann says during pillow talk "Hun, why don't you just attack Iran. God has told me you should do it, so I command you to send the B2 bombers over there, and deploy some marines. And when you're done with that, I command you to stand on your head, and bark like a dog"

    And they call this religion? This is what "faith" is all about?

  95. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Hey, she's copied Palin's hair!

  96. Anonymous7:04 PM

    It's after 11 PM and I am just checking your site. What a picture to see right before bedtime!
    First of all...big high five for your wonderfully snarky comment...and then a super high five for the poster who asked if her mother was named Rosemary. That was the best comment I have read in a long time.
    You have a very intelligent and clever following!
    I wondered if all the meds she takes for her migraines make her eyes look crazy.

  97. Anonymous7:52 PM

    I think that the tension of sitting for a Newsweek profile gave Michele another migraine headache. Now she's gone and taken too much medicine again.

  98. ibwilliamsi8:09 PM

    Seriously - is this for real? Because I just came from a nice bbq and some wine by the river, and that's just scaring the bejezzuz out of me.

  99. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Recently, some company offered my husband a free subscription to Newsweek. Now I know why. It is nothing.

  100. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Tell me this is just a proof. Right?
    There is no way she or someone representing her gave the ok to use this. Right?

  101. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Now that's the scariest image I've seen in a long time!

  102. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Is that Glen Cambell in drag, wait... it's Arnold Palmer doing Harvard's HastyPudding Thingey... Right?

    (are Glenn and Arnold still 'with us' btw?. if not that looney-toon-eyes has alot of S'plainen to do!)

  103. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Is Micheal back again? With that visage Maybe Tarrantino or TimBurton might be inspired to direct one more (wait for it) FridayThe 13th.

    (here's to not wishing that hot mess.... or maybe, hmm)

  104. Anonymous3:14 AM

    Why is this crazy woman being propped up by the media? The Washington Post had a ga-ga piece about how she's doing better than Sarah and Hillary, whatever that means.

    Can't anyone see there is no there THERE behind those vacant eyes?

  105. Anonymous6:47 AM

    1:55 Gypsy Girl

    She has to look like a man so her pansy-ass husband can impregnate her.

  106. Calli Pygian7:59 AM

    Looks like her parents didn't care enough about her to patch that lazy eye when she was a kid.

    Come to think of it, what do we know about her family/childhood? Could be telling, damning even.

  107. Anonymous9:37 AM

    WOW, this women is a fright to look at. Blah, people want to vote for that??? That is some f-ed up stuff.

  108. Anonymous3:32 PM

    I cannot believe they actually let that one get by. She is on the cover of a NATIONAL NEWS MAGAZINE looking like she is out of her fucking mind. What is WRONG with these people???

  109. onething8:58 PM

    She's got some seriously crazy eyes.


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