Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Geoffrey Dunn calls Frank Bailey out over his numerous ommissions of important information in "Blind Allegiance" and the fact that his allegiance to the Palins may continue to this day.

Courtesy of the Anchorage Press:

On July 28, 2009, Lisa Demer of the Anchorage Daily News reported online that "two of former Gov. Sarah Palin's most trusted aides are resigning and won't be part of the new Parnell administration... One is the controversial Frank Bailey, Palin's director of boards and commissions and a central player in the Troopergate case." The other was Kris Perry. According to Demer, Bailey's departure date was set for August 15. Bailey says nothing about this in Blind Allegiance. Nada. 

Once again, the word on the street in Anchorage that summer was that Sean Parnell refused to take on Bailey in his new administration. Bailey was tainted goods. Nor was Bailey offered a position at SarahPAC, Palin's then-recently formed political action committee, for which Stapleton had been hired as a spokesperson. Bailey's rendition of formally breaking his bond with Palin World is either contemptibly disingenuous or tragically pathetic. Palin had tossed Bailey under the bus long before he had his leaving- Palin-World epiphany on August 27, 2009, to which he devotes an entire chapter. By then, Palin had already thrown Bailey away like yesterday's trash. 

More significantly, Bailey's continued demonization in Blind Allegiance of the likes of Mike Wooten, John Bitney and, most significantly, Andree McLeod - all of whom were victimized by the Palin machine and by Bailey himself, and all of whom have had the courage to stand up to Palin in meaningful ways, without benefit of a payday - indicates that Bailey still doesn't fully grasp the political dynamics of what Palin and her administration did to their victims and to the democratic process in Alaska. 

Bailey has the audacity to opine about Wooten that "he is not a sympathetic person, and, arguably, has no place in law enforcement." This, he writes about a guy he has never met, about whom he admits that many of the charges levied against him by the Palins were grossly exaggerated, and against whom he conducted a shameful two-year campaign to have fired. Who is Bailey kidding with such assessments? Let's not forget that Wooten served 10 years in the U.S. Air Force, participated in a trio of U.S. military operations in the Persian Gulf War - Desert Storm, Desert Shield and Restore Hope - served another three years in the Air National Guards Reserves, and - with the exception of his problems with the Palins, her family, her friends and Bailey - served without incident as a State Trooper for roughly a decade. When I interviewed other Troopers about Wooten, all of them said they'd want him at their side in the trenches. Like a lot of other "Fox News conservatives" - Todd and Sarah Palin being at the top of the list - Bailey rendered no such service. Talk about gall. 

Bailey's self-admonitions in Blind Allegiance amount to little more than flagellatory wrist-slaps. Near the end he concedes, "We hadn't been good Christians. Far from it. We were dishonest and behaved in a vindictive and hateful manner." Yuh think? 

In respect to Wooten he writes: 

"And what, I wish to heaven I'd asked myself, was the importance to our job of governing Alaska in destroying Mike Wooten, and how was that remotely worth the hundreds and hundreds of man-hours spent trying to do so? How, for the love of God, would destroying him personally and professionally make the first family safer, as Sarah and Todd swore over and over was their main concern? 

This tale, unfortunately, includes the worst of Sarah's dysfunctional psyche and administration, including the compulsion to attack enemies, deny truth, play victim, and employ outright deception."

It also reveals the level of Bailey's sycophancy. He was riding shotgun with the Palins the entire sordid journey. On a personal level, Bailey, it would seem to me, still has some deeper penance to serve, some deeper encounter with his Christian values to explore. But that's between Bailey and his god. 

Politically, it's time for the former "Hatchet Man" to do the right thing. He knows that the Petumenos investigation was a sham - marred by misinformation, the withholding of critical documents, missing emails and testimony that doesn't fully jibe with the historical record. Never once during the course of his tenure with Palin - not a single time - did he ever register a meaningful protest against any of her actions. Not once. That's the real tragedy of Blind Allegiance. That for all his professed Christian faith and Christian values, Frank Bailey had no spine, no moral center. He was no different than the Palins.

As many of you are aware, I am friends with both Geoffrey Dunn and Joe McGinniss.

During the unfortunate incident which proceeded the publication of Blind Allegiance, Geoffrey and I e-mailed each other back and forth several times, trying to make sense of what had just happened and why.

During those e-mails, and phone calls, Geoffrey (Who had also read the manuscript), clued me in that there were some serious omissions in the manuscript and even blatant attempts by Bailey to polish up his image, and avoid potential legal trouble. He made it clear then that he was not going to let Bailey's version of events go unchallenged.

This article in the Anchorage Press which Geoffrey has written should bring you up to speed as to what he was alluding to back then.  I urge you to read all of it (Believe me there's a lot more), even though it may force you to reexamine what you think you know about Frank Bailey's character, his religious conviction, and his honesty.

As many of us have long suspected, Bailey may very well have purposefully left many damaging things about the Palins out of his book. Perhaps he did so to provide some continued protection for Todd and Sarah (As it seems clear he is not completely deprogrammed yet), but also to resurrect his damaged reputation, and to save himself from possible criminal proceedings.


  1. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I did not have a feeling of truth after trading baileys book.

  2. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I really wish I had not bought Frank Bailey's book. It was boring, and I could tell right away that he was hiding tons of stuff. Ugh.

  3. Anonymous5:25 PM

    With all due respect, Wooten is a power abuser himself. He admitted to his wrongs and seems to have moved on.

    He should have been disciplined by his superior. And he absolutely did say disgusting things on school grounds.

    The brotherhood of man quality you find in police precincts is STRONG. They protect each other regardless of deed. Look to NYPD and LAPD for big time examples.

  4. Anonymous5:26 PM

    The more haters attack her, the more THEY prove THEY are no different from the people they attack.

  5. Anonymous5:28 PM

    I'm not entirely sure Geoff should comment on inaccuracies in another's book, as there are many in his own, no fault of his own. He was merely lies to by people who peddle the same stories around the country, people who do not live in this country anymore.

  6. Anonymous5:30 PM

    A Palin associate lied? I'm shocked.

  7. Anonymous5:30 PM

    What I like about Frank is, he's not stupid enough to believe things JUST BECAUSE they're negative. He recognizes that there are many lies told about Sarah.

    He's a good person who doesn't want to see a family destroyed. THAT is commendable on its own.

    Take heed. Have a heart. Know that no matter what you write, make up, or say, at the end of the day, the Palins will have each other. They will prevail as a family unit.

  8. Anonymous5:37 PM

    are you still friends with jeanne, too? it would seem not.

  9. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I read Bailey's book, putting it down for long intervals. It did not hold my interest because it was not a truthful rendering. I recognized immediately that it was written by someone with a 7th grade maturity and it was heavily biased to engender sympathy for the writer, who portrayed himself as a reformed victim and hatchet man. He was not truthful.

    His infatuation was sickening and by no means old history. If you are not truthful how the hell can you claim to be reformed.

    I was very sorry that I bought and read the book. I didn't pass it on, donate it to the library or sell it at the used book store. I put it in the trash.

  10. Balzafiar5:38 PM

    I must say that Dunn's words pretty much confirm what went through my mind as I read the last pages of Bailey's book. I had the feeling that I had just read a book written by a man who was in love with the subject of his book, Sarah Palin.

    Not necessarily a lustful love, but a love nonetheless. No matter what he wrote, no matter how he framed it, his feelings are just there in those pages.

    This will be the first time I've written the words that follow but now I have justification to do so.

    Bailey is a hypocrite and a liar.

  11. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I read Bailey's book and thoroughly enjoyed it. I had the feeling it was mostly true and I never thought the book made Sarah out to be worse than she really was. Just the opposite. But, I believe legal questions, a desire to protect innocents, and a normal reluctance to admit one's sins might have resulted in some amount of whitewashing and omissions.

    Wish he'd get over that because the stakes are high for America. If Bailey wants to continue on his path of atonement, he could write another tell-all book about her.

  12. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I have very mixed feelings about Frank Bailey. He enabled Palin. If he knew what she was doing was wrong, he was an accomplice. His need to set things right coincided with publishing his "come to Jesus" moment and revelations in a book, making money from his confession. He required the help of an accomplished author(s) to put it into shape.

    Another sad chapter in the book story was their quest to find an agent and get their book published. While most authors submit a sample chapter and an outline (usually through an agent), they sent out the entire manuscript in search of a publisher. Maybe the newly found agent did the same thing. It's just not the normal way to do business in the publishing world. The unfortunate result was the leaking of some sensational material from the book. One might see that as good publicity. The authors saw it as stealing their thunder. It certainly got them noticed.

    I have a great deal of admiration for AKM in publishing the "stuff from the cutting room floor." Today's post seems to back up Levi's original Vanity Fair interview. She writes well, describing some of Palin's demons. Palin is, in the end, her own worst enemy. Her unreliable behavior has been noted before, by Steve Schmidt's description in "Game Change." Sarah has melted down before. The McCain campaign considered Palin a diva.

    I have little sympathy for Bailey who witnessed wrongdoing and did nothing to stop it at the time. There have been brave people who have taken a strong stand in the face of wrong doing. If he left information out of his book, then he is continuing past behavior. At the very least, he is covering his butt.

  13. Leigh5:40 PM

    Personally, this won't necessitate my "reexamining" of anything.

    For years we've all said when babygate breaks wide open, it will be a tsunami.

    Now Jeanne and Frank, heretofore in self-imposed exile on the island of Trignostica, are desperately trying to cobble together a life raft of words in a sea of truth, desperately attempting to reach the other side and avoid being sucked in by the funnel of embarrassment.

    Meanwhile, Gryphen has been skippering this rock-solid ark of babygate truth from day one. No matter how the sea rages, his head will be held high at the end of it all. As will all of us who endured the endless taunts of "another iceberg? Whatever!" and stood by him because we knew one day, vindication would come.

    Gryphen will be regarded as a patriot and a hero, while Devon, Bailey, Moore, and other babygate denouncers will sorely wish they hadn't traded integrity for a payday.

  14. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Why are people sticking up for Wooten and Bitney? They aren't that commendable in their own right. At least Frank is a kind hearted man who doesn't want to see people hurt.

    To say Sarah has thin skin is absurd. Emotional, sure. But to weather the bullshit she's weathered and she still keeps smiling? That's phenomenal.

    Like it or not, shes an inspiration for people and a good friend. Her kids defend her. Her friends love her.

  15. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Off Topic, not sure if it's been said before, but tonight's LOD The Last Word, had your professor with his predictions and "keys" that predict the winners of incumbant elections... Wonder if LOD reads your blog, and if not, maybe he should. His show is great, but there's always room for improvement.

    Thanks for this post, After reading Bailey's book, It seemed weak in some respects I felt Bailey omitted quite a bit in his book and that he still holds a torch for Sarah Palin. I thought maybe he kept some pertinant e-mails and other evidence and facts out of the mix on purpose.

    This post puts it succinctly in perspective, and I kind of pity the man, especially letting himself be a tool in the Wooten case in exchange for what? A possible higher paying position.

  16. Anonymous5:51 PM

    When all said and done, the fact that people choose to remain friends with the family and hang with them proves they aren't as bad as depicted on the internet. In fact, it proves the opposite. What I've learned is, Alaskans generally detest gossip. Radio jockeys start gossip to earn brownie points or something (Fagan etc on his early unfair attacks of Sarah and her admin). But generally, people just live their lives up there.

    Those who know the Palins love them and know they're strong individuals and as a family. Heck, even Levi, who never had a stable relationship with Bristol, liked them (admittedly). Then he was dumped for the last time and decided to cash in. Hardly respectable, considering when he did it, he hadn't been around the family in awhile.

    People go through phases naturally. One period of someone's life doesn't illustrate the entire lifespan. Truth be told, the Palin kids had it good. They had friends, adventures and got to join mom on fun campaigns growing up. Notice there really isn't a frown during the 90s and early 00s.


  17. Anonymous5:54 PM

    A political aide lied? SHOCKED I tell you. After the Clinton admin, Bush admin, and now Obama admin, I don't ANYTHING past ANYONE.

    It's all a little, junior high game with all involved. Sadly, no one has the people's wishes at heart. Ok so Clinton kind of did.

    I thought about moving to DC for the culture and history. Then I said to myself, "you really don't want a knife in your back. There are millions of people who can attest that that will happen the moment you enter DC as a resident."

    Its the law of the land. Selfishness, greed, corruption, oftentimes violence.

  18. Dudette5:55 PM

    Im pretty sure that until someone shows Frank a video of Trig's mother birthing him, he will forever think Sarah did. I'm confident in that assertion.

  19. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Troll central here, I see. Scared, trolls?

  20. JayKen Knotstirred6:01 PM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Do you still have Franks balls in your purse next to Todds, or did you give them back to him when he left?

  21. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The more haters attack her, the more THEY prove THEY are no different from the people they attack.
    Hi Brisdull! LOLOLOLOL! Funny. Hey how are the hater's treating you? Hear they don't like your show to much?
    Oh well you can give all the haters the middle finger, eh?
    How's your "GodSon"? You know the one born after DWTS?
    Be almost a year old now?

  22. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I read part of the downloaded book, then checked it out from the library. I kept thinking "where's Frank's wife" in all this. Good Lord reading that you could tell he was obviously in love with her. Geesh! I found him totally insufferable.

    Oh yeah, Saranoia, my family & I ate @ Applebee's tonight. My special needs daughter was with us & had both her hearing aid & glasses on so stick that in your eye!

  23. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Fascinating article by Dunn. Looks like he may have material for yet another book! The Sarah Scandals are like an onion, one layer aftr another of deceit, being peeled away, one by one.

  24. Anonymous6:11 PM

    I never finished Frank Bailey's book. I agree with one of the above posters - he's still in love with the fake Sarah Palin. He wants to believe Sarah is the person she attempts to portray - but she's everything but. I would bet the "editorial" decisions made to leave out the real Sarah, the one we read about on Mudflats today, were made by Frank. He just couldn't bring himself in himself to destroy his fantasy.

  25. Anonymous6:11 PM

    to Anonymous 5:26--Sorry, kiddo, we're not "haters." We're seekers of truth. And the truth about your idol is being revealed, one deception at a time.

  26. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Palins commenting here again. Just what this highly dysfunctional family would do. Can't face how pathetic their lives are so they fantasize in the comments and facebook.

    Try growing some introspection, Palins. You all need psychological help.

  27. angela6:12 PM

    I always believed that Bailey was holding a lot back. I think he is so embedded in his fundamentalist religion that he would have been totally pushed out if he had admitted all that he was a part of. He could only pillar the Palins so much to still be acceptable. Also I would imagine he feared legal ramifications.

    He seemed surprised about the way he was treated on FAUX which meant he was by terms naive and clueless still to who he gave his alliances to. There was definitely something missing in his telling.

    I would feel more sorry for him if he had gone all in.
    You can't get the absolution he was seeking if you only tell half the truth.

  28. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Goodness, so many trolls wandering over from the Pee Pond tonight.

  29. WakeUpAmerica6:13 PM

    It is hard to understand how you would remain friends with Joe McGinniss after what he did to your other friend, Jeanne Devon, regarding the Bailey manuscript. It appears to me that Joe's actions were unconscienceable. Distributing the manuscript to protect his own book showed a distinct lack of integrity.

  30. WakeUpAmerica6:16 PM

    News Flash: Palin has no friends in the real sense. She has followers. There is a distinct difference. Real friendship requires loyalty and trust on both sides of the relationship. So if you thought you were a friend, you might want to re-think that.

  31. Anonymous6:18 PM

    To 5:41--So glad the Quitter has her friends and family to defend her. Because in the end, when the tsunami hits, she will need them. Hope they don't get under that thin skin of hers, or she'll throw them under the bus, too, just like she did poor old sappy Frank Bailey.

  32. Anonymous6:21 PM

    OzMud asked...

    Do we have a date for the photo at the front of this post? (I'd write and ask Dennis myself but apparently I've been a bad girl and he's not returning my emails)


    Date please and thank you Gryphen?

  33. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Go back to bed, WakeUpAmerica.

  34. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Bailey's book was a mess: hastily and sloppily written and barely edited. I realize they were against a wall after the leak, but really, it was shoddy. And I agree with others that it felt very self-protective and often dishonest.

    One thing that drove me crazy was how he claims to have seen Bristol in the hospital on the night Trig was "born" and that there was no way she had just given birth. Like that should end the debate. Really, that's such crap, and I was disappointed in Jeanne Devon for being a part of it.

  35. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Glad I didn't buy Frank's book but I did buy Geoffrey Dunn's book and wasn't disappointed.

  36. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Why would anyone think that Bailey would tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in the book? It was his way to make money from the wrongs he had done.

    I expect he knew that the book deal (Rogue) had been negotiated long before her resignation. Actually I expect he knew an incredible amount that was never shared with his 'co-authors'.

    Here's hoping the investigation will be re-opened. But this is AK, there IS no justice.

  37. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I agree with 5:38. After finishing Bailey's book, my first thought was, "He's still loves and/or lusts after her."

    Of course he's covering his @ss. Dunn's book was FAR better and I await Joe's.

    I don't care WHERE Palin ends up this weekend. She's going to be one hot mess wherever she ends up.

    The sky is falling, Chicken Sarah. You honestly thought you could keep this up forever? God slammed the door shut, you didn't pay attention, and here it comes again even worse.

  38. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Oh noes! It's a Palin-infested Troll Bowl on this thread. Iowa got you down, Pbots? Bwahahaha

  39. Anonymous6:41 PM

    I liked Geoffrey Dunn's book (The Lies of Sarah Palin) and I also liked Frank Bailey's book (Blind Allegiance). Each provided a unique viewpoint of her.

    There's always room for another truth-about-Sarah book and I'm looking forward to the 3? new ones coming out soon. I might wait to hear how Levi's book is before I buy it.

  40. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Congratulations to Bristol on her "god-child"! Wasn't this the baby boy born last January or so? I look forward to seeing pictures of the baby, parents, and his special god-mother! How sweet!

    Bristol - Are you also god-mother to the little girl "Ari"?

  41. Same troll.

    Multiple posts.

    They are being compensated enough to even really try anymore.

    BTW I still think Bailey's book was important to the dialogue about Palin.

    However as Geoffrey is pointing it does not appear that he was completely honest and forthright.

  42. Anonymous6:50 PM

    I wonder if, when the Palin family reads back the stupid shit they post here about the non-existent happiness in their completely dysfunctional family, they feel the pain of the deceit deep down in their bellies. Or are they immune to shame? I also wonder how it felt to read the truth at Mudflats today. When I read it, I felt a twinge of sadness for the kids having to grow up with the dark cloud of Sarah's mental illness, knowing they had been witness to the breakdowns of another human being. Especially for Piper. (I don't think Trig has to see Sarah anymore)

  43. Anonymous6:50 PM

    "He's a good person who doesn't want to see a family destroyed. THAT is commendable on its own."

    The only family that Bailey doesn't want to see destroyed is the Palins. THAT is not commendable. He had no compunction about helping to destroy other people, and their families.

  44. laprofesora6:51 PM

    Wow. Will this shitstorm never end?
    Hopefully not until every speck of dirt about Scarah is exposed. I'm loving it, by the way.

    Hey Scarah:

    Have a nice day! (tee-hee)

  45. To Anon@5:30pm, "The Palins will have each other." Well that is precisely what the rest of us see as so sad, that they and their children--especially their pathetic children--will be mired forever in that mess. And we will have to suffer the unending updates.

  46. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I don't know, I think some of the trolls here might be the oven, dishwasher, microwave, washer and dryer in the Palin household. They've got to be quaking all the way down to their little metal nuts and bolts because of all the abuse heaped at the refrigerator today. Maybe some of the "trolls" are the appliances trying to save themselves.

    Lots of Wasilla traffic tonight. Wave!

    But on a sad, serious side, what an awful, dysfunctional hell those kids grew up in. That helps explain (but does not excuse) those kids' behavior.

  47. Anonymous6:54 PM

    All I can say is, this post struck some nerves. High five from New Mexico, Mr. Griffen.


  48. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Take heed. Have a heart. Know that no matter what you write, make up, or say, at the end of the day, the Palins will have each other. They will prevail as a family unit.

    5:30 PM
    As long as the Palins take themselves out of the political arena, I don't give a darn what happens to them. They can keep their family unit and their unbelievable lies to themselves. The Palins have a choice. They can parade their lies on the national stage or they can just shut up and sit down.

  49. Anonymous6:57 PM

    "Do you know how bad that would be for me if anyone saw you like that?’ She was mayor at the time.”

    DISCONNECT in statements. She allegedly did this with company over? While saying how an action on Todds part would be bad for her publicly? That makes zero sense together.

  50. Anonymous6:58 PM


    Oh, Bristol. You are so, so obvious.

    All the advantages you've been given, all you have in life to be thankful for, and sockpuppeting at the immoral minority is how you choose to spend your time?

    Your mother chose to forsake her children for her politics.

    Now you are choosing to forsake your children for HER politics.

    Those poor little boys. Did they ever have a chance, really?

  51. laprofesora6:59 PM

    Wow, Brystil and Pillow are really working over time tonight(the family's so close, Sarah always has a smile on her face, they have good friends, blah, blah, blah). Must want to get all the cash they can from Mama Grizzly before she finally tanks for good. Can't hardly blame you girls, she owes you that much for screwing up your lives.

    PS You do realize that we're not buying any of it, right?

  52. OzMud
    I can answer your question about the date of the picture.
    March 14 2008
    The same day of the picture that was taken with Sean and Sandy Parnell.

  53. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Why are people sticking up for Wooten and Bitney? They aren't that commendable in their own right. At least Frank is a kind hearted man who doesn't want to see people hurt.
    5:41 PM

    Frank is so kind and careful about not hurting people that he tried to destroy the career of Trooper Wooten because he thought it would make Sarah Palin happy. And that's just the kind of crime Frank has admitted. It's probably that Frank did much worse on Sarah Palin's orders direct or indirect.

    Frank was "blinded" by his own admission. He wasn't blinded into doing GOOD things. He did BAD things. Read his book again and find the "kindness" in it and give examples.

  54. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I don't think the troll is doing Bristol any favors by implying that Levi and Bristol were never in a stable relationship. That makes me think she only had gratuitous casual sex with him. During the campaign, they posed as a young couple madly in love. According to you, It was just another lie sold to the public.

  55. Anonymous7:07 PM

    The more haters attack her, the more THEY prove THEY are no different from the people they attack.

    5:26 PM
    little problem with your logic. Sounds like you are saying Sarah Palin and haters are no different. Want to clean up your comment and try again?

  56. Anonymous7:10 PM

    OzMud the date of the picture is March 14 2008.
    The same day the picture of Sarah was taken with Sean and Sandy Parnell in front of the Division of Elections building.


  57. emrysa7:12 PM

    here's my take on frank bailey. admittedly, I do not know the man, but I paid close attention to all of his interviews because I was interested in finding out his motivation and if he was genuine. based solely upon my critical observations of the man I believe he is a simpleton.

    yes, he knows he did wrong, but I don't believe he has the ability to comprehend just how BADLY he did wrong. shit, the man was a baggage handler who ended up in a high government job, completely unqualified for his position (another great example of the quitter hiring unqualified people), in over his head. nothing in his life experience prepared him for his position, he was never trained for that kind of job, and honestly he doesn't seem like someone who COULD be properly trained for that position.

    I don't believe his omissions in his book are to protect the palins. I think he is protecting himself; he is simply in instinctual survival mode. I don't think there is any plotting or calculating on his part to protect the palins. I think that being a simpleton, he just doesn't fully grasp the situation he was in and the situation he is in now. just my two cents.

  58. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I don't understand. For someone who is said to be so cognizant of how she portrays herself to the world, why would she pick a verbal fight with company staying over?

    Nothing adds up once again.

    I believe nothing written anonymously as any sane person would.

  59. Anonymous7:14 PM

    As I read Bailey's book, I definitely felt it was an attempt at amends for his own regrets/ "sins", to his own self. ugh.


  60. emrysa7:23 PM

    @ 5:26 pm: I don't think you understand the full meaning of what you just wrote. it's one of those "sounds good on the surface" statements, but unfortunately you disparage the party you are trying to defend. amateur.

  61. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Oh good, what a relief, the message points have arrived. Finally. It's been a long day and by god you deserve to have clear and concise counter points to the absolute shellacking and shit storm that is raining down on that crazy fucking whackjob and her redneck family. Something to head off the complete and utter disgrace that this weekend is bound to bring after Sarah forgets to write "Announce Candidacy for President" on her hands while speaking in the "bucolic" setting with all those bomb-sniffing panty sniffers.

    Oops, no I'm sorry. I was off message for a moment: "Take heed. Have a heart. Know that no matter what you write, make up, or say, at the end of the day, the Palins will have each other. They will prevail as a family unit."

  62. Anonymous7:30 PM

    You can always tell when Gryphen posts something that cuts a little close to the bone. He has brought out the trolls (or the same troll with multiple posts), and that means that he scored some points. It sounds like someone is still trying to give the middle finger to America.

  63. Anonymous7:30 PM

    I think the same person wrote the first 10 posts, rather badly.

  64. Same troll! So funny. Thank you Gryphen.

    I read both the Dunn and Bailey books. I said at the time they were like night and day. Geoffrey Dunn's book was intelligent and professionally written. Bailey's was somewhat sililar to the quick bios people write about reality stars. That does fit after all. It was sophomoric and I am sure he lied on purpose.

  65. Anonymous7:40 PM

    WOw, the trolls are out in force tonight! Hey 5:41, if she's so awesome, why is it that the only people defending her are family members, people who have never met her, and known propgandists and liars with the last names Hannity and Beck?

    Where are the hundreds of people she's worked with over the years? Why is it that all we get from those people are tales that reinforce the ugly stories, or abject silence?


  66. Anonymous7:43 PM

    @6:07 pm:


    ROFL I don't know if you coined that, but it was brilliant! I've said it before, someone should compile a list of all our pet names for $arah. Some of them are comedy gold!

  67. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Thanks for this post, and the link, Gryphen.
    The "Troopergate" investigation should be reopened.
    We Alaskans need to insist to our elected representatives that it be reopened.
    The Fairy Tale trash talker makes me giggle.
    They are pathetic.

  68. Oh, how I hope they reopen Troopergate! I don't understand why Alaskans haven't pressured the legislature to investigate.

    Dunn's information is troubling, indeed, but I already questioned Bailey's claimed repentance.

    I bought, read, and appreciated 'Blind Allegiance' for being a Palin expose I could comfortably give/recommend to evangelical Christians and christianists. I learned a lot from the book and I'm glad I finished it.

    I forced myself to continue reading it after being put off at the beginning by the inclusion of rants about the so-called 'McGinniss leak'. On one hand, the book strongly criticizes Palin's grudge-holding, vindictive nature and actions; on the other hand, the author/s engage in the same regarding 'the leak', justified by illogically presented conclusions. The rants add nothing to the book and take much away from it. There's no place in a truly repentant Christian's book for such an attitude and actions. Bailey appears to remain clueless.

  69. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Actually, in my mind at this late stage being that Bailey's book has been out for 3 months and Dunn's only now writing.

    I see it more like Dunn's whining due to lack of attention to his own book and trying to stir shit up. The asshole I see here is Dunn. I truly don't care about his writing rehashing Bailey's book. I see it as lowlife and unprofessional.

    Hey, Geoff -- you didn't get the attention for your book?? No network crawl? Jealous much?

    I remember on a Huff post of Dunn's pointing him to Mudflats blog at which time Dunn acknowledged he was not familiar with it.

    Any respect for Dunn being his playing this out now -- fucking tanked. In fact -- his book makes for good burning in the fireplace as I watch it from my computer. I bought it in the clearance bin where it belonged.

  70. Anonymous8:03 PM

    I find it hypocritical to read the many posts basically slamming Bailey tonight here -- how he was aligned with Palin and stuck up for her.

    Really? So. Sounds no different than many of the posts that you read here that Obama still walks on water.

    Those here are in the tank for the 'left' -- Bailey was sadly on the 'right' -- so be it. Wow - the equivalent of the C4P -- just a different party color.

    Many of you are so full of yourselves that it's sickening. Total hypocrites.

    P.S. -- Before you bomb me that I'm a troll -- I'm not.

  71. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Look closely - does Palin look positively jowly form in this profile view in this pic?

  72. Anonymous8:10 PM

    "But to weather the bullshit she's weathered and she still keeps smiling? That's phenomenal. "

    New to this blog or blind to all the photos posted here - aren't cha?

  73. Anonymous8:12 PM


    Brava, brava!!! You almost literally transcribed my exact thoughts! Well stated and spot on, my friend.

  74. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I am really rather appalled with what Geoffrey Dunn said in this excerpt. I have communicated with him personally, met him at a book signing, and thought he was a very nice guy. This mud-slinging at another author not only does not look good (and makes the mud-slinger look bad), it only serves to divide those of us who are looking to expose Palin and force her out of the public sphere. The other side doesn't have to do a 'divide and conquer' on us if we're doing it to ourselves!

    I read and enjoyed Frank's book. It is uniquely his perspective. "Recovery" is a process, and it was clear from the book that he was not fully through that process. I have had dealings with people who've gone through things emotionally similar to what Frank did with Sarah. It takes them a very long time to get to the end of it. They've been so thoroughly indoctrinated and immersed in the opinions and the world view of that other person (or persons) that it takes them a long time to realize that many of the assumptions they've made or opinions they hold are based things they got from that other person and may not be true. I can still remember one such victim making a statement to me, then saying a few minutes later, "Oh....wait...was *that* thing part of the lying, too?"

    And then there's the issue of Frank perhaps not being ready to tell all he knew (perhaps for personal reasons), or deciding certain things were just not that important in getting his point across. I do not believe for a minute that he's still in allegiance with the Palins or trying to protect them, and thus intentionally omitted important info to protect them. That is completely ridiculous.

    I find it incredible that he said as much as he did, and commend him for coming forth.

  75. Anonymous8:27 PM

    I read Bailey's book and even though I enjoyed reading his behind-the-scenes take, I mostly felt that he was trying to protect his wife from the awful truth of his and Palin's actions. If Bailey was really repentant, he would come clean with what he knows about Babygate and worse crimes.

  76. Anonymous8:31 PM

    I enjoyed reading Blind Allegiance, but only because of what appeared to me to be Jeanne's good writing style. I was very disappointed in the content, and it felt through the whole read that much was being omitted to make Sarah and Bailey look better. The mood swings were hinted at but not fully described and examples given. The vindictive acts against numerous others were not included. Not a word mentioned about the whole WAR debacle and what Palin and her ilk tried to do to the women who came forward about him. Just way, way too much left out. Bailey definitely struck me as having fallen in love with Sarah, and I can not forgive him for clinging to that ridiculous religion and his abortion stances after seeing the abject level of hypocrisy and cruelty both entail. He learned nothing, as he is still giving over blind allegiance to a big imaginary friend in the sky.

  77. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Wow Palin Family Trolls! Some one is very scared-your comments make that clear.

  78. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Reading his book, I constantly had the feeling that Baily sounded like someone so very, very naive that he must have lived an incredibly sheltered life.

    I have known some evangelical Christians who lived their social and spiritual lives within a small group of people they considered good Godly people, but they also were aware of the world around them .

    If we are to believe that he didn't know as much as he says than he must be the guy who really did just fall off a turnip truck. Frankly, I think these people pretend because they can't say out loud what they really think because then the truth about them would be revealed.

  79. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Wow, this onion has a lot of layers.

  80. Anonymous8:48 PM

    A little message to the numerous troll-bots here tonight. If people bashing SP bothers you so much, perhaps you'd be happier in your sea of pee. We here do not like or respect her and this is OUR little piece of the internet to vent our frustrations.

    I believe your time could be better spent staying on your side of the yard and taking care of your own. You guys get angry at us for our beliefs and probably take it out on your own families and friends.

    Do yourself a favor and stay on your own turf where Sarah is the God of your wet dreams. We have no illusions of her here. We see what she has shown herself to be, and that is a selfish, greedy, nasty, mean and hypocritical bullshitter.

    However, if you can't stay away, thanks for proving what we already knew, that you guys are living in an alternate universe.

  81. And perhaps this is why Jeanne is releasing the cutting room floor portions of "Blind Allegiance"?

    I think all of the authors of Palin books this year: Bailey/Morris/Devon, Dunn and McGinniss will show the same thing in the end. That Sarah Palin is mentally unbalanced, a vindictive & petty hypocrite with sociopathic tendencies who is utterly unfit for public office. Which is the entire point, right?

  82. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Gryphen, this article gets into the Iowa mishaps:,0,3765536.story

    I love how the dude pointed out that part of the problem is that he's not even sure who the Palin folks are.

    This chick is so disorganized.

  83. Anonymous9:00 PM

    This stuff really brings out the crazies-doesn't it?

  84. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Anonymous said... I never finished Frank Bailey's book. I agree with one of the above posters - he's still in love with the fake Sarah Palin. He wants to believe Sarah is the person she attempts to portray - but she's everything but. I would bet the "editorial" decisions made to leave out the real Sarah, the one we read about on Mudflats today, were made by Frank. He just couldn't bring himself in himself to destroy his fantasy. 6:11 PM *****
    I agree about the love sickness; I only read about half, and "the I'm a christian" bs was hard to take.

    ‪Anonymous‬ said... I read Bailey's book, putting it down for long intervals. It did not hold my interest because it was not a truthful rendering. I recognized immediately that it was written by someone with a 7th grade maturity and it was heavily biased to engender sympathy for the writer, who portrayed himself as a reformed victim and hatchet man. He was not truthful. His infatuation was sickening and by no means old history. If you are not truthful how the hell can you claim to be reformed. I was very sorry that I bought and read the book. I didn't pass it on, donate it to the library or sell it at the used book store. I put it in the trash. 5:37 PM
    I decided I was going to give my copy to a 66 YO white guy who think $P was more qualified than Pres O because "she RAN something". LOL! She couldn't even run a town 3 times the size of my HS without hiring a city manager! "She was easy on the eyes! Hillary had cankles and heavy thighs!" Give me a fucking break, Ol' Limp Dick! Like looks have anything with the ability to govern!


  85. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Many of you are so full of yourselves that it's sickening. Total hypocrites.

    P.S. -- Before you bomb me that I'm a troll -- I'm not.

    8:03 PM

    With such a pleasant style of stating your opinions, you might expect to have the same style of comment returned to you.

  86. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I believe nothing written anonymously as any sane person would.

    7:13 PM
    so why comment anonymously?

  87. Anonymous9:15 PM


    Looks like Palin has plans to discuss the US economic crisis with our North Korean allies in October. Got to be pretty pricey to import an Alaskan clown-in-training just to entertain at their forum. They're definitely hard up for some laughs.

  88. Anonymous9:16 PM

    OK, now this made me laugh.

    Trollie Trollstein believes that Alaskans hate gossip and actually considered moving to DC for the culture and history.

    Is it possible that Trollie Trollstein is posting from a mental institution somewhere?

  89. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Thank you, Gryphen, for confirming that this is the same idiot troll with multiple posts. It's what so many of us suspect. She's been working overtime, more and more every post it seems.

    You're doing something right.

  90. Anonymous9:41 PM

    I read both books with an open (but suspicious) mind -- subjecting both to close textual and forensic analysis.

    I suggest people read both books carefully, outline each chapter, make a timeline, and pay particular attention to events, episodes that seem odd or oddly placed in the discussion. Note strange wording or expressions, evasions, double and triple entendres.

    Keep in mind the constraints (lawyers, editors, threats, reluctant informants) both men were working under. Also consider self-serving motivations -- not to hold them against any particular author, at this point, but as a perspective on what was written and what was left out.

    Above all, don't throw either book away because you've decided you don't like the author. You may need both books in the coming days and months to shed light on the Palin stories as they unravel.

    As soon as the news anchors and Andrew Sullivan are back on the job, and the new books, the documentary, more anon revelations come out,and the investigations of "peripheral" characters begin --everyone from Rupert Murdoch to Schaeffer Cox-- we will be in for a most exciting autumn!

    Both the Bailey and the Dunn books provide important references and perspectives. Stay tuned, and stay informed (even about suspected misinformation) and you will not be disappointed.

  91. Anonymous9:41 PM

    There are still lots of passengers on the S.S. Palin. Many are now hoping hoping that S.S. Palin means Steam Ship Palin and not Sinking Ship Palin. The RMS TITANIC sinking combined a lack of planning and incompetence in command. Also, too, an iceberg.

    Dunn's article raises some important questions.

    Here are a few things to consider (AS=Alaska Statute):

    AS 12.10.010. General Time Limitations.

    "(b) Except as otherwise provided by law or in (a) of this section, a person may not be prosecuted, tried, or punished for an offense unless the indictment is found or the information or complaint is instituted not later than...(2) five years after the commission of any other offense."

    Title 11 Chapter 56. Offenses Against Public Administration :

    AS 11.56.200. Perjury.

    (a) A person commits the crime of perjury if the person makes a false sworn statement which the person does not believe to be true.

    (b) In a prosecution under this section, it is not a defense that

    (1) the statement was inadmissible under the rules of evidence; or

    (2) the oath or affirmation was taken or administered in an irregular manner.

    (c) Perjury is a class B felony.

    AS 11.56.610. Tampering With Physical Evidence.

    (a) A person commits the crime of tampering with physical evidence if the person

    (1) destroys, mutilates, alters, suppresses, conceals, or removes physical evidence with intent to impair its verity or availability in an official proceeding or a criminal investigation;

    (2) makes, presents, or uses physical evidence, knowing it to be false, with intent to mislead a juror who is engaged in an official proceeding or a public servant who is engaged in an official proceeding or a criminal investigation;

    (3) prevents the production of physical evidence in an official proceeding or a criminal investigation by the use of force, threat, or deception against anyone; or

    (4) does any act described by (1), (2), or (3) of this subsection with intent to prevent the institution of an official proceeding.

    (b) Tampering with physical evidence is a class C felony.


    AS 11.56.200. Perjury.

    (a) A person commits the crime of perjury if the person makes a false sworn statement which the person does not believe to be true.

    (b) In a prosecution under this section, it is not a defense that

    (1) the statement was inadmissible under the rules of evidence; or

    (2) the oath or affirmation was taken or administered in an irregular manner.

    (c) Perjury is a class B felony.

    View the above at

  92. Enjay in E MT10:36 PM

    Hope I don't take too much heat for this - but I read both books and I liked them both, for different reasons.

    Dunn's book was quite good with a lot of details & background. If someone had not been following Palin for the last 3 yrs - it is a great history to 'catch-up'

    I was impressed with Bailey's book. Not only the behind the public viewpoint - but the step by step decent into becoming what was despised in other politicians. And to be basically betrayed & hung out to dry. (Troopergate) I thought Bailey did some serious soul searching, eventually coming to terms with his own actions when he followed $arahPalin blindly.

    I never believed his book was meant to expose $arahPalin and the gates - but HIS story of getting sucked into the Palin vortex. I agree much of what he knows personally - was not included or disclosed. But, then it would have been another Palin book instead of his story of trying to find redemption after taking off the blinders.

  93. Anonymous10:39 PM

    I wonder if Frank and Sarah did the nasty. Perhaps that is why he is holding back. Maybe he's Trig's daddy.

  94. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Personally, I felt that Bailey was in love with Sarah. It was hard for me to understand in reading the book how he appeared to worship Sarah and seemed to feel that she was so perfect. There were many many times in reading that I could have almost upchucked at his idol worshiping, it was sickening.

    I still think that Bailey and Sarah had a brief affair, the comment he made about temporarily losing his wedding band was for me very troubling.

    Dunn's book was a great read and I read it first but Bailey's book was hard to read and just so elementary with numerous misspellings. I didn't think I was ever going to get thru Bailey's book, boring indeed.

    He needs to tell the rest of the story, truthfully.

  95. Anonymous10:53 PM

    @Anonymous said...I liked Geoffrey Dunn's book (The Lies of Sarah Palin) and I also liked Frank Bailey's book (Blind Allegiance). Each provided a unique viewpoint of her. There's always room for another truth-about-Sarah book and I'm looking forward to the 3? new ones coming out soon. I might wait to hear how Levi's book is before I buy it. 6:41 PM
    I agree. If I were writing a book, I'm sure I would hold some things back too. Who knows what, but geez, I'm sure I would miss some things, and purposefully leave other things out. Blind Allegiance fulfilled it's purpose in my opinion. It was interesting and gave me some insights on what was going on in Palin world, and the mind of one of her "people."

  96. Anonymous10:54 PM

    5:25 pm says With all due respect

    Is this Bristol here or Chuck Heath, what a total idiot comment. Your ignorance is showing.

  97. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Thank you Gryph & Geoffrey! You can always tell you've hit it out of the park again when the trolls come out in force. They're here, they're trying, they fail.

    I bought the book. I also wished I hadn't wasted the money. It was clear through out that Bailey was still protecting Palin - and himself, regardless of his supposed awakening. He's still in love with his picture of Palin as he imagined her to be. Her "charm" still has him in thrall, maybe in a lesser degree, but still there.

  98. Anonymous10:57 PM

    5:30 pm said The palins will have each other and a family unit.

    How funny, they all hate each other. Todd despises Sarah totally, buy a clue palinbot.

  99. Anonymous12:02 AM

    OzMud said...

    Thanks Vaughn!!

  100. Bailey's book didn't call her out on many things he should have especially when she pretended she was so distraught in July 2008 because she allegedly just found out Bristol was pregnant. She pretended to be so upset that she couldn't even speak. Bailey called her back with his wife listening in as Palin says, "Bristol...Bristol is...(sobbing from Sarah)Bristol is pregnant!".

    In reality she had known this for over two months as she revealed in Going Rogue. Yet, in order to persuade Bailey not to quit due to the Troopergate scandal, she used the excuse that she just found out Bristol was pregnant and she "needed" Frank! Why didn't he mention in the book that she knew for a couple months that Bristol was pregnant and this was just her using him-AGAIN?! Why didn't his co-authors bring this up? They knew when Sarah found out about Bristol's pregnancy.

    He let too many things slide and telling us he's still a Fox conservative as they let Palin lie whenever she is on there doing her supposed political analyzing?! WTF is up with that? Wake up, Frank, she used you repeatedly and did the same to your wife. If that doesn't make you angry enough to reveal more than what you did, you're just fooling yourself. The woman never was honest, not as Mayor, Governor, and certainly not as she is now.

  101. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Bailey needed money after Quitler shitcanned him.

    His "christianity" aside, he had every opportunity to stop lying, cheating, and propping up the most ignorant politician ever to be foisted on the US (and yes, AK is part of the US, whether some there like it or not).

  102. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Anon @7:13 PM
    "I don't understand. For someone who is said to be so cognizant of how she portrays herself to the world, why would she pick a verbal fight with company staying over?

    Nothing adds up once again.

    I believe nothing written anonymously as any sane person would."


    It's stunning that anyone would pick a fight in front of company but that doesn't mean that a mentally ill person wouldn't do it. It's a mistake to judge other people based on what you yourself would do or what a normal "sane" person would do.

    There's also the likelihood that Palin was on drugs when she picked the fight in front of company. People under the influence of drugs, alcohol and/or who are mentally ill can and will do jaw-dropping things right in front of a room full of people. I've seen that happen on more than one occasion.

    What I haven't ever seen before is a person that messed up purposely and repeatedly place themselves in the public eye and think that they can lie their way through the mess. That's why I keep coming back to IM.

    Sarah may not be the craziest person to inhabit our planet but she'll go down in history as the craziest one to ever try to run for VP or President of the country.

  103. Anonymous2:40 AM

    5:25 "Wooten is a power abuser" Do you KNOW the Palins? Nobody abuses power like they do, or profits from it.

  104. Anonymous3:35 AM

    It saddens me to see, in this situation, one author go after another. Each of these three writers has something to contribute about Sarah Palin to the general public. Not one of them approaches "baby gate" and I, for one, am unhappy about that. But it does not benefit anyone in the quest to get the truth out about Sarah Palin for one author to bash another. Let's face it; it's a little like the extreme left whining about President Obama and wanting to sit out the election of 2012. We should not go about shooting ourselves in the foot. There is already a lot of momentum in undoing Sarah Palin; why bring it all to a crashing stop?

  105. Anonymous3:40 AM

    I also thought, while reading the book (it was hard to get through) that he wasn't being fully honest.

    His chapter at the end about his change of heart wasn't enough in my opinion to salvage all the harm he had done, and I was really rather disgusted that he tried to make it seem like his Eagle River trip made amends for all that he had done.

    You just don't go from being that mean (Hatchet Man) to 1 act of penance and you're done. NOpe. No way.

    He is a smarmy snake, and the worst kind, that wrap themselves up with the Christian label.

  106. Anonymous3:42 AM

    Wow, the trolls jumped on this one right away! Looks like this one struck a nerve, Gryphen.

  107. Anonymous4:00 AM

    "The more haters attack her, the more THEY prove THEY are no different from the people they attack.

    5:26 PM"

    Does your logic apply to hitler"


  108. Anonymous said...
    I don't understand.
    Nothing adds up once again.

    I believe nothing written anonymously as any sane person would.
    7:13 PM
    "I believe nothing written anonymously as any sane person would."

    Says anonymous.

  109. Anonymous4:25 AM

    "They will prevail as a family unit."

    Yeah, so did the Sopranos and the Corleones.

    The difference is that they were criminals acting like everyday citizens, while the Palins are everyday citizens acting like criminals.

  110. Anonymous4:47 AM

    I did not personally care for the Blind Allegiance book because of the writing style & I certainly did not care or feel sorry for Bailey in any way shape or form. The fact that he continued to support her when he could clearly see what was going on does not make me feel that he was any better than SP. He supported her because HE liked the power. It was the closest he was going to get to power & it stopped him from using his brain and the common sense he should have had.

    I also am so freaking tired of people using God to promote their own agenda and this is what Bailey was doing (NOT FOR ONE MINUTE do I honestly believe that SP was doing it for anyone other than herself). This was one of the biggest problems I had when I was in the born again arena. EVERYTHING and ANYTHING is just A-okay to do if you invoke the name of God or Jesus. It's God's plan, blah, blah, blah.

    Not sure what AKM's motive is for bringing this out now. Payback for the Joe thing? I don't know but I find it very odd that they had this info & are now bringing it to our attention. What about months ago? I also find it beyond bizarre that she is letting us talk about it now?

    I just find it all so tedious. I used to respect Jeanne but I am not sure what I think anymore. I respected her for not wanting to talk about the subject (because it was her site and she had every right to decide what she wanted to talk about) but clearly something changed her mind now. What? Why now?

    I guess what bothers me the most is that on some level it "cheapened" (can't think of a better word at the moment) IM and every other site that did discuss it.

    I wish she would have explained why it is okay to talk about it now and why the hell did they wait so long since obviously they have been sitting on this for AGES....

  111. Anonymous4:47 AM

    In all the Troopergate scandal, they claimed that Wooten was such a bad dude. Were there any claims made about whether Molly was a good or bad mother?

  112. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I also found Frank's book too boring to finish. I had hoped he would somehow redeem himself but the more I read, the less I liked him.

    I found all the comments from the Fairy Tale Troll so amusing. Yes, we can all tell what a happy family they are...look at that wonderful bus trip they took together this summer.

    I also love that Gryphen verified that they were all from the same troll. From the IP you should be able to tell if they originated from LA or Wasilla. My bet is on Willow and/or Bristol in LA..the language gives them away..."haters" "I fucking don't give a damned moron".
    Whenever someone says "I am not a troll"...they always are. ironic of someone posting anonymously to tell us not to believe anyone posting anonymously
    They sure hate the truth being exposed, don't they?

  113. Anonymous7:12 AM

    It's hard to polish an apple when all you have to work with is a TURD.
    That said, I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thinks Bailey is and was an asshole. Wouldn't trust that guy for anything. Self serving SOB.

  114. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Many of you are so full of yourselves that it's sickening. Total hypocrites.

    P.S. -- Before you bomb me that I'm a troll -- I'm not.

    8:03 PM

    With such a pleasant style of stating your opinions, you might expect to have the same style of comment returned to you.

    Anon 9:01 (2nd)

    Oh dear - I don't write to your liking.

    Guess what -- I don't fucking care you moron

    Your vocabulary needs an upgrade. Worn out insults have no impact. The grade school playground denizens are much more expressive. But if you were aiming for pre-school, you hit your mark.

  115. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I am of the same opinion of many about Bailey's book.
    While it did reveal more of the pathology of Palin ,
    there was an undercurrent of holding back
    and protecting her.
    Bailey was a terrible interview ,
    he came across as too mild mannered
    to effectively refute the claims that he was disgruntled and a liar.
    The women of The View walked all over him ,
    while Hannity went berserk and
    Bailey was unable to defend himself.
    Hannity is actually similar to Bailey-
    he's besotted with Palin.
    Hannity previewed his hatchet job on Bailey
    as taking apart the man " who had the nerve to write a nasty book about Palin."
    How dare he !!
    As if Bailey committed a felony.
    Dunn's book was an amazing and well written and documented expose on Palin.
    His book should have gotten much more publicity and attention than it did.
    Dunn's research and hopefully that of McGinniss should shame the national media who
    continue to function in a lamestream manner by obsequiously trailing Palin
    and never once
    asking her a substantive question.
    Dunn's book is a primer for the media
    and the Republican Party on Palin's
    multiple and still mainly
    unexamined scandals and corruption.
    Had any of the Republican pundits
    bothered to read his book, all talk of her being a kingmaker
    or potential nominee
    would be silenced.
    They , like the media , look like ignorant
    and lazy fools for
    continuing the charade
    that Palin is a viable part of our political process.
    Dunn's book should have at least prompted
    the MSM to take , not another , but , a first look
    at the slime and corruption
    and illegality that cover this woman
    and those around her.
    Troopergate , like so many of her unexamined and unreported scandals
    is just sitting there waiting to burst open on Palin.
    I think Bailey before a Grand Jury
    would sing like a canary.
    I trust that McGinnis will not wither like Bailey in interviews and his book tour will inspire others ,
    especially the media ,
    to also read Dunn's companion book.

  116. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Several of my friends and I read Bailey's book.We were not impressed.He calls himself a Christian but acted like a anything but. He is a not too bright hypocrite who saw what Scarah was like even before she was Gov and continued(s) to support her. I think he unknowingly showed the reason for his allegiance when he said "I thought she had a face like one of God's angels. Or as my male friend said who read he book "He wanted to Fuck her."

  117. Anonymous9:42 AM

    7:13 said:

    "I believe nothing written anonymously as any sane person would."

    Well then, since you too are posting anonymously I'll just go ahead and disregard your comment as well. Have a nice day! :)

  118. You know, Blind Allegiance just wasn't a very good book, and I know that that must have been disappointing to the authors, but for them to come out now and try to blame Joe M for it? LAME.

    how about blaming yourselves for holding back all the things which you are now admitting you had?

  119. Anonymous10:23 AM

    2:38 AM:

    I totally agree. Just because it seems implausible that $arah would say something about Tawd's drinking in front of friends doesn't mean it couldn't happen. As you said, things like that happen all the time between people of all walks of life.

    I would also say to the poster at 7:13 PM who is so sure $arah wouldn't be so careless to do anything like that, that this event occurred well before she was a VP candidate, or even Governor. Sure she was mayor but of a smallish (and at that time) relatively unheard of Alaskan town. I could easily see her making such a pronouncement in front of close friends as even if it got out (which of course it eventually did) the damage would do would be minimal. Plus add to that the possibility that she may have been under the influence of drugs and an unhealthy state of mind and body and one could easily see this scenario playing out.

  120. indy_girl10:29 AM

    Anonymous said at 5:41 PM..."Why are people sticking up for Wooten...?"

    Here's my problem with what happened to Wooten. The man obviously isn't a saint and had some issues. He had divorced Sarah's sister Molly, and was involved in a custody battle with her. The complaints made by the Palin family against him had been investigated; all but one were dismissed as unfounded, and Wooten admitted to the remaining one (shooting a moose without a permit). This should have been the end of it.

    However, Sarah and Todd Palin were angry that Wooten had gotten off with what they believed was a slap on the wrist; they wanted him to lose his job. They continued their harassment campaign against Wooten, using Palin's new job as governor. "Threatening phone calls, private detectives that were hired to follow Wooten, notes left on windshields, Todd Palin taking pictures then submitting them to Wooten's supervisor, all [were] designed to intimidate Wooten into backing off from demanding equal child custody rights."

    The problem after the first investigations wasn't Trooper Wooten. It was Sarah Palin believing that she (and her firebug goon husband) had the right to punish an Alaskan citizen and State Trooper who was NO LONGER UNDER INVESTIGATION.

    That sounds pretty communist to me. (Wooten's story abt halfway down.)

  121. He LOST me at,"I'm a Fox News conservative".
    Upon receiving this book, I thought, this guy must be a bit of a come out and admit his own part in Palin's shenanigans, to let the world in on the inner workings of Palin World....and it didn't look like he would be bringing in much bank on this book. Certainly the pay was not worth the risk of displaying his personal flaws and mistakes for all to see and judge. I wasn't that far into the book when I realized this is no hero. This is a simple man-both a casper milquetoast and a "mean girl"- with a titanic crush Granny Palin. I believe he still harbors this crush albeit the Palin he adores for simply does not exist. And it PAINED my heart throughout that book to think of Bailey’s poor wife. His adulation and blanketed lust for Palin must have been SO painfully obvious to her(You LOVE that, huh, Sarah?!). It's a miracle she stayed. Her religious conviction must be the only strong tether keeping her married to him. I was touched by his "finding the ring and reality"'s a start.....and I believe he DID risk his name to write this book, but there should have been more….i mean, this “woman” was unleashed upon our country! I GET AKM’s notion of not including in the book what others observed that Bailey did not, but, we needed more of his voice.
    I would only hold this man at arms length. His allowed his moral compass-the basic tenants of his own religion to be so easily obliterated, he engaged in so much sophomoric nastiness. Was that Frank on my blog 2-ish years ago calling me a "stinky clam" or a horrible mother(lol)? Hmmmmm...

  122. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Wait a minute....Is Bristol calling a kid her GodSon?

    This, after being offended that Cindy McCain offered to be a Godmother? She thought that Cindy McCain wanted to take her baby.

    Puts a spin on the whole godson thing, huh?

  123. Anonymous10:55 AM

    7:55 pm

    OMG Sarah? You need to up your meds. You are more incoherent than usual.

  124. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I agree 3:35 AM. We need more books and movies exposing Sarah's many lies. There's a huge market for this stuff. I'm ready to buy it all.

  125. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Wow, what a clusterf***! McGuiness pissing off the authors of Blind Allegiance. Devon/Morris retaliating by rehashing the sordid details on their site. Now Dunn questioning the integrity of Bailey. What we have here is some kind of resentment triangle and it needs to be broken. As Obama said: ENOUGH!

    Sure, I think that what McGuiness did was inappropriate and unprofessional, but I also think it is time for Devon/Morris to go into forgiveness mode as the damage has been done and there's not a whole lot that can be done to repair it. The only thing that continued infighting does is weaken everyone's case against $arah. And yes I do think it is a valid question to bring up Bailey's true intentions (ala Dunn's article in the Anchorage press) but again I think it too is only serving to weaken the movement as a whole. There is a time and place to dispute the the authors' various approaches between themselves but perhaps now is not the best time.

    All I see now is that the anti-$arah book arena turning into a petty turf war and I really do think it's time these authors start acting more like anti-drama adults they should be. All of this infighting is reminiscent of another certain woman's inner circle. Lets be better than that. Lets put differences aside and unify once again to fight the lies of $P.

    Let it be known that I have a high amount of respect for all of these authors, and I think they all bring something good to the table. Imagine what it would be like if they were all supporting each other? Cooperating and sharing info as a cohesive force? That would be one kick-ass team, wouldn't it?

    Ok, ok, off my soapbox now. :)

  126. LisaB259511:55 AM

    I enjoyed Bailey's book very much. Maybe you have to have spent time around a personality like Sarah's to understand how folks like her suck you into their world, and suddenly you can't see through any eyes other than theirs.

    I don't think it's fair expect Bailey to know in 2005 what we know today. No one expects a person like Sarah to walk in their lives, and if you're the kind of person who tends to think the best of other people and make excuses for their lapses, it's very easy to take a long time to realize you're being used.

  127. Anonymous1:12 PM

    "I'm a Fox News conservative" = I leave my brain at the door.

  128. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Were there any claims made about whether Molly was a good or bad mother?

    4:47 AM

    SP once said that Molly had multiple babies with multiple men and she didn't like that.

  129. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Interesting article on Truthout's website regarding Joe McGinniss, make of it what you will.

  130. Anonymous2:28 PM

    This horseplay going on between all the authors (re: Sarah Palin)is a sorry sort of affairs and I find it ridiculous.

    I purchased and read the books of Baily and Geoffrey Dunn (preferred the latter due to it being much better written). And, I've ordered the upcoming books written by McGinniss and Johnston and can hardly wait to receive them.

  131. Gasparilla2:38 PM

    I agree with Anon. 9:41 PM, that both Dunn's and Bailey's books are full of clues for the careful reader.

    In Bailey's book, for example, he tells of Sarah approaching him with a "sly smile" to ask what he thought it would be like "to have a pregnant governor in the governor's mansion in Juneau." (p. 209 _Blind Allegiance-)

    If this is true, she is asking this question several years after she (allegedly) had a tubal ligation. How could this be?

    It suggests planning a pregnancy hoax well in advance. Why?

    Also deserving further attention are the strange circumstances surrounding McCains first interview with Palin.

    Dunn's excellent book_The Lies of Sarah Palin_ pp. 159-161 describes Palin's first serious meeting with McCain, February 23,2008, in Washington, DC, at the National Governors Association meeting.

    At the time McCain was the presumptive GOP nominee hoping to run on a ticket with Joe Lieberman as VP. The fact that Lieberman was pro-choice greatly alarmed the GOP religious right, who were determined to substitute one of their own instead.

    Coincidentally (or not), only a few days before the DC meeting of McCain and Palin, the New York Times had initiated an expose of McCain's alleged affair with Vicki Iseman, a glamorous lobbyist working for the wealthy fundamentalist Lowell "Bud" Paxson.

    Paxson, who ran a profitable Christian broadcast network, had apparently used Iseman who looked like the young Cindy McCain --Paxson referred to as a "real pro" -- to exert various sorts of unethical and/or illegal pressure on McCain.

    Paxson had also been doing his best --either by design or senility -- to discredit McCain in a variety of ways. He directly contradicted McCain's sworn testimony on McCain's contacts with both Paxson and Iseman, and Paxson was probably behind the New York Times expose, that suddenly began and then mysterious stopped, once McCain had met Palin and proclaimed himself to be "extraordinarily impressed." (or extraordinarily pressured?)

    Was Paxson (via Iseman and the NY Times expose) trying to blackmail McCain into choosing Palin for VP instead of Lieberman? (Paxson, by the way, had been involved in numerous GOP "dark ops" before -- influencing primaries and elections, and secretly ferrying Saudi royals out of Las Vegas on his corporate jet after 9/11)

    Within days of the DC meeting, and within hours of McCain's definite nomination, Palin announced her "pregnancy."

    Is it just a coincidence that one of Trig's middle names is "Paxson"?

    To sum it up, both Bailey and Dunn give important clues suggesting that the Trig hoax involved powerful fundies and was being plotted at least as early as 2006.

  132. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Gasparilla: Wow, you brought up some interesting stuff! Hopefully Gryphen (or even you) can dig up some more good dirt relating to this!

  133. Anonymous4:36 PM

    I read both Bailey's book and Dunn's and enjoyed them both. I actually felt that Bailey's was more impactful since it had been written by someone in the "inner circle." Now, I did get the sense that he was leaving out some things, and indeed admitted it in the preface. I am glad that some of those things are being brought out now by Jeanne and Ken. Just because there were omissions in the book does not discount or negate the things that were. Bailey, or anyone in his situation, is entitled to make his confession at his own pace and in his own good time. Maligning him over that is unfair and immature. Each of the books will contribute new information to the puzzle that is Sarah Palin (at least I hope there will be new info in McGinniss' book. I'm not expecting much from Levi's).

    I think we can afford to be a little generous to Frank Bailey and thank him for what he did reveal.

  134. Anonymous4:37 PM

    On a related topic: So, now we are to believe Jeanne's depiction of Joe McGinniss as some kind of "monster" given her claims about intentional manuscript theft/release that are coming at the same time that her own book with Frank Bailey is coming under question?


    I've always enjoyed Jeanne's work over at Mudflats. I enjoyed Geoffrey Dunn's book, but thought considerably less of Bailey's tome. That said, I've always liked Joe McGinniss and am looking forward to his own book on Palin.

    So, Gryphen, what are we to believe here as (unfortunately) some of our very own start devouring each other? Sigh.......
    I hate this....

  135. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Anon 11:08, I'm with you. The timing for all this kerfuffle couldn't be worse. Not just the timing to the Levi and McGinnis books, and Mercede's Playboy issue, but the week of visible turds swirling around in circles, around and around and around...The "Cutting Room Floor" article, the Iowa OC invite, uninvite, invite, uninvite, and Anon Again's missives with the next Bombshell coming out in two days. Ugh. Please Make.It.Stop!


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