Thursday, August 04, 2011

Happy 50th Birthday Mr. President!


  1. Anonymous10:25 AM

    The man is so deeply loved by so many. It is simply awesome to witness...

    ...his brilliant smile, his easy demeanor, his huge heart.

    We are blessed he is our leader.

    We must have him for FOUR MORE YEARS.

  2. Anonymous10:28 AM

    That grin of his never fails to make me a little weak in the knees. It telegraphs such a pure heart and soul. I love seeing him being loved by the people who flock to him, reach out to him, touch him, hug him. He is so available, and yet so powerful by just entering a room he fills up the space with his enormous presence, and yet remains humble at all times. Truly a brilliant leader and man. Happy day of birth for Barack Obama, and happy day for us that Mrs. Obama brought him into the world.

  3. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Obama Turns 50 Despite Republican Opposition

    WASHINGTON—After months of heated negotiations and failed attempts to achieve any kind of consensus, President Obama turned 50 years old Thursday, drawing strong criticism from Republicans in Congress. "With the host of problems this country is currently facing, the fact that our president is devoting time to the human process of aging is an affront to Americans everywhere," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who advocated a provision to keep Obama 49 at least through the fall of 2013. "To move forward unilaterally and simply begin the next year of his life without bipartisan support—is that any way to lead a country?" According to White House officials, Obama attempted to work with Republicans right up until the Aug. 4 deadline, but was ultimately left with no choice except to turn a year older.

  4. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Proud to have him as my President. Proud that he is OUR President! Do you hear that Sarah Palin? How about supporting the President or Our United States for a change? I didn't particularly care for the last President Bush, but I still supported him as President of our United States.

  5. Beldar L Conehead10:37 AM

    Ya know, I was just thinking the same thing...

    Happy Birthday, Mr. President!

  6. BLESS our President! And BLESS his dear mother and grandparents who gave him the wisdom, maturity and integrity we constantly see on display.

    I say, let's give him the best birthday present, ever . . . a TRULY Democratic House and Senate in 2012!
    LOVE YOU, Mr. President! Happy Birthday!

  7. Anonymous10:48 AM

    The RNC really is so juvenile. They can't even wish the president a happy birthday without a snide after comment. So disgusting.

  8. Anonymous10:56 AM

    What a beautiful montage.
    It is so heartbreaking that so many of our fellow citizens are being held hostage by their own hatred and prejudice. Imagine were they not, where we could be.

  9. lostinthemidwest11:00 AM

    Thanks for posting. Made my day.

    Happy Birthday, President Obama.

    May God grant you many years to live, for sure he must be knowing, the earth has angels all too few and heaven is overflowing...

  10. He's doing a hell of a job. Against great forces of evil. Please hang in there for another 6 years. And let's all work HERE to regain the House majority.


  11. Happy Birthday Mr. President!

    Anon 10:30 I almost fell off my chair laughing at that one. The Onion is brilliant and always satirically on the money.

  12. London Bridges11:11 AM

    The Rocket (Roger Clemons) is 49 today. The Barack is 50. Congress gives both of them unnecessary grief!

    A few beanballs and brushbacks tossed at Congress might work wonders!

  13. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Happy Birthday, President Obama. Welcome to your 50's - a wonderful decade.

    Loved the photo w/the kids! So, so cute.

    Hang in there against those nasty Republicans in Congress. Know that we are behind you.

  14. johnie2xs11:26 AM

    What a beautiful montage.
    It is so heartbreaking that so many of our fellow citizens are being held hostage by their own hatred and prejudice. Imagine were they not, where we could be.

  15. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Happy Birthday, Mr. President. I signed a card and sent it to you, and donated to your re-election campaign as well. Thank you for your service to our country. We need you!

  16. Happy Birthday Mr. President. Best wishes on your birthday and always. What a touching video. I've replayed it numerous times.

  17. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I mailed President Obama a birthday card w/small contribution. He sure deserves a break now after the wrangling over the budget crisis with the Repulsive Party and the Teahadists.

  18. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Very proud to have him as my president!! Love him

  19. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Smiling from ear to ear. I love that man.

  20. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I am so saddened and disgusted by what the right wing politicians and media are doing to this good and caring man. Don't know why he even wants a second term. Much of the country doesn't deserve him.

  21. Thank you Gryphen. I am smiling and crying at the same time.

  22. Anonymous12:25 PM

    A great man who is hamstrung by the most ridiculous political system in modern history. Look at your stock market today and thank the Republicans. It's unimaginable to think of a Republican president but it's just an unimaginable that the US is going to pull itself out of this mess without compromise. A word which to the Republicans and the Tea Party (yes, like it or not you now have a 3 party system), is a dirty word. So sad. Barack Obama has been wasted on your country. What a shame.

    A Canadian

  23. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Absolutely wonderful video clip of our President. You can see what a caring person he is and how people respond to his charisma with such joy. Happy Birthday Mr. President and I wish him another 4 years in the WH but without a majority of Republican teabaggers in the the House.

  24. Happy happy birthday, President Obama. You rock!

  25. O/T, but is this a picture of Bristol's front yard?

  26. lisab25951:59 PM

    You know you're getting old when the President is younger than you. >.<

  27. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Happy Birthday - President Obama! He may not do everything to please everyone's agenda, but he is a model human being! We are truly blessed, let's do it 2012. I am happy he is willing to serve a second term after all the crap.

  28. Happy Birthday Mr. President! I also signed his card and Gryphen thanks for not letting any stupid ass Troll (Hi Sarah, Brisdull, etc) comments through and spoiling this thread.

  29. Anonymous2:56 PM

    It is so nice to see that he has SOME moments where he can smile.

    The rest of the time he must be dragged down emotionally by how every stinking thing that ever goes wrong (including the BP oil spill, the Japan earthquake, and the recent heatwave) is blamed on him.

    Knowing he can no longer run for further office, should he stave off the crazy and get re-elected in 2012, I hope he begins his second term, by saying, "Okay, you dumb crackers, here's how things are going to go for the next four years..."

  30. FEDUP!!!3:10 PM

    Well, I got to sign a card for him via email, and did so with gusto - even though I am disappointed in how he turned out to be such a wimp. ;)

  31. I just Googled, "wish President Obama Happy Birthday" and it went straight to "his card".

    I left a little love note ~ I'm proud he's the only President my two-year old has ever known (I wish we could all say the same. And they share a Birthday ~ my special gift to her Rethug g-parents...Both sides...ugh).

    Anyway, I thought since he is ALWAYS getting SERIOUS sh!t from the "other" side, it would be nice for him to know, at least in volume, that he still has proud fans.

  32. Anonymous4:01 PM

    In Honor of his 50th Birthday I donated 50$ to his re election campaign.. I challenge all IM readers to do the same!!! I LOVE this man!!

  33. Anonymous4:05 PM

    What a BRILLIANT smile you have, Mr. President!

    And a 1/2 century sure looks good on YOU!!!

    Bon Anniversaire kind Sir.


  34. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I have enormous respect for President Obama - he's been the mature one in Washington since his election. And I was very happy to send him a greeting and contribution. Many, many happy returns of the day to you, President Obama! And thank you, Gryphen, for the video.

  35. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I've said it once and I'll say it again: The man has soul.

  36. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Here's another heartwarming tribute.

    Happy 50th Birthday President Obama!

  37. Anonymous7:24 PM

    How can anyone not see this man's true character? He deserves to be revered and rewarded for what he's accomplished, despite the obstruction and lies the Republican's have piled on him.

    Mr President, sir. I wish you all the best on this special day, and look forward to four more years with you at the healm and Nancy Pelosi with her gavel back. You're too humble, but you truly are the cream of the crop.

    Enjoy your day, sharing it with those who matter most in your life, cherish every moment you have with your children and soulmate.

    A busy OFA team member and supporter who sometimes gets frustrated with your "bipartisan" fetish, but supports you anyway.

  38. How did we ever get so lucky and so blessed?

  39. Anonymous7:05 PM

    i like the last part when it says everyon shut the f up i got this. that was funny.:)


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