Thursday, August 04, 2011

Just for fun.

Thanks again to Azure Ghost
Since we are on the topic I will let you all know that I have been chasing some leads that I stumbled onto while doing research on the pictures from Monday's post, and I learned a rather interesting bit of information.

It should come as no surprise to most of you that Governor Palin was by no means camera shy.  In fact she was often far more interested in talking to the media, and having her picture taken in those days than actually doing her job. My understanding is that while it was very difficult to get Palin to attend important meetings, it was a breeze to get her to show up to events that would get her name and picture in the paper.

However according to a few sources Palin suddenly became camera shy right around the middle of March, and only showed up a handful of times in public venues, at which she only stayed for short periods of time making it very difficult for photographers to do their jobs. Of course the exception to this, was the Elan Frank video for which Palin seemed to have been quite comfortable allowing herself to be videotaped by the Israeli filmmaker. (It also should be noted that she may very well have thought that the footage would not be shown in the United States.)

This behavior seems to have continued right up until April 18, after which Palin went right back to her usual attention seeking behaviors.

In fact at least one of my sources said that looking back it almost seemed that she had something to hide. (And yes, this person is still on the fence about the faked pregnancy.)

I DID think to ask several people if they were struck by Palin's rapid weight loss after Trig was born, but they said, quite understandably, that they were mostly focused on the new baby, whom she took with her everywhere, and really never noticed anything about her physique postpartum.

Anyhow I am still chasing down leads, but I thought you all might enjoy that bit of behind the scenes info.


  1. priceless. have you seen tawd? LMFAO!!

  2. Anonymous3:10 PM

    You thought right, Gryphen. Thanks for the info, keep it up!

  3. Didn't O'Malley say something similar in her Make.It.Stop fake journalism?

    Something about Palin shying away from having her picture taken shortly before she announced her pregnancy. O'Malley took that to mean Palin didn't want people to notice she WAS pregnant until she announced it.

  4. Anonymous3:17 PM

    LOL with coffee spewed on the screen!

  5. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Well, c4p has a new look! Palin is no longer gazing at the White House. It would seem that they are trying to prepare their handful of followers that Palin will not be running. Because, you know, she can do so much more for America if she isn't President. Just like she has done for Alaska after she quit being governor.

  6. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Typical and hilarious - thanks Gryphen!

    I have a question - where are the TROLLS?? Are they now only Barstool trolls and not defending Scarah anymore? WTF? It's no fun reading solely sane comments. Come on lunatics, whistle, whistle, whistle...


  7. Anonymous3:24 PM

    When Levi gave one of his first interviews (Vanity Fair?), he said that he knew far more about the Palins that he was prepared to reveal at that time. He was pressed for more information, and he said that he knew a lot of dirt about Sarah, but it wasn't something that Sarah DID but something that SHE DIDN'T DO. At the time, the rumors about her Legal Defense fund were still swirling around, and Sarah was suspected of more than one wrong-doing, or pushing the limits of legal behavior while in office. Now, I'm guessing that what Levi meant was more simple, Something that Sarah DIDN'T DO. She didn't give birth to Trig.

  8. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Tick Tock Sarah!

  9. Anonymous3:36 PM

    tee hee:

    Did she donate to Wally Herger?


  10. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Gryphen, what say you about Blade Catz promising to post Sarah's medical record info on Thursday or Friday...and then on the very day the info was promised, suddenly being struck so ill she can't even write her own "sick-back soon" post?

    Once seems the coincidences Sarah Palin "doesn't believe in"...certainly do favour her.

  11. Beldar L Conehead3:41 PM

    My special wish for our president's 50th birthday is good health, long life, success in office for the American people, and happiness for himself and his family.

    My special wish for the screechy wretch's 50th birthday is that the other greeters on her shift at WalMart present her with a slightly risque gag birthday card that they all sign and everyone laughs about, and that no one notices the single acidic tear rolling down her botoxed cheek as she thinks back to a time, not so many years before, when she was young, semi-attractive, rich, powerful, famous and adored by hundreds of misinformed acolytes, and that she struggles to understand how her haphazardly built house of cards could have so easily collapsed as proof of her innumerable deceptions were brought to light.

    Happy 50th, Mr. President!

    And 50th to you, screechy wretch.

  12. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Since most people didn't notice that Palin looked pregnant,doesn't the fact that they didn't notice any difference in her months before delivery appearance and her after delivery appearance mean that she looked just like she did when she wasn't pregnant as she did when she had been pregnant just a few days or weeks earlier?

    Remember women's metabolism stores up calories for the fetus to use to bulk up just before deliver and for the mother to use as the energy source she turns into milk so the newbie can maintain and gain weight quickly after delivery.

    So Sarah's body went against millions of years of mammalian evolution, thus denying her fetus and her newborn nourishment and energy to develop the organs and tissues necessary to survive the first days and months of life outside the womb.

  13. Sweet anny3:45 PM

    Poor Sarah. You are not good enough. Never were. Never will be.

    Where's Tri-G? And where is his birth certificate?

    Where's Todd? Still pallin' around with...happy endings? Lighting up stuff?

    Hi Tony! (She's new here, and loves this place)

  14. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Who refers to their own pregnancy this way?
    "should we tell her about the baby BUMP?"

    If Sarah had been pregnant, I imagine she'd have simply asked "should we tell her about the baby?"

    And this...
    What I would not give to know what was redacted here. Also, too...I think it's interesting that "baby bump" is in quotes and has a little wink face next to it. Tells me this person knew good and well they could indeed see Sarah's "baby bump" soon as the damn thing got strapped onto her skinny ass.

  15. Anonymous3:48 PM

    That's EX Governor Palin. EX wife. EX VP candidate. EX "beauty" queen RUNNER UP.

    EX EX EX EX EX EX EX. You're on a roll, Your Heinous. You're as dried up as an old woman's......

  16. BAustin3:59 PM

    I have also wondered about her maternity uniform....

    Almost every picture is the over sized black suit with a hideous multi-colored scarf and the hair piled on top of her head. I wonder if was a deliberate attempt to confuse dates of when photos were taken.

    Only a couple of maternity outfits other than the black one...and those are the ones that have stirredup controversy.
    Beige coat at spouse lunch, the grey coat from history day, and the slim skirt and jacket from mar 14 (although black, I do think it's a different suit)

    It is curious that a photogenic sitting governor that is a fame whore has so few pregnant pictures available

  17. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Rapid weight loss? HUH?

    Have you seen the May 3rd pics from some event? She's wearing that brown jacket and black and looks rather chunky. Also, think to the special session in June and her in that houndstooth coat. Chunky. And at the Wynonna concert. Still rather chunky. I have never seen her looking slim, unless shes bending over, which would make her look slim.

    There are tons of pics people have posted on various personal sites from the period in question (march-april). One shows a perfect side view of her think waist and massive love handles. Piper is in front of her. I will assemble all these pics I mentioned into one cohesive argument.

    And that zoo pic, she's wearing shorts and you can see chunky legs and waist.

  18. Kudos to Azure Ghost for posters (this one and the Unattended). She's got a great knack for satire.

    Palin's usual behavior of making a bee-line for the cameras reminds me of Ariana Huffington in 2003, during California's recall election for Governor. Ariana Huffington was the Independent candidate and observers remarked how she would practically trample and knock down other candidates whenever there was a camera around. (This recall election was such a zoo -- 135 candidates in all. What a waste of taxpayer money.)

  19. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Thanks Gryphen, I did enjoy that. More please.

  20. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I'm seriously starting to think Trig is a surrogate baby. It's beginning to make a lot of sense. 'easy pregnancy', the fact that he looks JUST LIKE Sarah and todd, Todd being equally invested in the "pregnancy", longtime friends commenting in late feb about a new palin kid.....

  21. linda4:16 PM

    all i will say is that as a woman who went through 2 pregnancies, i ALWAYS notice how fast a mother loses weight after she has her baby. i'm 59 years old and i still do it -- just the other day i did the analysis with a friend's daughter whose child is 2 weeks old. this was a tiny, skinny little girl/woman who got very big w/ her pregnancy and i definitely noticed that she still had baby fat even though i also was entranced by the baby. also one of the nicest things you can say to a new mom is "you look so good -- you're losing the weight so fast!" most people want to say something nice to a new mom besides how cute their baby is, in my experience. so . . . i am SURE someone noticed and wondered about SP's fast weight loss after the so-called birth. you just haven't talked to the right person or the right person is not telling the truth.

  22. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Camera shy? Uhh, didn't she still do the irondog events and crap like that?She seemed to act kind of the same, though in the Frank video, she was a bit reserved and differently spoken. If that even made sense. Long day, apologies.

    I would disagree with you on the rapid weight loss though. The whole summer she appeared hefty, and only lost weight with typical campaign activities (not weird. I think Meghan McCain might be the only person to GAIN weight duringa campaign)

  23. Anonymous4:44 PM

    I'm still pretty appalled that she took Trig out so early. Doctors *still* advise new moms to keep the baby at home, away from strangers (think germs), until at least 2 weeks old. My pediatrician recommended 6 weeks, and that was for full term, healthy children.

    Even if you give her the benefit of the doubt, and Trig really is hers, if she wasn't trying to kill him before he was born, she sure was afterwards.

  24. 3:12pm B said

    Sarah didn't want anyone looking too closely because she was faking it all the way. No way in hell Sarah was pregnant, she didn't want the attention or photos of her because she didn't always wear her pregnant belly luggage.

  25. barney4:46 PM

    That photo of Todd, the ex-husband, has me screaming with laughter.

    Thanks for making my day, you rock!

  26. Anonymous5:08 PM

    It should be noted every time the "Pregnant Sarah" picture is posted ANYWHERE - this is one of only two photos taken on the same occasion that she looks pregnant. Literally, the only two photos of a very public person over a 9 month period that shows any semblance of a normal looking pregnant person. And also, too, that they showed up on the internet tubes 4+ months later on an anonymous photo sharing site (with the only content being the 2 photos of Sarah Palin looking preggers) and was used as proof that the baby was her very own. Bullshit meter off charts!

  27. Anonymous5:11 PM

    4:31, you are dumb. You give yourself away even before you slam Meghan McCain. Most politicians gain weight on campaigns. They're eating out constantly, at events, etc. Only psychos like Sarah Palin lose weight due to stress and just being a basketcase druggie mess.

  28. Anonymous5:12 PM

    For a camera hog like Sarah I still find it amazing that there are NO pics of her cuddling Trig in a hospital bed. As a mom and grandma I find it another little nail in that No Baby in 2008 column.

  29. JayKen Knotstirred5:24 PM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?

  30. Grasshopper5:40 PM

    Don't forget, Sat. Oct. 15th at noon at your City Hall a Peaceful Protest for job opportunities.The Awakening of the Middle Class. Help us help ourselves. The wealthy must pay their fair share. Pass it on, Sat. Oct. 15. Thanks

  31. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Toad has some purty legs!!
    What a doofus family.
    The jig is up Palins. Time to get a real job like the rest of us "little people." You just better hope that the Republicans don't take away your free healthcare and that all of the jobs at McDonald's aren't all taken.

  32. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Um wrong. Most people lose weight on campaigns. And I was quoting Meghans words. She said herself she was probably the only person to have ever gained weight. She said her father and mother both lost weight. But thanks for judging me.

  33. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Almost all of Palin's pre-VP pictures look chubbier and more matronly than once the RNC gave her and her family "makeovers". She then discovered spanx and started obsessing about her weight in front of the national cameras, drinking red bull, and not eating. Even the RNC strategists were worried about her diet affecting her mental ability to "learn" government info.
    I think you have to look at those times in her life separately and not compare her weight during the VP run to the fake pregnancy time in order to come up with any validity that she was actually pregnant.

  34. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Idk about Levi. While I'm sure he's not a complete liar (despite a couple fibs), he hasnt revealed anything of worth yet, nor has nothing stuck. He has said he thinks trig is sarahs"to his knowledge".

    He's too jaded to trust anymore. He's proven he's all about fame and his only claim to anything is spectacle and drama.

    What hurts him: the Palins have moved forward and are past that petty crap. Levi obviously is trying to still milk a dead cow. He is irrelevant. It sucks but its the truth. He needs to start growing up.

  35. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Gryphen, what say you about Blade Catz promising to post Sarah's medical record info on Thursday or Friday...and then on the very day the info was promised, suddenly being struck so ill she can't even write her own "sick-back soon" post?

    Once seems the coincidences Sarah Palin "doesn't believe in"...certainly do favour her.

    3:39 PM


    "Blade" has never had any unique bit of information on her "blog". The blog is kind of a joke. Mostly I've just seen her beg for money from her few commenters, then come up with nothing. This latest letter, or whatever it was, seemed strange from the beginning, so did its circumstances. Her bit about not wanting to scan the letter and redact names was extremely odd. For one, Blade seems very technologically challenged, and two, she seems to like to just lead people on with magical info that never appears.

    I seriously doubt that the "Palin mafia" you allude to would take any time silencing that blogger, since she never has actually had a "scoop" regarding the Palins.

  36. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I think that we will soon know who really leaked the Wallace photos. Why now after 3 years? Coincidences?
    Better not run Sarah because your life will be made a living hell so you can feel what we have all been feeling.

  37. Anonymous6:27 PM

    link to Elan Frank video is dead. fyi

  38. Anonymous6:32 PM

    "I'm seriously starting to think Trig is a surrogate baby."

    I've entertained that thought myself, but it doesn't make a lot of sense.

    Let's assume that Trig was birthed by a surrogate. Why wouldn't she just say that it was a surrogate baby? (It's not like there's a stigma there anymore.) Why would Palin make it appear on occasion that she was the one carrying the baby? Why would she go to the extreme of wearing an empathy belly? Why even encourage the "wild ride" story?

    If Trig was a surrogate baby, Palin could have just come clean about everything involved and no one would have cared.

  39. Ok, here goes:

    Brisdull is Soooo in luuuuv with Levi that she NEEDS something more than herself to KEEP him.

    A baby. Fantastic plan!

    But, there's a BIIIG problem.

    Not sure what the timeline is here but:

    Brisdull has to find out that she's pregnant-

    Brisdull has to find out that her baby will have DS-

    Brisdull will have to tell SnT that a.) she is pregnant and b.) the baby will have DS.

    Now, I believe that soon after the discovery that the baby had DS, it was "decided" amongst Sarah, Todd, Brisdull and Levi that SnT would "adopt" Trig as their own son (thereby sealing his true parentage).

    The reasons:

    - Sarah could NOT (at. the. time....VERY important stipulation here.) even contemplate telling her Conservative Alaskan constituents that her teenage daughter was pregnant out. of. wedlock.

    You see, not only would it be a tremendous blow to her religious "convictions", but let's not forget, it would have been a HUGE blow to her CAREER! She was promoting an ABSTINENCE ONLY policy in the AK schools.

    [These poor kids were being denied the simple information that could PREVENT PREGNANCY AND DISEASE because of this simple twat (who. was. a. pregnant. teen. holy. shit. the. hypocrisy. but. anyway.)] and her ass-backwards uneducated illusions.

    Not sure what happens; perhaps Levi's eye starts to wander. Perhaps Brisdull tries to "get even" and sleeps with another guy.

    She gets pregnant; regardless of whether or not he's the father, B tell Levi that he is the father and he goes along with it.

    (Why? Again, not sure. Maybe he really didn't think Brisdull could be disgusting enough to lie about something as Big as paternity; perhaps the $$$ agreement had already been composed and signed and Levi was "in step" from then on?)

    So now B is pregnant...AGAIN!! But there's a much bigger problem this time. Scarah is on the SHORT list for the VP slot of the Repub ticket and NOTHING was going to stop her.

    I believe that Scarah came up with the elaborate ruse (but really, those of us "in the know" are quite shocked at the truly PATHETIC ATTEMPT Scarah made to actually. appear. pregnant...right? The lack of padding at the museum? Just. so. lazy.

    But I think it is actually bigger than simple laziness. I think this crazy b!tch really. truly. believed. she was Tapped On The Shoulder By the Lord (Amen!) and there was NOTHING that would stop her. So, like, she didn't really even need to put in effort.

    (Yikes~ sorry for the Novella...)

  40. Anonymous6:41 PM

    6:01 said: "but thanks for judging me."

    You are more than welcome. Any time!

  41. Anonymous6:44 PM

    6:06, it's cute that you think the Palins are "past that petty crap." Maybe Bristol's past it now that no one is putting her on national television to badmouth Levi, but she sure as hell hasn't been past any kind of petty crap where he's concerned, at any point before or during her "book tour."

  42. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Wow, there is one (and only one - how pathetic) persistent Palinbot on this thread. HIlarious. Shouldn't you be trying to become a Killer Whale or something, buddy? Or tuning up your scooter?

  43. Anonymous6:49 PM

    4:31 pm Camera shy

    Bristol the face mutilated pistol has arrived, she always has to get her dig in about Meghan McCain. Poor ugly Brisdull, such a liar and so jealous of all the pretty people.

  44. Anonymous6:50 PM

    6:06-Hi Brisket! Looks like you can't let go of Levi! Give it up, girl and take care of kids!

  45. emrysa6:54 PM

    great job azure ghost! love the pic of todd.

    I don't know why people are trying to say that she looked chunky after the presentation of Tri-G - she wasn't pregnant, so wtf does it matter? refer to the pic of her post partum after piper in her book of lies. THAT'S what the quitter looks like after she gives birth.

  46. Anonymous6:54 PM

    6:06 pm comment - idn about Levi

    Looks like the Bristol bitch is here hating on Levi again; Levi has moved on but fat Bristol with the Kardashian wanna-be face definitely still loves Levi. Bristol is so insanely jealous because Levi doesn't care for her and Bristol is still throwing temper tantrums because she is all left out.

    Hey Bris, get your own fuking blog, you retarded looking moron. Your kids are crying, get off the computer.

  47. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Bristol-go eat another pork chop! Bristol talking about Megan gaining wait on the campaign is the funniest thing ever since Bristol is the ONLY person ever to gain weight while on DWTS (a lot of weight too!). I don't blame you for wanting Mercede's nose! That didn't work out too well for ya though.

  48. PalinsHoax7:14 PM

    AzureGhost, thanks for another superlative poster.

    Will this production of Palin get the "Fishpicker of Alaska" award?

  49. Anonymous7:22 PM

    The Palins are like the $50,000,000.00 dollar lottery winners, that can't handle the money. Within 10 years it will be all gone. they won't have the money to keep their botox and face lifts up. Sarah's look will be gone but what's sad is Bristol face will look like a melting witch. what they have they won't have.

  50. (so sorry, but I forgot to add the OTHER reasons why SnT "adopted" Trig:

    - Trig would get the proper counseling, medical attention and constant care that Sarah and Todd could provide vs. two high-schoolers. (Ha fucking ha.)

    - Bristol and Levi could NEVER afford the "extras" that a DS child requires. (Ha fucking ha, again.)

    -This would allow Levi and Bristol to complete their education. (Ha fuckity ha ha)

    -This pregnancy would show that she and Todd were still a strong marital unit. (ha...oh u get it)

    -Scarah "choosing" life would deify her among the Pro-Lifers.

    -Nothing says youth and vitality more than pregnancy. Getting pregnant requires the sexsy, u betcha. Running around after those toddlers requires energy= youth.

    All of those things worked. for. her "Campaign" to be Viewed as Fresh. Young. Capable. Governor-next-Door.

    It all worked.

    For awhile.

  51. Anonymous7:52 PM

    love LOVE LOOOOOVE the graphic! Thanks Azure Ghost, you're on a roll, and this one, in particular is spot on!

    So glad to see the "judge me" troll return to show proof that Sarah chunked up post partum. The photo with Mecede shows how Sarah's body prepared to nurture a newborn child. It must have been gut thrashing dieting and exercizing to make sure she's presenttable as "The hottest governor from the coldest state" role in the campaign.

    I just find it absurd that she wore a strap on to fake the pregnancy. The new photo clearly shows the square outline.

    Thanks for the laughs, can you do one called "Twin peaks" for the water bra and the new newsweek photo spread? please?

  52. Anonymous7:57 PM

    To Anon at 3:17: So you think they changed the format at C$P from the Quitter gazing at the WH to just a bland banner to prep their bots for the worst possible news--the Quitter's quittin'? That seems to be the meme over there the last few days: "Now, don't go to Iowa expectin' Sarah to announce or anything--this is all about the Tea Party, and Sarah is much much too humble to make this event about her." Yep, the Quitter's quit running. Now she's just hiding.

  53. @6:01pm

    Um, I believe that Sarah Palin's oldest daughter actually gained quite a bit more weight during the campaign than John & Cindy McCain's daughter, Meghan. I guess Brisket had a good excuse though, since she was in her second pregnancy. Or was it her third?

  54. Anonymous8:24 PM

    The palin fairybot loves to start her posts with "idk." Whenever she does it means she's pretending to be one of us. The palin fairybot is a shitty actress. Is the palin fairybot a failed thespian currently or formerly from Brooklyn?

  55. Anonymous8:52 PM

    The Phila Zoo pic is puzzling.

    It looks like Sister Sarah gained a bunch of weight after Trig was presented (compare the size of her legs in the zoo pic to her slim legs in the pic where she's leaning over Mercede and Ruffles/"Trig").

    Sister Sarah seems to have food issues, as so many people do. I think she gained weight from stress over that summer, forcing her to crash diet leading up to when she was tapped for vp. The zoo picture was taken on July 2008. McCain announced her as vp in August.

  56. Anonymous8:54 PM

  57. Excellent, Azure Ghost! Right up there with Shepard Fairey and Banksy. High praise. Can't wait for the next one. Maybe "NOT Knocked Up?" "A Botox Face in the Crowd?""Citizen Lame?"

  58. justafarmer9:52 PM

    AzureGhost is a genius!

  59. JayKen Knotstirred9:55 PM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick Question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?

  60. GBIllinois10:42 PM

    Todd looks amazingly like Alfred E. Newman.

    Also,too, Welcome back JayKen Knotstirred!! We missed you!!

  61. Anonymous11:15 PM

    What hurts him: the Palins have moved forward and are past that petty crap. Levi obviously is trying to still milk a dead cow. He is irrelevant. It sucks but its the truth. He needs to start growing up.


    Hahahahaha. Uh, didn't you read Bristol's book? You know, the one where she publicly trashed Levi, the father of her son? Past the pettiness, my a$$. Nice try on the preemptive strike on Levi's book. Can't wait to get it on my kindle!

  62. Anonymous3:30 AM

    @6:06 PM, Hi Bristol!

    Yeah right, the Palin's have moved on. Like hell they have. And Levi needs to grow up? No, toots, you need to grow up.

  63. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Individual pictures can be misleading, which is why looking at the overall "trend" is important.

    I agree - she looks "chunky" in the zoo picture. Now Google Sarah Palin Kuwait July 2008. She was absolutely lean as a rail in many of these, slim hipped and (it appears in some) wearing the fake boobies she likes to strap on from time to time. But she is undeniably very thin.

    The zoo pic I think is a fluke. Whether it's the angle or what I don't know? But there are pix of her in May also looking very thin... no baby-weight at all.

  64. Picture on a Milk Carton5:19 AM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick Question, Where's Trig?

  65. Agree with @DKey 9:05 pm, who should collaborate with @AzureGhost on future Palin posters. ROTFL at DKey's titles.

    Looks like Azure Ghost's posters will be in high demand next month, with McGinniss' book and Broomfield's documentary both being released, just as the 2012 GOP campaigns really kick off (with Labor Day as traditional starting date).

  66. Anonymous5:28 AM

    My pediatrician said to not even take my child to CHURCH for fear of catching something.

  67. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Remember, everything - EVERYTHING - big happens in August.

    Check the history books.

    Check your newspapers.

    Something big is about to happen.

  68. London Bridges5:37 AM

    Wasn't Sarah quoted somewhere about going to see Juno with Todd?

  69. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Ooo, "you're just jealous" and "don't judge people you don't know"
    is spending an awful lot of time here.
    Hey, "thanks for judging me", you need to get past junior high if you want to spar with adults.

  70. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I am off-line & so cannot access the zoo pic of saree & some children. When I first & subsequently viewed it -- a year ago? ...longer than that? -- I had a few questions I recall from when I did see it:

    * because saree's thighs are so huge, I wondered if a different baby (not Trig but Piper) is being carried in the sash holding a baby, indicating a photo taken much earlier. Since I can't now view the shot, no way to confirm it is not Piper on the right side.

    * when it was first posted on a blog (maybe PD), a commenter said one of the girls on the left was a cousin not a daughter -- is it Willow on the right?

    * indeed, because of thick thighs,I even considered that perhaps saree's head was 'shopped onto a photo of another woman!

    * not proof of anything, but I do recall the sash thing-y is pale pink (more girly, less Trig-gy)

    I confess that, to me, this photo has always seemed very staged & phony.

  71. Anonymous said...
    ...He's too jaded to trust anymore. He's proven he's all about fame and his only claim to anything is spectacle and drama.

    What hurts him: the Palins have moved forward and are past that petty crap. Levi obviously is trying to still milk a dead cow. He is irrelevant. It sucks but its the truth. He needs to start growing up.
    6:06 PM
    Exactly what kind of drugs are you on? Those two paragraphs are the exact opposite of the truth. Here, I'll correct them for you, while you prance around in "Mirrorland."

    ...She's too jaded to trust anymore. She's proven she's all about fame and her only claim to anything is spectacle and drama.

    What hurts her: Levi has moved forward and is past that petty crap. Bristol obviously is trying to still milk a dead cow. She is irrelevant. It sucks but its the truth. She needs to start growing up.

    More accurate, wouldn't you say? After all, it was Bristol running all over to every camera and microphone that she could find, yammering intimate details of her sex life, criticizing and bad-mouthing people, and worst of all, demonizing the father of her child.

    Spectacle and drama and general nastiness and low class antics? That would be Bristol and the rest of her trailer trash family, dear.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.