Thursday, August 04, 2011

Have you ever wondered why Teabaggers remind you of Civil War Reenactors?

Courtesy of Salon:

The Tea Party movement takes its name from the Boston Tea Party of 1773, when American patriots dumped British tea into Boston Harbor to protest British imperial power. But while New England was the center of resistance to the British empire, there are few New Englanders to be found in today's Tea Party movement. It should be called the Fort Sumter movement, after the Southern attack on the federal garrison in Fort Sumter in South Carolina on April 12-13, 1861, that began the Civil War. Today's Tea Party movement is merely the latest of a series of attacks on American democracy by the white Southern minority, which for more than two centuries has not hesitated to paralyze, sabotage or, in the case of the Civil War, destroy American democracy in order to get their way.

The mainstream media have completely missed the story, by portraying the Tea Party movement in ideological rather than regional terms. Whether by accident or design, the public faces of the Tea Party in the House are Midwesterners -- Minnesota's Michele Bachmann and Joe Walsh of Illinois. But while there may be Tea Party sympathizers throughout the country, in the House of Representatives the Tea Party faction that has used the debt ceiling issue to plunge the nation into crisis is overwhelmingly Southern in its origins:

The four states with the most Tea Party representatives in Congress are all former members of the Confederate States of America.

Well that certainly explains the rampant racism, fundamentalism, and attempts to destroy the country.

Essentially the election of a black President seems to have reignited a covert Civil War, which is being waged by individuals who could care less if the country is destroyed in the process because they do not recognize its legitimacy anyhow.

Okay, NOW can we call them terrorists?


  1. angela4:04 AM

    No surprise here. . . .
    The media misses the story because they have been spoon fed their direction from their bosses.

  2. Anonymous4:06 AM

    This explains so much. With their lack of knowledge regarding American history, it isn't at all surprising that tea baggers don't know the difference between the American Revolution and the Civil War. They have looked and acted like rebels from the beginning.

  3. Anonymous4:47 AM

    What I will never understand is why this "tail" of a group that is a minority of all Americans is wagging the "dog" that is the rest of us.

  4. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Hi, half term governor.

    Quick question, do you buy your water bras and wigs at the same Walmart?

    Note: I love the quick questions to the half term governor. Thanks for the original idea.


  5. Anonymous4:49 AM

    I'm no fan of the small minded tea baggers in the GOP but I also give credit where it's due.

    So should you.

    Good for Gov. Christie on this one.

  6. Anonymous4:54 AM

    I'm so tired of all the crap. It's time for people who give a damn to stand up and speak sanity to the crazy, realizing the crazy won't change, but the act of speaking sanity to the crazy may/must/will hopefully encourage other sane people to stand up too.

    It's time for the adults to come home and stop the children from trashing the house with the unsanctioned party they decided to throw.

  7. AJ Billings4:59 AM

    Reading on the C4P site today is really sad, they are literally worshiping $Palin as though she's a goddess.

    The word on the street is a letter that cautions the Pbots to not expect an announcement that she's running at Waukee.

    That's right $arah, too chicken to get in the race, work hard for campaign? Much easier to grift
    money from $arah$Pac, and pretend you're serious.

    The Tparty types going to her Waukee camp meeting are literally quoting bible verses that she's righteously going to restore Christian states of America

    Delusion Central, all aboard!

  8. Harold Meyerson wrote in the Washington Post:

    The Republicans, that is, have embraced market libertarianism at the very moment that America’s market capitalism is functioning worse than at any time since the Great Depression. Their timing is so perverse that we have to seek explanations for their radicalism that go beyond those of economic philosophy.

    Republicans, to be sure, have long waged a war on government, but only now has it become an apocalyptic and total war. At its root, I suspect, is the fear and loathing that rank-and-file right-wingers feel toward what their government, and their nation, is inexorably becoming: multiracial, multicultural, cosmopolitan and now headed by a president who personifies those qualities. That America is also downwardly mobile is a challenge for us all, but for the right, the anxiety our economy understandably evokes is augmented by the politics of racial resentment and the fury that the country is no longer only theirs. That’s not a country whose government they want to pay for — and if the apocalypse befalls us, they seem to have concluded, so much the better.

  9. We need a leader to fight the baggers. If there is one in this group, please step forward and get us organized.

    How about a blizzard of letters to the White House? Any other suggestions?

    The audience is here - we need a leader.

  10. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Of course it's ok to call them terrorists. Taking hostages is a terrorist tactic so they are hostages.

  11. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Off topic, but I thought this was interesting. She does not look well in this picture, unkempt, messy and depressed.

  12. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Teabaggers are terrorists and racists who hate America.

  13. I guess the MSM is afraid the South is gonna do it again!
    So it's best not to them, the thinking goes, or so it seems.

    The MSM hates being labeled liberal, and fears Southern backlash, or the lash in general.
    Also, so much of it is centered in NY - except CNN, Ted Turner's legacy.
    Now, Ted was once quite the redneck; no longer is he that.
    See, Turner owns the most private land in the USA- and it made him an environmentalist.

    It's frustrating when the MSM ignores the obvious- look how they salivate over Sarah.
    They ignore the fact the her race is run, and they are now in a symbiotic relationship with her- if they stopped following her, she would be desperate for attention, and might even make news finally!

  14. Anonymous5:24 AM

    The Tea Party was not about British Imperial power. It was a protest against Corporate tax breaks and monopolies (British East India Company).

  15. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Yes Sir, TERRORISTS with capitol letters. While President Obama is their prime target they are trying to take over everthing from state to federal.The media always gets it when its too late.We have to work hard to keep asking questions and keep these people from office.People power must fight back this cooperate power or this country is doomed.

  16. It occurred to me as the Republicans used economic terror tactics to bring the nation to the brink of disaster, that the GOP has become the party of the new Confederacy, a replay of the old one.

    I think you're right on target, Gryphen.

  17. Anonymous5:39 AM

    OT. The beginning of the end at Fox News.

  18. Nancy In New York5:50 AM

    Let's review the Teabagger Brigade (just in the past week)
    1. Pat Buchanan referred to the President as "your boy."

    2. Teabagger congressman referred to the President as "tar baby."

    3. Bitch Palin still referring to the President as "pallin' around with domestic terrorists."

    Nope, no racism there.

    The tea maniacs want to turn the clock back to the 1800's. Before 1865, of course.

  19. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Sad, strange little baggernuts. They really think they'll have a seat at the table of power if their little utopia (dystopia?) comes to fruition.

    These $15,000 a year, barely eeking out an existence folks really think their rich, power-hungry backers will take care of them if they get into power. Nope, the rich will continue to look out for their other 7+ figure buddies. The angry-for-no-reason crowd will be left to sit back and wonder went wrong as they fight for scraps of food with the other poor people.

  20. It's like children trying to burn down their house b/c their parents told them to eat all their vegetables.

  21. Anonymous6:31 AM

    They are no more terrorists than far left idiots who are equally violent. I don't see you writing about these people? Why do they not make headlines? Oh, that's right. The MSM is in the lefts pocket.

  22. Anonymous6:38 AM

    I've always known that racism was at the core of the teabagger movement, but this post really closed the loop on the whole thing: the first black President has re-ignited the Civil War.

  23. Anonymous6:38 AM

    As an ex-pat Southerner I feel saddened and a little bit angry--not all Southerners are full of, "rampant racism, fundamentalism, and attempts to destroy the country". I am NOT denying there is a predominance of those things in the South. Likewise, I'm a Christian and I am saddened by the NAR and fundamentalist side but that doesn't mean we are all like that. I'll bet there are plenty of Southerners reading this blog who would appreciate acknowledgment for resisting these forces.

  24. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Read Confederates in the Attic if you have any illusions that they aren't still fighting the Civil War.

    This is all about that little fight.

  25. Also, too...


  26. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Yes, we can call them terrorists and if anyone had to live in the American south today, as I do, you would see an outpouring of racist thought and behavior. It is slowly changing but not quickly enough. Many of the children of even the more liberal factions of Southern society, for one, the Jews in the south, are brought up to be and still are very very racist. It's quite sad. I am spending my summer in Colorado and it feels better here, but not much.
    I think i will be anonymous on this post.

    Oh, and Happy Birthday President Obama. I hope he has a good day.

  27. Anonymous6:42 AM

    In answer to your question, Gryph?


    Obama 2012

  28. Anonymous6:51 AM

    No offense Angela but the reason fails to report important moments (from the right and left) is because its too entralled with the inside my obamas rectum.

    Why does no one call out the presidents lies, past dark affiliations and lack of leadership?

    Its time to stop blaming the past and start holding these ppl in DC accountable. Just because the debt ceiling was raised many times doesn't mean the tradition should continue. Obama voted against the raise in 06. Where's that man now? Obama is an empty suit for the left. He is sarah palin. Like it or not. He doesn't broach the topic of race because he counts on race baiting to hele him make the right appear racist, even when most of them are not.

    Put race aside and the world is still unequal. Women will continue to be denigrated. We need sarah palin to fight the cocky men who lead with their cocks. Things haven't changed for women because women are regressing back to the old ways. Michelle, Sarah, Pelosi, Hillary are good examples of women who don't take mens shit. I work in my local govt. I see nepotism and sexism everyday. I only have an AA yet have more accomplishments than my Stanford grad coworker. And that is because I don't live off other people. I construct my own path via my own means.

    So fuck these moronic, elitest, my-daddy-got-me-my-cushy-office job ingrates.

    We need real, hardworking people. We need not to denounce people for stupuid reasons such as college choice or life choice.

    Like it or not, Gryphen and many of thw commenters here are so narrowminded and full of koolaid that they don't realize everything they accuse the far righties of, they themselves are equally guilty.

    1. Yes the govt gives us infrastructure and utilities to grow as people
    2. But they have for decades, long before most of these insane and growing numbers of specific taxes existed.

    We as a nation are becoming too spoiled. Too lazy. Progressives are destroying the natural world with mindless and pointless innovation. People, to me, seem to be happiest when engaging in old pasttimes. Look at the palins, since their lives are of interest. I've never seen them happier than when theyrecamping as a family. Bristol, kyle, his bro, her cousins were beaming after a muddin expedition. They were covered in dirt and couldn't have looked happier. Seeing kids happy is what makes a parents life complete. Constantly laughing, despite lifes problems, is the best medicine.

    At the end of your life. What dp you envision as you sit in your bed thinking back on your years? Do you see countless gadgets, do you imagine yourself riding the rails to get to your destination fastest, do you see yourself when you once spent your days bogged down in petty blogs that mean nothing?

    Or do you see you family surrounding you, telling you its time, that you can leave peacefully. Do you remember that one road trip you took with your father just before yoy embarked on another great life adventure. Do you now laugh at that ridiculous high school relationship that then was everything to you, but really just a way to pass the time.

    Life is family and fun times you and your loved ones create.

    Whether you choose this or a life consisting of endless ridicule directed at people you don't know, its up to you not me.

    I choose happiness, not hate. Can you say the same?

  29. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Things don't change without revolutions. The tea party, as well as most intelligent Americans, arejust combatting what the suits in DC are attempting to convert the country to, a welfare nation dependent on govt services. It should be telling to you that immigrants (illegal or not) can come here, start a business and live happily, yet you all bitch about how better life is elsewherean that you have nothing but govt checks to live on.

    I pity you that you don't know what happiness is. Even when sarah and her family scraped by, they lived happily and didn't make excuses or blame others. Sarah is an enviable person. She has old friends. She makes new friends. She has a wonderful, fun family, she has strong kids, she has a loving husband, countless people wish they could be part of the family. Do you all, secretly, wish that too?

  30. Nancy In New York7:08 AM

    Hey anon (Sarah) 6:31

    Liberals aren't the ones who are crying about their 'second amendment remedies' while putting politicians districts in the crosshairs (oops, i meant surveyor symbols) like the teabag brigade.

    And as far as the Mainstream media bullshit you teabaggers love to cry about so much, isn't having a propaganda network of your own (Fox) jammed so far up the Republican party's ass enough for you?

  31. Beldar Conehead7:15 AM

    On this special day when even malodorous teabaggers set aside their automatic weapons, racism, anger, stoopidity and hatred to join the sane citizens of America in wishing our NEGRO (that really galls you baggers, doesnt it....) president a very happy 50th birthday.

    Happy Birthday, Mr. President!

  32. Anonymous7:21 AM

    If you want to make generalizations about red states vs. blue states, or places which have the highest percentage of teabaggers, then you should consider some other statistics about the southeastern states, the ones that were part of the confederacy.

    They have the highest percentage of overweight people, the highest percentage of people with diabetes, and a lower percentage of education. That part of the country was also referred to as The Bible Belt.

    If you look at the history of the Confederacy, they wanted to separate themselves from the United States and the main issue was slavery. Their plantation system depended on slave labor, while the North was beginning to industrialize and was becoming much richer. To give you an idea of how important slaves were, 80% of the cotton imported by England in the early 1800's came from the Southern United States.

    They do not call it The Civil War or The War Between the States. Now, it is called the War of Northern Aggression, even though the South fired the first shots at Fort Sumter. It was South Carolina that voted to secede from the Union a month after Abraham Lincoln was elected. This should remind us of Rick Perry's talk about seceding (and what, forming his own independent country? returning to Mexico?) or the Alaska Independence Party (and what, form their own country? return to Russia?). Yes, the teabaggers have more in common with the Confederates than the original Boston Patriots.

  33. Anonymous7:31 AM

    @ 5:24 "Taxation without representation." American colonists did not have representation in Parliament. There were British colonies that were represented in Parliament, the colonies that England in the Caribbean, producing sugar. The absentee plantation owners bought small districts in England called rotten boroughs, where they made sure that their own representative was elected to Parliament.

    The reason for the sugar and molasses taxes was to protect those sugar interests. The colonists in Boston bought cheap sugar byproducts from the French colonies, and turned them into rum. Rum was traded in Africa for slaves, and a triangle of trade made Boston a wealthy colony. The British sugar interests insisted that the American colonists be taxed. The tea was just the straw that broke the camel's back. Stir in occupying troops and abusive treatment, and you have a formula for revolution. At that time, any colonist revolting against the British would have been declared a traitor to the Crown and killed. Today's teabaggers talk a good game, but I doubt that they are prepared to die for their misguided cause. All they want to do is obstruct. And if you really want to have it spelled out, the photos of the teabaggers show a crowd of white people, who won't admit that they have a real problem accepting Barack Obama, a person of mixed race, as their president. (Do I really have to spell it out and say that they are racist?)

  34. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Anonymous said...
    In answer to your question, Gryph?


    Obama 2012

    Are you kidding me? We have to try to get something better than Obama. I'm tired of people apologizing for him. He caved in to the Republicans and has been out played by them.

  35. Beldar Obama2012 Conehead7:51 AM

    @Granny Lulu 651am

    Most of your post is nonsensical gibberish. But this paragraph was clear:

    "Sarah is an enviable person. She has old friends. She makes new friends. She has a wonderful, fun family, she has strong kids, she has a loving husband, countless people wish they could be part of the family."

    And in typical bot fashion, not one single statement in this paragraph is true. She's a mercenary, insecure, hateful, incurious, ill-informed, ill-equipped, inarticulate fraud.

    But, seriously, enough of you.

    Will you join me in a non-partisan moment to wish our President a very happy 50th birthday?

    No, I didnt think so.

  36. Anonymous7:52 AM

    It has always been crystal clear to me that they are the people who love SP and the tea party. They have been living in the past for the last 140 years or so. I don't understand it and I never will.

    It is unbelievable that these people just continue to teach their hatred and ignorance to their children. I am glad that I haven't done this. I want the world to be a better place but I guess they don't.

    I kind of see them like SP. She lived in a small community and did not get out until after she graduated from high school. She never got a sense of the world outside her growing up. She gravitated to colleges that she was comfortable at. She never went out of the country and met other people who are just like us.

    These people see everything in black & white. They don't realize that most everyone wants the same things regardless of their origin, color or religion (or lack thereof). They live in fear of everyone without even really knowing why. It is sad.

  37. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Very important and mostly overlooked significant piece of that historical event: the colonist "Patriots" threw their Native American allies under the bus.

    They staged an act of treason. Dressed as Indians, so the action would be blamed on area Indians - the Mohawk and Narragansett tribes.

    They tried to load up their pockets with tea for personal use, on their way out.
    Huh. And that means they are great heroes and brave rebels fighting against oppression.
    Uh huh. That's great.

    Even if everything about this movement was absolutely perfect philosophically, from the very beginning, it was based on deceit and cowardice at its core.

  38. Anonymous8:02 AM

    @6:51 & 6:57 - You are insane, and all you ever offer are false equivalencies Please stop coming here with your projected fantasies, illogical rants, and fairy tales. Everyone skips over you. You're especially stupid. You must be old and white. You sorely lack an education; that shows with every illiterate post of yours. I wish you shame for the racist comments you write here. (And I'm sure you can't even see the racism in your remarks, right?)

  39. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Happy Birthday, President Obama!!

  40. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Dumbasses! Why are they dressing up as Confederate soldiers?!
    They should be wearing warpaint and feathers, deerskin, war bonnets - dressed as North American First Peoples.

  41. To anonymous 6:51 a.m.

    Yes, I choose happiness over hate. I also choose facts over fantasy. Your post is disjointed and rambling, but rather than take it down point by point, I'm going to single out just a couple of your most egregious claims, e.g., Obama "is Sarah Palin." What parallel universe do you inhabit? Bizarro world of the Superman comics, where everything is the opposite of reality?

    Regular IM readers comprise a shrewd group who are well-informed on issues and who practice critical thinking. And guess what, we have good times with our families, in a loving way. None of my five children ever thought it was funny to push a younger sibling's face into her birthday cake. My children aren't homophobic, and they don't make references to giving the public a "big middle finger" when they've been fairly outclassed in a competition. And amazingly, all of my grandchildren were conceived in the holy state of matrimony and were welcomed by loving mothers and fathers. No nasty feuding, name-calling, or implications of date-rape. Amazing, isn't it?

    I could go on, but it would be redundant. You laid an egg here, troll.

  42. I was born in south Fla. in '65 and moved to Ga. in the late 70's. Finally left the South in '96. I'd have left sooner if I had had the chance.

    As soon as this "tea party" raised it ugly head I recognized it for what it is - a bunch of racist, civil war (the South can rise again!) loving retards.

  43. Enjay in E MT8:37 AM

    An "Aha moment"

    When you realize just HOW FAR BACK the TEA party wants to take the country.

    Not just to the 1960's when abortion was illegal and blacks didn't have any rights.

    Not the 50's when divorce was bad, women stayed at home & had babies.

    Nor the 40's when there was prosperity across the country.

    Or the 1900's when women couldn't vote.

    But all the way back to the mid-1800's when WHITE MEN RULED, slavery was fashionable and the South hadn't lost the Civil War.


  44. Anonymous 6:51

    You do not sound happy. You sound like a pig and I am disgusted that you consider yourself a human being. You are a pitiful excuse for an American. In the scope of things it is amazing to me that we are so lucky to have Barack Obama as our president with people like you around. You talk about hate....!? Your post is full of it.

  45. Anonymous8:58 AM

    @ n6:51 a.m.

    You fucking stupid, moronic, mealy- mouthed weasel, assinine, motherfucking Koch-sucking. Limpball listening douchebag,I hope your day includes major traffic jams in a car with no a/c, a water bottle filled form a polluted a stream, an encounter with fire-ants, and killer bees - and BTW, how's that Cargill turkeyburger treatin' ya? And that's before you get fired from your minimum wage RTWstate job, and your 15 y o tells you you're gonna be a grandmaw or paw agin' to your brother Fredddie's next child.

    There, that about covers it.

  46. Anonymous9:02 AM

    "We as a nation are becoming too spoiled. Too lazy. Progressives are destroying the natural world with mindless and pointless innovation. People, to me, seem to be happiest when engaging in old pasttimes. Look at the palins, since their lives are of interest. I've never seen them happier than when theyrecamping as a family. Bristol, kyle, his bro, her cousins were beaming after a muddin expedition."

    More frm history illiterste - that you $carah? - @ 6:51.

    And 4x4 trucks aren't an environment destroying innovations? According to you , you dumbfuck, Paul Revere rode in a 4x4 when he warned the British.

  47. Anonymous9:08 AM

    And again to Stupidfuck@6:57 who wrote:

    "At the end of your life. What dp you envision as you sit in your bed thinking back on your years? Do you see countless gadgets, do you imagine yourself riding the rails to get to your destination fastest, do you see yourself when you once spent your days bogged down in petty blogs that mean nothing?"

    It's on record that they couldn't pry $carah's Blackberry out of her hand to pay attention at meetings about the business of teh state when she was governor. Both she and Bristol have been photographed almost dropping babies because they couldn't put down their Blackberries. Other photos show them totally ignoring real people and each other in order to use their Blackberries. But IOKIYAR, huh Asshole?

  48. Gasman9:28 AM

    The teabaggers are simply the remnants of the 40 year distillation of the GOP's far right wing base via "The Southern Strategy," anti abortion hysteria, anti immigrant xenophobia, homophobia, religious bigotry, and fear mongering over liberalism, humanism, atheism and any other unfamiliar idea or concept the antedates the second century C.E.

    These cousin humping theocrats fear ideas which are unfamiliar to their tiny little minds - i.e., anything that is based upon facts and not religious superstition, racial bigotry, or their absolute belief in their superiority in all things. These fuckers are as arrogant as they are ignorant, and that admixture is very dangerous. When you have declared yourself to be on God's side, why then, anything you do to one of your foes is something done to God's foes and who cares about God's enemies? God's allies are wholly sanctified in any act of dishonesty, deception, or even violence if their actions are in service of God's Plan, and since they alone are in a position to know what God's Plan is, they conveniently always seem to be doing God's Holy Work.

    Tying this thread to yesterday's discussion of Matt Damon's defense of teachers, I heard a program today on our local NPR station that neatly ties the teabaggers' culture wars to the battle of the fundagelicals trying to seize control over the education system.

    "The Great Textbook War" tells the story of what might well be the beginning of all of these threads - education, the rise of the Christian Talibangelicals, and right wing political groups like the Heritage Foundation.

    It is a frightening tale about the battle which erupted in Charleston, WV over the seemingly innocuous decision in 1974 as to what new textbooks would be approved by the local school board. The choice became mired in the politics of race, religion, and the battle between intractably obdurate ignorance and the concept of critical thought.

    I was dumbfounded to hear people in the 21st century who STILL want to fight for the teaching of 1st century religious superstition over that of indisputable facts. One of the main protagonists characterized the battle over education as mortal combat between Satan and his band of demons and the forces of God. Guess which side she saw herself on? As she sang "Onward Christian Soldiers" you could just hear her rationalization of any and all tactics that she and her fellow warriors of God employed against her opponents - the minions of Satan. When you are utterly right, then you are utterly justified, no matter what you do.

    The situation in WV descended into violence with the after hours bombing of a first grade classroom, shots fired at school busses, school board members physically assaulted during official public meetings, and the thwarted plans to car bomb supporters of the "Dirty Books." The Forces of God were apparently sanctified and justified even if it meant murdering those with whom they disagreed over the choice of which fucking textbooks they endorsed. Onward Christian Soldiers indeed.

    These same people ARE today's teabaggers. They are ignorance, superstition, and bigotry personified. I highly recommend listening to the 2009 program. It is just as timely today as it was when it was produced. It sheds light on just how stupid and arrogant these people were and are. You can listen to it online or download it as a podcast.

  49. Anonymous10:19 AM

    The numbers don't lie. These are all just Southern racists. And even in the West, you're talking the Old South that migrated to parts of CA for farming.

    Truly, I wish they would have removed themselves from the Union. They cost more than they contribute and they have done nothing but cause harm to the country.

  50. Anonymous10:22 AM

    How many times have we heard

    "We need to take our country back!"

    These ignorant racist Southerners really do think they are fighting the Civil War.

  51. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I just love these Sarah Palin defenders who talk about how Sarah Palin "scraped by", never acknowledging that her house looks like the Wasilla Sports Complex, which she conveniently built after her backstabbing campaign to become mayor.

  52. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I think those civil war reenactors should show some balls and use live ammo.

  53. SHP *is* Special needs!!11:36 AM

    It looks like Sarah forgot to donate to any political causes (since it's all about Queen Esther, you betcha!), so she just directed one of her lackeys to throw some money their way at the last minute.

    That kind of reminds me of the way she supported Speeecial Neeeeeeeds as an afterthought with her measly $1000.....

    "Oh doggone it, I forgot I took in that flippin' annoying special needs kid....WTF is his name again anyway, Piper? Twig?...Trig, right. I'd better write a check and pretend I care for 5 minutes."


  54. Anonymous1:41 PM

    To AJ Billings about the Sarah worshippers at C$P: I've never seen anything like it. No politician alive has ever had such a cult of fanatics who've absolutely mytholigized (if that's a word) this crazy wretch who mangles the English language every time she screeches. It's downright creepy.

  55. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Oh god. I think 6:31 is my Amway-Independent-Business-Owner-"fake it 'til ya make it"-with-Other-People's-Money-'Have I told you how I'm in love with Jesus!', brother.
    Oh yeah. Same Upline as Sarah and Todd. WWJD and GAP! (God Answers Prayers)

    I wish a blogger would follow THAT "Christian" money trail - it leads to Michigan. That's really who feeds the Sarah Palin machine. Pat Buchanan is one of 'em.

    Rich DeVos, Jay Van Andel, and the Heritage Foundation cronies.

  56. Caroline Jumper4:34 PM

    Black voters in Alabama redistricted their state decades ago. Here in California, where Anglos are all polite and educated, there was trouble with that redistricting concept not so long ago. Uppity Hispanics! What do they think they are, Black or something?

    Aren't you glad we have the South to point at so we can feel good about ourselves?

    If you are Black or Hispanic woman and work for a living, you make almost as much as white men in Atlanta or Dallas. Birmingham is coming up in the stats too.

    Yes, but let's get back to talking about the Civil War, and I'll keep patting you on the back, OK?

    Caroline Jumper
    San Jose

  57. FloridaDem4:58 PM

    Shout-out to Gryphen and Gassman, for their posts/comments.

  58. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I've been calling them terrorists and racists all along.
    While I do understand there is an educational aspect to a lot of legitimate re-enactment venues, like Williamsburgh Virginia, and Independence Mall in Philadelphia, much of the re-enactment take poetic license and factual inaccuracies to promote history.
    The Tea Party in Boston wasn't the "Taxed Enough Already" tea party of today, but for some reason, people believe a lie if it's repeated enough.

  59. Anonymous7:02 AM

    "When someone in a Hoveround yells about getting government out of their lives you know they are not too swift." That is hilarious!!!
    I've started telling my right leaning family members that they can't complain unless they vote. So my 50yr old brother voted for the first time in 2010 and who wins Ted's Senate seat? None other than Scott Brown. Sheesh should have kept my mouth shut!! He was throwing around the "Death Panel" thing too and my husband and I laughed our a##es off at him and said "that's not true" and he just shut up. You know he'll be in line to collect his SS check when the time comes, and then complain about entitlements. I can't believe I'm related to that person.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.