Thursday, August 04, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell helps to identify Mike Huckabee as a 9-11 profiteer, and a crappy history teacher.

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Personally I believe that ANY parent that subjects their child to these insultingly inaccurate "history" lessons should be charged with child abuse.

I love how O'Donnell ponders whether or not Huckabee will identify the religion of EVERY historical figure that's discussed in the tapes. I think I already know the answer to that one.


  1. Linda19612:28 AM

    Can we just say that Huckabee is crap?

    I found the video unintentionally funny, but it isn't for children. You're right, exposing children to that crap is child abuse.

  2. Anonymous3:09 AM

    It is telling that both Huckabee and the half term governor began their political careers as religious fundamentalists and once they became wealthy the religious lifestyle is left behind and money is their primary concern


  3. Beldar Conehead3:34 AM

    I don't heart Huckabee.

    O/T: Happy 50th, Mr. President!

  4. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Lawrence is wrong about Rudy...Rudy lost the right to gloat about 911 when he later claimed the no terrorist attacks occurred in the USA under Bush.

    Here's how I always see f-wit Huckabee.

  5. JayKen Allover3:46 AM

    Hi Sarah!

    Quick Question.

    What ever happened to ruffles?

  6. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Lol, keep up the good work JayKen Allover. I'm sure you must infuriate The Farter from Wasilla! :)

  7. LOD is quickly moving into Murrow territory with his scathing take-downs of these dangerous people. Yes they are as dangerous as Joe McCarthy was in the 1950s when he went after the "commies." Same shit; different group. Look how quickly FAX Noise jumped on the Norway attack and pinned it on the Muslims. Same was true in Oklahoma City; early arrests of Muslims took place before McVeigh was caught.
    I hate to bring up that evil leader in Germany during WWII, but this kind of propaganda proceeded the Holocaust. The Jews were blamed for all the ills of Germany. And we all know what happened to them.
    If people like Huckabee had their way, there would be no immigration and Muslims would soon find themselves in "camps."

    Happy Birthday, Mr. President!

  8. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Putting this link here, as can't find another place to put it...Faux News people copping on air to pulling punches with "co-worker" Sarah Palin...

  9. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Forget Huckabee and his propaganda 9/11 cartoon (about as accurate as the 9/11 Commission Report). Don’t waste your hard-earned money, instead read a BANNED 9/11 book like “America Deceived II” by a real rebel and the “World’s Most Hated Author”, E.A. Blayre III.
    Last link (before Google Books bans it also]:

  10. Beldar Stewie Conehead7:26 AM

    I think Lois Gryphen figured this conservative 9/11 racket out a while back...

    O/T: Happy Birthday, Mr. President!

  11. Anonymous7:42 AM

    A "christian" minister pedaling hate and fear to children. Huckabee has sunk to new lows.

  12. deebee8:03 AM

    Here's an antidote for the Hustlebee's hijacked history: just one of 53 history videos created created by my daughter's high school history teacher ----

  13. ibwilliamsi8:36 AM

    Yes, Mike. Cut funding to schools, teach to a test, then cite that the students can't ask questions on a DIFFERENT test and insist that only YOU can teach them history. NOT!

  14. Anonymous11:07 AM

    It's more than him being a 911 profiteer, and it's more than 7 year olds he's trying to push it on. His "history" DVDs are part of the attempt to rewrite American history that the Right Wing crowd has been busy doing for 20-30 years. The Huckster's just cashing in on a profitable market. The fundie evangelical homeschooling crowd will eat this sh*t up.

  15. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Why does everyone have a southern accent in this cartoon?

  16. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I've heard Mike Huckabee through the years - radio clips, etc. and he always creeps me out. Another 'christian' that is in no way 'christian' in his doings. I've heard him actually lie on the radio about President Obama's particular position on something and it just irritates the hell out of me.

    He would make a horrible president of the US!

  17. And I'm betting the teabagging home schoolers are going to flock to buy this crap.

    As soon as Sarah endorses them, her bots will too.

    Because that's what the ignorant do.

  18. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Absolutely agree, this garbage is child abuse, the 700 club is a fraud, and profiting off of 9-11, by anyone, especially under the guise of religion, is sickening.

    I cringed everytime shrub and cheyney used the term "the lessons of 9/11" to jusify their crusade agenda, and I shudder to think that people will actually buy this bullshit and brainwash their kids with non factual revisionist history.

    Crystal Sage, I totally agree. LOD is filling a much needed void, and he's getting better at it with every show.


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