Monday, August 15, 2011

Interesting analysis of the top three GOP frontrunners and Rick Perry's chances of emerging victorious.

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I don't watch Chris Matthews very often anymore, but I caught this one today and I was caught somewhat off guard by Jennifer Donahue's predictions concerning these three GOP hopefuls.

I am not sure if she is right, but she makes a very compelling case.

I am interested in what all of you think.


  1. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I saw this show and I found it interesting that she was meeting with a top GOP backer today before the show....I think her comments were tainted.

    But I do believe that Perry has to be outed in more ways than one,snake oil sales man,plus look at that swagger. I live in Texas and will not vote for him.

    Already he is spewing that nasty birther/tea brew.

    I also believe that he will use Palin (paid$$) to play the race card.

  2. I have been watching msnbc all night to get their take on Perry and Bachmann's win at the straw poll. As the night progressed, found myself in a state of agitation because I am realizing that Perry will be running against Obama. His little prayer meeting a few Saturdays ago was a shout out to the religious right.Now, who is he going to pick for his running mate? Palin or Bachmann? My money is on Bachmann just because she could be his surrogate WH wife and partner.
    This is going to get really ugly and really soon. I wish I had the means to go away, far,far away from the madness. But, we must fight back, we must be the ones because it is not the President's style.
    Thanks for the earlier article about the President. He deserves a lot of credit for staying calm. I couldn't do it for very long if I had to deal with he has had to.

  3. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I believe she is right...especially when she said they would stay away from anything religiously controversial (they'll save that for later, after the election) He is probably THE most scary candidate we've seen so far. JMO (just my opinion)

  4. all i know is that they all make my skin crawl. perry especially. i have bush ptsd already.

  5. Anonymous7:15 PM

    I'm relieved to think it doesn't matter...not one of them can beat Obama, they all have too much baggage that a campaign will bring front and center. This is the only good think Palin's responsible for: she gave the Tea Party a loud voice and scary ideology, and it's causing the Republican party to implode, self-destruct. Democrats, of course, and Independents, too. wouldn't vote for any of the three; a lot of Republicans are disgusted, too. Can't see how any one of them will get anywhere near the Oval Office. Thanks, Sarah! You finally destroyed something that turns out well for the good of the people.

  6. Techgnome7:19 PM

    This is all good news for Obama. I don't think the Republican party as a whole has swung as far right as those folks think, but I guess we're fixin' to find out. His fans think Perry will become more popular as people find out who he is. I think her will become less popular. He's carrying a lot of baggage. This article does a good job of laying out his problems.

    One of the things to keep in mind about the upcoming elections is that since Obama is assured of being nominated there are likely to be a lot of moderates voting in the Republican primaries.This will not work in Perry's favor.

  7. Anonymous7:20 PM

    to tell you the truth, I cant watch videos because I'm tethered to a wimpy cellphone account, but if the prognosis is, Perry has a good chance of winning the primary, then I must concur. I'm no fan of Perry but I have long predicted a Perry/Palin ticket and have often wondered how many of the Palin propaganda tentpoles (including enquirer type scandals) have been asymmetrical media fodder designed to impregnate the social consciousness with the Palin brand. I'd be interested to hear what you all think about this.

  8. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Texas is my home state. I live in Alabama now,but my family is still in Texas. They will not vote for Rick Perry either. They can not stand him. Alabama politics are as bad as Texas. I live in an area with a lot of engineers and scientist who make a lot of money. You would think as educated as they are they would not be so dumb about politics but they are.

  9. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Palin will endorse Perry, after announcing that she would LOVE to run, but family comes first. GAG! She'll never run for VP again, even as a running mate for Perry and she won't give up the money she's grifting now to work hard for nothing. Perry will make sure she is well paid for her endorsement you can be sure of that. This will take the wind out of Bachmann's sails and propel Perry to the front of the crazy bus. It's a scary scenario, but I really think that's how it is going to play out.

  10. Techgnome7:34 PM

    Annie O., I don't think Perry is foolish enough to take either Bachmann or Palin for a running mate. Neither one of them would make the ticket stronger. Either one would make it even harder for him to win the election because of their baggage. The eventual nominee pretty much has to choose a woman for a running mate so they can deny all the woman bashing that's been going on. Perry has that dreadful sonogram bill to defend. But, he would have to go with someone with enough substance that it doesn't look like she was picked primarily on the basis of her plumbing. There are experienced conservative women in the GOP who do not sound like they're on leave from a mental institution.

  11. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Sister Sarah is freaking. She has nothing on Perry. He's the one to go against President Obama with any hope.

    She's freaking, we're happy. Perry? We're not happy. If America pics George W. more evangelist, we are fucked.

  12. ibwilliamsi7:40 PM

    I believe that Howard is more correct. Rick Perry is GREAT on paper. But it is paper that can be torn to shreds. Texas is a mess. He may have had that wonderful prayer meeting a couple of weeks ago, but three times as many people showed up a few miles away that very day looking for free vaccinations and pencils so that their kids can go to school.

    When Rick Perry says "BO needs to give businesses what they need to hire employees" anyone with a brain knows that Rick Perry means "lower the federal minimum wage, lower the child labor age, lower benefits to workers, dismantle what's left of the ability to negotiate a union contract, dismantle what's left of the ability for the employees to band together in a class action lawsuit." All you have to do is look at Texas if you want to see what kind of slum we'd be with Rick Perry for President. Texas has a hell of a lot of slum to put into a commercial.

    Obama can play scrappy, and I think he will give Perry just enough rope to hang himself if he can get the nomination. I tend to agree that the nomination is Perry's to lose at this point, and Romney doesn't stand chance in his own party.

  13. Perry is GWB 2.0 and most are already comparing the two. That's good cause who in the world wants another GWB to deal with? Can you imagine the mess this version would create!? Perry had the nerve to question Obama's love for America when HE was the one who threatened to secede! They have absolutely no shame and are making complete fools of themselves.

  14. emrysa8:03 PM

    I think it's still too early to tell. perry is hot right now because he just jumped in - but he's brash and after a few months of exposure people might gravitate to romney.

    either way, I don't think that any of the 3 frontrunners can beat obama. romney has a slight chance. years ago I thought there's no way a mormon could get elected as president, but I think that the christianists hate the black man so much that they would vote for a mormon.

    overall though this slate shows how fucked up the republicans have become. this is the best they have to offer? it truely is a clown car.

  15. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Come on, it's not all bad. If Romney or Perry were the Repug nominee, in a way it would be easier for President Obama to deal with them because they are men. A female opponent sometimes present special difficulties (do I pound her into the sidewalk or do I offer her a chair?).

  16. Anonymous8:30 PM

    I'd like to think that MOST Americans do not want an escapee from a lunatic asylum, as their president (which I say aptly describes this doubletalking conman who was best known up to now as the weirdo who wants Texas to secede from the Union.)

    But a recent event has me wondering: I saw SO MANY people using the phrase "Obama's Downgrade" on TV, that my heart fell.

    Despite the S&P issuing a THIRD disclaimer, spelling it out more and more succinctly each time, that it had NOTHING to do with Obama, and ALL to do with how Republican party officeholders are very noticeably on record as saying they want to see the U.S. not pay its debts.

    Now, just how is a credit rating agency to react to that, other than to, quite responsibly, report that America is no longer the credit risk it once was, before the Tea Party nutcases took over?

    Yet, the misinformation machine, with Fox leading the way, had the whole thing blamed on Obama, in just minutes after the news hit.

    Why is it that only COMEDIANS like Jon Stewart and Bill Maher, are pointing this out? There was a time when a Walter Cronkite would be the "dad" we'd all listen to, and I'm sure he would have had a lot to say over this and other ridiculous falsehoods being spewed onto the populace.

  17. You already know what I think, and I won't stop hammering it: America wants the halcyon '50s back, and wants Mommy and Daddy: Liz Cheney as Lucille Ball, the brains of the operation, matched to Ricky Perry's Desi Arnaz.

    Voila! I Love Lizzy 2012!

  18. Anonymous8:35 PM

    I think we need to prepare for this next election as if Perry is sane and there are not dozens of wacko statements from him on video. Considering the state of the economy there will be tons of people who will just want to flip all the elected officials to the other party. We should not count on the media to reveal to the public all the crazy sh@* Perry has said because they will not do it.
    Hang on for a rough year.

  19. Anonymous8:40 PM

    7:22 you re so right. Alabama is nutty as fruitcake. All the missile guys go for the far right as fast as they can!

  20. Anonymous8:50 PM

    I think we got 14 more months of this, alot can happen. I think Perry will win the nomination and pick Rubio or Thune as VP. But who ever, I believe Obama will be re elected.

  21. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Annie Oakley, our President is indeed a fighter. He just knows how to pick his battles, how to pace himself, and how to hold his fire when it would be completely wasted effort.

    He doesn't need us to fight for him. Just wait.

    America will not pick an Evangelist Christian for President. Bush kept things under the radar, this Perry and his ilk do not.

  22. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Just like I said on another thread, Perry isn't going to make it far, or if he does the GOP is going to wish he hadn't - because he can't beat Barack Obama.

  23. Wolfbitch9:13 PM

    Perry may have another problem as well. I'm hearing from a couple of my sources - but let me emphasis that nobody has offered me proof yet, just rumor - that the gossip is that Perry enjoys gay dalliances.

    Look, if the man's gay or bi, I personally wouldn't hold that against him as I have too much respect for people who are gay, lesbian, bi, or TG. But given his staunch anti-gay stance, if it turns out this rumor has any legs at all, shit will get totally real all over him.

  24. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Question, is Perry going to secede from Texas once he becomes Prez? I meant that as a joke. I can't see him wanting Palin anywhere near him because as dumb as he is he knows Palin is toxic. The puppetmasters chose him over Palin and I think they don't want Michele Bachmann because of her hubby who is an embarrassment to those macho male GOP's.

  25. Anonymous9:15 PM

    I tend to believe that Rick Perry will get the nomination. Romney just doesn't do it for Republicans - especially since the birth of the tea party.

    I'm hopeful that once Americans learn Perry's REAL record (not the one he presents), they will think twice before voting for him. This evening, Rachel Maddow talked about Perry's book "Fed Up!" in which he says that S.S. and Medicare are unconstitutional. (He wrote the book less than a year ago.)

    In addition, lots of people are quite disenchanted with the t.p. (especially since the debt ceiling fiasco), and Perry is pretty much t.p. on steroids.

    When I hear him talk and watch him schmooze the voters, I'm reminded of a snake oil salesman.

    If he gets elected, we will be SO screwed!

  26. Anonymous9:17 PM

    I don't want someone who sends an innocent man to his death as my President and wanted to secede from the Union.

  27. Anonymous9:22 PM

    perry sounds just like bush wanted to sound like (ha) so i think he will pick liz cheney....and hope enough repubicans squint their eyes and see a big white redo of the good ole days when rich bush/cheneys ran things.

    and yes, i realize that the bush era got us here -- but there are a lot of people that still don't want to believe it.

    i will be working hard for obama cause i do not want a repeat of texas two-step.

  28. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Texas Apologizes For Unleashing Rick Perry On Us All

  29. Anonymous9:44 PM

    OT but over at the sea-0-piss they are
    flat freaking out about $carah's upcoming
    little shindig with glenn beck,

  30. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Gryphen, I watched the Perry ad earlier today.

    It was brilliantly persuasive to those who wish to be persuaded and demolished Pres Obama's achievements.

    Over time, people may get Perry to lose his flashy ring.. but visually he is the manly man running against a wimpy President.

    When you add the multi billions behind Perry.. if that translates into multitudes of persuasive ads convincingly crafted for each area of the country, then I think Pres Obama could be in trouble.

  31. Very interesting analysis. The truth is they are so fanatical on the far right I am expecting voter fraud, SCOTUS coup, assassination, or some kind of Shock Doctrine coup plans to be waiting to insure the right wins the election. We have seen all of these things happen before in this country (and a large amount in Texas) and there is widespread paranoia, misinformation, hate and fanaticism at this time. The amount of money the oligarchy is allowed to pour into this situation is unprecedented and will have a huge effect on this election. The actual election may not make that much difference as the dominionists believe they are allowed to do anything they can manage to get away with in what they consider to be a war for Jesus's takeover. They want a theocracy and believe they are apostles receiving instructions from God. What could be more frightening?

  32. Anonymous11:24 PM

    herpes ?!? hmmm, must be suckin' face with $carah

  33. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Greyphen, did you see articleon a right-wing site?:

    They go after Palin for being so thin-skinned and immature.

    This is the last line:
    "If Palin wants to get rid of the image of being a difficult diva with a rude streak, she needs to stop acting like a difficult diva with a rude streak."

  34. Anonymous11:55 PM

    A blogger recently said that Perry is the Dollar Store version of George W. Bush.

    I believe Perry will be the GOP nominee. The NYT has run articles recently about tons of money going to back Perry. The GOP establishment was never comfortable with Romney, and if you follow the money, you will see that Perry is their guy.

    Having lived In Texas most of my life, I can assure you Rick Perry is a total dumbass. He is corrupt and has filled state government with cronies. It's beyond belief.

    He will not run with Palin. She will never be anybody's second fiddle. But she'll probably endorse him.

    He's already gotten incredibly nasty. It's going to be an ugly year and a half. Hopefully the press will get off their asses and inform the electorate about the truth about Rick Perry. If you thought W f'd up this country, you ain't see nothing yet.

    Oh, and the poster who said none of these folks could beat Obama, that is just wrong. That is the type of complacency that will result in Perry being in the White House. We MUST work our asses off to defeat this guy. The future of this country is really on the line.

  35. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Make no mistake,this guy is reshrub all the way.Just dumber and crazier.Sent by satan to finish the job bush didn't.

  36. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Man is she stupid.

  37. Anonymous12:47 AM

    I usually vote Democrat, but I am a moderate. I may be a little to the left of David Brookes, but I am usually in synch with him. If they want the moderates, they should go with Huntsman. Every moderate to the right of me would vote for him. Perry seems very risky. Huntsman with a tea party running mate seems much more likely to get elected.

  38. Anonymous2:02 AM

    I quit watching Matthews a long time ago. He's a joke. Also, his show still has a picture of sarah palin in the opening credits.

    Get with the times MSNBC and matthews - palin is OLD news. Is she still in your credits becaus someone (Matthews) at MSNBC has a big hard-on for her ?

  39. Anonymous2:11 AM

    I think Jennifer is astute but it is too early to tell how Perry will play nationally. I sense he will need to tone it down.


  40. Anonymous2:11 AM

    More Americans now than ever shout out their pride to be Americans, they want to flaunt the flag on their cars like a football banner - yet what ever happened to the belief Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country?

    Why are so many of the so-call patriotic Americans today so anti-government? Why do they refuse to pay their taxes? Why do they want to be government busters? Why do they want to secede? Why do they want to stockpile weapons so they can attack against our law enforcers?

    We don't need to worry about enemies from outside of our country attacking us, as much as we do with the enemies within our country.

    What would our founding fathers think to see so many people trying to ensure that the government that they created is being destroy under their names.

  41. watching in wv2:50 AM

    On Laura Novak's blog, Brad Scharlot writes that "Fred" is Joe Mcginnis. He is mistaken, isn't he, Gryphen?

  42. Anonymous2:58 AM

    If Anonymous believes Rick Perry sounds like a manly man and President Obama is a wimp, I think that people should re-evaluate what they believe a man is.

    Real men don't need to puff out their chest and talk smack. Real men don't need to talk with a swagger to act cool.

    When I saw boys do this in elementary school, I always thought the ones who behave like this was the ones with the lowest self esteem and the most needy for attention.

  43. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Ha! Looks like Perry could suck the chrome off a '57 Chevy:

    The Bachmanns have nothing on Perry in this dept.

  44. Anonymous3:36 AM

    I think that those of us who care about our children and our grandchildren need to support President Obama's re-election and we need to give him a big majority in Congress. That means contributions of time and money. Maybe not thousands of dollars individually but lots of little contributions. We did it in 2008 and we can do it again. Any and all of the Republican contenders scare me enough to keep me awake at night.

  45. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Rick Perry is Sarah Palin with a schlong. Pretty (although, imo, they're both fugly, but the general people love them) to the right of Atilla the Hun, greedy, fauxpopulist and really, really stupid. We'll see how he does under greater scrutiny. IF he gets ANY scrutiny at all. Will people ask him about the execution of Cameron Todd Willingham or will it be like the TriG -- the thing the media avoids.

  46. "watching in wv" has misread a slightly ambiguous sentence by Brad Scharlott at Laura Novak's - in particular, this sentence: "But far more important is that Joe McGinniss, 'Fred' (as he/she is known at Gryphen’s), and Levi Johnston have books coming out soon, and the first two, at least, and maybe Levi’s as well, should focus attention on the hoax."

    "Fred" is not a noun in apposition to "Joe McGinnis", but rather one of a list of three, authors of books coming out soon re Sarah Palin - McGinnis, Fred, Levi Johnston.

  47. All I can say is that I was playing "Spider" at the same time I was listening to that segment you posted this morning, and I thought I was listening to George Bush. Hopefully, that won't go down to well with the American people...

    I think the Romney campaign may start issuing - "on-the-sligh", of course - certain "hints" about Perry's colorful life...

  48. Beldar Obama2010 Conehead7:13 AM

    @anon 11:55 said:
    "Oh, and the poster who said none of these folks could beat Obama, that is just wrong. That is the type of complacency that will result in Perry being in the White House. We MUST work our asses off to defeat this guy. The future of this country is really on the line."

    This commenter speaks the truth. No matter how deranged the eventual GOP nom is, the party faithful will line up behind them and vote "R".

    And what do disenchanted libs do to express their unhappiness with an imperfect "D" nom? They stay home or they vote for Ralph Nader...

    Yep, THAT'LL show 'em!!!

    Shrub says "Thanks, y'all. SUCKERS!!!"

  49. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Even though Rick Perry's cronies are dug in throughout government agencies, corporations and even the media here in Texas - all bets are off on the national stage. Rick Perry has three major weak points: his blatant corruption, his spurned gay lovers, and his braying mouth. This is going to get good here right quick, as we say here in Texas. Another saying applies: if you can't run with the big dogs, you need to stay on the porch. Rick Perry will have a new understanding of this one before it's over. What got him this far in Texas will not take him much further.

  50. Anonymous7:30 AM

    More factual background on the t. bagger miracle man:

    Excellent article.

  51. Anne In DC8:48 AM

    From now until the election, the abysmal records of all these three GOP stooges should be broadcast relentlessly. They have been relentless in their unfounded criticisms of our president, and the truth about them should never be forgotten. As for the poster who thinks Perry would be perceived as a "manly man" while the president would be perceived as a wimp, that is exactly the kind of immature, emotionally stunted thinking that should have been left behind with high school days. A man, or woman, who is secure in his or her own skin has the maturity to be calm and rational. Swaggering and verbal bravado only indicate immaturity and insecurity.

  52. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Does Rick Perry really love him some sweet boys?

    Inquiring Americans really want to know!


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