Monday, August 22, 2011

Libyans choose their version of the "Fantastic 4." Update.

Courtesy of Think Progress:

At the main square in Benghazi, people have been gathering to celebrate the end of the rule of Muammar Qaddafi. As euphoric Libyan rebels advanced into Tripoli on Sunday, there were scenes of jubilation in the rebels’ de facto capital, Benghazi, where thousands celebrated in the streets. 

One large sign in the middle of the square in Benghazi features a picture of the “Fantastic 4” (from right to left): Obama, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, British Prime Minister David Cameron, and U.S. Ambassador the U.N. Susan Rice. The text on the sign reads: “God Bless You All. Thanks For All.”

Both Republicans and Liberals went after the President HARD for launching a military action in Libya.

To be honest I was not exactly doing cartwheels over the decision either, but I have learned with this President not to rush to judgement too quickly.

And what we are seeing today is confirmation that my "wait and see" approach was the correct one in this case.  I struggle every day to form ANY trust in a government that for eight years seemed to treat its citizens like potential insurgents and whose military strutted around the world like a gunslinger itching for a fight.

But slowly I am beginning to relax and to stop looking for conspiracies behind every action.

It occurs to me that there is very likely a LOT of things happening behind the scenes that we are not allowed to see, simply because the President is not exactly comfortable showing all of his cards to a VERY adversarial Republican party, who have already demonstrated a penchant for sabotaging his efforts to do the right thing for the American people simply for short term political gain.

Here is an interesting take on Obama's Libya decision from the Economist:

I AM on holiday for three weeks in a faraway corner of Cornwall, but the momentous news from Libya has reached even here. Barack Obama received a lot of stick for his cautious approach to the uprising in Libya. Liberals traumatised by Iraq could not believe he had started another war. Republicans mocked him for "leading from behind". But with the collapse of Muammar Qaddafi's regime now in prospect, his critics ought to eat at least some of their words. 

Like many others, I had strong misgivings (see here), for example, but the president remained supremely calm throughout and the speech he made in March looks pretty good in light of what has now happened. The intervention (Mr Obama notoriously refused to call it a war) could not have taken place without America's technological help; it was conducted mainly by allies; it had the blessing of the UN Security Council and the Arab League; and for those reasons it has generated almost no blowback from the Arab world. In short, a job well done - though I don't expect his Republican critics to be willing to admit this.

I have already seen John McCain making the case that this success could have taken place much faster if Obama had chosen to "employ the full weight of the US Air Force." But as most of us are undoubtedly aware, doing so would have brought Obama even MORE condemnation from both the Right and the Left in this country.

No I think Obama played this just right, and that this will be yet another big win, much like the taking of Osama Bin Laden, which will make the Republican's efforts to take back the White House in 2012 just that much more impossible.

(H/T to The Obama Diary.)



  1. The fall-back position for President Obama's critics, be they the GOP or The Professional Left (Mark Miller, for one, right now subbing on Dylan Ratigan's MSNBC's show), is that the USA's involvement was ILLEGAL, regardless of the outcome.

    I am picturing them sitting on the floor with their arms crossed and pounding their heels in a childish tantrum.

    To use an overworn Palibot word, they're jealous!

  2. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Obama 50%, Palin 33%

    Obama holds a narrow 44% to 38% lead over Palin among male voters, but women prefer the incumbent by a sizable 56% to 29% margin.

    Ninety-one percent (91%) of the Political Class favors Obama given this matchup, while Mainstream voters are evenly divided.

  3. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Undecided: How Long Will Sarah Palin Keep Us in Suspense?

    Sarah Palin​ has said she will make a decision on whether to run for President before October. Until the former Alaska governor formally reveals her intentions, her actions and words will be viewed differently by those inclined to think she is running and those who think she is a drama queen, a mere Tea Party tease, determined to keep herself in the spotlight to assure future income and remain relevant in the national conversation.

  4. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Let's do a compare/contrast here between the boondoggle in IRAQ and Lybia. Mission Accomplished with just the right amount of military might. See what that dithering did there? Paylin and her ilk would have gone in all guns blazing and their cost-plus bullshit contractors waiting for their profiteering handouts. And we would be in there for years. Nope, Obama did what needed to be done and that is that.

  5. Anonymous12:32 PM

    The Obama Doctrine: Alliance and Collaboration Replace Swaggering Cowboy

    Gadhafi seems done, and Libyans are thanking the “Fantastic 4”: Obama, Sarkozy, Cameron, and Rice. This third victory for Obama leaves his critics on this issue proven wrong, yet again.

  6. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Palin has toyed with a presidential bid for months, but, while she has a core of support among Republicans, the 2008 vice presidential nominee is seen as a polarizing figure and opinion polls put her behind Obama in a hypothetical race.

  7. Anonymous12:38 PM

    With the Gaddafi regime facing its demise in Libya, the question for Republican presidential candidates is not an altogether pleasant one: how do they express some satisfaction with the likely results without praising President Obama and/or contradicting their earlier positions?

  8. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I’m curious if McCain and Graham have simply forgotten about this, or if they’re just hoping everyone else has.

  9. Anonymous12:42 PM

    The demise of Gadhafi -- and an obnoxious talking point

    If the Libyan strongman goes, will right-wing hawks still sneer at "leading from behind"?

  10. Anonymous12:43 PM

    See, when THIS President goes on vacation, he's not clearing brush, he's clearing dictators.

  11. Anonymous12:44 PM

    President Obama (March 2011): “…. With the time and space that we have provided for the Libyan people, they will be able to determine their own destiny, and that is how it should be.”

  12. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: NEVER underestimate Barack Obama, he will come through every time.

  13. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Around one hundred Libyans in front of the White House celebrating Libyan rebels surging into the heart of Tripoli. They sang: ‘USA, USA, Kadhafi has gone today’ ‘Kadhafi left Tripoli’, ‘Libya is free’, and ‘Merci Sarkozy, Merci Sarkozy, thank you Obama, thank you Obama’.

  14. Does this make y'all think of Anyone else?

    Quote For The Day:

    "The novelist tells stories to instruct; the psychotic, because he cannot distinguish reality from imagination; the dictator, as a means of exerting dominion. The Qaddafis have the dubious distinction of conforming to all three prototypes: they are entertaining, crazy, and cruel," - Andrew Solomon. 8.22.11

  15. Anonymous12:48 PM

    ‘gaddafi’s rule is over’

    President Obama arrives to speak about Libya, Aug. 22, in Chilmark, Mass.

  16. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Michele Bachmann Refuses To Admit Obama's Intervention In Libya Wasn't So Bad After All

  17. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Michele Bachmann Has A Dark Side On The Campaign Trail

    Read more:

  18. John McCain can eat dirt and die. Seriously. He needs to shut up - NOW. Look what he has to show for a legacy! And you know to whom I refer.

  19. Anonymous12:55 PM

    O/T: A sad day in Canadian politics today. A sad day in many homes in Canada today. Jack Layton, 61, NDP Leader, May 2nd's newly elected Official Opposition Parliament Leader passed away today.

    It's truly sad when one of the 'good guys' goes. A true champion of all people -- "his politics were those of the the poor, the homeless, the alienated, the disenfranchised" and I add of the working class, the seniors, the youth, the unions and the environment. He never wavered from standing for his believes.

    The Canadian Press wrote:
    "He starred in the most successful election in the history of his party and won the title of Opposition Leader, which had eluded his more storied predecessors."

    "He slew the Bloc Quebecois and saw the long-dominant Liberal party reduced to a battered hulk."

    Jack's family political roots go back to the the time of Canadian Confederation - the birth of Canada - 1867 when his great grand uncle was appointed to the Senate (which Senate Jack has long wanted to abolish as it's cronyism appointments). His uncle was then an advocate for the mentally ill. His great grandfather, one of the founders of the Montreal Association for the Blind, who threatened to march blind people to the steps of Parliament to push for pensions for the visually impaired. His grandfather and father too were in politics.

    Liberal MP Marc Garneau, 3 time NASA Shuttle Canadian astronaut, wrote: "Jack: when it came to raw courage and unrelenting determination, and at the same time so much decency, nobody could hold a candle to you"

    Those that never agreed with his politics, respected him - for his love of his country - for his passion - for his compassion - for his unwavering fight for his beliefs of and for the people.

    He truly was a man who walked the walk and talked the talk. He will be greatly missed.

    Here is a letter he wrote to Canadians - to his party, to those fighting cancer, to young Canadians - to all Canadians - showing the man's love, passion and commitment of country, of people

    For a little humor and to see who Jack Layton was

    Rick Mercer (comedian) & Jack in Rick & Layton's Riding

    Rick Mercer & Jack Layton at Jack's 'Green Home':

  20. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I agree with you on how Obama played this. We were already stretch to the max when the insurgence started battling with Gadhafi, and we couldn't afford to do this on our own. I do believe we need to stop being the policemen of the world, but if we stick to being just a part of any action NATO takes part in, I'm not as concerned. We have lost too amny young men trying to press our will onto others, and what do we really have to show for it in world opinion and our losses?

  21. ManxMamma1:00 PM

    It's such a pleasure to write this - I so admire our President!

  22. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Congrats to Libya!!
    I am proud that our President Obama backed this United Nations action and helped the Libyans seek liberty!
    You cannot be a part, a major force in the UN, without sometimes having to support UN Actions.

  23. Anonymous1:02 PM

    GOP Presidential Candidates Respond To Fall Of Qaddafi By Refusing To Credit Obama

  24. Anonymous1:06 PM

    G.O.P. Candidates React to Libya With Caution and Indifference

  25. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I am so proud of President Obama. He has handled international situations with such wisdom. If only he were working with adults on the Republican side of the aisle in Washington. I think McCain's blithering reaction is really funny.

  26. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Adding to Anon's 12:43 post

    "See, when THIS President goes on vacation, he's not clearing brush, he's clearing dictators."
    When THIS President is attending Whitehouse Correspondents Dinners, he's not just chowing down, he's capturing and killing terrorists.

  27. Marleycat1:31 PM

    I am infinitely proud our President is not strutting around on the world stage waving a gun around itching for a gunfight (great one, Gryph, apt!), however, infinitely sad and angry that on the homefront we have the likes of Palin, Perry, Coburn, and many other Tea Partiers/GOP/Fundies doing just exactly that towards their own people. The use of violent gun imagery, racism, and designating anyone not white enough, fundamentalist enough, patriotic enough, etc. - well, let's face it - that's the message they have for American CITIZENS! The GOP and the like aren't happy with Obama's role in a nation moving towards democracy and freedom through the overthrow of a dictator because that is the kind of system they are trying to implement here by systematically destroying civil rights and the Constitution. They thump the Bible and wave their guns to intimidate, to self aggrandize - sickening. The glorification of guns, stupidity, and religious fanaticsm and racial intolerance is heartbreaking. And they are so proud of these values. It's like we are living in the twilight zone - surreal!

  28. Linda19611:52 PM

    Gryphen, I had a "wait and see" attitude about this as well. It appears that Obama did the right thing in Libya, which benefits the Libyans the most, but benefits us all. There is an exception - those who want the President to fail don't benefit. It's their own fault, though - they are petty and continue to underestimate Barack Obama. They never learn.

  29. Anonymous2:00 PM

    The level of immaturity and nastiness that is rampant in the GOP is so foul. They have lost all credibility as thinking adults. Just imagine had it been John (traitor) McCain, it would have been such a different scenario. I believe the ONLY reason that McCain wanted to be President is so he could order the troops into more and more situations of war.

    I love our president's calm, consistent, mature and EFFECTIVE approach to so many things. I can't wait to vote for him again.

  30. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Obama On Libya: ‘Pursuit Of Human Dignity Is Far Stronger Than Any Dictator’

    President Obama spoke publicly today about the war in Libya, declaring that “the Gaddafi regime is coming to an end, and the future of Libya is in the hands of its people.”

    The president spoke of the “joyful longing for human freedom” when Libyans began protesting six months ago and the large coalition of nations that worked with the United States to intervene militarily in the African nation intended to “stop Gaddafi’s forces in their tracks.” He described the events of the last few days as a “tipping point,” where the rebels were able to advance on Tripoli and deliver a huge blow to Gaddafi’s power in the region.

    “The celebrations that we’ve seen in the streets of Libya shows that the pursuit of human dignity is far stronger than any dictator.”

  31. Anonymous2:19 PM

    @ 12:55 PM

    A lovely tribute to a great Canadian who will be truly missed. Thank you.


    Let's hope that the American voters appreciate what a great leader they have in President Obama and don't do anything silly in 2012.

  32. Anonymous2:22 PM

    O/T but the Kremlin has given the green light for a 60 billion pound tunnel linking Siberia to Alaska through the Bering Strait. The proposed path would link North America to Asia and Europe (i.e. train would go from NY to Alaska to Moscow to London).
    A politician could do an awful lot of politicking on one train ride by going halfway around the world in my opinion. Incredible!

  33. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Isn't it a damn shame that the repugs have been successful in cutting this brilliant man down. Can you just imagine how much further we would be if they would just let him do the kind of job he is capable of doing. I think the history books will be sure to point out his struggle, but we all suffer in the meantime until the other side decides to grow up.

  34. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Re: Daisydem...

    If you have a friend who's a Republican, or a family member who harps on and on and on about how the stimulus sucked, just kindly smile and tell them, "If the man you selected to be president had succeeded, Osama Bin Laden would right now be enjoying some sex with one of his wives instead of being food for bottom-feeding fish, we'd be at war with Iran, and Gaddafi would still be sitting in his palace, living high on the hog of US government aid while his people suffered, so SUCK IT. (Also, IMO, a GOP regime would NEVER have let Mubarak fall...)

  35. Anonymous2:56 PM

    dmoreno56: I know it's asking too much, but I hope the GOP gets stomped on in 2012 and ends, once and for all, the reign of terror of idiotism.

  36. Anonymous3:09 PM

    McInsane should have to eat this tweet "Late evening with Col. Qadhafi at his "ranch" in Libya - interesting meeting with an interesting man." 15 Aug 09 via web.

    President Obama first cleans up the crap that Bush dumped on America then he cleans up the stench that Reagan left behind so many years ago.

  37. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Yea, President Obama! So glad I voted for you and will assuredly again.

    Don't listen to those damned Republicans, America!

  38. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Pres Obama keeps reminding me that he is smarter and wiser than the average bear (incl me) and that the fools who think they could do it better are very suspect. If Obama makes a big mistake of some kind next, that's okay with me: he has done so much so well so far in such difficult times that we owe him a couple -- just so long as he gets himself re-elected!.

  39. Anyone who says this was illegal is just wrong. It was a NATO action, not a war that Congress needed to vote on.

  40. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Call any foeign leader a dictator or call him an undesirable, it makes little difference. Going into Libya was not going in to fight a war. And besides, war in foreign countries is justified if the invader sees the country's leader as a bad guy and can spin it that way with media assistance. Therefore, the US is now quite justified to invade any country in the world if the invasion is spun in an acceptable way.

    As of course Nazi Germany was totally justified to invade any country in the world as long as they could spin it the right way with their media. Dr. Goebbles did an admirable job of doing that. As Iraq was of course totally justified because their leader was spun to be a bad guy.

    But will injustice and tyranny stand? It never has stood and the nation that stood behind tyranny always seemed to eventually get it's deserved comeuppance in the end.

    Comeuppance in the form of a nuclear mushroom cloud?

    Nawww, forget about that and just put it on the back burner for now. But just in case, remember where you heard about the possibility! Anyway, wasn't it all worth it? It's the sacrifice a few millions of Americans are not afraid to make for their country! Have a nice war with Syria now ya'all.

  41. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Question: What gives the US or any AMerican the right to decide on whether or not military force is needed in a foreign country?

    Answer: Oh right, you're mostly kristyuns aren't you!

  42. Anonymous5:22 PM

    dmoreno56 @ 2:47 PM said...

    "Isn't it a damn shame that the repugs have been successful in cutting this brilliant man down"

    While the Republicans have been effective in cutting down the President, it's more shameful how effective the Far Left has been in sabotaging him. I suspect that many liberals got so comfortable with being the angry, outraged voice of opposition during GWB's tenure that they can't be blasted out of their nasty little sniper bunkers by reality anymore. If they continue with their over-the-top character assassinations of Obama (not just constructive criticism which is warranted), they might as well just openly enlist in the campaigns of Bachmann, Perry et al because the end result will be the same.

    The folks who really need to "grow a pair" are his vociferous critics. As the President has demonstrated multiple times, it actually takes more guts, intelligence and self-confidence to come to the debate without false, blustering machismo.

  43. Beldar Obama2008/2012 Conehead5:26 PM

    Gryphen, there you go again: bagging on great A'merkin heroes like Gramps McCain... Hey, nobody said ol' Gramps was perfect... Nobody said he was smart... nobody said he had the best interests of this country at heart... nobody said he wasn't responsible for the single greatest act of cynical political recklessness in history by selecting The Screechy Wretch(tm) as his running mate... Oh, shit... I lost my train of thought and can't remember what point I was trying to make...

    Anyway, stop ridiculing McCain - or least stop mentioning him in your posts which inspires me to ridicule him. And furthermore, I'm willing to bet that he crashed more Air Force jets in his troubled military career than you've crashed in your entire life, so lighten up on him!

    And in real life: check out that ominous and arguably meaningless Gallup poll showing our president leading by very small margins against Perry, Bachmann and Ron Paul. And trailing Romney by the same small margins. It's not a good sign.

  44. Anonymous5:29 PM

    But, but, but...why didn't we see the President all fancied up in a flight suit on the deck of an aircraft carrier with a big banner behind him saying "Mission Accomplished"???

    Oh, wait. mistake. This isn't the President who does that. THIS is the President who actually DOES accomplish the mission without declaring a full-out war that continues for years after the banner is taken down.

    THIS is the President who actually DOES get OBL!

    Never mind!

  45. Scruffer5:35 PM

    Gaddafi's reign being over is obviously a good thing.
    But that's what 'we' thought about Iran.
    That's what 'we' thought about Iraq.
    That's waht 'we're' thinking about Syria, although not in same action.
    What happens next?
    Are there any leaders or ideas behind the 'getting rid of Gaddafi'?
    Why isn't there the same intervention in Somalia??

    I'm so so hesitant in applauding anything. After all, WE supported Osama bin Laden.... and look at the beast that we bought.

  46. If John McCain had been president we'd be occupying Georgia (the country, not the state) right now.
    McCain is an idiot who wants to look like he's on top of military actions.
    Obama may be a disappointment, McCain would have been a disaster.

  47. Anonymous5:42 PM

    The people rose up and three tyrants went down in one year. I'm sure there will be more problems in the area, but Syria et al must be reviewing their roles in the area, knowing that the world and Obama will support the people who rise up. This wasn't a Christian vs Muslim thing, it was the Arabs themselves who had enough.
    I'm proud of our President and NATO, and extremely embarrassed for the Republicans especially McCain.

    Give the Office of the President and the man who holds office the Respect he deserves.

  48. Adding to Anon's 12:43 post

    "See, when THIS President goes on vacation, he's not clearing brush, he's clearing dictators."
    When THIS President is attending Whitehouse Correspondents Dinners, he's not just chowing down, he's capturing and killing terrorists.

    1:26 PM


    ...he was also DAMN funny! Incredible! Grandma Payliar can't even ACT as well as HER President.

    Gosh, Granny, President Barack Obama is just better than you at everything.

    Does it sting? A LOT?

    Yeah, we know.

    ( DO know he's BLACK, too, right? Oh, okay, you did. Just wanted to let you know since you seem to think that somehow he got MORE breaks than YOU in life, so just wanted to clear THAT up).

    Um, so yeah,

    President Obama is. The. MAN!!!!!

    OBAMA 2012!!!

  49. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Question: What gives the US or any AMerican the right to decide on whether or not military force is needed in a foreign country?

    Answer: Oh right, you're mostly kristyuns aren't you!

    3:53 PM

    Supporting the people in Libya was a UNITED NATIONS action, not a USA action. Read a paper or a news [age once in a while Tawd.

  50. Anonymous8:16 PM


    "THIS is the President who actually DOES get OBL!"

    And shall we not forget that the President does so while illustriously serving Trump the most exquisite "rump roast."

    What a great time to be alive!


  51. You cannot give freedom, it must be taken.

    The difference between Iraq and Libya is the Libyan people fought to take their freedom back and asked for help. That is why they succeeded and the intervention was short. The reason we are still in Iraq is that our at the time imbecile of a president decided to take revenge for what they did to his Daddy, trumped up some lies and decided to get him some cheap oil for his buddies and INVADED the country. The people were NOT behind it and they did not ask for any help. That is why we are still there, why we have to strip naked to fly in airplanes and why terrorists find it so easy to recruit the idealistic and gullible. If it wasn't for Bush II women and children wouldn't be strapping bombs to their chest and blowing themselves up. And that goes double for Afghanistan.

    Oh, and who got Osama bin Laden? Bush in 8 years? Nope. Obama in less than three? You betcha.

  52. I agree. I have not given up on O'Bama. Sign me up for recall of Parnell.


  53. GBIllinois3:33 AM


    Never ubnderestimate this man's political skills. I have been following him since his first run for state Senator here in Illinois. Mitt Romney is the only candidate who can give him any competition, but he has a unique way of allowing his opponents to overreach in the same way he has demonstrated with his dealing with the Republicans the past two years. The only thing that can defeat him is the far left wingers staying home on election day.

    Obama 2012

  54. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I wish the Libian people well but their as yet to be determined new government has cost Americans 1 Trillion dollars.

    And we don't actually have that 1T anywhere, in our pocket book, or checking or debit account in our mattress, in or national 401K or anywhere else.

    Literally, their increase of freedoms means the decrease of our freedoms as our constitutional form of government is swallowed by indebtedness to the dictator wanna bees of the super wealthy.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.