Monday, August 22, 2011

New Hampshire Straw Poll puts things back into perspective.

Courtesy of Hampton-North Hampton Patch:

Ron Paul got a great birthday present Saturday, as the 76-year-old defeated 11 other Republicans in Saturday's New Hampshire Young Republicans Straw Poll. 

Paul, a congressman from Texas, won a commanding 45 percent of the vote and bested runner-up Mitt Romney by 35 percent despite not attending the event, which was held in New Castle and also included a lobster bake. 

There were 302 ballots cast Saturday, and the full vote results are as follows, in the order the candidates were listed on the ballot: 

Jon Huntsman - 3 percent ; 
Herman Cain - 5 percent; 
Rick Perry - 8 percent; 
Fred Karger - 0 percent ; 
Paul - 45 percent; 
Mitt Romney - 10 percent; 
Thaddeus McCotter - 8 percent; 
Rick Santorum - 3 percent; 
Michele Bachmann - 5 percent; 
Buddy Roemer - 3 percent; 
Gary Johnson - 6 percent; 
and Newt Gingrich - 1 percent.

It appears that as we go farther east, Dominionism does not have quite the same cachet as it did in Iowa.

As you can see Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, and Rick Santorum barely caused a ripple.

Of course as we well know NONE of these straw polls really mean a damn thing. However I think it is worth noting whose name received too few votes to even deserve mention in BOTH contests.

It seems like the whole country is pretty much over Snowdrift Snooki, with the exception of those poor souls trapped on that rocky outcropping in the middle of the Sea O'Pee.


  1. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Thanks for this, Gryphen. Perspective is what we need, and perspective is what we'll get as time wears on.

    The appearance of Evangelical ascendancy is misleading I believe.

    Karl Rove and his cronies need to be more mindful of their traditional base or risk chaos and marginalization come primary time.

  2. Sally in MI6:58 AM

    Well, she is over, except for McCain, who had this to say this weekend" Sarah would be formidable." ://

    Why is he still supporting this loser? Because he thinks if she looks bad he looks worse?

  3. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Paul is 76? No way would I vote for that old a person. Until there is a way to control the ravages of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, no one should be at that level of power without a psychiatric evaluation.

    Reagun was addled when he was elected. His was a Presidency by committee. No way a person that age could stand the rigors of the job without succumbing to its pressures.


  4. Anonymous7:07 AM

    I wonder if she was at Hallmark to get a line of cards created. haha
    There would be some classic word salads to be used.

  5. Anonymous7:09 AM

    You are SO right Gryphen, they are so on the brink of what THEY think will be some big deal, look at the collateral they're will be so satisfying to know that they have to trash them in just a matter of well, probably months.

  6. Anonymous7:10 AM

    You just can't fool those NH folks, my M-I-L was from there, her kids didn't ever get away with crap. She could see through the BS in a second.
    I'm hesitant about Ron Paul, but considering the other options, he is looking better, I mean, IF a -R- would happen to win, ugh.

  7. Anonymous7:16 AM

    "A Palin's spokesman" says she'll announce her intentions in Sept. Having diddled so long, she's irrelevent and now her non-news garners only a "Who Cares?" across the nation.

  8. Ron Paul would be as disastrous as the Dominionists. He isn't that far separated from them and he has some horrible ideas. Our national slide into oblivion would continue and at a faster pace.

    Knowing who the Dominionists are, and what they want, how they've gone about getting it, I won't be anything but vigilant for the rest of my life.

  9. Gasman7:31 AM

    I find it precious that Gary "Who the hell is he?" Johnson eclipsed batshit crazy loons Bachmann, Santorum, Cain, and even the more relatively sane but no less ridiculous Gingrich. Hell, Thaddeus McCotter kicked everbody's ass except Paul and Mittens.

    These GOP circle jerks are utterly meaningless in the scheme of things. How are the results of a popularity contest among 302 moribund cave dwellers in New Hampshire a political bellwether for the nation?

    This is DEFINITELY not a representative cross section of America. They can keep stroking themselves all they want, unless they somehow manage to nominate a sane candidate, the GOP cannot hope to beat Obama. And if they somehow manage to nominate someone sane - in spite of themselves - the teabaggers will either stay home or field a third party candidate that is sufficiently non compos mentis to garner their support.

    The GOP has painted themselves into a corner. It will be amusing to watch how they try to extricate themselves from their self inflicted dilemma.

  10. Anonymous7:31 AM

    And before anyone gets too excited about Paul, it would behoove them to take a look at what he really believes.

    from his own words: "our country is being destroyed by a group of actual and potential terrorists -- and they can be identified by the color of their skin." referring to blacks

    "only about 5% of blacks have sensible political opinions..."

    About Washington DC: "I think we can safely assume that 95% of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal."

    "We are constantly told that it is evil to be afraid of black men, but it is hardly irrational.",-In-His-Own-Words

    I'm a white woman in my 50s and I don't want that man anywhere near the White House.

  11. I see Palin's wonky crossed eye is in all its glory again in that photo.

    I wonder if that is part of her "charm" to her devoted followers -- one more aspect of "she's just like us"?

  12. Anonymous7:43 AM

    That picture u posted of Sarah looks like she is ready for a corndog or something.

  13. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Remember - Rand Paul learned what he did at the feet of his father, then took it to a higher extreme.

    Ron Paul is as dangerous as the Batshit Crazies -- he's one of them.

  14. Anonymous7:56 AM

    You know it just kills Palin that Obama acknowledges Rick Perry and totally ignores her.

    CofP is like Sarah Palins disneyland. Its not real, everyone knows its make beleive but its fun to play there

  15. Anonymous8:00 AM

    O/T wow McG's rogue blog entry responses are full of trolls.

    I did make a snarky comment he deleted. Fair enough. It's his comment board. I am considering cancelling my book order, but that's another topic.

    What concerns me is the divisiveness that has increased on Gryph's blog and others.

    We are better than that. We have to remain united to make certain Gertie Grifter fades into obscurity, only remembered as a sick woman.

    Gryph I appreciate all you do!


  16. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Speaking of Sarah, (aren't we always?), here's something that fits her to a tee...

  17. Anonymous8:16 AM

    When ron paul starts looking good to Repubs, they're in deep doodoo. (And why can't they give a little love to Jon Huntsman, the apparently sane member of their candidate roster?)

  18. Beldar Unfair & Imbalanced Conehead8:16 AM

    HA!! Gryphen, you and the lamestream media are TOTALLY busted now!! This story is PROOF of your anti-screechy agenda. You must make the appropriate changes to this post to reflect an unbiased reality. The Screechy Wretch(tm) has earned that level of honesty and your readers have earned it, also, too.

    Did you even notice that you published Mr. Fred Karger's rather disappointing - to him - 0% result in the NH poll but FAILED EPICALLY to report that Granny Lulu ALSO received a 0% result? Or, if the foil hat conspiratorialistas are correct, you DELIBERATELY misled the public by withholding The Grisly Momma's participation in this event, thus preventing her from progressing her common sense blah, blah, blah agenda for the blah, blah, blah, exceptional American people! Well, sir, you shan't get away with that on my watch! No, you simply shan't!

    If the Gristly Mama is to play the important role in this election cycle that Zeus has planned for her, it will be critically important that the media - yes, even the lamestream one - report accurately on her status among the electorate and I demand you do so immediately!

    RUN, LULU, RUN!!!

    (I bet McCotter is just out-of-his-mind jubilant that he's within 2 points of the 'frontrunner' Romney....)

  19. I'm so upset that we may never be rid of her. Of course SP has to run unless she goes into full blown televangelist mode right now. She has to keep the money coming in to separate her from those "rill" people she so loves. They are all crazy on the Republican side any way. My biggest hope is that the more she is out there the more will come out about her and the more people will realize how dangerous she is.

  20. Anonymous8:58 AM

    She looks like somebody just goosed her! I doubt Toad would, he does not want to get too close to her.

  21. Anonymous9:05 AM


    Exactly!! I have been laughing my butt off over their stupidity. They cannot nominate a sane GOP candidate, and if they don't they haven't a snowballs chance in hell of getting elected.

    Bad for them, good for dems. What a bunch of loons.

  22. Anonymous9:19 AM

    The 'FANTASTIC 4' are being celebrated the world over!

  23. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Geez, what ever happened to good old detective work. Can't someone bug her car/house or hack into her cellphone. I mean how hard could it be to slip a bug in Bristols car window, or stick one on Tripps stroller.

    I just want this will she or won't she bullcrap to stop

  24. Anonymous9:52 AM

    From Rachel Maddow's blog:

    Chart: Rick Perry's Texas Miracle

    Shows the percentage change in employment in Texas from 2000 to 2011.

    That adnauseam 'smaller government' and 'government doesn't create jobs' rant -- not so much. Government jobs grew in Texas by 19%

  25. Yes, yes, yes... but let's not lose sight of the fact that, historically speaking, the straw poll means absolutely nothing in terms of predicting the nomination - far less for the general election.

  26. Anonymous10:05 AM

    O/T but I'm just back from a dip in the Sea (you know which one), and here is this lovely rejoinder from a commenter, in response to a "doubter" of whether SP really intends to run (or at least will announce she is running on a specific date.) Here it is:
    P.S. your mind you will feel better. Don't worry about us Disneyland folks......As noted by someone earlier......." SARAH PALIN'S ARMY OF DAVIDS WILL FOLLOW HER INTO THE GATES OF HELL CARRYING A GAS CAN." (Caps added for emphasis.)
    Join us or get ran over and left behind!
    Nice imagery, isn't it?

  27. dancingthroughlife10:17 AM

    OT- The UK's Daily Mail has an article on the (US) front page that says, "Carrying a baby facing forwards is "cruel, stressful and terrifying"'

    The first line of the article reads, "Mothers who carry their babies facing forwards are cruel and selfish, according to a leading child health expert." Hmmm... cruel and selfish? That fits everyone's favorite wannabe superstar to a "T"! Poor Trig. At least he hasn't been seen with her in awhile, even if he's now too big to be carried.

  28. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Anonymous said...
    That picture u posted of Sarah looks like she is ready for a corndog or something. 7:43 AM
    hahaha - Exactly what I was thinking -- Another CornDog Moment, huh? LOL

    or - Maybe that is what it takes for one of those 'deep-fried-butter-on-a-stick' thingies, ya think?

    You Betcha!!

  29. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Let's see how this works. No votes in the NH or Iowa straw polls. Poor attendance at her movie. Not much of an organization and campaign staff, compared to the professionals running some of the other campaigns. She's not raking in millions of dollars in donations (although she is spending as if she was). Yes, all of that makes good sense to me. Let's rent a larger venue for September 3. The only people who seem to be interested are the Tea Party people. Is Sarah going to announce as a Third Party Tea Party candidate?

  30. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Is Palin wearing Track's dog tags in that picture ?

  31. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Looks like SP is getting a corndog in the back door.

  32. Anonymous10:59 AM

    New Teaparty radio spot....turn down your speakers:

  33. Nikogriego11:34 AM

    Ron Paul is not the person progressives should be voting for. See ten reasons not to vote for him, including:

    Ron Paul does not value equal rights for minorities;
    Ron Paul would deny women control of their bodies and reproductive rights;
    Ron Paul’s tax plan is unfair to lower earners and would greatly benefit those with the highest incomes;
    Ron Paul’s policies would cause irreparable damage to our already strained environment;
    Ron Paul is opposed to the separation of church and state.

  34. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Clues Dropped on Potential Palin Run, but Decision Still a Secret

    Read more:

  35. Anonymous11:42 AM

    ....the little notch is so they can jam it between your teeth after you expire.

  36. Not a surprise. NH tends more toward traditional fiscal conservativism than social conservatism. And as more Massachusetts residents move to NH for lower RE prices and no sales tax, they are even less likely to be social conservatives.

  37. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Well, it looks like the good people of New Hampshire have decided they are tired of paying for endless war. After all, war is the primary reason our debt is so high. Since war destroys infrastructure, rather than building it, and damages human lives here and abroad, there is little to show for it over the long-run except exorbitant debt and endless misery (the exception being the small handful of war mongers and arms dealers who make out like, well, bandits). Paul is the GOP's only outspoken anti-war candidate, and has a long record of skillfully explaining why empire-building always ends unpleasantly for all.

  38. moose pucky12:04 PM

    This is a must read (click link to see full article):

    "Conservative Feud: Ailes Gets Rove to Call Palin Out"

    Rove says Sarah Palin will run for President in 2012, after losing for Vice President in 2008. The former Alaska Governor is scheduled to give a big speech to a national Tea Party Convention in Iowa next month. Rove predicts she will announce her candidacy at that event.
    "My take: This is a brilliant ploy by Fox News creator Roger Ailes to call Palin out since, it is generally believed he only kept paying her big salary as a Fox News contributor after she promised back in the spring not to run for President. At the time, Fox News stopped paying Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, and Mike Huckabee. As with Palin, Ailes reportedly called them and asked their intentions. Huckabee stayed on, months later declining to run for the White House, even though he was a GOP nomination frontrunner. Newt and Rick resigned their "commission" in the Ailes army, and months later declared their presidential candidacies. "

    "This makes Ailes look bad: and those who know him know that for him, image is everything. So, Ailes got Rove to call Palin out, a brilliant stroke in my opinion, for several reasons. "

  39. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Anon 10:24
    hahaha - Exactly what I was thinking -- Another CornDog Moment, huh? LOL


    Why do I have a sneaky suspicion a someone is having a 'photoshop moment' in their life!!! ROFL

  40. Anonymous12:21 PM

    In NH it's that "Live free(ze) or die" thing.

  41. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Undecided: How Long Will Sarah Palin Keep Us in Suspense?

    He's WHOMPIN' her with the women's vote!

    Obama 50%, Palin 33%

    Obama holds a narrow 44% to 38% lead over Palin among male voters, but women prefer our President by a sizable

    *** 56% to 29% *** margin

    Ninety-one percent (91%) of the Political Class favors Obama given this matchup, while Mainstream voters are evenly divided.

  42. Anonymous1:08 PM

    But Ron Paul distresses me; he has a whole lot of baggage. And that son of his . . .

  43. Anonymous1:16 PM

    That dude in the red shirt next to Sarah is probably thinking that without Sarah to inspire his wet dreams (real or virtual), his life is over so he may as well send SARAHPAC some money to encourage her to run. That's what she counts on. As for her women fans (Amy Siskind et al) that I cannot explain at all. Are they deaf, dumb and blind? Bad wife, bad mother, bad person... and they ADMIRE her?

  44. OverMountainMan2:42 PM

    Over Snowdrift Snookie ??????? And she wore her big boobie bra and everything !!!??????????? LOL

  45. I have issues with Ron Paul not the least of which is he'll be 78 years old if he starts his term and he's from TEXAS!

    No new Texans!

  46. GBIllinois4:19 PM

    OK I can no longer remain silent on the sexist attitude I see here on this comment thread. People have said the picture of Sarah needs a corn dog in it. Well dammit, how can you say that without saying the pic of Ron Paul needs one too?
    Come on folks this is the 21st century!

  47. GBIllinois4:20 PM

    lol--OOPS!! wrong thread!!!!! lol

  48. Anonymous4:39 PM

    This poll doesn't appear to be very significant. It tells me nothing.

    I think we have to wait till later on in the process before we start looking at the polls.

  49. Pat in MA4:40 PM

    Ron Paul plays well in the state whose motto is "live free or die" It is just a 300 person sample size, but two observations - evangelical zealotry does not go over well in these parts and Mitt's showing is not surprising - NH only had to watch him as governor of neighboring MA to see through his BS, and I'm sure most of the people who participated in the straw poll heard his "corporations are people, my friend" remark in Iowa.

  50. Anonymous6:07 PM

    While I rilly rilly don't care, but I've never seen such a lame line up of Republican Candidates in my entire life. Romney is bulldozing his huge Calfornia summer home to build a palatial mansion, yet has the balls to say he's "unemployed" in the fake butt pinching in the diner campaign trip.
    How does this resonate with the average voter in a very poor economy? The others are a bunch of wishy washy loons, they may have gained traction in Iowa, but New Hampshire is another animal, and this poll shows that.

    Can anyone see any of these people, maybe with the exception of Huntsman who can self fund, go against the Obama machine, debate him on the issues and come out looking somewhat electable?

    That SP photo is just precious. Was there ever an explanation for the juvenile shirt? Was it a Piper hand me down or did she actually pick her own clothes to wear that morning?

    She's too old for stick figures with hearts, but not too old for a good ole corndog! ;) or a deep fried urinal cake on a stick!

  51. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Put Jughead's (from the Archie comics) hat on Ron Paul and they could be twins separated at birth. ;-)


  52. Anonymous6:18 PM

    The latest Rasmussen poll again
    reaffirms that Palin is a loser.
    It's devastating.
    Rasmusssen is generally considered to be Republican friendly.
    His poll is of Likely Voters, the most reliable barometer.
    Palin gets skunked by President Obama 50 / 33.
    Palin loses everybody-
    every demographic and income group.
    She loses blacks, Hispanics and whites to Obama.
    20 % of conservatives say if this was the final choice-
    they would vote for Obama.
    She loses men and
    she loses women by almost 30 points.
    She loses Indys and only 62 % of Republicans would vote for her.
    The Bots at a different site( not see pee ) are making moronic excuses
    for why this poll stinks and is obviously rigged.
    It's always the messenger's fault.
    No fundraiser would touch this disaster with a 10 foot pole if she ran.

  53. indy_girl4:15 AM

    Well, she is over, except for McCain, who had this to say this weekend: "Sarah would be formidable."......
    Why is he still supporting this loser? Because he thinks if she looks bad he looks worse?


    Well for one thing, if McCain were to say now that Sarah is unqualified to be President, he would be admitting that he was a moron to have ever chosen her as his VP.

    Plus, "formidable" has numerous possible meanings, one of which is "dreadful". Sounds about right to me. ;-)

  54. The Goon Squad Methods4:21 AM

    Anon 10:05 AM said "I'm just back from a dip in the is this lovely rejoinder from a commenter, in response to a "doubter" of whether SP really intends to run (or at least will announce she is running on a specific date.) Here it is:
    Nice imagery, isn't it?"


    Well, that is very interesting, but inquiring minds want to know....are they talking about the kind of gas can someone added water to on a dock, the kind used to soak a file cabinet full of adoption records in a church, or the kind used to burn down an innocent nurse's home?

  55. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Anon Said: Well, that is very interesting, but inquiring minds want to know....are they talking about the kind of gas can someone added water to on a dock, the kind used to soak a file cabinet full of adoption records in a church, or the kind used to burn down an innocent nurse's home?" 4:21 AM
    Very good questions -- you are really spot on with these inquiries. Thanks - Some things we would all like to find out and/or know more truth about.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.