Thursday, August 25, 2011

Rachel Maddow asks why, if everybody seems to hate the Tea Party, the GOP is letting them bully them into submission?

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  1. Anonymous11:31 AM

    The teapotty started as the new KKK without the hoods.
    I can hardly wait for Sarah's ,bots that are using the little savings they have scrimped together to get to Iowa to hear she is NOT running. Their psychotic admiration will turn into hatred in a split second. They will think back to all the little things they went without. That steak dinner, that birthday outfit, any little extra thing they have suffered without. Sarah's worst nightmare in the end will be her own mentally ill followers coming after her.

    PS Tawd, you might want to HIRE someone to build a secure fence around the compound on dead lake Lucille, the bots will be coming.

  2. Anonymous11:45 AM

    LOL-- did anyone else see that the line above the Tea Party in Rachel's graphic (and equally unpopular) was "Sarah Palin"??

  3. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I don't think the GOP is letting the TP bully them. I think it has always had a racist base which now fully embraces the TP once it drove away most of the moderate members. They saw their chance and went for it and now only give lip-service to pooh-pooh-ing the more vocal radicals.

    The GOP is where it wants to be.

    It's up to Independents and Democrats to stand against the racism and elitism that is being pushed by the New GOP.

    Corporations and those who cannot abide people of color or anyone who isn't an evangelical are the mainstay now.

    The rest of us must make a choice and a stand against their backward agenda. Wealth should not be the measurement of someone's worth. Character is what counts. Freedom from oppressive religious factions is crucial to a modern America. Women and the men who love them must not be pushed back into the repressive culture the GOP now demands.

    We have to take a stand and get out the vote. We have to write letters and emails of support to moderate and progressive politicians and give what we can to support them.

  4. moose pucky12:06 PM

    Off topic -

    Conjecture re the anonymous commenter: It is not wise to piss off a member of the inner circle, is it sarah?

  5. True Blue Girl12:08 PM

    The corporate money men and all the interests they represent (transnational oil, arms, etc) have demonstrated repeatedly that they will use whatever tools are handy to win, or steal, control of the government: the so-called Southern Strategy (racism), military defense posturing, fundamentalist religion factions, and now the Tea Party. Paths to success, means to an end, puppets on a string.

  6. Well, notice that dear Nicole didn't actually answer Rachel's question and went for the false-equivalent, nyah-nyah-Dems-do-it-too nonsense. Blergh.

    I'm always fascinated by Wallace. She who knows more than she's saying. She who, like the rest of the establishment GOP, can't open up about Palin's shenanigans without exposing their own complicity. Schadenfreude, perhaps?

    There's another episode of GOP infighting, this time in NH. I posted this on the previous thread, but it's relevant here, also too:

    "Establishment" Rs vs Tea-baggers. Move underfoot to remove TP-aligned state party chair...

    "New Hampshire Senator, Congressmen Support Removing State GOP Chairman Jack Kimball"


    Watching them devour themselves is soooo sweet... And Palin has been a big part of their undoing.

  7. Anonymous12:39 PM

    It's because the T-party, as small as it is, is composed of howling religious zealots who flock to townhalls and ceaselessly bitch and moan about how they are the victims. "Their" country is being "stolen" from them and they are frightened and angry.

    These poor sheep can be lead around by the nose, and few politicians can resist playing to their fears and hopes with a catch-phrases and empty promises.

    "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" as the saying goes.

  8. True Blue Girl1:05 PM

    "Howling religious zealots" indeed. Also every disability-drawing, Social Security supported, Medicare enabled person with no place else to be other than wherever they can bunch together with their mispelled signs and dumbed down rote talking points - feel important, and get their message of grievance, entitlement and bigotry voiced AS IF now it is somehow legitimate. Ugh. A truly ugly business.

  9. Uhm, because they are bullies?

    Seriously, when you are dealing with a crazy person, the crazy person often "wins". See John Cole:

  10. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Follow the money. It will lead right to the Koch brothers.

  11. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Anon-come back please! I have a few questions.

  12. Barney2:56 PM

    Fox News lies yet again, actually Judge Napolitano screwed up royally.

    Check out this story at

    The Town of Pulaski, Virginia made Freedom File Fridays on Fox News; Judge Napolitano got some story all wrong and the Chief of Police in Pulaski, Virginia seems to be really irrated at the Judge and Fox News. Fox screwed the story up and the Town of Pulaski and Channel 7 News contacted Fox but can't get a correction or an answer back.

    Read the story on WDBJ7 above where I provided the link, we Virginians are sick and tired of Fox News lies and misinformation.

  13. Anonymous3:08 PM

    GOPers can't be open and truthful about the state of the GOP because the party has as many skeletons in its closet as Sarah has in hers (and she's one of the skeletons). Republicans would rather spin than fix because spinning requires so little effort and they're so adept at it. I write this with some chagrin as it used to be my party. I'm ashamed of it. I disown it.

  14. Anonymous3:11 PM

    C4Pjust announced a free bus to Iowa - leaving at 4 a.m. - just call for reservations....hmmmmmmm

  15. Anonymous3:12 PM

    I don't know about that 11:48 care to look at what's happening in NH?

  16. Anonymous3:46 PM

    How our legislators should be...

  17. Gryph:
    I watched Nicole's interview with Rachel last evening. I'm sorry, but I do not like what she thinks, how she thinks, who she supports, how she supports them, how she views the world or how the media and/or any media outlet, including yours, puts up with her diatribe. I can think of various places I could use a baguette on her but it would be the same with Chimpy, or Darth, or Addington, or Cantor, or Boner or sister flying monkey... I'll just leave it at that... what a complete hack.

  18. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Ms Wallace always rubs me the wrong way, about the only thing she did that made sense, was when she convinced Sarah that Katie Couric had a low self esteem issue, led Sarah to think she was smarter than Katie, and would therefore come off well in an interview.
    What I loved was Rachel's list, Sarah got her own line, and it was just above the tea party at the lowest.

    And I'd like to address True Blue's comment, not all disabled people who depend on Social Security and Medicare are mouth breeding sheep. There are many of us who post here who are disabled, elderly, on Social Security, and Medicare who are free thinkers, informed voters, educated, articulate, etc. and don't deserve to be grouped with the others.

    Let's keep things in perspective, shall we?

  19. Ms. Wallace is almost as culpable for Sarah Palin as John McCain in my book. She has no credibility.

  20. Nicole is intelligent and for that I find her even more reprehensible for her stand with the GOP. Right now, anyone who votes for the right wing party which is the GOP, is unpatriotic, when they are attacking and undercutting, underfunding, breaking, everything that 95% of Americans have counted on since the 50's.


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