Thursday, August 25, 2011

Karl Rove double dog dares Sarah Palin to get into the Presidential race.

Courtesy of Mediaite:

“I’m mystified,” he admitted, “that she’s all upset about this, that I’m somehow trying to sabotage her campaign, sabotage her in some way, and how dare I speculate on her future.” Rove also responded angrily that “if she doesn’t want to be speculated about as a potential presidential candidate, there’s an easy way to end the speculation,” yet whenever the issue comes up, “she says ‘I haven’t made a decision.” Rove concluded adding a jab at Palin’s lust for attention, calling it a “sign of enormous thin skin that if we speculate about her, she gets upset, and I suspect that if we didn’t speculate about her, she’d be upset about it and trying to find a way to get us to speculate about her.” 

Van Susteren tried to bring Rove back from that precipice, asking him to instead “reflect on the media” and the fact that they continue covering her. Rove admitted that she was “a potentially big factor in the presidential election,” and that “if she were to get in, she’d be a contender.” That said, Rove concluded by calling Palin thin-skinned another two times before the segment ended– abruptly, without a goodbye, cut into by a “news break” that likely could’ve waited the extra three seconds. 

I cannot believe I am digging on Rove for ANYTHING, but I love watching him call Palin's bluff!

I also love watching Greta scrambling like crazy to make sure that nobody thinks she actually believes that Snowdrift Snooki is behind the response to Rove, even though, as Rove himself points out, it is obvious that she was.

One has to wonder how Palin will respond to this constant poking from Rove?

She can't really just ignore Rove, as it appears that he is just getting started.  But the only way she can REALLY respond is to jump in or completely bow out, neither of which I think she is willing to do yet.

However according to this article Palin's support for even a fake run at the nomination may have already dried up.

(H/T to Sarah Jones at Politicususa.)


  1. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Steve Kornacki has a suggestion:

    'In other words, those who just want her to go away should consider a Palin presidential campaign an investment: You’d have to deal with a few weeks (or maybe even months) of saturation coverage, but there’d be a good chance it would all end with Palin’s presence in our lives severely and permanently diminished.'

    This is because, in his view, her campaign would be an “epic, humiliating defeat, the sort of disaster that might once and for all convince the political and media worlds that the empress has no clothes.”

    That all may be true. But here’s another way to make Palin disappear: have a presidential election in which she is not a candidate. The surest way to sideline any prominent Republican politician between now and November 2012 is for them not to enter the race. Indeed, even those that do enter the race will be sidelined by not winning. The candidates, and then the ultimate nominee, will suck up virtually all of the oxygen.

    As far as Palin goes, that process is already underway, according to Google Trends:

  2. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Come on, people!! It is obvious to me that Rove is a pedophile, wanting to rape the Palin girls, isn't it? Although, considering Rove, Levi, Track or even Toad would be in greater danger. Rove looks like his fat head is about to explode, he should start exercising and cut down on food intake.

  3. JayKen Knotstirred6:52 AM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?

    (Cuz you gonna need it when you declare!)

  4. akbright7:00 AM

    If Halloween isn't scary enough, the Alaska College Republicans are bringing Karl Rove (aka Bush's Brain, Turd Blossom...)
    up here for their state convention on October 29th. Wonder if Mrs. Palin will show up? and

  5. Anonymous7:04 AM

    How many times did they give Palin the title of 'Governor' in this clip? Do all former half-term governors get to retain this honor or is it just bestowed on her?

  6. Anonymous7:05 AM

    The smaller big guns of the GOP took their first shots at her last winter. Now that she is effectively still screwing around more people like Rove will come forward and tell her to either fish or cut (or club) bait.

    She wants to control everything but she can't hide forever. Her mindless followers will continue to send money regardless of what she says.

    Reality though? Their pennies get sucked up by the enormous burn rate she lives on each month.

    I've seen speculation she'll run for the Senate in AZ.

    Two problems. Is she a resident? And how can she live on a Senator's salary? She isn't and she can't. Enough said. The Paris Hilton of Politics, next up? Sex tape and more outlandish behavior.

    When is she going to figure out she's a political buffoon?

  7. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Palin is both smart and dumb. She is media smart. She knows how to attract attention. All she had to do was drive her bus to someone else's speech or event like a party crasher and the media gave her too much attention.

    Palin must be stupid or in some kind of denial. The polls show a lack of support. The attendance at her movie was low. She must know that if she gets in the race, she won't win. If she loses, she's done. So, Sarah has been playing this cute game of "will she or won't she."

    According to Karl Rove, it's sucking the air out of a good political race. He is trying to get Palin to make a public announcement. Fish or cut bait. Either she's running for office or get out of the spotlight. Stop being such a tease. He knows how to push her buttons.

    Palin wants to in the race so badly. She loves the attention and having other people pay for her expenses. The only offer that has come Sarah's way is the invitation from a disorganized new Iowa Tea Party group which has been in business for a couple of months. Is that the best that she (and the Washington Speakers Bureau) can do?

    Even without those designer glasses, Sarah ought to be able to read the handwriting on the wall (or her palm). As long as she hasn't announced anything either way, she still gets attention and maybe some more donations. Karl is poking her with a big stick to stop the teasing. What a show!

  8. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Wish I cared. I am really sick & tired of ole haggard, grifty Palin at this point. She is both old and old news. She has been "neutralized."

  9. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I agree with Rove about Palin. She has done the same with her children putting them out there then off her chain opinions or comments are attacks. She is a damn you if you do or don't personality. She flys off the handle about verbatim quotes told in context also.

  10. One of the events that Rove referenced Palin attending is the rally with Glen Beck. Or will she after the reception Back received in Israel. One article in Haaretz suggested to Beck that he not come back:

    With fraudulent Sarah claiming her undying support of Israel, can she risk being seen as a close compatriot of Beck's?

    Take a look on the right side bar of that blog for more stories about his rally yesterday.

  11. Anonymous7:32 AM

    What a great smackdown!

    Her SarahPac statement in response to professional pundits guessing about her running says, to me, she is not running. If she were running, she'd be pre-occupied with organizing and planning, scheduling, hiring staff; she would not in the least be concerned with news cable pundits speculating. This is what they are paid to do. Why does she have a bee in her bonnet?.

    If all she has time to do is verbally retaliate to pundits speculating on her running, then she is not seriously considering running. If media concludes they think she's running, why is she so FURIOUS? If running is her servant's heart intention, why would she be hateful and snarky against those who speculate?

    Sounds to me like, the immature person she is, she wants to be the ONE to announce and only she the queen is entitled to announce; anyone who dares speculate takes her thunder away.

    One more thing. If she did decide to run, which I do not believe she intends to do, she'd hire a military band to play patriotic songs with pomp and ceremony while she announced. I bet she'd have cages of white doves open as she spoke.

  12. Anonymous7:36 AM

    More reposts from

    "More about Nick Broomfield's documentary "Sarah Palin-You Betcha!" Including when it will be shown at the Toronto International Film Festival."

    There's so much more there, so don't miss it...towards the end of the post, someone is VERY in the know about the Palins and is spilling some major beans. Here's some of the latest:

    ...The ketamine gel is one of Sarah's dirty little secrets. She says it's for "shin splints" but I know that's bull because Sarah is actually in awful shape. She pretends to be a runner, saying "sweat is my sanity"..but if you think back over all the times she has "run" on's only enough actual running to get a camera shot. She talks like a serious athlete but that is SO not true.

    Her "tight abs" line is just...beyond. Any woman who's had four kids knows there are some things that are just never "tight" again.

    She orders the ketamine gel from a pharmacy in, I think it's Pennsylvania. Her doctor faxes a prescription and she has it shipped to her. At her sister's house, where all her "embarrassing" mail goes.

    4:15 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Here's what the internet has to say about Ketamine users (I found this here:

    Two psychological difficulties which seem to come up for those who use Ketamine regularly are paranoia and egocentrism. There are many reports of regular users starting to see patterns and coincidences (synchronicities) in the world around them which seem to indicate that they are somehow more important or integral to the world than others. This same sense of the world focusing on the user can also feed into a sense of paranoia. A main characteristic of Ketamine is a stupor similar to extreme drunkenness. This is commonly known as "being in the K-hole."

    Does this possibly explain almost ALL of her bizarre-o behavior?

    6:50 AM

  13. Sweet anny7:37 AM


    Nobody but Rove and Obama followerers would even pay this any attention CNN. What are you trying to do help Palin not be electable. Well you people are failing and only giving us more and more reason for wanting her to come. out. A PERRY/ PALIN OR A PALIN/PERRY TICKET WOULD BE SO PERFECT. THEN WE WOULD HAVE PEOPLE OF INTELLIGENCE IN THE WHITE HOUSE.

    What do you say to a statement like this?

    What do you say to people who are so limited in their perceptions of intelligence?

    Perry? Palin? Intelligent? Really?

    Ohhhh.. my people...

  14. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Palin has plenty of time to get into the race. I am tired of Rove and wish he would just go back to school and learn how to spell correctly.

  15. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Sarah are you accusing Carl Rove of sabotaging you?

    Sarah, how do you explain your actions when you miraculously appear within miles of fellow GOPers announcing their candidacy for POTUS or when they give a speech? Was it a coincidence that Sarah just happened to appear at the Iowa State Fair with the GOP presidential candidates?

    Oh I forgot Sarah Palin does not believe in coincidences.

  16. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Like I said, she is making a HUGE mistake underestimating this man. He is a Machiavellian Prince, par excellence. Even Greta knows that.

    He represents other powers, as well.

    She is completely in over her head with this guy. He (and they) clearly wants her out of the way at this point. She is an annoyance. They created her, but now they are done with her.

    Wake up, Sarah. You better either make a big move within the week, or fugettahbowtit! Rove is just getting started, as Gryphen pointed out. He will stop at nothing, he is ruthless.

    People should read a bit of his Wiki bio; he is shall we say, "complicated". Just like our Sarah.

  17. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Oh, man - just wait until he throws out the ultimate, cannot be ignored Triple Dog Dare!!
    This is just too much. And to think it is coming from that slimeball Rove!!
    She is losing control of this game she has been playing and she is furious. Too bad, Sarah!! You created this, so live with it. I don't think even Greta can help her much with this - except to give her some air time to whine and complain.
    Pat Padrnos

  18. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Holy shit! This from the post that everyone is discussing...

    For the person who guessed SPac is footing the bill for Trig's care--yes you are absolutely correct. The way they have things being paid through the PAC is insane. There are made up companies and LLCs, obviously inflated payments--like $10,000 paid for a product or service which only costs $2,500. The difference goes back into Palin be spent on cosmetic surgeries, luxury goods, you name it. Trig's care comes from PAC funds and Sarah is such an idiot she ignores all the people who tell her she can use that money for anything she wants as long as she isn't running for office.

  19. Beldar Undecider Conehead7:42 AM

    Is the answer not plainly clear to everyone?

    The Screechy Wretch(tm) must know that there's only ONE way to turn this rapidly crumbling griftorium around and restore its former micron-thin patina of respectability and glory: A NEW DOCUMENTARY!!!

    This one should focus exclusively on the factors that an average - perhaps below average - suburban hockey mom, be-lipsticked pit bull, grisly momma, rapidly aging tacky beauty pageant runner-up must go thru to decide whether to accept the most powerful job in the world.

    Will She? Wont She? Will She? Oh the excitement!!!

    This is a movie that MUST be made and MUST be seen by everyone!!

    It'll have the long exhausting family meetings around the dinner table - filled with dozens of crumpled Taco Bell crunchwrap supreme wrappers - where each member holds the 'talking stick' (actually a plastic toilet bowl brush but it's a symbolism thing...) and gives their thoughtful reasons why they think the old bag should be president. Even little Triggers is brought back to the Wassily compound from his undisclosed location to participate.

    It'll have the quiet scenes where just the husband and wife discuss the impact such a decision will have on their marriage, their feral children, an ungrateful nation, and a disrespectful world. As the discussion heats up and gets less quiet there's also the metallic impact of various canned food items against the battered sides of the family icebox.

    Of course the name of this epic - soon to be shown at a movie theater or tea bagger's basement wall near you - has already been chosen: "The Indecisive"

    See it with someone you love!

    Run, Lulu, RUN!!!!

  20. Gasman7:44 AM

    I'd love to see Karl Rove drawn and quartered and I fully plan to piss on his grave, but damned if he ain't 100% right about Palin. If she whines about people like Rove spekulatin' about whether or not she is going to run for POTUS, how is she going to respond to questions about her faked pregnancy that she'll get if she declares? If Palin can't stand the heat outside the kitchen, how is she going to fare better inside?

    It's also clear that Van Susteren is the FauxNews appointed big sister to Palin. However, I'm not quite sure whether she is simply doing her duty or whether she is smitten with her charge. Try as she might, she just couldn't get Rove to take the bait about the mean ol' media ganging up on Palin. What will her reaction be when the Palin myth is shattered? Will she abandon Snowdrift Snooki or will she be a Palin panty sniffer to the end? I find it difficult to believe that she didn't realize just how awkward that exchange with Rove was and how stupid it made her seem.

    This also gives us a glimpse of what awaits Palin WHEN she does declare her candidacy. Rove is but the tip of the iceberg that awaits the S.S. (Stupid Ship) Palin. GOP insiders and elite will be contorting themselves to sabotage her campaign. She needn't worry about the Dems and President Obama, because she's got to get through the GOP minefield first.

    Yeah, I STILL say she is running and I think she will announce on either 9/3 or even 9/11. Why? Because that would be the most inappropriate time to do so. And when we are talking Palin, think stupid, brainless, and inappropriate.

    Hey, I've got $10 riding on Palin declaring her run.

    Go, Sarah!

  21. laprofesora7:44 AM

    Wow, Rove vs. Paylin. That's beyond my wildest dreams. Scarah doesn't know what she's in for, tangling with Rove. Go get her, Karl, it's just what she deserves.

    Thanks for this, Gryph, it made my day!

  22. Anonymous7:46 AM


    Rove invaded sarah´s turf (GVS) and called her out. GVS has probably already invited sarah to respond.

    Oh, sarah, if you don´t respond, people will know you´re hiding under the bed.

  23. Anonymous7:46 AM

    akbright said...

    If Halloween isn't scary enough, the Alaska College Republicans are bringing Karl Rove (aka Bush's Brain, Turd Blossom...)
    up here for their state convention on October 29th. Wonder if Mrs. Palin will show up? and

    7:00 AM

    Ummm... Sarah has plans to be in Arizona babysitting Bristol's children.

  24. Anonymous7:47 AM

    More from the amazing Anonymous that is spilling Sarah's secrets

    What you say is completely logical but may also be completely wrong. Sarah has been sure the game was up SO many far back as Audrey. Sarah did her book deal so fast, "writing" it in 15 weeks because she felt sure people were going to start paying attention to people like Audrey and Gryphen. When Audrey promised the "nail in the coffin" photo, Sarah was so sure the party was over she gave her people the "well, we've had a great run" speech.
    As more and more evidence of a faked birth came out and aside from the core group of initial people, nobody WAS paying attention, she got confident. Twice I've seen her get as upset and frantic as she did over Audrey posting the nail in coffin photo--when Gryphen did the "two babies" post, she was so freaked she called Todd home from somewhere (forget where, but they are not really close so if she "needed" him, you know she was in a bad way) and got her gyno to prescribe a few xanex pills for what she was sure would be "the end of it all". She planned to dope up, stay in bed, and let the media firestorm pass. She even wrote a statement for media, outlining why she made the "sacrifice" to claim Trig as her own biological child. But then...nothing! Nobody was more surprised than Sarah when the MSM didn't come after her, guns blazing, demanding an explanation for the ear issues.
    After that she was super cocky and obnoxious and even remarked that Gryphen could post a video of Trig being delivered by "a blonde woman in Kansas" (don't ask me, she is insane) and STILL people would not question her about her pregnancy.
    Then came a two-pronged incident...Rebecca Mansour's tweet messages being leaked, and Brad Sharlott's paper being published in close proximity. Sarah was scared shitless about those tweets so I know there had to be some which were held back by DC.
    Sharlott's paper was so thorough and well done, once AGAIN Sarah thought her time was up. After a couple weeks passed and nothing really came of it, she was giddy. She feels sure that if her former staffer hadn't challenged Brad to "duel", it would have gotten even less media traction.

    Sarah said horrid things about Brad, snidely implying the reason he and his wife adopted children was because "you can't breed woman and gargoyle". She is such a bitch, you would not believe some of the stuff she says.

    She is deathly afraid of Laura Novak...I think she knows Laura is everything she pretends to be/wants to project (smart, good mother, well spoken) but the fear stems from her feeling like Laura might be the one to take her down.

    Thanks to all who asked questions. It has been kinda freeing and deeply satisfying to share all this, knowing full well that Sarah reads here and knows who I am. She can't oust the member of her circle who shares all the gossip with me because this person has SO much on Sarah--and I know it drives her insane.

    Don't worry, Sarah! I won't tell any of your shameful secrets, such as how you get your cellulite cream shipped to your sister's because you worry *GASP* the lame stream media will know about your butt dimples!!! Oh shit, did I say that aloud? My bad! Yikes, next I might have to mention that ketamine ointment. Oh damn these loose lips. Ah well. At least I only have loose lips. You have loose...everything. From your skin to your morals.

    Like I said...freeing! I may not have the proof to bring the old bitch down, but it's certainly fun to make her squirm a bit.

  25. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Stupid Palin really should watch her step. She's fucking with a professional sociopath in Rove. He's not just going to roll over like those who're so scared of her and her Keystone mafia in Alaska.

  26. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Sarah Palin insists on the honorific "governor" (which Faux News religiously adheres to) but it really only reminds folks that the Quitter hasn't been governing anything, in quite a while. She can't even govern her tongue.

  27. Anonymous7:51 AM

    It's past time that someone who cares about Sarah stop enabling her. The family members who stand behind her buffoonery either don't care about her or they do care and she listens to no one.

    The love of money is a very enticing addiction. If SP's advisers and family enable her for the reward of her money, they are as despicable as her. If they know she needs mental help and are stroking her ego making her believe in her delusion, they are at the root of this whole problem.

    Sometimes I pity SP. If she is in need of psychological help and isn't getting it, the onus of this whole story is on her enabling grifting family.

    She is making a fool out of herself; if Karl Rove is calling her out on her bizarre behavior, and she doesn't get it, we are witnessing a very dysfunctional phenomenon live on TV every night for the past 3 years.

    If she were a child, the Child Health and Safety laws would be investigating her parents and guardians.

  28. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Sarah Palin has thin skin? That's brand new information.

  29. Anonymous7:55 AM

    she won't announce on Sept 3 because there is a Republican candidate debate on Sept 7 and she will have to participate in that.

  30. Anonymous7:58 AM

    I believe that there's a special place in hell reserved for Karl Rove, but I am long this! Of all people, Sarah has the misfortune of having none other than the deadly Rovenator on her ass - whether because she's useful as a tool to whittle Bush-enemy Perry down to size, or because she's pissed him off too like every other establishment Gooper - or both, hah!

    OMG! He called her thin-skinned THREE times. He called her out as the attention whore she is. And he did it on FOX! And on on von Suckyface's show no less!

    The big dogs have now been let off the chain. How much fun!

    Sucks to be Sarah.

  31. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Karl Rove's Wiki article has been scrubbed up a bit. Have to look elsewhere for more info.

  32. I always thought when the woman-who-thinks- she's-a-pit-bull jumped in to the shark pool the blood would run instantly. Not so. Apparently sharks like to play with their food first.

  33. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Finally the proffesional knife throwers are out in force. If Karl Rove calls you out,you are toast.This man convinced Bush to invade 2 countries does sarah think she has a chance?Rove had Steele out as RNC chairman and took all of their money for his foundation. Sarah is so screwed now and she knows it. A tour of the big cities was fun for her but playing with the big boys is serious business and she is not a serious person. She is an idiot and they squeezed all they wanted from her thus the lemon look of today.
    Keep up the good work Gryph.

  34. Anonymous8:06 AM

    She's still trying to figure out how to explain where Trig is and why he's never seen with her. Oh and a birth certificate won't do, sorry. We need full DNA tests. We know she's currently trying to get a forged birth certificate so how will we know the bc she shows will be real?

  35. Rove vs Palin is what we've been waiting for. It's going down a little more subtly than we might long to see, but it's happening.

    The inherent tensions in today's GOP -- the Faustian bargain that the corporatocracy made when they invited the fundies to the conservative table (all conservatism is alike, no?) -- is coming back to bite them in the a$$. They're turning on each other. Palin & the fundies & their Tea-bagging followers got uppity. And now Rove (and others) are trying to put them in their place.

    That Rove did this at Greta's place is NO ACCIDENT. That's Palin's turf. He isn't as perfect and all-seeing as some Dems painted during the Bush years, but he's smart and calculating, and -- as the Dems learned -- he is VERY capable at drawing people into a trap.

    Have fun, Sarah. You are reaping what you've sown.

    You're now officially in a no-win situation. If you announce and then QUIT due to family reasons, whatever, you'll forever cement your reputation as a lightweight and a quitter, never to see a national stage again. (I agree with Kornacki in this one -- the best way to get rid of you once and for all is for you to run. And FAIL, oh so publicly!) But if you don't announce, you'll only have proven yourself as a big tease, a grifter, out for your own financial gain and publicity. Either way, you can no longer be the big Mama Grizzly savior you love to see yourself as.


  36. Anonymous8:08 AM

    This just gets juicier:

    Anonymous said...

    I am not sure what exactly to think of these "new" photos. (I am the one who has been posting about my experiences and observations concerning Sarah and Bristol)

    Firstly, I would be skeptical of any photos like this which just happen to pop up like this. Sarah bitched for months about her parents releasing photos of her during the campaign--not for privacy reasons...but because media agencies pay "licensing fees" to use them and Sarah was just incensed that her parents would dare cash in...after all, SHE is the one who deserves all the gold!

    Anyway from that point on Sarah and Bristol both have been very militant concerning the release of photos. They make sure to get every dime they can out of photo licensing. I just really can't see Sarah allowing a huge cache of photos like this.
    Also...anything put out by the Palins is meant to deceive the public. If they put out a photo of Bristol with a baby girl--it's because they want people to SEE Bristol with a baby girl. Possibly to distract the public from wondering about a baby BOY whose presence cannot be explained?

  37. Anonymous8:10 AM

    ketamine sarah? really? isn't that cat tranquilizer? i had her pegged for a meth/pot smoker for sure. guess she surprised me there.

  38. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Karl Rove says time to sit down and shut up sarah. You should probably listen. You're done.

  39. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Scroll up and take another gander at the image of GVS and KR. Put a wig on Rove and you have a spittin´ image of sarah.

    Is there any doubt sarah has shat herself again?

  40. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Oh please please please let Sarah pop her badly wigged big ol' head up on Greta's show and run her mouth on and on about Karl Rove! Pretty please?

    She has no fucking clue who she's dealing with, because Rove has perfected evil sociopathic destruction.

  41. AJ Billings8:16 AM

    Damn, the insider scoop on the butt dimples and the ketamine gel!!

    Too much info, but so typical of the Granny Grifter who just can't be seen to "retreat" or be "defeated"

    Well, guess what Sarah? You are already defeated!

    If Rove can publicly taunt you on FOX news!!, you are toast-- no, actually you are just toast CRUMBS!

    And if you are stupid enough to declare, then come on up to New Hampshire where me and about 100 of my friends from some poker leagues are making BIG signs that say

    "You called Trig a little shit"
    "Where's the wedding ring?"

    We'll be at every campaign stop, and we have a guy who's a mole who's going to spring some gotcha moments and bust you too.

    You have lied, cheated, and covered up your bullshit long enough Sarah, and when the truth about Trig comes out, you are toast crumbs!

  42. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Comment above said:

    "Sarah Palin insists on the honorific "governor" (which Faux News religiously adheres to) but it really only reminds folks that the Quitter hasn't been governing anything, in quite a while. She can't even govern her tongue."

    Or even the reptilian scales on her own big toes!

  43. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Good night! if this is what Sarah takes, it explains alot of her odd behavior that we've thought was Redd Bull and Meth:

    At low doses, Ketamine is a mild, if weird stimulant. It is in the same class of drugs as PCP (Angel Dust), DXM and nitrous oxide (laughing gas). At medium to high doses, it becomes a very powerful paralyzing psychedelic. Its effects are like a combination of cocaine, cannabis, opium, nitrous oxide, and alcohol.

    When Ketamine separates or dissociates the mind from the body, the brain is freed from the usual business of reacting to sensations from the body. Perception increases to fill the gap vacated by the senses and gives rise to Ketamine's more mind-expanding effects.

    At low doses, Special K increases heart rate and blood pressure. Taking a larger amount has the opposite effect, leading to depressed respiration.

    Some users report feeling nauseous after taking Vitamin K. Vomiting may occur, as well. Using the drug on an empty stomach may help to minimize this side effect.

    Onset of the K Effect

    The K effect is very rapid. If you use a small amount of Special K, you may start off feeling dreamy and like you are floating outside of your own body. Your arms and legs may feel numb in the initial stages of the trip. In 10-20 minutes you may find yourself hardly able to move and, at higher doses, the experience has been described as even approaching out-of-body and near-death experiences.

    Peaking on Special K

    At the height of the experience, you may experience dazzling insights, hallucinate and even feel yourself communicating with forces, entities and elements you were never conscious of before. The world you see in your mind may be very detailed and in some cases, you may feel that you are sharing your visions or thoughts with other people who are nearby.

    The visual hallucinations that K users experience may include images, as well as the sensation of falling or even flying. It has been likened to a religious experience, with some users seeing and communicating with a Higher Power.

    Users often fall into a deep trance state. Most people are sitting or lying down during this phase. Their eyes may move sightlessly from side and side, and their bodies may assume bizarre postures. Try to tell someone about it and you're likely to mumble monosyllabic and nonsensical inanities.

    Some people find it a life-changing and even spiritual experience. Others find it a lonely and unemotional experience. It may even be terribly frightening. Whatever you make of it -- it's intense.

    Coming Down from Ketamine

    Usually, a Ketamine trip only lasts between 45 and 90 minutes, regardless of dosage. The experience can be much shorter if you have high tolerance. The effects wear off very rapidly.

    Side Effects of Tripping on Vitamin K

    If you've ever had an operation under anesthetic, you'll recognize that lousy post-operative feeling after a strong Ketamine trip. There are few other side effects other than this general drowsiness.

    You might feel wiped out, a bit achy, and not ready for anything too loud or too complicated. Sometimes you may feel rather disoriented or even a bit shell-shocked, as Ketamine is a very extreme experience at higher doses.

    It's not uncommon to have a memory lapse about the details of the trip. This side effect is similar to that of not being able to remember a dream the next day, even though it may have been a very intense one at the time.

    Many people feel energized after a Ketamine experience and have a strong urge to move around, dance or stretch.

    Long term, some users can be so overcome by what they regard as the superior reality of Ketamine-land that they can retreat from the real world into the K-world. In a type of reality flip, the visions they see while under the drug's influence feel more real and meaningful than what they experience in the brick and mortar world. See Tales From The K-Hole.

  44. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Ketamine? Really? That explains a lot. What a nightmarish piece of work she is.

  45. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Ketamine? "Also works as a laxative" according to Wikipedia. Kill two birds with one stone!

  46. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Oh and this is getting better and better:

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I can't comment on whether or not multiple babies were used. I have suspicions...and I have asked some questions which have NOT been answered to my satisfaction. Sarah and Bristol immediately accuse Gryphen of photo-shopping the ear deformity into the photos any time they are questioned about it. Sarah blew a microchip when she found out Frank included a "ruffled ear" photo in his book. She was livid. She knows he put it there to remind her what he knows. Which is everything...his "story" of the day Trig was born? Go back and read carefully--what he says is "there's no way that girl gave birth TODAY" in regard to Bristol. Which of course is completely true since Trig was born in February. Frank included that photo as an insurance policy...he wanted to be free to tell his story and make a living without fear of Sarah's famous revenge tactics. And it worked.

    My thought only makes her so angry because there is a huge "there" there.

    Right now locals are scared to mention any "extra baby/ies" theory. It seems so far fetched. But there is a reason Bristol starts calling Gryphen a "pervert" who is "obsessed with Trig" whenever anyone dares to bring up the ear issue. There is a reason Sarah becomes apoplectic when the deformed ear/two babies theory is mentioned. Last year there was an occasion where Todd slept in the car because Sarah was raging against Gryphen so bad. Even when he tried getting away from her in the garage she kept storming in, wanting Todd to join her in her plan to "eviscerate" Gryphen. (Sarah, how's that revenge-y evisceratin' thing workin' out for ya?)

    So while I can't definitively say there was more than one baby...obviously there is something they want to keep hidden, even from family. The night Todd slept in the car, the whole issue that started Sarah's tantrum was her sister asking about the ear issue. She just made a very cautious inquiry and Sarah flew into a rage and didn't speak to her for nearly a month.

    9:58 AM

  47. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Mama Grizzly doesn't stand a chance taking Rove on. She deserves everything that he throws at her. I love it.

    On behalf of Gabby Giffords, little Christina Green, and the five other innocents who died in Tucson, all victims of Sarah's viciousness, I say let Palin have it. Are you retreating, Sarah?

  48. AJ Billings8:44 AM

    Crispy Crunchwraps, Batman!!

    A genuine WORD SALAD, Palin certified quote generator!!!!!!

    I think the online version makes more sense than the original :)

    Examples of Palin-word-salad:

    "That strategy that has worked in Iraq that to make sure that an eye is being kept on the road that America may find itself on."

    "What I think Americans at the end of the day are going to be able to go back and look at that has to be considered also where it is the taxpayers."

    It's a laugh a minute folks, and reminds me of the Couric interviews all over again :)

  49. Anonymous8:45 AM

    “It is a sign of enormous thin skin that if we speculate about her she gets upset,” Mr. Rove said on Fox News. “I suspect if we didn’t speculate about her she’d be upset and try to get us to speculate about her.”

    Mr. Rove, the former political strategist for President George W. Bush, and Ms. Palin, the former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate, have never been buddy-buddy, but it’s the latest volley in what is now an open confrontation between the two Republicans. Both are paid contributors for Fox News, which, like The Wall Street Journal, is owned by News Corp.

    First, the background: On Saturday, Mr. Rove predicted Ms. Palin would join the presidential fray and suggested she would do so Labor Day weekend. The former governor is set to headline a tea party rally Sept. 3 in Iowa. That didn’t sit well with team Palin, and on Tuesday, Ms. Palin’s political action committee took a swipe at Mr. Rove: “Any professional pundit claiming to have ‘inside information’ regarding Governor Palin’s personal decision is not only wrong but their comments are specifically intended to mislead the American public.”

    On Wednesday night, Mr. Rove said he was “mystified.” “How is she going to react if she does get into the campaign and gets the scrutiny that every presidential candidate does get?” he said. “That’s not going to be a pretty site.”

    Mr. Rove’s comments reflect a growing frustration in some Republican circles over her continued flirting with a presidential run. (August, if not September, is seen as late to join the presidential sweepstakes.) Ms. Palin made a surprise appearance at the Iowa State Fair this month and released a political ad that’s heavy on Iowa-imagery. The video by her PAC also promotes her Sept. 3 speech.

    Mr. Rove went on to say that the former governor could win the GOP nomination, should she run. He suggested she first develop “slightly thicker skin.”

  50. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Well, here's the obvious question: Did Roger Ailes put Rove up to this?

  51. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Karl Rove Calls Sarah Palin's Bluff

    The years-long feud between Karl Rove and Sarah Palin just morphed from typical public passive-agression to naked hostility as Rove called his fellow Fox Newser's bluff on her presidential aspirations Wednesday night. On Sunday, Rove said Palin was probably going to get into the 2012 race, because she "has a schedule next week that looks like that of a candidate, not a celebrity"--speculating about her ambitions while implying she's lacked seriousness this year. Palin shot back Tuesday with a post on her political action committee's website saying, "Any professional pundit claiming to have 'inside information' regarding Governor Palin's personal decision is not only wrong but their comments are specifically intended to mislead the American public." Wednesday night, Rove took the feud further, portraying Palin as a "thin-skinned" diva reveling in all the attention.

    Rove told Greta van Susteren at Fox News that if Palin wants people to quit talking about her, all she has to do is get out of the race:

  52. Anonymous8:52 AM

    ketamine - meth

    not much of a difference and she looks like she does it all. It would explain the nose and the false teeth.

  53. Anonymous8:53 AM

    But at about the 12:50 mark, Van Susteren brought up Palin. Van Susteren said coyly that in preparation for the segment, she found lots of references to “a comment you made about Governor Sarah Palin.” Van Susteren didn’t say what the comment was but she was obviously referring to Rove’s comments that he thought the odds of Palin running for president were slightly more than not running. Believe it or not, Palin seems to have taken offense at that. As CBS News reported, her Sarah PAC website fired off the following comment, presumed to have been aimed at Rove:

    Any professional pundit claiming to have 'inside information' regarding Governor Palin's personal decision is not only wrong but their comments are specifically intended to mislead the American public.

    Rove fired back on On The Record. And don’t tell me Van Susteren didn’t set it up for him. Rove said, “Look, if she doesn’t want to be speculated about as a potential presidential candidate, there’s an easy way to end speculation: simply say, ‘I’m not running.’ But instead, every time she pops up into the public eye, like she did on CNN at the Iowa State Fair a number of days ago, she said, ‘I haven’t made a decision.’”

    Rove said he “wouldn’t bet a lot of money” on her running but added, “It’s a sign of enormously thin skin that if we speculate about her, she gets upset. And I suspect if we didn’t speculate about her, she’d be upset and trying to find a way to get us to speculate about her.”

    Van Susteren predictably tried to deflect the criticism, saying she had “no idea” if Palin had been involved in the attack on Rove. “What is it about Governor Palin that even the media can’t let go of it?” Van Susteren asked laughably. After all, she should know the answer since she was the one who brought it up. And less than a week ago, she teased the “tease” herself (while ignoring Palin's champagne tastes) and asked Palin about her potential run, “Can you at least give me a little bit of a hint which way the wind is blowing tonight?” As if Van Susteren didn’t already know Palin won’t run. Frankly, I thought even Rove knew when he made his original comments that Palin won't run.

    Rove said Palin was “a potentially big factor in the presidential election” and “if she doesn’t want to be speculated about, then end the speculation by saying, ‘I’m not going to be a candidate.’”

    It’s significant to me that Rove kept saying Palin could end the speculation, by saying she wouldn't run when she could just as easily end it by saying she will. Especially since this whole brouhaha started when he said he thought it was likely she’d run.

    “Until then,” Rove continued, “I would just recommend she might get a slightly thicker skin because if she’s got this thin a skin now… how’s she going to react if she does get into the campaign and gets the scrutiny that every presidential candidate does get? I mean, that’s not going to be a pretty sight if she’s as thin-skinned in the fray as she is on the edges of it… If she were not interested in being a candidate, why does she keep going back to Iowa? …I’m sure there are a lot of other states in the union where she could have previewed her film, launched her book tour, and spoken to a tea party event during Labor Day of 2011… If she doesn’t want people to speculate that she might be a presidential candidate, she's sure got a funny way of killing the speculation.”

    The televised version of this interview ended abruptly with a Fox News alert just after Rove recommended Palin get a thicker skin. I thought that extremely suspicious given that the alert was about the resignation of Steve Jobs from Apple, an announcement made several hours earlier that was hardly earth shaking. However, the entire interview is on and is titled, Rove to Palin: Grow ‘Thicker Skin.’

  54. Anonymous8:53 AM

    She's so immersed in the theology of making a buck she won't run.

  55. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Hey Tawd! Carl is talking about Sarah! Aren't you going to stand by your man and confront Carl like you confronted the elderly citizens of Alaska?

    "Why are you shaking Carl?"

    Tawd, is that what you are going to tell Carl when you see him?

    I doubt, Carl will kick Tawd's brokeback trailer park ass!

  56. Ratfish8:56 AM

    Sarah Palin: just another lamestream politician..

  57. Watching and Waiting8:59 AM

    OK, I googled ketamine gel and it says it is a pain reliever, so why is she using this? Is there also some kind of "cosmetic" benefit? I am curious why she would use this when there are some pretty obvious side effects unless she really needs it.

    Very interesting

  58. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Any serious candidate would have already made a decision. I wouldn't want anyone dithering around like she is. If she does get in, it will only be for attention, trust me, it won't go any further than that. We're soooo over her!

  59. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Rove's final comments were perfect -

    "How's she going to react when she gets into the campaign and gets the kind of scrutiny that every candidate for president DOES get?"


    "it's not going to be a pretty picture if she's as thin skinned in the fray as she is on the edges of it"

    Rove nailed it. He's an evil tool, but he today he pointed out that her shit DOES stink.

  60. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Five reasons why Sarah Palin will run (and five reasons why she won't)

    Palin recently released a video of the day she spent at the Iowa State Fair, which set off an entirely new round of speculation about her intentions. But she showed this week that she enjoys tweaking the media and the established political class (that's you, Karl Rove) when they suggest that she has made up her mind.

    "Three years ago D.C. pundits predicted with glee the demise of Sarah Palin's political career. This past weekend their tune changed, citing false information that she has made a decision and set a date regarding a future campaign," said a statement on the site of her political action committee. "Any professional pundit claiming to have 'inside information' regarding Governor Palin's personal decision is not only wrong but their comments are specifically intended to mislead the American public.' These are the same tired establishment political games that fuel the 24 hour news cycle and that all Americans will hopefully reject in 2012, and this is more of the "politics-as-usual' that Sarah Palin has fought against throughout her career."

    In denying that she's a candidate, Palin sounded, well, like a candidate.

    And so it goes. Speculating about the former vice presidential nominee is almost a full-time avocation, so here’s a look at some of the reasons why, at this relatively late date, Palin may or may not turn the GOP race on its ear.


  61. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Bachmann bests Palin on Forbes’ list of the world’s most powerful women

    Yes, the Bachmann v. Palin storyline is a little tired. The two attractive, conservative, matriarchal politicians might make natural rivals, but they need not be specifically pitted against each other just because they’re women. Still, it’s fun to stoke the nonexistent competition.

    So, for what it’s worth, Rep. Michele Bachmann ranks No. 22 on Forbes’ list of the world’s most powerful women, released yesterday. Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin ranks No. 34. The rankings are based on three metrics: Dollars, a traditional and social media component and power base points.

  62. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Jeez, Rove just now noticed that Palin is thin-skinned?

  63. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Here is the transcript of the video:

    ...VAN SUSTEREN: I actually -- I actually -- I actually don't know if it's Governor Palin or not. I don't know anything about that. I was merely reflecting on the fact that the media, is you mention the name Governor Palin, I mean, no matter what you say or Governor Palin -- I mean, I don't -- I have no idea whether -- whether she has -- even knows -- I assume she knows that you said something about her. But why -- what is it about Governor Palin that even the media can't let go of it?

    ROVE: Yes. Well, first of all, I do assume she -- she -- when her -- when SARAHPAC issues a statement, I assume that Governor Palin authorized the statement. So she knew exactly what SARAHPAC was going to say. But look, here's the deal...

    VAN SUSTEREN: I didn't even know about, but OK.

    ROVE: Oh, yes. Yes, that's where -- that's where -- that's where her comment came from was a statement put out by SARAHPAC. But look, she's a big -- she's a potentially big factor in the presidential election. If she were to get in, she'd be a "contenda," as they would say. She was the vice presidential nominee in 2008. She maintains a following.

    There are people who want her in and there are some people who would be deeply concerned if she did because she'd be eating into their -- into their ranks. But she's a player. And so if she doesn't want to be speculated about, then end the speculation by saying, "I'm not going to be a candidate."

    Until then, I would just recommend she might get a slightly thicker skin because if she's got this thin a skin now, when people are saying, Well, I think she might be a candidate, what kind of -- how's she going to react if she does get into the campaign and gets the scrutiny that every presidential candidate does get? I mean, that's not going to be a pretty sight if she's as thin-skinned in the fray as she is on the edges of it.

  64. Would love to see her run, win the nomination, then watch Obama hand her ass to her in the general. Then she can just STFU!

  65. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Don't count out Sarah Palin

    ...These are all obviously strong and valid points; up until a few days ago, they were enough to lead me to discount Palin as a serious candidate. But now I am not so sure. What has changed my mind? Well, as Palin might say, it was that gosh darned video.

    Now, one campaign ad does not a campaign make. But it was not the clip itself that caused me to rethink a Palin candidacy. It was more that the clip looked so familiar. More precisely, it was who, or whose campaign, the images in the commercial immediately brought to mind.

    In the video, the initial scenes of bright sunlight shining over Iowa cornfields lead into uplifting images of young people and young couples with children smiling and enjoying the day at the Iowa State Fair. In a phrase, it is "Morning in America." Those of us of a certain age remember the Reagan campaign's seminal commercial of that name, an advertisement that helped to secure his crushing landslide re-election in 1984.

  66. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Yay! The Rove called her thinned skinned lots of times!!!! Dumb a$$ twit she is.

  67. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Ketamine, from Wikipedia:

    "It has been shown to be effective in treating depression in patients with bipolar disorder who have not responded to other anti-depressants.[8] In persons with major depressive disorder it produces a rapid antidepressant effect within two hours..

  68. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I think Rove is subhuman slime, but I have to admit, I did enjoy watching him not take Greta's attempt to lead him toward Palin-style "media" bashing and instead kept the onus right where it belonged, on Palin's botoxed head.

    The thing nobody really wants to say out loud is the fact that Sarah WOULDN'T be a "contendah", and that media attraction to her would be no different in she were Granny Clampett or Uncle Fester running for office. Pririent novelty ain't the same thing as political mojo.

    I'm sure Rove just wants her distraction to end and the quickest path is for her to announce one way or the other and be shown how irrelevant she is.

  69. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Well, $arah's thin skin is firmly on record. GOP leaders, it's now time to highlight her laziness, dire lack of qualifications, and fondness for: lying, maliciousness, egotism, fool-hardiness, and quitting. Get her done!

  70. Anonymous9:38 AM

    As far as the establishment branch of the GOP goes, Karl Rove is all seeing. He runs that part of the party from his lobbying group in DC, though he isn't officially listed on their site.

    The only thing the GOP establishment doesn't have a complete handle on is the Tea Party, but they had many fundamentalist Christian Republicans under their tent already, way before Michelle Bachmann and her ilk came along.

    Apparently he is an "informal advisor":

    More like shadow boss. He is right smack in the middle of everything having to do with the GOP and with the 2012 election.

    Look out, it's going to get ugly, and long after they are rid of Sarah.

  71. PalinsHoax9:38 AM

    Anon @ 7:32 am said ...
    "I bet she'd have cages of white doves open as she spoke."

    Oh wouldn't it be a sight to behold if all those released doves then just hovered over Ol' $carah and pooped all over Her Heinass.

  72. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Sarah Palin, it's time to fish or cut bait: Stop teasing everyone about whether you'll run in 2012

  73. deebee9:40 AM

    The pig is running out of lipstick.

  74. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Makes me wonder if Rove is behind stories such as the following on Perry. Not there isn't a lot of slime trail to follow with Perry without Rove, but still.

    Brace yourselves if you read this. It's the same corporation-gets-rich-from "dead peasants" (aka their workers' deaths) shit that WalMart tried.

    So, Rover, Perry, Palin, Gramm and the rest (Bachmann and Newt-who-needs-a-last-name-with-such-a-sucky-first-name, etc.) all deserve their own level in Hell. They only care about their own power and bank accounts.

  75. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I have seen ketamine mentioned several times in comments on this post. I have never heard of it. After reading everything it seems like it is a gel applied to the skin. One commenter said something about how it can affect a person's view of reality - my words - I am trying to remember what was said.
    I keep saying this - ever since she started doing interviews from home I have sworn she is "on" something. I figured pot, alcohol or meds. The droopy eyelids and glazed look on her face.
    Sincere thanks to the person who is giving us bits and pieces of the real Sarah. Your tidbits are fascinating.
    Pat Padrnos

  76. Anonymous9:49 AM

    An insider tells RumorFix exclusively that CMT has shelved his reality show — although they loved the pilot – to see what the former Republican vice presidential candidate does politically.

  77. Anonymous9:58 AM

    When you endlessly repost inane, lengthy comments written by anonymous people, you are only giving them license to continue to post more inane bs.

    I can all but guarantee THAT commenter is media insider, mistress of deception. Or it could be another crazed reader with a penchant for creating elaborate stories. Remember Media insider's wonderful little tales
    from dwts says? Nothing came of those, for a reason. Blog readers are so dense they'll believe anything because it suits their preconceived notions. You've all never met any of these people. It's funny how you think you know them by a couple weird comments on a blog that was built on more weird comments and slanderous accusations.

  78. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Hey 7:38 - why don't you ask that guy who entered late last ReTHug cycle. Big, bald, ultra lazy.....anyoen remember him dropped out pretty quick too. Had to look it up - Thompson, Fred.

  79. Anon 6:52:
    You are a mentally disturbed creature. (Is that a citeria for being a Palinbot?)
    Rove is a piece of crap; however, to call him a pedophile is really, really sick. What is it with you Palinbots, and your obsession with sex?
    Seek some help, or have Marcus pray your insanity away.
    BTW, Palin IS thin skinned, and a media whore. That's a fact that you cannot deny.

  80. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Oh boy, Added to the list of Queen's enemies are DC Republicans. Check the sorry asses at See for Pee. Now they are going after republicans to defend their queen. So sad

  81. Anonymous10:12 AM

    HeeHee... front row seats with popcorn! Your turn, Sarah.

  82. Anonymous10:13 AM

    "she won't announce on Sept 3 because there is a Republican candidate debate on Sept 7 and she will have to participate in that."

    Debates will not affect Sarah's decision. She's already said that she would run a different campaign, read: not do debates or any other traditional campaign practices that she doesn't want to participate in. My guess is she still doesn't know what she wants and it changes daily from "yes, I will" to "no, I won't".

  83. Enjay in E MT10:17 AM

    As much as I dispise Rove from the Bush admin., I can't help but admire his throw down at $arahPalin. Not only did he tell her PUBLICALLY - either man-up and announce or get back in the kitchen.... but he did it on gal-pal Greta's show on her employers FAUX Network.

    Looks like Turd-blossom was wearing his MAN PANTS!

  84. Dear Greta of Fox "News",

    What state is Sarah "Bored Wasilla Housewife" Payliar the Governor of?

    You might want to check out a little "news conference" she gave back in July of 2009...

    Fantastic Reporting!

    Way. To. Go. Thetan!

  85. JenniferinVA10:23 AM

    I think the Fox hosts and talking heads must get docked in pay if they forget to call SP "Governor Palin." Greta mistakenly called her "Sarah Palin" then quickly, within a nanosecond, corrected herself by saying "Governor Palin."
    I couldn't believe how many times they both used the term "governor" before Palin's name. Ridiculous!

    It's like they are trying to brainwash their audience into forgetting that Palin's a quitter and she actually never completed that term.

    If Rove and Greta didn't revolt me and cause extreme nausea, I'd go back and do a "governor" count, but it's not worth the dry heaves I'd have to endure since I already vomitted the contents of my stomach with the first viewing.

  86. Along the lines of continuing to call the Loser Quitter the "G" word,

    can anyone tell me if they call Romney "Governor Romney" every single time?

    "Senator Santorum"?

    HAHA! Side note_ when I Googled "when did sarah palin quit" thinking it would go straight to her resignation as Governor, instead there were LOADS of articles about her QUITTING the BUS TOURS!!! HAHAHAHA!

    You Google "Palin quits" and you have NUMEROUS OPTIONS!!

    She is SUCH. A. LOSER!!!!!

    (Hey there, Big Stuff! You reading this, BITCH??)

  87. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Here's something else that ketamine does -- at least in rats!

    Ketamine-induced tongue protrusions in rats. Comp Biochem Physiol C. 1989;94(1):29-33.

  88. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Dither on, Quitter. Dither on.

  89. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I triple dog dare her with a cherry on run on Dancing With The Stars ~ it’s what you want, Sarah. It’s what god wants for you, isn’t it Sarah?

  90. Anonymous10:52 AM

    anyone having problems getting into Laura Novaks blog?

  91. Anonymous10:52 AM

    anyone having problems getting into Laura Novaks blog?

  92. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I get the sense that her "big announcement" will be that she is NOT going to run. But she'll tell the tea party crowd that she intends to continue being a rabble rouser and will come up with some oddball tactics to get them to vote for the lunies and she will once again be seen as a "player" and game changer. blah blah blah.

  93. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Ok, this is off topic but I've never heard of a whole family being obsessed with the big dipper. Juicy C, cheetah, thats all legit and normal, but being obsessed with a constellation? I wonder what the significance is.

  94. Anonymous11:02 AM

    OK, this is Sarah Palin's 3 AM phone call. She has been stringing people along for weeks, teasing them that she is still "making up her mind." At the same time, she had the nerve to call out Obama for considering a far more critical decision, one that would have world wide impact. She accused Obama of "dithering," while Palin is either having a hard time making up her mind or she just won't tell anyone until....well, there is no good reason for the delay.

    Take it as an example of Sarah's qualifications to be a decisive leader. She's not.

  95. Eppito11:08 AM

    "Wouldn't be great if they ate each other?"
    - Groucho Marx

  96. More GOP infighting, this time in NH. "Establishment" Rs vs Tea-baggers. Move underfoot to remove TP-aligned state party chair...

    "New Hampshire Senator, Congressmen Support Removing State GOP Chairman Jack Kimball"


    Watching them devour themselves is soooo sweet... And Palin has been a big part of their undoing.

  97. True Blue Girl11:11 AM

    So, let's summarize: ketamine gel, has protruding tongue side effect, used to treat bipolar and depression, etc.

    On the possible idea of the generously dishing Anonymous: I notice that this is a skilled writer, with an unusually broad vocabulary and correct usage of some very nuanced adjectives. Hard to imagine in Palin's circle, or even close. Wonder if this is fiction, maybe Media Insider back for some mischief? Just wondering. It's pretty obvious that whoever it is has some writing/word usage chops.

  98. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Rove is a piece of crap; however, to call him a pedophile is really, really sick.


    reserve the ranting for Sarah - she's the one that calls everyone a pedophile. Obviously you don't recognize satire when you read it.

    EVERYONE is a pedophile that wants her children according to Stupid Palin.

  99. Anonymous @9:58 AM said...

    When you endlessly repost inane, lengthy comments written by anonymous people, you are only giving them license to continue to post more inane bs.

    You mean reposing like this? (lol)
    Sorry couldn't help myself.

    I can all but guarantee THAT commenter is media insider, mistress of deception. Or it could be another crazed reader with a penchant for creating elaborate stories. Remember Media insider's wonderful little tales from dwts says? Nothing came of those, for a reason. Blog readers are so dense they'll believe anything because it suits their preconceived notions. You've all never met any of these people. It's funny how you think you know them by a couple weird comments on a blog that was built on more weird comments and slanderous accusations.

    It really doesn't help to complain about anonymous posters when you're anonymous, too. At least come up with a unique handle so it's much more clear to keep people straight.

  100. LisaB259511:18 AM

    Palin/Perry or Perry/Palin--it's a horrible idea for Perry.

    One--Sarah's already shown herself unqualified for the VP spot. Why on earth would Perry put her there?

    And why would Rick, which boatloads more experience and a history of NOT QUITTING take a back-seat to Quitter Sarah on the ticket?

    I don't like Rick Perry, but he is not that stupid.

  101. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Media Insider here, coming out of hiding just briefly to say that I am not the one who has been posting those detailed and juicy comments about Sarah recently.

    Gryphen knows my IP addresses and can see they are not the same. I'm in New Jersey, you see. I doubt that this commenter is.

    I have however been following this information with great interest!

    As far as,"Nothing ever came out of" (my past news updates) -- well, Bristol had a baby as I reported she would, the pregnancy covered up during DWTS in such an obvious and painful way. Just because the Palins haven't presented this baby publically doesn't mean "nothing came out of it." A very BIG something came out of Bristol's vagina. Another baby to add to her ever-increasing list of unwanted and unloved children. :)

    And Bristol DID get a reality show as I reported was in the works months ago; Levi did get a book deal of his own; yada yada whatever. But it was all lies - lies, I tell you! Also the part about Sarah indiscrimnately using her PAC money for personal expenses. That must be a lie, too!

    *retreats back to hidey hole, but not before giving Bristol a shoutout: "How are you doin', Magilla Gorilla?"*

  102. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Anon @ 9:58, that stuff is really getting to you guys, isn't it?

    Stop claiming these comments are coming from that Media Insider person. You are doing that in an attempt to discredit the comments, and it isn't working. I personally thought that Media Insider probably knew quite a bit about the DWTS period. THAT'S likely quite threatening, isn't it? An inconvenient pregnancy and all that.

    I bet there is more truth than not in these recent comments, coming from someone connected to the Palins, even peripherally.

  103. Anonymous11:27 AM

    The WSJ quote that 8:45 posted is odd. Rove said Palin could be a contender. Did he ever say Palin could win the GOP nomination?

  104. i have actually thought for sometime that the RNC has forbidden $$$arah from entering the race for republican presidental nomination. They have probably told her so. She is unelectable and they know it. ever since i saw Barbara Bush, (in a rare tv interview), stating that $arah should "stay where she is" meaning in Alaska. Wow, i thought at the time, that is not good for $arah, and unbelievably, it was so obvious Barbara Bush was speaking directly to $arah, right there on tv. It was so obvious. Can you imagine Palin's reaction???? I mean when do we hear Barbara Bush speak out about anything. It was a warning.

    Unfortunatly for all, the Bushes are the power behind the republican party and Barbara Bush is the power behind the power. The good news is, thanks to nature, the Bush dynasty will only last a few more years. It is very rare that an unconscienable tyrant, such as Bush Sr. comes along to dominate right wing politics so thoroughy. It takes years to clean them out. Bush Sr.'s sons do not have what it takes to keep the harrowingly destructive dynsty going. Untold suffering, these people have no conscience.

    I hope there is no judgment in heaven for them, (you know that book they read which professes how they should guide their lives), because if there is I would not want to be them. Karl Rove is just being used as their mouthpiece. $arah has been warned to stay away from seeking the nomination, although she is showing up everywhere the nominees are and she is driving the RNC crazy. Rove is just warning her again, telling her to let the RNC know she is not running, by FINALLY admitting publicly, she is not running.

    The rnc does not really know if she will run or not. Palin is dying to challenge them. She is taking a long time so as to let them make the next move because she doesn't have one. She is losing simply by waiting as her supporters are getting worked up about candidates who are ARE running. A catch 22. She is waiting and watching the rnc make a move. (when you don't have one wait for your opponent to make one). Like this interview with Karl Rove, now she will respond in her own way. Palin and the rnc are playing their own game through the media and it is a very dangerous one. Someone with alot of power is telling Palin what to do. This is not just Sarah Palin thinking this through, she simply isn't capable of this level of thought. The rnc has their candidate chosen, so as to continue with their agenda for the nation. a horrible agenda based on hate and fear, the bible, exploiting anything and anyone to make money for themselves and the people who keep them in power. They want their nominee to get all the votes, including the idiots who would vote for Palin. They want the country to concentrate only on their nominee. $arah could split the votes and someone the rnc does not want could secure the nomination, like someone with a small conscience who cannot be totally controlled. Sarah and her team do not know what to do, They want to beat the rnc, but it may be out of their pervue. Sarah has money and now all she wants is power, power, power. They holds all the cards. All Sarah has is, "the level of her own incompetence". And I assure you that will not be enough here.

    What amazes me is the RNC could destroy Palin anytime they wanted to, but they can't make her look too crazy, which the truth would tell, because they want to tag along her supports. The rest to be revealed........

  105. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Anonymous said...

    I triple dog dare her with a cherry on run on Dancing With The Stars ~ it’s what you want, Sarah. It’s what god wants for you, isn’t it Sarah?

    10:45 AM

    Don't mean to correct you, but you are thinking small. Sarah said that God told Sarah that he had plans for her to be the Almighty Supreme Empress Commander of the Galaxy!

  106. Palin has no choice but to run otherwise she is finished for good. She's just a big chickenshit because once she does get in, even her cult followers will finally realize what a moron she really is so she's going to ride the gravy train for as long as she can. Either way, she's finished.

  107. Anonymous11:43 AM

    If the worst Karl Rove can do is whine about Palin's dithering then Rove is just an old limp used up pundit.

    However, I think Rove can engineer many problems to ensnare Palin should he care to put her in his cross-hairs. Rove is a volcano to Palin's tiny spark.

  108. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Here's something else that ketamine does -- at least in rats!

    Ketamine-induced tongue protrusions in rats. Comp Biochem Physiol C. 1989;94(1):29-33.

    10:36 AM

    That explains why that turd is always sticking her tongue out. We thought Sarah was trying to be sexual while all this time Sarah is a rat experiment!

    Now it makes sense.

  109. Eppito11:48 AM

    "Wouldn't be great if they ate each other?"
    - Groucho Marx

  110. Why doesn't wikileaks come up with something on this?

  111. Anonymous11:52 AM

    8:32 am re giffords, green et al;
    hopefully $carah gets hers when her mouth breathin' knuckle draggin' followers turn against her.
    if it were possible that's something i'd pay to see

    fuk off $carah you piece of shit, you as well toad

  112. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Karh Rove knows she can not beat Pres Obama.
    Rove wants to finish her off by setting a trap on the quiter, to force her to tell her supporters the truth that she can not beat President Obama, even if she went flying naked in the air. She will still lose. So politely Rove is trying to spell it to her face and her crazy racists funs.
    Check the match up between President Obams and Sarah Palin. it will be a landslide if she won the nomination. I think Sarah knows it.But her Bots do not get it.

  113. AKinPA11:58 AM

    Help me. I have a very short attention span. Isn't Palin the person who didn't even blink when she was asked to be VP in 2008? Why is the idiot dithering now?

  114. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Hidey Do, Media Insider! Glad to hear from you! Missed you and your trenchant comments and blog. I wouldn't have survived the DWTS days without you.


    @True Blue Girl.Good observation. I thought the same. Nobody from AK uses the word "excise." I'm betting (hoping?) on RAM.

  115. Anonymous12:20 PM

    7:38 "Palin has plenty of time to get into the race. I am tired of Rove and wish he would just go back to school and learn how to spell correctly."

    How funny!!!!! Of course she has plenty of time to get in the race. That way she can avoid a lot of attention & of course the debates. It is CRITICAL that she doesn't do those.

    Personally, I wish SP would go back to school and learn just about anything. Speaking properly without the screech would be a good start, then onto serious classes. She could use a SERIOUS education but I am afraid it is too late for her to learn what she missed out on the first 45 years of her life. She just can't get that back.

    No way. No How.

  116. Anonymous12:23 PM

    What ever happened to her motto, "you can't blink." Aren't decisions her forte?

  117. Anonymous12:24 PM

    The response from SarahPac:

    “Any professional pundit claiming to have ‘inside information’ regarding Governor Palin’s personal decision is not only wrong but their comments are specifically intended to mislead the American people,”

    The fact is, former -that's former governor, now regular citizen Palin's actions are intended to mislead the American people.

  118. Sharon_too_also12:25 PM

    Hey Media Insider @11:21 AM!

    Good to see you out and about. It's a fickle world out here in blogland and I don't think you got the appreciation you deserved for your DWTS contribution -wonder if Bristol has chosen a big rock to crawl back under when her shit hits the fan . . . .

    I was just about to comment that Gryphen could verify where the anonymous-anonymous comment is coming from and clear the whole thing up - when you popped up. But heck, what's the benefit in that since this has got to be driving tons of traffic today.

    This is just so much juicy fun today, I hope all kind of anonoymouses find their voice.

    PS - Kudos to Gasman who gets it right every time.

  119. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Fox News, Rove, Greta and Sarah are probably all behind this to make Fox with higher ratings. It was probably all planned and nothing but a show.

  120. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Oh Hi Fairy Tale Troll @ 9:58AM. Was wondering when you'd show up to try and divert our attention. Thanks for confirming everything the Palin whilsteblower says is the truth. We know nothing you say is true and always 100% opposite of reality. Thanks again for confirming what the brave palin whistleblower is saying is 100% truth as I'm sure there were a few skeptics. Not anymore.

  121. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Funny how Rove seems to have Sarah's number on this: pitching diva fits that people are talking about her and then going manic trying to get more attention.
    M from MD

  122. telah1:08 PM

    Fairy Tale Troll is definitely Bristol pulling out her big words and phrases like "You've all" and "it's funny?" and "couple of weird comments on a blog that was built on more weird comments."

    How's that GED working for ya?

    And I imagine it's not funny at all to be you right now.

  123. Anonymous1:13 PM

    AKinPA said...

    Help me. I have a very short attention span. Isn't Palin the person who didn't even blink when she was asked to be VP in 2008? Why is the idiot dithering now?

    11:58 AM

    Because the blinking dithering retard knows her days are numbered.

  124. Anonymous1:43 PM

    @ anonymous 12:19 and others:

    Many, many people in Alaska and even Wasilla, can use the word "excise." Not everyone up here is willfully ignorant.

  125. Montana1:52 PM

    Run, Sarah run. Sarah Palin was so successful as a governor, she graduated early “Bitter Quitter”, she real is a “Dan Quayle” in heels. She clearly loves “dishing it out” but real can’t take it because she loves playing the victim card, poor thing. She fail as a VP candidate (her lie that her daughter was engaged was such a farce, selling celibacy, come on), her stand-up comic fiasco on the Jay Leno Show, please, her TV show canceled after declining rating, I guess her perpetual run for the White House (and taking the suckers money) is the only thing she can look forward. Didn’t Fake News make that other movie “undeveloped” or “under achiever” or something like that, right? Didn’t it break all box office records, oh yeah it did not, that Alaska dullard can‘t even finish the bus tour to nowhere. But since she is a coward she will only throw small minded rocks, poor thing. Since we already had an idiot “W” in the White House that caused our current economic debacle, America knows not to trust the GOP fools who flaunt the idiocy.

  126. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Will she or won't she? Rove is not somebody I would mess with.

  127. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Karl Rove is not a pundit. He wants you to think that is all he is.

    He continues to be very powerful in the GOP, behind the scenes.

    The fact that people are understandably taken in by his quaint TV appearances shows how brilliant he is.

    He will manipulate and deceive in broad daylight, so no one suspects a thing.

    Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. We must watch his sleight of hand very carefully.

    He is the Minister of Propaganda for the GOP. That's why we have recently seen more of him. He is controlling the messaging.

  128. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Whatever happened to the Mudflats cutting room floor Palin material?

  129. Anonymous2:28 PM

    "On the possible idea of the generously dishing Anonymous: I notice that this is a skilled writer, with an unusually broad vocabulary and correct usage of some very nuanced adjectives. Hard to imagine in Palin's circle, or even close."

    I noticed the level of writing as being quite good, as well. I was actually wondering if it is RAM. The only possible inconsistency that came to me was the tidbit about Todd sleeping in the garage when they have the studio next door. But there could be a good explanation for it. Anyway, thanks for the interesting info, whoever you are..

  130. Gasman2:42 PM

    Though Rove is not old enough to have been in Nixon's administration, Rove is a second or third generation ratfucker par excellence. Palin has no idea what will happen to her when she declares. She has not faced any kind of treatment like she will when Rove unleashes the big RF on her.

    Remember, Palin is the rat, Rove is the fucker.

    Good luck with THAT one Palin.

  131. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Strikes me that all that needs to be done to keep Sarah either from running or to knock her down if she does declare is for a member of the MSM or a dozen or so progressive interviewers to ask Sarah -

    What does the VP do all day?

    She has had three years to research that question, and she is still waiting for someone else to tell her the answer.

    That is as good as an admission that she is too damn lazy and or too dumb to do the hard word of the Presidency. She wouldn't even be able to handle the daily briefing, ever day, 365 days for four year?

    Get cereal folks she still doesn't know what the VP does, and no body likes/cares about her enough to tell her.

  132. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I love that Rove placed the blame of the extended media attention directly on Sarah herself rather than on the media like Van Susteren wanted. Rove is making Sarah accountable instead of perpetuating the Sarah-Is-A-Victim crapola. Bravo, Mr. Rove. As a conservative Alaskan, I've been waiting a very long time for the Quitter to be accountable for her actions.

  133. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I think it is a great mistake to assume that each and every person connected to the Palins would be a poor writer, or inarticulate.


    I can imagine it's Rebecca, however.

  134. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Ivy Frye. The Ketamine thing is the one thing that will sink her.

    The press better hop on to this and check it out, because if true, anyone needing this med shouldn't be in the White House. EVER.

  135. Anonymous3:41 PM

    She has been nothing less than a complete laughingstock for the last 3 years, but she won't straighten up, or go away. I don't get

    She has a few fans, but the majority of folks think she is an utter fool. Why would someone hold themselves up for ridicule the way she does? Is she a masochist? Completely out of touch with reality? Is she such a fame whore that she doesn't care that she only gets negative attention? If she is just a narcissist, wouldn't she have some *pride*? I always get the feeling that if America were a grade school, Palin would be eating boogers, bugs, and paste to get attention.

  136. Chenagrrl3:48 PM

    Tongue protusions, huh? In rats? That could explain Sarah Palin(TM) doing the Barty Crouch(Harry Potter) tongue thing.

    Rove at the College Repubs. Horreur!

  137. Anonymous5:40 PM

    I keep imagining a scene in which Dick Chaney is waterboarding her while Karl Rove holds her down and whispers in her ear that she's gonna "go-with-the-flow" if she doesn't shut up and sit down.

    But I also agree with a lot of folks that she really has her eye on an Arizona Senate seat. Is there any significance in the recent change of the banner photo on the C4P website from the ambitious "Mountains-to-the- White House" - the "I've got my eye on it stance" photo to the rather more subdued and less ambitious banner it now displays?


  138. Anonymous5:56 PM

    7:46- anonymous: "...Ummm Sarah has plans to be in Arizona babysitting Bristol's childern."

    Did you just mention CHILDREN? As in plural?

    How sweet Granny Grifter will be babysitting for both her grandsons. Trig and Tripp, good luck with the lipsmacking paranoid Quitta From Wassilla.

    Will Bristol be needing your assistance for another one of her cosmetic-surgery-facey-thingys?

  139. Anonymous6:32 PM

    IF only McCain would have won and she was in the VP house... She thought all of her lies would be buried forever and here she is trying to stay ahead of them, scared that if she runs the closet will burst.

  140. Anonymous6:53 PM

    @ 5:56, there has been mention made of another child, one that Bristol likely had after DWTS. Hence the vicious attempts to discredit Media Insider as an earlier point of information on that. Thanks, Media Insider, for clarifying that those recent posts aren't from you. I didn't think they were, personally.

    I'd love to know who is coming round to insist they were posted by you. To me it wasn't an accident that someone wanted to make the rumors about her DWTS pregnancy seem absurd. Apparently they might not be so absurd after all.

    Sarah and Bristol, you do realize if we ever discover that Bristol did have another child after Tripp, your reputations as liars are sealed. None of us care how many children Bristol has; it's the lying part and the secret-keeping that just doesn't fly when you're in politics. You know that, though, don't you? Maybe that's why you're so worried. Both of you will need to find other careers.

    As for anon posting, people simply don't need to "keep people straight". Never will be able to, so don't bother trying. If someone wants to use a name, fine, but it is not required. I can count on one hand the number of names that show up here on a regular basis, anyway. It's just not important.

    Having handles may create the illusion of "truth" or continuity, but it's not any more real than anything else on any of these blogs. Using a name doesn't guarantee that I am not a troll, or Sarah herself, or Bristol, or Karl Rove, or Rebecca, or just a crazy person trying to make you people nuts. IP's are only a tiny sliver of information, they are not proof of anything definitive.

    It's a fruitless quest, in other words.

    I am convinced that the people complaining about this are trying to create controversy where there has been none on this issue for months and months.

  141. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Here's what's odd about Greta cutting Rove off
    for " Breaking News."
    Over two hours earlier , Bret Baier had interrupted Special Report on FOX
    with the actual Breaking News
    that Jobs had resigned.
    By the time Greta was on,
    the news was over two hours old.
    They obviously needed an excuse to stop Rove
    from further exposing
    the pathology of Palin.
    It is absolutely bizarre the way FOX coddles and protects a single " pundint " -
    as Palin would say.
    A pundint who never contributes knowledge or insight into any discussion.
    Making that idiot the flagship commentator
    and face of FOX
    has to have cost FOX viewers.
    It's certainly made them a laughingstock.

  142. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Hey there Sare-that-Old-mare-ain't-what-she-used-to-be . . .

    Truth no longer crouches at your door; it's kickin' that mother-sucker OPEN!

    It's harvest time, sista sayrah.

    Don't blink.

  143. Anonymous7:09 PM

    substitute "mentally unstable" for "thin-skinned" makes the whole idiotic dance of Rove and VanSustern clear.

    Rove can't use "mentally unstable" because he did NOT expose Palin during the campaign. He's using the code phrase "thin-skinned" to cover his fat little a..

  144. Wasilla Secrets8:13 PM

    "She can't really just ignore Rove, as it appears that he is just getting started."


    Karl Rove KNOWS, Sarah. And you can't win, either way you go.


  145. Arrested Development8:28 PM

    anon 732am said "If [Sarah] were running...she would not in the least be concerned with news cable pundits speculating. Why does she have a bee in her bonnet?"

    Because Sarah's still emotionally in high school, desperately seeking more attention, even if getting it means making a complete fool of herself in the process. It's all about the drama and that, she's just like every other narcissist on the planet.

    "Look at meeee! Gosh, what am I going to do next? See my big bus? Ooh, here I go to Iowa to the fair!!! I'm soooo interesting!"

  146. Anonymous8:31 PM

    What are the chances that Karl Rove has a copy of Trig's birth certificate?

    Considering that this is the man who is capable of anything, including orchestrating a murder, I would consider highly probable that Rove knows exactly who Trig's real mother is.

    So keep antagonizing him in your megalomania, Sarah. Keep it up.

  147. Anonymous8:41 PM

    anon 853 :"Hey Tawd! Carl is talking about Sarah! Aren't you going to stand by your man and confront Carl like you confronted the elderly citizens of Alaska?"

    Watch out.....Todd might just have his firebug friend burn Rove's house down while he's asleep in it.

  148. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Nice try 9:58 troll. There's only one problem:

    Some of already know this poster is telling the truth.

  149. I am always amused by the fairy-tale troll who complains about "people who post on blogs" anonymously about "people they don't know". Who, of course, is posting on a blog, anonymously, about people she* doesn't know at all.

    * Could be a "he" but it's classic passive-aggressive Mean Girl.

  150. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Hi, Media Insider!

    {{{{{ waving }}}}}

    I miss you!


  151. Anonymous1:24 AM

    To the anon poster who has been giving us an earful on Sarah, I say thanks. How can children brought up in such a dysfunctional home, be normal. I feel sorry for the Palin children as the lash out at their mother and will no doubt be scarred for life.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.