Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Rachel Maddow points out that the downgrading of the US credit score by S&P means little, but that the blame for any harm it might cause rests solely with the Republicans.

I believe this is the same point that I have been attempting to drive home over and over this weekend. I appreciate Rachel Maddow's gift for breaking a complicated issue down and making it much more digestible for the public at large.


  1. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Rachel is excellent for breaking things down as she has done on so many subjects like the Koch bros. and all the various things they are behind in the shadows.

    I have to say, then you have at the moment Michael Moore saying Matt Damon for President. For all the good things Michael has down in exposing things in films, this is when he shows his shitting his brains out in the kiddy sand box.

  2. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Palin's is now tweeting: "I told you so"

    NO! She said the complete opposite. She said nothing bad would happen if we didn't raise the debt ceiling and that the August 2nd deadline was “More Obama Drama.” That the deadline is not “life or death” and is nothing more than a scare tactic being employed by President Obama in a similar fashion to that which brought us T.A.R.P. She said the President’s “getting pretty good at fear-mongering.”

  3. mitch5:56 AM

    If Murdoch can be brought down for cover-ups involving the police, then so can the Payme's. Too bad Shailey didn't take pictures.

  4. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Get a load of Sarah Palin lecturing Americans we can't have high speed trains or solar energy. She is a direct descendent from the very naysayers who used to insist "The horseless carriage will never take off!"

    No wonder these people can't get the youth vote.

  5. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Anon 6:11
    Get a load of Sarah Palin lecturing Americans we can't have high speed trains or solar energy

    Isn't it amazing how these morons talk about everything like the 1700's were the best years yet live and die by their blackberries, twitter, facebook, oversized RV's, private Lear jets, etc.

  6. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Rachel also drove the point home that in the face of all that stock market uncertainty yesterday, what was being bought up by every corner of the globe? American Treasury bonds.

    We still got it, people. The world has faith in us and we will always be a AAA country no matter what, just like our President says.

    These Tea Party radicals, the truly uneducated, can try to bring Obama down by sabotaging our economy (traitors), but it will only come back to bite them in their collective ass. Now Cantor is worried they may have to give in on taxes, hmmmm.

    Our President knows what he is doing. He is an aikido master, I think.

  7. Anonymous6:47 AM

    The problem is only the left listens to her. Not people in the middle or on the right. And the right is loudly and over and over blaming the president.

    Why do this small group of people have such a loud voice and control the media narrative? Liberal media! I don't think so. The Democrats need to be more organized and more forceful in their messaging

  8. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Basically, if the market does recover this week (fingers crossed), it won't matter if everyone listens to Rachel or not. The facts are the facts.

  9. Rachel is the best ever at sticking to facts and telling the truth. It is so frustrating for all of the talking heads to blame both sides equally. Hope some of them listen to Rachel and tell the truth.

    Bachmann has no shame, immediately putting in her speeches that Obama is the first President ever under whom our rating went down. Of course, he was working to avoid it and she was working to cause it. Once more Bachmann has her own set of facts.

  10. Anonymous4:29 PM

    That was an excellent explanation of what happened, and definitely worth watching. Thanks Gryphen.

    I got rid of my cable and miss Rachel's show the most, and her ability to break things down so they are understandable.

  11. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Rachel at her best! She always does impeccable research and her commentary shows she's done her homework. It's always reassuring to get her perspective, especially when everyone else are running around like chickens with no heads, pointing fingers and stomping their feet.


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