Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Right Wing gets all worked up because Department of Health and Human Services will now offer free birth control to women. Because you know that is just abortion BEFORE conception. Tricky liberals!

Courtesy of the Daily Beast:

Starting in 2013, the Department of Health and Human Services announced Monday, insurance companies will be compelled to cover a wide range of women’s health services, from testing for gestational diabetes to counseling about domestic violence, without requiring a copayment. But it was HHS’ inclusion of free contraception in the slate of services to be classified as preventive care that grabbed all the headlines.

The news comes shortly after the Institute of Medicine issued a report recommending what services should be offered without extra cost to female patients. Even those in the reproductive-health community who have long advocated for free birth control as common-sense policy were surprised at the haste with which HHS announced the adoption of the IOM’s recommendations. The idea of free birth control for all falls in the rarely acknowledged gray area between boring old medical regulations and the promise of unrestrained sexual ecstasies—or at least so I’m told by some of the angrier pundits on Fox News—and the department’s quick turnaround allowed it to sidestep an opposition that was just starting to heat up its arguments. Still, Bill O’Reilly did manage to squeeze in one memorable statement, claiming that free birth-control pills wouldn’t work because women who get pregnant are too drunk to use their birth control when they have sex. (No one on O’Reilly’s show bothered to correct his false assumption that you have to take the pill during sex for it to be effective.)

Apparently O'Reilly does not realize that most women take their birth control pills in the morning, nor does he seem cognizant of the fact that if women did not some times drink until their judgement was impaired that he would likely have NEVER gotten laid. 
Personally I think this is long overdue, though I also hope that DHHS continues to stress the importance of using a condom, and to avoid the allure of wine coolers and a damp tent.

And speaking of Bristol, I don't know why the Right Wing is so upset about free contraception since it will undoubtedly only help their numbers grow while diminishing the number of liberals born in the coming years.

I mean let's face it the kind of intelligence it takes to remember to take the damn pill seems to be beyond the capabilities of certain segments of the population.

In other words this new access to birth control will certainly NOT keep any more Palins from being born into the world. As a matter of fact I understand that the newest Palin progeny should be entering the world any day now.

I imagine the Mat-Su school district shudders with anticipation.


  1. Anonymous4:42 AM

    As a matter of fact I understand that the newest Palin progeny should be entering the world any day now.


    ?? Who is it this time - W ??

    Will sarah break out the empathy belly again a month or two from now to try and cover up this birth too ?

  2. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Now some old fart republican will push to get viagra included for free.

  3. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Women in abusive marriages will now be able to get help without their abuser knowing, since without a co-pay there's no money trail. Same for the Pill. About damn time.

  4. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Bill O should not look further than Bristles Palin for an example of being "too drunk to take the pill" Is SHE the example he goes by? I agree with you, Gryph, without booze, BillO would be childless. Rumor has it his wife has purchased a home close by their present hoe. I wonder if a divorce is in the works?

  5. Anonymous5:04 AM

    I wondered how long it would take the 'right' to react to this.

    Personally, I think it is wonderful the 'pill' is available to those that cannot afford it. I was 'one' of the originals that took the pill when it was first introduced and believe me, I thought it a godsend.

  6. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Speaking of birth control, Bristol's book is now ranked 16,000+ on Amazon.

  7. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Why would the Mat-Su schools shudder?

    All them kids r gonna b homeskooled anyways with any of them brain trusts, Sally, Chuck or even the whiz, juicy old Saruh.

  8. Anonymous5:13 AM

    When my pharmacist gave me my three month supply the other week you want to know what they were trying to charge me? Almost $100. I said to my insurance providers, "F that, you guys think baby's are cheaper to cover?"

    This is a momentous step forward.

    If the Right are going to cut women's access to health for the poor, abused, raped and eight year old brides the world over for the irrational fear that abortions would be performed, they can suck it on this development. And they pry these free pills from MY dead hands. (They would rather we all die in childbirth anyway.)

  9. Anonymous5:17 AM

    "Apparently O'Reilly does not realize that most women take their birth control pills in the morning, nor does he seem cognizant of the fact that if women did not some times drink until their judgement was impaired that he would likely have NEVER gotten laid."
    That was PERFECT.I'm cleaning the keyboard where I just spewed my coffee. :-)

  10. The pre-show video clip was so precious.

    "Two time zones over," huh? Yeah.

    "Prehistoric big"? How 'bout "Biblical Big"?

  11. Uh, my above comment references the "certain segments of the population" link and the "Doctor" Dru clips found there.

  12. Beldar Foetus Conehead5:28 AM

    For once, I have to agree with our inbred hyper-pious cousins on the Right. How dare we spend THEIR tax dollars to promote an agenda - in this case, contraception - with which they do not agree!!!

    I say, every t-bagger and prostitute impregnatin' televangelist should be able to check off a box on their tax returns that reduces their tax payment by the FULL $1 per taxpayer per year that such an offensive program as this will cost.

    Oh, and while they're at it, let's give the progressives a box to decline to pay the HUNDRED$ for the endless fucking wars and countless military bases around the world the conservatives seem to cherish so dearly.

  13. Anonymous5:33 AM

    There's a great video on HP showing the complete insanity of RWing Steve King and his explanation of the evils of birth control. They're set to out populate the "brown people" of the world. Never mind that they're out to destroy programs to ensure adequate health care, living conditions, and education of all the babies who will help the Rethugs repopulate the earth in their image. Banging head in rage & despair.

  14. Anonymous5:49 AM

    OT here..but I think our fellow truth seeker, Malia, needs support today. She really is getting slammed by C4Peers for daring to criticize the Palin women's hair. Those darned C4Peers are so clever, too, in their comments...bless their hearts. LOL.

  15. Anonymous5:50 AM

    poster at 5:28.....High five to you...great comments.

  16. Anonymous5:54 AM

    My goodness, they act like women will be FORCED to take the pill and it will end the human race (another GOPeer stated that KING (R).
    Their real problem with women having unrestricted (affordable) birth control is that they do not understand that women are sexual and should be punished for enjoying sex.
    They want sex for procreation only, but then when would men have sex? I guess the republicans would be okay with their prostitutes and mistresses still using birth control--just outlawing to their wives.
    It's unbelievable that this attitude towards women has been made time and time again and yet women continue to vote and have sex with republicans.

    Actually this may LOWER costs to certain groups since insurance rates are set partially on what services and expeditures your group
    uses. Prenatal, birth costs, post natal, and peds cre...certainly are higher than a cheap daily pill.


    PS to the GOP

    KEEP your nose out of my bedroom, my hubby and I have everything under control there.

    PSS To Brisket--the pill works if you stay sober enough to take them EVERY day, if your drinking causes you to miss 4 days in a row, don't go camping.

  17. Anonymous6:00 AM

    So naive.

    You see, it is the WHITES that aren't supposed to use BC...

    then the WHITES can remain a MAJORITY, der...

  18. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Conservatives have always been hung-up on sex. It's that whole "original sin" thing. They want the fear of pregnancy to keep women from using their hoo-hahs for fun, rather than just for baby making.

    By the way, any truth to the rumor that the theme song for Bristle's new reality show will be "My Favorite Mistake" by Sheryl Crow?

  19. I wondered at first why the teahadists didn't jump all over this, but they were too busy trying to destroy the economy to notice. They may succeed in getting cuts to Planned Parenthood but this is a nice end-around play. Too bad that the Palins have no use for, or don't know how to use birth control. You can't breed the stupid out of them. And you certainly can't expect them to educate themselves.

  20. Anonymous6:07 AM

    if it weren't for drunk chicks bill o would never get laid. his loofa line would never work on a sober lady.

  21. Anonymous6:25 AM

    I think Viagra is already free at VA and with Medicare. Should end this waste of $$.Anon@ 4:57am.

  22. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Vigra is already free for men , and or or availabe through insurance companies. They get around this by saying it's for circulation problems. I get so disgusted, there are too many older men hooking up with young ,getting them pg and getting a social security check for the kid. ( the ppl who hate socialism )I feel they should pay me to have to listen to 1 more of those stupid commericals.. These nuts are so much about God's will we should start screaming that it's god's will that they have this problem -it's called getting older.
    I'm going to keep on my theme and start calling these nuts out on this. It's these rich and corporations behind all of this! They want ppl to become so desperate and so cash straped that they will do anything to try and get a job, get their children educated, that in trying to do that will sign over children to work or think the corporations will educate and sex explotion will flurish It is already a problem. SLAVE LABOR. Same ppl who say no birth control, no abortion will say they HAVE take your children because you have too many to take care of, and you can't feed them all. Women they just want to control every aspect of our lives, and of course they won't let women work because they have all these little children to take care of. Too many children mean poverty, we went through this a long time ago.

  23. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Very clever, funny writing G.

  24. Considering that for the past 10 years, Viagra has been covered when medically necessary, covering birth control is long overdue.

  25. Anonymous6:54 AM

    I guess we all should just use the same method Bristol, her mom, her granny and her bro used to prevent babies before marriage.

    Oh. never mind.

  26. Just wondering if anyone else saw this in the adn:

    Palin email invader out of prison, into halfway house (WBIR): A former University of Tennessee student convicted of hacking Sarah Palin's e-mail account is now out of prison and in a halfway house. A spokesperson with the Federal Bureau of Prisons said David Kernell is no longer at a minimum security camp in Ashland, Kentucky, and ... is living in a halfway house or residential confinement somewhere in Tennessee or Kentucky.

    convicted Palin email hacker in Halfway house

  27. Anonymous6:57 AM

    LOL and O'Rielly wonders why his ratings are dropping...

  28. Anonymous6:58 AM

    The best way to reduce the need for abortions is to make sure every woman has easy access to birth control. I just don't understand the Repub disconnect on this. They howl and howl about abortion. What the hell do they want? You can't have it both ways. Oh, wait, I guess you can if no one has sex at all.

  29. laprofesora7:12 AM

    Silly know Paylin kids don't go to school!

  30. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Dumb rethuglicans...don't then realize its a lot cheaper than taking care of the kids born to those who can't take care of them or don't want them?
    Holy bejeezus!

  31. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Sorry I hsve another comment. Why is this even being talked about? Where is the personal responsibility? I grew up with the notion on that you don't have more children than you can afford. Where is ppl's brains?? When America went to any 3rd world nation to help with starving children poverty the first thing they did beside feeding the ppl was to hand out birth control. When did this change? Where do these stupid get these ideas. I have to say the earth is very full now, so we don't need to go by fill the earth. I'm sure it wasn't ment to mean have babies and let them starve.We need to quit being meek and set these nuts straight. Even way back when in Egypt they practiced birth control. All I can think of is STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES.

  32. Anonymous7:24 AM

    You know, I got this news flash on my phone yesterday and thought I was reading it wrong. My boss looked at me funny when I began violently shaking my phone trying to fix it.

  33. Anonymous7:24 AM

    You know, I got this news flash on my phone yesterday and thought I was reading it wrong. My boss looked at me funny when I began violently shaking my phone trying to fix it.

  34. Anonymous7:30 AM

    "Bill O’Reilly did manage to squeeze in one memorable statement, claiming that free birth-control pills wouldn’t work because women who get pregnant are too drunk to use their birth control when they have sex."

    Like Bristol?

  35. Anonymous7:38 AM

    If they REALLY cared about lowering the abortion rate, they would have been lobbying for this themselves.

  36. Anne In DC7:45 AM

    These people are absolutely NUTS!!
    On one hand, they vociferously condemn babies born to welfare mothers, but on the other, they want women's sexuality to revolve exclusively around giving birth. They are too stupid to realize that birth control enables women to responsibly plan their families. I love this way of getting around the totally bone-headed idea of defunding Planned Parent that some of them harbor.

  37. Anonymous8:08 AM

    i like to know how these yahoo's expect to feed all these children they want to be brought into this world? not like they give a f%@k about the once that are already here, cutting social programs all over the place, or looking at Somalia and the record droughts all over the world. Personally i think the whole world needs to be on birth control for a few years.

  38. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Is the wee little one a product of Willow or the product of Track?

  39. Gasman8:51 AM

    And THERE we have it. This is all about keeping those uppity women in their places. Why the NERVE of you women thinking that you should have any say about what goes on in your uterus.

    There, there honey. The GOP will take care of your uterus. Don't you trouble your pretty little head one bit.

    O'Reilly is a chauvinist pig and a known sexual predator. He gets to comment on women's issues the way Bernie Madoff gets to comment on ethical investing.

    When O'Reilly goes to jail for his crimes, he'd get graduate training in sexual predation. He'd be a big hit in the big house. I suspect he could even change his name to Orally.

  40. Anonymous9:04 AM

    It is a lot cheaper to give out birth control pills. It cost about 10 to 15 thousand dollars for live births and if a c section lots more. So it's not the cost. Just like it's not the cost in .The Gov has cost the citizens lots more money than the savings, would bring. It's all about power over ppl's lives. The Koch bros. behind controling elections getting rid of unions and all. They want women to be breeders to give them slave labor and bodies for war. If you don't go through with every pregnacy you will have to prove you didn't do something to cause a miscarriage. I guess you will have to prove you didn't take birth control pills too. Then they will say you have to stay home to care for all these children. they want ppl to become so desparate that they will be hopeless, will sign over children to corporations in hopes of saving them. Think it can't happen? When did we think there would be an assult on womens reproductive health? When did we think there would be such an assult on the working poor and middle class? Who ownes all the politicians?

  41. Enjay in E MT11:29 AM

    Of course we're going to hear about "so-called free abortions" with access to the "pill". As already stated- Rep. King says we are going to kill our (white / anglo saxon )civilization. He reminds me of the 1930's plan for a "pure" Germany.

    A good question for those that feel using birth control is against the will of God. Would they also deny the "will of God" if their child / spouse was diabetic & needed insulin?

  42. London Bridges12:28 PM

    Breivik had plastic surgery to look more Arian?

    Is this, too, why Sarah and Bristol had their surgery?

  43. Anonymous3:13 PM

    You still need the codoms for STDs and for those times your forgot to take that day's pill.

  44. Anonymous3:17 PM

    I'm willing to bet Sarah has Willow on birth control oops I mean cramp pills.

    You can't keep Palins or Heaths from premarital sex so you might as well give them their daily cramp pills and just hope they don't reproduce which is a side effect of those cramp pills.

  45. Anonymous6:42 PM

    It's about damn time! Men get free hydrolics enhancing medicines and devices on their health insurance, which is perfectly acceptable to the wingnuts, but somehow, giving free birth control to women thows them into fits of apoplexy.

    Birth Control IS taking personal responsibility and does not correlate to promiscuity.

    Why is it, with the GOP wingnut's mentality that ALWAYS equates birth control with alcohol?

    Bill O'Reilly should drag Bristol on his damn show to drive home his point, because apparently, in Palin land, it's fine to not take the pill for three or four days then have unprotected sex, over, and over and over and over and over again.

    It makes sense on so many levels to have this coverage for women.

  46. Anonymous11:32 AM

    This should create a real problem for GOP contenders.
    Many fundamental Christians do not believe woman should take birth control pills; the pill reduces ovulation, but it is still possible to have an egg fertilize. It it does (and no one knows--could happen many times of the course of years), the pill makes it impossible for the fertizlized egg to implant and receive nutrients.
    Therefore, it is difficult for anyone who believes life begins at conception (fertilization) to logically take birth control pills (they, by their own definition, could be have an abortion every month).

    Love to hear Sarah's position on the subject!


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