Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Sarah Palin complains to Sean Hannity that some Americans consider her and the Teabaggers "terrorists." Truth hurts, don't it?

I CANNOT believe that Hannity would dare to bring up Gabby Giffords' name, only days after her miraculous return to the floor of Congress after the assassination attempt against her, to use as an example of how Sarah Palin has been unfairly treated.  That is absolutely disgusting!

And then in the very next handful of sentences, with no sense of irony whatsoever, Palin brings up the long dead issue of Obama's minor association with Bill Ayers. This of course fires Hannity up and he goes off on how he was virtually the ONLY one who kept bringing up the Obama/Ayers connection. (Gee I wonder why dumbass?)

At one point Palin even says: “if we were real domestic terrorists, I don’t think President Obama would have a problem with us.”

Okay so is she saying that it is open season on condemning people for their associations?

Well thanks for the opportunity Sister Sarah.  I guess that means it is perfectly reasonable to remind Americans that you aggressively defended a talk show host who repeatedly screamed racial epithets at an African American woman on her radio show? Or that you were once the team manager of convicted murderer Jeremy Morlock's hockey team? Or that both you and Joe Miller have increasingly strong ties to Schaeffer Cox and his radical militia group?

Since Obama's tenuous connection to a man who was a radical over forty years ago, can be used to condemn him, than what do we make of Sarah Palin's multiple associations with known racists, murderers, and terrorists, whose crimes have happened in the very recent past?

After all Sarah, you do remember this guy don't you?

Eddie Burke, Palin-bot, racist, Teabagger, and ex-radio host.

One has to wonder if Palin is even remotely aware of how fragile her glass house is, while searching the ground for the next rock to throw?

(H/T to Mediaite.)


  1. JayKen Knotstirred7:49 AM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?

  2. Beldar Curious Conehead7:49 AM

    Good one, Gryphen.

    Question: when will our long national nightmare named Lulu be over?

  3. Note to Sarah Palin:



    FUCK YOU!!!!

    Sean In-Sanity and Greta sniff ur britches are the only two people who give a SHIT what YOU think about ANYTHING!

    How DARE you insult OUR PRESIDENT?

    You know what, ASSHAT? You LOST to this man because AMERICA CHOSE BARACK OBAMA OVER YOU.

    Let me repeat that.


    And AMERICA would Do So Every. Single. Time.

    You are a Loser.

    Let me repeat that.



    You. Are. A. Loser.

    Shut up and take your prom hair home, stupid bitch.

  4. Anonymous7:52 AM

    She keeps using the same memes from 3 years ago, not realizing time marches on and people grow bored with the same old crap. People who might have gotten all worked up about those lies back then don't care anymore. She reminds me of a 40 year old who still wears the same clothes and hairstyle that she wore as a teen and can't quit talking about high school stuff.

  5. Anonymous7:57 AM

    $carah is a fukin' cowardly retard, and ain't nothin' ever gonna change that simple fact

  6. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Don't forget the Palins' treasonous AIP ties, Gryphen.

  7. Anonymous8:01 AM

    OSarah Bin Palin is a racist domestic terrorist who hates America and hates non-white people. She also pals around with domestic terrorists in Alaska. Fact.

  8. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Looks like Palin's slow motion mental breakdown is on full display once again. When will this woman get the help she so desperately and obviously needs? Its clear she is absolutely obsessed with President Obama. She STILL can't get over the devastating whipping she got in 2008. No Sarah, you aren't good enough for America. You never will be. You were REJECTED by the American people. Why can't you accept it and move on?

  9. Anonymous8:07 AM

    And let's not forget Palins association with the AIP.

  10. Anonymous8:09 AM

    The woman is stupid; no other excuse for it. Her known associations with criminals and unsavory characters and her unfathomable defense of ugly racist remarks put the President's link to Bill Ayers to shame.

    Gryphen, have you had any personal feedback or threats from the Palin camp re your latest revelations?

  11. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Now we know your posts have gotten to her Gryphen. She is panicked like a scurrying cockroach. Pathetic palin was desperate to get in the news again so she makes an absurd statement on Fox. Yawn. SO predictable. This woman is a mentally ill racist domestic terrorist. There's no doubt about it. She hates black people and is jealous of our President. What an immature little wench.

  12. Anonymous8:13 AM

    You know - she is going to get hers in the end!!! What a fucking evil woman.

  13. Irishgirl8:13 AM

    And she is still wearing the same jacket from the campaign. I thought she said she had returned all the clothes. It's a pity she doesn't utilise the services of a dry cleaner once in a while. I'd hate to be standing down wind of her.

    She is such a liar about everything. And she has some nerve to be complaining about the use of the word "terrorist." She introduced that into the 2008 campaign.

    She makes me sick, Hannity also, too.

  14. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Pretty gutsy to discuss Obama's association with Ayers, which was very limited, when Sarah's associations include a mass murderer (Jeremy Morlock), domestic terrorists threatening to kill judges, law officers and their families (Schafer Cox) and those who want secede from the US (her husband and the AIP), an employer who bribes police officers, hacks dead girl's phone, and buys politicians and a religious leader who removes witches. You name it; she associates with 'em!

  15. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I can't be the only one who, when I see SP has said something, I think Ho Hum Palin's got something nasty to say about someone. That's really all she does, point fingers and make snarky remarks. Petty little cracks. While Real Americans (of all colors, religions and sexually orientataion) are engaged in considered thinking, delving into information, seeking to understand, and discussing possible solutions to serious problems.

    The original excitement of Palin making weird, nutty, outrageous statements has become boring. She's just one of many, now, who do that, and the least actually engaged in government at that. She's become a boring footnote.

  16. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Sarah and the Tea Party are racist bigots. She is the one who was going all around the country during the election saying Obama was a terrorist. Sarah is not only a racist bigot terrorist she is just plain evil and stupid. The Tea Party is just like her.

  17. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I would comment on this topic, but I am too busy being jealous of that fat lady who does sarah´s hair.

  18. Anonymous8:20 AM

    What a contrast between the courageous Gabby Giffords rising from what could've been her death bed to vote on this vital bill--and the Quitter herself(since she trademarked her name, am forever more referring to her as the Quitter), a negative, screeching self-promoting trouble-maker.

  19. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Sarah "Crosshairs" Palin is responsible for Gabby Giffords assassination attempt. Sarah "Blood Libel" Palin is responsible for the deaths that day of citizens who were just trying to participate in their democracy. She has blood on her hands and we will never forget it.

  20. Anonymous8:28 AM

    She is insane and I can't believe Hannity brought up Gabby Giffords either. Truly disgusting faux news duo.

  21. Anonymous8:28 AM

    No, there is no self-awareness, that woman pisses lavender water and farts that sweet smell of emissions(?)

    That snarky bitch's overhashed act is getting so old. Even dog-whistles age and grow stale. Do some GD homework already and get some new material.

    You tried that Ayles angle for what it was worth, you know what Sarah, the Immoral Minority still voted Obama into the office and not YOU.

  22. scarlet/oregon8:29 AM

    Did the Bee Hive Big Hair Salon style her excuse for hair on Hannity's show?....didn't think it could get any worse and it did.

    And what about the RNC jacket Palin was wearing??? guess it fell out of the bags she returned?

  23. sewnup8:31 AM

    "One has to wonder if Palin is even remotely aware of how fragile her glass house is, while searching the ground for the next rock to throw?"

    Just one more signal that she has little to no grip on reality and lives in a fantasy-land of her own desires....

  24. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Not to mention her very close contacts with Joe Miller and his domestic terrorist pals.

    O/T IN woman who delivers a 4 week premie. She had no idea she was pregnant and says she lost weight while pregnant.

  25. Anonymous8:35 AM

    About that lady from IN, make double sure you click on the photos at the bottom, especially the far left one. I have no idea when that picture was taken, but she looks in no way to have had a child less than a month ago.

  26. Grey Lensman8:38 AM

    The shirt should start with: Fat, Ugly, Throwback...

  27. Anonymous8:38 AM

    She is such a douchebag. I wish she'd just go away...any way...just be gone. I'm so tired of her victim hood. Poor, poor, put-upon Sarah Palin, her life is such a burden. Why won't people be nice to her? Shame on big mean meanies who mean on Good Christians like Sarah!

  28. Gasman8:39 AM

    Resemble those remarks, Sarah bin Laden?

  29. She looks really haggard in this clip, like she hasn't slept. I wonder why? Maybe a trip to the museum would help her relax.... Or not.

  30. Let's not forget her marriage to an AIP member for over 7 years. Todd - the secessionist. i.e. domestic terrorist.

    And oh yes - Palin as Governor addressing the AIP convention. Nice touch, there.

    She's a bigger fool than I thought.

  31. Anonymous8:45 AM

    What can you say after that?

    wooooow, slow down juicy, just slow it down.

  32. I actually sat through the whole thing. "Sarah Does Network." The only thing missing is her standing at an open window. How does Hannity get through his show without some violent physical reaction from his body for all the lies he spouts? Bragging that he kept the "Bill Ayers connection" in people's minds and dismissing Palin's cross hairs graphic as "something that was done long before" is vomit inducing for anyone who is interested in the truth. Funny how dear Gabby even mentioned the cross hairs graphic on video - long before she was shot. Palin and Hannity are reprehensible in their phony outrage after they, among others, set the tone for this kind of rhetoric. And now they're upset that it has been turned against them. Progressives, as far as I know, did not attend rallies packing guns; teahadists did. (Yes, I will use the above term as it fits; F-U Hannity and Palin.)

    Classic Palin. Trying so hard to be relevant. Not one word about the deal on its effects on the people. It's all about ME.

  33. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I think Sarah's decline began with her comments after the Giffords shooting. So many people were appalled that they began to look at her differently. Ever since, she's been trying to hard to stay in the public eye, but fewer and fewer people care about her. She's over.

  34. Anonymous8:49 AM

    $arah and ex-husband Todd have been pals with some bad ass dudes, she better learn to keep her big ugly trap sealed shut.

  35. imnofred8:50 AM

    This is a real desperate grab by Sarah to try to paint herself as a victim out of a so called statement that her name was not mentioned or insinuated.

    It is also another lame attempt by Hannity and Fix News to try to make her appear relevant.

  36. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Sarah, I will make this SIMPLE for you. You and your people are domestic terrorists. You wish nothing but to take our country down and make it YOUR country. You have divided our nation like no other person ever could or ever would. You might say that our current president does that but it is nothing more than the color of his skin. You know it & we know it.

    We do NOT ever ever ever want our country run the way you and your idiot followers want it to be. Sorry but you all need to leave and start your own damn country. I would just LOVE LOVE LOVE to see how that would go. There is NO way on earth you could do better and that is a fact.

    I doubt you guys could make it a year before you were begging to come back!

  37. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Off topic but

    Major International Child Porn Ring Bust -

    This is big, big news.

  38. laprofesora8:56 AM

    I made it less than a minute. She dared to say, "The President is all blah, blah, blah"????

    SARAH PALIN: You are one HATEFUL, BITTER, UGLY, SUB-HUMAN BEING. I pray that all of the venom you spew into the world comes back to poison you one hundred fold. But then again you are so filled with rage and self-hate that you are already poisoned.

    YOU WILL NEVER BE HAPPY, PRETTY, IMPORTANT, SMART or SUCCESSFUL. You will continue to rot and fester from the inside out. And there will be MILLIONS of us happily watching your decay. GO TO HELL.

  39. Anonymous9:00 AM

    blah, blah blah. say something new crazy lady. oh, and I think you may have double-dosed on your meds before your Hannity appearance.

  40. Anonymous9:01 AM

    $carah feels safe at the moment, since she is still employed by Murdoch. Wait until they cut her loose and she gets little air time, which she craves. Wait until she is on her own to face REAL journalists, not the Faux kind. This cross-eyed, ugly wig-wearing, screechy harridan is close to the end of her 15 minutes. President Obama has IMORTANT matters to tend to, he is too busy to swat this minor annoyance. Wait until Bristles reality show hits rock bottom, and she can blame THAT on liberals also, too.

  41. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Irishgirl, that jacket is one of her own (you can tell, because it's ugly). She did have some of her own clothes on the campaign in '08, especially at the very beginning, before the spending spree started. Another item of her own that she wore right after the RNC was a truly hideous PEACH colored jacket.

    Anyway, what's interesting to me is that she's worn this jacket a few times since and I chalk it up to her trying to relive the "glory days". Honestly, it's funny that the Palinbots accuse us of being jealous of Sarah Palin. Why on earth would we be jealous of someone whose best days are behind her? What a miserable existence.

  42. Anonymous9:06 AM

    She has lost her mind. It looks like she slept in those clothes.

    Chuckie and Todd must be tired of chasing her around the house, tackling her, pinning her to the ground, and changing her diapers.

  43. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Looks like $arah had on one of Brisdull's cheap wigs, she looked a fright. A tank top with a jacket, who helps dress her now, is it Piper?

    $arah is a mentally ill terrorist and Hannity is UN-American and a big super dipshit idiot.

  44. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Haha, just saw this posted on C4P

    EverdayAveragePerson 1 minute ago

    Sarah's MO is to always try to use a funny catch phrase so that the media will give her some attention. She does it everytime there is a microphone present. It's the only thing they ever report, since her policy talk is not newsworthy or popular among the general public. Whenever she leaves out the funny stuff she is ignored as she is not taken seriously by most people as someone with real ideas just jokes. But this time she really picked the wrong one. "Hit me baby one more time", are you They are already pasting her head on Britneys body in the video with the little braids in her I'm quite sure its not the image she meant to portray, but that photoshop is gonna be everywhere. I suppose she has a lot in common with Britney though. Family scandals, lots of fans, great sex appeal but never gonna be the president.

  45. Tyroanee9:11 AM

    Unfortunately Sarah, President Obama knows how to spell correctly, therefore he is automatically disqualified from The Tea Bangers Shenanigans Club for the highly misinformed and easily persuaded.

  46. Grasshopper9:14 AM

    Don't forget, National day of Peaceful Protest, Sat. Oct. 15th at noon at your City Hall. The Middle Class Awakening for Jobs. Please Pass it on.

  47. Tyroanee9:14 AM

    BTW Sarah, you frantically doing the backstroke in a flushed toilet with a dead rat as a wig suits you dear.

  48. laprofesora9:17 AM

    So where are the trolls, defending the bitter hatred spewing forth from their queen? I thought they lived for her bile, like mother's milk.

    She's ratcheting up the rhetoric because she's scared shitless her skeletons are coming out of the closet.

    It's just about over, Scarah, you'd better run for cover. Tick, tock...

  49. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Is this what we can expect from a President Palin? Someone who has to bring out her smelling salts everytime she hears a rumor that someone said something about someone behind closed doors?

    Thanks but no thanks!

  50. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I know in my heart sarah has pulled up her fabric and ¨twinkled¨ at Sean.

  51. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I hope the Obamas don't have any pet rabbits. They have a crazed stalker obsessed with them.

  52. Beldar Sisyphus Conehead9:19 AM

    C'mon, Gryphen, can we PLEASE try to say SOMETHING nice about the screechy wretch?? I know she's awful but surely each of us can think of ONE minuscule, trivial, inconsequential positive characteristic or opinion regarding the Future Queen of America. How hard can it be????

    I'll start:


    Shit..... Let me work on this and get back to you later, ok?

  53. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I used to be a person who felt that I had to constantly express my critical, negative thoughts about anything at all in order to enlighten people as to what I thought were the great truths. A good friend clued me in to the fact that the reason people were starting to leave the room when I opened my mouth is that human beings get really, really weary of predictable negativism. Since then I have tried to say positive, solution-oriented things when I feel that I have to share my blessed opinions. This is exactly my take on SP. She is a tiresome spouter of complaint. I cannot think of a single positive suggestion or compliment that she has shared in the last few years. She is all self-centered attack and defensiveness, one of the many reasons that people have left her room in droves.

  54. Grasshopper9:22 AM

    Don't forget, National day of Peaceful Protest, Sat. Oct. 15th at noon at your City Hall. The Middle Class Awakening for Jobs. Please Pass it on.

  55. laprofesora9:24 AM

    Scarah, you're hateful blathering last night actually encouraged me that your end in the public spotlight is near. Obviously you were attempting to distract from the very real and very damaging images of you that are circulating on the internet. Like an animal cornered, you are lashing out. We must be getting close.

    And thanks for reading the blogs, Scarah, it's good to know that you know how we feel.

  56. Anonymous9:26 AM

    When it comes to harsh rhetoric applied to the Tea Party the former Alaska governor said "enough is enough." She asserted, "I'm not just going to roll over with a sticker plastered on my forehead that says, hit me baby one more time, call me a terrorist again, call me a racist. Those things that Tea Party patriots have been being called over these months. It is unfair, it's hypocritical of the other side doing that. And enough is enough. And I'm going stand up for those fiscally conservative patriotic independent Americans who wants the best for this country.”

    After Palin sought to connect Obama to Ayers, a 1960s Weather Underground member, during the 2008 presidential campaign, the AP reported:

    No evidence shows they were "pals" or even close when they worked on community boards years ago and Ayers hosted a political event for Obama early in his career.

  57. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Yes Ms Quitty Britches, you ARE a domestic terrorist. More despicable in that you claim innocence.

  58. angela9:30 AM

    Does this jack shit crazy woman have anything new to say? Anything . . . .

    Sarah isn't even fun crazy anymore.

  59. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Anon @9:06AM


  60. Irishgirl9:38 AM

    Anon 9.03. I may have gotten the jacket confused with another very similar one. Still, it looks dirty and wrinkled. Holding nose...

  61. You can't spell



    A. I. P.

  62. Olivia9:47 AM

    Wow, I seldom look at those clips but I took a peek at this one(no sound, of course) and the woman is really looking bad. She appears to be losing her upper lip. All you can see is the shine on her lower lip. Sarah honey, time to go get lip plumped and you really must lose that wig.

  63. Anonymous10:00 AM


  64. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Sarah needs to STFU and Hannity needs to be fired for his hate mongering. However, it appears that right wing TV and Radio "celebs" can say whatever they wish without any push back to their commentary. I am very tired of them.

    Pat Buchanan needs to be fired from MSNBC also. He is a vile, old, hateful, racist white man who has not progressed since the Civil Rights era. Time for him to retire to his rocking chair on the porch with his gun in lap to keep his home safe from anyone who does not resemble him in looks, thoughts, and deeds.


  65. PalinsHoax10:03 AM

    Hey Scarah, is it true that you like to not only "pal around with terrorists" but that you like to sleep with them too?

    You know, sleep with 7-yr AIP member Tawd Palin?

    Oh I'm sure that this "sleeping with" rumour cannot be true.

    After all, doesn't "Have you SEEN Tawd?" prefer the company of the Ladies of the Night, over the company of his skank of a wife - you?

    Or are those rumours of you "sleeping with terrorists" referring to YOUR Escapades of the Night?

  66. OMG...I am so shocked at how much less intelligent (is that even possible?) she sounds now than she did during the campaign years ago. What is she thinking? I just feel sorry for anyone who has to listen to her on a daily basis and WHAT is wrong with her delivery? It's awful, just awful. I will not even mention what she is trying to do to her look with the fake hair attempts. What is that about? You know, in reality, if she occasionally wore glasses in a more casual way, instead of constantly plastered to her face she would not look like an out of style wax figure. I would not appear with that idiot Sean Hannity either if I were her. She puts herself on a lower plane every time she does. She is so awful.

  67. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Sayruh no likey name callin', lessen she is the one doin' the name callin'. Y'all better play Sayruh's way or she might get mad and run for pressinent so she can kill us all!1!1!1!!!! FEMA cancertration camps fer mean libruls! Ha! Mean libruls must die fer callin' white folks terrists!

  68. "terrorist |ˈterərist|
    a person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims."

    That's the dictionary definition of "terrorist," and it fits Caribou Crosshairs to a "T."

    When O.J. Simpson was found "not guilty," many people felt Justice was cheated. But REAL justice (Karma) can NEVER be stopped. So now O.J. is in the slammer for 33 years. So when you throw around words like "hypocrite," Ms. Queen of all hypocrites, you will be forced to see what happens when real hypocrites are exposed, as in, Joe McGinniss's THE ROGUE. We'll all know how you faked your pregnancy with Trig -- so who's the hypocrite, now??? Eh? And, seriously, what sane woman could do this? Are you that unhappy or insecure about yourself that you NEED everyone to think you're other than you are? Jacob Boehme wisely said in the 17th century: "What the self describes, describes the self." Why don't you ask Gabrielle Giffords who the terrorist is? Oh, and stop dissing my President. You're not even worthy to speak his name.

  69. ha ha

    Sarah bin Laiden-Lately...

  70. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Just wondering why she shows up on national t.v. with stringy's called shampoo, "Governor".

  71. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Every day, in every way, the rotting corpse of her soul stinks worse and worse. I would ask if this woman has any sense of decency but I already know the answer. Hannity is such a drooling Palin tool that he's laughable. Go away, both of you creeps.

  72. Anonymous10:16 AM

    To call them terrorists is an insult to terrorists. Whiny Ass Titty Babies is more accurate.

  73. Anonymous10:17 AM

    WOW, that jacket looks awful. I can't even tell what color it's supposed to be--light gray? pink? cream? peach? And the fit is just bizarre.

    I listened with the sound off, though, so I can't comment on anything else. There's only so much venom I can handle.

  74. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I honestly, sincerely thought of praying for SP today. I don't feel sorry for her in the least but it sank in to me what a damaged, mentally ill creature she is and it must be hard to live in her head. I think she is bat shit crazy but I have never had a feeling to actually pray for her. I didn't though.

  75. Anonymous said...

    Sarah and the Tea Party are racist bigots. She is the one who was going all around the country during the election saying Obama was a terrorist. Sarah is not only a racist bigot terrorist she is just plain evil and stupid. The Tea Party is just like her.

    8:18 AM

    And mostly Southern:

  76. I refuse to listen to the newest jibe fest w/Hannity but it sounds pretty much word for word what she said on Greta's show the night before and what she said on GVS show is pretty much word for word what she has been spouting on her $100K screeches since she was DEFEATED in the 2008 election. Little more than Muzak for the mindless.

  77. Did you notice Sarah's friend in the red shirt where the word "racist" is spelled "rasist." What? Sarah forgot to write it on her hand for you? Didn't you 'book-learn' spellin' and 'grammure' before you quit the third grade?

    So I guess Sarah pals around with "Rasists."

  78. GBIllinois10:24 AM

    Is there anybody here who thinks Osama bin Laden was not a terrorist?

    Didn't think so.

    Now for some history. During the Clinton administration, long before any of us ever heard of him, bin Laden released a series of papers detailing how he intended to defeat "the great satan" of America. He even told us how he would do it. He had no intention of trying to defeat the USA in a war, but by provoking us into a Middle East land war TO BANKRUPT THE COUNTRY. (One could argue he suceeded, but that's not my point here.)

    Now we have the Tea Party who have just taken the country to the brink of economic catastrophe. They were (and still are) willing to ruin not just our economy but the entire world economy.

    So, I ask you; What is the difference between al Qaeda and the Tea Party?


  79. President Obama met with Ayers once during a Community meeting. Ayers is now a Professor at a University.
    President Obama was in ELEMENTARY School when Ayers was protesting the Vietnam War. By claiming that President Obama is somehow palling around with terrorists, makes Sarah, and Hannity look really desperate.
    Sarah; on the other hand, IS a terrorist. She provokes hate, and violence. She IS evil, and makes Ayers look angelic by comparison. Ayers was trying to stop a war, while Sarah is trying to start one.

  80. Anonymous10:25 AM

    You forgot Saraee's association with the witch hunter that promotes the death to "witches".

    you forgot about her assoc with the anti-american secessionist movement AIP that has ties with Iran.

    you forgot her assoc with her husband Tawd that has corporate sponsorship from Venezuala and their communist government.

    little rabbit

  81. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Oh and I forgot,
    Dear Sarah,
    President Obama attended the SAME congregation for 20 yrs, what church have you ever regularily attended as an adult?

    Little Rabbit

  82. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Hey Sarah, what did you write on your hand? You idiot!

  83. Anonymous10:34 AM

    That stupid bitch and I mean STUPID..talks out both sides of her mouth.

  84. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Other than saying nasty things about others, there is absolutely nothing of substance spewing from her curled up lips. What is your solution to our problems Scarah? Got any ideas? Didn't think so.

    Nasty, ugly, mean and shallow is no way to go through life, especially when you have children to raise. Oh, that's right, you could give two shits about the kids unless you're hiding behind them or using them as an excuse.

    Beat it grifter.

  85. Anonymous10:37 AM

    JayKen Knotstirred, OY VAY - I have had it with your posts. They are getting annoying!! We all feel the same way. Do you have to post it every single thread? It was funny the first few times, now it gets in the way of the current conversation. SORRY. I am a trig truther thru and thru by the way.

  86. Anonymous10:37 AM

    We're watching a slow motion mental breakdown nightly ( it seems like hourly )
    on FOX News.
    I wonder what the time delay is on the telecast ?
    Surely someone in the control booth
    realizes that with this loose cannon they are
    just a couple of seconds away
    from her saying something
    so egregious and so awful,
    it could never be walked back.
    She never looks rational
    and her whole schtick is verbal bomb throwing
    for attention.
    Obviously , Palin does not have anyone
    in her family who cares
    enough to intervene
    and get this woman some professional
    help .
    What will be the final straw for FOX ?
    She presently appears in a manic state of dishevel ,
    with bizarre wigs
    spouting inflammatory nonsense
    and that's acceptable behavior for FOX.
    What's their threshold for
    recognizing her blatant sickness ?
    Palin has already appeared in public in stained clothes tottering on high heel shoes
    three sizes too large
    so that hasn't been a tip
    off to FOX.
    Will it be lipstick smeared all over her face ?
    Or her tearing off the wig and
    throwing things on camera ?
    It's only a matter of time .
    And everybody know it.

  87. Anonymous10:39 AM

    And to Sarah Palin;

    FUCK YOU!! You are a sick twisted demented bitch to even bring up anything related to Gabby Giffords or President Obama.

    You asked for it you stupid idiot.

    GAME ON as far as your disgusting history and crazy associations.

    Let's talk about the AIP shall we??

    And let's talk about Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck.

    You are such a stupid ignorant retarded ugly mean nasty person, you have no clue how most of America feels about you.

    They want you to SHUT UP AND GO AWAY! But since you won't and since you continue to behave as a terrorist inciting violence and hatred with your sick mind,


  88. Is Piper styling her hair?

  89. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Anon 8:5 AM... Was Rush Limpballs there??? Notice how much weight he has gained ...AGAIN!!!!!

  90. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Gryph, Are you any closer to proving the AIP/Cox/Militia/Miller/Palin link? That will let people know just how much of a terrorist SP really is.

  91. Anonymous10:55 AM

    WOW! Sarah looks UGLY. I mean UGG UGG UGG UGGGGGLY!! What happened to her looks?

    I guess all that vile hatred inside of her is now oozing through her pores because she looks like a haggard, old, psychiatric case nut job spewing nonsense.

    Soon she will be off Fox and we will see her standing on street corners with signs spouting hatred.

    What a loser she has become.

    She does look like a rotting corpse without a soul.

    And she is still trying to say outrageous cutesy things but guess what Sarah, the media that you hate, does not bite because you are simply boring now. Boring and full of hate.

    People call you a hate filled racist terrorist because you are one. Everyone knows it but your tiny cult group. I don't know a single Republican or Independent who is not embarrassed by you. You are white trash personified.

    You are TRASH! And you will never be President. You aren't good enough. Not smart enough. Not diplomatic enough. You have NO Positive solutions or anything to offer. The tea party doesn't even want you any more Sarah. Just ask them who they want. It isn't you. You embarrass even them.

    And Sean Hannity ? I feel sorry for his wife. What a clown he is. He reminds me of a poor little trashy boy who grew up on the wrong side of town and just can't get over the fact that now he is making so much money. But he is still trying to prove to the world how great he is. You are still trash Hannity. Just like your family was growing up. You just dress better now. But your poor children, growing up in a house where their father speaks in such a vile way about the President of our country and others. Sick. Really sick. And no one will take Hannity once Fox is gone. Why would they? He is kind of dumb. It is amazing to me that people actually sit and listen to Hannity and O'Reilly with their massive egos. Their time is coming to an end sooner than they might think. Their ratings are sinking big time. More spewing of hatred isn't going to increase them.

  92. Anonymous11:00 AM


    And could her hair look any greasier??

    What kind of medication is she on??

    God help us all if that evil woman actually runs for president!

    Sarah, you ARE a domestic terrorist and a racist. And a stupid one as well. You ARE responsible for Gabby Giffords being shot in the head. What will you say to her when you are standing right in front of her? I would love to be there. You have no class. You have nothing going for you. You are through. Yesterdays news. Today's garbage.

    And you look like hell. Gawd, what have you done to yourself ?

  93. Anonymous11:06 AM

    @DKey- I agree, we can be so impatient with Sarah's lonng "reign"... but she is only piling on her Karma. She should have fessed up and left the scene a lonng time ago for her own sake.

  94. She has crossed the line from disrespect to treason.

  95. Anonymous11:10 AM

    OT. Not certain what this means other than random moves from the Quitter....

  96. The silly B _ _ _ H, is a terrorist! Many of the teabaggers, I'm sure, are members of the various hate groups around the nation. THEY ARE DOMESTIC TERRORISTS! MANY OF THEM DO NOT EVEN PAY TAXES SO WHAT ARE THEY YELLING ABOUT ALL THE TIME! I wish they would find an island, leave us alone, and move to their island and start their country with all the so-called things they want to put into place. I DON'T WANT THEIR GOVERNMENT AS MY GOVERNMENT. I BELIEVE IN OUR GOVERNMENT, BUT I DON'T BELIEVE IN THOSE DAMN TEABAGGERS!

  97. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Jay Ken Knotstirred

    Don't stop!!

    ANY pressure brought to bear on the Wasilla fruitcake is a good thing IMO.

  98. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Breakdown in slo-mo. Isn't it delicious?

  99. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Sarah, you are a gnat. Take your sorry-ass gnat self home, sit down and shut the fuck up. You lost, Obama beat you. Hahahahaha!!!
    You are A NOTHING!!!

  100. There is an article in your local paper today, ADN, that indicates that the sea-o-pee is going to start to "ease up on its "siege mentality" and "combative tone," and try to be more 'presidential".... I almost fell out of my chair laughing so hard..

    So that means the Flying Monkeys will die! AND, Mama won't have anyone around to stroke her fake-pregnant off-spring, and all of her future will perish in a puff of stale air... Being a professional victim is hard work... all that time you gotta spend on bus tours whining, and all that bowing and scrapping to make sure she can get her private jet back from the Grahams....oh, woe is me....

  101. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Okay, I haven't read the comments yet, but I just have to say, "WOW...that is the worst wig yet!!!!"

  102. ibwilliamsi11:37 AM

    Although "terrorists" certainly is a hot word to use at this point, I tend to think that in the legal sense of the word they are more aptly called "Traitors in wartime". I feel that they should be dealt with accordingly.

  103. ibwilliamsi11:38 AM

    Oh, and BTW, "It's a free country, bitch, and I'm entitled to my informed opinion!"

  104. Anonymous11:39 AM

    What a sad, pathetic person. She tells herself she believes what she's saying.

    It's just... wow.

  105. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Sarah Palin is a terrorist and a traitor to America. Sarah praised North Korea and convinced her followers that her commie pals are our friends.

    Sarah cannot un-ring that bell, that was a horrible thing she did!

  106. Anonymous11:42 AM

    I have posted here several times. I am NOT a troll. However, many of the comments are personal attacks on Queen Esther. My point is simply that she has no other outlet than Greta/Sean/social networking. All she is trying to do is to stay relevant. She isn't!! Quit supporting her by commenting on blogs/etc. unless you have some input to, e.g., GRYPH. Quite frankly, all of our venting keeps her "in the news". The guy that started the "a day without Sarah Palin" was on to something.

  107. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Anybody who teaches little kids that Paul Revere rode through town to warn the British and distorts our history for future generations should leave our country.

    That means you Sarah the Retard!

  108. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Wow. So at this point, I'm starting to move away from my "right wing extremism is a mental illness" and actually beginning to believe that these people are in fact inhuman, soulless monsters and not remotely human at all.

    Because here's the thing... I have beliefs that I think are pretty defensible and logical. But, I'm still openminded enough that if I saw evil things springing forth as a result of them, I'd immediately rethink my positions to make sure I hadn't gone astray. And I'd definitely speak out strongly against anyone claiming to share my beliefs who were involved in planning, committing or even espousing acts of violence.

    For anyone involved with, or agreeing with the Teaparty, you'd have to be absolutely blind, delusional and brain dead to not have noticed all the "violent overthrow" rhetoric that comes from them.

    All the "shoot straight" "don't retreat, reload" and putting crosshairs over your "enemies" stuff are bad enough. But also, how many pictures do you need to see of Teapeople with signs and t-shirts emblazoned with that quote they seem to love so much about the "tree of liberty" needing to be "watered" with blood? That doesn't sound very metaphorical to me.

    Not to mention the ones who show up wearing assault rifles or bearing threatening signs that indicate they've come unarmed... THIS TIME.

    Muslims, as a WHOLE have been convicted of terrorism in the minds of Teabaggers on FAR LESS "evidence". Yet the Teapeople hypocritically whine about being "slandered" when the other 80% of America CORRECTLY INTERPRETS THEIR INTENT, BASED UPON THEIR OWN CHOICE OF WORDS.

    I mean seriously, is anyone moron enough to try and construe Sharron Angle's "2nd Amendment remedies" comment as anything other than a threat of actual violence?

    But that's one of the benefits of the First Amendment; the psychos and sociopaths make themselves clearly known so they can be monitored and held accountable.

    Also, apparently Eddie Burke doesn't realize that in Star Trek lore, being the "red shirt guy" is generally not such a good idea...

  109. Anonymous12:14 PM

    anon wrote: "I honestly, sincerely thought of praying for SP today. I don't feel sorry for her in the least but it sank in to me what a damaged, mentally ill creature she is and it must be hard to live in her head. I think she is bat shit crazy but I have never had a feeling to actually pray for her. I didn't though."

    If you pray then you are just as batshit crazy as Palin. You people need to start considering that the reason batshit crazy people like Pain can get a leg up in politics is because you all pray to sky fairies way too much. Statistically the US is way out of proportion to the rest of the civilized world in the % of Kristyuns. It's sort of a situation in which you don't have enough common sense amongst you to save yourselves. And I think you're going to now get from your governnment exactly what you asked for all along. -luv from Canada.

  110. Anonymous12:15 PM

    How right you are, 10:55! Their time can't come to an end soon enough though.

  111. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I don't think that Sarah understands any more about American History than before she took her one week bus ride through American History. She was right there in Boston, ringing those bells, firing those warning shots and talking about Paul Revere, and she didn't understand what Paul Revere and his fellow patriots were doing.

    They were not staging an historic reenactment of the Battle of Lexington and Concord. They started a war. It was Revolutionary because no group of people had organized to overthrow their government. There may have been attempts in other places, but the strong ruler would always put down the revolution and kill those who revolted. The American Patriots risked death but their passion for the cause of liberty made them take that chance.

    When Benjamin Franklin signed the Declaration of Independence, he famously said, "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." He knew that the cost of declaring independence from England was death. The British called the Patriots traitors.

    The Tea Party members of Congress swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. By "revolting" against it, they are traitors, and they should be willing to face the same consequences that the first Patriots were willing to risk. Instead, the Tea Party obstructed and complained but didn't vote for the lousy bill that was drafted to please them. They are the traitors and they used terrorist tactics.

    In fashioning themselves after the original Tea Party, the current bunch are not echoing history. The American colonists did not have representation in Parliament when they were being taxed. The Tea Party congressmen and senators are representatives in Washington. However, they act as if they were dressing up like Indians and throwing tea in the harbor. Then, they will complain because they don't have anything to drink.

  112. Anonymous12:18 PM


    I'm studying at the moment & came across a phrase that is new to me:

    Oppositional defiant disorder..

    It is observed apparently in children.. but some of the behaviors are interesting..

    Quite interesting...

  113. Anonymous12:19 PM

    The comments over at Wonkette are really funny:

  114. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I saw this comment over on sea'o pee the day Gabby went to DC to vote. It is disgusting insight into the minds of these sick people.

    apodoca said:
    "Gabrielle Giffords is back and voted for the bill. Now that she's mostly recovered, is Rep. Giffords going to woman up and apologize to the Guv for how her fellow Democrats blamed Palin for the shooting?

    I don't know Giffords. All I know is she's a Democrat. Is she big enough to apologize for the Socialists attempt to destroy Palin because she (Giffords) was shot by a lunatic? That is the question that will define Giffords's character."

  115. Anonymous12:44 PM

    $arah take your own advice: "You can't defer an issue and assume that the problem is then going to be avoided."

    Bristol stated you know what you're going to do so quit dithering and announce your intentions. Your gang is gittin' restless.

    Alsotoo, what was that written on your hand during the hate-fest with Hannity? Eye R Ass Hat?

  116. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Sorry Anonymous 10:37, I think it's HYSTERICAL every single time. Lighten up!

  117. More truth about Palin coming to a theater near you...well, if you live in Toronto that is. Sarah Palin--You Betcha will premier at the Toronto Film Festival.

  118. Anonymous12:51 PM

    "What is the difference between al Qaeda and the Tea Party?"

    Thinner, better looking, and smarter.

  119. Anonymous12:54 PM

    SIGH....looks like it's time to get out my big fly swatter again!

    "Come here, gnat!"


  120. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Isn't she wearing the jacket purchased for her to wear for her infamous walk-on role as a pit bull? Thought those clothes were returned. Think what a mess her closet must look like, and how funky it must smell like with her poor hygiene!

    Menopause will finish her off. Just you watch.

  121. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Sarah Palin farts on National TV!

    Listen very closely at the 2:25 mark.


  122. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Yep, sarah certainly qualifies for:

    Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)


    * Actively does not follow adults' requests

    * Angry and resentful of others

    * Argues with adults

    * Blames others for own mistakes

    * Has few or no friends or has lost friends

    * Is in constant trouble in school

    * Loses temper

    * Spiteful or seeks revenge

    * Touchy or easily annoyed

    They fit her live a glove . . .

  123. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Sarah increasingly behaves and looks like someone who would smell bad if you stood close enough to catch a whiff.

    Her skankiness score is climbing with every appearance.

    What's next? I know: tattoos! She needs some tattoos on her lower back with a short top, and a cheap thong showing over the top of that red rhinestone cross belt buckle. And some piercings, with chains! Maybe she can arrange for a release of a secret sex video, moaning all the rightwing words! And blame it on dark people!

    One wonders what she sees when she looks in the mirror, how distorted her vision must be, to miss the clear evidence of her messy, dirty looking, poorly coordinated, wildly inappropriate appearance. I think any new low is possible for our Scarah, who seems to be losing her hold on reality by the day.

  124. What, Fox just woke her up in the middle of the night and told her to throw on a wig and a jacket (over her sleeping top) and get the hell on the TV and say some stuff about Obama and his terrorist associations.
    That's certainly what it looks like to me. Palin, barely awake, wearing a rumpled coat over a tank top.

  125. Anonymous1:17 PM

    She says, "I'm gonna stand up for" -
    Who asked HER to stand up for anyone. The nation told her they didn't WANT her in 2008. If she wants to stand up for her ideologies, why doesn't she join the election process and work as an elected leader for the people who she represents? She technically and politically represents NO ONE.

    Who's she going to stand up for if she just wants to speak for thousands of dollars and get her face on national tv. What does "stand up" mean for SP? Live off of OPM? Glean ideas from others? Give old men a tease and a goosebump? She's not stupid. She is just shallow and lazy.

  126. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I'll say it and mean it from the bottom of my heart. YOU $arah Paylin are Just. As. Digusting. As. A. TERRORIST--why? because you rely on the same dogmatic spew in order to intimidate others into submission. You are Hitler in a dress, bitch. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. wink!

  127. Keep up the good fight, JayKen Knotstirred.
    One of these days...

  128. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Anon 11:10

    Those cheques were the $65,000 she sent out the day before the deadline of filings for SarahPac in a lame attempt to cover the personal expenses she used on herself. She did that the last time and people like Bachmann did not cash their cheques.

  129. Anonymous1:31 PM

    OMFG--What the hell is going on with her hair??????? Looks like she shaved her head and the wig is not pulled all the way down?????? As far as what she said, same old shit, just a different day. Must be slow over at fake news since they have to beat the past to death to have something to talk about. Surprised to hear scara use the word hypocrisy! I thought she did not know what it meant since she displays it every single fucking time she opens the hole in her head. It is so sad to see her blah, blah, blah about Obama because she is the only one in the world who thinks those things about that man. Just like everything else, scara, your ability to self-reflect and assess what is going on around you is not part of your DNA. I think even Hannity has some respect for Obama and does not agree with you. Gosh, this has been really old for a while now, it is just pathetic to see her crawl out of her cave again, and again to spin the same old shit.

  130. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Grade School Bully...What has ever come from her screwed up mouth that is constructive to this country? ...NOTHING!

    The only thing she's managed to do is encourage separation, paranoia and infighting along with supporting terrorism thinly veiled in religion.

    She's a simple minded, egotistical immature, bat shit idiot and I for one think she should be drawn and quartered for her attacks on our President and this country! These aren't simple attacks anymore ...they crossed the line a while ago..and they're treasonous!

    You might want to take you're winnings and sulk off somewhere where you're constant blathering will be listened to, if only by you (best to take a mirror along), and cease destroying our country.

    Might I suggest the middle of an Alaskan forest where no one will hear you when you fall.

  131. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Sarah palin has more terrorist ties than the President and let's not forget the AIP tied husband was more involved running the Ak gov more than she . It would be the same if she were Pres she does not do the work. Sarah would not do the hard work she is just the in front person. just think of the ppl they would have at the white house. and all the uncouth ppl there -their kids. and vandilize who could leave them there . I'm sorry I have seen some of those teabaggers and they look like sick slimmy men and the women are stupid.

  132. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Hey, Sarah,
    What you and your cohorts are is a cancer upon the American body politic and ain't no one going to miss you or them when history has made you obsolete.
    M from MD

  133. I'm also thinking she forgets when she gets ready that she is actually being SEEN on TV.

  134. She made me think of a song well before my time, and I go back a good ways:
    "She's Got No Hair"

  135. @9:06-

    You had me laughing out loud! freaking hilarious!

  136. I hate that woman so much. Hate her.

  137. Olivia2:41 PM

    Anonymous at 12:51..."What is the difference between al Qaeda and the Tea Party?"

    Thinner, better looking, and smarter.

    One more...younger.

  138. Anonymous said...
    OT. Not certain what this means other than random moves from the Quitter....
    11:10 AM
    All made on the same day; the next to last reporting day for the quarter, all for the same amount.

    These were not thoughtful donations, carefully planned in the timing and amount to respond to the needs of particular candidates or officials.

    They weren't even carefully planned donations, in timing and amount and recipient, designed to provide networking results and backup for a future Palin campaign.

    These were made after her stupid "I'm doing an educational tour with bus wrap screaming SarahPaC in huge letters, no wait, it's just a l'il ol' family vacation, no, uh, it's a comedy roadshow, wait, wait, I got it!"

    It came out that the whole stupid bus fiasco was paid for by SarahPAC.

    I have no doubt that the donations were a last minute attempt to show her moronic minion brigade that, see, SarahPAC makes LOTS of political donations! Keep sending in your life savings, suckers!

    Actual political donations are clearly the last thing SarahPAC puts any thought into. SarahPAC first and foremost is Grifterella's personal slush fund.

  139. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Winski said...
    There is an article in your local paper today, ADN, that indicates that the sea-o-pee is going to start to "ease up on its "siege mentality" and "combative tone," and try to be more 'presidential".... I almost fell out of my chair laughing so hard.....
    11:18 AM
    Really? Does this mean they'll stop calling every man that doesn't worship their queen a rapist or a pedophile? Does it mean that they will stop making death threats to anyone that dares to criticize that worthless, traitorous, un-American witch, Sarah Palin?

  140. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Where is your tape of $p, as a sitting GINO, giving her cheerleader speech before the AIP?

  141. Sarah Palin is a psychopath, nothing that comes out of her mouth is the truth. She would tell a lie when the truth would serve her better. Yes, the Tea Party did behave like terrorists. Also too, that was one of the worst wigs I have ever seen her wear. Don't worry Sarah the sycophant, right wing authoritarian idiots you have in place here in Alaska are still protecting you from your psychopathic behaviors.

  142. this is adapted from Buddha's Little Instruction Book

    You could spend a moment to say, or think,

    "May Sarah Palin be well, happy, and at peace."

  143. OMFG--What the hell is going on with her hair??????? Looks like she shaved her head and the wig is not pulled all the way down??????

    okay, that, too, is laugh-out-loud funny!

    As far as what she said, same old shit, just a different day.

    That's exactly it, isn't it? There is just nothing new. At all. For YEARS now.

    All of these videos, and all her shit-throwing from her Fox-built Wasillan monkey Cage are exactly the same.

    We talk about her awful hair, tacky clothes and medicated appearance because her words. mean. nothing.

    Less than nothing.

    To us, anyway.

    The labotomy patients, however, are huuuuuge fans. (We think...)

  144. Anonymous2:55 PM

    1:35 Palin will get hers in the finality of all of this charade she has put on these past years. She's an evil woman through and through and the majority of the nation is very wise to her.

    She's not going to be elected to anything!!! As I've said before, she is not qualified to shine President Obama's shoes.

    So much more documented information is coming out about her in September that she won't know what hit her. If you think she has aged horribly in the past couple of years - by November, I'll wager she even looks more rugged and sheds all of her hair.

    I cannot wait for her continual downgrade and her final fall from grace. She is such a liar and so damned evil.

  145. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Her horse died so she cut off its tail and laid it across her head.

    Poor horse.

    I don't think I have ever seen a do like that.

    Why is Sarah not speaking out for protecting Medicare and Medicaid to help support children with birth defects?

    That is an issue that could give her across the board sympathy and support and put her in front of audiences across the country. There is a bully pulpit for her.

    She prefers to be pulpit bully instead.

  146. Anonymous3:50 PM

    She does that disgusting idiotic "tongue thing" once again.
    At the 2:12 & 2:35 marks.


  147. Anonymous3:51 PM

    She does that disgusting idiotic "tongue thing" once again.
    At the 2:12 & 2:35 marks.


  148. That jacket scarah is wearing on Hannity looks like a piece from the campaign wardrobe...


  149. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Anon 3:08 - GREAT QUESTION! The answer is that Sarah does not care about medical care for other peoples handicapped or ill children. She could care less. She will use government services herself if she can BUT she spouts off that government shouldn't be in the business of health care. Give them people vouchers. Sarah is CLUELESS but more importantly she is completely 150% incapable of empathy towards others. That is part of being a sociopath.

    If she cared about the disabled, she would have done more including giving money to various organizations. She doesn't.

    The sad sick thing is she could have had a positive influence in this area but chooses not too. It proves even more to us that Trig is not her child by birth.

  150. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Sarah Palin is the stupidest person on the planet. Can't wait until she is in jail.

  151. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Don't forget Todd---Didn't he belong to an Anti-American group!

  152. Anonymous5:18 PM

    @3:08, Sarah has not mentioned Trig in a loooong time, as far as I'm aware. Very interesting.

    She has never used him as much as a grifter like her would have if she COULD HAVE. IF he were really her natural born son, you can bet the ranch that she would mention him in every interview. She would be involved with special needs organizations. None of this would be done altruistically, mind you, but it would be done. To make more money, of course.

    Why does she not capitalize on Trig? Very simple: She is afraid to make TOO much of an issue of him because he is NOT hers.

  153. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Just wondering if there might be any connection between Scarah and Joshua Alan Wade? He seems to be quite a character?


  154. Anonymous6:04 PM

    How awful to bring up Gabby Gifford's name!! Oh poor old sarah, always the victim! Absolutely no decency and it's disgusting!

  155. emrysa6:04 PM

    “if we were real domestic terrorists, I don’t think President Obama would have a problem with us.”

    that is such an asinine thing to say. this, from a former governor. I cannot think of any current or former governor who would utter this completely juvenile statement about the president of the united states. even the redneck governors we have here in the south wouldn't speak such garbage.

    she is seditious and greta, sean, and faux noise are guilty of sedition for giving her a platform. dregs, all of them.

  156. Anonymous6:18 PM

    DFB! You are clueless!

    And you look absolutely HORRIBLE, girl! You really need to get help.

  157. Anonymous6:27 PM

    AkPetMom - are those the only excuses that you can muster?

    Perghpas you need to get a life!

  158. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Sarah asks if the Tea Party and her fellow cessionists are terrorists, why isn't President Obama hanging out with Sarah, do you ever think before you speak? Ever listen to what you say, Sarah?

    Sorry both questions are really complicated....

    This is fairly simple, but let me break it down for you, Sarah, President Obamo doesn't hang with you and your kind ( Tea Party cessionsits AIP) becaue he is not a Tea Party cessionist AIP terrorist.

  159. Olivia6:46 PM

    Anonymous @ 6:27
    AkPetMom - are those the only excuses that you can muster?

    Perghpas you need to get a life!

    Perghpas you need to get off the METH! It is obvious that you are majorly impaired.

  160. Bye Bye, American Pie6:47 PM

    Let's see....Do Sarah and Todd Palin encourage others to participate in, or themselves engage in, activities which are similar to terrorism?


    Too bad we can't pose that question to Dar Miller and Curtis Menard.

  161. Liar Liar, File Cabinet on Fire6:53 PM

    Anon at 849 am:"$arah and ex-husband Todd have been pals with some bad ass dudes, she better learn to keep her big ugly trap sealed shut."

    Let me least one of their Alaskan Mafia "friends" is a pyromaniac.

  162. Anonymous6:55 PM

    @6:27, AKpetmom was mocking Sarah Palin. Turn on your sense of humor ;)

  163. Olivia6:56 PM

    In support of AKPetMom:

    Seriously, I have this picture in my head of Toad and Piper dumping water on her head, slapping her face, dragging her from her bed, putting whatever clothing they can find on her and plopping the wig on her head. As Toad sits her in the chair, Piper starts working on her makeup(hence the missing upper lip)
    “Mom, hold still, I can’t get the lip liner on.” “Get the fuck off me Piper, I’m the queen, I don’t need no goddamn lip liner My public loves me. Gimme the fucking Bachmann wig, it’s all the rage right now”.
    I have no doubt whatsoever that under the desk, below camera angle she is completely nude, or at the very least is wearing some filthy cutoff sweatpants.

  164. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Sarah displays the classic symptoms of a sexually unsatisfied sociopath who desperately seeks sexual gratification by spewing her hate on Fox news.

    Hi Sarah! Where's Trig's birth certificate? Where's Ruffles?, Why is Tripp named after Todd's girlfriend? and you do realize the Undefeated was a total whiteout?

    Any new news on the demise of fox news? Someone needs to show these asshats the door.

  165. Anonymous9:11 PM

    I was angry about Palin's lies about death panels. People who believed her were terrified. I consider any person who lies to see fear in people is a terrorist. Also putting crosshairs on people is a terror tactic.

  166. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I want any and all benefits paid to Congressional people to stop if they are in scandals in court about scandals and on and on. I am sick of these deadbeats in congress now. You can cut us like nothing, well we need legislation to cut you off once you do something. Just sick of these pathetic people in congress. Oh and am really sick of screechie queen who is stupid, ignorant, insane, dumb,....


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It just goes directly to their thighs.