Thursday, August 11, 2011

Travesty of justice.

Courtesy of ADN:

Ben Stevens has been told he's off the hook in the rapidly fading Alaska political corruption investigation, according to people with knowledge of the case. 

Family friends of Stevens, the former Alaska Senate president and son of the late U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens, say he's recently received a letter from federal prosecutors that he won't face charges. A government source who spoke only on background confirmed that the letter was sent and that the long-running investigation has concluded without an indictment. 

At the door of their family home in South Anchorage on Wednesday, Stevens' wife, Elizabeth, reviewed a draft of this story and said Stevens would have no comment. 

Stevens, 52, was one of six state legislators whose offices were raided by the FBI on Aug. 31, 2006. Four were eventually charged and convicted. 

In 2007, Stevens was identified as the recipient of bribes in the charges to which two officials of Veco Corp., Bill Allen and Rick Smith, pleaded guilty. 

While Stevens served in the Legislature, he disclosed that Veco, an oil field services company long active in Alaska politics, paid him $243,250 between 2002 and 2006 for "consulting." But he never would say what work he did for the money, even after a citizen complained to the Alaska Public Offices Commission that the fees were thinly disguised bribes. 

On the witness stand in the 2007 trial of former House Speaker Pete Kott, Smith, a Veco vice president, was asked which state senators he had bribed. 

"That would be Ben Stevens and John Cowdery," Smith testified. (Cowdery pleaded guilty to conspiracy in 2008.) 

Federal authorities also investigated Stevens over the hundreds of thousands of dollars in consulting fees paid to him by fishing interests that benefited from legislation promoted by his father in Congress. 

This is devastating news for Alaskans, like myself, who have been working to see the corruption in this state cleaned up.

Ben Stevens was considered by most of us to be a slam dunk for the FBI. He had his fingers in everything, and was considered one of the most egregious of the "Corrupt Bastards Club."

With the dropping of Stevens investigation, and Pete Kott and Vic Kohring starting to wriggle out of the grasping fingers of justice, it appears that there will be NO real deterrent to prevent the Republican party from continuing in the future to take kickbacks from oil companies, ensure sweetheart deals for their donors, and keep right on screwing over the people of Alaska.

As some of you may remember the investigation against Rep. Don Young was dropped last year, but as surprising as that was, having Ben Stevens walk away from this whole thing smelling like a rose is almost unthinkable.

Of all of the corrupt bastards the FBI was after, Stevens seemed like the easiest case to make. Hell, essentially EVERYBODY had sold him out!

Personally I find this very unsettling.  And for those of you who were still holding out hope that the long rumored federal investigation against Sarah Palin might bubble to the surface in the near future, I would suggest that you not hold your breath on that one either.

This state is filled with awe inspiring beauty, but there is a great ugliness running through our politic system, and apparently for the time being it is here to stay.


  1. Ratfish6:19 AM

    On the witness stand in the 2007 trial of former House Speaker Pete Kott, Smith, a Veco vice president, was asked which state senators he had bribed.

    "That would be Ben Stevens and John Cowdery," Smith testified. (Cowdery pleaded guilty to conspiracy in 2008.)

    So now that federal charges are dropped, what will the Parnell administration do? Is Parnell going to tolerate bribery?

  2. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Stevens might have made a deal with FBI or prosecutors on other criminals, or he might have just skated off like you said.

    Thing is, he's low profile, and not like the criminally negligent Sarah Palin. She stole funds from from Mat-Maid via bribes and kickbacks, and building materials from the Wasilla sports complex.

    Granny Grifter is going to get her's someday soon.

  3. Anonymous6:34 AM

    I hope this opens your eyes up a little, Gryphen. There is little difference between the workings of Obama's DOJ and Bush's DOJ. It remains just as much in the pockets of Republicans and corporations (and just as anti the little guy) as Bush's was, if not more. By the same token, don't hold your break for a RICO investigation of Murdoch.

  4. Anonymous6:39 AM

    They never really pay do they?

  5. Anonymous6:48 AM

    It pains me to say this, but I have no faith in Eric Holder and his DOJ.

    They've accomplished very little in the past three years.

    That said, we have to remember how Bush-Cheney were bragging about burrowing people into agencies before they left.

    Unless you dig out those leftovers from the Bush-Cheney years, I doubt much will ever be done to set things right.

    However, I do think the time has come to have a new Attorney General. I still believe in President Obama, but no so much in those around him.

    The DOJ must reinvigorate itself. The FBI has done precious little as well in terms of turning up enough evidence to thwart corruption.

    I am hoping that a second Obama term will mean the gloves will come off and things will change as regards cleaning up corruption and standing up for the average American. First, we have to vote out the TP and GOP obstructionists.

  6. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I'd love someone to investigate all those "consulting" fees Sarah's PAC has been paying out to her friends. What work have they done for her?

  7. Anonymous7:12 AM

    This makes me think the feds are buddies with AK legislators. In major ways. Typically corruption isn't small potatoes. Things are connected.

    Its unfortunate that there are slightly more "stupid" Alaskans who still trust Lisa M and Sean P. I know that dem sen cand was a long shot by nature and Joe was a thug but really Alaska???

    You elect the daughter of your most hated Gov who she herself has huge secrets that hurt the state?

    But look on the bright side. It happens everywhere, namely Illinois, FL, AZ, WI

    I will leave Tx out for now, as I consider it a different country. Kind of like AK.

    I still don't think SARAH herself committed major crimes. Those around her? Probably. I think she was the pretty face for more corrupt bastards. Look how insignif she was in Gov. Yes she voiced opinions, met many people and attended meetings but she was pretty light weight.

    I find it frightening that the present mentality I hear from my Alaskan friends is "damn we miss Sarah. F**k Parnell, lisa and lt gov"

    I mean cmon. A man who was a lawyer for exxon(?)?

  8. Anonymous7:16 AM

    I am hoping that the Arne Fulgvog case would include in his plea deal information regarding Stevens. He was in deep with the fishing issues and screwing over the fisherman of Alaska in favor of his Lower 48 buddies. Who knows, maybe if we ask Santa nicely for Christmas? Sounds like it would be just as much of a chance as anything else tried to get justice. - EnviroBitch from a remote computer

  9. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I'm not so sure mat maid is what we think it is. Yes the state handed over lots of dough. But reading carefully and knowing the players presently, I think the state just did what govt should never do: butt into small business. That's just my 2 cents though.

    Jesse, this may sadden you further but because the media became soooo obsessed with AK gov emails, I fear that alerted every leader in the country to instantly begin cleaning their hard drives and inboxes.

    I fear now we will never know the truth behind the dems plans, the gop plans, the HCR debate, the wars.

    Setting a precedent by releasing a high profile persons emails isn't good. It warns people to be extra careful and more secretive. Something the gop and dems have already mastered beautifully.


  10. In-fucking-sane.

    It's like the Wild freaking West up there! And not romanticized! Like, dirty, nasty, ugly- you don't want to be there and be at their mercy.

    Shailey Tripp; Mercede Johnston and her family. Even you, Gryphen.

    This has been an interesting diversion from "our real lives" (families, jobs, money!!!!), but for y'all up there in AK, well, this is real.

    And there are people, like Schaeffer Cox, who literally spend ALL their free time trying to come up with HORRENDOUS, DESTRUCTIVE, MURDEROUS plots against innocents.

    And, like most victims will tell you, almost NOTHING can be done until the psycho ACTS! As in, the damage is already done and the cops "may" be able to clean up the mess and find justice...but it doesn't look like it in AK...

  11. This is another sign that our country is folding. It is one thing to have a corruption which is prosecuted, but the federal government has been knowingly allowing it for decades all over the country. They use the charges or potential for prosecution for blackmail. If they want to take someone down they might prosecute, but I believe there was something they wanted and must have gotten. They prosecute the regular citizens based on no evidence and lies, Yet when handed a mountain of evidence don't prosecute certain politicians.

  12. Anonymous7:55 AM

    @7:12 - you idiot. Sarah Palin's aborted term as gov. is what brought AK Parnell! If she had not quit her elected job, there would be no Gov. Parnell! He was her Lt. Gov; it was "Palin/Parnell" on the 2006 ticket.Whatever he's into, she started. Parnell is totally Sarah's fault. You seem to know nothing about AK politics.

  13. What every happened to the FBI investigation into the Church fire...
    the church Sarah Palin used to go to?

  14. Anonymous8:46 AM

    The problem is not Eric Holder's fault. The problem is that many of the US Attorneys at the local level were not replaced by Obama. But that is NOT because the administration did not have a list of names to nominate for the positions. They were not replaced because the republicans in Congress refused to even vote on their approval. This is unheard of historically. It is just one more way that the republicans have ensured that Obama will not be able to make a difference, thus driving away his base voters in 2012.

    If we knew how much of Obama's agenda the republicans have stopped from even coming up for a vote, we would not be nearly so hard on Obama; they have stopped him at every turn.

  15. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Wasn't one of the conditions in the trial of Ted Stevens that his son not be charged? Seems to me I recall that specifically being asked of by Senator Stevens.

    Alaska government is very, very corrupt and it makes me sick to my stomach.

  16. Anonymous10:49 AM

    That he has been let off is criminal. The AK/American public is so dumbed down and brainwashed that they don't even care about such a travesty of justice.

    We know that the rest of the corrupt bastards (including Parnell) are throwing a party over this turn of events.


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