Thursday, September 29, 2011

Absolutely MUST SEE review of the documentary "Sarah Palin: You Betcha!"

Courtesy of the New York Observer:

For a shrill, obnoxious loudmouth spouting more semantic goofs in public than Mrs. Malaprop, she has mangled more facts, misquoted more people and been on the wrong side of so many things that she’s ready for a cinematic firing squad. And for a veteran documentary filmmaker with the credits of British director Nick Broomfield, I expected Sarah Palin—You Betcha! to be a hair-raising exposé. But he didn’t have to put in much overtime. All he had to do was go to Wasilla, Alaska, open his eyes and ears, and keep his cameras rolling. As her family, friends and enemies—including just about everybody she has ever worked with as mayor, governor and vice presidential nominee-—prove in every scene, Sarah Palin defines self-parody. 

The result is a balanced job of reporting that drives a stake through the heart of whatever she had left of a political career. Not easy, when a subject speaks only through Facebook and Twitter. But Mr. Broomfield, who wrote and directed the film with Joan Churchill, has profiled difficult subjects before: Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss, Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, and lesbian serial killer Aileen Wuornos, for starters. This might have been his easiest job yet. She was a pistol-packin’ mama who arrived on the scene after shooting and killing animals from a helicopter just in time to wreck John McCain’s bid for the presidency (although he did plenty to make a fool of himself on his own), stuck around to drive the Tea Party to infamy, and flapped her mouth with notable quotables like “What’s the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? Lipstick.” It’s all in the movie. She does the work. You just shudder.

In case you think Sarah Palin—You Betcha! is a hit job on an easy subject, see the movie and learn something. It’s terrifying, but in all fairness, no disgrace, no rumor of extramarital affairs in office, no broadside is explored unless it can be substantiated. No need to gild a poison lily. She didn’t know Africa was a continent. She still insists you can see Russia from Alaska. The movie has wry humor and sobering facts, but Mr. Broomfield doesn’t make anything up. By the end, the catalogue of her failures, hypocrisies and lies is still overwhelming. But despite her political irrelevance, her biggest supporter is Rupert Murdoch, who paid her a $3 million salary for Fox and a $7 million advance for her book, Going Rogue. She is currently being offered a cool million to undergo a polygraph test to disprove accusations of immorality in public office in the new Palin biography by Joe McGinnis. Ignorant, self-serving, vengeful, deeply dishonest, power-mad and pathological are just a few of the descriptions in this film, and they do not come from a bunch of sore-headed Democrats either. Both sides get a chance to cast a ballot. One long-time Palin voter says, “When she meets people, they just melt.” Oh, where have I been? 

This is a great review.  I loved it!

Even I had not already been convinced to go see this, I certainly would be now.

P.S. For a reminder of where you can see this film just click here.


  1. Anonymous4:07 AM

    Gryphen, any updates from our anonymous friend?

  2. Why did Murdock give her the advance and not the publisher?
    Is that against Alaska state law?

  3. ManxMamma4:26 AM

    Excellent review.

  4. Anonymous4:26 AM

    If the movie doesn't come to the city you live in, perhaps it will be available "On Demand" on Comcast or other cable providers. I think I'm going to contact someone in programming to see if that's an option.

  5. Anonymous4:32 AM

    I hope this movie is more successful than the "Undefeated."

  6. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Just finished watching Joe's interview on CTV's Canada AM.
    Wow, American counterparts sure could learn a thing or two from the professional way this journalist conducted herself. No interruptions or talking over Joe. Asking pertinent questions and actually letting him answer them; so refreshing.

    Gryphen,if possible, it would be great if you could post a clip of the interview. I would include a link but not sure where to look for it.

  7. "She is currently being offered a cool million to undergo a polygraph test to disprove accusations of immorality in public office in the new Palin biography by Joe McGinnis."

    Just to clarify that Joe had nothing to do with the offer --

    "In "The Rogue," author Joe McGinniss claims the former Governor of Alaska cheated on her husband with one of his business associates, a charge that has been dissected by the media, and which she has vehemently denied. The book also accuses Palin of having a one-night stand with a future NBA basketball player while she was still dating her future husband.

    "Now, the Web site has offered the Palins a sizable sum to prove their innocence ... with the aid of a polygraph test."

  8. Anonymous4:41 AM

    When she meets people, they just melt.

    If only you could thrive on charisma alone, Sarah would be President of the World with the White House Department of Law at her back.

    But she's only effervescent when she is on in her, "Hi, my name is humble old Sarah, I'm a rock star, what's your name regular old American with no title person?" game.

    My sister met her at a press conference when she was chief executiving and hating her damn job after her 'defeat,' and she could barely muster power behind her mumbling voice. And she lied, lied to her face and to the press there.

    Pathological indeed. Manic and dangerous also too.

  9. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Joe McG interviewed on CTV Canada AM show.

    8:11 interview starts.
    AM: Wow - this woman is unbelievable. (brings up moving next door)
    Joe first talked of moving next door, Todd coming over, pictures of him on porch (Joe should shorten his response of living next door)
    AM: People being told not to talk to him.
    J: The fear of Palin.
    AM: A friend warned you: Be careful, if you smell smoke, it might be your house!!
    AM: A lot about her as mother - Todd more maternal
    J: Todd north slope - kids not eating - on kitchen floor with mac & cheese (AM mentions burnt!).
    AM: Pregnancy! (8:19)
    J: Start in Dallas - water broke - in 40's - doesn't got to TX hospital - flies to Seattle, then Anch. Joe not advocating theory. McCain considering her. Child used for political. Reckless disregard for special needs child.
    J: U.S. dodged a bullet in 2008 (8:22 interview ends)

    I can`t type as fast as they talk. Don`t know if video gets put online but in many cases, a CDN network site, you can`t watch in U.S. and in many cases the same the other way. Video posted on US network site - not available to watch in Canada.

    I'm not aware of other interviews as unfortunately Joe hasn't posted where and I can't find him listed on all the sites I've tried searching past 2 days since Joe mentioned coming to Toronto.

  10. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Don't miss this little gem! Jon is in fine form and after a few minutes on the scene does Sarah in.


    Then there’s Sarah Palin, whose concern seems to be that the title of President would wrangle in her power. But the presidency is “one of the higher-level” positions we have in his country, a Stewart on the verge of a heart attack pointed out. And then there’s the matter of her recent speeches and appearances in early primary states “riding in a colorful bus” and “telling people what you would do if you were president,” which led Stewart to observe that “you’re either running for president, or you’re a crazy person.”

  11. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Have to add to my attempt to post what they hit upon in the CTV interview of Joe Mc:

    It was nice to see that our interviewer didn't go down the road of the drugs, sex, etc. It was a quick mention in the early opening but not looking for a response from Joe. Not like some in U.S. that solely focused on it.

  12. Anonymous4:51 AM

    8 days and counting 'em down until my turn to see "Sarah Palin: The Mentally Ill". You BETCHA!

  13. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Off topic, but how about an update on MeAgain posting/working with you? Is anything happening on that front? update on "Fred's" book please!

  14. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Yesterday morning, re-listening to the tape of my conversation with Chuck and Sally, I found another unreported tidbit, one concerning the first of the many Internet controversies that have swirled in Sarah Palin's wake since her emergence eighteen short months ago. I might as well throw it in here.

    Chuck had just told me that he usually didn't talk with reporters — that, in fact, he'd just hung up on one fifteen minutes before I'd arrived.

    "The Anchorage Daily News is doing a story," he said. "Is Trig Really Sarah's Son?"

    "I am so disgusted," Sally said.

    Chuck shook his head.

    "I was in the room when he was born, for Chrissakes!"

    Read more:

    Palin on Bloggers and the World of Journalism
    "Bored, anonymous, pathetic bloggers who lie annoy me....I'll tell you, yesterday the Anchorage Daily News, they called again to ask — double-, triple-, quadruple-check — who is Trig's real mom. And I said, Come on, are you kidding me? We're gonna answer this? Do you not believe me or my doctor? And they said, No, it's been quite cryptic the way that my son's birth has been discussed. And I thought, Okay, more indication of continued problems in the world of journalism."

    Read more:

    Todd Palin Is the Man for America Now

    His eighteen-year-old daughter is about to go into labor; his future son-in-law's mother was just busted for dealing OxyContin; his snowmachine still isn't ready for the two-thousand-mile Iron Dog race; little Trig needs to be changed; Willow needs to be picked up from school; his wife won't be home for hours; and now, for some reason, Wasilla PD is banging on the door. But fear not. He can handle this.

    Read more:

  15. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Great review. I hope the author is posting under an assumed name so the palin bots don't know where to find her(or him).

    O/T but related: Haven't posted for a while - been loving all the comments and astute observations. (No Sarah I am not giving you the definition of astute. Look it up yourself).

    What I am looking at are Palin's 2016 feelers being floated out in the blogosphere. Of course she is setting her sights on another run. The voices in her head command no less. Wonder if her "advisors" are telling her to build towards that? Some advisors.

    Note to Sarah and her handlers, enablers, fellow family grifters et al:

    Go ahead and plan for that 2016 run. All the data, evidence, pictures, videos, etc. about SP's rise and abject fall will be authenticated backed up and stored. All the lies, viciousness and criminal behavior will still be preserved for all time. No one will forget you or your dysfuntional family. Sad it will be for all the wrong reasons.


  16. Smirnonn5:04 AM

    "Ignorant, self-serving, vengeful, deeply dishonest, power-mad and pathological..."

    Good start, good start.

  17. Anonymous5:21 AM

    “Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has not talked to close allies in recent days and is set to break her own self-imposed deadline of the end of September for a decision on a presidential run. Becky Beach, Palin’s top fundraiser in Iowa and a close friend who is usually kept in the loop on the former governor’s plans, told The Hill that she had not heard from Palin in weeks about whether or not she would run. ….”

  18. Geography Police5:23 AM

    SP is an incompetent vapid twit, but One of the few things she got right is that you CAN see Russia (Big Diomede) from Alaska (Little Diomede). Not that SP ever cared to look, or visit the village there, or that such fact was in anyway relevant to her ability or competence. So why keep harping on that statement? OK, the geography police will now return to his closet.

  19. Anonymous5:23 AM

    OT but still relevant--

    Sarah's "LensCrafters" photo is far & away the most complimentary picture of her around. Kudos to whoever took the photo.

    That said, compared to how she looks now--YIKES! She has gone way, way downhill.

    Back to the film--the BEST thing about this doc is what it's doing for Joe's book. Doubin' down. Now where's Fred?????

  20. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Maybe ALL the repub. candidates should be vetted by Broomfield? He does a better job than the paid hacks, Schmidt and Wallace.

  21. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Here you go kids!

    Joe McG interviewed on CTV Canada AM show.

  22. Anonymous5:48 AM

    And here is part two:

    Canada AM: Joe McGinniss on the book, part two

  23. Anonymous6:16 AM

    4:41 I recognize Palin as embodying patalogical traits.

    I have seen a person over time who flipped on a switch of charisma oozing with charm leaving a target basking in the glow. After what I learned was a manipulative performance he would walk away snapping a polar opposite e.g. "I hate that f'ing bitch !. Sane people would be civil or simply courteous to a person they dislike. A pathalogical person has some depraved need to pull one over, con, disarm with charm.

    No one who has not witnessed Jekyl and Hyde believes the messenger. Palin constantly assignates anyone and everyone as liars while she lies. She is not interested in being moral, being honest, forthright. She manipulates taking that away from those who are via her pathalogical lies.

    Gryphen, I have also been assassinated in a campaign to con people I am also a sexual pervert. The Hounds of hell ravaged me. Palin has no conscience.

  24. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Geography police

    Most people know that is a fact. Palin cited that fact as proof that she has foreign policy experience. She also stated Canada is a neighbor using that fact as further evidence of credentials and experience she does a kernal of truth woven into a web of deception, ranting from FB, character assasinating Couric because the public is not irrational agreeing physical proximity equals a foreign policy leader demonstrated Palin is mentally off.

  25. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Wish we knew what shows/radio Joe is doing in Toronto. Wish he had posted same as he posted that he is there for the full day.

  26. JayKen Knotstirred6:45 AM

    Mrs. Malaprop!


    More like Mrs. SlapChop the way she treats the English language like a word salad bar.

  27. What a great interview. Yes, the American interviewers could learn something from the lady on CTV. As a transplanted American living in Canada, I am impressed with the professionalism of the Canadian media in general. It was obvious that the interviewer either read Joe's book or had done her research. She did not interrupt or go for the salacious tidbits of the book. Joe was able to get the message across about Sarah's poor parenting skills and why he chose to write about that as well as The Wild Ride which, as he states, is, at best, a callous disregard for the welfare of an unborn child. Those are the two most damaging pieces of information to Sarah's mythology and those will stay in the minds of those whose knowledge of Palin was minimal. Of course, her poor parenting skills are being verified by the movie You Betcha.

    I do believe I hear the fat lady singing. (I know this fat lady is singing.)

  28. I fell in love with Rex Reed when I was an adolescent, and he still has my ((((heart)))).

    Great job, Rex!

  29. I fell in love with Rex Reed when I was an adolescent, and he still has my ((((heart)))).

    Great job, Rex!

  30. Smirnonn8:36 AM

    @Anon 5:46 and 5:48,

    Thanks a million for posting those links to the Canadian AM show. EXCELLENT interview!! I love the way she let Joe explain Chapter 19 for so long!!

    We're finally seeing the facade/hoax of the paylun brand crumble. About time! 3 years too late, IMO.

    WhyTF didn't the Democratic party dig up this dirt in '08?? And WHY did the r's run paylun knowing how unqualified and unstable she is? Someone should be investigating those questions.

  31. Anonymous8:40 AM

    McGinniss: Media snubbed my book

  32. Big Pete8:54 AM

    In reply to Geography Police: Yes, it is tiresome that the I can see Russia thread is as worn out as Obama`s 57 states but we need to remember the context of the Russia remark. SP thought that her Russia sightings actually enhanced her depth in foreign relations experience. In reality it probably did. Does she carry a babushka doll when goes to wave at her Siberian snookettes...

  33. Anonymous9:06 AM

    @Sarah's "LensCrafters" photo is far & away the most complimentary picture of her around. Kudos to whoever took the photo.

    @5:23 AM
    "Sarah's "LensCrafters" photo is far & away the most complimentary picture of her around. Kudos to whoever took the photo.

    That said, compared to how she looks now--YIKES! She has gone way, way downhill."

    The LensCrafter gal is Tina Fey...

  34. Anonymous9:07 AM

    I can't shake the idea that there is more to the Keith Olbermann & Rachel Maddow refusing to interview Joe McGinniss on their show than what Keith has told us. According to Keith, he canceled the interview because the book relies too heavily on anonymous sources and is too tabloid-like which goes against his personal code of ethics. The book also make Palin out to be a victim, he said on Twitter. But this does not really make sense - especially in the light of the publisher stating publicly that they stand behind the book. Add to this the fact that both Olbermann and Maddow have interviewed oodles of controversial guests covering oodles of controversial topics.

    What's up? What are they not telling us? I have always put a lot of trust in the thinking of Olbermann and Maddow (more so for Maddow than Olbermann), but my confidence in these two has plunged since learning they refuse to interview McGinniss. McGinniss is big news. Wouldn't they want to investigate what he is saying? Wouldn't they WANT to interview him? If they do not agree with McGinniss' ideas would they not WANT to get to the bottom of it?

    After listening to the CTV interview and how professional it was I think McGinniss should refuse to be interviewed by Olbermann and Maddow at this point, should they offer, as it would obviously be a hostile interview. Who or what are they protecting, I wonder?

    My 2 cents.

  35. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Canada AM: Joe McGinniss

    The author of 'The Rogue' explains how the Palin family made accusations about him peering into their home upon moving next door. He also describes how nervous his sources were about revealing their names, fearing the Palins would go after them.

    The author reveals some of the juicy details of the book and says many have told him Sarah Palin is a foul mouthed, unmaternal woman. He explains how her private life becoming public knowledge is important, as she uses the persona of 'mama grizzly' as the centerpiece of her political career.

  36. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Murdock gave 10 MILLION dollars to Mrs. Todd Palin to spread her vitriole across our nation? He should be arrested for conspiracy to commit treason. Nothing he says or does now can compensate or even correct the damage his Faux News has done. When will the US of A DOJ yank his chain?

  37. Anonymous9:57 AM

    @5:03 AM:

    Chuck Heath says he was in the room when Sarah was giving birth? I'm sorry, but that is just gross, and it seems far more likely that Sarah faked Trig's birth than that she had her creepy father in the labor and delivery room with her.

  38. Anonymous9:57 AM

    While it *is* technically possible to see far east Russia from Alaska (by standing on Little Diomede island (Alaska) and looking east 2.4 miles to Big Diomede islland (Russia), it is indeed an overblown notion that Alaska is somehow right next door to Moscow and I can't wait until that meme gets put to rest.

    Distance from Wasilla to Moscow? 4317 miles, more or less.

  39. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Whoops, I was the geography nerd who posted at 9:57. I meant to say you need to look WEST, not east to see Big Diomede island. Sorry.

  40. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Thanks for the info on ticket sales. Bought two.

  41. Anonymous11:14 AM

    It should play here in Anchorage. It just should.

  42. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I'm thinking possibly Olbermann and Maddow are looking at this from the point of wanting the Rethugs to have the opportunity to 'come out of the closet' to take her down. By letting the 'right' media and blogs write the story to destroy her.

    By Keith and Rachel doing the interviews, it gives the outlet for it to be blamed on the left - as always. Allows her to cry 'victim' as usual -- the 'left' is trashing her/family and the 'right' then steps out and props her up so they can therefore get away with it and blame the 'left' too.

    If the 'right' writes it and destroys her - more of the 'right' will 'get it' as it's their own talking. If it's left to the 'left', they just trash the 'left' and let Palin continue marching on.

  43. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Chuck Heath says he was in the room when Sarah was giving birth? I'm sorry, but that is just gross, and it seems far more likely that Sarah faked Trig's birth than that she had her creepy father in the labor and delivery room with her.

    9:57 AM

    ummm...nope - he never mentioned Sarah at all. He just says he was in the room where he was born.

    He could have been born to Sally....hahahahahahaha

  44. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Great Review, can't wait to see it for myself!

    Thanks for the Canadian links, THAT'S how it's done, Joe's book is an enjoyable read and shows the undercurrent of the crazy in context to the people she's used, abused, and tossed under the bus.

    Part of me just wishes he didn't spend all that precious time explaining the move to the house next door. Yeah, SHE made it a federal offense, we get it, but most interviewers just skimmed the book and, for some reason, get stuck on the move next door, and not much else.


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