Friday, September 02, 2011

Brad Scharlott gives Sarah Palin the chance to put the Babygate question to rest for good. Did she take it?

This was from the conversation that Brad and Laura had on her blog yesterday:

LN: People probably wonder why bloggers don’t go to Palin directly and pose their questions. And perhaps snorting, “Oh right, like she’d answer me” isn’t a good enough answer. Instead, I asked Rebecca Mansour many times on Twitter to respond to my blog posts. And I invited her, many times, to do an interview with me. It was only fair. And she was predictably mute. You, on the other hand, went directly to Sarah. Tell us about that, Brad. 

BS: I’ve revised my original Babygate paper as a magazine article. A couple of weeks ago I sent that to Sarah Palin’s Wasilla address, and she received it on August 15, according to the USPS tracking service. In a cover letter I asked her to respond to the article, and I also asked six specific questions that stem from it, such as whether she was truly pregnant in 2008 and whether she wore a fake pregnancy belly when Andrea Gusty interviewed her. I told her I planned to publish the article within a month, and I promised her I would include her response with it. Of course, she has not responded. So what can we concluded from that? 

LN: One, she’s too big for us. And I can honestly understand that (although word has it that she is afraid of me.) There are a lot of demands on her time. Why? I have no idea. But there are. Two, why add fuel to the fire? To respond to you and/or me, or any blogger, lends credence to what we are saying. She’s hoping we’ll go away. Three, like I said in an earlier comment. We use subjects and verbs. And we use them in agreement. I think Anon on Gryphen's blog is right: that scares her. 

BS: Well, if she did NOT perpetrate a hoax, there would be an extremely important reason to respond to my letter and article. In that cover letter, I wrote: “As you may recall from your journalism studies in college, you are considered a ‘public figure/official’ for First Amendment purposes, in light of NY Times v. Sullivan. By providing you this opportunity to respond to my paper, I trust I am demonstrating beyond any doubt that my article bears no ‘actual malice’ towards you.” Since I was forewarning her that I plan to publish the article, by NOT responding she essentially forfeits any conceivable opportunity to sue for defamation. That is not the same as admitting she is guilty, of course, but could you imagine an innocent high-level politician ignoring an article that made such sensational allegations of wrongdoing? After all, I’m not just any crackpot. Palin knows my paper in April made news around the world.

You know one of the reasons that has been offered up as to WHY Palin does not simply produce the birth certificate and do away with all of this speculation, is because IT WORKS FOR HER!

The argument is that because people keep bringing up this issue that it makes THEM seem like lunatics, and by refusing to shut them down Palin appears above it all and is essentially taking the high road. (In fact Palin often brings up the "conspiracy" about Trig's birth in her speeches. It ALWAYS gets a laugh and a smattering of applause from the audience.)

Now this theory was all but rammed down my throat by a good friend who wanted desperately for me to drop the subject. (I won't out them here, but I am sure most of you can figure it out.) But of course I never did, because I never bought into that theory. Nor did I believe that keeping the investigation into babygate alive was actually helping her.

Oh sure it gave her a laugh line or two for a speech, but does anybody really believe it helped to sustain her popularity?

But for the sake of argument, let's just assume that it did. Let's assume that much of Sarah Palin's ability to garner sympathy and appear relevant stemmed from the fact that her supporters felt she was persecuted by these "crazy" liberals who had the gall to suggest that she would fake the birth of her own child.

However the Sarah Palin of today is significantly less popular than the Sarah Palin of two years ago. We are currently witnessed the crumbling of her political aspirations, the desertion of many of her past supporters, and the dimming of her relevancy to the media.

Yet the investigation, and number or people discussing babygate, is now larger than ever.

Even an author as well known as Joe McGinnis has publicly addressed it, and there is a book coming out whose sole purpose is to introduce the topic to an even wider audience.  So even if the argument could have been made two years ago that the subject of babygate was helping Sarah Palin in some way, that argument certainly could NOT be made today.

But you know what might help Sarah Palin at this point?  Producing proof that Trig is her biological son.

Imagine how much attention it would garner if Palin were to suddenly come out and show the world that the crazies were wrong all along, and that she was just playing them for a bunch of fools. Think of how she could play up how her family was victimized by these horrible people who went after her precious children so aggressively all to prove something that her evidence now demonstrated to be false.

Hell her smiling face would be all OVER the news, her potential political career would be revitalized, and the donations would come pouring in.

Not only that but imagine her joy at embarrassing Joe McGinniss, Professor Scharlott, Laura Novak, and Andrew Sullivan. Not to mention squashing the reputation of a certain pain-in-the-ass Alaskan blogger.

Yep, if ever there were a time to finally shut all of us up for good, this would be it.

So what do you say Sarah? Are you ready to finally put us all in our place?


  1. Tom Joad3:11 PM

    Re: TeaPartyforAmerica Speech (Sat Sept 3)

    No signs
    More security
    Restricted access
    Etc etc

    I don't believe in coinsidences either.

  2. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Sucks to be you-Brisket and Sarah!!!!

  3. JayKen Knotstirred3:20 PM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question? Where's Trigs birth certificate

  4. answer to your last question, NOPE

  5. Sarah, making any progress toward getting the State to provide you with that faked birth certificate?

  6. Anonymous3:27 PM

    "But you know what might help Sarah Palin at this point?  Producing proof that Trig is her biological son."

    Excuse me! This idiot Sarah Palin does not even know what the word "biological" means.

    Somebody is going to have to take her to Arizona and teach her what it means... History repeats itself.

  7. nswfm3:27 PM

    Luv ya, G, but never gonna happen. She's a liar and a fraud and we know it.

    Looking forward to the anonymous comments from the insider tomorrow and the next day, and the next day....

  8. Anonymous3:29 PM

    That retard cannot even tell you who Track's real father is.

  9. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Personally, I think she's had her narrative planned for a long time for the event that she is finally outed. I'm sure it'll be some selfless sob story designed to make her look like a martyr and make the people who outed her look like monsters for forcing the reveal.

    I also think she's not smart enough to pull it off and it'll blow up in her face.

    It'll destroy her PAC and her credibility while enhancing the credibility of all the "conspiracists" who have been scrutinizing her all along. Suddenly people will be interested in all the other things that have been surmised about Palin and the floodgates will open.

    It'll mercifully end any meaningful political ambitions, though honestly I think she has none anyway, and would likely try to sell another victimhood-enhancing book and maybe parlay that into some other career; talk show host, game show emcee or carnival huckster perhaps.

    Is the Hollywood Squares still on? I could see her fitting right into that whole failed pseudo-celebrity niche they often pulled their regulars from.

  10. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Sarah looks absolutely horrible in that picture, how many wrinkled chins does she have there? She looks so hardened as some do by cigarettes and drinking.

    She has no birth certificate for Trig, can't wait for her on the 3rd cause she is going to be really surprised by things waiting for her. The teaparty is playing her like a fiddle.

  11. Enjay in E MT3:39 PM

    Perhaps $arahPalin can at least have the State of Alaska verify Trig's original birth certificate is on file, with a birth date of 04/18/2008 and biological parents of Sarah & Todd Palin. Depending on the info, we MAY consider the SHORT FORM.

    Come on $arah, put your momma grizzly growl out there to show us how WRONG we are to question you - Stand on your legs and proudly show everyone Trig's birth certificate!

    Iowa is coming up... New Hampshire right after - it's not going to go away....we'll keep asking till YOU tell the truth.

  12. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Hmmm, Brad is just begging her to produce a fake birth certificate? Once THAT gets out she'll garner all kinds of attention, even that it is fake the media won't take it to task since it's to do with a special needs baby...I WANT DNA!

  13. With her money and connections, I'm surprised she hasn't come up with a fake birth certificate, yet. Trig's on the Permanent Fund list. Surely, Sarah provided a BC to her friend who runs that department. ;)

  14. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Does discussing Romney's dog on the car incident HELP Romney? Of course not.

    NOT discussing Palin's faked pregnancy feeds that thingy, what's it called, oh yes, the "spiral of silence".

    When a public figure tells a big lie unchallenged then the situation can become dangerous. See Hilter, Stalin, etc.

    Sarah Palin is mentally unstable. Powerful people put her in a position where she might have very well succeeded to the presidency.

    We're not just discussing a faked pregnancy here, we taking the first steps toward exposing treason.

    Stay the course, G. And damn the, er, rammers down throat types.

  15. Anonymous3:52 PM

    See, the question reporters need to ask is "Mrs. Palin, when you made the decision to fly back to WASILLA, by way of Seattle AND Anchorage, after your water broke in Dallas, were you in fact hoping for a spontaneous abortion to occur. Fetal distress? Do you lack the common sense necessary to be a MOTHER, let alone a leader of a community, or God forbid, a country??"

  16. That picture is the worst one I've ever seen of Sarah! I'd almost like to believe it's not real. I'd kill anyone (put surveyor's marks on them anyway) who ever made a photo like that of me public. (Fortunately, I have considerably fewer chins than that.) You're really tanglin' with the Griz, Gryphen.

  17. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Apparently, Palin has paid someone to write a speech for her. Her speech to the 2008 Republican Convention was written by Matthew Scully, a former speechwriter for George Bush. We rarely learn anything of what the speaker believes or thinks from such speeches. More often, this sort of speech is calibrated to appeal to particular demographic groups, so we may hear something with an appeal to the aggrieved. It is, after all, a Tea Party of America event.

    But in order to make a successful comeback, Palin will have to persuade the 74% of Americans who think she shouldn't run in 2012 (just 20% think she should). And her attempt is made more difficult by the fact that 62% of white evangelical Christians and 66% of Tea Party members think she should not run. How will she turn them around? How will she get anything more than a short-term bounce in the polls?

    Her pose as a reformer, an outsider fighting corruption, is belied by her record as Alaska's governor. Sure, Palin pushed pigs away from the trough ... so she and her cronies could have it all to themselves: The Bridge to Nowhere, Troopergate, Matanuska Maid Dairy, ... . And let's not forget the tax increases, earmarks, and Permanent Fund Dividend largesse (do I smell a socialist?) ... all part of Palin's record as Governor. And don't believe that government debt bothers Palin one bit: she left the city of Wasilla deeply in debt.

  18. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Virgin Books to publish UK/International edition of THE ROGUE

    September 2, 2011

    Virgin Books of London will publish an international English language edition of THE ROGUE on September 20, the same day the book is released in the U.S.

    The international edition will be distributed to English language booksellers throughout Europe, Asia, Australia, and beyond.

    In addition, Virgin will publish its own UK edition in spring of 2012.

  19. Anonymous3:56 PM

    That picture of her is horrid...her skin looks like leather around her neck (roll upon roll!). God, has she aged in the past few years!

  20. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Good for Brad. It's about time the skank has to answer for what she's done. Notify, confirm it was delivered, and then publish within a week.

    Hopefully he will deliver it to her lawyers as well. Then they can threaten lawsuit. And he can say "Bring it on, you have nothing".

  21. Anonymous3:58 PM

    3:39 Remember that Parnell is the Governor of Alaska and Palin appointed him. They will say the birth certificate is an original whether it is or not. I will bet the certificate will never be released.

  22. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Sarah Palin, Kingmaker?

    John Fund bets that Palin won't run and will instead endorse Perry. Weigel imagines how this might play out:

    If we buy the Palin-Bachmann rivalry story, Palin's got to love how endorsing Perry accelerates Bachmann's collapse. As soon as Perry got it, in was clear that Bachmann, who appeals to the same voters but has no executive experience, had no real path to victory. But if Palin backs Perry, the catfight-crazed media will report the "Bachmann snub!" angle; it will become part of the story of how Bachmann fell. The hard-charging congresswoman, the first female winner of the Ames straw poll, declines to her rightful status as a Palin-lite; Palin, who will have just acknowledged that she can't win a primary on her own, will be seen as a kingmaker.

    John Avlon, thinking along the same lines, says the "Palin seal of approval for Rick Perry would be the kiss of death for Mitt Romney."

  23. Anonymous4:00 PM

    The Press Pants for Palin

    ...Here we go again, playing Sarah Palin’s game, chattering about whether her appearances in Iowa and New Hampshire this holiday weekend mean she is going to stop the endless flirtation and finally jump into the presidential race.

    Not everyone is yammering about her latest move, of course. Most political professionals, noting that Palin has not lifted a finger toward building any kind of organization, have long since assumed she won’t be a candidate. The public appetite for every last Palin tidbit seems to have subsided with the passing of her Alaska reality-TV show and the rise of other Republicans—Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann—who are actually running.

    That leaves Palin’s base: the media. Yep, the very same lamestream media that the former governor routinely denounces, but whose oxygen she needs to keep herself in the news. If she gets on a bus and visits New Hampshire on the day that Mitt Romney is announcing his candidacy, or swings by an Iowa fair just before the Ames Straw Poll, journalists are panting after her, as they undoubtedly will be at the Tea Party rallies this weekend.

    “Decision Looming, Palin to Visit Early Vote States,” said The New York Times, though the article allowed for the possibility that Palin “simply craves the attention that accompanies her strategically planned appearances.”

  24. Anonymous4:04 PM

    She won't comment on this issue or produce a birth certificate for fear of being exposed that she had her hole sewn up a long time ago.

    What gets me is that pantywaist Todd. He's in on all of this, kept quiet by the domineering psychotic wife. He's supposed to be some tough macho dude yet can't even look eye level at his wife while he wimpy's "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today".

    Todd, man up. Out the wife and you'll make way more millions than Sarah and the ladies will beg you and practically break your door down for a piece of that hard tundra.

    Man up!!

  25. Anonymous4:06 PM

    3:29 - you made me spew my champagne! hahahaha

  26. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I hear there's been a run on 'White-Out' over at the Wasilla Office Depot.

  27. Poor woman has not done herself any favors by losing all that weight. She looked much better even 4 years ago. So, her dieting on the campaign trail was not a lie! Her wrinkles, ratty hair (sure signs of bulimia and extreme weight loss) her need to use those comical hairpieces when she is on TeeVee...poor gal. All she HAD going for her were her looks, and so sorry to say, but she is looking worse every day.

  28. nswfm4:24 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Sarah looks absolutely horrible in that picture, how many wrinkled chins does she have there? She looks so hardened as some do by cigarettes and drinking.

    She has no birth certificate for Trig, can't wait for her on the 3rd cause she is going to be really surprised by things waiting for her. The teaparty is playing her like a fiddle.

    3:31 PM
    LOL, I saw that pic and thought, "I'm 2 months older than she is and try as I might, I can't make my neck do that!"

    Drugs'll do that to ya, Grifter Granny!

  29. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Anon @ 3:30

    I'm in agreement... the contingency plan is there but it will fail...too much grifting...too many other lies, gates and a steadily sinking approval rating to make the public accept her story and forgive the transgression. I'll be checking IM hourly tomorrow for the much awaited revelations from anon!


  30. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Wow, for such a skinny person and one who has had plastic surgery she sure has a lot of rolls.

  31. Virginia Voter4:27 PM

    If Sarah was a smarter woman with a higher IQ and level of self awareness, she would have come out with a cover story about adopting Trig a looong time ago, while she was still governor. It could be spun as adopting a special needs child from parents who could not raise him, Sarah could have played the martyr, doing the good Christian thing, yadda, yadda, from the get go. No one would really have questioned it back then. Instead, Sarah went all Deerate Housewives and faked a pregnancy. That in itself is fucking psycho....then to make up such an outlandish Wild Ride story is downright moronic. Any woman who has given birth knows the story of Sarahs magical mystery pregnancy and delivery is just biologically defies the laws of nature.

    I have been following this train wreck for exactly three years now, and have come to the conclusion (a long time ago) that the reason this story is never exposed is because it would make the corporate media, John McCain, and the entire Republican party look like bigger fools than Sarah. Sarah goes down, they all go down in a blaze of glory. As I said on Joes blog, Sarah has been paid handsomely as a useful idiot for Right Wing corporate interests . As long as she knows her place, they will keep her secrets protected. If she fucks up, all bets are off.

  32. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Wow, for such a skinny person and one who has had plastic surgery she sure has a lot of rolls.

  33. Anonymous4:30 PM

    She would have showed proof long ago if she had it - now, she could try a fake birth certificate but it won't fly - if she does attempt that, the media has an excuse to delve right in to Babygate.
    And, on the sob story excuse? Good luck with that Sarah! Endless loops of you smacking your fake baby bump and the Gutsy picture on the cover of every magazine with the "FAKED IT!" headline screaming on top. Then we would get the video of the Wild Ride story, in your own words and your lying eyes. And all of the times you showed your pro-life cred by shoving that poor child at a camera. You are sinful for doing that to an innocent child. Face it, there is no way around this for you Sarah. Damned if you do, well you know the rest.
    There are too many people who know the truth - starting with you Gryph. Believe me, if she could prove it she would have loved to discredit you and IM many moons ago. It's only a matter of time now. Hear that ticking? It's a clock, Sarah.

  34. Anonymous4:30 PM

    O/T Is there any truth to the rumor that the Alaska Bureau of Investigation agent is attending the Tea bagger rally this weekend where Palin will be speaking?

  35. Anonymous4:36 PM

    If SP presents a birth certificate, a photo of Mom and newborn, a quote from CBJ, and a photo of the baby "popping out," I STILL would like to know how the Mar 14 photo is possible, 5 weeks before a 6+ lb baby?

    How Can a 6+ Lb Baby Develop in 5 Weeks?

  36. hahahaha....oh IF ONLY she could.

    But alas....facts are stupid things....and the fact is - Sarah Palin faked the birth of a special needs child to boost her political aspirations. There is a birth certificate for Trig....unfortunately, it proves that Sarah has been lying along and has perpetuated the biggest hoax in American history.

  37. Anonymous4:46 PM

    "Re: TeaPartyforAmerica Speech (Sat Sept 3)
    No signs"

    So she read on IM that there would be "Where's Trig's BC?" signs and had the organizers promise: no signs. I don't think she cared about Christine O'D. She panicked over what she read about how her faked pregnancy might be brought up tomorrow. All the pundits are trying to guess what Sarah's going to do when the real factors affecting her decision are right here, on G's posts and the comment section! I wouldn't be surprised if there are others "in the know" from the McCain campaign who have some influence, too.

  38. Anonymous4:51 PM

    That photo...eewwwwwww!

  39. Beldar Mjölnir Conehead4:53 PM

    Once again, Gryphen, you've completely missed the lesson that The Screechy Wretch(tm) was sent by Thor himself to deliver to the people of earth (and Mars, if there are people on Mars).

    When she CHOSE to bring her special needs child into the world she inspired every exceptional person in this exceptional nation who passionately believes in withholding that exceptional right to choose from other exceptional women who find themselves with an exceptionally unwanted pregnancy. Exceptionally if you're the gristly mama, you have a choice, but otherwise: no choice for you! Thank Thor for that!!

    Now, let me explain why it's so important that we all gather together as one free nation to control the reproductive activities of slutty women we dont even know. It's no accident that Thor named the inside lady parts the UTERUS. Why? Because, yes, it's inside YOU but US gets to decide what happens in there. and by US, of course, I mean arrogant assholes appointed directly by Thor and Granny Lulu to be in charge of millions and millions of lady parts all over the country. It's a great responsibility, but it's one the assholes are extremely eager to undertake - some would say obsessively so - to the best of their ability.

    But you wouldnt understand that kind of doG-given responsibility over complete strangers, now would you, Mr. doG-less Communistic Democrat? In YOUR doG-less Sodom, women get to control their own bodies and how do you suppose THAT'S gonna turn out?

    So, even if the whole special needs birthing story turns out to be one great big sloppy bucket of lies, it doesnt change one bit what the hundreds and hundreds of Granny Grifter fans BELIEVE about her. And that, Mr. Atheist, is a little bit of insanity we like to call Faith.

  40. Anonymous4:56 PM

    "Apparently, Palin has paid someone to write a speech for her."

    She'd still have to practice giving it and she can't when she's too busy reading blogs, esp.ones that may have important comments made at any time. Anyway, there's nothing she could do to recover the perception people have of her.

    BTW, that was one, pathetic summer tour.

  41. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Eeeuuuwww, Granny Grizzly not looking so good any more. Maybe we should dial down the lust, fellow Palinbots? BWa ha ha Bwa ha ha

  42. Anonymous5:05 PM

    The reason the MSM won't touch this story is simple: Paxson, Bud.

  43. Anonymous5:08 PM

    How can she demand no signs? Fuck that. And fuck you Sarah you scared piece of shit.

  44. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Lovely weather in Indianaola tomorrow:

    Saturday: Showers and thunderstorms likely. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 81. South wind 5 to 9 mph becoming northwest. Chance of precipitation is 70%. New rainfall amounts between a quarter and half of an inch possible.

    That's after a night of rain. Ooooh - mud wrasslin'

  45. Anonymous5:11 PM

    If that's what eating butter-on-a-stick and then purging it does for you, that's more motivation to stick with veggies and other healthy choices so I can hope to look more like our lovely first lady. No amount of Botox and other cosmetic work can fix that amount of neglect and deterioration. Thanks for the visual reminder.

  46. Anonymous5:11 PM

    The pnoto is faked. Enlarge it and the skin the face and neck just above the chest are browish, like tanned, the double chins are pink and you can see where they hve been cut in at the chin and overlyed just below the cheek bone.

    Even assuming the "tan" is out of the jar she wuold not leave out doing her neck but remember to do the skin at the level of the collar bone.

    And no I am not a troll I am the lab tech who months ago explained why Sarah couldn't have used a fake id to get her amnio, and I refereed to it in an earlier comment here tonight.

  47. Nice try anonymous 5:11, but I got that pic off of the same pro-Palin site that I got all of the pictures from Iowa.

    I doubt very seriously that they wanted to make their queen look bad. They simply see her through rose colored glasses and she always looks gorgeous to them.

  48. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Anonymous said...
    The reason the MSM won't touch this story is simple: Paxson, Bud.

    5:05 PM

    Bingo! We have a winner! As in Tri-G Paxson Van Palin.

    Comeonpeople. The kid's name is a frickin narrative.
    The retarded child (Tri-G) cooked up by (Paxson) will make Palin VP Vice president VP=Van Palin)

    How frickin cute is that ?????

  49. Anonymous5:24 PM

    New post from "Anon" on the old Broomfield thread! Check it out. S/he says there will be more tomorrow night...

  50. Anonymous5:33 PM

    @5:11, if her face and neck color look different, it's due to makeup/no makeup. Nice try, though.

    It's a bad picture, deal with it.

  51. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Sarah and Bristol have both had the opportunity to tell the truth in their books. I believe, the Right to Life people have backed away from Palin when they realized she was not the poster mother for a special needs child. Sarah spews hatred and is now reaping what she spews. Can't wait for someone to take Sarah to the mat for the final count.

  52. Anonymous5:34 PM

    p.s. @ 5:11, I DID enlarge it (on a mac, so it's accurate) and her face and neck look exactly the same color. What are you on?

  53. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Sarah Quittypants Palin has arrived at the Machine Shed Restaurant in Iowa, according to the C$P. But Elvis has left the building!

  54. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Can someone please interview cbj?

    That reckless quack endangered a new born baby several times in twenty-four hours.

    The insufferable bitch palin when along with the doctor's scheme; carrying out one poor decision after another.

    Thank you.


  55. Anonymous5:40 PM

    She looks more and more like ET.

    ANON238 is back, with a short note and it seems as if there should be a part 2 coming along shortly.

  56. PalinsHoax5:43 PM

    Gryphen, if $carer does produce a birth certificate for Trig, showing her as the birth mother, then this will prove that her and Todd's "Wild Ride" actions were cruel, insane, irresponsible, and resprehensible.

    $carer is such a loser.

  57. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Damn, Gryph, where did THAT gem of a photo come from? I keep hearing her true believers, the faithful sheeple gushing over her b-e-a-u-t--i-f-u-l-n-e-s-s! And how we're just jealous of her and her strong, happy, close knit family.

    Are we talking about the same woman anymore? , cause all I see is someone as sharp as a bowling ball and pug ugly.

    She can't possibly have a "come to Jesus" moment and fess up.

    It's been three years, and she has yet to "find em and get back to ya" to buttress her creds in the Couric interview.

    I wonder how much the bio mom was paid, and how long she can possibly keep silent, cause there's no way, now how, Sarah gave birth to Trig or Ruffles.

    Why do people in the main stream media keep blocking the sun with one finger? Why are you and a handful of others the only ones calling her out on this issue and working on exposing the fraud?

    Can't wait for the new tidbits on Sept 3! It's like a jigsaw puzzle that's quickly falling into place.

    Tick Tock Tick Tock.

  58. Virginia Voter5:46 PM

    5:05...BINGO...Evangelical media mogul Bud Paxson who got favorable legislation thru John McCain:

  59. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Wow her appearances are as well scripted and paranoid as it can get. There is no way any sane person could believe her meme.

  60. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Wouldn't a DNA test reveal if she is Trig's biological mother, and if Todd is his biological father?

  61. Ruffles may have died an untimely death. THAT keeps people focused on this.

    And then Trig was pulled in for political reasons, or because he was arriving anyway, via other relatives.

  62. Bueller5:52 PM

    Dont forget, Trig is also named after an uncle of Todd's (maybe cousin, i forget. But there is a Palin relative named Trig). This is why Todd had to be in on it IMO

  63. Anonymous5:55 PM

    That woman makes the strangest and most unfortunate faces I've ever seen on someone who isn't a comedian or wearing clown makeup.
    M from MD

  64. Anonymous5:57 PM

    This famous quotation popped into my mind when I read this post.

    "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is." Winston Churchill

    Sarah, do you think you can hide the truth...forever?

  65. Anonymous5:58 PM

    There's something wrong with you people.

  66. PalinsHoax5:59 PM

    So do you think that for the Tea Part speech Palin will wear her soiled suit with the too-big shoes flopping at the ends of her hairy skanky legs?

  67. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I kept trying to get that same effect with my neck and face too - and I was born 3 months after her - but I can't manage it. Weird contortions she does.
    M from MD

  68. comeonpeople6:09 PM

    Bueller said...
    Dont forget, Trig is also named after an uncle of Todd's (maybe cousin, i forget. But there is a Palin relative named Trig). This is why Todd had to be in on it IMO

    5:52 PM

    Yeah, let's just call bullshit on that right now. They supposedly have a Norwegian relative named Trygve?? Then name the kid Trygve. Don't name him Tri-G which stands for Trisomy G which stands for Trisomy 21 which stands for Down Syndrome. Really, what are the chances of accidentally naming a kid with Down syndrome another name for DS?? It's sick. As sick as sticking a pillow in your panties and calling yourself pregnant. She really must have an IQ of 83 to think that naming the kid TRi-G is cute.

  69. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Can someone please interview cbj?

    That reckless quack endangered a new born baby several times in twenty-four hours.

    The insufferable bitch palin when along with the doctor's scheme; carrying out one poor decision after another.

    Thank you.


    5:37 PM


    Whom do you suggest?

    Any further suggestions on how to GET an interview from cbj?

    I highly doubt she would be amenable. But if you think it's so easy, why don't you do it.

  70. Anonymous6:13 PM

    WHOO HOO! The 'me again' poster has posted some new tidbits for our pleasure, here it is cut and pasted along with a interesting followup comment. This is just so divinely spectacular!

    Anonymous said...

    Hello friends, foes, and Palins. It's "me again", again.

    I just wanted to let everyone know I will be posting late in the day tomorrow as the wifi on my laptop is very spotty right now and I'm loathe to type a long post on my phone, lest it be compromised by an incoming call or pressing the wrong button. I've made some notes and am trying to strike a good balance between funny/embarrassing (to Sarah) things and serious, detailed information. When I check into my hotel tomorrow evening, I will post from there.

    I have been having a good laugh hearing about Sarah's antics this week. Between her severe apprehension over what I will choose to reveal here and the absolutely humiliating catastrophe this weekend event will surely be, Sarah has apparently not been pleasant to be around this week.
    She is livid that she was portrayed as such a brat over the whole "well if SHE'S going then I'M not" chaos. Also, too! Todd sent an email this week to Sarah's "people", cautioning them she is manic beyond belief and will cause everyone to "think she's crazy" if not carefully controlled this weekend. Todd? Moose has already left the barn on that one, man.

    Before I sign off, I have to address a couple of the naysaying geniuses who have commented recently.

    4:38 PM
    ThanksABunchJohn said...
    Hi "me again" - waving from Wisconsin!

    I love that Palin overplayed her power/status with dual COD engagement - there is no way in hell she can back out now. Your coming back to IM will not play well with her demeanor, or her physical appearance, and can you imagine her vocabulary skills?? She's going to be a mess, and given that 60% of Tea Baggers DON'T want her to run, I doubt the turnout. Thanks for putting the fear of God into her big "announcement" that she's going to run, or going to continue to be a prick tease.

    I hope your insider decides to release the photos he/she has, and finally puts an end to my (and the country's) nightmare.

    Hope you are having a great vacation, warm wishes from Wisconsin! Laurie

    5:16 PM

  71. MadCityKaren6:15 PM

    Frankly, at this point, I'd only accept DNA proof of Trig's parentage. She's had ample time to fake a birth certificate already.

  72. Anonymous6:17 PM

    I know that Palin-haters (and I am one) feel justified in expounding on every unflattering photo because she makes no secret of trading on her looks to gain fans and power.

    But, when bloggers obsess over physical features of anyone (especially women as they are more often targets), I feel it is destructive to all of us.

    It's one thing to point out and laugh about her bad taste in clothing and hair-do's, and maybe also her lack of muscle tone in photos where her upper arms and legs are visible (because she claims to be a super-fit runner/athlete). But it's another thing to cackle over every bad-angle photo.

    Any of you who don't think you possess these chins, here's a challenge: pull your head way back into your neck and peek into a mirror held from a low angle.

    Yes, I am a Palin-hater. I hate Palin because she is a fraud who hates America and has dedicated her life to being divisive. But I think it is distracting to gang up about how awful she (or anyone) can look when captured at the wrong second and from the wrong angle.

  73. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Gryphen, I don't know why you keep enticing her like this. If she faked this shit all along, it wouldn't be hard for her to fake a birth certificate.

    Didn't Anon say she was even looking into it?

    Not to mention, if Trig was really born when they said he was, but was adopted by Sarah & Todd, Sarah and Todd's names would be on the birth certificate anyway. And if that's the case, I actually do believe she's holding out on the birth certificate to use it as a trump card when the going gets really tough. And no one would ever know he was adopted, instead of birthed.

    But anyway, like I said, I think you should stop goading her. I wouldn't put it past her to produce a fake birth certificate, and that will hurt your case.

  74. Anonymous6:21 PM

    DNA tests is really the only trustworthy way to prove it.

  75. JayKen Knotstirred6:32 PM

    Thanks Virginia Voter 5:46pm!

    Trig is connected to John McCain via Paxson!

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, How much does your silence about Trig cost per year?

  76. Anonymous6:33 PM

    The plus side to Sarah looking like that is that she can get senior citizen discounts just on her looks, no ID rquired.

    They probably think Todd is her son and Piper is her granddaughter.

  77. sally in MI6:39 PM

    What is with Palin and tongue/throat/mouth references? She was on Obama about 'ramming things down our throats" a year ago. Now, she's giving a 'full-throated attack' speech tomorrow. And then there is the tongue, that is out of her mouth more than it's in. Some have surmised that she is a child of abuse...I tend to agree.

  78. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Anon 6:17, you're not alone in thinking the attacks on her appearance make us sound like a bunch of harpies. Worse, they make us sound like palinbots! --shudders--

    I'll even go further and piss some of you off by stating that although she's a mostly horrible person, she does have good looks going for her, esp considering she's a grandmother.

  79. Anonymous6:42 PM

    slightly off topic, but why is the AP article about SPalin in Iowa saying that it's a "surprise visit" to the Machine Shed party the TeaP's are having?
    It is Not a surprise visit at all!
    why can't the media get it right?

  80. Sounds like Palin will try to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. The possible Perry endorsement will, of course, bring more media attention which we all know is Sarah's life blood. How much longer she can keep this scam going is a mystery. She does have an extraordinary power to attract attention.

    I was impressed by an earlier poster's thoughts about how Sarah could have spun the Trig Saga to her benefit without having to go through this destructive and elaborate scam: Just say that a close family friend or church member needed a very special favour and that she and her loving family were going to adopt this special needs child. Would have worked just as well with her base. But I guess she thought that she had gotten away with a lot of lies in the past and this would float as well. Worked like magic to get an old fool and his advisers to pick her for VP. Too bad her lies have a shelf life and this whopper is about to thrown out to the general public.

  81. Anonymous6:57 PM

    i read constantly and i imagine the way those refridgerators get dented because of the comments here,, i would like to know where they all end up,, i need a new fridge and don't mind dents

  82. Anonymous6:58 PM

    @ 6:17 Palin has used her looks to get where she's at. Yes , we all have bad pictures at times. There's one thing about Palin, she's oblivious about her apperance
    Her Hair, her spotted clothes, her ears, her aged hands and yes her wrinkled neck. She puts a ton of make-up on and loves what she sees and disregards the rest of herself. To be perfectly honest, it's nice to see a vain person like palin with that accordian neck. I can't get my neck to look likes hers no matter how I pull it. So what I'm saying,Age has taking it's toll on sarah, at some point in our lives some of us have to give up being The Sex Goddess
    M Bauchman is older then Palin and she looks good for her age.

  83. Anonymous7:01 PM

    ...Not to mention, if Trig was really born when they said he was, but was adopted by Sarah & Todd, Sarah and Todd's names would be on the birth certificate anyway...

    6:21 PM

    EXACTLY! A birth certificate for 4/18/2008 will prove ZILCH. Biological parent proof will require DNA. Sarah Palin should not be allowed to use a birth certificate to wiggle out of the problem of her fantastically exploding belly.

  84. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Sarah: "Ewhh! Tell the TRUTH??? That's yucky! Unflippinbelievable!!"

  85. Anonymous7:05 PM

    @ MadCityKaren said...
    Frankly, at this point, I'd only accept DNA proof of Trig's parentage. She's had ample time to fake a birth certificate already.

    6:15 PM

    I'm with you. She's had too much time & has too many cronies in place to trust a birth certificate. DNA. With 2 independent witnesses there when the cheek swabs are done, with signed seals on the packaging to ensure full chain of custody.

  86. Anonymous7:24 PM

    @ 6:39 you think at her age she looks good for being a grandmother, what is she 47, now I would say that about someone 65, that they look good for being a grandmother or 75, at 47 my daughter was 5 years old and I sure as hell didn't look like she does, she might be a grandmother but she's also is suppost to be the spry mother of a 3 year old. remember trig, she looks like his grandmother.So yep I guess she does look good for a grandma.

  87. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Why is it so hard for Sarah to provide DNA for an independent test? They do it everyday on Maury! Sarah Palin in the case of 3 year old are NOT the mother!

  88. Enjay in E MT7:27 PM

    Has anyone even bothered to mention to $arahPalin that IF she announced a run for office.. she will actually have to engage with the public.

    Posing for pictures, shaking hands with people (yes, non-whites too), appear on TV other than Faux...
    public speeches with camera's, new crews, cell phones, and signs (PRO & ANTI) Oh yes, let's not forget Rev. Muthee (keeping the witches away) and the First Dude, former AIP member (very un-patriotic). Perhaps talk about the TWO Tripps in your life and how your daughter is pimping out your grandson to make a living in Hollywood.

    Just want you to think about your future $arah....

  89. Gasparilla7:33 PM

    Yes, Anons 5:05 & 5:20 as well as "Virginia Voter"!

    Lowell "Bud" Paxson and his co-religionists were almost certainly players here!

    Paxson, for those who've never heard of him except as one of Tri-G's weird middle names, has a long and sordid history of helping with GOP dirty tricks and black ops.

    Think of the 2000 Republican NH and SC primaries, and the 2000 FLA "vote count." Think of the Swift-Boating of John Kerry.

    It is also alleged that one of Paxson's corporate jets, decked out with Christian insignia, secretly ferried Saudi royals and bin Laden relatives away from Las Vegas in the days following 9/11.

    Even the 9/11 Commission refused to give out Paxson's name though they were aware of his role. (BTW, other jets helping remove the Saudis included one leased by or belonging to Jack Abramoff and some jets of mysterious ownership that later were used to take prisoners to Gitmo.)

    Paxson's dirty tricks have often involved McCain in ways that have left poor old John severely compromised, and may have led McCain, ultimately and unwillingly, to choose Palin as Veep.

    McCain HAD hoped to tap his pal Lieberman as his running mate, but this did not sit well with rabid-anti-abortionists Fundies like Paxson and co-workers.

    It is said that the same Paxson jet used to spirit away the Saudis was also the site of McCain's assignations with glamorous Paxson lobbyist Vicki Iseman.

    McCain, when confronted with evidence of his "affair" with Iseman, via the first of a series of front page NY Times exposes, apparently had a change of heart and secretly agreed to go with Palin. The NY Times series was then mysteriously and abruptly ended. Only a few days later, after the details of the nomination were nailed down, Palin disclosed her "7-month pregnancy."

    It is doubtful that Paxson worked entirely alone. There were almost certainly other Fundies in on it all, and, perhaps, factions from intelligence agencies here and abroad.

    There is a wealth of information out there on Google. Have at it fellow sleuths!

  90. That reckless quack endangered a new born baby several times in twenty-four hours.


    I believe the newborn was being well-taken care of in a hospital in Anchorage, delivered by the very youthful, Bridull Payliar.

    I do believe that is why sp let that slip. Facts have a way of not going away.

    And we KNOW Ma-Su (where sp claims she birthed Trig) didn't even have the capability to deliver a "special needs" baby, like Trig.

    So many f*king RIDICULOUSLY FALSE points in her narrative it is absolutely stunning.

  91. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Looking at that picture, I'd say she better not do any more interviews at a turkey processing place or she might accidentally be in the background, so to speak, while Gryphen or someone is interviewed by the TV station.

    I'd better post as anonymous.

  92. By the time Sarah confesses to the hoax, we're the only ones who will believe her. The rest will assume it's just one more big whopping attention-getting lie.

  93. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Fake/doctored birth certificate
    coming in 3, 2, 1....

  94. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Audrey of Palins Deceptions wrote some time ago that the things that cannot be changed on the official birth certificate are the place and date of birth. The names of adoptive parents can be substituted for the birth parents, but nothing else can be changed.

  95. Anonymous8:09 PM

    "There's something wrong with you people."
    from Anonymous @ 5:58 PM

    Well, thank you very much!!! And, there is also (too), something wrong with you -- you are a 'flippin' §hit-head!!!!

    Have a good evening, and a better tomorrow. :o)

  96. Anonymous8:16 PM

    I do agree with those who speculate she may just have a faked birth certificate, except in order to pull something like that off she would need extremely powerful people helping her. Not an easy thing to fake, particularly when it would likely be subject to intense scrutiny. (I don't think it is actually possible to fake one, for the record.)

    The thing is, I believe any power players in the GOP who once had enthusiasm for her have long decided she is not worth depending on, for anything. They would not be interested in helping her at this point, in other words. Even if John Boehner himself is carrying such a document around in his breast pocket, I don't think they feel she brings enough votes to the table anymore. She is a liability, a loose cannon, a Frankenstein monster they created but now can't control. I don't think they want to empower her or help her public standing now. There is no real reason to. Even the chance that John McCain and others might look bad is slowly starting to dim, as time passes. No one to protect anymore, because no one cares about what happened in '08. Down the road, for the history books, yes, but with all our troubles these days Sarah Palin just seems so insignificant.

    I bet they do know a lot of incriminating things about her, and she knows they know, so they are able to leverage that to a certain extent. They let her make her money and she cooperates a bit by spouting their talking points. But she's scared to pieces that they might out her at some point.

    I also was one who felt she could parlay any exposure of the truth about Trig into a sympathy-and-respect-garnering sideshow, with the unintended consequence of building her cache back up again. But I agree this massive lie about Trig represents the great slippery slope down into all the other myriad lies and scandals (and possible crimes) associated with her tenure as Governor, and with her family & friends. I think she is terrified of drawing that kind of attention to herself, which is why even though she has cleverly attempted to put doubts to rest by making jokes about the Trig pregnancy in speeches, she has never truly addressed the ongoing questions.

    I think she's painted into a corner, basically. She has tried to squeeze every last dollar out of her PAC and she lives with the threat every day that the tap is going to be turned off very suddenly. I'd love to know what that PAC takes in on a daily basis, and how much of it funds her lifestyle, inappropriately and probably unethically or illegally.

    Powerful people tend to get away with crimes in this country. I will be satisfied if she is simply neutralized as a public voice and face, if she just goes away and leaves us all in peace.

  97. Anonymous8:20 PM

    She can't run. Well, she can, but the minute she declares, all that easy money she quaffs from SarahPAC to support her in the lifestyle to which she has become accustomed will be zilch, save a measely $5000. She'll be hog-tied and slammed against the fence.

    If she makes the nomination, even as VP, she will have to publicly declare her tax returns for a number of years. Won't happen.

    That and Babygate, which was just gaining traction in October 2008 without enough time to gather and archive the data and photos, before she was soundly trounced in the election.

    But that was then, this is now. We have been busy and we have done our homework. Palin would never survive.

    And the leadership of the current GOP hates her and will go to no lengths to smack her down.

    Reince Priebus hates you Sarah. (I have sources.) He will marshal his forces against you. You know this. He will never let you "pass." You are toast on the floor, butter side down.

    But just keep sucking on the end of that hose, you and Tim Crawford still have a handful of people fooled, but not for long (even as a third party candidate). I hope you, and Tim, have a hefty savings account, because you both will need it come 2012.

    But what will become of Tim when the feedbag is yanked from your nose? You are nothing without him, or he without you. What new and nefarious venture will the treasurer of SarahPAC insert himself in? Jack Abramoff (his early political Friend) landed in jail and if he is still of use to Tim or you, neither one of them can declare it. Norm Cummings has been outed and has stain on his fingers from riffling the dough. Ohio is so much water under the river. Colorado and Charlie Black are dead to you. Fred Malek has been all but silent. Arizona? Giggy, but a run there would mean you might actually have to do WORK. And answer questions.

    Wisconsin? Reince Priebus. (Ibid.)

    Oh, I see. Always a place for you and Tim on the National Council for Policy, the actual King and Queen makers(I saw your membership entry and noted Bill Kristol's membership alongside Ken Blackwell and Larry Kudlow, one of your most ardent supporters).

    Just doesn't pay the mortgage, though, does it? Membership alone doesn't translate into hard cash, Sarah. Unless you are running, or have a REAL JOB. Which neither you, nor Tim, do. Perhaps his wife will support the family from her job at Burson Marsteller. I'm sure you know what that company does and how they have supported you. Along with his mother's direction in the Federalist Society and micromangement of subgroups thereof.

    You know, Tim might just have to throw himself on the hem of the Jesus robe after you wither. Not such a bad place. You might try it yourself. You know, like, sometime. When you no longer can see the forest for the trees.

    Still, I am sure you are looking out after Tim in the same manner he has been looking out after you.

    Give you pause, Sarah? Tim and his family connections have been riding the GOP rails long before you were, well, born. They know stuff you don't, and they have been playing you from Day One. You don't own him, he owns you.

    You are outclassed, outrun, and just plain over,Sarah. You never stood a chance.

    Perhaps you know this. That's why you have been lining your pockets with cash, while the getting is good and easy.

    Before the curtain closes.


  98. So I hear that the Flying Monkey Mama is in S. Korea at the Knowledge Forum. So is she there to figure out how to handle deep psychological questions like the one you ask or there because she is trying to spit-shine her tattered global image.... You know, global genesis and all..

    I tell ya, if people's are buying into this charade, then how on earth will we get this nation back from a cluster of clowns??

  99. Anonymous8:31 PM

    The "pond" is all atwitter over the glorious evening of being in the presence of their Queen at the fabulous Des Moines Iowa "Machine Shed" Restaurant. Hundreds, yes they said "hundreds" showed up at the high-cholesterol "down home" eatery to show their support for Palin. Some comment that they are on the verge of "passing out" because the excitement factor is so high :-)

    They are convinced that perhaps 150 die hard grassroots supporters that reside in "flyover" country will be enough to get this woman elected POTUS, that is, if she runs. They are already making plans for attending the Inauguration and hoping that it won't be too cold.

    These people are too precious for words.

  100. Anonymous8:32 PM

    "John Avlon, thinking along the same lines, says the "Palin seal of approval for Rick Perry would be the kiss of death for Mitt Romney.""

    Awh poor delusional fools. perry will fall on his obvious fakeness and of course his ignorance. he's the secessionist. Not easy to forget.

    palin is the kiss of death. she looks like a fool skimming on the fringe of stupid. She is following the repubaggers around scared to get in and do the hard work. And those dummies take it. HA


  101. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Let's be clear: any "Fundies" involved in shit like this are not real Christians, remotely. They use religion to make money and to attain power.

    The NeoCons and the scary intelligence people and the establishment GOP in general are not motivated by their religious beliefs, for the most part.

    There is the occasional zealot who is driven by these ideas, but by and large these are the same players that have been trying to run the world from the shadows for generations. Many make money off of war. Many are in the elite of countries around the world, irrespective of religion.

    They can go by whatever label they want to use, but they are all the same.

  102. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Me, I'd like to see her appropriately tarred and feathered and "rode out of town on a rail." Humiliation as a deterrent to others. And punishment for the divisiveness she has exacerbated.

  103. Sort of O.T, but Wikileaks has done it again with thousands of unredacted government documents. Why couldn't they have gotten Sarah's unredacted (that's such a bizarre word) e-mails? Somebody missed the boat on that one.

  104. DobieTracker8:59 PM

    To quote another commenter discussing the group having dinner with Palin tonight:

    "These people are too precious for words.

    8:31 PM"

    You have GOT to be from the south, and so am I originally (Memphis then, Anchorage, Alaska since 1971)

    Your statement is is JUST BEAUTIFUL. Only a real southner can tell it like it is ! ! !

  105. DobieTracker9:03 PM

    "These people are too precious for words." 8:21 comment


    God wouldn't it be great if Molly Ivans was here to have her say on Palin. God I miss you Molly ! ! !

  106. Anonymous9:11 PM

    I love the middle ground here at Immoral. There are some other "gates" websites (NOT Palingates) that are just as crazy as the C4P, but on the other side.

    I can't take that level of Palin obsession. Anyone else agree? It get's worse each day and I guess I just need to remember not to go there.

  107. Anonymous9:14 PM

    "BTW, that was one, pathetic summer tour.

    4:56 PM"

    HAHAHAHAHA Talk about goofy, doofy and dippy.

    What a pure T white trash mess.

    She is following the repubteabaggers around like a freaking sideshow. LOOOOONNNNEEEEYYYY. rotf

    Only another loony would think any of them have a faint chance of winning anything in the USA.

    Obama/Biden 12


  108. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Sarah Palin's Fried Butter On A Stick Eating Contest



  109. Gasman9:37 PM

    If Palin simply produced demonstrable, verifiable evidence that Trig was indeed her biological son, she could give a giant upraised middle finger AND a giant STFU to all her detractors in one fell swoop. She would command the attention of the world's press and she would cement her popularity among the teabaggers and conservatives. She'd also totally eclipse Michelle Bachmann, Rick Perry, and that pesky little Christine O'Donnell.

    That Palin has NOT done so suggests that she can't. As petty, spiteful, and vengeful as Palin is, if she could squash McGinniss, Scharlott, Novak, Sullivan, AND Gryphen with one swift blow, is their ANYBODY on Earth that doubts she would do so in a nanosecond?

    There is simply no way in hell that she would leave such a card un-played.

    Palin is a lying moron who for some inexplicable reason came up with the batshit crazy idea of faking a pregnancy while she was governor. That she thought she could get away with it proves that she is insane. That she DID get away with it for so long proves that the press is largely comprised of lazy, worthless shits that couldn't be bothered to exercise even the most basic of journalistic skepticism and willingness to actually research a story.

    Newspaper pros bitch and moan about how changing technology is ruing their business. I say that THEY are ruining their business by abdicating their professional ethics and that people are turing to newer mediums because they find that newspaper reporting is growing increasingly irrelevant.

    The MSM pros enabled Palin and allowed her to occupy FAR more time on the national stage than she ever deserved, a crime for which those guilty in the MSM should rot in hell.

    Oh SARAH! Drip, drip, drip, bitch.

  110. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Beldar - Speak to me!

  111. Anonymous9:51 PM

    This is so much more than one mean, crazy lady faking a pregnancy. As Brad and so many others have pointed out, this is about the press not doing it's job, letting Sarah Palin slide, completely unvetted. This is about the Republican party unleashing this mad woman on the rest of us. This is about powerful men (Paxson, Graham, etc) who put their considerable weight behind her.

    You can feel the tides turning.

  112. Anonymous9:53 PM

    A birth certificate won't mean a thing. We need more proof than that...easy for her to fake that one.
    Keep up the good work're getting really bold! Luv it!
    BTW...that pic is a killer!!! LMAO!

  113. Anonymous10:07 PM

    I am 15 years her senior, and my neck doesn't look that bad!

  114. honeybabe10:11 PM

    hi all, let's go biblical with mark 4:22....for whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open. or, if you prefer matthew 10:26 and luke 8:17. isn't google wonderful!

  115. Anonymous10:18 PM

    DobieTracker said...
    To quote another commenter discussing the group having dinner with Palin tonight:

    "These people are too precious for words.

    8:31 PM"

    You have GOT to be from the south, and so am I originally (Memphis then, Anchorage, Alaska since 1971)

    Your statement is is JUST BEAUTIFUL. Only a real southner can tell it like it is ! ! !

    8:59 PM


    Yep, from the South, grew up in a small town in Virginia just 60 miles West of DC. Been in AK since 1990. You just made me laugh so hard calling me out on my southern colloquialism! Even you in AK since 1971 recognizes a fellow southerner; even these cold winters don't kill out warm hearts or sense of humor :-)

    I think you mentioned Molly Ivins in a subsequent post. I so wish that I had the immediate wit and wisdom that she had. She was certainly one of a kind and very much missed by those that needed a sane voice speaking up humorously in a conservative wasteland.

  116. Anonymous10:28 PM

    "I highly doubt she would be amenable. But if you think it's so easy, why don't you do it.

    6:13 PM"

    I know it wouldn't be easy, but that's beside the point. The point being palin can't answer for her fucked up stories. If it doesn't makes sense, then it's not true.

    BTW -- a boy named trigg fixes too nicely with that wacky tacky dysfunctional lot.


  117. Anonymous10:48 PM

    feel free to comment to your hearts content

  118. Anonymous11:14 PM

    I enjoyed everyone's comments. Y'all covered a lot of bases. All I can add at this point is, yes, I tried the neck thing too, and it was impossible!!

  119. Anonymous12:20 AM

    You know she hates Frank Murkowski now her neck is turning into his. The poor dear...

  120. DominionistEscapee12:58 AM

    o/t, but I was in Borders today, and there are shelves and shelves of Sarah Palin books left. No one wants them, even at 80% off! And I live in an area famous for its evangelical conservatism.

  121. Anonymous2:50 AM

    Sarah stated she had a lot to say at her rally this weekend.
    What if she pulled out Trigs birth certificate like Obama did and give herself the last laugh. She may have had this planned all the time.

  122. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Anonymous said 5:49 PM...

    "Wouldn't a DNA test reveal if [Sarah] is Trig's biological mother, and if Todd is his biological father?"


    ....but it won't.

  123. Sorry, Anonymous (troll) @ 5:11.
    Gryphen's right.

    You might also take a look at this picture.

    THIS Zimbio picture was no doubt taken just before Gryphen's picture. Her Shar-pei neck is just about to bloom in all its glory.

    She's even sporting an Ann Coulter neck in this picture.

  124. lilly lily6:52 AM

    She reminds me of a turtle. Except turtles (except for snappers, which she strongly resembles) are almost lovable.

    I'll have to download that one. LOL.

  125. Anonymous7:06 AM

    You know, I have always wondered why no one took the initiative and put the DNA together. Simply grab a dirty diaper out of her garbage and get a hold of something that has been in Snookies mouth. Gum,straw,water glass. (Sorry Toad, you obviously don't qualify.)So stupid simple. First year detective stuff. Actually, anything from any family member.
    All the back and forth on the blogs and no one could figure this little trick out?

  126. Anonymous7:06 AM

    4:11 said: "Anonymous said 5:49 PM...

    "Wouldn't a DNA test reveal if [Sarah] is Trig's biological mother, and if Todd is his biological father?"


    ....but it won't."

    I'm not sure what you know but according to my understanding of genetics, this would only be true if Trig is the child of Track and one of his sisters.

  127. Anonymous7:22 AM

    "Quick question, How much does your silence about Trig cost per year?"

    And is this expense hidden in a SarahPac invoice so others pay?

  128. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Could it be that a few years ago the Palins talked some people into covering up some things because these things involved young people? Now, whenever there seems to be a threat that the cover may be blown, people use the "exposing Sarah will hurt others" card, even though this is a family that has already dealt with a very public teen pregnancy. Hmmm...

  129. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Would love to have a few strands of her real hair to test for drugs.

  130. Hey MicMac! come on back. Join Anon238's growing brigade of divulgers. . .

  131. DobieTracker7:14 PM


    "Yep, from the South, grew up in a small town in Virginia just 60 miles West of DC. Been in AK since 1990. You just made me laugh so hard calling me out on my southern colloquialism! Even you in AK since 1971 recognizes a fellow southerner; even these cold winters don't kill out warm hearts or sense of humor :-)

    I think you mentioned Molly Ivins in a subsequent post. I so wish that I had the immediate wit and wisdom that she had. She was certainly one of a kind and very much missed by those that needed a sane voice speaking up humorously in a conservative wasteland.

    10:18 PM


    I always tell people my southern accent comes out when I get, "drunk, horney, or mad, and damn the man who can't tell the difference."

    Yep: takes one to know one.

    Oh where oh where is Molly when we need her. She would be getting such a kick out of commenting on Palin.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.